Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, May 29, 1925, Image 8
= ——— (RRR TE Demon Yate, Bellefonte, Pa., May 29, 1925. NEWS ABOUT TOWN AND COUNTY. ——Attend the curb market meet- : ing tonight. ——2764 dog licenses were issued :in Centre county during the first three months of this year. ——John G. Love Esq. of this place, will deliver the Memorial day address at Pine Grove Mills, tomor- TOW evening. ——XKishacoquillas park, Lewistowt, Pa., will open for the season on Wed- nesday, June 3, with Wrights’ colored saxophone orchestra. Notice to all truckers and farmers. It will be to your advantage to attend the curb market organiza- tion tonight at the court house. ——Centre Hall Camp, No. 889, will hold Memorial services in the Lutheran church at Centre Hall on Sunday, June 7th, at 7:30 p. m. ——Mrs. Edward F. Richard on Monday received a new Cadillac car, the machine having been driven here from Philadelphia by the selling agent. ——Bellefonte residents are urged to remember that all the stores in Bellefonte will be closed tomorrow all day, so that it will be necessary to lay in a supply sufficient to last over Sun- day. : —Governor Pinchot, last Thursday, appointed William B. Rodgers, of Pittsburgh, a member of the board of trustees of the western penitentiary .to take the place of Leo B. G. Grif- fiths, resigned. ——Ex-Judge Albert W. Johnson, of Lewisburg, was last week appoint- ed federal district judge to succeed the late Judge Charles B. Witmer. He will be sworn into office at Wil- liamsport on Monday. ——On Saturday morning Benja- min Kauffman, of Zion, ran into another car at the intersection of Spring and High streets, Bellefonte. Fortunately he was not running fast and neither car was badly damaged. ——No party lunch is now complete without the crisp, delicate potato chips, made at the Centre county po- tato chip kitchen on Pine street, Belle- fonte. Be sure when you get them from your grocer to ask for those with the Centre county stamp on its paper bag. ——Fourteen babies of tender age were taken to a well baby clinic held in the Presbyterian church at Centre Hall, on Monday afternoon. The clinic was in charge of Dr. Morrow and Miss Campbell, State health depart- ment nurge, while those who assisted were the Red Cross nurse from State College, Rev. J. Max Kirkpatrick, Mrs. Greenhoe and Miss Grace Smith. ——The Bucknell Reserves will play the Bellefonte: Academy team on | Hughes field at three o’clock this (Friday) -afternoon. Thursday of last week the Academy defeated’ the Bellefonte team 3 to'1, and on Satur- day scored 14 runs to 0 in six innings against the Potomac school team, of Keyser, W. Va., when the game was called on account of rain. —The judgeship campaign is the leading political topic in Centre coun- ty, just as the Scenic is the principal motion picture theatre in Bellefonte. The latter has stood the test of years. Others have come and gone but the Scenic’s reputation is so well estab- lished that its many patrons never question the character of its pro- grams. They know that only the best ‘pictures obtainable are shown there and that they can always depend on seeing something worthwhile. ...;; ——The Bellefonte High school re- Ady team won their race in the Lew- idtown field meet last Saturday, cov- ering the ‘distance of slightly more than a mile in 3.46. The runners will go to Clearfield tomorrow and if they are successful in winning the race they will have won every contest en- tered this season. Only six men were sent over to the Lewistown meet but with this limited . field of athletes Bellefonte stood third in the final re- sults with 30% ‘points. Seven schools were represented in the meet. ——State College had another fire, at noon on Tuesday, when the home of John Musser, on College avenue, was partially destroyed. The roof and a portion of the rear of the house were burned before the flames were extinguished. The house was of frame construction and one of the oldest in State College. Mr. Musser is a motor mechanic and one room on the first floor of his house was occupied as a sales room for motor accessories. The damage is partially covered by insurance. The building was erected in the late eighties by the late John Carrigan who conducted “The Union” hotel there. ——The home of Elias Breon, at Axe Mann, caught fire on the roof, at nine o'clock yesterday morning, and the first intimation Mrs. Breon had of the danger to her home was when a passing boy ran in and