Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, June 05, 1925, Image 6

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    EE ————
Bemorai fad
Bellefonte, Pa., June 5, 1925.
George Homan and Robert Hess are
driving new cars.
Rev. and Mrs. Moyer are entertain-
ing Mrs. Moyer’s parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Steele.
The instructors and pupils of the
High school enjoyed a picnic at Penn’s
Cave, on Friday.
Mrs. Frank McFarlane and Miss
Cox spent the week-end at the John
Mitchell home at Lemont.
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Johnson return-
ed to their home in Crafton, on Sun-
day, after a week’s visit in town.
Miss Glady Hazel has returned from
Petersburg, where she had been en-
gaged in teaching the past winter.
After being confined to his home
for several months, William Goheen is
able to spend some time out doors.
Mrs. H. O. Barr and Mrs. Roland
Young and sons attended the funeral
of Mrs. Gates, at Gatesburg, on Wed-
Prof. Pattee delivered the Memorial
day address and the Lemont band fur-
nished the music at the services in the
Rev. W. J. Wagner spent some
time at Pleasant Gap, attending the
High school commencement and visit-
ing the sick.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fisher and
son, Charles Jr., of Danville, arrived
in town last week to spend the sum-
mer at the Fisher home.
Rev. Wilbur Meyer preached a ser-
mon to the graduating class of the
local High school on Sunday evening.
Cyrus Wagner, of Altoona, sang a so-
Jo and the choir rendered special mu-
sic. Commencement exercises were
held in the Reformed church on Wed-
nesday evening. The following com-
osed the class: Dorothy Ishler, Ru-
a Messimer, Anna Mary Hess, Mac.
Mothersbaugh, Harold Callahan and
James Bohn.
Our town was thronged with visit-
ors on Memorial day, many remaining
until Sunday. Among the number
were Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Stuart and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. David Stuart
and daughter, Cyril Zechman and Roy
Raymond, from Pittsburgh; D. K.
Mothersbaugh and family, Mervin
Kuhn and wife and Harry Kuhn, of
Williamsport; Mrs. James Fry, of
Philadelphia; Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Brouse, of Harrisburg; Robert Moth-
ersbaugh and wife, Mrs. Clara Rupp
and son, Jacob Felty and wife, An-
drew Kreamer, Mrs. J. P. Wagner,
Frank Fisher and family, Roy Coxey
and family, Harold Coxey, Forest Mc-
Girk and wife, of Altoona. Also a
number from Bellefonte and State
As the dancer took his fair partner
down to supper, she seemed to hypno-
tize the waiter told to serve them, for
he seemed incapable of taking his
eyes off her. 3
At last the dancer could stand it no
“lI say, my man,” he observed,
“what makes you stare so rudely at
this lady ?”
“It ain’t rudeness, sir, believe me,
it ain’t,” returned the waiter. “It’s
genuine ‘admiration. This is the fifth
time she’s. been down to supper to-
From letter of mother to son in
college: “Dear Son: I do wish that
you would not shoot the little craps.
Remember that they love life as well
as you.”
Mercantile Appraisement.
Notice is hereby given that the follow-
ing persons and firms in Centre County
have been appraised and liable for mer-
cantile taxes for the year 1925, which are
due and payable May 1st, 1925:
Edgefonte Filling Station. oil and gas.
Garver, A. (i., auto supplies.
« MebBowell, D. Al groceries.
O'Bryan, G. W., coal.
Rote, S. L.,, merchandise.
Bower, A. I", implements.
Boob, W. E., implements.
Krape, J. ¥., merchandise
Musser, C. I, candy.
Rupp, W. G., meat.
Stover, A. S., wall paper.
Stover, E. G., oils.
Smith, Chas. A., gas and tires.
Smith, O. P., merchandise.
Boalsburg Garage, auto supplies.
Charles, I". M., plumber.
Ferguson, George, cigars.
Hazel, A. J., merchandise.
Ishler, John G.. meat.
Patterson, J. D., merchandise.
Rishel, S. R., auto supplies.
Zechman, John F., furniture.
Bowes, W. A., coal.
Clark, J. H., gas.
Dietz, W. C., merchandise.
Hoy, J. H., meat.
Harter, N. I., auto supplies.
Kunes, T. M., merchandise.
Kessinger, W. F., merchandise.
Moon, A. R., cigars.
Page, A. E., merchandise.
Rothrock, Sarah, Mrs., notions.
Spangler, W. H., merchandise.
Vonada, W. H., merchandise.
Armstrong, Earl R., meats.
Ammerman, Blanche, ; roceries.
Anderson, Charles W., confections.
Aikey, J. Bliss, groceries.
Atlantic Refining Co., oil and gas.
A. & P. Tea Co., groceries.
‘Bon Mott, confections.
Baum, Sim, clothing.
Bellefonte Hudson Sales Co., autos.
Beezer, P. L. Est., meats.
Brouse, R. S., groceries.
Bellefonte Fuel & Supply Co., coal.
Bonfatto, G., fruits.
Bellefonte Hardware Co., hardware,
Blair, ¥. P. & Son, jewelry.
Bottorf Bros., auto supplies.
Bellefonte Bakery, confections.
