Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, July 17, 1925, Image 1

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    Broa fim
—Most of the grain in Centre coun-
ty is in shock and much of it has been
found to be frosted and blighted with
—Possibly, when people come to re-
alize that they are safer in a church
pew than they are on the highways
there will be more of them at church
on Sunday.
—Governor Pinchot might think an
extra session of the Legislature de-
sirable, but we can’t conceive of any
other Pennsylvanian being in the same
state of mind.
—“Midnight Frolics” and Sunday
baseball games, advertised for a near-
by pleasure resort, certainly indicate
a marked change in the outlook on life
by the present generation in Centre
—Having returned to the State
Governor Pinchot may be expected to
start another Fourth of July celebra-
tion. Doubtless his investigators have
gathered together a lot of fire works
for him to put off.
—Let us hope that the effort of
Dayton, Tenn., to get on the map by
way of the Scopes’ evolution trial
doesn’t end in the dismal disaster that
befell Shelby, Montana, when she un-
dertook to stage the Dempsey-Jeffries
—The Journal of the American
Medical Association reports that a
Williamsport doctor has isolated the
“ammonia” germ. It is probably the
pathogenic bacteria that causes some
people to contract what they call “am-
—A Sunday Pittsburgh paper an-
nounced that a citizen of that center
of iron and steal had gotten as far
away from home as Palestine. We
watch the evolution of Pittsburghers
with great interest. When we first
came to know them they were content
to wander as far as Red Mason’s
place at McKees Rocks. Then they
ventured to Cresson and later to At-
lantic City. We understand those mi-
grations, but we can’t just get the
idea of a Pittsburgher having any in-
terest in Palestine.
—The clash between the Federal
authorities and Anti-Saloon League
has an interesting outlook. The de-
termination of the government to ap-
ply the “acid test” t5 the Volstead law
by enforcing it to the letter doesn't
meet with favor in the higher councils
of the League. Just why, is not ex-
plained, though the suspicion is
aroused that League officials see the
possibility of the disappearance of the
fat salaries they have been drawing.
Their contention that enforcement
“ought to be. in the hands of its
friends” is tantemount to saying that
the government is incapable of admin-
istering its own affairs.
—Having just returned from a week
of rest we're here to say that it’s
going to take three or four weeks to
recover from the strenuosity of tiy-
ing to have a good time doing noth-
ing for seven days. We love a fishing
camp, the solemn grandeur of the
mountains, and the rifles and pools
of a trout stream. We love the com-
panionship of genial fellows about the
evening camp fire, the awful stillness
of the night and the matutinal songs
of the forest birds. We love to cook
and serve the camp breakfast and
hopefully start for another morning
on the stream. But love is a state of
heart and mind. It never grows old.
Muscles and nerves do and because
they do we're in a darned sight worse
condition today than we thought we
were in when we rolled down the top
of the desk a week ago.
—Two Women. Wednesday night
we took the boys down to the carnival.
It so happened that in the lay-out the
ferris wheel heads the Midway and to
its right is a baby rack. We have al-
ways loved baby racks, ever since Ez-
ra Kendall cracked his premier joke
about them. The boys wanted to ride
the wheel, but the old man wanted to
see them throw balls at the babies, so
we compromised by letting them ride
the wheel first. We had had a hard
day. There were few people on the
carnival d and business had not
opened, so we rested weary bones cn
the baby rack counter until the boys
got off the wheel to join us in the
game. There were two fine little fel-
lows behind the counter to whom we
talked until a woman, evidently the
proprietress, came along and fired
us from the seat. Of course the mon-
ey we intended to fritter away there
wouldn’t have made or broken her.
That isn’t the idea. There was no
business in sight on the grounds at
the time so we were not jamming any-
think and know enough about the
game not to have done what we did
had there been any chance of it. The
thought is to bring out the contrasts
in human nature. Half an hour later
we were standing in front of a show
called “Happyland,” waiting for the
boys to come out. It was their second
visit. In front, looking eagerly, was
a group of other little fellows, appar-
ently without the price of a lollypop.
The woman ticket seller noticed them
and with a smile that was the truest
thing we saw that night, she bade all
of them go in and have a look. There
were nine of them in that bunch. We
don’t know how many little hearts she
made happy Wednesday night without
loss to her business, but we do know
that that woman is an asset to Harry
Copping. Were there more of her
type and fewer of the other in the
show business the public attitude to-
wards them would be more friendly.
