Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, June 12, 1925, Image 8

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Bellefonte, Pa., June 12, 1925.
——Feeling somewhat indisposed
David R. Foreman, clerical assistant
to sheriff E. R. Taylor, has been off
duty this week.
? Miss Rose Carpeneto has ac-
cepted the position in the Bellefonte
Trust company made vacant by the
recent resignation of Miss Grace Wit-
——Mr. and Mrs. Van Jodon, of
Curtin street, are receiving the con-
gratulations of their friends on the
arrival of a baby girl at their home
Wednesday night.
——Quite a number of Bellefonte
and Centre county people will motor
to Tipton bright and early tomorrow
to be on hand for the big auto races
on the Altoona speedway.
——Harry Smith, a clerk in the
freight office of the Pennsylvania rail-
road in Bellefonte, and Miss Joseph-
ine Decker were both taken to the
Clearfield hospital, last Thursday, for
——The ladies of the Lutheran
church of Pine Grove Mills will hold
a home-made bread, cake and pie sale
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Elder tomorrow (Saturday) after-
noon and evening.
——Members of the Logan fire
company have begun preparations for
their anual picnic to be held at Hecla
park on July 4th. Friends of the fire-
men should reserve this date and
spend it with them.
.. ——With a carnival on the old fair
grounds all of next week and Main’s
circus on Saturday, the 20th, resi-
dents of Bellefonte and surrounding
community will have plenty of diver-
sion from the regular routine.
——Sheriff E. R. Taylor, on Satur-
day, took to the western penitentiary
at Pittsburgh, Palmer Hetzel, sen-
tenced last week to three to six years
for chicken stealing, and Dennis Bam-
bau, given a like term for stealing an
automobile. -
——The Miller construction compa-
ny, which is building the stretch of
state highway between Snow Shoe In-
tersection and Port Matilda, has be-
gun the pouring of concrete, which
indicates that good headway is being
made on the job.
——Mus. Alberta M. Krader, of this
place, has enrolled in the summer
school at Carnegie Institute of Tech-
nology. Mrs. Krader has registered
for the courses in music given in the
College of Fine Arts. Carnegie will
open its eighth annual session, Mon-
day, June 15, for undergraduate
courses of eight weeks.
Charles Stine, a member of the
recent graduating class at the Belle-
fonte High school, went to work on
Monday as assistant to manager
Richards at the Bellefonte exchange
of the Bell Telephone company. There
were five applicants for the position
“‘and ‘the young High school graduate
is to be congratulated on being se-
lected from that number.
——Mrs. John Holter, of Johnson-
burg, was seriously injured on Me-
morial day when she was thrown from
her husband’s car as it crashed into
the abutment of the bridge at Mack-
eyville. She was taken to the home of
her sister, Mrs. Lee Worrick, at Mack-
eyville, where she has been given the
best of attention. Mrs. Holter is a
daughter of the late Capt. S. H. Ben-
.nison, of Jacksonville.
——A warrant has been issued for
the arrest of a well known man, of
near Bellefonte, who left home very
unexpectedly last Thursday, leaving
his wife and three children behind.
The man drove away in his automo-
bile and a married woman, said to be
his cousin, who resided at “Prosser-
town,” disappeared with her infant in
arms, the same morning. They are
supposed to have eloped.
—A dairy cattle judging contest
with a pure bred heifer calf as a prize,
will be one of the big features for
those who visit the Farmers’ Field
day at The Pennsylvania State Col-
lege, June 18. A horse pulling dem-
onstration with the dynamometer is
another big attraction. In addition
there will be talks, demonstrations,
and visits to experimental plots along
all lines of farming. “Something for
everybody all the time” is the watch-
— Thursday of next week will be
annnal kiddies day at Hecla Park,
through the courtesy of the Bellefonte
Lodge of Elks. All registrations
should be in the hands of the commit-
tee by tomorrow (Saturday) evening.
This is necessary so that proper ar-
rangements can be made for the
transportation to and from the park
and also for dinner and other refresh-
ments. Last year in the neighborhood
of twelve hundred children were
guests of the Elks on the annual kid-
dies day, and the probability is there
will be no less this year.
