Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, August 28, 1925, Image 1

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—Farmers who have sod to plow
need a soaking rain before they can
get it turned.
—Young Mr. LaFollette, who as-
pires to succeed his father as Sena-
tor in Congress from Wisconsin, is
very ambitious. Ambition is a laud-
able trait, but there are times when
the public should be warned against
“fresh paint.”
—As we have remarked annually
at this date: We can’t understand
why the miners don’t do their striking
in the spring instead of putting it off
until they are able to use the yawning
coal bin as a club to beat protest out
of the public mind.
—When we go to Congress we are
going to amend the law so that an
alien seeking naturalization must
agree to have his final papers revoked
and be deported if he violates any of
our laws within ten years after the
papers are granted.
—Several weeks ago we assured
the public that the quickest way to
kill a thing is to stop talking about
it. By way of proving our assertion
may we ask what has become of the
young Mr. Scopes, who was front page
stuff only yesterday. And—do you
remember just what town in Tennes-
see it was that thought it was getting
on the map when it staged his trial ?
—After four days of “towering”
eastern Pennsylvania and part of New
Jersey in a Ford, we have arrived at
two. conclusions: The immigration
bars will have to be let down if there
is to be hope of keeping.up the supply
of help for the lunch counters and
filling stations that are springing up
along the highways. The bars will
have to be built higher if there is to.
be hope of saving the pure American
from becoming as extinct as the dodo.
—Henry Ford is now advocating
the manufacture of synthetic milk.
Synthetic milk is possible, but it
would hold about the same relation to
the lacteal fluid of the cow that syn-
thetic gin does to the product of Mr.
Gordon. Government experts are
pooh-poohing Henry’s idea and ask-
ing what we will do for cheese when
we stop keeping real cows. Evident-
iy it didn’t occur to the specialists
that we might have some difficulty in
getting beef should we stop keeping
real cows.
—Time was when all of Centre
county, south of the Alleghenies, trad-
ed in Bellefonte. Today the country
. stores are as good as those in Belle-
fonte were then. Those in State Col-
lege, Millheim, Howard, Centre Hall
Milesburg and Pleasant Gap are
real competitors. The population of
the county has actually decreased
within ‘the last two decades. Belle:
fonte has grown no larger, yet she
has one hundred and eleven stores and
shops today whereas eighty sufficed
twenty years ago. In the light of
these facts it would look as though
Bellefonte needs more potential buy-
ers if investments in its business
places are to continue profitable.
—Word from the summer White
House, at Swampscott, is to the effect
that the President will keep his hands
‘off the anthracite coal situation in
Pennsylvania. Having had his picture
taken with a “buck-saw” in his hands
and stood for the story that he was
laying in the winter’s wood for his
aged father we infer that we are to
take the hint from Cal. that we’d bet-
ter lay in wood. It’s all very pretty,
but where are we going to get the
wood? Also, if Pap Coolidge is to be
kept from freezing next winter with
the wood that his son permitted him-
self to be pictured sawing he'll look
like a Columbia river salmon ready
for export by the time spring comes.
—There is no accounting for what
man will do. Witness: Within the
week G. L. Smith, of Atlanta, Ga., ad-
mitted that he robbed houses on week
days. and led Christian Endeavor
meeting on Sundays. Rev. J. N. Tal-
lant, Baptist minister of Macon, Ga.,
punched an elder of his church in the
eye because he had called him a liar.
Ernest Levy, a New York Jew, paid
the debt of a protestant church in
Long Branch, N. J., and saved it from
sheriff’s sale. Rudolph Althans, bald
headed citizen, of East Elmhurst, Pa.,
permitted the family cat to lick his
pate and discovered that cat spit is a
better hair restorer than the Seven
Sutherland Sisters ever dreamed of
—“Boys will be boys,” said eighty-
nine year old Thad Hamilton after he
had kissed the first good looking wom-
an who stepped off an arriving train,
only to discover that she was not the
daughter-in-law he had gone to meet.
Our admiration for Thad increased
wonderfully when he admitted that he
had osculated with a woman he had
never seen before because he believes
in gettin’ while the gettin’s good. Be:
cause we believe Thad has the right
idea, youw’ll understand why we had
such an urge to plant a shoe on the
west end of councilman Cunningham
as he was eastward bound on High
street Wednesday evening. A beau-
tiful young woman, with arms out-
stretched, eyes aglow and utter aban-
don of joy flung herself at him and
what do you suppose he did? Ah!
