* Braid Bellefonte, Pa., July 17, 1925. ————————————————— NEWS ABOUT TOWN AND COUNTY. — Among recent enlistments in the state police force was George L. Austin, of Blanchard. — Now that the Fourth of July is a thing of the past the next big day will be the Undine picnic at Hecla park early in August. ——A marriage license was grant- ed at Cumberland, Md., on Monday, to George Harold Owens and Catherine Hoban, both of Bellefonte. ——L. Gamble, of Bolivar, Pa., has been awarded the contract for a new six room school house at Newtown, Rush township, his bid being $31,150. ——The Milesburg baseball team will hold a big festival in that place Saturday, July 25. Ball game in after- noon—Milesburg vs. Snow Shoe. 28-2t ——1In carrying out their policy of retrenchment the Pennsylvania Rail- road company has done away with the watchman at the south Water street crossing at the Phoenix mill. — The Bellefonte chapter of the order of the Eastern Star will hold a basket picnic at Agars park, Thursday, July 23rd. This will be a joint picnic with Lock Haven and several other . chapters. ——The Centre Oil and Gas Co., of this place, is at present engaged in oiling the streets of Mill Hall and Lo- ganton and, when those contracts are completed, will cover the road leading from the highway in to Hecla Park. — Earl C. Musser, superintendent of the Keystone Power corporation, has been confined to his home on Cur- tin street, this week, with a bad at- tack of quinsy, but yesterday he was reported as being somewhat improved. —— Don’t overlook the big festival to be held this (Friday) evening, on the High school grounds, by the Boy Scouts of Bellefonte. Music will be furnished by the Odd Fellows band and the usual good things will be of- fered for sale. ah —The Logan fire company clear- ed a little over four hundred dollars at its picnic at Hecla park on July 4th. The terrific rain storm in the evening drove many people home, so that the night receipts were not as large as anticipated. ——A party of Altoona men went over to Linden Hall last week on a fishing expedition, and finding the fishing peor went a hunting for groundhogs on the Gingrich farm. One of the party shot three hogs, the largest of which weighed thirty-five pounds. : ——Robert C. Mingle has resigned as chief of police at State College, ef- fective last Wednesday, and coincident with his vesignation was the an- nouncement of his marriage, on June 26th, to Muriel I. Moore, of McKees- port, one of the teachers taking the - summer course at State College. Dr. Edith Schad, with Mr. and Mrs. Gail IB. Chaney and their smal son, left Beechview, near Pittsburgh, this week to go to New York, where they will now make their home. Mr. Chaney had been notified of his trans- fer to the east early in the summer, but important unfinished business de- layed his moving. ——W. J. Emerick has so far recov- ered his health that he was brought home from the Clearfield hospital on Thursday evening of last week. Whiie a little thin and weak he has hopes of regaining his old-time vigor with a few weeks of home life, a welcoine change following the several months he spent in the hospital. On the night of July Fourth state police raided the home of Charles Rodgers, of Snow Shoe Intersection, and uncovered a twenty gallon still, thirty gallons of whiskey and several barrels of mash. The mash was de- stroyed, the still and wet goods con- fiscated and Rodgers arrested and brought to the Centre county jail. Every man, woman and child needs a certain amount of amusement and relaxation every day, and the one place in Bellefonte where it can be ob- tained is at the Scenic. This high- class movie theatre is always com- fortable and well managed, and the motion pictures shown there are the best that can be secured. If you are not a regular get the movie habit and attend the Scenic. — Rev. J. Thomas Heistand, of Lewisburg, has accepted a call to the rectorship of St. J ohn’s Episcopal church in Bellefonte and came here last Saturday to officiate at all serv- ices on Sunday. He will not come to Bellefonte to begin his work here un- til the first of September. Rev. Heis- tand has a wife and three small cKil- dren and on coming to Bellefonte they will occupy the rectory in the rear of the church. St. John’s church has been without a regular rector since Rev. Maynard departed for Ridgway the first week in February. Caroline M. Valentine gave a “one man show” Wednesday after- noon and Friday evening of last week, in her studio at Burnham. There were about forty pictures altogether, twen- ty of which were her winter’s work at Bermuda. Last summer two of the Italian pictures were in an