——James R. Hughes, headmaster
of the Bellefonte Academy, provided
a delightful diversion for his Sunday
school class of nine boys during the
week. On Monday they boarded the
Academy truck and started for Gettys-
burg, where they camped two days,
while going over the battlefield, and
returned home Wednesday. In the
party were Charles Brachbill, Alexan-
der Morris, Graham Hughes, William
Curtin, William Ruhl, Charles Deck-
man, Philip Taylor, Charles Hughes,
—— Morrow. Ralph Sommer was
the chauffeur for the trip.
‘the club house at Cato.
American Natural Gas Co. to Drill
Test Wells in Snow Shoe Region.
The American Natural Gas Co., of
Pittsburgh, has leased twenty thous-
and acres of land in Snow Shoe and
Burnside townships,
and within the next week or ten days
will begin the work of drilling test
wells for oil and natural gas. The
first well will be put down on the
lands of the Cato Coal company, near
The driller
will be W. H. Haupt, of Hawthorne,
Pa., an experienced man, who is now
getting his equipment on the ground
in preparation for putting down the
first well.
According to geologists the Speach-
ley sand lies at a depth of two thous-
and feet in the Allegheny mountain
section, and Mr. Haupt estimates that
it will take him forty days from the
day he begins drilling to reach the
sand, which will be an average of fif-
ty feet a day. The Speachley sand is
the upper strata of oil and gas bearing
sand, and only when it is reached will
the driller know whether there is any
likelihood of oil and gas being found
in that section. In the event that oil
or gas are not found in the Speachley
sand, the hole will then be drilled
down to the Bradford sand, which is
estimated to lie three thousand feet
beneath the surface.
Of course the first hole drilled may
prove to be a “dry,” but this will not
end the prospecting work by any
means. As stated above, the compa-
ny has leased twenty thousand acres
of land, in Snow Shoe and Burnside
townships, from the Cato Coal Co., the
Kelly Bros. and Lawrence Redding. of
Snow Shoe, and Col. H. S. Taylor, of
Bellefonte. Should the first well be
barren of results drilling will be con-
tinued at different places until oil and
gas are struck or the entire tract is
tested out.
As to the possibilities of finding
either oil or gas, or both in that sec-
tion, officers of the American Gas Co.
believe the chances are favorable.
When the Clinton Oil and Gas Co. be-
gan drilling in Clinton county every-
body considered the project nothing
less than a wild goose chase, but they
found gas in paying quantities, and
such being the case in that section of
the Alleghenies there is a possibility
that success may attend the prospect-
ors in the Snow Shoe region and in
due course of time Bellefonte people
will be burning natural gas as fuel.
State College Commencement Will
Begin Today.
The annual commencement of The
Pennsylvania State College will begin
today, and for the information of all
those contemplating attending a por-
tion or all of the events in connection
therewith we herewith publish the
most attractive features. Alumni
gatherings will occupy all of this
afternoon with the annual meeting at
five o’clock in the auditorium, and the
annual dinner in McAllister hall at
6:30. The Penn State Players will
give an entertainment at 8:30 and an
informal dance will be held in the ar-
mory at nine o’clock.
Tomorrow (Saturday) the Alumni-
Senior ball game will take place on
Beaver field at 10:15 a. m., to be fol-
lowed by the alumni luncheon. In the
afternoon the Penn State ball team
will face Syracuse in their last game
of the season. In the evening The
Thespians will give their final per-
formance which will be followed with
! dancing in the armory, 9 to 12 o’clock.
The annual baccalaureate sermon in
the auditorium, on Sunday morning,
vill be delivered by Bishop Robert L.
Harris, of Marquette, Mich. On Sun-
day afternoon at 2:30 the cadet band
will give a sacred concert on the cam-
pus, and the choral societies will give
a concert in the evening.
Class day exercises will be held in
an open air amphitheatre on the front
campus at ten o’clock Monday morn-
ing, and the commencement exercises
proper will be held in the auditorium
at 3 o’clock on Monday afternoon, at
which time Judge Wendell Philips
Stafford, justice of the Supreme court
of the District of Columbia, will make
the address to the more than five hun-
dred members of the graduating class.
