Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, September 04, 1925, Image 6

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“Bellefonte, Pa., September 4, 1925.
By Levi A. Miller.
If we try to do what's right and
just, we will invariably be rewarded
for our efforts.
A smile beams upon the lover's
heart like a ray of sunshine in the
depths of the forest.
The earth will grow old and perish,
but a charitable act will be ever green
throughout eternity.
The everlasting hills will crumble
to dust, but a good act will never be
If people knew the degree of good
they could accomplish, by acts of per-
sonal attention and relief to the poor,
and by an occasional visit to their
sick beds, we are sure no selfish or
falsely sensitive feelings would deter
them of such truly christian acts.
The faculties with which our Crea-
tor has endowed us, both physical and
intellectual, are so dependent upon
exercise for their proper development,
that action and industry must be re-
garded as among the primary duties
of accountable man. Don’t be idle,
exercise improves the health, and em-
ploys the mind, and happiness and lon-
gevity is sure to follow.
The men of thought and the men of
action are the natural leaders of man-
A good church member should be a
good pioneer since they are expected
to go forth with torch and trumpet
and drive the demons of vice and sin
from their jurisdiction.
Since our Creator has made a law
adapted to the continuance of the hu-
man species, He has appended to it
some limitations and exceptional
clauses for our instruction and bene-
fit. If properly understood and adopt-
ed as a rule it would save thousands
from physical and mental suffer-
ing. These facts lead me to a few re-
marks regarding existing circum-
stances in our lovely, beautiful vil-
lage. We now have a population of
nearly one thousand good citizens, ail
prospering nicely, but unfortunately,
there is more or less antagonism ex-
isting between the upicr and lower
sections of the town; they even go so
far as to antagonize each other at
times in political events. This is de-
cidedly wrong; why not line up to the
teachings of the Golden Rule? This
detrimental spirit should be eliminat-
ed. Why not adopt the methods of
the quiet citizenship of Bilger ave-
nue, where peace and harmony pre-
vails at all times (?)
We have a great and glorious coun-
try, but I fear we do not enjoy the
many blessed privileges at our com-
mand. In many respects we are care-
less and reckless. We should take in-
to consideration and reflect for what
purpose we were born, and prayerful-
ly look at the final end. We should
consider, when affliction and sickness
come, wherein we put our trust. Too
many put their trust in medicine and
regretfully find that it often disap-
points them. Another class put their
whole faith in the physician, but they
eventually and invariably find that no
difference how able and skillful he
may be he is-only the instrument in
the hands of an overruling Providence,
and on many occasions fails; not in
the bauble of worldly vanity—it will
be broken; not in worldly pleasures—
they will disappear; not in great con-
nections—they cannoli save you in
death; not in wealth—you are unable
to carry it with you; not in rank—in
the grave there is no distinction; and
lastly, not in the recollection of a life
spent in a giddy conformity to the
silly fashions of a thoughtless and
wicked world, but in that of a life so-
berly, righteously and godly, in this
present glorious world.
Disappointed hopes, failure of all
worldly calculations, constitute the
history of mankind. We cannot vio-
late the will, expressed or understood,
of heaven, and be happy. If we in-
dulge in sinful pleasures we will be
disappointed. Take my advice. Pre-
pare to meet thy God.
About everybody knows that beau-
tiful and ever popular song entitled
“Darling Nellie Gray,” but few know
of its origin or the circumstances un-
der which it was written. Ben R.
Hanby wrote the song, “away back in
the fifties.” At that time he was
teacher in a little academy near Sev-
en Mile, Butler county, Ohid. On his
way from Cincinnati home, in reading
the columns of the Cincinnati Com-
mercial, his eye fell upon an account
of a beautiful Quadroon girl who had
been borne away from her slave lover
and carried to the southern markets to
be sold. The Quadroon’s name was
Nellie Gray. The account worked
Hanby up to such an extent that he
utilized the incident as a subject of a
song, the words of which were almost
completed by the time he reached
home. After a slight remodeling and
a few finishing touches, it was sent to
a Chicago firm for their approval. He
never received any returns from it,
and the first knowledge he had of the
words having become the least popu-
lar, or had even been used, was when
he was on a visit soon after, to Colum-
bus, Ohio. On calling on a young la-
dy acquaintance in that city he re-
quested her to sing something for
him. She complied by saying she
would sing him a sweet little song she
had just received, and she remarked
that by a strange coincidence, it had
been writteen by a person of the same
name as his. She thereupon, much to
his surprise, sang with a trained voice
“Nellie Gray.” It is needless to say
that the song was famous ,and it made
for its publisher some $30,000.
