Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, August 21, 1925, Image 7

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    ———————————————————————— Se mee
Beworali iatds
Bellefonte, Pa., August 21, 1925.
Great Painters Used
Eggs to Mix Colors
Many pictures which pass as oll
paintings were not done With oil at
all, according to the directors of the
Foss Art museum at Harvard. As
early as the Twelfth centvry eggs
were used for mixing paint in Italy
and for hundreds of years painters all
over Europe did their work with pig:
ments so made.
The white of the eggs replaced
vegetable gums as 2 binding me-
dium for many of the pigments; often
the white and yolk were mixed with
water and fig juice, forming a tem-
pera, from which fine colors were
ground and laid on white plaster-cov-
ered surfaces.
In the perfection of the art the yolk
alone was used, and the quality of
that article wag closely examined. A
manuscript from the Fifteenth cen-
tury, directs that “for the faces of
young people you shall use the yolk
of the egg of a city hen, as it is light-
er and less red in color than the yolk
of the egg of a country hen.”
The rivalry between city and coun-
try hens in the Fifteenth century in
Italy is sald to have been intense.
During the intervening centuries this
has fallen off greatly, owing to inter-
marriage, and the joint descendants
of those early families now unite en-
thusiastically in welcoming American
tourists to the scenes of their ances-
tors’ triumphs,
The white of an egg was used for
gilding to hold the gold-leaf on pan-
els and frames. The yolk and white
were often mixed with colors for put-
ting the finishing touches on fresco
paintings. Mixture of egg, oil and
varnish were used in glass painting;
the women of the Renaissance favored
the use of egg in the decoration of
their dresses, and painting with egg
adorned the finest furniture.
It is said that in Russia the use of
eggs persisted long after the introduc-
tion of oil, as it was considered more
appropriate to the representation of
the Trinity than a man-made product.
The art of egg painting reached its
perfection in Italy in the Fifteenth
century, and, having reached it, van-
ished. Nothing in the history of art
is more striking than the fall of tem-
pera painting, which, having spent 300
to 400 years in achieving completion,
died of its own perfection.
Excellent Idea Is
Umbrella “Exchange’
Brussels appears to be the only city
which has a well-organized umbrella-
borrowing bureau. The annual sub-
scription is low, but if every umbrella-
user were to join such a society, its
income would be enormous.
The idea Is rather similar to that
in force at the British museum, Na-
tional gallery and other public insti-
tutions, where you are required to de-
posit your “gamp” before being al-
lowed to go round the galleries. You
get a ticket of metal, or a bone disk,
which will redeem your umbrella at
any time; only, in the case of the um-
brella exchange, the umbrella is not
your own, but the property of the so-
Each member, on paying his sub-
geription, receives a token, usually ot
metal stamped with an index number,
which he carries in his pocket instead
of an umbrella in his hand. When
caught by the rain, all he has to do
is to go to one of the society’s agen-
cles, which are tobacco shops, restaur-
ants and big stores, and hand over the
token, to be immediately provided
with an umbrella.
When the rain ceases the borrower
deposits his umbrella in the next
agency he happens to pass, and In
exchange receives another counter.
Bird Census Takers
In all civilized countries where
game is being protected there are
trained men employed in taking the
census of the various birds and other
protected wild game. In the United
States and Canada the preserve war-
dens ‘do the work with the aid of com-
petent helpers. The task Is a patience-
trying one. In Europe the count is
actual, just as when a human census
is taken, but in the United States it is
largely by estimate. In this way re-
lable figures are obtained, as for in-
stance the statement that in Peru may
be found 4,000,000 llamas.
Confess—But What?
He was consulting his lawyer, more
in a personal than in a professional
way. “I don’t know what to do, John,”
he said. “My wife has received an
anonymous letter exposing some things
I was mixed up Ingbefore we were
married.” The lafryer spoke from
much experience. “Bill,” he sald,
“there's ondy one thing to do—con-
fess.” ¢That would be all right, John,”
sald the worried husband, “if ghe
would let me take a look at the letter
or tell me what's In it. As it is I
don’t know what to confess.”
Right to Salute Bride
Kissing the bride appears to have
been an old Scottish custom, according
te which “the ‘person who "presided
ower the marriage ceremony uniformly
claimed it as his inalienable privilege
to have a smack at the lips of the
bride immediately after the perform
ance ef his official duties,” for it wat
cannily belleved that the happiness of
every bride lay involved in the pastoral
kigs—Doris Blake in Baltimore Sun.