The president’s reception and the
Senior dance will be held in the even-
ing. Every indication points to a
large attendance at all the commence-
ment exercises.
Woman’s Club Elects Officers.
At the May meeting of the Wom-
an’s club, of Bellefonte, the following
officers were elected for the ensuing
President, Mrs. Gregg Curtin; vice
president, Mrs. W. Harrison Walker;
recording secretary, Mrs. Roy Wilkin-
son; corresponding secretary, Mrs.
Jacob Hoy; treasurer, Miss Helene A.
Williams; auditor, Mrs. Eben Bower;
member-at-large, Mrs. Frank Hoag.
Under the competent leadership of
Mrs. Curtin and her able assistants
another very successful year is being
looked forward to by members of the
— Fifty per cent. of the people in
Bellefonte go to movie shows at one
time or another, many of them being
classed as regulars, and they are all
patrons of the Scenic. They go there
because they are sure of seeing good
pictures and the place is always de-
cently conducted and comfortable.
The Scenic was the first movie show
in Bellefonte and the fact that it has
held its patronage through a score of
years is a test of its high character.
Centre county,
; Bellefonte Team Leads Centre County
| Baseball League.
While the season has not yet swung
into an exciting baseball stride the
| Bellefonte team is leading the league
and gives promise of developing into
| a strong fighting unit in due course of
time. This does not mean, however,
that they will have everything their
' own way during the entire season, be-
‘cause such will hardly be the case.
‘Millheim and State College have
strong teams and Hecla Park has
splendid players, and all they need is
a little more seasoning and team work
to make them an aggregation to be
reckoned with as pennant contenders.
In last Thursday’s games Bellefonte
won from Millheim but it was by the
close score of 3 to 2, while State Col-
lege defeated Hecla Park 11 to 2.
Saturdays games, played in torrid
heat, were a test of the stamina of all
the players. State College played
ninth inning, with the score standing
10 to 10, Bellefonte made a run which
was not credited because of a peculiar
circumstance. The only thing to do
was file a protest and continue the
game, which they did and it ran
twelve innings, the final score being
State College 13, Bellefonte 12. The
protested run will be decided by the
president of the league and should it
be awarded to Bellefonte will mater-
ially change the percentage as given
below. Hecla got into the swim on
7 in an eleven inning game.
On Saturday Hecla will play at
Milheim while the game scheduled be-
tween State College and Bellefonte
has been postponed on account of
commencement at the College and the
auto races in Altoona, but it will be
played on Hughes field next Tuesday
evening, June 18th. On Thursday
play at Hecla Park and State Col-
lege at Millheim.
Following is the standing of the
clubs to date:
Ww. LL. P.C.
Bellefonte - - - 3 1 790
Millheim - - - 2 2 000
State College - - 2 2 9
Hecla Park - - T 250
Bellefonte School Board Elects Teach-
ers for Ensuing Year.
At the recent meeting of the Belle-
fonte school board teachers were elect-
ed for the ensuing year. All former
teachers in the High school were re-
elected with the exeeption of Miss Se-
bring, who was not an applicant.
Grade teachers who were not appli-
cants for re-election were Misses
Edith Ash, Helen Parsons and Henri-
etta Quigley. Their places, however,
roster of teachers for the next school
year is 2s follows:
Arthur H. Sloop, supervising prin-
E. K. Stock, principal, mathematies.
John M. Gilston, Latin and ancient his-
Harry C. Menold, manual training.
Wallace J. Ward, science. :
Jay M. Riden, mathematics, athletics.
Ellis O. Keller, history.
Donald C. Cochrane (new) science, math-
Daise Henderson,
and dean of women.
Alice B. Lewis, English.
Josephine Hollingsworth,
Helen A. Mackey, home economics, coimn-
Helen E.
Alberta M. Krader, music supervisor.
Ella Levy, reading and history.
Genevieve Ricker, writing, arithmetic.
Maude RR. Stover, English, geography.
Viola Ricker (new), music, health, spell-
ing, physical education.
Grace M. Johnson, 4th grade.
Helen Harper, 3rd grade.
Mame Woods, 2nd grade.
Ethel Crider, 1st grade.
