Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, June 05, 1925, Image 7
Bellefonte, Pa., June 5, 1925. IT MUST BE SETTLED RIGHT. By Ella Wheeler Wilcox. However the battle is ended, Though proudly the vietor comes With fluttering flags and prancing nags And echoing roll of drums, Still truth proclaims this motto In letters of living light— No question is ever settled Until it is settled right. Though the heel of the strong oppressor May grind the weak in the dust, And the voices of fame with one acclaim May call him great and just, Let those who applaud take warning And keep this motto in sight, No question is ever settled Until it is settled right. Let those who have failed take courage Though the enemy seemed to have won, Though his ranks are strong, if he be in the wrong, The battle is not yet done, Tor sure as the morning follows The darkest hour of the night No question is ever settled Until it is settled right. SHE WANTED POP CORN. By Levi A. Miller. Ye cruel powers! Take me, as you have made me miserable; You cannot make me guilty; ‘twas my fate, And you made me that, not I. —Dryden. “Well, I never!” exclaimed a lady standing in front of a grocery store on Allegheny street with a corn-pop- per in her hand. The deep shade of disappointment that pervaded her manner and expres- sion attracted attention rather more than the words she uttered. A more careful study of the face, which was strong, intellectual, and quite pretty, showed nature, but of the kind that tends first to annoy and then to amuse. “Why stand you here in the mud. and cold ?” said a comfortable looking, good-natured young gentleman, as he touched his hat and bowed. “It is too funny; I'll never tell you,” she exclaimed, in that quick, abstract- ed manner peculiar to persons sud- denly awakened from profound rev- ery. “If it is funny you should tell it, because it is the duty of every one to draw as many nails from the coffin of their friends as possible,” said the young man in a quizical tone. “What do you mean by drawing nails from coffins?” she asked earn- estly, her face assuming a sober us- pect so suddenly that the contrast was almost comical. “Care to our coffin adds a nail, no doubt, And every grin so merry, draws one out.” This quotation from Peter Pinder, by the young man, drove away the cloud of anxiety which had dimmed the lustre of her large, expressive eyes, but had in no way lessened the earnestness or tenderness of their ex- pression. “Oh! I thought you meant some- thing awful; I never think of nails in a coffin that I do not shudder. Do you know that when you said that, I could almost feel myself being nailed up in one of those horrid boxes,” she said, resuming her usually cheerful tone. “You must be a little nervous,” re- plied the young man, in a bland, light tone, hoping thereby to dispel the gloomy cloud that his unfortunate re- mark had raised; he had meant to say something cute, but said it at the wrong time and place. This young man is one of a great many who have a variety of poetical and classical quotations on hand which they try to work in at every opportu- nity. A quotation is a good thing in conversation when it fits neatly, but very ugly when there is no place for it, and it has to be pasted on, like a patent medicine “sticker” on a clean window pane. “But you haven't told me what threw you into this state of abstrac- tion—this dreamy attitude,” queried the young man, in an effort to get back to the starting point. “Do you see that?” said the lady, drawing a red-handled wire box from under her wrap and holding it close to his face. “Of course I do. It’s a corn-popper. But what of it?” exclaimed the young man, evidently puzzled, not only at the sudden appearance of the popper, but also at her uncontrolable laughter. “Well, I'll tell you, now that I have gotten over my disappointment,” said the young lady, after handing the popper over to the young man. Whether she meant thereby to sug- gest that he needed a popper, or just gave it to him to carry because he was more able to do so, will probably never be known; he evidently saw nothing suggestive in it. “That I must have some pop corn, and as I would as soon eat pine saw- dust as this stuff they have in stores, 1 just skipped out and bought a pop- per for a nickel, and then skipped around to find something to pop. I first went to one grocery and then another, asking for pop corn. They all had it, but it was popped. I told them that I wanted it un-popped. The clerks looked puzzled, and then I would shake my popper at them, and they laughed in my face.” “Then you would get mad,” inle:- rupted the young man. “No, but I would feel bored, because I didn’t know but what I was making a fool of myself. The clerks would then suggest that I might get it at some other grocery, and away I would go. At last one told me I would be sure to get it at a feed store. You just ought to have seen that man look at me when I asked for pop corn not popped. I thought I would die!” “But you didn’t.” “I didn’t mean really. He said they didn’t keep anything but horse feed, but he thought I could get it at the seed store. Then I felt ashamed that I didn’t know that much myself. The fellow where they sold seeds told me I could get it in all shades at the gro- cery in the next square. He said they didn’t keep it, but they had all sorts of beans and pumpkin seeds, and such like. Seeing my disappointed look and, I suppose pitying me, he said he thought I could get it at the flower store, where you saw me. I hadn’t much hope of getting it, but as I had started out to get pop corn, not pop- ped, I resolved to go until I got it.” “Why didn’t you try a saloon? There you could have gotten pop not popped,” suggested the young man, in another vain attempt to be funny. “Really!” replied the young lady; and then resuming her narrative, said: “I asked a real handsome young man if they kept pop corn. Like all the others he began to tell me where I could get it in all shades, from ashes of roses to mud on the fence, but I shook my popper in his face and told him that I didn’t want popped pop corn but pop corn not popped. He laughed right in my face; he just couldn’t help it, which made me mad enough to kill him. I put my popper under my wrap and walked out. “Too bad you had to give it up,” sighed the young man, “faint heart never won fair lady, you know.” “That may suit your case, but I am going to have pop corn not popped, if