wu “ people who saved it for Bema im EEE SETS) INK SLINGS. —1In just another week we’ll be tak- ing up the vigil for April 15th, 1926. —Lunger Wion thinks Tuesday's rain was bad for the little potatoes. —Wheat is going down. It always does just about the time the farmers who can’t afford to hold it begin to thresh. —When some, who think they are in politics, don’t know just where they’re at they call themselves pro- gressives. — Besides shaking California, earth- quakes are shaking the desires out of a lot of folks who had decided to be- come Californians. —The girl who has scenery painted on her knees must certainly be court- ing the evil eye. What she really needs is a shingle on her seat. —The fellow who is always telling you what’s the best thing to do in a given circumstance has probably never tried it himself or never had to. —Pleats are in vogue again for mi- lady’s wardrobe, but the old accordion skirt won’t get back until there is enough skirt to make an accordion out of. —Of course Senator Pepper won't be provoked if we read between the lines of his recent letter to Pinchot that he was trying to “spit in the eye of a bull dog.” —Dr. Kellogg, director of the State Bureau of Foods, has classified near- beer as a soft drink. We know very little of Dr. Kellogg, but we want to say right here that he knows a soft drink when he tastes it. —We know what has become of the old fashioned fellow who was eternal- ly wanting to borrow a quarter or a dime. There ain’t no such animal any more, because a dime or a quarter are too small for bootleggers to pay any attention to. —1In the good old days the wise groom was never fearful of his meal ticket. He bought his bride a wash- tub and a wringer and she did the rest, when he felt like telling his boss that he didn’t have to work. It’s dif- ferent now. The emancipation of woman has been a regular crepe hang-. er for man. —We notice that fifteen K. K. Klans in Colorado have surrendered their chartets and are going in for a new dark lantern enterprise called «Minute Men of America.” Evidently the organizers, the wizards and kle- gals have gotten all the easy money in sight and are burning another kiln of gold bricks for the crowd that always wants to save the nation from the : them. Fv —A shoe dealer told us, the other day, that since automobiles have come into such general use there has been a very appreciable falling off in the demand for shoes. That is natural, for when people don’t walk shoes are |; not worn out as rapidly as when ‘they do. Shoes wear out with use. Legs wear out for want of it and another generation of automobile riders may produce a species of legless man. —_Either the candidates are getting tired or the campaign is going to flop. During the last four days we have met only three persons who have expressed any curiosity a. to which way the cat is jumping. Of course we don’t want to see or hear anything undignified in a judicial race, but just for the sake of keeping up the excitement caused when they all hung their pictures in the hall of fame one of the contest- ants might go so far as to slap one of the others on the wrist. —Elsewhere in this edition our co- worker, Gates, is worrying himself into a frenzy for fear we won't have a candidate for burgess. As Gates isn’t particular—we get the idea from his importunity for anybody to run— we want to suggest Hardman P. Har- ris. Hard would make a helluva good burgess. We'd just love to see him in custody of the key to the borough. Clothe him with the authority and there will be less stepping on the gas or more fines turned in to the borough treasury. —Some fellow by the name of Smith, out in Minneapolis, has invent- ed an attractometer that shows that the sun has “black rays” and that Ikey Newton was all wrong about his law of gravitation. This Smith man in- sists that the sun has a pushing pow- er over the earth, instead of a pulling one, as Ike thought. Smith or no Smith, “black rays or no black rays,” push or pull we are not going to per- mit ourselves to become overheated about something that can’t be changed by. a swipe of his pencil. — What epitaph our survivors de- cide to have carved on the stone that marks our last resting place has been a matter that never came into mind until a few days ago, when a corres- pondent sent us one she had copied from a stone in a cemetery at Wood- stock, N. Y. It is a tribute to John Child, who died in 1816, and runs like this: He rushed in to eternity A dreadful God to view He neither settled his affairs Or bid his friends adieu. Maybe that was an expression of complimentary thought in 1816, but we're not taking any chances on the evolution of English during the cen- turies that we will be gone. If any- body gets rhymy over our departure let them publish it in the “Watch- man,” but for Heaven’s sake, save our marker from the humiliation of deter- iorating into a curio. BELLEFONTE STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION. , PA.. JULY change Compliments. There is some justification for the rebuke administered