Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, July 31, 1925, Image 7

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    "Bellefonte, Pa., July 31, 1925.
We are the roadside flowers,
Straying from garden grounds;
Lovers of idle hours,
Breakers of ordered bounds.
If only the earth will feed us,
If only the wind be kind,
We blossom for those who need us,
The stragglers left behind.
And lo! the Lord of the Garden,
He maketh His sun to rise,
And His rain to fall like pardon,
On our dusty paradise.
On us He hath laid the duty—
The task of the wondering breed—
To better the world with beauty,
Wherever the way may lead.
Who shall inquire of the season,
Or question the wind where it blows ?
‘We blossom, and ask no reason;
The Lord of the Garden knows.
eer lp leer ee.
By Levi A. Miller.
Our American people are, as a rule,
rarely ever satisfied with conditions
. as they exist. Some people are never
contented, but keep themselves con-
stantly on the rack by imagining that
they would have been much happier
and better off if they had only mar-
ried the other lover, or done so and so,
or this or that. It may seem queer,
but not long since a gray-haired phy-
sician asked a boy to kick him out of
his office because he had not gone into
the ministry.
A thought occurs; probably he had
come to the conclusion that it might*
be more creditable in the hereafter to
have been a soul curer than a health
cobbler. But, no matter what he
thought, he was thoroughly disgusted
with himself. Ten to one if he were a
preacher he would feel like kicking
himself out of the pulpit every time
he went into it because he hadn’t stud-
ied medicine, or something else.
Now, here is one of the same sort,
and the chances are he is living a mis-
erable life, all because he didn’t mar-
ry the black-haired girl. I met a rath-
er intelligent individual on our state
road recently; he said, I am told you
wrote that article on red-headed wom-
en, which appeared in one of our coun-
ty papers some months ago. Of
course, 1 could not avoid pleading
His batteries were at once focussed
on me. He said, “You know nothing
about red-headed women. I do, and
that’s the difference betwixt wus. I
have lived with one for thirty-eight
years, last July, and I know a plague
of a sight more about them than I
want. I am not going to say anything
hard about my wife, because she does
not deserve it, but I just want to tell
you, as a friend, that you don’t know
anything about red-headed wives. As
1 said before;-I do, for- I have been-
there—in fact, I am there now. But
I must admit you hit it exactly about
red-headed women being ardent in
love. You might have said they are
vehement. They love with a ven-
geance that is only equaled by their
jawing. When the love fit is on there
is nothing in the world they will not
do for you, and when it is off there is
nothing they will do—this may seem
like contrariness, and so it is, but it is
not the common article. I call it red-
headed contrariness, to distinguish it
from other brands. But this is what
I wanted to say: Had I married a
certain black-haired damsel with
whom I was deeply smitten, I would
have been a happier man, and, in-
stead of being merely well-to-do, 1
would have been rich. I would have
married the brunette if my golden
haired angel, as I called her then, had
not loved me so vehemently. Why,
sir, she loved me harder than a tilt-
hammer can strike, and I'll be honest
enough to say that I thought I re-
turned in kind. The brunette was
colder, more calculating and different.
If she had pitched in like the other 1
expect she would have landed me. I
shall never forgive her for not doing
it, for she is not happy, neither am I.
My wife is just as vehement as she
was then, but not in the same line.
Then it was all kisses and caresses;
now it is all fire and fagot. I rather
guess she loved me too hard at the
start and exhausted the supply.
any of your friends are contemplating
marriage with red-headed ladies, tell
them to stop. They may be happy,
but my experience teaches me that
they are not the kind to make a man’s
life one unbroken stream of happiness.
They are quick-tempered, stormy, pet-
ulant and irritating. If you or any of
your friends should happen to fall
victims to golden curls, you shall ever
have my heartfelt sympathy.”
A real angel hasn’t the power to
make some men happy. They may
not do things purposely to render
themselves unhappy, but they neglect
the things that will make them happy.