May Taylor, English, reading.
Carrie Weaver, writing, arithmetic.
Sarah McGarvey, history, geography.
Louetta Shryock (new), music, health,
spelling, physical education.
Mary Underwood, 4th grade.
Eleanor Coons (new), 3rd grade.
Hilda Leathers—2nd grade.
Iisther Hafner, 1st grade.
commercial subjects
French, biol-
Wagner (new), English, his-
Milesburg Trophy Gun Found in
Following close upon the heels of
the world war the patriotic citizens of
Milesburg bestirred themselves, raised
a sum of money and erected a monu-
ment on one of the principal streets
of the town in honor of the men from
that section who went forth to fight
for their country. The monument was
dedicated on October 20th, 1922, and
it was the biggest day the town has
ever had.
Two gatling guns obtained from
the War Department, were placed on
concrete bases, about a block apart on
the same street, as a fitting back-
ground to the monument. On Me-
morial day, when a detachment of
Troop B, of Bellefonte, went to Miles-
burg to assist in the memorial serv-
ices they found one of the guns in the
ditch at the side of the street and the
concrete base broken.
While there is no definite informa-
tion that the gun was thrown from
its pedestal by some person malicious-
ly inclined, citizens of the town are
aroused over what they deem an un-
patriotic act, whether wilful or other-
wise. The gun was replaced by the
members of the Bellefonte troop and
later decorated with all due solemnity.
Should it again be removed from its
resting place and thrown into the
ditch an effort will be made to dis-
cover the perpetrators.
Bellefonte on Hughes field and in the
Saturday by defeating Millheim 8 to
evening of next week Bellefonte wiil
have all been filled and the complete
Centre County Sunday School Con-
i vention Proved Interesting
Eh CT ee terest essere mre e——————————————
—Mrs. Edward Houser and two of her
children went to Altoona Tuesday, for a
| week's visit with Mrs. Houser’s sister, Mrs.
The fifty-sixth annual convention C. A. Renner.
of the Sunday Schooi association of |
Centre county, held in the Methodist
church, Bellefonte, Tuesday and Wed-
nesday, proved an interesting gather-
ing. In the neighborhood of one hun-
dred delegates were present, which
was, about the average attendance. at
such’ conventions, though less than
eighty per cent. of the Sunday schools
in the county were represented.
Prof. I. L. Foster, of State College, '
—Mrs. Amy Prince Potter and her sis-
ter, Miss Rose Prince, were in from Pitts-
burgh last week, guests of their sister,
Mrs. Thomas Beaver, for the Memorial day
vacation. :
—Mrs. E. H. Richard, with Miss Emma
Montgomery and the Rev. M. DePui May-
nard as driving guests, will leave Monday
on a two week's motor trip through east-
ern Canada.
—After a ten day’s visit in . Bellefonte,
Mrs. Callaway left Sunday for New York,
president of the association, presidad | to complete her preparations for sailing
and the devotions at the opening ses- { the latter part of the month on a two
sion on Tuesday afternoon were led
by Rev. Dr. A. M. Schmidt. The ad-
dress of welcome was made by bur-
gess W. Harrison Walker and the re-
sponse by Mr. Foster.
L. W. Stover, treasurer, of the as-
sociation, reported receipts during the
year of $677.34; disbursements, $468.-
52, leaving a balance in the treasury
of $208.52.
| Association secretary Darius Waite,
presented his report for the year and
urged Sunday school secretaries to
speed up the sending in of their re-'
From 2:30 to 4 o’clock on Tuesday
afternoon was devoted to department-
al conferences, which were held in the
Presbyterian church. The children’s
department was under the leadership
of Miss Bessie Miles; the young peo-
ple by Miss Esther I. Williams and
adults by O. F. Smith and Rev. M. H. !
On reassembling in the Methodist
church the Garbrick family entertain-
ed the convention with several instru-
month's trip to Norway and Sweden.