by Senator Pep- per to Governor Pinchot in a letter dated Monday and affectionately ad- dressed to “Dear Gifford.” On Satur- day last the Governor took the liberty of censuring the Senator for recom- mending the reappointment of John H. Glass, of Shamokin, to the office of United States marshal for this dis- trict. Mr. Glass, the Governor said, is “notoriously wet” and that “his ap- pointment would be a direct affront to every believer in the constitution and the law and would have the effect of seriously weakening the enforcement of the law throughout his district.” It is probably true that ultra prohibi- tionists are displeased. But what license has the Governor to protest in such language to the Senator? Mr. Pepper pretends to be quite as “dry” as anybody else and possibly would have preferred to rec- ommend a “dry” candidate for the of- fice, which as a matter of fact is a part of the machinery for enforcement of the Volstead law. But he is a can- didate for Senator and his most dan- gerous antagonist for the office is the Governor, who has the “dry” vote of the State “on ice.” Senator Pepper is an aristocrat in social life and a dile- tante in politics. But he is practical enough to understand that it is un- wise for a candidate to help his ene-. mies, and by appointing a “dry” can- didate he would be conserving the in- terests of Pinchot at the expense of himself. In his reply the Senator assures “Dear Gifford” that he has fulfilled his public obligations in the matter according to his judgment and con- science. He declares that he examin- ed the official record of Mr. Glass and gave full opportunity to the opponents of the candidate to make and prove charges against him, which they fail- ed to do. After thus justifying him- self he proceeds to throw a harpoon into Gifford’s ribs by adding “the dif- ference between your methods and mine is that you act. on impulse with- out having: all the facts and I sift loose talk and try to get the facts.” This is a rather serious charge against a public official and it may be suscept- ible of proof. ——Baseball magnates complain of ‘too many home runs but nobody has heard anybody complain that his home team is to blame. The Pittsburgh Bank Scandal. The report of Attorney General Woodruff of his investigation of the Pittsburgh bank scandal reveals the methods of the Republican machine in its worst form. John F. Bell, in his capacity of party leader, obtained from the cnstodians of public funds, State, county, city and township, de- posits in his banks upon hazardous terms and in excess of safe limits and used the funds thus acquired for per- sonal advantage. It may be that he was within the law in these operations, for as the Attorney General declares the legal restraints in .the matter are inadequate. But it seems that in mak- ing false returns to the officials who favored him he is culpable and is like- ly to be arraigned in court. The principal cause of the scandal, according to the Attorney General, was the “one man control of a bank- ing institution, the consequent over- whelming effect upon subordinates, whereby they did just what the one man directed and the concentration of loans to one interest, namely to that of John A. Bell.” But as a matter of fact the fault rests on political influ- ence and favoritism. Mr. Bell acquir- ed his dominating control of the bank through the politicians with whom he exchanged favors and used the power thus obtained to promote the interests of those who had favored him. In this interchange of services the func- tions of the bank were prostituted and the interests of its patrons sacrificed. Mr. Bell became a banker, it ap- pears, because he was able to get cus- todians of public funds to place the money. Having become a banker he developed the unusual capacity in em- ploying the public funds entrusted to his keeping to recuperate the waning fortunes, financial and political, of his political friends. He gave signed checks in blank to Herman Kephart while he was State Treasurer, to de- ceive the public and accountants and took like liberties with public funds in his care to help himself when in finan- cial trouble. All in all he was a handy man in the Republican machine and a typical leader in the organization of that party in Pennsylvania. What the result will be is left to conjecture. ———————— French troops are being with- drawn from the Ruhr region and doves of peace are hovering over Europe. ————————————— ——There was enough monkey bus- iness in the Scopes case to make a second rate menagerie. Gifford and George Wharton Ex-| Chairman Oldfield on Right Line. Representative Oldfield, of Arkan- sas, chairman of the Democratic Con- gressional committee, contemplates a trip through the middle west section of the country next month with the viiew of discovering what is the mat- ter with the Democratic party in Wis- consin, North and South Dakota, Min- nesota, Iowa and Nebraska. In the nature of things all those States ought to have developed strong Democratic voting power in the last