Mitchell Cunningham isn’t the fast
worker that Thaddeus Hamilton is.
He held her at bay until he discovered
that she was a niece whom he hadn’t
seen for a long time. We're of the
Hamilton type. We’d have taken the
offerings first and looked for the rea-
son after the joy of it.
VOL. 70.
Governor Pinchot Exposing Machine. |
If Goveronr Pinchot improves his
own political estate by exposing the
iniquities of the Republican machine
he is not only entitled to but deserves
the advantage.
corruption in government, under the
sanction of the party leaders, which
ought to turn them against the organ-
ization responsible for the crimes. Of
course this newspaper and other Dem-
ocratic newspapers have repeatedly
admonished them against these traf-
fickers in vice. But our exposures
were treated as party propaganda and
entering one ear passed out through
the other without effect. But Gover-
nor Pinchot is a Republican and act-
ing with knowledge speaks the truth.
Every thinking man in Pennsylva-
nia has known for years that the
charity of the State has been prosti-
tuted to serve the party purposes and
personal uses of machine politicians.
Every man and woman in Pennsylva-
nia, capable of reasoning, has known
for years that the revenues and re-
sources of the State have been syste-
matically “farmed out” for the bene-
fit of those machine politicians. But
for one reason or another no serious
protest has been made. The rich ac-
quiesced because of favors bestowed
and the poor have consénted in the
hope of some time getting a share of
the plunder. It was useless for us to
protest. But Governor Pinchot is
among the “anointed” and speaks
with full understanding.
But unfurling his sail to the breeze
of public favor Governor Pinchot has
not taken the right “tack.” If he
would tell the whole truth and expose
the worst side of the political ma-
chine he would take a deep dive into
a vast sea of popular approval. He
knows full well that it is impossible
to get honest government from offi-
cials who have been elected by fraud
with the understanding that they
would serve the machine rather than
the people. He knows equally well
that officials thus chosen are “mort-
gaged to their masters” and bound
under penalty of ostracism to do as
they are told. Knowing these things
it is his duty as an honest man and
faithful public, officialy to expose them |-
to popular execration.
In failing to condemn fraudulent
voting and false return of votes Gov-
ernor Pinchot compels doubt as to the
sincerity of his professions of re-
form. But as we have said before,
there may be a reason for his failure
to denounce the greatest of all crimes
against the people.
be under obligations to the machine
managers for such sinister service to
himself. If Bill Vare, in Philadelphia,
and Max Leslie, in Pittsburgh, had not
put in operation their corrupting ma-
chinery at the election of 1922, he
might not have become Governor and
if “Buck” Devlin had not been de-
ceived by somebody’s promises he
might not have been nominated. Pos-
sibly those corrupt politicians are
“tying his tongue.”
—With five candidates for Judge
and five for tax collector Bellefonte
ought to have a little excitement on
primary day. By the way, few people
realize that being tax collector of
Bellefonte is not so far from being
almost as good a job as being Judge
term isn’t as long, of course, but since
all of the women have been gathered
in as taxables the office pays in the
neighborhood of four thousand dollars
a year. Very few of the county offices
of the Centre county courts.
pay that much.
——The big Williams family reun-
ion will be held in the John Q. Miles
grove, near Martha, on Saturday of
next week. Following on the heels of
the Granger's picnic it will be the last
big picnic in that section of the coun-
ty, while the Odd Fellows gathering
at Hecla park, on Labor day, will end
the picnic season.
Probably General
standing in church circles.
The people of Penn-
sylvania are acquiring information of
That is, he may
vielded to the petition of Senator Pep-
per for the appointment of Major
Murdock out of respect for his high
ei a ——————
~——Governor Pinchot has resumed
his tour of inspection of State institu-
tions and incidentally his denuncia-
tion of the Republican machine.
——Congressman Vare wants a big
registration this year. He imagines
it will be a valuable asset at the pri-
mary election next year.
——1If it be true that German chem-
ists are able to make gold the repara-
tion problem ought to be simplified.
sess A eee en
——1It is perfectly safe to say that
Commodore Peary never reached the
North Pole. Peary is dead.