= >
VOL. 70.
Sham Battle on Taxation.
The predictions of a bitter fight
among Republicans in Congress on
the question of tax reduction should
not be taken too seriously. The gos-
sip is that the administration will in-
sist on big cuts on surtaxes and in-
heritance taxes, while another faction
of the party protest that “there are
other factors which should have first
attention.” Both sides express con-
fidence, however, that the President’s
program “will have more cohesive
support than a year ago.” In other
words, it would seem that the conten-
tion among Republican leaders on the
subject of taxation is likely to degen-
erate into a sham battle staged for
the purpose of diverting public atten-
tion from a real tax reduction.
Neither the President nor those Re-
publican leaders in the Senate, headed
by Senator Couzens, of Michigan,
want any decrease in tariff taxation,
which is the only tax reduction worth
while or that will materially benefit
the people. The surtaxes may be bur-
densome to the few who enjoy in-
comes of fifty thousand dollars a year
or over, and the inheritance taxes may
hit pretty hard legatees of vast es-
tates, an equally meager bunch. But
tariff taxes impose burdens on mil-
lions of consumers of every necessary
of life and the less able they are to
pay the harder the blow strikes.
Moreover the incomes and inheritance
taxes go into the treasury while most
of the tariff taxes go to party favor-
These crafty statesmen imagine
that by organizing and for a time
maintaining a pretended quarrel
among themselves on unimportant
questions of direct taxation they will
cause real tax reformers to neglect
opportunities to correct the faults of
the tariff laws and thus renew for an
indefinite period the license now held
by campaign contributors to loot the
public by excessive tariff taxation.
We hope this expectation will be dis-
appointed during the coming session
of Congmess, and that a measure will
be pressed for the relief of the indi-
rect: taxpayers/who are paying exor-
bitant. for everything they eat
and Eine Repiblicans in Con-
gress are a unit on tariff taxation.
—If the League of Women Voters
really intend to continue their effort
to correct the system of tax collection
they will all vote against gang candi-
dates for the Legislature next year.
Pinchot is Home. What Next?
Governor Pinchot has returned from
his extended western tour of uncertain
purpose and finds a lot of work cut
out for him. During his absence all
the politicians of his party were
guessing as to what he was talking
and traveling for. Now that he is
home they are busy conjecturing what
he intends to do next. There are a lot
of things that ought to be done. But
when they will be done and how is left
to the imagination. It may be assum-
ed, however, that the Pittsburgh bank
scandals will receive early attention
and that out of them will come some
grave negotiations or drastic punish-
ments. Both friends and enemies of
the Governor are involved.
It is possible that Mr. Pinchot will
take early occasion to inform the pub-
lic not only why he made his pilgrim-
age to the West but what he accom-
plished. If it was for the purpose of
promoting his Senatorial ambition it
may be written down as a failure. le
did utter some strong words about
Secretary Mellon and use some bitter
language concerning the Pennsylvania
political machine. But voters in far
western States have no voice in the
selection of a Senator for Fennsylva-
nia and the political machine here
doesn’t care much what far western-
ers think of it. But if his mental eyes
were focussed on the Republican con-
vention of 1928 he may have “cut
some ice.” Prohibition and conserva-
tion are strong out there.
During the Governor’s absence his
subordinates in office have been active
in the investigation of the Pittsburgh
bank scandals and no doubt they have
accumulated considerable store of po-
litical ammunition for use in the event
he concludes to run for Senator. But
the Governor does not always use his
ammunition in a destructive way and
as a great many influential politicians
are interested in the suppression of
facts, it is possible that the ammuni-
tion will be conserved for constructive
purposes. As the late Colonel Roose-
velt might say, he and Max Lesl’e are
“practical men” and the menace to
Max might be employed as a boosting
agent for Gifford. Time will tell.
——Nearly 800 automobile drivers’
licenses have been revoked this year,
which indicates that the authorities
have not been altogether neglectful.
——The Dayton trial may not have
much effect on the question of evolu-
tion but it is likely to make monkeys
of some of the lawyers.
| Looks Like a Political Game.
There are growing suspicions that
the anthracite scale commission which
assembled at Atlantic City last week,
is little more than a political “listen-
ing post.” The big men of the coal
producers’ organization were conspic-
uously absent from the early meetings
of the conference and Mr. Lewis is ab-
sent from the sessions this week. The
only persons who are regular in at-
tendance are the “official observers”
appointed by the Governor and those
named by the Secretary of Labor at
Washington, who is an aspirant for
the Republican nomination for Gov-
ernor of Pennsylvania. As one of the
newspaper correspondents in attend-
ance writes, these men can do noth-
ing “except run up expense bills,”
which the public must pay.