I have to go to Kentucky for it.” The young lady, after relieving the young man of the popper—probably concluding that he wasn’t that kind of a young man—retired to the solitude of her chamber to reflect upon the tri- als and disappointments of life. Ten to one she concluded with solemnity, that “all is vanity and vexation of spirit.” An occasional wild goose chase is rather enjoyable than otherwise. There is a clever admixture of bright prospect and disappointment, pleas- ure of pursuit and pique at defeat, flashes of humor and dashes of petu- lence, desperate determination and un- rewarded exertion, frantic efforts and flat failure. All combined, these form a crazy quilt which attracts attention rather than affords protection from the gaze of a curious and teasing world. Wild goose chases, however, have merits as well as faults. They are rabid exercises in which the goose has lots of fun and the chaser gets a great deal of valuable experience. One chase of this kind sometimes serves as a review of all that an individual ever studied or ever knew. It not only takes him over familiar grounds, but reveals to him many rough spots and sharp snags that he had passed by un- noticed. One peculiarity of a wild goose is that the farther it flies the higher it gets, until out of reach of the pursuer’s shot gun. A tame goose is different. If pursued diligently for a time, it stops and permits itself to be caught and plucked of its soft feathers and strong quills, without a show of resistance. It is a wise man who knows a wild goose when he sees it. Dog Adopts Blind Pedler. A good friend of animals who passed the winter in the south tells of a strange attachment formed between an unknown, homeless dog and a blind colored man. The man makes his liv- ing upon the streets of the city by selling lead pencils. A short time ago the little dog came from—no one knows where, and stationed himself beside the man and stayed with him till the end of the day. When the blind man started for home the dog went with him, taking hold of his coat at the street crossings and con- ducting him safely over. continued to do with daily regularity until the pair have become insepara- ble companions. The Humane Socie- ty recently voted to buy the dog a This he has | ! collar and to provide him with a li- cense. MEDICAL. All Out of Sorts? So Was This Bellefonte Woman, Who Tells Her Experience. All too often women accept their pains and aches as natural to their sex. They fail to realize that weak kidneys are often to blame for that backache, those headaches, dizzy | spells and that tired, depressed feel- ing. Thousands have found new , health and strength by helping the ' weakened kidneys with Doan’s Pills— a stimulant diuretic. This Bellefonte case is one of many: Mrs. Susan Lyons, R. F. D., No. 1, Box 49, says: “I suffered with disor- dered kidneys and my back gave out and ached as if it would break. Iwas hardly ever free from nervous, dizzy | headaches. I used Doan’s Pills bought lat Zeller & Son’s drug store and was relieved.” Price 60c, at all dealers. Don’t simply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan’s Pills—the same that Mrs. Ly- ons had. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. 70-23 SR in the morning. Leave Buffslo—_ 9:00 P. M Arrive Cleveland Automobile Send for free sectional puzzle chart of the Great Ship “SEEANDBEE" and 32-page booklet. The Cleveland & Buffalo Transit Co. Cleveland, Ohio Fare, $5.50 Your Rail Ticket is Good on A restful night on Lake Erie | Makes a pleasant break in your journey. A good bed in a clean, cool stateroom, a long sound sleep Steamers “SEEANDBEE”—“CITY OF ERIE"-“CITY OF BUFFALO” Daily May Ist to November 15th . Eastern *7:00 A. M. Standard Time - #Steamer “CITY OF BUFFALO” arrives 7:30 A. M. Connections for Cedar Point, Put-in-Bay, Toledo, Detroit and other points. Ask your ticket agen or tourist agency for tickets via C & B Line. New Tourist an appetizing breakfast Leave Cleveland—9:00 P. M. Arrive Buffalo —*7:00 A. M. The Great Ship *“SEEANDBEE" — Length, 500 feet, Breadth, 98 feet 6 inches, HOI ie VAR RE =" OF 2% OF THE EQUIPMENT Your telephone contains more than 200 separate parts. But it represents merely 2 per cent. of the equipment required in completing a call. At the central office the operator—and on certain types of calls two or more are required—finds twenty-five things to be done in setting up and supervising the connection. & The equipment she brings into action, exclusively for each call, numbers 600 additional parts, aside from the two telephone instruments through which the caller and the 3 called are brought “face to face.” These 600 parts are largely interdependent in their operation. None can go wrong without affecting the qual- : ity of the service. And they, just as the component parts of : the telephone instrument itself, are responsive to the clear enunciation, in a moderate and even tone, of words spoken directly into the mouthpiece of the transmitter. "The maintenance of this unseen switching mechanism, subject to call on a moment's notice from any Bell telephone to nearly 3 million other destinations in Pennsylvania, is one of the most important functions of our Plant Depart ment force of 7,200 men and women. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY PENNSYLVANIA “Tem, or rn EL A RL ARE REINER uEINRUInEinRanile Te consi ~ - EW A A ARRRRA HAT) TIN Ineo Bon Ton and Royal Worcester Corsets... Those Usefyl Lines—and the Correct, Girdle to Create Them The Bon Ton Round- TNA TA SONA The smart one-piece Corset or Girdle that women are all talking about these days—is unquestionably the garment to give the correct foundation for the straight-line figure. Bon Ton Round-U Models are fashioned for exqui- site brooches—in dainty tones and substantially woven rubber—for the average stout or slender figure. The New Bordered Voiles in all col- ors; also a New Line of Striped Eng- lish Broadcloths. Special Sale of Childrens Socks in sizes from Z to 10..... price per pair 25 Cents SONA ATA Lyon & Co. « Lyon & Co. — PR Come to the “Watchman” office for High C lass Job work. $1.75...81.75 b Ladies’ Guaranteed Silk Hose These Hose are guaranteed not to develop a “runner” in the leg nor a hole in the heel or toe. If they do this you will be given a new pair free. We Have them in All Colors Yeager’s Shoe Store THE SHOE STORE FOR THE POOR MAR Bush Arcade Building BELLEFONTE, PA. 58-27