These are the ones who go around and
blame it on the color of their wives’
hair or eyes, the shape of their noses
or chins, or upon their gentle mother-
in-law. Irritable or cranky, he ought
to make due allowance for it, remem-
bering that she, like himself, is but
human. She may be an angel in spir-
it, but there are times in the lives of .
all when the flesh steals a march on
the spirit. He probably makes allow-
ance for this when dealing with oth-
ers, but when he comes home it is for-
gotten. How many men there are
who leave their amiability at their of-
fices when they go home at night.
While it is true that it is just as im-
possible for some temperaments to
blend agreeably as it is for oil and
water to mix, it is also true that much
of the so-called incompatability of
temper could be overcome if proper
efforts were made by both parties. A
little more red-headedness in the
world would do no harm, The tend-
ency of the times is to coldness and
heaviness. . . :
Men are growing more and more
selfish, are aspiring to become wealthy
or aiming to some great thing. Were
they warmer-blooded, more liberal
A ————
and quicker to respond to the demands :
made upon them by society, our civ-
ilization would be a higher and more
creditable type. Greatness is being
measured by the gold standard. In
the past this has invariably indicated
a decline in morals, which in turn, has
always preceded the downfall of great
The old adage that “Pride goeth be-
fore a fall,” is as true of nations as of
individuals. Pride is a manifestation
of selfishness, and selfishness is the
out-growth of coldness of blood. If
there were more red-headedness there
might be fewer great monopolists, but
there would be less poverty and igno-
Having had 2 good deal to do with
schools, I have always found that the
red-headed children were the quickest
to catch on to ideas, but am unable to
say whether they make profound
scholars or not. They are quick,
bright and active, and carry their
traits into the business world. They
like to make money and like to spend
it, and get all the comfort possible
and make others more comfortable.
The Lehigh coal fields have volun-
tarily laid aside the crown as the lead-
ing section producing and shipping
huckleberries to market, where they
masquerade as blueberries and form
the basis for shortcakes, pies and oth-
er dishes in the big cities. Many hun-
dreds of thousands of acres of moun-
tain land in that district will bear the
fruit only to see it rot on the bushes,
for the shippers have quit.
For many years the packers operat-
ed as a unit, sending out fleets of
trucks to the different mining villages
each night to buy the berries which
had been picked by the wives and the
children of the miners. The enter-
prise was profitable, with 100 to 150
cars a season being sent to New York,
Philadelphia, Cleveland, Buffalo, Chi-
cago and Boston; and with the pick-
ers being paid between $200,000 and
$275,000 a year.
For some unknown reason, after the
world war, the quality of berries de-
teriorated and the shipments were re-
fused so often that what was once a
good, paying business turned into one
where losses threatened and finally
developed in 1922, with the condition
worse in 1923 and so bad in 1924 that
the shippers threatened to disband
their organization.
No longer do the trucks go to the
mining hamlets each evening and the
headquarters of the packers’ associa-
tion has been given up. No systemat-
ic gathering of the berries is pursued
and, while some small shipments go to
market daily, the bulk of the fruit re-
mains unpurchased. The season lasts
from June to late in July or early Au-
gust and the production by pickers re-
mains unabsorbed, since there are no
big buyers.
The chances are that there will be
peddling from door to door in the coal
region towns for a time and then the
traffic will cease and the late berries
will remain unpicked.
... Morea, Pattsyille and Mahanoy City
are shipping the fruit to market in the
same small quantities that individual
buyers obtain, but the huge consign-
ments of other years are missing and
it is predicted that they will not re-
appear. The berries are not -culti-
vated. They grow in the native brush
in big patches covering whole moun-
tain sides.
Can Your Child Prove His Birth?
When your little one was born, did
you have his birth recorded? There
should have been some one—doctor,
nurse or parent—to report the im-
portant event to the local health offi-
cer, so that he in turn might notify
your State Board of Health.