—Miss Jeannette Cooke is home from
Washington, D. C., on a week's vacation
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Cooke, and her aunt, Miss Snyder. Miss
Cooke will return to Washington tomor-
—Mrd. William W. Waddle, who has
been living at the Benner home on High
street since leaving the Brant house early
in the spring, will go to Ohio, Monday, to
spend the summer there with her two
—Dr. Eloise Meek returned to Delle
fonte this week for her summer vacation,
coming north from Rock Hill, 8S. C., where
she has been medical adviser at Winthrop
College, one of the leading colleges for
women of the South.
—Miss Zoe Meek, former candidate for
| the Legislature, has been elected to teach
in the Snow Shoe High school next winter
and will spend the summer studying at
the Valparaiso Normal school, Indiana, of
which she is a graduate.
—Miss Laura Waite arrived home from
Tennessee early in the week, to spend the
school vacation with members of the fam-
3 © ily in Pennsylvania.
mental selections after which Judge |
Arthur C..Dale delivered an address
on religion and law. The remainder
of the afternoon session was devoted
to a question box conducted by Miss
Il At six o'clock the ladies of the.
Methodist church served a supper to
the visiting delegates in the Sunday
school room of the church, about one
hundred covers being taken. ;
Rev. William C. Thompson led the
devotions at the evening session and
j the music was furnished by a quar-
tette of ladies. Interesting talks were
made by Miss Esther Williams, Revs.
| Homer C. Knox and M. H. Fisher.
| The Wednesday morning session
was opened with prayer by Rev. Reed
O. Steely, after which the nominating
committee made its report, recom-
mending ‘the re-election of-all the old
officers, and the report was accepted
‘and adopted.
An appeal was made in the inter-
est of Near East relief, which it is
hoped will bring forth good results.
The balance of the morning session
was taken up with an address on “The
i Young People at Work,” by Miss Wil-
| liams; a solo by Mrs. Krader; an ad-
dress on “Our Association at Work,”
by Rev. Fisher; and another on “Re-
ligion and Politics,” by the Hon. J.
Laird Holmes.
A delegation of Camp Fire girls
cv ction
. presented the needs of Camp Kenesa-
take, the training camp for young
people at Spruce Creek, following
which a brief talk was given by Rev.
J. Max Kirkpatrick, of Centre Hall.
The committee on resolutions pre-
sented its report and the re-elected oi-
ficers were installed by Rev. Fisher.
At noontime a tray lunch was serv-
ed in the church which proved a de-
lightful affair. In the afternoon the
executive committee and county offi-
cers held a brief session and discussed
plans for the year’s work which it is
hoped will result in increased interest
and activity. The convention adjourn-
ed at four o’clock.
Following is a list of the delegates
Centre Hall—Ralph Hagan, J. 8. Potter,
W. O. Heckman, Margaret Alexander, Eliz-
abeth Gross, Ruth Grove, W. A. Odenkirk,
(i. O. Benner, Mrs. Godshall, Miss Kathe-
rine Rishel.
Spring Mills—C. C. Bartges, Miriam Ohl,
Berdie Heckman, Tressa Wagner, Beatrice
Lee, Kathryn Hosterman, Adaline Florence
Bradford, Violet Hagan, Rebecca Robin-
son, Ruth Swabb, Barbara Robinson.
Port Matilda—Thelma Beatrice Williams,
Kathryn Harshberger, Helen Ammerman.
Milesburg—George L. Newman, Bessie
Johnson, Mrs. Claude Heaton, Mrs. G. N.
Haupt, Bessie A. Miles.
Howard—Mrs. J. F¥. Condo, Elizabeth
Gledhill, Mrs. John Deihl, Charity Year-
ick, Viola Korman, Rev. L. F. Sheets.
Bellefonte—Anna Solt, Mary Struble,
Darius Waite, Anne Wagner, Helen G.
Brown, Jane Irvin, Mrs. Linn Bottorf, Mrs.
J. A. Miller, Rev. Emenhizer.
Aaronsburg—Charles A. Smith, Martha
E. Bower, Lida Warntz, Edna Hosterman,
Irene B. Musser.
Millheim—DBernadine Reifsnyder, Sara
Haines, Paul Auman, Albert Catherman.
Philipsburg—Mrs. E. A. Sharp, Mrs. R.
S. Womer, Phylis Shirley Zeitler, Joseph-
ine Ruth Adams.