Presidential contest, whereas they failed signally and almost shamefully. Mr. Oldfield, who is a capable student of public af- fairs, with an acute and analytical mind, is sufficiently optimistic to be- lieve that the reasons for the delin- quency can be traced and removed. It is a worthy purpose. In stating his purpose Mr. Oldfield says: “It is inconceivable that the Northwest, which has always been ad- venturous and open to humane ideas of politics, should permit itself to be tied to the ultra conservative pro- gram of the Republican administra- tion. These people want something different and better than the colorless and reactionary program offered them by the Coolidge administration. The voters appear to be fed up on the ul- tra-conservatism of Coolidge and the ultra-radicalism of others. During the long fight which has been going on within the Republican party the Dem- acratic party has suffered a partial eclipse in these States but it has maintained its organization. It is the logical party to fit in the northwestern situation where the Republicans have read the old-time leaders out of the party, and where anything of a pro- gressive tinge is looked upon as rank heresy.” Chairman Oldfield shows a fine spirit in his undertaking to rejuvenate the D- ‘cratic organization of the northwest. There are plenty of Dem- ocrats in that section to make a brave fight, and if they are properly sup- ported might make it a successful con- test. For that reason Mr. Oldfield de- serves encouragement and support in his enterprise and his effort should in- | “=iped spire Democrats in other ‘sections of the country, including Pennsylvania, to similar effort in their sections. In Centre county, for example, we have every reason to believe that if the full strength of the party were brought to the polls the old-time majority might be restored. The present is the right time to undertake the work. e———————e————— —1If it hadn’t been for the adver- tising Bryan would have gotten out of it we’d have been tickled sick had that country judge in Tennessee given Clarence Darrow about thirty days for contempt of his court. There comes a time when it is wholesome to teach even a Darrow that the law is bigger than some of its gifted distortionists imagine it to be. The Scopes Trial at Dayton. The Scopes trial in Dayton, Tennes- see, which might be called anything except a court proceeding, has fortu- nately drawn to a close, but unhappily without result helpful to religion, ed- ucation or anything else useful. From the beginning it was obvious that the defendant would be “fount guilty as charged.” The Legislature of Tennessee had enacted a law which, though absurd, was within its power to pass. Professor Scopes had know- ingly and wilfully violated that law. His only defense was that the law was unconstitutional and therefore invalid. Instead of addressing themselves to that purpose his lawyers undertook to make an issue of Science against the Bible. In that choice they invited de- feat. 2 Few men of sound reasoning powers will assert that the theory of evolu- tion conflicts with the doctrine in the Bible. The history of the world is a consistent record of development. From the most remote period of time wise men have differed in their inter- pretation of the Bible. But this dif- ference does not necessarily imply that one or the other disputes the doc- trine of the Bible. One may as sin- cerely believe in the divine inspiration of the Bible as the other. Only big- oted dogmatists insist that they are always right and those who disagree with them invariably wrong. In the Dayton trial both sides began wrong. Mr. Bryan, speaking for the State, alleged that the purpose of the defense was “to ridicule every person who believes in religion.” In support- ing that notion he appealed, not to reason, but to the rabble. On the oth- er hand Mr. Darrow, speaking for the defendant, fed the fires of prejudice by protesting against opening the ses- sions of court with prayer. The re- sult of these blunders is that the de- fendant was convicted and the public will not have acquired even a scintilla of information on a question of great importance. If the outsiders who were more concerned for self-ag- grandizement than for science or re- ligion had kept out some good might have resulted. One Fact Established. Governor Pinchot keeps the other leaders of his party wondering and worrying. The other day, while in Philadelphia, he entertained General Butler, director of Public Safety, for an hour or two, in his room in the Bellevue-Stratford hotel, and the bunch of near-statesmen always as- sembled about the city hall jumped at the conclusion that the object of the conference was to induce the marine General to run for Governor on what is to be known as the Pinchot ticket next year. As a matter of fact it was only a social call of the General on the Governor during which a week- end fishing party on the Governor's ample estate in Pike county was ar- ranged. There was no politics in it. There was no occasion for alarm at