Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, June 05, 1925, Image 1
i i Demorral adn SE ——————————————_—— INK SLINGS. —The hardest thing about most jobs is to get them started. —If June brides come in the pro- fusion that June roses promise it ought to be a fat month for the par- sons. —If your beans are not coming up as nicely as they should, don’t be wor- ried. There is no moon jinx on them. Every other gardener we know of has been having the same disappointments . this spring. —We know exactly how Europe feels when Uncle Sam twists the con- * version round to that little matter of “those I. O. U’s. She feels exactly like we used to do when mother began to ‘rummage around in the corner cup- board for the castor oil bottle. . —We fear that it will take more than the return of Ruth to get the “Yankees” up among the contenders for the American League pennant, yet if the Bambino doesn’t do it he won’t need very strong glasses to see the rays of his setting sun shooting over the baseball world. —Night flying has started and the Pennsy is trying out a new fan- dangle in passenger trains on the L. and T. Altogether the week has been a very exciting one in Bellefonte, brought almost to the point of nerve wrecking by the final appearance of the doctors who are treating Spring street for dustolgia. —Judge Dale has announced that just as soon as he can get some desk work cleaned up he is going to get in- to the race with both feet. We should say, with three feet, for a very credi- ble rumor is afloat to the effect that the Judge is going to try for nomina- tion on the Democratic, Republican and Prohibition tickets. —We’re very unhappy. Can't somebody do something for us. All fall we hugged our sides and chortled with glee in anticipation of the fun we expected having in watching the judicial race get under way this spring. And now it’s a flop. Spring will be gone and summer will be here in two weeks and there ain’t no race started yet. How can you have a race when only one candidate is really racin’? —A third theatre in Bellefonte is much to be desired. Just as much as a fifth wheel to a wagon. There isn’t enotigh business in this community to make three profitable. The two in ex- istence will continue They will always do some business, no mat- ter how big and grand the third may be. All it can possibly hope to do is lose money - hand-over-fist in an at- tempt to show better bookings than are offered here today .or divide the business so that all three will have to give cheaper shows in order to live. —With us this has been an unusual week. There have been many cross currents running into what might af- fect our mental equilibrium. - The cur- rent of good fortune was running clean and swelling when a streak of yellow was noticed on the crest of the rising stream. Curious, as we always are, we sought the cause of the con- tamination that injected itself to drag us from the zenith of satisfaction to the nadir of discontent. And what do you suppose we found? A creature who, while professing friendship to our face was trying to sink a knife into our back. —The very simplicity of Tom Mar- shall’s character is what gave it great- ness. His faith in his Creator, his faith in the political principles for which he stood, his faith in his fellow man was so broad and unwavering that expressed whimsically, as he was wont to express it, carried conviction of the deepest sincerity. The former Vice President died suddenly in Wash-- ington, just after he had laid aside the copy of the Bible he had been read- ing. A great, good man has gone to face St. Peter with a last act on earth that mighty few others have been able to present as credentials. —Oh for a flood on Spring creek! One high enough and strong enough to resist the last minute repentance of a disconsolate soul when its physical being reacts to the first chilling sense of the sullen waters, into which it has hurtled itself to end it all. With our private bootlegger gone and our fish- ing camp cook and companion of years also on the list of unattainables what is there left to live for? There was a time when we would have thought the loss of our “private bootlegger” the greatest calamity, but that ended the day all our pretentions at being a cook were shattered when the boys re- fused to eat the warmed-up pie crust dough that we thought were mashed potatoes. —For seventy years the “Watch- man” has been preaching State’s Rights. It has made many converts to that fundamental principle of De- mocracy, but it has remained for the year 1925 to record the most notable acquisition to the ranks of “the un- terrified.” On Saturday President Coolidge publicly espoused our cause. Never before have we heard of a Re- publican President declaring for State’s Rights and against paternal- ism. Who do you suppose has been sending their copy of the “Watchman” to the White House. Some one must be doing it because the President’s name is not on our list of regular sub- scribers and we know he could have been led out of the darkness of polit- ical fallacy in no other way than through us. $4 have. been as VOL. 70. STATE RIGHTS AN D FEDERAL UNION. NO. 23. BELLEFONTE, PA.. JUNE 5. 