— Td” "HAE
Plants That Protect
Coasts From the Sea
In the struggle to defend our coasts
from sea encroachments, seaside au-
thorities have no better allies than the
hardy tamarisk and shrubby sea blite.
These useful plants are as effective in
protecting the lonely stretches of our
slrores as stout sea walls and far-flung
groynes, says a writer in London Tit-
Bits. Take, for example, Shoreham,
on the Sussex coast. This town was
seriously affected by the incoming
tides until it was found that the loose
shingle that fringes the sea could be
bound into a resisting mass by the ex-
tensive planting of tamarisk, a hardy
little plant whose only réal enemy is
severe frost.
On the Norfolk coast the same
method is adopted, but there the shift-
ing shingle is bound with shrubby sea
blite, which grows waist high and cov-
ers large areas of the coast. The more
this plant is ill-treated the stouter it
flourishes. Occasionally a violent storm
will result in the shrubs being com-
pletely embedded in fresh shingle
thrown up by the waves. This, in
reality, Is an advantage, as the plant
puts forth new shoots that bind the
fresh stones, still further strengthen-
ing the land rampart.
“Sports” a Century Ago
Not of Highest Order
Public entertainments in London a
hundred or more years ago were more
of a sporting than of a dramatic or
musical type. In the Observer of a
date of 1825 appeared a full report of
a dog fight, at the Westminster pit, at
which “fifty personages of rank” were
among the spectators, and whereat
also his grace, the king's rat catchgr,
entered the arena with a cage contain-
ing ninety rats thatya dog named Billy
killed seriatim in seven minutes and
thirty seconds.
Another article recorded that Mr.
Wombwell, the proprietor of a lion
named Nero, had built a den, ten feet
high and fifty-seven feet in circumfer-
ence, in which a contest a outrance
between his pet and six dogs was to
take place in June. Still another
chronicled the melancholy fact that
“John Smith, who was matched to eat
a pair of men’s shoes in fifteen min-
utes at the Half-Moon tap, Leadenhall
market, has broke down in training,
having been seized with indigestion.”
Spot That Made History
The bridge over the River Adda at
Lodi, Italy, is famous as the scene of
a terrible contest between the French
under Bonaparte and the Austrians
under Beaulieu, May 10, 1796. The
Austrians were strongly intrenched on
the opposite bank of the Adda and
their formidable artillery swept the
bridge, but Bonaparte, charging at the
head of his grénadiews, bayoneted the
cannoneers at their guns and drove the
defeated Austrians into the mountains
of the Tyrol. As a result of this vic-
tory, Milan capitulated to Bonaparte a
few days later. This battle is frequent-
ly spoken of as the “Terrible Passage
of the Bridge of Lodl” It was Bona-
parte’s first important victory over the
Austrians, and, as he afterward de-
clared, kindled the first spark of his
ambition.—Kansas City Star.
The Fly Flew
An art critic, speaking of the virtues
of this painting and the faults of that
one, finally came to a picture in the
gallery and said: “Now, you see in
this picture the artist has not learned
his trade—it lacks technique and un-
derstanding. His trees seem to have
no form; they do not stand up; the
grass has no roots. His clouds look
like bits of paper stuck on the canvas.
And here you see he has resorted to a
trick to catch the public eye and has
attempted to paint a fly. Now, I would
not object to the fly, had he been able
to draw better and make it look like a
fly. This fly looks like a lump of mud
and has not the character of a fiy.”:
At this point the fly, having tired of
the critic's rambling, took wing and
flew away.
Nature of Pinchbeck
This is the name of an alloy of
copper and zine and was so called
from its inventor, a London watch-
maker who died in 1732, Pinchbeck
made cheap jewelry from this alloy
which had the appearance and luster
of gold, although the counterfeit could
easily be detected by its weight be-
fag less than that of gold and its want
of resonance. The most common
pinchbeck consists of about 10 or 15
per cent of zinc and the remainder
copper—although tin is sometimes also
added. The word “pinchbeck” is fre-
quently applied to anything which is
counterfeit or spurious. For instance,
Anthony Trollope says: “Where in
these pinch beck days can we hope
to find the old agricultural virtue in
all its purity.”—Exchange.
There Were Others
The young man hesitatingly entered
her father’s presence. With a prelimi-
pary clearing of the throat and a nerv-
ous twitch of his fingers, he said:
“I have come to ask you if I may
marry your daughter, Gertrude.”
“You may,” sald the father, prompt-
ly, as he passed the cigars. “And now
that you're in the family, may I take
you into my confidence?”