———— ye —————
——“Cell-shock” is a new malady
invented for the benefit of rich crim-
There Ought to be a Remedy.
| Unless conditions in the anthracite
coal region change over night the
mines will be idle for an indefinite
period after tomorrow. We own to
disappontment at this result. Labor
disputes in the anthracite coal fields
have become more a political than an
industrial problem. Originated as a
rule by collusion between the organi-
zation officials and the mine owners
for mutual profit it has become the
custom in recent years for the leaders
of the Republican party to intervene
at the psychological moment to adjust
the differences and share with the oth-
er beneficiaries in the accrued bene-
fits. Unless the signs are misleading
that page in the history of the coal
industry will be repeated.
At that, ours is an optimist’s view
of the situation. If a settlement is
effected on the basis of past experience
the miners will get an increase in
wages, the mine owners an increase in
profits and the political machine an
increase in prestige and votes. On
the other hand if the differences are
not adjusted the miners will stand to
lose vast sums in wages that can
never be restored, the mine owners
will lose only the cost of keeping
their plants in order, which is com-
paratively little. The coal measures
will not run away or evaporate but
the wages of the miners are gone as
completely as the “water that goes
over the dam.” Meantime the public
suffers greatly and in various ways.
Organization has worked great ad-
vantage to labor in the past. It has
compelled employers to pay fair wag-
es and yield improved conditions in
industry. But its victories have been
acquired by unselfish and sincere ef-
forts of labor organization officials.
Recently offices in labor organizations
have been employed as stepping
stones to political preferment. The
welfare of the working man has been
submerged in the ambition of organ-
| ization officials. That is the principal
reason for the practical failure of re-
cent labor strikes. The officials of la-
bor organizations and employers of
labor have conspired to squeeze wage
earners and the public. There ought
to be a remedy.
——The esteemed Philadelphia
Bulletin finds much comfort in the
fact that Pennsylvania still leads in
the production of anthracite coal. As
it is the only producer this is encour-
—————— etme certs.
Good Fight for a Good Cause.
With the assembling of the new
Congress the Republican party will
face two vexed questions. The first
is the World Court. That public sen-
timent is largely in favor of entrance
into that tribunal has been clearly re-
vealed. The proposition has been
pending in the Senate committee on
Foreign Relations for three years.
During all that time Senator Lodge,
with the help of Senator Borah, has
been able to prevent favorable action.
When Senator Lodge died a hope was
created that the issue might be
brought to a successful end. Senator
Pepper, another obstructionist, was
easily forced into line by the admin-
istration but Senator Borah remained
obdurate. He is still unreconciled.
The second problem which promises
serious trouble is that of tariff taxa-
tion, The cost of living continues to
increase in menacing proportions and
the principal beneficiaries of the tax
are forcing a reduction of wages. The
President is under obligations to
maintain existing schedules and hopes
to fool the people by promises of re-
ducing the taxes on incomes in which
process the rich reap nearly all the
advantages. But the agriculturalists
of the middle west are not as gullible
as they used to be and threaten revolt.
They realize that income taxes have
little influence on the cost of the nec-
essaries of life and protest that reduc-
ing the tax on a big income doesn’t
decrease the cost of farm implements.
With Senator Borah as chairman of
the Finance committee of the Senate,
and Senator Norris, of Nebraska,
“dead set” against the tax reform
which only benefits the rich, the par-
ty is up against grave danger of de-
moralization. Most of the Democrats
in the Senate are favorable to the
World Court proposition and may car-
ry it through, notwithstanding Mr.
Borah’s opposition. But the adminis-
tration policy on the tax question will
get no help from the Democrats and
the present indications are that tariff
tax reform will have stronger support
than the administration scheme to
save money for the millionaires who
bought the last election for Mr. Cool-
idge. It is a fight for a good cause.
—————— A e—————————
——Belgium wants sixty-two years
in which to pay her war debt but it
will take a long time to find out
whether or not she means to pay.
——————— pe ————
——While the cost of living contin-
ues to rise it will be hard to force
wages down.
yi Ee he] i
Manufacturers’ Club for Pepper.
Senator Pepper has enlisted the in-
fluence of the organized manufactur-
ers of Pennsylvania, or else that for-
midable force in politics has grown
tired of the domination of Joe Grun-
dy and the methods of Congressman
Vare. This is plainly indicated in a
report submitted the other day to the
Manufacturers’ club by a committee
of that body on the subject of taxa-
tion. It not only recommends a tax
cn the capital stock of manufacturing
corporations but censures the General
Assembly for defeating the Ludlow
bill at its last session. Mr. Grundy’s
life-long fight has been against tax- |
ing capital stock of manufacturing
corporations, and Mr. Vare was re-
sponsible for the defeat of the Lud- |
low bill. :
The committee groups its recom-
mendation under four heads. It de-
clares that the first essential is to
simplify and unify assessments on
real estate, to which most men will
freely assent. It proposes to abolish
the four-mill tax on personal proper-
ty and substitute a tax on personal
incomes. It endorses the gasoline tax
and would increase it, and finally “re-
serves consideration of the inheritance
tax pending action by the federal gov-
ernment.” In support of the propo-
sition to tax manufacturers the com-
mittee expresses the belief that ex-
emption from that tax is not the prin-
cipal allurement of manufacturers to
Pennsylvania, as long contended by
Mr. Grundy and those who have fol-
lowed his leadership.