1925. League of Nations a Popular Theme. In nearly all the Memorial day ad- dresses delivered by distinguished official and unofficial citizens, on Sat- urday, reference was made to the foreign policy of the government. Next to the President it may safely be said the most illustrious orator of the day was Mr. Charles W. Elliot, former president of Harvard Univer- sity. The feature of his oration was an appeal to the conscience of the country in behalf of the League of Nations. “Our government should enter heartily into the existing League of Nations, take a sympathetic share in every discussion broached in the League and be willing to take more than its share in all the respon- sibilities which unanimous action of the nations constituting the League might impose,” he declared. Compare this advice with the action our government has taken toward the League since its organization six years ago. In the first place every obstacle obtainable or conceivable was placed in the way of creating the League by the Republican leaders of the country, and after it was organ- ized every possible obstruction to its successfiil operation. Even the Wash- ington conference, which has been highly praised by hypocritical or thoughtless men, had no higher purpose than to embarrass the progress of the League of Na- tions. Since that purpose failed a system of “sniping” has been employed and “unofficial” observ- ers” have been delegated to attend sessions of the League and offer ob- jections to nearly every proposition taken up for consideration. This vicious policy has unquestion- ably worked harm to the League, as it has with equal certainty delayed the consummation of Woodrow Wil- son’s hope for permanent world peace. If the United States had promptly and sincerely ratified the covenant of the League of Nations in the form in which it was presented by Mr. Wilson several minor wars which have since caused death and devastation would have been averted and peace would ured .to the world and prosperity to this country restored long ago.: But such a condition of affairs is not. desired by the New England makers of war materials and it will not be brought about so long as their representatives in the govern- ment at Washington can prevent it. ——An insurance statistician fig- ures out that women are more careful than men in driving automobiles. Probably it is because most men get careful when they meet a woman at the wheel. Resenting Reed’s Activity. We own to a more or less severe heartache over a report that comes from the centre of political activity in this State to the effect that some of the older party leaders are show- ing resentment against the preten- sions of Senator David A. Reed, of Pittsburgh. In the absence of any- thing like a leader Senator Reed undertook to direct the operations of the party. Returning from a tour in Europe several weeks ago he publicly declared a decided preference for Senator Pepper for the Senatorial nomination next year. That was simply exercising an inherent right. But Senator Reed took a step further and “there’s the rub.” He blew Vare and Pinchot out of the race just as if they were froth in a beer glass. For a great many years the Senator in Congress has been the titular leader of the Pennsylvania Republi- can organization. The late Don Cam- eron created the custom and Quay and Penrose continued it until the death of Mr. Penrose. Usually the baton was in the hand of the senior Sena- tor but not always. At present Sena- tor Pepper might easily claim the honor, if it is an honor. But he isn’t adapted to the work. He expressed awillingness to “spit” in the eye of a bull dog,” but there was no bull dog available and he never got a chance to qualify for leadership. But Reed, though junior, asserted a willingness to tackle the job. If he had been more diplomatic he might have “got away with it.” It must be admitted that Senator Reed is a trifle fresh both in home politics and in official services. Though young in the Senate he took up more space in the Congressional Record of last session than many of the older Senators, and though new in the party organization he has been what might be called “perniciously active.” No doubt he feels safe in his attitude. He is a successful corpora- tion lawyer and has the support of Mr. Andrew Mellon, Secretary of the Treasury, President Coolidge’s “right hand,” and the acknowledged potent figure in Pennsylvania politics. If a young man of ability probably with- out tact, cannot “get by” under such conditions something is “out of joint.” Good and Bad Advice. Addressing the Republican women of Philadelphia, on Monday evening, Senator Pepper gave his hearers some good and some bad advice. After in- ferentially side-swiping Governor Pin- chot as a single-track politician, ever- lastingly riding the Prohibition hobby horse, the Senator implored the Re- publican women