Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, September 11, 1925, Image 1

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—Yesterday morning’s shower was
welcome but it didn’t come near wear-
ing its welcome out. :
——1It is a matter of record that
during Governor Pinchot’s tour his
complaints evoked more applause than
his praises.
—When we remarked some time
ago that the “Alfaletics” had a chance
for the pennant it was the 1926 flag
we had in mind.
—Sunday gave every appearance of
relief from the long and serious
drouth, but the rain that fell was
scarcely a drop in the bucket.
—The President is back in Wash-
ington and it is likely to prove very
hot there for him, unless he can put
a lot of his party troubles on ice.
——If cranks could be removed
from the driving seats of automobiles
as easily as from the fronts of the
cars there would be reason to rejoice.
—It kinda gets under our skin
when the young sports writers of the
Metropolitan papers refer to Wash-
ington’s ace as “old man Johnson.”
If they think Walter is old at forty
we hope to be spared meeting any of
their kind. One of them might ask
us if we had “scooped” the rest of the
boys when Noah made his hundred
and fifty day non-stop flight to Ara-
—Don’t forget to go to the pri-
maries next Tuesday. If you are not
interested in expressing a preference
in the matter of the official who will
hold the scales of justice over your
life and home for the next ten years
you might be in having the right kind
of a person to assess you for taxes or
select the teacher who will play such
an important part in the life of your
—Of course we know nothing of the
merits of the controversy that led to
the demotion of Gen. Mitchell as head
of the government’s air service.
Whether there is anything to his
charges of inefficiency and inadequacy
or not, the wrecking of the Shenan-
doah and the PN-9, within a week, and
the consequent loss of nineteen lives,
is certainly some water on the mill of
the Mitchell side of the argument.
—The Methodist church at Waddle
was closed several years ago. Now
there is talk of closing the Presby-
terian house of worship at Meyer’s
cemetery. Both are in the Buffalo
Run valley and, like Samantha Allen,
we might congratulate the community
on the fact that it has grown so good
that there is no more need for
churches, were it not for the suspicion
that the real cause might be that the
numereus filling stations that have
sprung up along that road have put
them out of business.
—Last week Bellefonte was visited
by a lot of striking anthracite miners
who were hunting work. At the same
moment the international officers of
the miners union were basking in the
luxuries of one of Philadelphia’s most
sumptuous hotels where they had es-
tablished temporary headquarters.
Maybe if being a union officer wasn’t
such a soft job there would be fewer
strikes and maybe, when the crew that
visited our town get back into the coal
regions and tell their fellows that me-
chanics are happy and well to do here
on less wages than the strikers were
getting before they quit, there will
be some thought among them that it is
often well to let well enough alone.
—Murder will out. In last week’s
number of the Saturday Evening Post
the Hon. Josephus Daniels, former
Secretary of the Navy, is given con-
siderable space in which to tell the
world that it was William Jennings
Bryan who encompassed Woodrow
Wilson’s nomination at Baltimore, in
1912. Wilson and Bryan are both
sealed in niches in the silent halls of
death. Dead men tell no tales, so it is
a question of veracity between the
Hon. Josephus and Jim Blakeslie. As
a matter of fact Jim might be dead,
too, for all we have heard of him since
Vance McCormick got him some sort
of an Assistant Postmaster General-
ship for having helped him reorganize
the Democratic party in Pennsylvania
so beautifully. Be that as it may, and
the veracity of the Hon. Josephus to
the contrary notwithstanding, it was
Blakeslie who lit a cigarette, thought
a little and announced that it had to
be Wilson, else we are all wrong as to
the claims he made just after the close
of that notable convention.
—Early last fall, you will remember,
we stated that we expected to extract
a lot of fun out of the judicial primary
race. Well, we've had a lot. Not as
much, possibly, as we then anticipat-
ed, but realization never comes quite
up to anticipation. Some day we will
let you in to all of it. It wouldn’t
be fair or ethical to do it right now.