It is said that Hanby never receiv-
ed a dollar from the publishers. The
most he ever got was six printed cop-
jes of the song. Hanby came from
rather a musical family. His father
was the compiler of the United Broth-
ers Hymn book. Hanby himself com-
posed a number of other songs, but
none that ever reached the popularity
of “Nellie Gray.” He died a few years
after the close of the Civil war, in ob-
scurity and poverty. The fact that he
was the Hanby who wrote the song
was known to but a few intimate
friends. His remains lie today in the
little village cemetery at Westerville,
Ohio, the place of his birth. His grave
has no mark, (I viewed it once) and
the stranger might search for it in
vain unless it was pointed out to him.
Nature has covered it with green
grass and lovely flowers. The song
he left is the only monument to Han-
by’s memory. The originator of fa-
mous songs as a rule, receives no ben-
efit. The publishers do. Stephen C.
Foster, one of the greatest song writ-
ers known, was originally from Pitts-
burgh. I had more than one pleasant
chat with him years ago. Like the
most of the fraternity, he died some
years ago, in a secluded hovel in New
eee eee
Suspension of operations in the an-
thracite coal fields may add a new
chapter to the checkered history that
has marked the hard coal industry
during the past century or more.
It was in 1808 that Judge Jesse
Fell made his successful experiment
of burning anthracite coal in a grate
without a forced draft, although be-
fore this hard coal had been used in
a small way in a forge and with an
artificial draft.
Existence of these coal beds was
known to the Indians as early as 1710
and in 1754, the Lackawanna and Wy-
oming Valley coal regions were in-
cluded in the sale of the property by
the Five Nations to the Susquehan-
no Connecticut Company for $10,000.
Nine years later when the company
laid out eight townships it reserved |
the iron ore and coal rights.
In 1769 Obadiah Gore first burned |
anthracite in
his blacksmith forge |
and in 1775 coal was mined on the |
banks of the Susquehanna river at
Pittston. John Schopf, a traveler,
mentions a visit he made in 1783 to
the Wyoming valley where he found
a bed of brilliant black coal which
burned without emitting an offensive |
However, it was not until 1792 that
Colonel Jacob Weiss with others,
formed the Lehigh Coal Mine com-
pany, and eleven years later began
the mining of anthracite. Two arks,
containing about 30 tons, were sent
to Philadelphia, but no purchasers
could be found. A second attempt to |
sell the coal in Philadelphia failed
about three years later.
In 1808 Judge Jesse Fell made his
experiment with the coal in an open
grate in the bar-room of his hotel in
Wilkes-Barre. In this connection he
made the following memorandum:
“Made the experiment of burning
the commonstone coal of the valley
in a grate, in a common fireplace in
my house, and find it will answer the
purpose of fuel, making a clearer and
better fire, at less expense, than burn-
ing wood in the common way.”
In the same year John and Abijah
Smith, of Plymouth, shipped several
ark loads down the Susquehanna to
Columbia, and sent along masons to
construct fireplaces for purchasers.
This coal sold for about $10 a ton.
Four years later the coal was being
successfully used in Baltimore and
New York, where it sold for approxi-
mately $25 for 3,000 pounds. A few
years later it began to be used in the
iron industry in the vicinity of Phila-
By 1817 the trade in anthracite was
fairly well established and the next
year the Legislature passed an act
to improve navigation on the Lehigh
river. This was followed by the for-
mation of the Lehigh Coal and Navi-
gation company. At this time coal
was gelling at $8.20 a ton in Phila-
The coal when it first was sent lo
market was shipped as it came from
the mines. Later it was broken into a
few sizes, but it was not until 1867
that pea coal appeared as listed sep-
arately by the Girard Estate coller-
ies. Some years later these colleries
listed buckwheat separately. Mean-
time shipments had increased until
they totaled 23,437,242 tons in 1880.