of Philadelphia “to devote some attention to domestic af- fairs, particularly to questions of tax- ation.” That was certainly good as well as timely advice. The tax ques- tion is one of great importance to all voters but it is particularly pertinent to women who make up the family budget and hold the family disburse- ments within the limit of the family income. They ought to study tax questions diligently. But we are not so completely in ac- | cord with Senator Pepper in his ad- vice to the women as to the source of information on the subject of taxa- tion. “There are three men in public life,” he said, “who can put these complicated matters so plainly that it is a good rule for you to read every- thing they publish. One of them is Calvin Coolidge, another is Herbert Hoover and the third is Andrew Mel- lon. These men think much, talk lit- tle and say a whole lot. Trust them and they will not betray you. Follaw them and you will arrive.” Whether they will arrive or not depends upon where they are going. If their desti- nation is trouble, confusion and ulti- mate distress the instructors named are certain to get them there. The failure of Calvin Coolidge to follow the advice of the tariff com- mission by cutting the tariff tax on sugar cost the consumers of sugar in this country, in the aggregate, nearly a billion dollars within the past year. The policy which Coolidge, Hoover and Mellon will recommend to the wom- en doubles the price of all their wear- ing apparel and more than doubles the cost of many of their articles of adornment. They will tell the women that it is wise ecoromic policy to ex- act tribute of billions of dollars on the necessaries of life in order that a few hundred thousand may be saved in the aggregate income tax. But in- telligent women will not be deceived by such false advice. They will act more wisely. ——Grand juries in. Philadelphia are chosen by the machine agents and it is not reasonable to expect much of them. Death of Thomas R. Marshall. No death in public or private life in this country could have evoked a wider and deeper feeling of regret than that which occurred in Washing- ton, on Monday, when Thomas R. Marshall, of Indiana, passed away. He was a singularly gifted and at- tractive individual, whose life was de- voted to useful service. A christian gentleman, an able lawyer and a faithful public servant, he expressed in his daily life the highest purposes of good citizenship. He was literally an advance agent of happiness and by precept and example spread the gos- pel of contentment. Wherever and whenever he appeared sunshine en- tered and melancholy was driven away. Thomas R. Marshall was not a “fa- vorite son of fortune.” His early life was like that of the average American boy. He had the usual struggle for the necessaries and comforts of life but made the best of his opportunities so that he was able to acquire a liberal education. He began the practice of law in Columbia City, Indiana, and continued there until 1900 when he was elected Governor of Indiana, the first public office he ever held. In 1912 he was nominated for Vice Pres- ident by the Baltimore convention and as the running mate of Woodrow Wil- son contributed his just share toward the Democratic victory of that cam- paign. He was unanimously renom- inated in 1916 and is the first man to serve through two terms in that of- fice. Mr. Marshall was widely recogniz- ed as a philosopher and statesman, but his personal popularity was ac- quired through his gift of humor. He could extract fun from any situation and his wit was so spiced with wisdom as to serve the double purpose of in- struction and amusement. But in jest or earnest he never lost his sense of loyalty and fidelity. When President Wilson, near the close of his term of office, was lying helplessly ill the bit- ter-enders of the Senate tried to in- duce Mr. Marshall to set up a claim to the Presidency on the ground of Wilson’s incapacity, but he refused to consider it for even a moment. i —Governor Pinchot may be fishing all right but incidentally he is prepar- ing bait to catch voters next spring. It is said that man is 90 per cent. water and the Volstead law is not responsible for it, either. False Pretense of Reform. In his Memorial day speech at Ar- lington cemetery, on Saturday, Presi- dent Coolidge expressed some thoughts which inspired hope for the future. “What we need,” he said, “is not more federal government but bet- ter local Government.” The philoso- phy of Thomas Jefferson is clearly embodied in that phrase. During the past quarter of a century the trend of government has been steadily to- ward centralization of power in Wash- ington. The failure of the proposed constitutional amendment conferring -upon Congress the power to regulate ' child labor was the first resistance to | that current of policy. The expres- sion of President Coolidge may be in- terpreted as the beginning of the end ‘of that evil. The carelessness in local government is the logical consequence of too much federal