“Why—er—" exclaimed the happy
“Well, my boy,” sald his future fa-
ther-infaw, “I just want to say that
@8 you pass around among your friends
I wish you'd get#some of them ex-
cited ‘about Margaret, Dorothy, Bella
and Nancy. And put a couple of cigars
in yonz pocket.”
Great Artist Reached
Helping Hand to Many
When a man becomes so eminent
that he is in a class quite by himself
legend springs up all around him and
everything that he says is quoted and
handed about, Edwin H. Blashfield
writes in the North American Review.
It is noteworthy indeed that among
all the stories not one has ever been
to John Singer Sargent’'s disadvan-
tage. Modest he was and generous to
his fellows, delicately considerate and
When Carroll Beckwith, one of the
mest intimate friends of his youth,
died, his widow told me that John, as
she always called Sargent, retouched
for her many of Carroll's studies to
put them in more finished and sale-
able condition, and when Abbey's
hand wag arrested in the midst of his
decorative work for the Pennsylvania |
capitol at Harrisburg Sargent hurri-
edly made a long journey to superin-
tend the completion of some of the
panels, superintending, nota bene,
with a careful avoidance of person-
ally touching a brush to the canvas.
Wise he was, too, as to theory, and
valiant as to principle; In the days of
reactionaries he was a progressive
and when the race for notoriety at
any price began he was a conserva-
tive. In one of his letters to me he
declares that, as for himself, as he
grows old he is “becoming rather
wroud of being called pompier.”
Must Risk Life to
Look From Mountain
Do you know that the weather is
manufactured on a huge rock on Look-
out mountain, Chattanooga, Tenn., and
not at Medicine Hat or Washington as
we have always supposed? The weath-
er rock is a giant slab of peculiar
shape projecting from the mountain
top far over the green valley 2,900
feet below. It is necessary to crawl
out on hands and knees to look over
the edge, but the view is well worth
the peril. Farms, villages, white high-
ways, wooded hills and winding rivers
are so far below the adventurous spec-
tator that the country looks like a flat
map done in emerald and silver, much
as it does from an airplane. It takes
fron nerves and a clear and steady
brain to peer over the dizzy verge, even
lying flat on one’s stomach—a simple
slip means certain death, as there is
not so much as a blade of grass to
hold on by, only the smooth gray rock
and loose pebbles, which roll at a
touch and give one the sickening sen
sation of sliding toward the edge.
Stranger Guessed Well
A captious traveler in northern Ar-
kansas stopped by a fence to criticize
a near cornfield, which met his disap-
proval. “Mighty small corn you have
there!” he Shouted to the man who |
was “superintending the growth” froo
a shady corner.
“Yes,” said the Arkansan,
the small kind.”
“Looks mighty yellow to me for this
time of year.”
“Yes. Planted the yellow kind.”
“Well,” said the traveler, severely,
“] can’t understand your method of
farming. You won’t get over half a
crop there.”
“No,” said the Arkansan, cheerfully.
“You are shore a good guesser, stran-
ger. Half a crop exactly, that’s mine,
I planted this on shares.”—Kansar
City Star.
On Their Behalf
The minister in a little church that
used natural gas for illumination an-
nounced his text in solemn tones—
“Yea, the light of the wicked shall be
put out!”
Immediately the church was plunged
In total darkness, due to a failure ir
the supply.
“Brethren,” said the minister, with
scarcely a moment's pause, “in view
of the sudden and startling fulfillment
of this prophecy, we will spend a few
minutes in silent prayer for the gar
Plain Gold Ring
The wedding ring of plain gold,
which is a survival of Saxon times,
has outlived several attempts at
change of fashion.
For instance, at the marriage Ox
Queen Mary of England to Philip of
Spain the English statesmen debated
the question of the ring and wished
to have it jeweled, but Mary herself
intervened by declaring that she would
not have it set with gems, for she
chose to be wedded with a plain hoop
of gold like other maidens.—Detroit
Free Press.
Easily Explained
Bluebelle is a lovely girl. People
like her. She has a way with her, &
way that invites confidences. But
gometimes one of ker confiding friends
has to take her to task mildly.’
“Bluebelle,” said one of these, “I
don’t know who gave that secret away.
When I told it to you the other eve-
ning I made it between you, me and
the gate post.”
“Well, you remember it was a strange
gate post,” responded Bluebelle gravely.
Billets Doux
There .is a peculiar and subtle ans
quite indefinable pleasure that comes
to a man when the woman he loves
first writes to him. Soever cust, s0-
ever banal the letter, there is no mat-
ter. It is something from her to him;
something altogether private and se-
cret; something she has set down for
him to redd; something not to be
shared with a sordid world.—From
“The Rasp,” by Phillips Macdonald,
How Its Aid to England’s Re-
turn to a Gold Standard Bene-
fits American Agriculture.