Brown, Wm. H., cigars.
Brachbill, W. R., furniture.
Buddinger, K. H., batteries.
Blackford, Clyde I., cigars.
Bickett, W. W., cigars.
Big Spring Tea Room, confections.
Beezer, George A., auto supplies. 3
Big Spring Motor Co., auto supplies.
Beatty Motor Co., auto supplies.
Bellefonte Lumber Co., lumber.
Boal, W. T., candy.
Cooney, Elizabeth, millinery.
Cooke, C. E., furniture.
City Cash Grocery, groceries.
Carpeneto, J. L., fruits.
Crossley, W. E., jewelry.
Cowher, H. D. & Co., clothing.
City Bakery, confections.
Colonial Restaurant, cigars.
Coxey, W. C., groceries.
Caldwell & Co., plumbing.
Crissman, L. H., cigars.
Coll, H. G., cigars.
Cohen & Co., merchandise.
Cairns, T. W., paint.
Decker Bros., auto supplies.
Deitrick, Dunlap Cadillac Co., auto sup-
Di Emma, Mrs., groceries.
Eckman & Furey, cigars. :
Electric Supply Co., electric supplies.
Eckenroth, E. J., paper and paint.
Emerick, W. J., tires.
Eckel & Gettig, meats.
Fauble, A., clothing.
Finkelstine, David, cigars.
Grove, Earl, cigars.
Garman, Edw. F., notions.
Genua, Angelo, cigars.
Garbrick Bros., merchandise.
Gross, J. W., groceries.
Garbrick, H. E., groceries.
Green, lldward, confections.
Hunter, J. D., stationery.
Halderman, J. A., confections.
Hazel & Co. merchandise.
Hassinger, Robert, confections.
Haupt, G. Edward, groceries.
Herr & Heverly, groceries.
Hous=:, Elias R., oil and gas.
Heverly, J. O., auto supplies.
Hoover, Wm. R., groceries.
Hazel, Thomas F., groceries.
Hockman, N. J., feed. ;
Hagan, Paige, Jewett Co., auto supplies.
Hoy, H. & Son, produce.
Haines Shoe Co., shoes.
Harter Music Store, pianos.
Hockman, J. C., auto supplies.
Hoover, G. B., groceries. 2
I. 0. 0. F. Club, confections.
Imperial Refining Co., oil and gas.
Johnstonbaugh, George, produce.
Jodon, Van S., coal.
Jodon, J. C., groceries.
Kalin, Max, shoes.
Kissell, W. R., meats.
Kramer, Harry E., fish.
Knisely, George H., cigars.
Katz, William S., merchandise.
Krader Motor Co., auto supplies.
Kofman & Co., coal.
Keystone Power Co., electric supplies.
Lyons & Witmer, plumbing.
Lyon & Co., merchandise.
Laadsy, M. A, cigars.
McCaslin, George K., groceries.
Miller, David, store.
Miles, E. J., Mrs., cigars.
McGarvey, P. M., auto suplies.
Mingle, A. C., shoes.
Mott Drug Co., drugs.
Miller, George A., hardware.
McGinley, A. L., paper and paint.
Mayer, I. M., feed.
Montgomery & Co., clothing.
MeCalmont & Co., farming implements.
Marshall, W. D., groceries.
McCrery, J. G. & Co., 5 and 10c¢ store.
Mallory Studio, cameras.
McCoy, W. O., oil and gas.
Morgan, S. J., Miss, notions.
Menna, Joe., eandy.
Nighthart & Son, cigars.
Olewine, John Est., hardware.
Oriole Stores Co., groceries.
Roan, Wm., groceries.
Potter-Hoy Hardware Co., hardware.
Parrish, C. M., drugs.
Parker, Wm. J., coal.
Poorman, 8S. H., auto supplies.
Powers, Ada, art shop.
Rossman, J. B., auto suplies.
tunkle, M. B., drugs.
Roan, Robert, confections.
Radio Sale & Supply Co., radios.
Sciabica, Frank, confections.
Sourbeck’s Candy Kitchen, confections.
Shaughnessy, Thomas, cigars.
Sciortino, Frank & Bros., fruit.
Sasserman, Frank, oil and gas.
Schofield, James, harness.
Spigelmyer, G. R. & Co., merchandise.
Shope, W. R. Lumber Co., lumber.
Switzer, John, confections.
Smith, H. Russell, confections.
Schaeffer, H. P., hardware.
Schad, A. E., plumbing.
Spangler, Wesley, cigars.
Summers, James A., cigars.
Schlow, Charles, merchandise.
Thomas, M. J. Coal Co., coal.
Thal, J. F., confections.
Twitmire, W. T., hardware.
Tate, C. F., plumbing.
Tanner's Cut Rate Drug Store, drugs.
Teaman, ¥dward, candy.
Witten, Israel, junk.
Willard, D. I. & Son, clothing.
West, ¥. W. Co., furniture.
Waite, Darius, implements.
Witmer, R. C., electric supplies.
Wagner, C. Y. & Co., feed.
Wion, Willis E., auto supplies.
Weis’ Pure Food Store, groceries.
Winton, Harry & Son, coal.
Yeager, H. C., shoes.
Zeller, J. & Son, drugs.