There is one little incident that touch-
ed our funny bone so hard that we
can’t “keep it.” Do you know that
one of the vice presidents of the Re-
publican county committee, whose se-
lection for the honor was protested by
. the grand Pooh-Bah of Prohibition in
Centre county because she was rec-
ommended by a “wet,” is now arm-
in-arm with her protester of yester-
day soliciting votes for a candidate
who is not recognized as orthodox by
the organization she vice presidents
in. Isn’t it awful how everybody is
back-sliding? From all parts of the
county we hear of Democratic com-
mitteemen who are working for Re-
publicans and Republican committee-
men who are working for Democrats.
VOL. 70.
NO. 36.
Relief for Secretary Mellon.
Our heart bleeds for poor “Andy”
Mellon, as his intimate friends in
Pittsburgh familiarly called the Sec-
retary of the Treasury before he
found out that he is a statesman. Ac-
cording to the records, Mr. Mellon
paid $1,882,600.25 tax on his income
for 1924. Under the law this was for-
ty-five per cent. of his income, which
must have been in the neighborhood
of $4,000,000. After paying his in-
come tax the poor man had little more
than $2,117,400 to maintain himself
and his family for the year. It is dif-
ficult to imagine how he managed to
make “ends meet,” in the circum-
stances. It is true that he has had
much experience in business and is
rated as a financier of extraordinary
capacity. But what is $40,000 a week
to a Pittsburgh millionaire and Mr.
Mellon couldn’t have had much more
than that.
It is estimated there are 25,000,000
income earners in the country. Of
these it is safe to assume that 15,000,-
000 earn less than $2,000 each. Prob-
ably 20,000,000 fall under the $5,000
mark and 22,000,000 enjoy incomes of
less than $10,000 a year. The average
wage of unskilled labor is about thir-
ty-five cents an hour. Working nine
hours a day and 300 days a year earn-
ers in that class receive less than
$1,000 a year. The average earnings
of skilled workmen is about sixty-
five cents an hour, making it possible
for that element in the industrial life
of the country to get a trifle more
than $1,600 a year. The average in-
come of tradesmen and professional
men may be as high as $10,000 a year.
Country preachers and school teach-
ers are lucky to get about the recom-
pense of unskilled laborers.
It is small wonder that Secretary
Mellon is anxious to reduce the tax
levy on big incomes. If his bill had
passed the last. Congress he would
have saved about $882,600.25 in 1924.
The skilled and unskilled laborers,
the school teachers and country cler-
gymen, and there are a good many in
that group, would have derived no
benefit but the Secretary of the Treas-
ury is not greatly concerned about
them. If his purpose had been to help
them drive the wolf from the door he
would have suggested a reduction of
the tariff tax which burdens them on
every commodity they consume. In-
come tax reduction is a purely selfish
scheme to shift the expenses of gov-
ernment from the rich to the poor,
and is now pressed in pursuance of a
promise made during the last Presi-
dential campaign to contributors to
the slush fund.
Secretary Mellon is confident that
his bill will be enacted during the
coming session of Congress. Presi-
dent Coolidge has assured him of ail
the moral and “immoral” support at
his command, and “the cohesive force
of public plunder” is a powerful agent
in legislation. Besides the Secretary
depends much on the sympathy of
Senators and Representatives in Con-
gress. Few men are hard-hearted
enough to view without emotion the
spectacle of the Secretary’s already
rather sharp nose being pressed on
the grindstone for another period of
two years, and maybe longer, and he
fondly believes they will come to his
rescue. That the school teachers, the
country clergymen and the vast in-
dustrial army known as unskilled la-
borers will continue to suffer makes
no difference. They give little to the
campaign fund anyway.
a rn
——There are 550,000 radio sets in
farmer’s homes in this country and
Governor Pinchot’s Giant Power prop-
aganda appeals to every one of them.
A New Law Firm in Centre County.
We note with considerable interest
the announcement that Mr. Edward J.