government. Many people have come to believe that the only ‘government in this country is the government at Washington and for that reason they are indifferent to the character of their local governments. The result is misfeasances in office in . State and municipal governments and profligacy in local administrations which have increased taxation almost to the point of confiscation. When the people come to placing less re- liance upon federal government and ! give more consideration to the integ- | rity and efficiency of local government "there will be less reason to complain of abuses in local administration. “What America needs,” the Presi- “dent continued, “is to hold to its | ancient and well charted course.” But it is to be feared that the President is not steering in that direction. Under the ancient course charted by Jef- ferson tariff taxation was levied only for the purpose of raising” revenue. | Now with the help generously render- "ed by Mr. Coolidge tariff taxes are levied not for revenue but for the en- hancement of profits of the bene- ficiaries. This is federal government in its most iniquitous form, for it is employed to rob the consumer in order 5 pay unearned bounties to the pro- ly the President is insincere in his professions of reform. ——Viece President Dawes can hard- ly claim credit for the conversion of Senator Underwood to cloture in the Senate. The defeat of Underwood’s Muscle Shoals bill achieved that. | Night Flyers Have been in Evidence | This Week. Night flying on the government air- ‘mail route between New York and | Bellefonte is now an established fact, | although it is only in the experimen- { tal stage for the purpose of acquaint- ing all the pilots with the blazed trail { of signal lights and landing and tak- {ing off from the brilliantly illuminat- "ed fields. | Two pilots flew their planes from | nigh York to Sunbury, on Saturday night, but on making a landing there, were informed that the lighting of the Bellefonte field had not been complet- ed, so flew back to New York. On Monday night, however, one of the regular pilots, J. D. Hill, made a suc- cessful flight from New York to Belle- fonte and return. He reached this place at 10:08 o’clock and twenty min- | utes later left on the return trip. His flight was devoid of any particular in- cident. In fact he stated that the route is so well defined by signal lights that a pilot can’t go astray. Two and some- times three lights ahead were always in view. Pilot Hill had ne trouble in landing on the new field, either. On Wednesday night two more ships made the round trip between New York and Bellefonte, setting down ‘on the local field shortly after ten o’clock and leaving twenty min- utes later for New York. ——State Master, Philip H. Dewey, has consented to be present and speak at the picnic that will be staged on the campus of The Pennsylvania State College, tomorrow, by the Penn State Grange. This will be Mr. Dewey's first appearance at the college since his elevation as successor to State Master John A. McSparran. ——~Senator Pepper has chosen “party regularity” as his campaign slogan. Before he was catapulted in- to public office he thought party regu- larity was a grave crime. re ——The women are organizing a campaign to procure a full registra- tion this year. We hope the Demo- cratic women will do their share in the work. Sibson ——Charlie Snyder, having been provided with a lucrative job by the new Auditor General, the government at Harrisburg will still live. ——Amiundsen is still in the land of mystery and that goes whether he is living or dead. Arctic News for Summer Nights. From the Pittsburgh Post. A dash in an airplane to the North Pole will make a more thrilling story, perhaps, than the comparatively leis- urely survey of Arctic lands which is to be made this summer by the Don- ald R. MacMillan expedition under the auspices of the National Geographic Society. But, while less spectacular, the MacMillan trip will be far from lacking in interest, and it is not im- probable that from a scientific and ec- onomic standpoint it will be of great- er berefit to mankind than the Polar dash. And there is the promise .of no little entertainment for the American people in the arrangement through which reports of the expedition’s do- ings will be transmitted to them by radio from MacMillan’s headquarters at Etah, in Northern Greenland, the nearest human settlement to the Pole. To sit on the porch during the sum- mer evenings and hear what the ex- plorers have encountered and observ- ed will almost be like making the trip one’s self without the hardship. The expedition will depart from Boston June 28 and probably will ar- rive at Etah about a month later. Eight naval aviators with mechan- icians are to go along. They will fly for hundreds of miles in various di- rections spying out the land. . There is a vast stretch of territory in that part of the world that has never been visited by white men, and the opinion is held by some that there exists an expanse of land so great