Bradford & Co., coal.
Bland, W. H., fish.
Boozer, D. A., harness.
Bradford, David, implements.
Benner, G. O., merchandise.
Bender, Fred, drugs.
Bradford, Paul E., confections.
Centre Hall Pharmacy, drugs.
Coldren, M. E., candy.
Coldren, J. M., wall paper and paint.
Campbell, R. P., cigars.
Dauberman, J. (i., meats.
Emery, C. F., merchandise.
Fetteroff, James, auto supplies.
Fredericks, Samuel, feed.
Grove, H. H., produce.
Goodhart, James, produce.
Grove, Guyer W., produce.
Goodhart, ¥. V., furniture.
Geary, F. P., cigars.
Grove, B. Gardner, gas.
Hosterman, W. R., auto suplies.
Homans’ Garage, auto supplies.
Hockman, C. N., produce and feed.
Herr, Max, junk.
Henney, Mrs. L., millinery.
Ishler, George, meats.
Lingle, W. H., produce.
Mitterling, D. C., cigars.
MecClenahan, Wm., coal.
McCoy, Emma, Miss, bread.
Meiss, G. R., merchandise,
Nevel, W. C., produce.
Oriole Stores, groceries.
Odenkirk, W. A. merchandise.
Orndorf, Geo. D., produce.
Rossman, H. D., implements.
Smith, C. A., auto suplies.
Smith, T. L., hardware.
Schaeifer, J. Roy, produce.
Sharer, S. E., produce.
Stover, David, produce.
Widemyre, W. C., produce.
Atlantic Refining Co., gas and oil.
Coburn Farm Products Co., produce.
Coburn Grain and coal, grain and coal.
Dinges, Lloyd, feed.
Eisenhuth, R. T., produce.
Kern, J. P., groceries.
Mingle, A. E., merchandise.
Malone, I. J., produce.
Musser, C. E. & Son, merchandise.
Vonada, J. H., auto supplies.
Brown, George F., groceries.
Central Garage, auto supplies.
Clarence Co-operative Store, merchandise.
Croyle & Croyle, groceries.
Friedman, Jacob, merchandise.
Big Dandy Supply Co., groceries.
Harm, O. J., merchandise.
Hall, W. B. & Son, candy and cigars.
Koshko Bros., merchandise,
Kachik, A. M., merchandise.
Kachik, J. M., cigars.
Pinchok, Geo., groceries.
Rushnock, Elizabeth, groceries.
Reeser, Harry, meats.
Rushnock, Mary,
Bald Eagle Supply Co., merchandise.
Heaton, James, groceries.
Blackwood, J. W., lumber.
Calhoun, Roy, auto supplies.
Holt, Orrie, ice cream.
Holt, G. W. & Son, lumber.
Holt, 8. W., merchandise.
Janet, Harry, produce. .
Lindenmuth, H. D., groceries.
McElwain Bros., merchandise.
McQuigg, C. J., gas.
Resides, LeRoy, ;
Stere, J. B., merchandise.
Stere, H. M., ice cream.
Smith, F. W., feed.
Sanderson, Floyd,
Atlantic Refining Co., oil and gas.
Berry, L. D., auto supplies.
Baney’s Garage, auto supplies.
Corman, Walter L., groceries.
Condo, J. F., merchandise.
Emenhizer, H., produce.
Fox, C. M., implements,
Gledrill, A. D., confections.
Green, Edward, groceries,
Harter, Walter D., furs.
Haines, J. I., produce.
Heaton, Leslie, produce.
Jenkins, Mabel C., drugs.
Kline, H. A., groceries.
Kronin, Jack, bread. .
Lucas, C. C., merchandise.
Long, W. H., feed.
Lueas, Oscor M., confections.
Miner, M., jewelry.
McCartney, S. R,, merchandise,
Pletcher, Harold, confections.
Pletcher, Thomas A., harness.
Pletcher, Charles E., oils.
Pletcher, I. B., merchandise.
Schenck, A. A., hardware.
Weber's B. Sons, merchandise,
Wolf, S. J., merchandise.
Yearick, C. A., confections.
Yearick, Walter, meats.
Hoy, Geo. F., merchandise.
Hublersburg Supply Co., merchandi.c.
Myers, J. M., confections.
Miller, Max, produce.
. Yonada, Carrie, ice cream.
Alexander, R. M., bread.
Lorrah, Mabel, coal.
Mattern, H. K., produce.
Mattern, J. R., produce.
Parsons, Lottie, groceries.
Smay, John, groceries.
Tallhelm, Walter G., groceries,
Turner, J. H., merchandise.
Diehl, Raymond, confections.
Kato Supply Co., merchandise.
Stover, George B., groceries.
Ross, Lynn W., feed .
Ross, J. H., merchandise.
Shoemaker, Philip C., coal.
Shoemaker, Philip C., merchandise.
Bohn, Geo. J., merchandise.
Evey, A. H., groceries.
Houser, Paul, auto supplies.
Evey, E. W. & Son, machinery.
Lenker, J. K., merchandise.
Mitchell, John, hardware.
Getz, J. W., furnaces.
Ross, Elmer C., coal.
Schreck Bros., auto supplies.