this time in this friendly exchange of courtesies between the General and the Governor. Immediately after the event the General assured the per- turbed politicians that he is not a can- didate for Governor or any other of- fice now. But there is peril in the fu- ture, for no mortal mind can even im- agine what may happen during the week-end intercourse in the “house of many gables” near Milford, when the hospitality of the Governor is in tide. Gifford is a. persuasive person and when he “tells it to the marines” there may come a change of mind that will bring disaster to the machine. In other words, the General may view the situation from another angle. In any event there is one thing that may be accepted as a settled fact. Gifford Pinchot, now Governor in spite of the machine, is a candidate for Sen- ator jn Congress and all the elements which make for his success are com- bining in his interest. flouting of public opinion by the ma- "chine controlled Legislature, the Bell bank scandals and the accumulating proof of insincerity in the enforce- ment of prohibition legislation by the National administration and the State party leaders, all add to the already abundant reasons why the Pennsylva- nia Republican machine should be id d off the map.” Pinchot has the money, the Teasons and he may get the votes. ——While in town last Thursday William Woods, of Osceola, made a i statement that proved very interest- ing, especially at a time when so many are discussing the judicial contest in the county. Mr. Woods is the regis- tration assessor of Rush township and was here to make return of his work to the County’Commissioners. In his tabulation of the voters of the West precinct of Rush he discovered that the Republicans have lost 36, while the Democrats have gained 41 and the Prohibitionists suffer a loss of 1. Mr. Woods had no explanation to make of the significant change of political af- filiation other than to say that a great many miners have been compelled to move out of the field because of scarc- ity of work. That might account for the Republican loss, but what of the Democratic gain under the same in- dustrial conditions? It can be ascrib- ed only to changes in political allign- ment brought about through dissatis- faction with present conditions and, if it should be reflected everywhere in Centre county, as it is shown to be in the West precinct of Rush, the com- ing judicial contest has a new element of uncertainty, injected into it. ER NS —We would be inclined to put some faith in the recent announcement of the American Automobile Association to the effect that “women are just as competent drivers as men” if they would only stay on their own side of the road when one meets them. We meet very few women drivers who don’t act as if they imagined them- selves all bedecked in orange blos- soms in the centre aisle of the church instead of on a public highway where mere man has some rights too. ——————— ee —————— —Clarence Darrow doubtless is a brilliant lawyer. He has argued, plead and won many important and seemingly hopeless cases. Being an avowed agnostic he probably thinks there will be no final tribunal for him to face. Those of us who do, though our tongues be cleft, our simple faith will stand us in better stead than the dramatic oratory of this man who scoffs at the miracles of the Bible with the thought of destroying the value of all its teachings. ———The President of Mexico claims that he has cut $9,000,000 out of the expenses of his War Department with- in a year. Coolidge is not the only economizer. ——— A —————— ——Thus far no Democratic candi- date for Superior court judge has been announced and there are plenty of Democrats fit for the office. er —————— pee ——— ——The promise of frequent show- ers’ at this season of the year is not entirely unwelcome. The hay fever abomination is also due. 24. 1925. The flagrant’ NO. 29. The Inventive Genius. From the Philadelphia Record. The recent achievement of J. E. Barnard, of London, hatter by trade and expert microscopist by choice of leisurely avocation, who is chiefly, re- sponsible for the recent interesting discoveries in cancer research, in col- laboration with Dr. Gye, recalls the stories of other pioneers in the field of invention whose education and training were scarcely calculated to fit them for the marvelous things they accomplished. In a casual review of such men in this country the first name that comes to mind is that of Eli Whitney, in- ventor of the cotton gin. During the Revolutionary war young Whitney was a common laborer, making nails by hand. He had had no education, but he managed to save enough to take him through Yale College. Called to Georgia to act as teacher, he found the job filled when he got there. He was fortunately befriended by the widow of General Nathaniel Greene, who gave him a home while he entered upon a study of law. ; His inventive skill, displayed in various odd jobs done for her about the plantation, led Mrs. Greene to rec- ommend him to a committee of plant- ers who were seeking a