You may be inclined to say, “My
baby’s alive—so doesn’t a certificate
attesting that fact seem rather unnec-
essary?” Perhaps it does—this very
minute—but when he grows up he
may have to call upon it to prove his
rights as a citizen. It will be official
record of his age. It will prove his
right to work and earn a livelihood,
just as in childhood it proves his right
to go to school. It may permit him to
marry. It will entitle him legally to
any inheritance that may be left him.
With it he is eligible to hold office or
to secure passports for foreign travel.
It is his priceless certificate of Amer-
ican citizenship.
Be sure your baby has this neces-
sary record of birth. If it is not in
your possession now, write your State
Board of Health and ask how to se-
cure it. If you live in Pennsylvania,
South Carolina, Virginia, Kentucky,
Iowa, Maine or Mississippi, you can
have a specially attractive birth-cer-
tificate issued by the National Bureau
of the Census. Twenty-six other
States, and also the District of Colum-
bia, issue certificates of their own.
Real Estate Transfers.
William McEwen to Susie H. Mec-
Ewen, tract in Unionville; $1.
Charles Boyer Jr. to Margaret Boy-
er, tract in Patton township, et al; $1.
B. F. Leitzell to S. B. Leitzell, tract
in Bellefonte; $1.
Mary J. Harm, et bar, to W. B. Hall,
et al, tract in Snow Shoe; $4,250.
W. E. Peterson, et ux, to A. Curtiss
Thompson, ei ux, tract in Philipsburg;
A. C. Leathers, et ux, to Harry P.
Fink, tract in Howard; $1.
Harry P. Fink, et ux, to Henderson
a & Rubber Co., tract in Howard; et
al, $1.
Harry Ruhl, et ux, to Joseph Kel-
leher, tract in Bellefonte; $7,500.
Mary E. Ripka to J. E. Reed, et al,
tract in Ferguson township; $255.
ee ices
A Hint.
“Thank you,” said Jimmy, politely,
when the neighbor gave him a piece
of cake.
“That’s right, Jimmy,” said the
wvvoman, “I like to hear little boys say
thank you.”
“Well,” said Jimmy, “if you want to
hear me say it again you might give
me some more,” .
when it will be possible to travel in
Pan-American Railroad Is a Stupen-
dous Project Which Is Apparent.
ly Near Realization.
The time is approaching, and will
come sooner than most people expect,
comfort by rail from New York, Chi-
cago or San Francisco to Brazil, Santi-
ago or Buenos Aires, by the Pan-
American railroad. This great north
and south line is a stupendous project,
observes the Scientific Americar
The scheme in its entirety involves
large figures and heavy costs, the total
length of the line being 10,116 miles,
which is not so very far short of the
combined length of the three shortest
of our transcontinental systems. It
should be understood that the enter-
prise does not, and never did, contem-
plate the building of an entirely new
system of that length; for much of the
route is made up of already existing
stretches of national railroads. Tak-
ing New York as a starting point, the
line runs to the Mexican frontier, and
from thence through Mexico, Guate
mala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa
Rico, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador |
Peru, Bolivia and Argentina, to Buenos
Even today it is possible to travel by
railroad from New York to the fron-
tier of Guatemala; but from Guate-
mala to the Canal zone over half of
the line has yet to be built. The long-
est stretch of uncompleted line is
from the Canal zone to the boundary
line between Peru and Bolivia, where,
out of a total of 3,362 miles, only 542
miles have been completed. Also there
is a stretch of 127 ‘miles in Bolivia or
which work has recently been com-
menced. The line from livia to
Buenos Aires, a distance of 1,060 miles,
has been completed. To date 6.500
miles out of a total of 10,116 miles
have been built.
Water Denizen | ac
Has Few Vitai Urgaru
The little creature called the lance
lot is slender and pointed at both ends
ahd not very easy to see, since it is
almost transparent and is only from
sh inch and a half to two und a haif
inches in length,
It lives in shallow water and likes
tn stick its head end into the sand,
fpto which it burrows with great
rapidity. It remains thus for a long
time with its tail sticking out. When |
on the surface of the water it lies on |
its side.