Klinger, Tharp, confections.
Eberts, O. D., merchandise.
Richards, D. R., auto supplies.
Ber; ner, Albert, merchandise.
Vulcan Trading Co., merchandise.
Grove, A. A., merchandise.
Hazzard, Albert,
Lewis, LeRoy, merchandise.
Pinchok, George & Son, meat.
Provision Dept, Siore, merchandise.
Bartges, C. E., jewelry.
Confer, H. J., merchandise.
Everett, Thomas, merchandise.
Gollbergz, Ike, merchundise.
Hockman, A. PF. fecd.
Hockman, A. F., confections.
Workman, C. C.,, merchandise.
Burd, Mrs. L. V., millinery.
Brown, Lewis, drugs.
Brest, I. & Son, produce.
Boob, John M., meats.
Breon, S. M., groceries.
Bowersox, B. W., drugs.
Campbell, S. M., furniture.
Columbus, Sol, junk.
Deitrick, A. B., 5 & 10¢ Store.
Fye, D. K., candy.
Frank, A. A. & Sons, merchandise.
Hosterman & Stover, hardware.
Kessler, A., clothing.
Leitzell, H. H., produce.
McMullen Bros., feed.
Millheim Motor Co., ante supplies.
Miller, Chas. A., auto supplies.
Mauck, KE. W., confections.
Nieman, D. J., clothing.
Oriole Stores, groceries.
Ripka, k. 8., gas and cigars.
Snyder's Bakery, bakery.
Stover, R. S., jewelry.
Smith, U. M., merchandise.
Schreckengast, HE. R., merchandise.
Springer, S. R., cigars.
Spigelmyer, J., groceries.
Stover, Chas. I, implements.
Ulrich, T. B., cigars.
Wiser, L. L., gas.
Alexander, G. B., coal.
Adams, Mary C., confections.
Geist, Mattie, Larkin Pantry.
Jodon, C. ii, Mrs, groceries.
Miles, O. E. & Son, merchandise. :
Milesburg rice Proof Garage, auto sup-
plies. a Ta
McCullough & Son, J. M., merchandise.
Milesburg Store (o., merchandise.
Newman, Wm. J., confections.
Piper, G. C., meat.
Roberts, W. A, drugs.
Scholl & Peters, auto supplies.
Sprankle, T. C., groceries.
Spicer, Effie, Mrs. groceries.
Smith, W. W., auto supplies.
Smith, E. W., cigars.
Wetzlef, F. L., merchandise.
Betz, M. S., merchandise.
Beck, J. H. & Son, merchandise.
Gakagan, A. T., confections.
Kessinger, W. KE., confections.
Long, C. M., produce.
Long, H. A., produce.
Mauck, C. W., auto supplies.
Peck Bros., merchandise.
Strunk, W. B., confections.
Swope, E. J., produce.
Yearick, N. H., merchandise.
Gillespie, G. H., Mrs., ice cream.
Orviston Supply Co., merchandise.
Young, Fred, merchandise.
Etters, Clayton, feed.
Folk, Wm. J., furnaces.
Kidder & Raymond, coal.
Louder, R. J., merchandise.
Dixon, Jerry, Mrs., groceries.
Denchak, Jos. G., groceries.
Domnick, Joe, groceries.
Goss, R. J., Mrs., groceries.
Gravish, T. J., groceries.
Kasmark, Ben, groceries.
Katules, Wm., groceries.
Labock, Ollie, millinery.
Osceola Auto Sales Co., auto supplies.
Southard, Homer, auto supplies.
Wood, William, hardware.
Wright's Garage, auto supplies.
Zigner, Anthony, groceries.
Vulcan Trading Co., merchandise.
Beates, Edith, candy.
Hoover, Edw. C., candy.
Bilger, Chas., cigars.
Baird, L. E., confections.
Horner, S. S., confections.
Jodon & Summers, auto supplies.
Lex, Joseph, meat.
Loneberger, O. M.,
Mong, John H., groceries.
Noll, H. T., auto supplies.
Noll, W. H. & Son, merchandise.
Noll, Ray C., confections.
Stitzer, C. IX., merchandise.
Allison, Dean, auto supplies.
Bennett, Wm. & Son, merchandise.
Crain, Harold, meat.
Hartsock, F. R.,
Hoover, W. T., hardware.
Leitzell, S. S., plumber.
Lykens, H. B. & Son, merchandise.
Pringle, C. M., groceries.
Putt, E. M., groceries.
Reese, George, meat.
Reese, A. W. merchandise.
Redenberger & Baumgartner, cigars.
Williams Bros., feed.
Williams Bros., Garage, auto suplies.
Beckwith, J. T.,, merchandise.
Goheen, R. G., produce.
Rossman, J. F., merchandise.
Tressler, Aaron W., oils.
Ward, W. S., merchandise.
Auman, E. W., feed.
Barr, David, stationery.
Dunlap, George R., merchandise.
Elder, J. E., harness.
Keller, John & Co., coal.
Kline & Son, auto supplies.
Lauack’s Garage, auto supplies.
Martz, BE. C., merchandise.
Port, W. R., candy.
Thompson, W. F., confections.
Williams, J. H., harness.