way to clean green cotton of its seeds. Up to that time, we are told, Whitney had seen neither the raw cotton nor the cotton seed, but, securing some cotten from which the seed had not been removed, he began to work out his idea of the cotton gin. It was perfected in a few months (in 1792) and by its use a sin-. gle farm hand was enabled to clean 1000 pounds for market in one day, as against six pounds at most under the old hand method. The principle and mechanism were so simple that they have carried through with but few changes to this day. 4 George Stephenson, who first learn- ed how to apply the hot blast to the locomotive and became the father ‘of the modern railway, was the son of a ‘fireman of a colliery engine in the mining district near Neweastle, Eng- land. As a small boy he had been a cow-herder and afterwards drove a gin horse at a colliery. . At fourteen he was assistant to his father at a shilling a day. At seventeen he was unable to read, but he quickly reme- died that deficiency, and it, was only a few years later that he gaws tothe world his miner’s safety lamp at the same time that Sir Humphrey Davy was producing his. On September 27, of this year, 1925, England—and doubtless the rest of the civilized world—will celebrate the centenary of the opening of the first railway over which passengers and freight were carried by a locomotive. George Stephenson was the genius who was responsible for that. These are only two of the great men of the ages who evolved much from little. - Many others could be cited. In our own time we have Thomas Alva Edison, who began his career as a newsboy on a railroad run- ning between Detroit and Port Huron. BR Hin An Outside View of the “Watchman’s” Bank Plan. From the Clearfield Republican. George R. Meek, editor of the “Democratic Watchman,” Bellefonte, who recently won out in the Centre County Bank case before the United States Supreme court, offers a very easy and practical plan to the cred- itors and others interested to recoup losses and at the same time supply a much needed want. He suggests re- organizing the bank with a national bank charter, offers to find at least a third of the capital, men and interests sufficient to start the enterprise along wholesome lines. Naturally, Mr. Meek’s plan is meeting’ with opposi- tion from the other banks of the town. That is to be expected. That there is room for another bank has long since been demonstrated. There were three banks in Bellefonte for many years and all thrived when the management was virile and on the job. That the creditors would soon be made whole goes without saying. The experience of the defunct bank and those con- nected with it would serve to keep everybody in the re-organized concern on their toes. Two New Cures. From the Pittsburgh Post. A than afflicted with stuttering found the impediment in his speech gone after a fall in an airplane last week. And there was a deaf-mute near Franklin,- Pa., who recovered his speech after being shocked and burned by lightning last Thursday. The cures are impressive; but it is doubted if any one will ever take them volun- tarily. Worth a Battle. From the Evening Public Ledger. Dr. Ellen C. Potter says the time is not far off when poverty will have been eliminated from this country. That seems a startling case of op- timism, but it is at least a goal worth fighting for. ——A New York contemporary complains that Governor Pinchot “talks too much” and some of the Pittsburgh politicians concur in that opinion. ——The postal rate law passed at the last session of Congress having disappointed expectations the Depart- ment is asking for a new measure. SPAWLS FROM THE KEYSTONE. —Rabbits are so numerous in the valleys surrounding Hazleton that they are de- stroying much vegetation and damaging young trees. : —Appointment of Dr. Charles E. Dickey, of Pittsburgh, as a member of the State Council of Education was announced at the Governor's office. —The decapitated body of Lawrence Kuasnick, aged 42 years, of Hudson, was 1 found along the tracks of the Central Rail- road after a train had passed. —In attempting to escape from jail at Mercer early on Sunday John Girsh, aged 21 years, under sentence to be electrocuted October 26, was probably fatally injured when he fell sixty-five feet to the ground after thre rope he was using snapped. —Maple sugar producers in Clearfield county are puzzled over the appearance of a new worm which is reported to be caus- ing destruction to the trees in the sugar groves there. Specimens of the pest have been sent to the State Agricultural Depart- ment at Harrisburg for identification. —Spurning a cash register and a safe containing large sums of money, robbers early on Monday centered their attention upon an iron strong box, containing two cases of whiskey, in the McGill drug store, at Pittsburgh. They carted the iron safe away. Their loot included 16 pints of whiskey removed from shelves. —John Arthur Ertel, seven years old, of DuBoistown, Lycoming county, was in- stantly killed at 3:30 o’clock last