Thompson has been admitted as part-
ner in the practice of law by Geo. W.
Zeigler Esq., the well known Philips-
burg attorney, the firm to be known
as Zeigler and Thompson. The junior
member is a son of the esteemed A.
Curtin Thompson. He is a. graduate
of the University of Pennsylvania law
school and has been looked upon by
older heads in his home town as one of
its very best and most promising
types of young men. And—we imag-
ine—he is a Democrat. If that is so
we hope that with all the other suc-
cesses we wish the new firm there will
come a conversion of its senior mem-
mer to the error of his political ways.
ee me poo Ss
——The most gratifying announce-
ment recently made public is Mr.
Hearst’s statement that he is not a
Democrat. But most of us knew that.
——DMachine politicians are now
making a survey of the fuel problem
with the purpose of finding out how
to extract advantage from it.
eee pammm—
The President has returned to
Washington but there will be no
change in the policies of the adminis-
tration on that account.
- parent. That the rank and file of the
Colonel Mitchell’s Daring Act.
In his statement of the causes of
the wreck of the dirigible Shenando-
ah and other recent air-craft disasters
and disappointments Colonel William
Mitchell reveals splendid courage but
little discretion. No man knows bet-
ter than he the penalty of offending
high officials of the army and navy.
Less than a year ago he was demoted
from the rank of Brigadier General in
the army air service to that of Colo-
nel because he told the truth in testi-
fying before a Congressional commit-
tee under oath. In telling the truth,
as he understands it, with respect to
the matter now under consideration he
will probably be more severely pun-
ished. But it will be penalizing earn-
est and faithful service to the coun-
Colonel Mitchell says that the dis-
aster to the Shenandoah and the loss
of the PN-9 in the flight to Honolulu
ear the “direct result of incompeten-
cy, criminal negligence and almost
treasonable administration of the na-
tional defense by the War and Navy
Departments.” This is a grave charge
but if proved becomes an important
feature in the recent history of the
country. In support of the charge
Colonel Mitchell states that two offi-
cers were killed in an air meet last
October because they were sent out in
dilapidated machines under an ar-
rangement by the War and Navy De-
partments that “the navy should take
the races one year and the army
should take them the next year, thus
equalizing propaganda, not service.”
He declares further that the recent
pacific naval maneuvers which cost
$80,000,000 were not only worthless
from a defensive point of view but
were “framed” for political effect;
that another test made at New York
to prove that air craft could afford no
protection to cities was an absurd
“frame up” and that those who knew
the facts were muzzled to conceal
them. He might have added that the
fatal trip of the Shenandoah was con-
ceived and undertaken not for any
useful public purpose but in order to
help an administration candidate for
United States Senator in one of the
middle western States. In any event
the disastrous incidents form a dark |
page in history which ought to be ful-
ly exposed.
! bosses let him.
League of Nations Eulogized.
The sixth assembly of the League
of Nations convened at Geneva on
Monday “in an atmosphere of confi-
dence and with the conviction that
world peace can be placed on a solid
foundation.” Two notable speeches
were made at the opening session and
Edward Benes, foreign minister of
Czecho-Slovakia, said to Mrs. Wood-
row Wilson, who was present during
the session, “by spending four weeks
each year at Geneva, I see every for-
eign minister in Europe. Like other
ministers I am able to treat in this
neutral atmosphere many questions
existing between us which are ampli-
fied later into important agreements.
The League of Nations founded by
your husband is a great time saver.”
M. Painleve, of France, in opening
the session, pointed out the splendid
progress already achieved by the
League of Nations and predicted
greater results in the future.
clared that
maintenance of peace must have its
added that “the negotiations with
agreements or arbitration treaties in
conformity with the covenant of the
League of Nations.” His closing
message to the Assembly as the re-
tiring president was “hope, venture
and persevere,” and his colleagues on
the floor cordially applauded the sen-
timent. All things considered it was
the most auspicious opening thus far
The new president of the Assembly,
Senator Dandurand, of Canada, was
equally optimistic in his address. He
hailed the League as “a successful and
noble enterprise dedicated to make the
world safer,” and expressed confidence
that “the enlightened collaboration of
statesmen gathered in an atmosphere
of devotion to the well being of hu-
lishment of peace founded on justice.”