exhibition st Ogunquitt, Maine, being “on the line” and favorably mentioned. Miss Valentine will leave shortly to go to Ogunquitt, where she will work under Charlie H. Woodbury, the celebrated marine painter, who takes a real in- terest in his old pupils who work ser- ously. NATIONAL GUARD SOLDIER KILLED IN MOTOR ACCIDENT. Member of Boal Troop Meets Death on Way to Lewistown Celebration. George Stewart Callahan, a member of Troop A, 52nd machine gun squad- ron, formerly the Boal troop, “of Boalsburg, was thrown from a ma- chine gun truck near Reedsville, on Friday, July 3rd, while enroute to Lewistown for the big military parade on Saturday, and injured so badly that town hospital. Some eight or nine men were on the truck on its trip over the Seven moun- tains. Going down the hill near Reedsville the drive s§&#ft broke and the rear end dropping to the ground threw the rear end of the truck into the air. Callahan was thrown irom his seat onto the hard paved ..ad, sustaining a serious fracture of the skull. First class private John A. Stoner was the driver of the truck, and he stuck to the wheel, succeeding in swerving the heavy machine from the roadway into a nearby barnyard where it came to a standstill. Not- withstanding the fact that most of the guardsmen were more or less injured they hastened to the aid of private Callahan. Help was quickly summon- ed from Lewistown and Major Kohler and son Frank responded. Callahan was rushed to the Lewistown hospital and an operation performed at once, but the fracture was too serious and he died in less than an hour. The other injured men were Sergt. George W. Traxler, of Milroy, fract- ured ankle and numerous bruises and abrasions. Sergt. George W. Taylor, of Boals- burg, bruised leg. Private first class Clarence T. Ma- ben, of Milroy, bruised hip. Private Glenn Tressler, of Linden Hall, knee bruised. Private first class Stirl A. Stover, of Boalsburg, bruised hip. Private John L. McCool, of Milroy, sprained back. All the men were taken to the hos- pital to have their injuries looked after, but all were able to return to their homes but Sergt. Traxler. The troop must have had a hoodoo over it on that day. During its four month’s service on the Mexican border in 1916 it did not have a single casualty, but on July 3rd the casualty list number- ed nine, one proving a.fatality. Private Callahan, who was serving | his first year of enlistment, was a son of Mr. and Mrs. James Cailahan, of Boalsburg, and was born near Centre 20 ryears, 5 months and 18 days old. He:is survived by his parents and these brothers and sisters: Norman, Elwood, William, James, Margaret and Robert, all at home. The remains were brought from Lewistown to the troop barracks, at Boalsburg, where they lay in state until Sunday afternoon when funeral services were held. Rev. W. J. Wag- ner made a very impressive talk. The troop attended in a body and was aug- mented by the presence of Major H. Laird Curtin, Capt. Russell T. George, and a number of members of Troop B, of Bellefonte. The remains were conveyed to Centre Hall and laid to rest in the cemetery at that place. Youth Another Truck Accident Victim. Unionville Charles Musser, seventeen year old son of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Musser, of Unionville, and mail carrier between the station and postoffice, died at the Centre County hospital, at 6:30 o'clock last Friday morning, of in- juries received in a motor truck acci- dent at the Unionville station on Thursday morning. The young man, whose father is station agent at Un- ‘jonville, was leaning against the sta- tion platform watching the Miller Construction company employees transfer crushed stone from a rail- road car to a truck which had been backed up on one of the tracks. The driver of the truck was Carl Flick and when he saw a fast freight west approaching he was unable to get the motor started. He jumped to save himself and the locomotive, striking the truck, threw it around against the station platform. Young Musser either failed to realize his danger or was unable to get out of the way, as he was caught and crush- ed between the heavy truck and the platform. He was brought to Belle- fonte on the 9:40 train and taken to the hospital but nothing could be done to save his life. He was born and raised in Union- ville and in addition to his parents is survived by the following brothers and sisters: Virginia, Paul, Cathe- rine and a baby brother. Funeral services were held at the home at two o’clock on Sunday afternoon by Rev. M. C. Piper, burial being made in the upper Unionville cemetery. eee ee lp pee eeeee New Pastor of Lutheran Church