as to warrant being called a continent. MacMillan’s flyers probably will be able to shed some information on this matter. It is not to be supposed that this land is necessarily a frozen waste. Northern Greenland is contsantly cov- ered with ice, but some of the Arctic: islands belonging to Canada in about the same latitude are for a brief sea- son each year freed from the thrall- dom of winter. Major R. A. Logan, of the Canadian Department of Na-' tional Defense, who. made a reconnais- sance of flying conditions in the East- ern Arctic archipelago in 1922, stated’ 16y Yeake in his report: “It may surprise many people to realize that two thousand miles north of Ottawa the general cli- mate of the winter season is no more severe than in many of the more northerly bed pares of Saskatche- wan a itoba, T pe are on hundreds. : vate u miles of land bare of snow in sum- mer, covered with beautiful flowers, grass and moss supporting innumera- ble animals including caribou, musk- ox and foxes, while there are immense areas of coal and indications of many other minerals.” This suggests, then, some attract- ive possibilities in the region that the MacMillan explorers will survey. It is considered not improbable that they will find flowers and animals as yet unknown to the human race. Lakes which we now know nothing. Cer- tainly owners of radio receivers a few months hence will have every reason for tuning in with pleasurable expec- tancy of getting interesting news from WNP, MacMillan’s broadcasting station at Etah. Textile Industry Not Much Improved. From the Philadelphia Record. Last year was the worst in the tex- tile industry which the head of the: American Woolen company had exper- ienced in 34 years. Since then there has been some measure of recupera- tion. But the business does not seem to be very happy yet. A Boston dis- patch to The Journal of Commerce says that the policy of curtailment is spreading among the New England mills. The Massachusetts mills in Lowell will shut down for two weeks. The Pacific and Amoskeag Mills are running on orders, but will not stock goods. Some of the machinery in the Bates mill in Maine is shut down. A part of the Edwards mill is running three days a week. The Nashua com- pany is running five days a week. The Boston Manufacturing company and the Lancaster mills are running 75 to 80 per cent. of capacity. Other plants expect to adopt the same schedule presently. The situation in the tex- tile mills cannot be regarded quite so cheerfully as the President did in a re- cent address. renner ree fp femme. Big Business in a Little Town. From the N. E. A. Bulletin. A retail merchant who does a busi- ness of $300,000 in a town of 1,300 population must be classified as a suc- cess. Here’s some straight talk from such a merchant, Fred W. Anderson, of Cozard, Nebraska. “I have no sympathy for the mer- chant who sleeps between advertised blankets, on bed springs that are na- tionally advertised, sleeps in adver- tised pajamas, who puts on advertised underwear, shirts, garters, shoes and clothing when he gets up in the morn- ing, who eats advertised cereals and foods for breakfast, who rides to work in an advertised car, and who, when he gets to work refuses to advertise. He ought to go broke—and he probably will. If I were to start in business again today I would invest five per cent. of my gross sales in advertising. It pays.” smithiae apie ——1Tt is a rare but genuine pleas- ure to concur in an opinion expressed by Herbert Hoover, and to his state- ment that “advertising is the most vi- tal force in economic life,” we answer, “At-a-boy.” SPAWLS FROM THE KEYSTONE. —Plans have been completed for testing the oil and gas qualities of the unexplored lower strata of the West Branch region in the vicinity of DuBois. —Ray Morton, of Saxman, Morrisdale, is a patient at the Spangler hospital, following. an accident in mines when his left hand and arm were ground to a pulp. A believe him formerly of to be hurt internally. —While gathering wild morial day along the roadbed of the Penn- sylvania Railroad at Farrandsville, Clin- ton county, the 8 year old son of William ¥. Egan, of that place, was killed when struck by the west bound flyer. —Preparing to test his gun before clean- ing it, John Sprankle, of Huntingdon coun- ty, near Petersburg, accidentally discharg- ed it, blowing the top of his head off. He was 32 years old and an employee of the Pennsylvania Railroad company. —A heavy wood-chisel, dropped from the top of a telephone pole by a lineman, struck Miss Mary Weaver, aged 23, of Du- Bois, on the top of the head and inflicted a serious wound. A large section of the skull-bone had to be removed by surgeons. —Miss Mary Emma Walter has been caretaker for 35 years of the Friends’ Meeting House, at Catawissa, the oldest place of worship between Sunbury and Wyoming, an old log building of which the sesquicentennial will be celebrated this summer. —Appointment of Charles Dunn, Lock Haven, as associate judge for Clinton county, succeeding