Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, June 12, 1925, Image 1
—Doesn’t “Slobbered a Bibful” sound like the Gazette. —We are just wondering whether the splash when Judge Dale finally jumps into the political pond, is going to. drown anybody. —There was enough heat concen- trated in the ten days prior to Wed- nesday to'cover over the whole of an ordinary summer and make it rather comfortable at that. —One-third of the American League race is run and the “Afalet- ics” are still in the lead. Which is to say that Mr. Cornelius McGillicuddy apparently has at last gotten together a pennant contender. —Chauncey Depew is ninety-one and “Uncle Joe” Cannon eighty-nine. Both are pretty staunch old craft yet, and we'll bet that neither of them ever “laid off” of food, drink or anything else they really enjoyed. —The vast area of the Chinese Em- pire makes possible the very unique condition there now. Wars and ru- mors of wars rage in one section and the other goes on about its business as unconcerned as if nothing were happening. —Say what you will about the the- ory of evolution it must be admitted that it has given world-wide promi- nence to an inconspicuous Tennessee school teacher who might not other- wise have been heard of outside his own parish. —The MacMillan expedition to the North Pole started from Philadelphia ‘Wednesday. Of ‘course’it was ‘given’ the rousing send off that goes with all scientific adventures. So today Mac- Millan and his companions are hunt- ing the Pole and tomorrow we'll prob- ably be hunting MacMillan. —Maybe we're lucky, after all, that infants cry. A medical journal in- forms us that a child expends enough energy in crying for an hour to lift itself to the top of the Washington Monument. If it didn’t let off energy in this way think of what it might do in the way of beating up doting par- ents. —George Bernard Shaw has char- acterized our William Jennings Bry- an as “a man with an extraordinary uplift and no discoverable brains of any kind.” Of course the Irish pub- licist’s opinion of Mr. Bryan matters little to the friends of the Commoner and less to those of us who have long doubted Shaw’s ability to recognize brains were he to see them. —1It seems to us that the President was badly advised when he permitted his Secretary of Stati to lecture the Farmer-Labor-Radical elements of the Northwest. “A wholesome talking to | was very timely, but the people who had repudiated Mr. Kellogg as their Senator in Congress could scarcely be expected to accept a reprimand from him in the matter of their duty as cit- izens. —The death of “Col.” Bill Fair- man, at Punxsutawney last week, re- moves one of the most picturesque characters who has ever figured in le- gal and political circles in Pennsylva- nia. Eccentricity of dress made him a conspicuous figure in any gathering and he capitalized it with an audaci- ty that secured attention that the Col- onel might not otherwise have had in the degree that it was accorded him everywhere he went. — Whatever else may be said of Clem Shaver’s usefulness as chairman of our organization it will have to be admitted that he is the first manager our party has had in a long time who has put us in the position of starting a new campaign with a view of elect- ing our candidates instead of paying off old debts. Clem has cleaned the slate and when he asks for money it will be to put pep into live horses, not to pay for dead ones. —Congressman Vare is back in Philadelphia after his trip abroad. His return was expected to immedi- ately clear the clouded political waters of Pennsylvania Republicanism, but up to the moment William has been si- lent as the Sphinx. It is reasonably certain that he will remain so until he discovers what crowd can bring the most grist to his mill. He will be for Pepper or for Pinchot, just to the extent that they are for him. —The cost of government in the forty-eight States in the Union has increased more than one hundred per cent. in the last seven years. And it will continue to mount right up to the point where. people, being unable to bear the burden longer, awaken to re- alize that nine out of every ten laws that are written into their statutes are designed, primarily, to provide jobs and fees for the friends of the political crowds that have secured their enactment. —We apologize to DuBois, Clear- field and Philipsburg, of the C. and C. baseball league. Some time ago we accused them of taking a town, by name of Sykesville, into their circuit, for “easy pickins.” We had never heard of Sykesville. Today we are better informed. Before us is a copy of the Sykesville Post-Dispatch, a mighty interesting, well set up eight page paper teeming with intelligent discussion of live topics—and more than a column devoted to the brutali- ty with which Sykesville treated the Clearfield team, last year’s League champions. In the opener it licked them twice in the same day and is now “sitting pretty” at the top of the per- centage column. gs — emacraf 7A STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION. YOL. 70. BELLEFONTE, PA., JUNE 12. 