Arrives. The Rev. Clarence E. Arnold, with Mrs. Arnold and their two boys, aged 12 and 14 respectively, arrived in Bellefonte, Monday evening, and next morning started establishing them- selves in the parsonage of the Luth- eran church on Linn street. Rev. Arnold will deliver his first sermon. as the regular pastor of that congregation on Sunday morning. He came here from a charge in York and had been stationed at Berwick and Baltimore before locating in that city. The congregation will tender their new pastor a reception in the church this evening. Hall on January 15th, 1905, hence was i he died within an hour, at the Lewis- | To the Subscribers to Serve the Sick Two Hundred Tenement Children | Fund—Centre County Hospital. Your board of trustees desire you to know that the work at the hospital has progressed in a very satisfactory manner; the new wing is under roof, the new boiler for the laundry and heating plant is installed, bids for the new elevator are under consideration and the plumbers and electricians are -well:ahead of the plasterers with their work. It also wants you to know, of the money paid in, the allotment for build- ing purposes is practically exhausted and future progress with the work will depend entirely on future pay- ments. Unpaid subscriptions due November 1, 1924, should be paid without furth- er delay and subscriptions due May 1, 1925, should be taken care of as quick- ly as possible. If you will be good enough to re- spond to this request within ten days, it will enable your board to save you the expense of printing, labor and postage in sending you personal state- ments of your indebtedness and pro- ceeding with the collection of the same. By order of the Board, G. H. HAZEL, President. R. L. MALLORY, Secretary. Union Open Air Services. The churches of Bellefonte will unite in an open air service on the lawn between the jail and the court house, beginning July 19th, at 6:30 p. m., and will continue each Sunday evening until August 31st. Comfortable seats are being provid- ed on the lawn. The authorities have been requested to restrict traffic on east High street, north and south of the lawn, thus doing away with the main objection to open air service. The public is cordially invited; stranger and visitor who enjoy good gospel singing; sane, thoughtful preaching and a spirit of common fel- lowship will find this lawn a good place to spend an hour of the Sabbath day. Officers of Children’s Aid Society for Coming Year. At the regular monthly meeting, June 26, of the Centre County Chil- dren’s Aid society the following offi- cers for the coming year were elect- ed: President, Mrs. Stuart Brouse; first vice president, Mrs.- Reed O. Steely; second vice president, Miss Margaret Cook; third vice president, Mrs. Gardner, State College; treasur- er, Miss Winifred Gates. Miss Daise L. Keichline, who has been secretary the past two years, resigned but, since it has been impossible to find any one competent and willing to accept this quite onerous position for which .no salary is paid, consented to continue in office until autumn when she ex- pects to go away for an indefinite stay. In the enthusiasm of taking care of the fresh air children from New York, do not lose sight of the continuous work of the Children’s Aid society and although you may not care to at- tend the meetings become a contrib- uting member by paying $1.00 annu- al dues. New Eagleville Minister an Ex- Service Man. Harry D. Wheaton preached his first sermon as pastor of the Christian church at Eagleville, on Sunday, July 5th. He is a native of West Virginia and it was while serving as a wireless operator on troop transports during the war that he heard the call to the ministry. “If 1 did not answer God’s call and become a minister, I could never look up to Him again,” were the words he employed to convey to the young wife at home his determination to become a minister. Not having even the ad- vantage of a completed high school course he was compelled to take up this work in addition to the course which is essential to the study of the ministry, working in mills and other places to procure funds which were needed to pay for his tuition. Harry “made the riffle,” and stood before W. H. Fields and the elders and deacons of the First Christian church to re- ceive his ordination as a good soldier of Jesus Christ, devoting a life to a warfare against evil. Since the last issue of the “Watchman” Mrs. Henry C. Quigley has disposed of her home on east Linn street to Bent L. Weaver, who will move there from the A. G. Morris residence on or about the first of Sep- tember. On vacating her home Mrs. Quigley will