Acton, Harry, groceries.
Adelman, Louis Co., clothing.
Ashcroft Floral Shop, florist.
Adelman & Ratowsky, dry goods.
Atlantic Refining Co., oil and gas.
A. & P. Tea Co., No 1, groceries,
A. & P. Tea Co., No. 2, groceries,
A. & P. Tea Co., No. 3, groceries,
A. & P. Tea Co., No. 4, groceries.
Agan, J. B., auto supplies.
American Oil Co., oil and gas,
Birchfield, W. L., merchandise.
Butler, Wm., cigars.
Buzzell, Edgar R., drugs.
Brown, W. B., drugs.
Bowers, John, cigars.
Beals, J. W., groceries.
Brown's Boot Shop, shoes.
Chocolate Shop, candy.
Callahan, H. A., meats.
Cole, Raymond T., auto suplies.
Centre Co. Lumber Co., lumber.
Centre Milling Co., feed.
Carpenter, H. M., millinery.
Curtis, A. O., radio supplies.
Cole, Frank W., plumbing.
Croyle, F. C., auto supplies.
Denni’'s Garage, auto supplies.
Drivas, Thomas, confections.
Davis, C. H., jewelry.
Drivas & Hoones, cigars.
Dunsmore, R. P., auto supplies.
Demmi, E. E., plumber.
Delancy, W. F., meat.
Dennison, D. J., auto supplies.
Erhart, B. C., merchandise.
Erb, C. W., candy.
Electric Supply Co., electric supplies.
Edwards, J. S., shoes.
Elljay Stores Co., merchandise.
Emery Candy Kitchen, candy.
Electric Co., R. & M., electric supplies.
Freeman, Wm. & Sons, meat.
Finberg, Louis, clothing.
Flegal, H. L., auto supplies.
Finberg, Max, junk.
Finberg, Isaac, coal.
Fryberger, W. S.,
Graham, R. H., paint.
Goldthorp, Ephriam, groceries.
Good Service Vulcanizing Co., tires.
Giatras, Gust, confections.
Gill, Will F., sporting goods.
Guelick, P. L., auto supplies.
Goodrich, Dora, groceries.
Glover, Ed., Mrs., cigars.
Gilbert, D. B., electric supplies.
Grebe Bros., cigars.
Holter's Novelty Shop, notions.
Hopkins, James, cigars.
Hoilings, Walter, groceries.
Hindle, John, groceries.
Hummel, A. H., groceries.
Hagerty Baking Co., candy.
Haworth l'urniture Co., furniture.
Herman, R. C., hardware.
Hoffman, J. L., tobacco.
lienry, Merlin A., fruit.
Hudson Style Shop, clothing.
kiockman, H. L., groceries.
Hendon Stores, groceries.
Harper, H. E., confections.
Humphrey Bros., plaster board.
Ibborson, John, clothing.
Ibbersons Drug Store, arugs.
Jon=s & Co., hardware.
Jaftee, L., fruit.
Jones, kaw., G., merchandise.
Jones, Catvin, wall paper.
Juschik, IX., cigars.
hruger, A. H., gas.
Keystone Grocery & Tea Co. groceries.
hennard, R. w,, jewelry.
Kephart, J. F., hardware.
Ihellock, George ti, confections.
Kline, J. O., harness.
Ioplin, Morris, junk.
Lupo, John C., auto supplies.
Medrory, J. G. & Co., 5 and 10c. store.
Muirhead, Pearl D., millinery.
Mayes, George, Mrs., groceries.
McCauley, J. J., auto supplies.
Maurer, J. L. & Son, hardware.”
Miller, S. Z., gents furnishings.
McCausland, Thos. G., jewelry.
Modern Restaurant, cigars.
Mark, H. A., Motor Co., auto supplies.
Mock, KE. H., Miss, millinery.
Maytag Sales Co., machines.
Myers, J. W., confections.
Musser, M. A., groceries.
Moore's Garage, auto suplies.
Mattern’s Meat Market, meats.
McGuire Bros., clothing.
Michael, A. B., Mrs., millinery.
Markowitz, A, junk.
Meadow Garage, auto supplies.
Nesbit, J. S., cigars.
Norris, T. H. & Son, wall paper.
Nuson's Garage, auto supplics.
Newbauer, Harry N., meat.
regon Mercantile Co., merchandise.
Oxley Watson Co., merchandise.
Owens, C. w., auto supplies.
Olson, KE. G., groceries.
Owens, W. i'., pianos.
Olympic Billiard Parlor, cigars.
Oriole Stores Co., groceries.
Philipsburg Radiator Co., radiators.
Parsky, Louis, clothing.
Pritchard, Josiah, cigars.
Point Cash Grocery, groceries.
Pritchard, Josiah, auto suppiies.
Philipsburg “axidermy Co. sporting
Pioncer Tea Room, confections.
Philips Cigar Store, cigars.
Parker, ueo. G., florist.
Philipsburg Motor Bus Co., auto supplies
Purity Milk Co., milk.
Quality Boot Shop, shoes.
Rauckle, Lewis, groceries.
Rusnok & Sons, groceries.
Rittenhouse, H. D., groceries.
Rothrock Studio, films.