1925. Trying to Perpetuate Fiction. ‘Secretary of State Kellogg is de- termined to perpetuate the absurd fic- tion that the government is in immi- nent danger of destruction. In his speech at St. Paul, Minnesota, on Monday evening, he said “the princi- ples of the constitution are being as- saulted by propagandists advocating the overthrow of the government and substitution of class tyranny, and by a considerable body of our citizens who in the name of liberty and re- forms are impatient of the constitu- tional restrictions and by insidious ap- proaches and attacks would destroy these guarantees of personal liberty. I doubt if you are aware,” he added, “of the amount of destructive revo- lutionary propaganda which is secret- ly distributed in this country by for- eign influence.” That bugaboo exercised a wonder- | ful influence on the voters last fall and Mr. Kellogg wants to keep it alive for future service. .He had in mind the surprisingly large vote cast for Senator. LaFollette and mentally harked back to the election of two years before when Henrick Shipstead, Farm-Lahor candidate, defeated him for Senator and made his elevation to his present office possible. It was the development of public sentiment in the Northwest against the dominance of corporation influence in the admin- istration of the government at Wash- ington that compassed this result and planted in the mind of Kellogg an in- veterate hatred of those responsible for it. The nomination of LaFollette and an egregious blunder in his plat- form gave opportunity for the fiction. As a matter of fact, ever since the beginning of the government, there have been complaints concerning the restrictions of the constitution and more of them have come from New England than any other section. The Abolitionists before the war of the Rebellion denounced it as “a covenant with hell,” and others condemned it at one time or another in equally vehe- ment language. But the government at Washington lived and even pros- pered through it all. There have been Socialists, anarchists, and radi- cals of severy | description spreading |. propaganda among the discontented and disappointed for years but they have accomplished no great harm to the constitution, which is still “the guarantee of personal liberty” and will continue to be after agitators of the Kellogg type are gone. ——Justice Holmes, of the United states Supreme court, isn’t worried about menace to the constitution. Pity he can’t put some courage in the | heart of the Secretary of State. Pepper, Pinchot ‘and Vare. Now that Congressman Vare is home political activity may be expect- ed both in Philadelphia and through- out the State. The Congressman is more or less chesty since his return. During his absence he not only en- joyed a personal interview with the Pope of Rome but had an intimate contact with the King of Spain. Only a few citizens of the United States, other than Ambassadors or agents of the government in some capacity, are so favored, and as Mr. Vare thought fairly well of himself before he is jus- tified in a sense of elation now. But just how he will express his enhanced opinion of merits remain to be seen. Senator Pepper cherishes a hope that it will not take the form of an ambition to don the Senatorial to- ga at the opening of the Sixty-ninth Congress. Mr. Pepper is willing to give Mr. Vare free rein in local poli- ties and might go so far as to consent to a dominating influence in the selec- tion of the candidate for Governor next year, if he will agree to not only not be a candidate but pledge support to Pepper against Pinchot. But no- body is certain of anything with re- spect to the future activities of Mr. Vare. He may run for Senator and dictate the candidate for Governor, in view of his new estimate of himself. One thing may be clearly discerned in the present confused condition of Republican politics in Pennsylvania, and that is that if Vare stays out of the fight for the nomination whichever of the other candidates, Pepper or Pinchot, gets his support will secure the nomination. Senator Pepper’s re- cent declaration in favor of the en- forcement of the Volstead law has not helped him with the dry vote, while it has considerably impaired his influ- ence with the wet element. Pinchot has the dry vote completely tied up and if Vare, Grundy and Magee turn in for him he will get a considerable support from the wets. Meantime Pinchot is fishing sedulously and Pep- per is worrying while Vare is admir- ing himself. me eo Somes ——There is still ground for the hope that Amundsen is safe some- where between here and the North Pole and that in due time he will re- turn. | Coolidge Wants a Third Term. Recent occurrences in Washington are accepted among practical politi- cians as evidence that President Cool- idge has in mind a purpose to chal- lenge the tradition of the country against a third term in the office of President. General Grant, who had been twice elected, tried for a third ‘term and