Three United States Senators, Walsh,
of Montana; Jones, of New Mexico,
and Capper, of Kansas, were present
and greatly impressed. Senator Cap-
per, who is a Republican, remarked
hatte League is on the right
favor it on his return
*’'and it is possible that he will
mere femmes.
——Still the Governor might have |
made a better impression on the peo- |
ple if he had been able to say that he |
exhausted every effort to enforce all |
the laws as the constitution requires. |
Sounding Alarm Against Vare.
That the rank and file of the Repub-
lican party of Pennsylvania will not
tamely surrender to the control of
Congressman Vare is becoming ap-
party realizes Congressman Vare’s
ambition to control is equally certain.
He has acquired absolute dominion in
Philadelphia and is certain to use the
leverage it affords to subjugate the
State-wide organization and bend the
local leaders to his purpose. During
the late session of the General Assem-
bly he and Max Leslie, of Pittsburgh,
worked together, thus combining the
corrupt forces of “the neck” in Phila-
delphia and “the strip” in Pittsburgh
in “unholy” alliance. That created a
formidable as well as a vicious force.
In this connection former Congress-
man Ben. K. Focht, of Lewisburg,
sounds an alarm. Mr. Focht is an ex-
perienced and capable politician, who
stood close to the late Senator Pen-
rose. In a recent issue of his news-
paper he says “it is plain that with
Vare backed by every active political
agency in Philadelphia, nothing of
compromise may now be finally con-
sidered without Vare’s feet being un-
der the council table and his terms ac-
cepted at least in great part.” Mr.
Focht ascribes this condition of af-
fairs to apathy on the part of the bet-
ter element of the party, which is
probably an accurate appraisement.
But he offers no remedy for the evil.
In this failure he defaults on the Pen-
rose practice.
Unless Congressman Vare is crush-
ed at the primary next spring he holds
the destiny of the Republican party
in his hand. There might have been a
chance to curb his ambition at the
coming election by defeating his plan
to control the Municipal court if there
had been enough civic virtue in Phila-
delphia to serve a small village. But
this can hardly be hoped for now and
the only chance is to concentrate
against him next spring. Unhappily
this cannot be expected if men like
Ben. K. Focht can do no better than
complain, They must organize oppo-
sition and fight as their former lead-
er Boies Penrose did in his time and
would again if he were in the flesh.
—We presume it was because none
of the drivers were killed that some
of those who attended the Labor day
racing in the Altoona bowl think it
——Colonel Mitchell may
made a great sacrifice but if he causes
considerable improvement in public
service he will enjoy a liberal recom-
Pinchot Has Reason to be Pleased.
zens generally and the institutions,”
he said on his arrival at Harrisburg,
“has convinced me that the people of
Pennsylvania are glad tc have their
Governor inspect the State work out-
side of Harrisburg and report in per-
son what the State has done.” Of
course this was a polite fiction which
means nothing. The citizens general-
ly and the institutions understood that
the tour is purely political and were
cordial because it is a habit to thus
honor high public officials.
But the Governor had other and
very substantial reasons for being
gave him abundant opportunities to
expose the iniquities of the corrupt
machine which for reasons satisfacto-
ry to itself is antagonizing his ambi-
tions, and his frequent exposures were
received with popular favor by citi-
zens generally. In fact the signs
which met his eyes at every place he
spoke indicated sympathy with his
purpose to wipe the machine off the
political map of Pennsylvania, gratify
his present ambition to become a Sen-
ator in Congress next year and pro-
mote his future hope to reach the
White House some time if not at the
next election.