Reed, J. O., teed.
Roeling, J. M. & Co.. jewelry.
Solomon, D., groceries.
Stott Motor Co., autos.
Singer Sewing Machine Co., sewing ma-
Sowers, D. A., tires.
Sloane & Sloane, merchandise.
Stemphley Furniture Co, furniture.
Schmidt, I. & R., merchandise.
Sancroft, Fred S., millinery.
Stonebraker, W. ¥., groceries.
Sherokey, J., groceries.
Stine, M., junk.
Sturgis & Lucas, cigars.
Troutwine, Geo. I'., drugs.
Sicks, John, confections.
Weber, Frank list., furniture.
Walton, J. Albert, drugs.
What to Wear Shop, millinery.
Woodring's Meat Market, meat.
Wilenzik, P., clothing.
Woomer, Robert S., groceries.
Workman's Cash Grocery, groceries.
Workman's Cash Grocery, groceries.
Workman's Cash Grocery, groceries.
Williams, Polly, groceries.
Yonkey, August, groceries.
Zeir, Simon, clothing.
Bierly, S. A., auto suplies.
Bierly, W. I. & Sons, produce.
Bierly, S. A., produce.
Bierly, C. C., lumber.
Corman, Geo. A., produce.
Gephart, S. L., merchandise.
Garrett, G. P., auto supplies.
Haines, H. C., merchandise,
Hubler, T. C., produce.
Mallory, S. O., confections.
Minning, Harry L., produce.
Spangler, John T., cheese.
Shafter, Della, Mrs., confections.
Waite, J. B., confections.
Bennett, E. S., merchandise.
Iddings, Clara E., candy.
Lucas, Annie, ice cream.
Atlantic Refining Co., oil and gas.
A. & P. Tea Co., groceries.
Athletic Store, athletic goods.
Anita Imboden Shope, millivery.
Behrer, Harry, hardware.
Breon & Stover, film.
Bosley, Henry F., confections.
Brown, Henry, junk.
Bowersox, H., groceries.
Corl, Ira, merchandise.
College Quick Lunch, cigars.
Clemson Bros., auto supplies.
Cresson Lumber Co., lumber.
Deal, Albert & Son, plumbing.
Electric Supply Co., electric supplies.
Egolf, Isaac, merchandise.
Fashion Shop, clothing.
Foster, Philip D., coal.
Fenway Tea Room, confections.
Fromm, Morris I., clothing.
Fye's Grocery, groceries.
Fye, L. D., merchandise.
Garver, D. B,, oil & gas.
Grubb, Roland 8., groceries.
Gilliland, Ray D., drugs.
Gregory Bros., confections.
Gentzel, W. R., merchandise.
Graham & Sons, confections.
Gernerd, E. W., clothing.
Goss, Geeorge A., plumbing.
Hillside Ice Co., ice.
Hoy, Walter M., groceries.
Houtz, Earl H., radio supplies.
Hann & O'Neil, jewelry.
Harris, James, shoe polish.
Homan, Park R., lumber,
Haag, L. M., coal.
Hurwitz, Edith, clothing.
Housel, J. H., paint.
Hartswick’s Garage, auto supplies.
Harper, Geo. C., auto supplies.
Haugh, John & Sons, groceries.
Highland Park Garage, auto supplies.
Johnson, C. M., oil and gas.
Keefer-Nolan Hardware Co., Hdwr,
Knox, W. W.,, cigars.
Kimport, Myra, millinery.
Keystone Motor Co., auto supplies.
Keystone Power Club, electric supplies.
Ladies Sample Shop, ladies wear.
Montgomery & Co., clothing.
Musser, Harry N., merchandise.
Musser’s Garage, auto supplies.
Morris, Albert P., shoes.
Myers, H. M., cigars.
Myers, J. J., meat.
Musser C., harness.
Metzgar, I.. K., stationery.
Markle, W. I., meat.
Music Room, music.
Meck, J. B., cigars.
Musser, J. H., merchandise,
Martin, J. B., confections.
Nittany News Stand, magazines,
Nerhood, G. M., auto supplies.
Nittany Restaurant, cigars.
O'Neil, Bud T., merchandise.
O'Neil, J. A., cigars.
Penn State Auto Ce., auto supplies.
Porter & Weber, paper.
. Probst, C. E., shoes.
Peirson, H., shoes.
Penn State Hardware Co. hardware.
Platt, Lynn, cigars.
Robison, C. W., coal.
Rexall Drug Co., drugs.
State College Motor Co., auto supplies.
Struble, J. D., notions.
Sauers, H. W., clothing.
State College Fuel & Supply Co., coal.
State College Fuel & Supply Co., auto
State Shirt Shop, clothing,
Serfas, Paul S. V., confections.
Strubles’ Grocery, groceries.
Scherer, Chas. A., cigars.
State University Shoe Co., shoes.
Snyder, C. E., auto supplies.
Schlows Quality Shop, clothing.
Smith, W. E., clothing.
State College Floral Shop, florist.
State Gas & Oil Co., gas and oil.
Tressler, Ezra, meat.
Taylor, W. F., groceries.
The Crabtree Co., jewelry.
The 20th Century Shoe Co., shoes.
The University Club, clothing.