While it can neither see nor hear,
there is reason for believing that it |
possesses the senses of smell and |
taste. Its eggs are laid about sunset
and the larvae hatch out early the
next morning.
The lancelot has no head. More
over, it has neither legs nor pairs of
fins. It bas a mouth, however, placed
at one end, which, therefore, may be
called the head end of the body.
It has a stomach, a very simple
form of liver and another simple or-
gan which takes the place of a heart,
since it is capable of contracting and
thus forcing the blood, which is quite
colorless, ‘forward to the area of the
gills, where it is purified.—Review of
The Unity of Nature
Nature can only be conceived as
existing to a universal and not a par-
ticular end; to a universe of ends, and
not to one—a work of ecstasy to be
represented by a circular movement,
as intention might be signified by a
straight line of definite length. Each
effect strengthens every other. ere
is no revolt in all the kingdoms fro.
the common weal; no detachment of
an individual. Hence the catholic
character which makes every leaf an
exponent of the world. When we be-
hold the landscape in a poetic spirit,
we do not reckon individuals. Nature
knows neither palm nor oak, but only
vegetable life, which sprouts into for-
ests and festoons the globe with a
garland of grasses and vines.—
Emerson. : .
Unique British Island
Most of Britain's islands have their
story, which is sometimes unique.
The most striking instance, perhaps,
is Sunk island, in the Humber—a lit-
tle world that has the peculiar distinc-
tion’ of being. the youngest bit of
It 1s, in point of age, a mere bant-
ling, having been formed in compara-
tively recent times of land carried
away by the sea from the northeast
coast. This land was swept down to
Spurn head and then up the Humber,
where it lodged and in time formed
an island. The process is still going”
on, and as a result the island continues
to grow. The public is enriched with-
out knowing it; for this curious for-
mation is the property of the Crown.
Rawlinson Was Peeved
A number of good stories center
around General Lord Rawlinson, who
for 40 years was connected with the
British army in India. The general
was brought prominently before the
British public eye by being home on
furlough. While he was in command
of a column during the South African
war, Lord Rawlinson was constantly
sending in demands for heliographs,
with no result. At last -hen drawing
near Kroonstadt, in whut was then
the Qrange River colony, he signaled
again to ask whether his heliographs
had arrived. Officialdom, however, was
rampant, and wanted to know “What
de you want them for?’ Back went
the reply with caustic brevity, “To fry
‘spot is level.
i up to mark on lower end, then set can
: crete and fill lard can.
kidneys on, of course!”
—No longer need the suburbanite
be satisfied with lawns as bumpy as
a rhinoceros’ fhose and as difficult to
mow as they are ugly to the eye! With
materials already at hand, or easily
and inexpensively acquired, and with
the expenditure of but two Saturday
afternoons’ time, he can have a lawn
roller just as efficient as that possess-
td by any of his neighbors.
With a discarded length of 18-inch
water pipe and a 50-pound lard can
which he can purchase from his grocer
for a few cents, he has the first essen-
tials. Next he can secure from the
children’s sand pile sufficient sand to
fill the lard can two-thirds full. He
will have to buy a 100-pound bag of
cement, of which he will need about
35 pounds. (As this costs but a dol-
lar, and as the remaining cement can
be untilized in other ways or disposed
of to neighbors who are sure to want
a similar roller, there need be no
waste attached to this item.) I am
listing below everything needed for
the construction of the roller itself—
the handle I will discuss later:
Sand, cement, water, 50 pound lard
can and top, washtub, sand screen,
hoe, 18 inch water pipe, chisel, ham-
| mer, paper 14 inches square, scissors,
The sand screen (which is simply
very coarse mesh screen tacked on all
four sides to strips of wood) is placed
across the top of washtub. Fill the
lard can two-thirds full of .sand and
pour through screen into tub; then fill
the lard can one-third full of cement
and pour into tub. Mix sand and ce-
ment thoroughly with hoe but do not
add water now.