Thurs- day afternoon when he was struck by a bolt of lightning while in the kitchen of his grandfather's home near Montoursville. The bolt upset chairs, tore away some of a partition and ripped up the linoleum of the room. —Emptying a bottle of ‘moonshine’ with several companions at Shenandoah, on Saturday, John Swerer, 45 years old, went to a cemetery, placed a stick of dy- namite under his head and blew himself to death. The explosion attracted the at- tention of residents of the vicinity, who identified the body by pay checks in the pockets. —Despondent because of ill health, re- sulting from being shell-shocked during the Meuse-Argonne offensive, Roy L. Berkebile, 29 years old, of Johnstown, end- ed his life on Saturday by hanging from a tree in the woods near Arbutus. Park. His body was found by two boys. He was a member of company H, Fifty-sixth pio- neer infantry, and served elev months over seas. ~~ —Francis Yoder, of Somerset, fifty years old, was mysteriously shot, in the woods near his home while on a hunting trip, and died a short time later in the Somerset hospital. He was the father of twenty children, fifteen of whom are living. Offi- cials are working on the theory that Yo- der was struck by a stray bullet from the rifle of another hunter as Yoder and his gon, who accompanied him, had not fired a shot. —Although a bolt of lightning ripped open the side of the home of ‘Wanford Gil- more, at Yardley, Pa. it did not injure “Tex,” a pet dog owned by Gilmore. The animal was fastened to a chain in the yard. After striking the house the bolt jumped tothe dog chain, which it tore apart link by link. At the” coupler “attached to the dog’s neck the bolt jumped and sank into the ground, while the frightened animal fled howling. —Believing that Silas Mostrander, a well-known resident of Pine Creek valley, Lycoming county, had buried $12,000 in gold on his farm near Waterville, shortly before his death, a few months ago, his heirs, together with the administrator of his estate met at the farm last week and engaged in a treasure hunt. Although they made excavations in several spots where they hoped they might find the mon- ey their efforts were unrewarded. —Shocked by a bolt of lightning which wrecked the home of Miss Julia Heron, at Pleasantville, Venango county, Thursday, A. N. Burdick, a deaf mute recovered his speech. He was able to talk and tell co- herently of the shock and the effect of the lightning. Burdick was lifting a spoon to his lips when the lightning hit the house. Furniture was splintered, part of the dwelling destroyed, and the spoon sO charged with electricity that Burdick was burned about the mouth. ? —Quick action of Allen T. Roberts, of Slatington, a Jersey Central railroad fire- man, on Monday saved the lives of the Rev. Carl Newderfer, wife and child, of Nanti- coke, Pa. The clergyman and his family were motoring to Jersey City about 6 a. m,, when he took a wrong road and plunged into the Lehigh canal at Weissport. Rob- erts saw the accident and plunging into the water, released the occupants of the submerged machine. Mrs. Newderfer sus- tained slight injuries and was taken to the Palmerton hospital.’ —Under the group plan, arrangements have been made to insure the lives of the one hundred priests of the Altoona dio- cese of the Catholic church by Bishop John J. McCort, head of the see. The clergymen of the diocese will pay the premiums joint- ly. Each is insured for $5,000, one-half of the proceeds to be allotted to a Catholic charity and the other half to a personal beneficiary, both to be 'named by the in- sured. Under a disability clause the full amount of the insurance will be made in monthly installments to the clergyman who becomes disabled before the age of 60. —Carl Verna, his father, Christ Verna and Kerney Morris, all of Holsopple, Som- erset county, were asphyxiated, last Fri- day, by gas in a well on he Verna prop- erty. The youth, who was 16 ‘yeirs-af age, fell into the well which is in course of con- struction, and was overcome by what is believed to have been black damp or marsh gas. His father met a similar fate when he went to the rescue and Morris, a neigh- bor, died in the attempt to rescue the fath- er and the son. Miners of the Victor Coal company removed the bodies after Jack Swayne, another volunteer, almost suffered the fate of the elder Verna and Morris. —Verna Torsell, aged four years, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Torsell, was fa- tally burned at her home in Lock Haven, at ten o'clock Saturday night when she at- tempted to light the oil stove in her par- ent’s absence. Her dress caught fire, and although her five year old sister, Dorothea, made heroic efforts to put the fire out, the child ran screaming to the front porch where the maid, Myra Simcox, of Bitumen, was seated. The maid with. the help of Howard Barner, a neighbor, put the fire out and tore the clothing from the child's body. The child suffered severe burns of the body. She was taken to the Lock Ha- ven hospital, but little could be done.