As Mr. Grundy and Mr. Vare have
been violently opposed to Senator
Pepper this action of the Manufactur-
ers’ club committee is interpreted as
a movement in support of the Sena-
tor, For many years Mr, Grundy and
the Vares have been bitterly antago-
nistic to each other. At the organi-
zation of the last session of the Leg-
islature they “pooled their issues” and :
the “unholy alliance” was construed
as the beginning of a movement to
prevent the re-election of Pepper.
Unfortunately for the success of their
enterprise they blundered so stupidly
and frequently that their conspiracy
‘ame an asset rather than a liabil-
Manufacturers’ club strengthens this
view. °
——=Some colored voters are com-
plaining that they don’t get their!
share of important offices. But such
complaints are only by force of habit.
They will continue to support the G.
O. P. as long as cash payments are
—————— ee —————
Memorial to William Jennings Bryan.
The esteemed Philadelphia Record
proposes a nation-wide movement to
create a fit memorial to the late Wil-
liam Jennings Bryan, on lines that are
certain to meet the approval of the
friends of that popular leader. Any
local or sectional memorial would be
inadequate and the proposed plan
would invite persons of all creeds,
faiths and beliefs to participate. Mr.
Bryan had ardent admirers in all po-
litical parties, religious organizations
and civic societies. Men and women
who disagreed with his opinions on
one subject cordially endorsed his
views on others and all should have
opportunity to share in tribute to his
The plan suggested contemplates an
organization to direct the movement
2nd nominates the Hon. Josephus
Daniels, of North Carolina, as its
leader. A fitter choice could not have
been made. Mr. Daniels was a close
political and an intimate personal
friend of Mr. Bryan. They were asso-
ciated together as members of Presi-
dent Wilson’s cabinet for a period of
two and a half years. Mr. Daniels, as
Secretary of the Navy during the
world war, earned and won the implic-
it confidence of the people of all par-
ties and sections, and his name at the
head of the organization will inspire
faith in the sincerity of the undertak-
Of course the widow and the chil-
dren of the great Commoner will final-
ly determine the action of the country
on this question. But nobody will
question the wisdom or the expedien-
cy of the suggestion. It means the
erection by popular voice of an appro-
private memorial to a man who had
long and faithfully served the people
to the full limit of his splendid abil-
ity and according to his understand-
ing. Many men and women of Centre
county will cheerfully join in this be-
nevolent purpose. No community
more generously admired the elo-
quence and sincerity of Mr. Bryan
than this, and none will more freely
honor his memory.
——Between the pests and the
politicians the farmer has “a hard
road to travel.”
——The subsidy mongers are now
tige derived therefrom.
{ ly smaller would not be
ly to disturb the balance
; question is indeed one of general con-
striving to get a bounty out of the
NO. 34.
Debts and Armies.
From the Philadelphia Public Ledger.
The European press has been
strongly intimating that during the
war-debt discussions with the United
States the subject of debtor nations’
military ~~ establishments ' has’ been
touched upon. This has caused no lit-
tle excitement in France, and Italy is
said to have laid it down as a princi-
ple that there must be no question of
reducing her army or navy.
Whether the issue has been serious-
ly broached or not, the raising of the
point by the United States would be
no more than natural. America asks
the debtors to pay what they can, no
more. But an expensive military es-
tablishment would certainly affect in
no small measure a nation’s “capacity
to pay.”
On their part the debtor nations can
point out that their war budgets form
only a small proportion of their total
expenditures and that they have been
reduced to what they were in:1913, or
even below. The answer is, of course,
that it is not the first cost that counts,
but the extremely expensive ‘activi-
ties to which a large military estab-
lishment often leads.