Lay top of lard can on piece of pa-
per and trace around it. Remove top
and cut out where you have marked.
You now have a round piece of paper
the exact size of the top and bottom
of can. Fold this in half; in half
again; from the folded corner cut out
a square exactly half the diameter of
pipe. Unfold and you have a round
paper exactly the size of can, with a
square hole the diameter of pipe
through the center. (Pipe is to be the
axle upon which roller turns.)
Now turn can upside down and with
corner of chisel mark outline of hole
on bottom of can. Set can up on block
so that you have a firm surface to cut
against, and with hammer and chisel
cut out square hole where you have
previously marked it. Repeat this
process with the top of can. Both bot-
tom and top now have a square hole
in the exact center, and the exact di-
ameter of axle.
Now with pencil mark axle 8 inches
from each end. Decide where roller
lis to stand until set, being sure the
Drive axle into ground
on axle.
You are now ready to mix your con-
Mix sand and
cement very thoroughly while dry.
Add water, mix thoroughly. Add
mdfe water until the mixture is like
mush and you can no longer find any
sand or cement in its original state.
Now fill can up to the first ridge
around top. Put on top, letting axle
protrude through it, and let it stand
until the next Saturday. This centers
axle in exact middle of roller at both
ends and is a very necessary part of
the process. Nothing is more exas-
perating than the failure which will
result if you do not thus firmly fix
both ends, where a careless touch can-
not jar axle off center. :
This completes your first Saturday
afternoon’s work. Next Friday as-
semble all the materials for your han-
dle, for under ordinary conditions the
concrete will be firmly set:
12 feet of lumber 2 inches wide and
7-8 inch thick. 4 corner irons with 2
screw eyes in each angle. 16 3-16
inch screws, 3-4 inch long. Saw, ham-
mer, brace and bits, pliers, hand screw
driver, pencil, chisel, can opener, 8
The first thing is to finish the prep-
aration of roller. Pull axle out of
ground, lay roller flat, one seam in can
uppermost. With hammer and chisel
cut through seam just above level of
concrete. (This should be at bottom
of first ridge at top of can.) Now in-
sert can opener in the opening thus
made and cut around to the other
seam, when the chisel will again be
necessary. Continue cutting until you
have rim entirely severed from can.
Now with your hammer and quick,
firm downward blows bend this ex-
tended edge of can down flat against
end of roller. The bottom you will
leave as it is—unless you are extreme-
ly ambitious and strong as Samson,
so that you can pull lard can entirely
off by the use of pliers at seams! Now
insert screw driver under plate which
holds handles and pull off each handle.
The little rivets you cannot get out,
but as they are so small they will not
injure the lawn. Your roller is now
Saw your lumber into two 4 foot
pieces, one 15 inch piece and one 13
inch piece. Measure up 3 inches from
one end of each long piece, place a dot
in center of plank and bore a hole
through each piece, the diameter of
axle. Now measure up 12 inches from
each hole and draw a line straight
Now take the 18 inch piece, place
corner iron in center of each end, be-
ing sure uprights are plumb with end
of strip, and mark where screw eyes
come. Take 15 inch strip, measure in
1 inch from each end, draw a line
straight across, place corner irons
with ends parallel to this line and
mark where screw eyes come. Take
off corner irons and with 1-8 inch bit
drill holes 1-2 inch deep.
Replace angles. With light tap of
hammer insert a'screw in each hole
and with screw driver bit in brace,
screw them down.
Now take one of the 4 foot strips,
lay it down flat, marked side upper-
most. (I suggest the back steps, as
you can stand on lower step and won't
have to stoop.) Let upper end of strip
project beyond edge of step; take the
18 inch strip, hold it upright against
line, corner iron toward long end, and
mark where screw eyes come. Take
15 inch strip, letting it extend to out-
er edge of other end of side strip, cor-
ner iron facing 13 inch cross strip.