Two years ago a similar condition
existed and after the operators and
miners finally disagreed Governor Pin-
chot “made himself solid” with both
sides by declaring each should have
what it asked at the expense of the
consumers. The miners demanded an
increase in wages and the operators
insisted on an increase in price of coal
equal to and a trifle more than neces-
sary to cover the increase in wages.
This decision cost the consumers of
anthracite a couple of hundred mil-
lions of dollars, but it made the Gov-
ernor look like a great adjuster of
difficulties to those who were scared
stiff over the prospects of a real coal
famine, and the Governor enjoyed the
distinction thus bestowed upon him
The fuel question is one of great
importance in this State and through-
out the country. It has been brought
into public notice and created popular
anxiety periodically for several years.
The surprising result of the scale com-
mittee conference two years ago cre-
ated the suspicion that the coal opera-
tors and coal miners were in collusion
in an enterprise to loot the consumers
and were aided and abetted in the ne-
| tarious scheme by a Governor, who
was seeking personal approval at any
expense to the people. The trick was
successfully pulled off then, and the
‘fort will be made to repeat it this
year. But the expectation of the con-
spirators may be disappointed.
— Centre county’s allotment from
the five million dollar fund for State
aid road construction for 1925 is $61,-
773.51, based on the 1,001 miles of
road within the county.
Pepper for Wet Enforcement Officers.
It is generally agreed that the com-
parative failure of prohibition enforce-
ment is ascribable to sinister political
influence in the selection of enforce-
ment agents. In Pennsylvania this is
notoriously true. From the beginning
men have been employed in the serv-
ice who were not only entirely out of
sympathy with their work but ready
and willing to aid in the defeat of the
purpose for which they were employ-
ed. One of the assistant United
States Attorney Generals declared
some months ago in Philadelphia that
it was impossible to enforce the Vol-
stead law in Pennsylvania for the rea-
son that all, or nearly all, the govern-
ment agents were interfering to pro-
tect the violators of the statute.
Among the alleged “wet” officials of
the courts in Pennsylvania is the Unit-
ed States marshal for the Middle dis-
trict, Mr. John H. Glass, of Shamokin,
Republican boss of Northumberland
county. Recently, in an alleged reor-
ganization of the prohibition enforce-
ment forces, an army officer was
placed at the head of the force and he
announced that politics and politicians
would be absolutely eliminated from
the service and that no aspirant would
be appointed at the solicitation of any
politician. This aroused hopes of a
better condition of affairs in the serv-
ice. It led to the belief that the evils
of which the federal assistant Attor-
ney General complained would cease.
But information which comes from
Washington in the form of newspaper
correspondence disappoints this hope.
It is stated in the news dispatches of
Tuesday that Senators Pepper and
Reed have asked for the re-appoint-
ment of Mr. Glass, and the military
guardian ef righteousness in the de-
partment promptly declared that the
recommendations of Senators and
Representatives in Congress must be
respected. Recently the ministers of
the gospel in Northumberland county
entered a protest against the reap-
pointment and Senator Pepper openly
declared himself as “dry.” But polit-
ical exigencies have forced a change
of mind. It is believed that Pinchot
has the “dry” vote and Pepper needs
some “wet” help.
——1If the fool killer would perform
his full duty the bootleggers would
have fewer patrons and less profits.
——The London girl who says she
needs 110 pairs of stockings must im-
agine she is a centipede.
indications are multiplying that an ef-
Take the Profit Out of War.
~ The sanest proposition to employ
benevolence in the work of promoting
peace thus far submitted is that of
Mr. Bernard M. Baruch, of New York,
who has tendered to the Walter H.
Page school of International Relations
a quarter of a million dollars to be
used “in finding a way to take the
profit out of war.” As chairman of
the War Industries Board during the
world war Mr. Baruch had intimate
touch, not only with the conduct of
operations in developing the resources
of the country, but with the various
elements which influenced the minds
of men closely concerned in the mak-
ing and managing of the war. His
plan is to strike at the root of the
evil and destroy it.
The inference to be drawn from Mr.