At this point, however, the issue
gets tangled up with international pol-
itics and the part it plays in interna-
tional economics. France, for in-
stance, by maintaining the largest and
finest military establishment in the
world, is enabled, without employing
it directly, to obtain advantageous
commercial concessions from other
countries—in fine, to use in the furth-
erance of business the political pres-
Every European nation is firmly
convinced that big armies pay divi-
dends in trade. ey will never be
convinced to the contrary in any pre-
dictable future. og
_ But the American project for reduc-
tions and limitations all around has a
secure economic basis. Making all
military establishments pro ortionate-
ikely serious-
and would
constitute a general benefit. =
An armament conference which suc-
ceeded in bringing this about would
certainly affect the debtor nations’
“capacity to pay.” In this sense there
is a direct connection between armies
and debts—a connection which the
United States is fully justified in
maintaining. :
io Aime for rng
rom the Pittsburgh Post. *
. New Englanders are always want-
Ing to know what is wrong with the
coal industries of other States. The
cern, but there probably is no more
mystery in it than there is in that oth-
er one of what is wrong with the tex-
tile industry in New England. With
the coal situation again under inves-
tigation, the call for an inquiry into
what is wrong with the textile works
in New England seems in order. Time
and again the country has been told
that what the New England industry |
needs 1S more protective tariff, and
again and again Republican adminis-
trations have raised the rates for it.
The textile industry is especially fa-
vored under the Fordney-McCumber
tariff act. But in New England it
has not brought the prosperity
promised. Not only are there many
idle in the district, but there has been
complaint all along by organized la-
bor of wage reductions. Now leaders
of organized labor are preparing to
ask President Coolidge and Congress
to look into the situation to see if they
can find why so highly protected an
industry is marked by idleness and
wage cuts.
. Whatever the cause there should be
light on why there has been so much
trouble in the textile industry of New
—————— reteset.
Death Car Driving.
From the Pittsburgh Post
An end must be put to death car
driving, with drunken individuals at
the wheels. No abuse of legal tech-
nicalities should be permitted to mod-
erate the case of a man who dashes
upon the public roads with a high-
powered car while he is in an intox-
icated condition.
An ordinary manslaughter charge
is not enough to prefer against an in-
dividual guilty of drunken death car
driving. Attempting to drive an au-
tomobile while in an intoxicated con-
dition should be viewed as wanton
recklessness. Public safety demands
that such view be taken.
A Scientific Experiment.
From the Los Angeles Times.
A Detroit bandit explains that he
held up people because he was a stu-
dent of psychology. He reviewed the
reactions of his victims while they
were being robbed. Possibly many of
our criminals are really scientists with
a passion for research. The man who
blows up the bank safe is really a
worker in the domain of high explo-
sives and the forger is a chirography
expert with a passion for investiga-
tion. It might be a good idea for Un-
cle Sam to hang a bunch of murderers
to illustrate the operations of the law
of gravity.
Save Their Own Skin.
From the Norfolk, Virginia-Pilot.
“Reichstag deputies in fist fight
over religious issue.”—Berlin dis-
patch. In America the Legislators
are wiser—they slip over a law and
—Three new fish hatcheries are tobe
erected in the State within the ensuin
year. - :
—Fred Diegel, of Farmers valley, Me-
Kean county, stuck a blade of grass in his
eye while cutting hay a few days ago, in-
flicting a wound that made the removal of
the eye necessary. His condition is ser-
ious. f fr spel n (2
—Dr. C. H. Brisbin, Lewistown school
physician, has recommended the purchase
of 15,000 iodine tablets for the treatment
of children with goitre tendencies.” This
ailment is found to considerable extent ow-
ing to the lack of iodine in the water sup-
ply. é v A
—The second big gas well struck within
a week in the McKean county gas belt
blew in last week near Clermont, thirty
miles from Kane. The new well, which
started with a million feet a day, is the
property of Fred Anderson, who has two
other small wells on the lease.
—When Robert Burns, veteran chief of
police of Muncy, was called to Montgom-
ery on official business one day last week,
the first robbery in four years took place.
Chief Burns said he would use every ef-
fort in running down the robber who had
broken the borough’s police record.
—Thrown from an automobile when it
collided with a telephone pole in the high-
way near Tyrone, on Wednesday of last
week, Mrs. Fred W. Pentz, of Grampian,
aged 53 years, was fatally injured, dying
before she could be taken to the Altoona
hospital. Five other passengers escaped
with slight injuries.