failed. Colonel Roosevelt, who served an unexpired term and a full term, asked for “a third cup of coffee,” and was refused the favor. Grant was personally the most popu- ilar President of his generation and Roosevelt the most forceful of his time. But Calvin Coolidge, who is ! neither personally popular nor force- | ful, imagines that he may overcome i the objection and seems to be striv- ing for the third term. | The recent occurrences which have ! caused this line of mental speculation begun with the appointment of Frank : B. Kellogg, of Minnesota, to the office of Secretary of State. Mr. Kellogg was a rather unpopular “lame duck” after ‘his defeat for Senator in Con- gress by an overwhelming majority in 1922. President Harding consoled him with a diplomatic appointment and Coolidge promoted him to the pre- mier seat in the cabinet when Hughes resigned that office. The next inci- dent was the appointment of William D. Mitchell, of Minnesota, to the office of Solicitor General. Senator Mec- Cumber, of North Dakota, another “lame duck,” has since been fixed in a comfortable sinecure and Minneso- ta has been favored with a personal visit, the only visit the President will make during the summer. Much of the trouble of the Republi- can organization within the last few years has developed in the Northwest. While serving as Vice President Mr. Coolidge ‘was hooted off the stage while attempting to make a speech at the State fair in Minnesota and it may be assumed that his recent and pres- ent favors to the State were not in- | spired by gratitude. Therefore it is reasoned in the minds of practical politicians that they were influenced by a hope to win the favor of that sec- tion and thus make his nomination in sary to party success in the i of that year. Boosting the price of wheat turned the trick in 1924 but another agency will be required ‘in the next contest. ‘ ————— easement Somebody denies that famous Perdicaris story and thus casts a ! shadow over the greatest Roosevelt ! achievement. Tax Burdens that Work Hardships. President Coolidge apparently still adheres to the theory that voters in this country read little and think less. He imagines that frequent statements that the expenses of government are being decreased slightly here and there, and that trifling cuts in the rate of income taxes, will solve the prob- lem of the high cost of living. For many years men of his type fooled a vast number of voters by asserting that foreign producers paid the tariff taxes and therefore it was unimport- ant to the consumer whether the tax- ation were high or low. Analysis finally disposed of this fiction so com- pletely that it was abandoned. The idea that small economies in govern- ment will decrease the expenses of living is equally absurd. High taxation is certainly an ele- ment in the cost of living, but the in- come tax is not the burden that counts most in the equation. The two per cent. income tax levied on a family of four or five with an income of less than five thousand dollars cuts a small figure in the budget of the year. But the tariff tax on sugar, coffee, wheat, shoes, wearing apparel, ornaments and necessaries mount up to a high total and in many cases deprive fam- ilies of comforts that are essential to health. The present tariff law ex- tracts from the pockets of the people more than five billion dollars a year and nearly four and a half billions of it is graft for groups of men who contribute to campaign slush funds. Mr. Coolidge, under the advice of Secretaries Mellon and Hoover, is anxious to reduce the tax on big in- comes but is indifferent to the other taxes which really grind. Of course the municipal taxes, and school taxes and road taxes and the various other taxes imposed for one purpose or another, are burdensome, but they are necessary for business. and conven- ience. But tariff taxes over and abbve the revenue level are robbery, pure and simple, and serve no other purpose than fo reimburse campaign contributors. "© Yet "Mr. Coolidge makes no suggestion to reduce these levies. On the contrary he refuses to reduce them, even when the non-par- tisan Tariff Commission recommend- ed the reduction. President Coolidge is for peace at any price except association with the League of Nations. campaign False Economic Policy. The decrease in postal revenues to the large amount of $20,000 a day, following a considerable increase in postal rates, vindicates a well estab- lished economic principle. Small profits increase the volume of busi- ness and out of the enlarged opera- tions come better results. This is true in merchandising, manufactur- ing and transportation activities as well as in the postal service. The pos- tal service might have been made | self-sustaining under the old rates if it had been fairly administered. But i influenced by false notions the postal ' authorities undertook to increase the revenues by increasing the rates and , the contrary effect has caused great disappointment. : There are commodities and services which the public must have and