State College—Virginia Dale, Hugh C
Dale, I. L. Foster, Frances Gibbons.
Snow Shoe—Twila Lewis, Martha Moon-
ey, Sue Murray.
Lemont—John R. Williams, Mrs. Luther
Musser, Mrs. P. C. Bradford.
Runville—Esther Bennett,
Axe Mann—Mrs. J. C. Gfrerer, Mrs. E. E.
Hublersburg—Anna Carner, Ruth Lee.
Orviston—Josephine Poorman, Mrs.
James Heverly.
Nittany—William Beck, Norman Stover.
Mrs. J. P.
Pleasant Gap—Alca Kline, Mrs. Nora
Eckenroth, Nellie Peters.
Martha Furnace—Florence Steele, Mrs.
Reeder Patton.
Stormstown—Mrs. Bessie Stevens.
Wingate—Sue A. Murray.
Warriorsmark—Charles G. Walker.
Zion—Mary E. Hoy.
Fillmore—Maude E. Huey.
Yarnell—Mrs. Edward N. Confer.
Pennsylvania Furnace—David Harpster.
Dix Run—Mrs. Perry Hall
Oak Hall—Violet Zong.
Unionville—L. Evelyn Showers.
Yarnell—-Mrs. L. P. Croft.
e——— eee
——From ninety-eight in the shade
to fifty-two i$ considerable of a change
in weather conditions, but that was
the actual transition from Monday to
yesterday morning.
‘visit with Mrs.
While in Bellefonte
she will be a guest of her brother and sis-
ter, Darius and Miss Ella Waite.
—Mrs. Frank McFarlane and her cousin,
Miss Cox, are with Mrs. McFarlane's sis-
ter, Mrs. D. H. Hastings, for a two week's
visit, having come to Bellefonte from
Boalsburg with Mrs. Hastings, on her re-
cent return home from Harrisburg.
,—Mrs. Hecker, a sister of the late May
E. Neff, came in from Pittsburgh last
week, remaining here with her mother un-
til after her sister's death. Mrs. Hecker,
before her marriage was an employee of
the Bell Telephone Co., in State College
—Mrs. Samuel Shanks, of Baltimore, was
a recent visitor for a week at the home of
her sister, Mrs. Max Kalin. On her return
home, last Thursday, she was accompanied
by her niece, Miss Mildred Kalin, who will
spend an indefinite time with her uncle
and aunt, in Baltimore.
—Miss Daise Keichline was at Oil City
last week as a delegate from Centre county
to the annual convention of the Children’s
Aid society of western Pennsylvania, Miss
Keichline, who has been secretary of the
Centre county organization for the past
two years, has tendered her resignation.
—Charles A. McClure, of Wayne, was
here for the day, Sunday, to see his moth-
er, Mrs. James McClure, who is again quite
ill at her home on south Spring street.
Her sister, Mrs. Mobly, came in from Pitts-
burgh Monday, to remain in Bellefonte
until Mrs. McClure’s condition shows some
improvement. : :
—Mrs. M. H. Houghton and her daugh-
ter Evelyn left Wednesday morning. for
Washington, D. C., expecting to spend sev-
eral days sight seeing before going to
Florida. Mrs. Houghton and her daugh-
ter are going south to visit for several
weeks with friends, whom they will accom-
pany north in July.
—Bruce L. Burlingame drove to DBelle-
fonte Sunday, returning to Cazenovia Mon-
day, accompanied by Mrs. Burlingame's
mother, Mrs. Harry C. Valentine, Miss
Mary Valentine and Miss Rebecca Valen-
tine, who will be guests of the Durlin-
games for the remainder of the month, on
their farm near Syracuse.
—Mrs. Luther Dale, her two daughters,
Margaret and Marion, and her son Ralph,
all of Oak Hall, and Mrs. Dale's sister,
Mrs. C. A. Ferguson, of Bellefonte, drove
to Meadville Friday, for an over Sunday
John Guisewite and her
brother, William Houser and his family.
The party returned home Monday.
—Mrs. William B. Wallis and Miss Eliz-
abeth Morris anrived in Bellefonte Tues-
day, from Pittsburgh, where Miss Morris
has been Mrs Wallis’ guest since coming
north from Macon, Ga., a month ago. Mrs.