—Thirteen Negroes who were taken into
custody in a raid conducted by federal
narcotic agents and the police in the Ne-
gro quarters are being held by the police
to determine whether or not they are dope
addicts. The raid marks the beginning of
a crusade against peddlers and addicts in
Altoona. No dope was found.
—Sarah Louise Gerhard, aged 6 years,
died at the home of her grandfather, Isaac
Kramer, of Jefferson township, Berks
county, from terrible burns sustained
when she was accidentally sprayed with
burning liquid stove polish as it exploded
in the hand of Mrs. Henry Platt, who was
doing housework for Mr. Kramer.
—When Cornetti, hotel proprietor at
Mount Carmel, went to the kitchen to fill
an order for two strangers on Monday, the
men walked out with the cash register and
disappeared in an automobile. They left
a felt and straw hat with a Hazleton trade
mark in them so that Hazleton police ex-
pect to learn the idertity of the thieves.
—The State Department of Labor and
Industry has issued a small digest of gen-
eral requirements for theatres, motion pic-
ture theatres and general places of public
assemblage in which special attention is
given to definitions in very clear language.
Just what is meant by aisle, fire, tower,
scenery, ordinary construction and fire es-
cape is set down in plain English.
—B. A. Knight, an engineer of the State
Forestry and Water Commission, who has
been in charge of the survey made in Lock
Haven and vicinity in connection with
plans for the prevention of floods, com-
pleted the field work last Tuesday after
being engaged at the task daily for the
past six weeks. A series of small dams in
the Susquehanna river it is believed will
solve the problem. :
=A mother lynx with two young whelps
is reaming the woodland north of Kane.
Several residents of that section reported
seeing the animals while going to their
work about the oil wells of the region. The
lynx resembles a wildcat but is somewhat
larger and has a short tail and tasseled
ears. It is not native to Pennsylvania, be-
ing found usually farther north. They are
not welcomed in a game section as sports-
men fear they will attack the deer which
abound in McKean county.
—Returning home late on Saturday fol-
lowing a week’s vacation, W. E. Ralston.
of Wilkinsburg, found that thieves had
broken into his house and ransacked every
room, obtaining loot valued at $1,000. En-
trance was gained by breaking a front
window. Among the articles stolen were
two pearl bar pins, two watches, clothing,
a platinum chain and other jewelry. Coun-
ty detective Harry Cochran found that one
of the intruders had left his hat and were
away a hat owned by Ralston.
—Seven cows were buried under 1,500
bushels of oats when the second floor of a
barn on the Patrick farm, in Clearfield
county, collapsed last Tuesday. One of
the cows was killed and another injured.
The day had been spent in threshing oats
and 1,500 bushels proved too heavy a
weight for the floor. The cows were quar-
tered on the lower floor and were caught
under the load. Henry Ruslink, who lives
on the farm, had just left the structure a
few minutes before the collapse of the
—The office and storage buildings of the
J. C. Edmondston Importing Co. at Ty-
rone, were totally destroped by fire on
Monday, with a loss of approximately $10,-
000. The fire started in the basement of
the frame stock room and rapidly spread
to the other parts of the building. The
building, which is owned by the Wain-
wright Estate, of Philadelphia, is a total
loss. The property was situated at the
entrance of Tyrone from the P. R. R. sta-
tion and negotiations have been under
way for the purchase of the property by
the Tyrone borough for the purpose of
converting it into a park.
—A young, modestly dressed woman is
being sought as one of the three slayers
of an unidentified man who was found ly-
ing face downward in the middle of the
State road, near Bristol Pike, in Bucks
county, early last Friday. He was shot
through the neck at close range, detec-
tives said. The alleged slayers escaped in
an automobile after a thrilling fifteen mile
chase. Detective Crawford and a group of
constables fired scores of shots at the flee-
ing machine, ' They believe they wounded
the man sitting in the rear seat. The car
bore Pennsylvania license No. 10,107, which
officials aver belongs to a Pittsburgh man.
—The board of Game Commissioners has
let contracts for the construction of game
refuge keeper's houses on two tracts of
land purchased for game refuge and public
hunting ground purposes. Announcement
of the purchase of these two tracts of land
was recently published. One of the houses
will be built on State game lands No 33,
located in Rush township, Centre county,
and the other on State game lands No. 34,
in Girard township, Clearfield county. The
board has adopted a standard type of
plain but substantially built’ houses for
refuge keeper's headquarters, which is two
and a half story frame construction, to
provide warm, comfortable headquarters
let the people fight.
for refuge keepers and their families.