Ten years later they were 35,855,173
tons, and last year were 87,277,449
Log as Motor Vehicle
“Around the World in a Log” was
the unique title of a motor vehicle
which passed through Cascade Locks,
Ore., recently, on a world tour to aa-
vertise the Pacific coast, says the
Portland Oregonian. The body eof the
car was a huge Douglas fir which had
been cut, bored and hewed by the
men in charge, C. E. Cave and J. A.
Nutter. After this preliminary work
they spent 13 months in equipping it
into a modern apartment. The log or
car is 22 feet long and 7 feet 7 inches
in diameter, and scaled 8,716 feet of
The car is equipped with electric
lights, hot and cold water, shower
bath, beds, a breakfast table and bulilt-
in seats, a sink and built-in kitchen-
ette and also built-in dressers and
linen closets and even a library, The
truck, including the body, weighs 14,-
000 pcunds. The men in charge ex-
pect to go to New York by way of
Salt Lake city and Omaha and Chi-
cago. Before returning to Oregon
they will tour Mexico, Central Amer}
ca and Canada.
To Domesticate Musk Ox
Ten musk oxen, brought from
Greenland recently on a sailing ves-
sel, are spending the summer on
Kjiholmen island, off the west coast
of Norway. It is hoped they will be-
come used to the climate of northern
Europe. The flesh of these animals
makes excellent eating, as Arctic ex-
plorers can testify, and there is always
a demand for them in zoological gar-
dens. The most anxious time for
those interested in the experiment will
be during the summer. The natural
habitat of the musk ox is among the
bleak regions of Arctic America, and
it 1s possible that they will not sur
vive a more southern summer. There
is also danger that they will bring
about thelr own deaths through eat-
ing too greedily of the richer grass of
Received too late for last week's issue.
Mrs. William Sweet, of Instanter, is
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
William Meyer.
Miss Anne Sweeney returned home
from a visit with friends in Vande-
grift and Altoona.
Rev. and Mrs. Ely and children, of
Adams county, are visiting Rev. and
Mrs. W. J. Wagner and Mrs. Hoy.
Mrs. Maria Wagner and daughter,
of Tusseyville, were visitors at the
Samuel Wagner home on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Stuart and
daughter Elizabeth, of Crafton, are
enjoying a visit among friends in this
H. M. Hosterman accompanied a
party from State College on a motor
trip to Wilkes-Barre to attend a P.
0. S. of A. convention.
Mrs. George Rowe, who has been
quite ill for several weeks, is not im-
| proving. Miss Snyder, of State Col-
lege, is assisting the daughters in car- Keep After Them.
ing for her.
Miss Amanda Mothersbaugh, of The angoumois_ grain moth is ca:
Altoona, is visiting at the py " | pable of giving Pennsylvania wheat
her nephew, George Mothersbaugh. LE Tt 2 body Plow hn Loses Js
The Lutheran and Reformed Sun- | peen engaged it is to the grower’s ad-
day school were well represented at |yantage to see about it at once, for
. » - . y
the ninth district Sanday school pic- | early threshing, completed early in
nic at Hecla park on Thursday. | September, may prove a great saving,
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Hess, Mr. and | say extension specialists at The Penn-
Mrs. Jacob Felty and Mr. and Mrs. | sylvania State College.
Andrew Gregg, of Altoona, were vis-
itors in town over the week-end. |
—Get your job work done here.
A —
\: ;
Ihtroducing a NEW
RANGEgas _
0-NOX is a new automotive fuel that increases
| fuel efficiency, increases power, lessens waste,
eliminates fuel knocks and the poor operating
conditions that such knocks indicate, and pre-
vents all harmful effects of carbonization.
With NO-NOX in the tank of your car you may step on
the accelerator without a motor knock thus accelerating
quicker, handle your car in traffic better and go over the
hills with greater power and ease.
For an extended period of time, extensive experiments and
research work have been carried on in the Gulf Refining
Company Laboratories, and test cars driven thousands
of miles to develop this more efficient fuel for internal
combustion engines—we know it is right—>but
The only way to realize the benefits of this new fuel is to
make an actual trial of it in your car. Drive to a Gulf Ser-
vice Station or Gulf Dealer today, and ask the attendant
for NO-NOX.
NO-NOX is guaranteed to be no more
harmful to man or motor than ordinary
gasoline and is priced only three cents
per gallon higher than That Good Gulf