Wallis came to Bellefonte for a visit with
her mother, Mrs. Conley, while Miss Morris
is with Miss Grace Cook, at her home on
Curtin street.
—Mrs. J. McClure Gamble went over to
DuBois Tuesday, to spend several days
there with Mr. Gamble, and to accompany
him on the drive back to Bellefonte, Mrs.
Gamble will go to Newark, N. J.,, next
week for a visit with her mother and
brother, Mrs. Joseph Ceader and Joseph
Jr., and to be there to help Mrs. Ceader
move into her new apartment.
—Harry Badger, with his son Wilbur,
and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Eby drove to
Apollo, Saturday night, spent Sunday with
Joseph Badger and his family and return-
ed to Bellefonte Sunday night. Next Sun-
day Mr. Badger expects to drive to Punx-
sutawney for Mrs. Badger’'s father and
sister, Daniel Eberhart and Miss Mary, who
have been there for two weeks, guests of
Mr. and Mrs. John Eberhart.
—Mr. and Mrs. Greene, Mr. and Mrs.
Claude Dawson and their son John, Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Dawson and their daugh-
ter Marie, and Mr. and Mrs. Sharp, com-
prised a motor party which arrived in
Bellefonte Friday, from Philadelphia, for
an over Sunday visit with friends. On the
return drive Monday, they were accom-
panied by Mrs. Harvey Griffith, who will
spend the summer with her children, Mrs.
Greene and the two Dawson men.
—The Misses Sara and Betty Stevenson
are arranging to leave Manila for the
States the latter part of July expecting to
arrive at their home at Waddle about the
first of September. The Misses Stevenson,
who have been in the government employ
as nurses, were among those to volunteer
for service at the opening of the world
war, and since that time have served in all
parts of the United States, being sent to
Manila two years ago. Their plans upon
leaving the Islands, were for a six week’s
stay in China, but owing to the present
war there, these had to be abandoned.
Both young women are graduates of the
Bellefonte hospital.
| —Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Struble spent Me-
‘ morial day at Gettysburg.
{ —Miss Louise Barnhart will arrive home
tonight from Oberlin College, Ohio, for her
| summer vacation.
—Mrs. J. Barry Tate, of Washington, D.
C., is visiting at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. William McGowan, on Spring
—O. J. Morgan, of the Bellefonte Iucl
& Supply Co. has been in Altoona this
week consulting specialists concerning his
—Harry Shivery left yesterday, with
Mrs. Shivery, for a two week's visit with
Mr. and Mrs. George Musser, at Lewis-
burg, W. Va.
—Mrs. William McGowan and daughter
Agnes were in Philadelphia from Friday
until Wednesday visiting Mrs. McGowan's
daughter, Sister Oliva.
—Miss Mary Strunk, who had been in
Pittsburgh since February, for hospital
treatment, returned to her home at B's.
James A. Beavers, Monday night.
—Miss Mary McQuistion expects to go to
Sunbury tomorrow for a visit with cous-
ins, and from there will go to Williams-
port to consult Dr. Haskins concerning her
—The Misses Louise Carpeneto, Ange-
line Carpeneto, Sue Curry and Mrs. Healy
drove to Altoona Monday in Miss Carpen-
eto’s car, to spend the day there in the
—Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Deezer and Mr.
and Mrs. George Beezer motored to Phila-
delphia, on Wednesday, to witness the
graduation of the latter's son Leonard, at
a business college.
—Mrs. L. H. Gettig's condition is so
much improved since her return hone,
that she now expects to return to Geising-
er hospital as soon as a room is available,
to continue her treatment.
—Mr. and Mrs. John C. Rumberger, for-
mer residents of Bellefonte, were here from
DuBois the after part of last week, for a
visit back home to Unionville and with
their son Samuel and his family, at Pleas-
ant Gap.
—Creighton Way and a friend, a Myr.