go to New York State and spend the fall months with her brother, but has made no definite plans beyond that. When Mr. Weaver vacates the Morris home it will be oc- cupied by Miss Lida Morris. ——The League of Women Voters will hold a picnic at Lakeside park, near Philipsburg, on Friday, July 24. Clearfield and Centre counties will participate and speakers from State headquarters will be present. Belle- fonte and State College are pianning to go to the meeting in the large Em- erick bus, Miss Nittany, and any one desiring to join the party will please communicate with Mrs. Robert Beach at once. from New York to Spend Two Weeks in Centre County. The recent appeal from the New York Tribune to the people of Belle- fonte and vicinity on behalf of the tenement children of New York city has met with a cordial response and arrangements have been completed to entertain two hundred children, rang- ing in age from six to sixteen years, for two weeks. They will arrive at 9:10 a. m. this (Friday) morning, and march to the Scenic whence they will be assigned to their hosts and host- esses in Bellefonte, Spring Mills, Cen- tre Hall, Linden Hall, State College, Lemont, Pleasant Gap, Milesburg, Howard and Julian. The committee, of which Rev. Reed O. Steely is chair- man, has worked zealously to assure a happy, healthy time to these pro- teges of the Tribune's Fresh Air Fund and, no doubt, there will be benefit and pleasure for all concerned. There are always some of these children who need clothing and con- tributions will be welcomed by Miss Daise L. Keichline, 209 east Bishop street, and Mrs. W. Harrison Walker, east Linn street. : ‘Five Prisoners Escaped from Rock- view on Night of July 5th. Taking advantage of the regular Sunday night movie show in the big dormitory five prisoners escaped from the Rockview penitentiary about 8:30 o’clock on Sunday evening, July 5th. The men were members of the last batch of one hundred inmates trans- ferred to Rockview from the eastern penitentiary at Philadelphia. They were George Mitchell, of Phil- adelphia county, serving from two and a half years to five for attempted robbery. His maximum sentence would expire in January, 1929. Earl Green, of Montgomery county, doing five to ten years for burglary, larceny and receiving stolen goods. He was sentenced in November, 1924. Leonard Burkhead, of Philadelphia county, serving from one and a half to three years for larceny. He was sentenced in January, 1925. ’ James Lee, of Philadelphia county, sentenced in January, 1925, for two and a half to five years for operating an automobile without the consent of the owner and larceny. John Chapman, of Dauphin county, serving a sentence of one and a half to three years for felonious entry, lar- ceny and receiving stolen goods. He was sent up in April, 1924. The men were missed before nine o’clock and one of the prisoners ad- mitted seeing them outside the stock- ade about 8:30 o’clock. Investigation showed that they had climbed over the barbed wire enclosure near the office buildings. Guards led by deputy war: den W. J. McFarland, promptly took up the chase, being considerably han- dicapped by the fact that the records and photos of the prisoners had not yet been received from the Pittsburgh office. The first definite trace of the fugi- tives was had on Tuesday when it was learned that early that morning five men, answering to the description of the escaped prisoners, had stolen a Ford car from the garage of J. W. Philips, at Boalsburg, and had gone to Potters Mills and across the Seven mountains==The next day the car was found abandoned over in the vicinity of Mifflin, but the men had all disap- peared. Information furnished state police by a woman led to the re-capture last Thursday afternoon, of George Mitch- ell and John Chapman at Summerdale, near Harrisburg. Leonard Burkhead was also sighted by the officers but made his escape. Penitentiary au- thorities were notified of the capture and went after the two men, bring- ing them to Bellefonte on Friday morning. A special session of court was held, the escaped prisoners given the customary penitentiary sentence and the same afternoon they were taken out to Pittsburgh by sheriff Taylor and two deputies. They were also held in $1,000 bail on the charge of stealing the Philips automobile. Leonard Burkhead, the third of the five prisoners to escape, was captured near Harrisburg on Friday. At a ses- sion of court, on Monday morning, he plead guilty to breaking and escap- ing and also to breaking and entering and the larceny of an automobile. He was given a duplicate of his original sentence, one and a half to three years, for