in , which the increase in cost will pro- . duce enhanced returns. That is true of domestic taxation. But in tariff taxation it is not true, for excessive rates invariably result in diminished volume of trade. Increasing freight rates and passenger service on rail- roads has precisely the same effect. Trolley companies which have increas- ed rates frequently suffered consider- able loss by the operation. When pa- trons of these conveniences get the idea that they are being imposed up- on they walk whenever it is possible rather than pay even a trifling in- crease in rates. That is a natural ac- tion of the human mind. The postal service, under the law in operation previous to the recent ‘change, suffered from unjust adminis- tration. The publishers of certain magazines or periodicals were favored to the extent of millions of dollars an- nually in reward for party services or campaign contributions. The remedy for postal deficits was in the correc- tion of this fault in the administration of the service rather than in the in- crease of the rates of postage, which has resulted in decreased instead of increased revenue. Possibly the pop- ular resentment at the unnecessary in- crease in rates will abate in the course of time, and that the volume of busi- ness: of the former period will. be re- abiledoBut that AT yd a rime fp een. ——At last we have heard of some real thing that Congressman William I. Swoope, of Clearfield, claims to have done. Clearfield and Philipsburg papers have published a list of old soldiers of the Civil war, Spanish- American war and world war that he has assisted in securing pensions and compensation, forty-five of them to be exact, and among the number we no- tice the names of James Miller and James Reed, Bellefonte; Fred K. Frank, Centre Hall; Samuel R. Get- tig, Madisonburg; Martha Potts, Wil- liam E. Mongan and George P. Thom- as, Howard, and David Miller, Pine Grove Mills. eee Qe. ——John G. Love has decided to be a candidate at the September prima- ries for the nomination for district attorney. Ivan Walker, who is now filling that office by appointment of Judge Dale, has stated on previous occasions that he would not be a can- didate for election and there has been no announcement to the effect that he has had a change of heart, so that Mr. Love is the only avowed candidate up to this time. Bellefonte has been well oiled the past week. Spring street from Bishop to Linn, and Howard street from Spring to Wilson, were oiled and top-dressed with limestone chips by the borough, while the Highway De- partment did likewise with Allegheny and Linn streets. The state road be- tween Bellefonte and Milesburg has also been repaired. ——However much the President may favor restriction on immigration from Italy, Austria and other sections of Europe he assures the Norsemen that they are “the salt of the earth.” ——Belgium has expressed a will- ingness to come forward for a settle- ment of its war debt to this country, and the chances are others will fol- low her example. ——The Governor of Minnesota as- sured the President that Minnesota is for Calvin Coolidge, which proves that time works marvelous changes in the minds of men. edi nib onlin ——Unless appearances are deceiv- ing Senator Reed will know more about Bill Vare in the near future than he professed to know a few weeks ago. t————————————— ——Bill Vare is home and the sub- bosses from the Delaware to the Lake are holding their ears to the ground. —— pen". —Incidentally, a good, soaking rain would be very acceptable to Centre county just now. ~is-uncertain., NO. 24. Testing Motorists Competency. From the Pittsburgh Post. The proposal that every automobile driver in the United States be requir- ed to pass a test before being given his first license has so much to com- mend it that it is hard to understand on what grounds reasonable persons could combat it. Yet the fact remains that four out of nineteen members of a committee of traffic experts who met in Washington Thursday to consider safety legislation voted against the plan to put such a requirement into a proposed uniform traffic code. . The explanation of one of the ob- Jectors that he was opposed to the proposal because he regarded compul- sory examination as a prerequisite to automobile driving as unjustified in- terference with the rights of citizens is hardly to be taken seriously. It is going a little too far to say that it is an invasion of personal liberty to re- quire men and women to show their competency to handle a. potentially dangerous machine before authorizing them to drive it on the public high- ways. It would be more nearly cor- rect to say that it is an unjustified in- terference with the rights of the eiti- zens to turn an incompetent driver loose on the roads. Certainly the great majority of au- tomobile drivers now licensed will ap- prove of the examination . require- ment. Those who use the streets and roads on foot or in horse-drawn ve- hicles also will indorse the proposal. They naturally do not want their lives and property