Do the same for other side rail. Now
bore holes as you did for crosspieces,
replace crosspieces, insert screws and
screw down, leaving, however, the last
side rail free until after one side of
handle is attached to roller.
Now take roller, insert one end of
axle in hole in handle; then take other
in corner irons, bring side rail to
place and insert axle; insert screws
and screw down tight. Here you will
have to use the hand screw driver as
*the space is too limited for the use of
Slipping Away?
Bellefonte People Advise You to Act
in Time.
Is failing health making you uneasy
and unhappy? Are you tired, weak
and dispirited? Suffer daily backache
weaken, the whole system is upset.
You have dizzy spells, headaches and
urinary irregularities. You feel all
worn out. Use Doan’s Pills—a stim-
ulant diuretic to the kidneys. Thous-
ands recommend Doan’s. Here is
Bellefonte proof:
Samuel Weaver, S. Water St., says:
“I almost got down with backache and
mornings I felt so lame and stiff I
could hardly bend over to put on my
shoes. During the day I suffered ter-
ribly and my kidneys acted irregular-
ly. Doan’s Pills from Runkle’s drug
store benefitted me in every way.”
Price 60c, at all dealers. Don’t
simply ask for a kidney remedy—get
Doan’s Pills—the same that Mr. Wea-
ver had. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfrs.,
Buffalo, N. Y. 70-30
in the morning.
Leave Buffalo=_ 9:00 P. M
Automobile Rate—$7.50.
Send for free sectional puzzle chart of
the Great Ship “SEEANDBEE” and
32-page bookiet.
The Cleveland & Buffalo Transit Co.
Cleveland, Ohio
Fare, $5.50
Your Rail Ticket is
Good on the Boats
Lyon & Co.
FE Your Health Sowly| :
ana stabbing, rheumatic twinges?
Then look to your kidneys! The kid-
neys are the blood-fiiters. Once they
a ‘ . AINE,
brace and bit. Drive two nails care-
fully from outside of side rails “into
cross strip and from top of handle
down through side rails.
You now have a very ship-shape
roller and with the addition of a coat
of black paint, the humble origin of
the lard can is entirely concealed.—
By Pattie T. Wiley, in Woman's Home
——For good, reliable news always
read the “Watchman.” .
Geese are funny—never learn
Can’t tell which way they
should turn.
—Young Mother Hubbard
Folks with judgment are
finding out that it pays them:
to turn to this market for
choice meats and fair treat-
ment. Our delivery system
is effective and pleasing.
Beezer’s Meat Market
84-34-1y Bellefonte, Pa.
| A restful night on Lake Erie
Makes a pleasant break in your journey. A good bed in a clean,
cool stateroom, a long sound sleep and an appetizing breakfast
Daily May Ist to November 15th -
i Eastern
Arrive Cleveland *7:00 A. M. Standard Time
*Steamer “CITY OF BUFFALO?” arrives 7:30 A. M.
Connections for Cedar Point, Put-in-Bay, Toledo, Detroit and other points.
Ask your ticket agent or tourist agency for tickets via C & B Line. New Tourist
Leave Cleveland—9:00 P. M.
Arrive Buffalo —*7:00 A. M.
‘The Great Ship
Length, 500 feet,
_ Breadth, 98 feet
6 inch
Our August Sales Offer
Scores of Tempting Values
at. Sacrifice
All Symmer Goods Must. be Sold
Prices ;
See our Silk Dresses (all colors, all
sizes) at less than cost of manufacture.
Ladies’ and Misses’ Summer Coats
reduced for quick disposal.
Dress Goods
All Voiles, Figured and Bordered,
Crepes, Silks, at astonishingly low prices.
36in. Unbleached Muslin...10c. per yard
Lyon & Co. dh Lyon & Co.