The Vogue Shop, notions.
Vance, Nellie J., toilet supplies.
Van Zant, M. H., meats.
Varsity Pool Room, cigars.
Wasson, E. G., butter.
Weiss Pure Food Store, groceries.
Winner's Meat Market, meats.
Womer, J. Lynn, cement.
Weiser Motor Co., auto supplies.
Auman, U. G., produce.
Eungard, Cleve, implements.
Breon, Willis E., produce.
Condo, S. L., merchandise.
Carson, F. A., merchandise.
Corman, O. T., merchandise.
Dunlap, A. C., cigars.
Detwiler, P. K., cigars.
Ennist & Hanna, merchandise,
Fetteroff, Homer W., feed.
Grove, Arthur, coal.
Gramley, W. O., sugar.
Krape, Charles A., merchandise.
Lee, W. E., cigars.
Leaster, C. A., produce.
Long, C. P. & (o., merchandise.
Myers, J. F., meat.
Myers, B. G., cigars.
Myers’ Garage, auto supplies.
Osman’s Garage, auto supplies.
Philips, Frank, auto supplies.
Penn Hall Garage, auto supplies.
Reed, Hs C., produce.
Rote, S. G., merchandise.
Rossman, H. F., merchandise.
Rishel, J. H., merchandise.
Smith, Earl, merchandise.
Smith, B. E., merchandise.
Smith, John & Bro., furniture.
Atlantic Refining Co., gas and oil.
Bland, Rena, Mrs., millinery.
Croyle & Croyle, groceries.
Confer, John & Son, auto supplies.
Harm, H. M., Mrs., merchandise.
Hall, W. B., cigars.
McLaughlin, M. J., merchandise.
Nastos, Tony, meat.
Russell, James, merchandise.
Sickel, W. A., drugs.
Stevens, Arthur, gas.
Shank, A. D. meat.
Barnett, R. J., groceries.
Cowher, Levi, meats.
I'rasco Bros., groceries
Heath, L. B., Mrs., groceries.
Marshall, Chas., groceries.
Smith, F. W., confections.
Smith, M. P.,, confections.
Twigg, S. E., merchandise.
Stover, H. H., merchandise.
Walizer, S. A., groceries.
Burkett, I. G., merchandise.
Eves, Chester, produce,
Eeves, J. P., produce.
Gray, John I., produce.
Griffin, H. P., merchandise.
Mattern, J. C., implements.
Thomas, I. L., auto supplies.
Thomas, A. C., gas.
Thomas, D. R., produce.
Waite, J. B., produce.
Ramer, C. P., merchandise.
Feidler, S. J., auto supplies.
Long, H. F., sporting goods.
Motz, E. W. & Co., merchandise.
Orndorf, L. D., merchandise.
Orndorf, Isaac M., implements.
Orndorf, 8S. H., produce.
Reffner, W. E., groceries.
Stover, B. W., produce.
Confer, Edward N., merchandise.
Miller, H. O., groceries.
Hoy, John A. Est., merchandise.
Henselman, J. B., merchandise.
Klinger, Harvey.
Davidson, James & Son, confections.
Fisher, T. W., groceries.
Witmer, Ida, Mrs., merchandise.
Dearmit, S.-13., merchandise.
Clevenstine, C. F., merchandise,
Showers, Claude, Mrs., produce.
Crouse, H. E., produce.
Edgefont Filling Station, gas.
Drouse, W. H., produce.
Atlantic Refining Co., oil and gas.
Beatty Motor, Co., auto supplies.
Bellefonte Hudson Sales Co., autos.
Bellefonte Distributing Co., groceries
and Supplies.
Beezer, Geo. A. auto supplies.
Bonfatto, G., fruits.
Bellefonte Fuel & Supply Co., grain.
Centre Oil & Gas Co., oil and gas.
Hockman, N. J., feed.
Hoy, H. & Son, produce.
Imperial Refining Co., oil and gas.
Krader Motor Co., auto supplies.
Lauderbach-Griest, Co., groceries.
Mayer, F. M., grain.
McCalmont & Co., lumber.
Musser, G. F. & Co., groceries.
Potter-Hoy Hardware Co., hardware.
Scortino, Frank & Bros., fruit.
Wagner, C. Y. & Co., grain.
Atlantic Refining Co., gas and oil.
Coburn Farm Products Co., produce.
Coburn Grain & Creamery Co., grain.
Malone, F. J., produce.
Bradford & Co., grain.
Dauberman, J. G., produce.
Hockman, C. N., produce.
Kerlin, A. E., produce.
McClenahan, Wm., grain.
Holt, G. H. & Son, lumber.
Atlantic Refining Co., oil and gas.
Diehl, Jos. D., produce.
Kline, H, A., groceries.
Long, W. H., grain.
McDowell, H. T., grain.
Hublersburg Supply Co., produce.
Butler Oil & Sales Co., oil and gas.
Ross, Elmer C., grain.
Gingerich Bros., hay.
Ross. Lynn W., grain.
Shoemaker, Philip C., grain.
Hockman, A. J., feed.
Ertley, G. G., produce.
Ferree, W. A., produce.
Kidder, Raymond, grain.