endangered by persons given licenses to drive without inquiry as to whether ' they are competent. The only group that has reason to op- pose the examination is composed of those who wish driving licenses and doubt their ability to meet the pre- scribed test. It is ‘worthy of note in this connection that in some places near Pittsburgh lately more than ten per cent. of the applicants for driving licenses ‘have been refused” them be- cause of inability. to:pass the test. - With approximately 20,000 persons killed in automobile mishaps * in’ the United States last year there is strong cause for making sure that none but persons who know how to drive shall be licensed to operate machines. Pennsylvania requires a test, and such other States as lack the requirement should fall in line. LSE DR ARR A Tribute to Pennsylvania's T¥e From the Philadelphia Inquirer. The Twenty-eighth Division of the United States Army in the world war, composed very largely of Pennsylva- nia National Guardsmen, may well cherish the tribute which has been paid to its fighting prowess in the memoirs of General Robert Lee Bul- lard, who commanded in turn the First Division of the third corps and finally the second army of this nation in France. The men who “came marching home” six years ago will remember one of the scenes of their ordeal of battle to their dying day. It was on the low south bank of the Vesle under the machine guns and artillery of the enemy on the hills of the northern bank. “I have rarely, if ever, seen troops under more trying conditions,” said General Bullard. “They held it with the greatest balance and self- possession. They never grew wild or excited. They were on the spot and they stayed there—harried day and night by the enemy. Literally, a blade of grass could not sway without call- ing down hostile fire. The balanced, calm conduct of the division in all its service under me on this occasion made me think it one of the best that I ever commanded. I later had ‘it when I came to the command of the Second Army and it made a like rec- ord there.” “The Iron Division” wrote its name with the blood of sacrifice in France, but it gave a new and glorious tradi- tion to its State. It’s something for you to be proud of, men of Pennsylva- nia, something which will not soon be forgotten in the annals of the nation. eee fp eee. Saving the Outdoors. From the Altoona Tribune. Probably no picnicker or automo- bile tourist who leaves behind him a litter of rubbish or a burning eamp fire deliberately purposes to show bad manners or do any damage, declares The Clearfield Progress. Yet the menace to camping grounds, parks, woods and any attractive out- door place accessible to picnic parties is growing worse right along. There are more people going on outdoor jaunts and, because of the motor car, they can go ‘farther and invade a greater area and ruin more beautiful scenery than formerly. For these reasons it does seem nec- essary for civic organizations, nature clubs and public officials to keep up the campaign of public education on this subject. Of course everybody gets tired’ of being told continually not to leave camp litter about, not to leave fires burning, not to pull branch- es off trees and not to pluck wild flow- ers or pull up plants. Yet, if this year’s ‘and ‘next year’s picnickers do not heed the warning, a time may come when there will be no welcome shade, peaceful woods, unspoiled springs and. charming streams for anybody to enjoy. 22 ——Some family skeletons are pad- ded beyond recognition. rm fp A ——Humility is a virtue that hob- bles about on crutches. ¥ SPAWLS FROM THE KEYSTONE. —Thieves broke the large plate glass window of the Carl Keuscher jewelry stora at Mahony City and stole $500 worth of rings and bracelets. —Howard Hockenbracht, 17 years old, of Selinsgrove Junction, a student at Susque- hanna University, was drowned while bathing on Saturday. —Margaret Rudar, 15 months old, of Pittsburgh, was killed by a batted bail while lying in her mother's arms on the front steps of their home. —DMiss Geraldine Lockhart, who has been a member of the Central State Normal school faculty at Lock Haven for several vears, has resigned to become principal of a school on Long Island. She has gone to her home at Lake George, N. Y., to remain until September. —George Hinkle returned to his home in Plains, near Pittston, after a storm recent- ly, and found that a bolt of lightning had torn out a window frame, breaking the glass panes, ripping off sections of plas- tering, tearing a hole four inches in di- ameter through the carpet and floor and then spent itself in the cellar. —L. S. Buford, 27 years old, of Harris- burg, a freight brakeman on the Pennsyl- vania railroad, was killed on Sunday night when he was struck by a fast freight train at Cly, midway between Harrisburg and York. Buford was walking along an east- bound track inspecting cars on his traia when the oncoming train struck him. —Joseph 8S. Siscurella, of Johnstown, found guilty in Federal court at Pitts- burgh of placing