Baruch’s offer is that the profits of
war are largely responsible for war
and he believes that if the profits of
war were eliminated one potential
cause of war would be removed and
the chances of war to that extent les-
sened. His theory appears to be that
the mobilization of things and dollars,
as well as of man power, will achieve
that result, and there is reason in his
proposition. If the munition makers
and manufacturers of war materials
were deprived of the profits they get
out of their operations, and the gains
which accrue to other profiteers were
conscripted by the government as the
man power of the country is drafted
into service, the opposition to war
would multiply.
There is scarcely a doubt that the
ratification - of the covenant of the
League of Nations by the Senate of
the United States was defeated
through the influence of the New Eng-
land makers of war munitions. The
late Senator Lodge represented this
element of the country in the Senate
rather than the people of Mussachu-
setts, and he organized the opposition
_ to the League of Nations for the dou-
ble reason that he hated President
Wilson and wanted to preserve to the
manufacturers of war materials an
opportunity for future profits of war.
‘Mr. Baruch is moving in the right di-
Lzection and it is to be hoped his plans
will materialize. The world has had
. enough of war. :
| The National League of Women
‘Voters has declared that the women
l «will be impatient with luke-warm
"leadership and long drawn-out de-
bate” in the coming struggle in the
“Senate over American adherence to
ithe world court. They will become
_ impatient, however, only after they |
‘have cast their ballots for the very
Senators whom they know will op-
pose adherence. As voters, women
are very much like most men. They
vote for the nominee of their party
first then devote the time until the
next election holding meetings of pro-
test and passing resolutions.
— Figures compiled by the De-
partment of Forests and Waters show
that during the spring of 1925 forty-
five tree planters in Centre county set
out 230,168 forest trees. The num-
ber of trees planted in the entire State
was 8,236,840, and the total for six-
teen years since forestry agitation
was begun in this State is 40,549,746
trees. These trees when grown to
maturity will furnish over a billion
and a half feet of board lumber.
—Between four and’ five miles of
the new state highway up Bald Eagle
valley has been covered with concrete
and the contractors are making good
progress all along the line.
imp — A ——————
— Monday evening, July 6th,
came too soon after the glorious
Fourth for Bellefonte councilmen, as
not enough could be assembled for a
regular meeting.
——The early photographs of the
Scopes trial in Tennessee show a
booth at which Mr. Bryan’s books are
on sale. Mr. Bryan always “gets his.”
——1It is semi-officially announced
that J. E. B. Cunningham’s hat has
been chalked by the machine for
Judge of the Superior court.
——According to the survey of the
State Department of Agriculture
there were 692 acres in alfalfa in Cen-
tre county in 1924.
mre senna pA teers,
——Few get all they want, some
what they deserve and others are let
off easily on a lawyer’s plea for len-
——The State pay roll continues to
grow by “leaps and bounds” and every
addition gives Pinchot a new worker.
i die. ht ar
——The administravion seems not
only willing but anxious to meddle in
the affairs of China.
———— A ——————— !
——Maybe ‘it was a barber's wife
who started the bobbed hair fad.
NO. 25.
This is a Nation of ‘Spenders.
From the Chicago Tribune. -
Since President Coolidge started on
his own time it has been apparent that
his chief message to the people was
of thrift. He has precept and
example. A leader may talk econo-
my, be applauded, and not followed.
Mr. Coolidge believes what he says.
That’s Vermont.
cago in the drawing room of a Pull-
man. A private car cost too much.
He issued orders for the saving of
soap, pins, towels, and other office
supplies. He decided not to get a new
suit of clothes for Easter. He decided
not to get a straw hat, but to have the
Panama cleaned. That was reasona-
ble. It is why a man buys a Panama
in the first place. ’ :
This thrift in the White House
seems to have made an impression on
the people. How much we do not
know. We did not believe that any
precept or example could keep the
American people from spending mon-
ey when they had it for things they
wanted. It is their habit. It gets
them what they want and it seems to
us that there is a great deal to be said
in favor of a life having what you}
| want rather than a life of wanting
what you won’t have. Some business
I men say that Mr. Coolidge has slowed
things down, that he has stopped con-
siderable spending of money, and that
the old suit is. on a good many of his
fellow citizens’ who ordinarily would
be sporting a new one. :
Thrift is a virtue much admired
even by people who do not practice it.
To preach against thrift would seem
an enormity, as preaching against
honesty, virtue, and square dealing,
But nations live on different levels.