Governor Pinchot is developing con-
siderable ability as an actor. As a
politician he is willing to adopt any
method, no matter how vicious, which
promises success.
ly accepted the fraudulent votes cast
for him at the instance of Max Les-
lie and those procured for him in “the
neck” of Philadelphia by Bill Vare, he
fixed his standard as a politician. Now
that such methods seem to be under
popular condemnation throughout the
State he preaches political morality
with an air of sincerity that may fool
the public completely. Meantime
those who are not deceived are watch-
ing the progress of his operation with
much interest. It is an interesting ex-
periment in psychology.
——The man who shouts at the top
of his voice in a social group doesn’t
have to prove that he acquired the
habit in a bar room.
Srr————— po seme
——The worst thing about insom-
nia is that it gives too much time to
was not so thrilling as former ones.
think about disagreeable things.
He de- |
“co-operation for the!
Germany are an effort to bring about’
manity will contribute to the estab- |
if the party
pleased with the effects of his tour. It:
When he grateful- |
A Serious Blow to Dirigible Aircraft
From the Philadelphia Inquirer.
It would be unworthy of this nation
if we should abandon ourselves to
hysterical denunciation of dirigible
aircraft and cease all efforts for their
development and utilization, as the
result of the disaster to the Shenan-
doah. It would be a craven denial of
the heritage of countless generations
of men who have risked and sacrificed
their lives in their efforts to conquer
the elements, by land and sea and in
the skies.
At the same time it would be fool-
ish to contend that the science of
.lighter-than-air aviation has not re-
ceived a terrific setback. That set-
back results, undoubtedly, from an en-
tirely unwarranted sense of security
inspired among the people by the per-
‘ “ormances of the Shenandoah and Los
Angeles in the past two years. They
had crossed continents and a great
ocean, weathered terrific tempests and
i won out in the face of disaster. To
the man on the ground they represent-
ed mastery of the air. To the men
i who operated them they were still
root in the League of Nations” and dangerous experiments, despite the
! fact that the great factor of risk—
hydrogen—had been eliminated. The
history of aircraft disasters to dirigi-
ble balloons has been an almost con-
tinuous record of destruction, but the
element which brought it about in
nearly every case was the explosion of
hydrogen gas in the lifting bags.
The metal framework of these great
craft had to be light, so special alloys
were compounded and the structures
were scaled down until the point of
real weakness was reached, as in the
case of the British R-388, which first
cracked and then exploded over the
Humber in 1921 while on a trial flight
precedent to her delivery to the Unit-
ed States. Dirigible engineers imme-
diately made the frames of new craft
stronger. The Shenandoah was re-
garded as the strongest, structurally,
| which had yet been designed. The
1 Los Angeles has a wider cross section
i and may be stronger still. :
Other aircraft of this type are be-
jing built. An immense ameunt of
planning and construction is under
way in this country preparatory to
commercial dirigible aviation. Shall
that effort be stricken down? Eng-
land is building several great air
| cruisers to link her with her pos
gh ! sions. in the - Orient. Shall mk
{ scrapped? We must withhold ;our
condemnation of these craft. Engi-
neers will go over the sad wreck of
| our hopes in the Chio hills and, doubt-
have | less, will discover why this great ship
‘was ripped to pieces like a paper kite.
They may be able to suggest changes
in design to meet terrific storm pres-
| sures. But this danger never will be
Sompletely eliminated, in all probabil-
It is possible, even now, to approx-
imate what happened. The layman
On completing the “second leg” of Who has watched the swirling leaves
his State-wide tour of inspection Gov- ! and dust clouds in advance of a storm
ernor Pinchot expressed himself as!
much pleased. “The generous cordial- |
ity of my reception by both the citi- ! gq great combers rise and curl and
has seen a miniature “line squall”
such as wrecked the Shenandoah. The
crash on the beach has seen a tiny
replica of the same thing. A storm
pressure area comes smashing along
and develops a terrific lifting and
tearing power through the resistance
of the air it meets. Such storms have
leveled cities and strewn their ruins
with dead and injured. Strong build-
ings of steel and stone and brick have
been ripped and smashed like match
boxes. How could we have expected
the Shenandoah to survive under what
must have been a similar assault high
in the air? These disturbances are
seasonable in the Central States. The
commander of the Shenandoah knew
, of them and feared them. His wife
says he wanted to postpone the west-
ward trip of his ship till October,
when the danger would have been over
for the year.