illegally unmailable mat- ter in the United States mails in connec- tion with depositing a bomb that explod- ed in the postoffice at South Fork, Pa., was sentenced to serve seven years in the Fed- eral prison at Atlanta, by Judge F. P. Schoonmaker, on Friday afternoon. —Sunbury’s Susquehanna Park cannot become a modern Eden. Mayor Drumbhel- ler said last week in no uncertain terms when reports came to him that habitues of the park were disporting themselves about the place very scantily clad. “We will prosecute every person guilty,” said the Mayor, after many Susquehanna trail mo- torists had complained of visions of nymphs, in the cooling waters of the stream. —State police last Thursday captured Sherman Ettinger, forty-five years of age, of Northumberland county, a giant in stature, whom they consider the worst des- perado in that part of the State. He was taken as he slept in a little hut located in the fastness of the Blue mountains and after efforts of more than a year to cap- ture him. Ettinger is accused of assault and battery, attempted murder, theft and robbery, and the police believe a murder at Williamsport. —Arthur Cecil Wingart, of Greensburg, Pa., second-class seaman on the naval transport Henderson, was killed instantly abord ship at Annapolis, Md., by falling through a hatchway to the bottom of the hold, naval authorities announced. Win- gert enlisted last December. The body was sent to the home of his mother, Mrs. Mary L. Wingert, at Greensburg. The ac- cident occurred just before the Henderson sailed for the Pacific coast with a contin- gent of newly commissioned ensigns. —State Senator, George T. Weingartner, ayer county, has. a cow with a rather 1 unusual appetite. On his farm near the cow’s pasture there is a swimming pool. There is no bath house, but friendly clumps of bushes answer their purpose. Several young women sought one of these natural bath houses and donned their bathing suits. After their swim they re- turned and found the cow munching their clothing. The cow had already eaten one of the undergarments and was starting to eat a dress when the young women arriv- ed. They found it difficult to “shoo” the cow long enough to dress. —For the second time in as many terms of court in Northumberland county, the suit of Thomas Quigley against former Judge L. S. Walter, both of Mt. Carmel, was continued last Wednesday. Charles Grant, of Northumberland, a juror, shook hands with Mrs. Anna Howard, of Mt. Car- mel, a star witness, and spoke with her. The court heard of the action and prompt- ly fined Grant $5, and told him he was old enough to know better. Quigley alleges Walter kept $2,400, half of a verdict he re- covered for injuries suffered on a Penn- sylvania railroad train. Quigley declares Walter agreed to represent him free in re- turn for his services when Walter was de- feated for judge. —The intense heat of Sunday had no ap- preciable effect on the attendance at the annual feast of roses at Tulpehocken Re- formed church, at Meyerstown, as many were refused admission. Payment . was made to the Caspar Wister family, of Phil- adelphia, of a red rose as the annual ground rental of one hundred of the rich- est acres of land in Lebanon valley, and a white rose for the pipe organ installed by the same family a decade ago. When Cas- par Wister made his grant to Tulpehock- en church in 1758 it was not known that underlying the tract is one of the richest deposits of limestone, the development of which has made the congregation the rich- est in the entire valley. —With Old Sol keeping the temperature close to the 100 mark, an armed band of searchers for several hours .on Sunday scoured the mountains to the south of Em- aus, Lehigh county, bent on killing a “big brown, hairy animal” that ten year old Clement Schaeffer said attacked him and mangled one hand so badly that surgeons amputated a thumb and two fingers. The injured boy said the “wild beast” was not a bear but very ferocious. The search finally converged on the spot where young Schaeffer said the attack had taken place. There some dynamite caps, most of them exploded, were found with blood marks near them. The searching party disbanded but the injured lad, who is in a_ hospital in Allentown, sticks to his original tale. —With the raiding of an alleged gamb- ling house in New Kensington, early on Sunday, State police reported seizing sev- eral hundred thousand printed tickets of the “New Kensington Baseball Pool” and a printing press, one of the largest base- ball pools in western Pennsylvania is be- lieved to have been smashed.” Four men found in the place, were arrested, each on the charge of violating the gambling laws and using the mails to defraud, and were lodged in the Westmoreland county jail in Greensburg. The tickets sold for 35 cents each, the first prize being $7,000 and the second and third, $5,000 and $3,000, respect- ively. The tickets were sold by sub-agents throughout the Tri-State district. War- rants for the arrest of the distributors will be sworn out by the state police.