The level of the American nation is
one of spending. Our idea is to make
money. and . convert it into - things
which make life enjoyable. People
are busy making the things and sell-
ing the things which other people
want. There is a quick turnover of
the pay check and the turnoyer makes
! other pay checks. - i
The expenditure for automobiles,
radio sets, clothes, furniture, rugs,
amusements, food which is not need-
ed to sustain life but is pleasant to the
palate, all this keeps people busy. If
buying stopped, the savings accounts
might have a sudden st b -
ently a good many people
needing their savings for ti.
nance. When buying stopped produc-
tion would stop. The whole nation is
geared up to this speed of spending.
It gives the individual a rich life. He
gets his money because he is contrib-
tuting something to what other people
want. He is buying from their contri-
‘butions. The people are working for
each other and each has something
. out of the great production thus stim-
- ulated.
_ The saving of money has a protec-
tive purpose. Money itself is only in-
tended to be exchanged. It converts
a particular kind of work into a great
variety of articles. It has ceased to
serve its purpose when it is under a
mattress or in a sock. If a man could
be guaranteed a daily wage for labor
to the hour of his death he would not
need to save a cent. The more he
spent the better everybody would be
off. Thrift merely protects him
against the time when he cannot
We live by spending, not by saving.
Great accumulations of wealth give
men power and its gratification, but
the average man gets his normal life
out, of what he spends. It may be on
his home, in his amusements, to grat-
ify his tastes, to broaden the intel-
lectual scope of his existence, or to
increase his grossress. It depends on
the person; but he lives by spending
ani the rest of the country lives with
This makes wealth in the real sense
of things which are used. That is all
wealth is. A mountain of gold as
such has no value.
Bryan and Evolution,
From the Harrisburg Telegraph.
William Jennings Bryan ought to
be the last one to doubt the theory of
evolution—didn’t he see free silver
develop into a Presidential nomination
and sixteen to one evolute into a de-
mand for the public ownership of rail-
And didn’t he pause to note the day
when a political spellbinder, speaking
for nothing, became a Chautauqua lec-
turer at $500 a speech? Yea, and he
may be able to recall the day when he
ceased to be a millionaire baiter be-
cause he had been himself transform-
ed into a millionaire.
| He Went Some, Anyway.
From the Pittsburgh Post.
In settling up the estate of Thom-
as W. Lawson, it is declared that the
financier and writer who once was re-
puted to be worth $20,000,000, died
| penniless. Still he got considerable
o 2 Jick out of his wealth while it
Over-Night Mail.
From the Pittsburgh Gazette-Times.
Seventy-five years ago it required
days for carrying mail from New
| York to Chicago. The new night air
service does it in eight hours. The
world “do move.”
ri Se
——The Fourth of July is a thing
of the past and it won’t be long until
Christmas will be looming in the of-
With Mrs. Coolidge he came to Chi-
—Sleeping in his canee, Hiram L. Mc-
Cauley, 21 years of age, of West Reading,
went over the falls at Haines’ lock in the
Schuylkill river early one morning last
week, His body was found in a pocket in
the river several hours later. He is be-
lieved to have been killed in the fall.
—John Harder, of Clearfield, 15 year old
son of Emet Harder, of Clearfield, early on
Monday morning arose from bed and ob-
tained a revolver, ewned by his grandfath-
er, the late Captain John Harder. While
twirling it about on his first finger, it was
discharged, the bullet passing through his
—Warm summer days fail to bring vaca-
#| tion thowghts to Philip H. Foust, station
agent at Danville, for the Philadelphia and
Reading Railread company for the last 35
years. He has had only one vacation since
1885 and that was last year. Foust began
working for the company when 17 years
of age.
—Expenditure of more than $5000 for the
erection of deer-proof fences was author-
ized by the State Game Commissioners
during June, according to Seth E. Gordon,
secretary. The fences will be erected large-
ly in the South mountain district to pro-
tect orchardists and farmers from dam-
ages by deer.