Rockey, Wm. A., produce,
Atlantic Refining Co., oil and gas.
' 70-23-4t
Ceentre Milling Co., feed.
Cole, Raymond, T., auto supplies.
Gulick, P. L., auto supplies.
Gill Mfg., Co., miners supplies.
Hoffman, F. L., tobacco.
Hoffman, W. E. Co., produce.
Kephart, J. J., hardware.
Lauderbach-Griest Co., groceries.
Philipsburg Hardware Co., hardware.
Reed, J. O., feed.
Swift & Co., meats.
Sinclair Refining Co., oil and gas.
Sturgis & Lucas,
Jodon & Summers, auto supplies.
Crain, W. Scott, lumber.
Crain, C. W., lumber.
Williams Bros., feed.
Bierly, S. A., produce.
Atlantic Refining Co., oil and gas.
Fetteroff, Homer W., grain.
Atlantic Refining Co., oil and gas.
Fye's Grocery, groceries.
Gru’ b, Roland S., groceries.
Haugh, John & Sons, groceries.
Neidigh, J. D., grain.
State College Fuel & Supply Co., oil
and gas.
State College Commission Co., hay and
Serfas, Paul 8. V., confections.
Snyder, C. E., auto suplies,
State Gas & 0il Co., oil and gas,
Weiser Motor Co., auto supplies.
Smith, O. P., restaurant.
Blackford, Clyde I., restaurant,
Big Spring Tea Room, tea room.
Colonial Restaurant, restaurant.
Knisely, George, H., restaurant,
Last Resort Tea Room, tea room.
Miles, E. J., Mrs., restaurant.
Ferguson, George, restaurant,
Bradford, Paul E., restaurant.
Coldren, M. E., restaurant.
Detwiler, J. H., restaurant.
Lambert, H. J., Mrs., restaurant.
Hall, W. B. & Sons, restaurant.
Kachik, J. M., cafe.
Fisher, Dora, Mrs., tea room.
Greene, dward, restaurant.
Lucas, Oscar M., restaurant.
Ple‘cher, Harold, restaurant.
Myers, J. M., restaurant.
Fye, D. K., restaurant.
Sprankle, T. C., restaurant.
Spicer, Effie, Mrs., restaurant.
Smith, E. W., restaurant.
Strunk, W. B., tea room.
Ridenberger & Baumgartner, restaurant.
Acton, Harry, restaurant.
Chocolate Shop, tea room.
Freemans, Harry Est., restaurant.
Glover, Ed., Mrs., restaurant.
Modern Restaurant, restaurant,
Nesbit, J. S., restaurant.
Pioneer Tea Room, tea room.
Philips Coffee Shop, restaurant.
Right Place, restaurant.
McMullen, Charles, restaurant.
Bilger, Charles, restaurant.
Baird, L. E., restaurant. -
Port, W. R., restaurant. :
Thompson, W. F., restaurant. A
Askey, Ruth, restaurant. -
Mallory, S. O., restaurant. :
Waite, J. B., restaurant. :
Iddings, Clara, tea room.
Lucas, Annie, tea room. !
Myers, B. G., restaurant.
Detwiler, P. K., restaurant.
Hall, W. B., restaurant. \
Bosley, Henry F., tea room.
Campus Tea Room, tea room.
College Quick Lunch, restaurant,
Fenway Tea Room, tea room.
Knox, W. W., restaurant.
Meek, J. B., restaurant.
Nittany Restaurant, restaurant.
O’Neil, J. A,, restaurant.
O'Neil, B. J., restaurant.
Pine Tree Inn, tea room.
Smith, W. R., restaurant.
Hunter, Robert F.
Keichline, J. M. !
Bair, W. T.
Curtin, A. B. & Co.
Holmes, J. L.
Lederer, Eugene H.
Mason, Walter R.
Patrick, Austin RB.
State Realty Co.
Brown, T. C., movie.
Brown, T. C., theatre.
Hall, W. B. & Son, movie.
Rowland Theatre, theatre.
Seven Stars Theatre, movie.
Pastime Theatre, theatre.
Nittany Theatre, theatre.
Ladies Improvement Club, theatre.
Menchio, C. L., movie.
Frasco Bros. movie.
Moon, A. R, i
Anderson, Charles W.
Bickett, W. W. {
Finklestine, David.
Shaughnessy, Thomas.
Hall, W. B. & Son.
Mitterling, D. C.
Yearick, C. A. !
Springer, S.
Spigelmyer, J.
Smith, E. W.
Orviston Supply Co.
Noll, Ray C. '
Butler, Wm. 1
Bowers, J. V.
Erb, C. W.
Myers, J. W.
Olympic Billiard Parlor.
Sicks, John.
Williamson, James.
Hall, W. B.
McLaughlin, M. J. :
Myers, H. M, f
Platt, Lynn. x 1
Varsity Pool Room. :
Frasca, Alfred. wd
Detwiler, P. K.
For the purpose of correcting any er-
rors of appraisement an appeal will be
held at the County Treasurer's office at
the Court House in Bellefonte, Pa., on
‘Wednesday, July 8th, between the hours of
9 a. m. and 1 p, m. when and where all
those who desire may attend.
Mercantile Appraiser.