Second Vice President Americar
Bankers Association.
There has been no more important
event for the American farmer and
‘stock man since the Armistice than
the recent return of
Great Britain to a
gold standard. It
seems a long dis-
tance from the Mon-
tana farm to the
gold vaults of the
Bank of England,
but the price the
farmer gets for his
wheat and cattle de-
pends not a little op
that gold.
The farmer sells his wheat to the
elevator man and yet the real buyer,
in many cases, is an Englishman, a
Frenchman, a German, or an Italian.
About one-third of the wheat crop is
usually sold abroad and this part is a
large factor in fixing the price of the
entire crop. Between the farmer and
the foreign buyer there are many
steps. In recent years the most im-
portant step has been that at which
the foreign buyer has to pay the
American exporter, for the interna-
tional mechanism of payment has
been badly out of order because
Europe was off the gold standard. It
was just as though an English buyer
drove up to your farm house, bar-
gained for your wheat and drew up
the contract. But when you discussed
payment, he said: “I'm sorry I haven’t
any good United States money to pay
you with; I'll have to pay you in my
English paper money, which isn’t
worth its face value in gold. I don’t
know what it may be worth nex’
week, but that is your risk.”
A Deadly Foe of Trade
How many would be willing to sign
contracts on this basis? Yet that is
the way most of the world’s trade has
had to be carried on since the Armis-
tice. In practically all countries ex-
cept the United States the currencies
have had no fixed value in gold, but
have changed in value from day to
day. Whenever one country sold any-
thing to another country, somebody
had to take the risk of loss because
thie valie of the money might change
before payment was made. Such un-
certainty of payment is a deadly foe
of trade. and people were afraid to do
any larger international business thar
they had to.
Exports of food stuffs from the Unit-
ed States fell from two and a half
billion dollars in 1919 to eight hundred
millions in 1923, and the difficulties of
European buyers in making satisfae-
tory payment for American farm prod-
ucts was one of the large factors in
the drop in the prices of farm prod-
ncts. But now the recent action of
Great Britain in declaring that it will
again redeem its paper money in gold
means that British buyers of American
products can pay for them with money
which is accepted the world over at its
face value in gold. With the return of
Great Britain to the gold standard, 2
majority of the countries of Europe
have paper currencies equal to golé
How Reserve Banks Helped
American bankers have assisted in
the British return to the gold standard
by giving a $100,000,000 credit to the
British government. But more impor-
tant than this was the action of the
Federal Reserve Banks in granting the
Bank of England material co-opera-
tion. They placed $200,000,000 gold at
the disposal of the Bank of England
for two years, to be used by it, if nec-
essary, in maintaining the gold stand-
ard. The readiness of the Reserve
Banks thus to co-operate was an im-
portant influence in the willingness of
‘the British to take this all important
This action of the Reserve Banks
was a most constructive step in aid
of American farmers and producers
who will benefit greatly by the re-
moval of this element of uncertainty
from their export transactions. If all
the sins of omission and commission
charged againts the Federal Reserve
System by banker, business man, live
stock man or political blatherskite in
ithe last five years were true, and prac-
tically none of them are, the service
rendered commerce and industry by
ithe System in connection with the res-
itoration of the gold standard in so
large a part of the world would far
outweigh any mistakes that those in
icharge of the System may have made.
No banker, business man or farmer
should permit any self serving declar-
ation by favor seeking demagogue to
swerve him from a determination to
see that the System is maintained for
‘the future welfare of the country.
Fundamentally conditions are very
sound and we are doing a very
large volume of business, no little part
of which is due to the equalizing and
stabilizing effect exercised by the Fed-
eral Reserve System on the credits of
the country. Throughout all the stress
iof the last five years there have been
no times of either stringency or ple-
‘thora of bank credit. Rates have run
along on a rather level keel and in
my judgment have had much to do
‘with the stable volume of business
which sve have enjoyed, and which is
quite contrary to the old experience of
‘the aftermath of panics. With a credit
structure such as only the Federal
Reserve System can guarantee, I feel
we need have no apprehension but on
‘the contrary sound optimism for the
M. A. Traylor
sm wn rt Smt bm cot sr
——— mnt ERATE SC ————
Knew His Rights.
One afternoon the business men of
the town engaged in a baseball game,
divided into two teams, the fats and
the leans, and except for an experienc-
ed captain at the head of each team
all were rank strangers to the game.