—William L. Wilson, of Jersey Shore,
has purchased at auction the physical
properties of the Antes Fort. Trolley line,
and also the franchise, for $7,110.5 The
auction was conducted at the Jersey ore
Trust company. The purchase includes
the trolley cars, ties, rails, ear barns and
everything in connection with the line,
— Trapped on a bridge near Connellsville
in the path of a Baltimore and Ohio pas-
senger train, Margaret Sheard, 16 years of
age, was killed when she was struck by
the locomotive and knocked into the
Youghiogheny river, last Thursday. A
girl compailion dashed to safety at the end
of the trestle as the train approached. The
Sheard girl hesitated in fright. The body
was recovered. 3
—With his new home in Berwick almost
completed, George Knorr discovered that
the lot on which the house was built was
the property of five Nanticoke contractors
and that the lot he owned, and on which
he thought he was building, was a block
distant. Knorr went to Nanticoke and
found the five men willing to make an cven
trade, with the result that he now has ti-
tle to the lot which he improved.
—Mrs. David IL. Burkhart, of Cambria
county, aged 72 years, wife of a promi-
nent farmer, was struck by lightning and
instantly killed during an electrical storm
on the night of July 4th. The piping of a
carbide system of lighting in the Burk-
hart home furnished a conductor for the
electrical bolt which struck the roof of tho
house. The gold frame work of Mrs.
Burkhart's glasses was melted into a nug-
get and her shoes were torn into shreds.
—_Robert Rupert, 13 years old, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth G. Rupert, of Mill
Hall, was drowned in Bald Eagle creek
last Wednesday night while in bathing
with two companions. Leonard Scott, one
of the boys who accompanied him, at-
tempted to save him as he was unable to
swim, but was obliged to abanden his ef-
forts after being pulled under several
times, and narrowly escaped a similar fate.
| A searching. party was organized to re-
cover the bedy by means of diving aid
grappling with hooks and at ten o'clock
they located it.
—Virtually recovered from a broken
neck, Joseph Smeltzer, aged 24 years, a
Pennsylvania Railroad employee, has been
discharged from the Altoona hospital.
Caught in an elevator shaft in the railroad
shops in ‘Altoona on May 13, Smeltzer was
squeezed about the neck and shoulders.
The fifth cervical vertebra was fractured.
Surgeons placed the neck in a collar cast,
and when the cast was removed a few
days ago it was found the fracture had
knit together. Paralysis of both legs fol-
lowed the accident, but it is virtually
cured. Surgeons regard the recovery as
— Wilbur Dale Lehman, 8 year old son of
Wilbur Lehman Sr., of near Oriole, bled to
death late Monday afternoon after an ar-
tery in his right side had been severed
when the lad fell and was impaled upon
the horns of one of the cattle he was feed-
ing. The boy slipped and fell down the
hole through which he was feeding straw
and landed upon the only horned animal
of the herd. While attending the Lehman
boy, Dr. Welker received a second call
from his home at Collomsville, summoning
him to attend the adopted son of Charles
Laubaugh, of that place, who also had fall-
en through a feed chute and broken his
arm. -
—Major Rupert MeGlachan, sauve ex-
Major of the British army, veteran of the
world war and described as a “refined, in-
telligent man and good dresser,” is miss-
ing from Lancaster. When he disappear-
ed, checks totaling $7,300 of the Lancaster
Metal Products company also disappeared.
All but $1,000 of the checks, however, were
not countersigned, so Major McGlachan
left them in the apartment he and his wife
occupled during the short time they Fes
sid>d in that city. When the Major reach-
ed Lancaster last winter he made such an
impression on officials of the company that
they made him general manager of the
—The authorities of York, Pa., are look-
ing for a stranger who on Saturday night
stole more than $270, the day’s receipts at
the community swimming pool. The strau-
ger had been seen about the place for sev-
eral days, and before closing time Satur-
day night, when the day’s receipts had
been put in bags, ready to be put away,
the stranger approached the clerk in
charge and pretended to be much inter-
ested in a radio outfit which was in op-
eration in the office. Just listen to this,
and handing the ear pieces to the attend-
ant, waited until he placed them over his
ears, then he turned aside, grabbed the
bags of money and disappeared.
—Both legs of Mrs. John Latsha, a Dau-
phin county farmer's wife, were torn off
at the ankle last Tuesday afternoon when
the rope attached to a hayfork looped
about her feet. Mrs. Latsha was leading
the horse which was drawing the fork to
the eaves of the barn on the Latsha farm
near Millersburg. As the horse turned,
the rope caught her ankles. The animal
shied and ran into-the barn dragging Mrs.
Latsha. As the fork hit the runway at
the eaves of the barn, the rope tightened
with a jerk that tore off both legs above
the ankle, Her husband, who was on fop
o fthe hay wagon, and a physician, took
Mrs. Latsha to a hespital in Harrisburg
where both legs were amputated below the