Troutman, drove here from Reading in
Creighton's car, Friday of last week, for
a visit with his mother, Mrs. J. R. Driver,
of Lamb street, leaving for the return
drive Sunday. ~,
—Miss Anne Confer went to Cleveland,
Sunday, to attend the wedding of her
niece, intending to remain there for a
week. Miss Confer will later go to Pit-
cairn for a two week's visit with her sis-
ter, Mrs. Johnstonbaugh.
—Robert J. McCanes, of Crafton, auditor
of the American Lime and Stone Co., with’
Mrs. McCanes and their two sons, Bobby
and Billy, were guests at the Brockerho!f
house over Sunday, coming to Bellefonte
to look after some business relative to Mr.
McCane’s work.
—Mr. and Mrs. Burns Crider and their
daughter Emily spent last week in Phila-
delphia, where they were joined by the
younger daughter, May, a student at
Pierce business college, who made the re-
turn drive with them, expecting to be in
Bellefonte for the summer vacation.
—Mr. and Mrs. Wayne D. Stitzinger,
with a party of friends will come in from
New Castle to attend the races in Altoona,
Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Stitzinger will
drive direct to Bellefonte, leaving their
two children here with their grand-par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Johnston, joining
them later.
—Mrs. Michael Rossman, Mrs. William
Neff, Mrs. Myra Miller and Mrs. William
Martz, a committee appointed by the Union
church at Tusseyville to select a new car-
pet for the auditorium of the church, were
in Bellefonte Thursday to make their pur-
chase. This being done, they spent sev-
eral hours visiting, returning to Tussey-
ville during the afternoon.
—Mrs. Charles R. Beatty and her two
children, Ross and Virginia, went to
Washington, D. C., Saturday, for a ten
days or two week's visit with Mrs. Beat-
ty’'s sister. During their absence the Beat-
ty home on Curtin street has been in
charge of Mr. Beatty's mother, Mrs. Ei-
liot, of Pittsburgh, who is here for a sum-
mer visit with her son and his family.
—Col. J. Miles Kephart, who has been
making his home at the hotel at Unionville
since his return to Centre county, is now
planning to go to Bath, N. Y., where it hay
been his custom for a number of years, to
spend the summer, intending later to go to
Hot Springs, Va. Mr. Kephart spent Sat-
urday in Bellefonte, and while not in the
best of health, is able to keep in touch
with his friends here by his occasional vis-
its with them.
—Dr. Buchanan, chief of staff of the
Mercy hospital of Pittsburgh, and one of
the city’s best known surgeons, with his
secretary, has been in Bellefonte for the
greater part of the past week, being here
on a fishing trip and to live in the out-
doors of Centre county. Dr. Buchanan and
Dr. Joseph Brockerhoff have been friends
since Dr. Brockerhoff practiced his pro-
fession in Pittsburgh, and it was this
friendship which brought Dr. Buchanan fo
—Mr. and Mrs. John Rummel have left
Chicago and gone to make their home in
Portland, Oregon, where Mr. Rummel will
become buyer and manager of the men's
clothing department of the Lipman and
Wolf Co. store. Mr. Rummel has disposed
of his business interests in Omaha, Neb.
and expects to remain permanently on the
coast. Mrs. Rummel will be remembered
as Miss Maude Campbell, of this place, and
her brother, E. F. Campbell, is with the
Portland store as manager and buyer of
the ladies’ ready-to-wear department.
—Miss Rebecca N. Rhoads, with Dr. and
Mrs. Weston drove to Washington, D. C.,
early last week where they spent several
days, Miss Rhoads going from there to
New York to sail on the fourth of June
for Edinburgh, to attend the World's Tem-
perance convention. Following the con-
vention Miss Rhoads expects to travel, al-
though had made no definite plans as
to where she would go. However, it is
probable that she will return to the States
late next month, From Washington Dr.
and Mrs. Weston went to Media for a short
visit with their son and his family, coming
from there to Bellefonte.
Additional personal news on page 5, Col. 3.
————————— ent.
Bellefonte Grain Markets. fl
Corrected Weekly by C. Y. Wagner & Co.
Wheat - - - - "i $1.80
Corn - - - - - - 1.20
Rye - - - - - - = 1.00
Oats = - - «lw - .50
Barley. «=.= ‘=’ wl. - 1.00
Buckwheat - - - - - 1.10