After an unbroken record of strike-
outs one perspiring fat batsman by
accident managed to knock to the
fence the first ball delivered that time
at bat. He stood patiently gazing at
the flight, the cheers of the crowd
ringing in his ears.
“Run! Run! Run!” yelled the cap-
tain, dashing to him and trying un-
successfully to shove the heavyweight
down the base line.
“Not much!” snapped the resentful
hitter, “I’ve got two more swats com-
ing to me!”
Nerves All Unstrung?
Bellefonte Folks Should Find the
Cause and Correct It.
Are you all worn out? Feel tired,
nervous, half-sick? Do you have a
constant backache; sharp twinges of
pain, too, with dizzy spells and annoy-
ing urinary disorders? Then there’s
cause for worry and more cause to
give your weakened kidneys prompt
help. Use Doan’s Pills—a stmulant
diuretic to the kidneys.
Bellefonte folks recommend Doan’s
for just such troubles.
Mrs. H. W. Raymond, Reynolds
Ave., Bellefonte, says: “My kidneys
were weak and I had a dull aching
and soreness across my back. I could
hardly sweep. I tired easily and had
nervous headaches. My kidneys acted
too often and annoyed me. I used
Doan’s Pills from Runkle’s drug store
and was relieved of the backache. My
kidneys were in good order, too.”
Price 60c, at all dealers. Don’t
simply ask for a kidney remedy—get
Doan’s Pills—the same that Mrs.
Raymond had. Foster-Milburn Co.,
Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. 70-33
Culled Poultry Flock.
Many farmers have gone through
their poultry flocks during the sum-
mer months, picked out the culls and
sent them to market. Much to their
surprise the remaining birds laid more
eggs than did the whole flock before
it was culled. This is because the
good hens had a better chance at the
mash hoppers and more room in the
laying house, say poultry specialists
at The Pennsylvania State College,
who advise constant culling during the
This piggie’s right I want to
See him wearing his big 0. K.
—Young Mother Hubbard
Twice inspected are the
hams and other meats we
sell—once by Uncle Sam
and once by our expert buy-
er. You're protected in
quality and price. Delivery
promises kept means keep-
ing customers.
Beezer’s Meat Market
34-34-1y Bellefonte, Pa.
in the morning.
Leave Buffalo—_ 9:00 P. M. Ea
Arrive Cleveland
*Steamer “CI
Automobile Rate—$7.50.
Send for free sectional puzzle chart of
the Great Ship “SEEANDBEE” and
32-page booklet.
“ The Cleveland & Buffalo Transit Co.
| Cleveland, Ohio Co
Fare, $5.50 i
Your Rail Ticket is
on the Boats
tful night on Lake Erie
Makes a pleasant break in your journey. A good bed in a clean,
cool stateroom, a long sound sleep and an appetizing breakfast
Daily May 1st to November 15th
: . stern
*7:00 A. MA Sanda Time
UFFALO?” arrives 7:30 A. M.
Connections for Cedar Point, Put-in-Bay, Toledo, Detroi
Ask your ticket agent or tourist agency on tickets Yi C& 3 ay Wer Points:
Leave Cleveland—9:00 P. M.
Arrive Buffalo —*7:00 A. M.
The Great Ship
Length, 500 feet, -
Breadth; 98 feet
6 inches,
Lyon & Co.
Lyon & Co.
oDBCialSrnnemunat fGUS|
In Every Department,
E==A visit to our store will mean money-saving
for you.
We have slashed prices again.
Summer Ready-to-Wear and Piece Goods must
go to make room for our New Fall Arrivals.
Silk and Light Wool Dresses
at $10.75; Voile and
English Broadcloth $2
up; Spring and Fall Coats—a good range of colors and
sizes—at $8.00.
. included in thi le—
All Summer Dress Materials crepes. vores, English
Broadcloths and Gingham.
For the School Kiddies
we have Gingham
Dresses as low as
08 cents; Wash Suits and Crepes g8 cents.
JT) One Special Lot of Children’s Socks—3 pairs for $1.00,
all sizes and colors; 3; lengths.
—1 table of Shoes
The Biggest Bargain Ever Offered .,. 1 .aics aa chit.
dren—just the thing for the kiddies for school wear—$1 up.
New Fall Arrivals
Canton Crepes, Crepe de Chine, the New
Flannels 54 in. wide, in all the latest shades—
Pansy, Pencil Blue, Jade, Tan, Brown,
Russian Green, Cuckoo, Burgundy.
Lyon & Co. « Lyon & Co.