We have faced and felt disaster.
Perhaps it will be difficult to get Con-
gress to invest in further experiments
with craft of this type. But it is the
nature of man that he should climb
out of the wreckage of his hopes and
build and dare anew.
Farm Acreage Decreases.
From the Greensburg Daily Tribune.
Pennsylvania is not alone in the re-
ports on farm acreage decreases.
There are many other States in a sim-
ilar predicament although the de-
crease has been most noticeable in
western Georgia, southeastern Ala-
bama, southern Mississippi and west-
. ern Maryland.
There were 30,000 fewer farms in
the United States last year than in
1923 and there was a reduction in cul-
tivated area of about one million two
hundred thousand acres. Looking at
the decreases in percentage, however,
the decrease was small, being less
than one-half of one per cent. of the
total number of farms in the country
and less than one-third of one per
cent. of the total number of acres un-
der cultivation.
Southern States seem to have been
more badly affected by the decrease in
the number of farms, while the de-
crease in production extends over the
middle east and south.
——The new state highway up Bald
Eagle valley is now open as far as
Unionville. Most of the road between
Unionville and Port Matilda has been
completed, but is not yet open to gen-
eral traffic. People living in that sec-
tion can get in and out by making two
—Indications are the September list of
the State Board of Pardons will be one of
the largest for the month in a long time.
—Lehigh county’s biggest pumpkin, ac-
cording to reports received by the farm-
ers’ bureau, was raised on the farm of Per-
cival Derr, at Lynville. It weighs more
than 200 pounds, being 6 feet and 4 inches
in circnmference. It will be exhibited at
the Allentown fair. .
—George R. Curtis, champion Sunday
school scholar of Pennsylvania, who at-
tended thirty-one years without missing a
Sunday and was never late once, died at
his home in Hollidaysburg on Friday, aged
85 years. He was a veteran of the Civil
war, served as councilman and school di-
rector ,and was a Mason, Odd Fellow and
—Sheldon McKean, of Beech Creek, is at
the Jersey Shore hospital with one ear al-
most severed and other severe. cuts about
the head as the result of an automobile ac-
cident near Antes Fort. McKean was. a
passenger in a car operated by James Wil-
son, of Lock Haven. Two young women,
whose names could not be learned and
whom the men are said to have picked up
at Avis, were also in the car. They and
Wilson did noi need the attention of a
—William G. Baltzover, aged 35 years,
was crushed to death under a falling tree
at Hawstone on Wednesday night of last
week. Baltzover was employed in the Gan-
ister stone quarries at the Haws Refrac-
tories on the Blue Ridge mountains, when
fellow employees cutting timber out of the
way warned him to look out, but Baltzover
laughingly assured them trees didn’t fall
up the mountain when cut. In this case it
did and the top catching Baltzover lashed
him to his death.
—Miss Alice Matlack, 23 year old grand-
daughter of the late Robert Crane, ice
cream millionaire, of Philadelphia, was
ready to sail for London on Saturday to
marry Rodney Oliver, wealthy rubber
plantation owner of Singapore. She called
on her friends to bid them good-bye. One
of the friends was J. Mitchell Henkels, son
of Stan V. Henkels, Philadelphia art deal-
er. A few hours later Miss Matlack. be-
came Mrs. J. Mitchell Henkels, at Elkton,
Md., and later a cablegram started on its
way to the jilted fiancee overseas, aanounc-
ing the marriage.