I. H. Torrence Shearer, deceased, was announced last week by Governor Pinchot. During the world war Judge Dunn served as chairman of the Clinton county food board and now is vice president of the State Tobacco Growers’ association. —Three years in the penitentiary failed to have curative effects upon David V. Lehr, 48 years old, of Wilkes-Barre, and when he admitted in court last Friday that since his release he had assaulted one young woman and robbed several others of their pay envelopes, Judge Fuller gave him from 15 to 30 years in the eastern pen- itentiary, with a fine of $5,000. —Clarence Hall, three years old, of Pittsburgh, died from injuries he suffered when he was pinned under a falling tomb- stone in a Pittsburgh cemetery. His mother had taken him to the cemetery to decorate his father’s grave for Memorial day. While she was arranging flowers on the grave, she heard a ery and saw her son pinned underneath the stone about which he had been playing. —The Clinton Natural Gas & Oil Co. ex- pects to be ready to deliver gas to the Potter Gas Co. for distribution to Renovo patrons, on August 1, according to reports submitted to the stockholders of the com- pany at its fifth annual meeting. The company is now conducting development operations in the Kettle Creek district and has struck a number of paying wells. A new well is now being bored on the Kel- 3 vers for Me- —John Hoover, of the firm of Hoover aud Stanley, of Tyrone, was seriously i1- jured on Saturday when he was caught in the elevator shaft at the firm’s abattoir at Hoover’s Lane. He had just completed placing a quantity of meats on the elevator when it §tarted upwards. Before he could™’ get it stopped he was pinned between the floor of the elevator and the shaft at the second floor. Both legs were fractured and he is suffering with internal injuries. He was taken to the Altoona hospital where his condition is considered serious. —A dog whose life he saved was respon- sible for saving the life of A. W. Shuman, a Bloomsburg business man, when he fell into a creek dam near that place on Sun- day. Shuman rescued the dog when the current swept both from the breast of the dam and placed it on a log. Then he grab- bed the log and held fast for an hour un- til the dog's frantic barking summoned aid. Shuman was nearly dead from ex- haustion at the time. The log was at the mouth of the chute, in which Shuman’s body would have been eaught had he let go. —The Rev. Dr. C. C. Hays, for 35 years pastor of the First Presbyterian church of Johnstown, and in 1922 moderator of the general assembly of that denomination, on Sunday resigned to become synodical ex- ecutive of the synod of Pennsylvania with offices in Philadelphia. He is a member of the general council of the church, the na: tional board of missions, president of the board of trustees of the Pennsylvania An- ti-Saloon league and is a member of the board of Western Theological seminary, Washington and Jefferson college and Lin- coln university. —William L. Williams, of Grampian, has entered suit in Clearfield county against Bessie Arthurs, of Mt. Jewett, in behalf of his three year old daughter, Erna Elizabeth Williams, for injuries sustained in an ac- cident at Grampian on June 14, 1924. Dam- ages amounting to $10,000 are asked, Mr. Williams alleging his daughter was injur- ed to the extent of causing him $4,000 ex- pense and worry, while her own permai- nent injury demands $6,000 damages. The defendant's car is said to have run the lit- tle girl down while she was crossing the street at Grampian and the resultant in- jury has caused permanent harm. —Louis J. Bitner, aged 25 years, was fa- tally injured on Sunday when struck by an automobile as he was boarding a street car in the east end district of Pittsburgh. Bitner's skull was fractured and he died a short time after arriving at a hospital. Joseph Starr, the driver of the automobile, was arrested and held for the coroner. Mrs. Josephine Lowell Bitner, his bride of three months, witnessed the tragedy from the porch of her home nearby. Bitner was a graduate of Pennsylvania State College and was employed as a metallurgical engi- neer by the Jones and Laughlin Steel cor- poration. His father is proprietor of a ho- tel at Columbia, Pa. —Refusing te grant a new trial to Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Lehman, of Chambersburg, found guilty on charges of starving their two children, Judge Gilliand in the Frank- lin county court on Monday, sentenced the parents to ten months in jail. Notice of an appeal was given and the Lehmans re- newed their bail. Requests for a new trial was based on the hostile demonstra- tion by the spectators in court during trial. Referring to this Judge Gillian said, “the audieence did manifest its feelings but that is not to be wondered at in view of the testimony. The testimony would Lave aroused the sympathies of anybody, even the most hard boiled.” The children who were restored to health at a hospital, are now with their grandmother in Cham- bersburg. the