breaking and escaping, and an ad- ditional one to two years for breaking and entering, sentence being suspend- ed on the larceny count in the indict- ment. eee flere. Chemical Lime Co. Put OX Another Biz Blast. Shortly after midnight on Monday night of last week, there was a rumb- ling noise and then an explosion that shook most of the houses in Belle- fonte, and those people unfortunate enough to be awake and feel and hear it had visions of an earthquake, but such was not the case. It was merely another of the big blasts put off in the quarry of the Chemical Lime and Stone company. One carload of dy- namite and three thousand feet of TNT were used and it is estimated that over one hundred thousand tons of rock and earth, mostly rock, how- ever, were dislodged. Three huge steam shovels began work the next day scooping up the rock and sending it by ten ton cars to feed the hungry maw of the ponderous crusher which grinds out a whole train load of cars every day to keep the state road sork in Bald Eagle valley on the move. i ee ——— NEWS PURELY PERSONAL. --Mrs. H. 8. Cooper will arrive here from Texas, today, to spend the summer with her aunts, the Misses Benner. —Capt. W.H. Fry was in Altoona this week attending a meeting of the grand lodge I. 0. O. I., of Pennsylvania. —Mrs. Nora Ferguson is making one of her occasional visits with her sisters at State College, having gone over Tuesday. —Miss Margaret Stewart went over to Altoona, Tuesday of last week, to join a party on a drive to Cumberland, Md. — Mrs. Mary E. Crispen, mother of Mrs. Oliver Morgan, is spending this week with her brother, James Myers, of Lock Haven. —The Misses Margaret and Jane Miller are making their annual summer visit at Briarly, as guests of Miss Elizabeth D. Green. —Mrs. 8S. Durbin Gray, of Philadelphia, is expected here tomorrow to spend the remainder of July as a guest of Miss Humes. —Mrs. Annie Hartswick, of State Col- lege, left a week ago for a two month's visit in Connecticut, with her brother, Charles Klinger. —Frank Leitzell was among those who celebrated the Fourth with friends else- where, having gone over to Punxsutawney for a week-end visit with his son. —Mrs. Sophia David and son, Jenkins, of Bound Brook, N. J., who spend their summers in Snow Shoe, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Morgan last week. —Miss Mary Gross returned to her hoe at Axe Mann the early part of the week, from a two week’s vacation visit with her sister, Mrs. Proudfoot, in Pittsburgh. —Miss Helen Shellenberger, of Philadel- phia, is visiting Miss Anne Keichline, hav- ing driven to Bellefonte Wednesday with Miss Keichline, from Huntingdon. Miss Shellenberger and Miss Keichline were classmates at Cornell. —Mr. and Mrs. David Keller motored up from Philadelphia the first of the month for a short visit with Mrs. Keller's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harper Rice, the latter being their guests on a drive to Johnstown, for a Fourth of July visit with relatives. —Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Cook and their son Charles, who have been spending Mr. Cook’s two week's vacation in Bellefonte with his father, Charles I. Cook and his daughters on east High street, will return to their home in Pittsburgh, Sunday. — Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rhoads’ guests for the Fourth of July week-end included Mrs. Rhoads’ brother, Homer Brown and his wife, of Swissvale, and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Harter and William Brown, of Canton, Ohio, the latter nephews and niece of Mrs. Rhoads. ? Miss Nellie Smith, director of nurses at the Columbia hospital, Wilkinsburg, is spending her summer vacation with the family in Bellefonte and friends in Centre county. Miss Smith came in Sunday and is now at Centre Hall, where she will be for a week. : —John Hinman Gibson will drive in from Cleveland tomorrow (o spend ten days as a guest of the Andrew J. Coox family at their home on east Linn street. Mr. Gibson's wife, the late Mrs. Blanche (ook Gibson, was” Mr. and Mrs. Cook's younger daughter. : * : Sarah Brachbill, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Bracbbill, of Williamsport, has been here with her grandmother, Mrs. W. T. Twitmire, for the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Brachbill and their son Charles joined her in Bellefonte Tuesday, while John Jr. will be here tomorrow. —Mrs. I.. H. Thompson, of Syracuse, N. | Y., and her small child, are here for the’ summer, guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Taylor, on east Linn street.’ Mrs. Thompson is better known in Delle- fonte as Miss Isabelle Davis, who was born and spent all her childhood life in Belle- fonte. —John Carver, of State College, was a business visitor in Bellefonte on Monday. Speaking of the farmers being hard at work cutting the wheat he remarked that the wheat is not as ripe as it looks; that a good many fields are blighted with rust, which gives the grain such aa over-ripe appearance. —Miss Hartman, assistant superintend- ent of the Centre County hospital, left on Tuesday to join Miss Eckert in Elmira, for a week’s motor trip through New Eng- land, leaving Miss Neese in charge of the hospital. Miss Eckert, superintendent of the hospital, is spending her vacation with friends in Elmira, having gone to New York State early in the month. —The Hon. S. McC. Swope, of Gettys- burg, who for two terms served as presi- dent judge of the Adams-Fulton district, is visiting in Bellefonte, the guest of Mr. Charles M. McCurdy. Judge Swope will spend several days this week at the Furst cabin, on Fishing creek, his first visit to this renowned stream. We hope that some of the big trout that are still to be found there, will yield to the Judge's lure. —Prof. N. N. McGrew and his brother, A. A. McGrew, who have been giving illus- trated lectures on DBunyan’s Pilgrims Progress, in this section for thirteen months, with headquarters in Bellefonte, left Monday for Lewistown, where they will continue their work. During the time spent here they gave their lecture in twen- ty-six churches, to a total attendance of eight thousand people and during the thir- ty-four years engaged in the work, they have lectured in 2,237 churches. y —Col. and Mrs. J. L. Spangler’s family house party over the past week-end includ- ed Mr. and Mrs. James A. McClain and their daughter Imily Eliza, of Spangler; Dr. and Mrs. A. E. Blackburn and their three children, Jack, Eliza and Albert Jr., with Jack's fiancee, and Miss Margaret Brisbin, all of Philadelphia. Miss Brisbin came up Saturday with the motor party from Philadelphia to spend her vacation with her uncle and aunt in Bellefonte, while Mrs. Blackbu. - and her daughters have been here since the first of the month, the rest of the party were here for the over Sunday visit only. —Mr. and Mrs. Butterworth drove in from Wilkinsburg the third of July for a visit with Mrs. Butterworth’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John L. Knisely. Mr. Butterworth was here for the Fourth and week-end only, while Mrs. Butterworth remained for ten days, leaving Sunday to motor to Al- toona with Carl Gray, where she joined Mr. and Mrs. G. Oscar Gray for the drive to Pittsburghi Mr. and Mrs. Gray had gone over to Altoona the day before to see Mr. Gray's mother, Mrs. John F. Gray, who continues in a serious condition, and from there went to Pittsburgh, where they have heen for a part of the week. —Miss Loretta Kane spent the Fourth of July with friends in Altoona, continuing her visit over the week-end. —Mrs. William Malone, of the Cadillac apartments, spent the first week of the month at her former home in Osceola Mills. —Misses Mary and Nellie Musser, of Al- toona, were Saturday night and Sunday guests of their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Gates. —Mrs. George Boal is a guest of Miss Rachel Marshall and Miss Longwell, at their home on Spring street, having come here from Washington, D. C., the early part of last week." —G. W. Ward was in from Pittsburgh last week looking after some business in- terests in Pine Grove Mills, and making his annual summer visit back home with many of his boyhood friends. —Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Broderick, of Staie College, with their family, motored to Washington, D. C.,, Fourth of July week, spending several days there as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Lingle. —Miss Theresa Shields, assistant supesr- intendent of the Altoona hospital, is spend- ing the month of July in Bellefonte with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Shields, at their home on Logan street. —Mrs. Albert T. Hoy, of Chester, with her daughters, Nannette and Louise Har- ris, are visiting the Misses Anna and Mary Hoy, of north Spring street. They arrived last Wednesday and will be here for sev- eral weeks. —Charies A. Morris, of Macon, was in town last week, having come north to look after some business relative to the stone operations in which he is interested in Georgia, remaining to spend ‘several days with his friends in Bellefonte. —Misses Florence and Hazel Dickersoa, of Detroit, Mich.,, have been guests the past week or so of Mrs. Cameron McKin- ley. The Dickerson family formerly lived in Bellefonte and