. —Miss Mary Emma Walter, who has
made the Friends meeting house at Cata-
wissa her love and her life work recently,
in her quiet way, celebrated her eighty-
fourth birthday anniversary. Many years
ago she went to Catawissa from Elysburg
to rejuvenate the meeting house that had
fallen into a state of neglect and had be-
come a sort of dumping ground. Her
work brought an improvement in condi-
tions and now the entire community is in-
terested in the movement to perpetuate
the meeting house and keep it permanently
in the best of repair.
—Twenty-eight freight cars were wreck-
ed on Monday morning at Marietta, when
three trains figured in a series of colli-
sions.. Two members of the crews were in-
jured slightly, and taken to the Columbia
hospital. The trains were on the low
grade division of the Pennsylvania rail-
road, two going in a westward direction.
‘When they collided at a switch, they push-
it toppled over the embankment. The
wreckage took fire and the Marietta fire
department was called to extinguish the
flames. All traffic was tied up for most of
the day.
—Carried for a distance of nearly three
miles, the body of an unidentified colored
man was found Monday night lodged un-
der the tank of a Pennsylvania railroad
engine in a badly mangled condition, as
the train stopped near Huntingdon. Ieet
and arms of the victim were later found
by a trackwalker near where it is thought
the man was “picked up” by the locomo-
tive. How he came to be on the track and
visitor to the seashore who has watch- |
whether or not he was dead when the train
ran cover him, is not known, but railroad
police are conducting an investigation to
learn more details of the accident and the
identity of the man, if possible.
—Seeking to discover the reason for the
failure of the last of a series of blasts to
explode, Russell Murphy, aged 38 years,
an engineer and member of the contracting
firm of W. H. Murphy and Sons, was in-
stantly killed, last Thursday, on the Ta-
maqua-Hazleton road when the blast ex-
ploded as he stooped over the powder
charge. Murphy, who lived in Harrisburg,
and who is survived by his widow and
three daughters, had been on the highway
construction job for nearly a year. Two
of his brothers, Robert and Baird, who are
fellow members of the firm, were on the
scene at the time of the accident.
—Trying to get relief from a severe at-
tack of lumbago, Abraham Myers, 85 years
of age, retired farmer, of York county, in-
advertently branded himself on the middle
of the back with a hot stove lid several
nights ago. The lumbago caused Myers to
suffer severe pains in the back and to stop
them he heated a stove lid, wrapped it up
in cloth and went to bed with it. The pain
from the lumbagoe was so great-that he
didn‘t notice that he was being burned by
the hot stove lid upon which he was lying.
The heat took the lumbago away but My-
ers is now spending his time nursing the
stove-lid brand upon the middle of his
—After all attempts to learn the identi-
ty of the young man who was fatally in-
jured on Friday afternoon when struck by
a Pennsylvania railroad train at Portage
proved futile, the remains of the accident
victim were buried at Hollidaysburg on
Monday morning. The young man was
aged about 28 years and suffered a frac-
tured skull and badly crushed legs. There
were no marks of identification on the
clothing. The man was rather tall, had
reddish brown hair and blue eyes and wore
a pair of brown trousers, brown oxfords
and silk hose. He wore a ruby ring on his
right hand and a silver ring on his left and
the buckle on his belt bore the initial “K.”
—Barly Saturday morning an armed
bandit entered Stanley's cafe, in Wilkes-
Barre, and forced the owner, Harry Gans-
ton, to turn over his cash, which amounted
to $50. After the thief left Ganston thought
it was too much money to lose so early in
the day, so he dashed down the street in
pursuit. After a chase of five blocks he
overtook the bandit and gave him such a
beating that an ambulance was called to
take him to the General hospital. Twice
the bandit turned and threatened to shoot,
but the restaurant owner kept on and when
within reach gave the robber a few well-
directed punches that put him out for the
count. Ganston is a brother of Tommy
Ganston, Wilkes-Barre boxer.
ed an eastbound train from the tracks and . =