the young ladies have quite a number of friends here. —Mrs. Margaret Burnet Burlingame, of New York city, was at Curtin over Sunday, a guest of Mrs. H. H. Curtin, spending a part of the time with relatives and friends in Bellefonte. Mrs. Burlingame went back east to join her son for a visit at Narra- gansett Pier, where she expects to be for the remainder of her vacation. —Miss Winifred M. Gates, a member of the clerical force in the office of the Key- stone Power corporation, anticipates leav- ing tomorrow on a two week's vacation, the first week to be spent with her brother, Edward L. Gates and family, and other relatives in Johnstown, and the second week as a guest of Mrs. A. B. Sutherland, in Huntingdon. —Mrs. M. A. McGinnis, of the Allen House, Pottsville, has been with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. James Schofield, for a part of the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Scho- field's other recent guests included W. I. McCreedy, of West New York, who was here to spend the Fourth with Mrs. Me- Creedy and their small daughter, summer ; Guests at the Schofield home. —Mrs. Margaret Hutchinson had. as guests for a part of last week, her daugh- ter-in-law, Mrs. Thomas Hutchinson, of Warren, and her two sisters, Mrs. Mary Gardner, of Scranton, and Mrs, Harriet Russell, of Kane. The time during their stay was spent mostly motoring over the county on short visits with relatives of their hostess, Mrs. Hutchinson. —Mr. and Mrs. John Sommerville, who landed on the 15th of June, following a winter spent in Europe, are now in Belle- fonte for a two week's stay at the Brock- erhoff house, having driven here from Win- burne, where they had been for a visit with Mr. Sommerville’ sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Sommerville are making their home for the present with Mrs. Sommerville's sisters, at Milton. —Claire B. Williams, of Westfield, N. J, purchasing agent for the Central R. R., of New Jersey, is spending his month's leave at the DBrockerhoff house, while visiting with his mother and sister, Mrs. George Williams and Miss Helene. Mr. Williams came to Bellefonte early in July and much of his time has been given to motoring with his friends through the meuntains of this section of the State. —Visitors entertained by Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Johnstonbaugh at their home at Axe Mann during the Fourth of July week in- cluded Mr. and Mrs. George Vetter and their son Jack, and Mr. and Mrs. Mills, who motored in from Pittsburgh; Harry Showalter, auditor of the Keystone Power Co., and Mrs. Showalter, of Ridgway; Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Culver and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Scott, of DuBois. —Mrs. Edward Moeslein, of New York city, with her two year old daughter, Sara Frances, and her cousin, Mrs. Charles Glanding, of Philadelphia, arrived in Belle- fonte Tuesday of last week. Having mo- tored up in Mrs. Moeslein’'s car, she and the child will be with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Undercoffer for the remainder of July, while Mrs. Glanding will go back to the city by train. Mr. Moeslein will join his family for his vacation and to ac- company them on the return trip home. —Mrs. J. A. Riley, of Bradford, Mrs. George P. Bible, of Bellefonte, and their brother, John Bradley, arrived here the first of July from Philadelphia, where Mrs. Riley had been for three months and Mrs. Bible for three weeks, owing to the serious and long illness of their brother. Mr Bradley’s visit to Bellefonte is for an in- definite time, or while he is convalescing from his recent sickness. Mrs. Riley was with her sister, Mrs. Bible, and other rela- tives in Bellefonte for a part of a week Mr. Riley coming to join her and to ac company her home to Bradford. —Mrs. H. M. Wetzel and her daughter Miss Mildred, left Thursday morning witl Mr. and Mrs. Nevin Wetzel, to drive to thc latter's home at Belington, W. Va., fron where they will go by train to Beech Fork for a month's stay with Mrs. Wetzel’s oth: er daughter, Mrs. G. T. Farrow. During their visit in West Virginia, Howard Wet zel, now located at Coalwood, will join hi: mother and sisters at Mrs. Farrow's spend his vacation with the family. Mr and Mrs. Nevin Wetzel had been in Belle fonte for a ten day's visit with Mr. Wet zel's mother, Mrs. Henry Wetzel, at th Earl Hoffer home. Additional personal news on page 5, Col. 1 PRE—— Bellefonte Grain Markets. Corrected Weekly by C. Y. Wagner & Co. Wheat - - - - - - $1.4 Corn - - - = - - 1.1 Rye - mi. - - - - 10 Oats - - - - - - 3 Barley - - - -\ - - 1.0 Buckwheat - we - - 1.1