told her her house was on fire. Fortunately a Bell telephone construction gang was at work nearby, and led by Benton D. Tate, an old and experienced fireman, they quickly hoisted a ladder to the roof, formed a bucket brigade and proceeded to work. They emptied the Breon cistern and’ that of a neighbor before the flames were extinguished. Bellefonte firemen were summoned but the fire was out when they got there. SCHOOL DAYS ALMOST OVER. Bellefonte High School Commence- ment Will be Held Next Week. The annual commencement of the Bellefonte High school will be held next week, the exercises to begin in the Presbyterian church on Sunday evening when the baccalaureate ser- mon to the graduating class will be preached by Rev. Dr. Ambrose M. Schmidt. Music will be furnished by: a male choir. The junior declamatory contest for the W. F. Reynolds prizes will be held on Monday evening at the High school auditorium. The High school orches- tra will furnish the music and the ten contestants will be Betty Ray, Edward Kern, Grace Carson, Donald Mallory, Marguerite Holt, David Geiss, Ruth Miller, Melvin Williams, Marie Chand- ler and Fred Fisher. The judges will be Prof. Irving L. Foster, county su- peerintendent David O. Etters and Miss Isabella S. Hill, of the Bellefonte Academy. On Tuesday morning the pupils of both schools will combine in staging an out of doors pageant on the High school grounds, which will be a festi- val of historical representations, of music and athletic exercises. In case the weather is not auspicious for an outdoor gathering on Tuesday morn- ing the pageant will be held on Wed- nesday morning. Aside from the commencement ex- ercises proper one of the most attract- ive features of the week will be the presentation of the play “Once in a Blue Moon,” in the High school au- ditorium on Wednesday evening at 8:15 o’clock, by members of the grad- uating class. The play is laid in Mon- terey, Cal., and consists of a prologue and two acts. The-cast of characters will include Marie Chandler, Betty Zerby, Marian Kane, Eunice Crain, Donald Kaler, Mary Callahan, Mary Shoemaker, James McCullough, John Emel, Gray Furey, Cameron Heverly, Mary Elizabeth Sloop, John Shoemak- er, Fred Fisher and Merrill Waite. On Wednesday morning the High school building will be open to an in- spection of the exhibits in manual arts, household economics and grade sewing. While these exhibits are large and varied they are probably not as elaborate as they might have been had it not been for the fact that considerable time was devoted to fash- ioning the various costumes to be used in the play on Tuesday evening. The commencement exercises prop- er will be held in the auditorium on ‘Wednesday evening. The commence- ment address will be delivered by Mr. Jonas E. Wagner, a former superin- tendent of the Bellefonte schools and now director of the bureau of admin- istration in the State Department of Education, at Harrisburg. The con- ferring of degrees and awarding of prizes will ‘be made by Dr. M. J. Locke, president of the Bellefonte school board. The graduating class this year numbers forty-five young men and womer, as follows: : talph Melvin Alexander, ‘Margaret Bathurst, Martha Jane Beck, Ruth Cecilia Bent, Edith. Katherine Brown, Grace Belle Cohen, Eunice Erma €rain, Josephine Wanda Crain, Rose Rita Carpeneto, John Curtin Jr., Erie Sophrona Decker, Elmer Benjamin Decker, Charles Edwin Dor- worth Jr., Mary Kathryn Eckenroth, John Andrew Emel, Anna Patricia Gherrity, William Pearl Hall, William Ellis Harvey, William Thomas Heinle, Allison Harris Hollobaugh, Thomas Flwood Iddings, Dane William Johnston, Donald Eugene Kaler, Marian Elizabeth Kane, Bernice Na- dine Lose, Kathryn Louise Love, Basil Ferguson Martin, Frances Willard McKel- vey, Gale Bedea Mitchell, Ruth Elizabeth Myers. Mary Elizabeth Raymond, Bernice Alice Rine, Estella Ruth Roberts, Paul tobert Schenck, Mary Elizabeth Sloop, Mary Teresa Shoemaker, Henry Bartow Stere, Charles Theodore Stine, James Shope, John Gilbert Shope, Clyde VanValin Smith, Margaret Anne Taylor, Harry Shively Tice, Thelma Beatrice Williams, Elizabeth Anne Zerby. Four Young People Injured in Auto Accident. a Four young people were seriously injured in an auto accident, last Fri- day night, while returning from a dance at Hecla Park. The list includes Paul Weaver, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mac Weaver, driver of the car, bad gut on leg, lacerations and bruises. Roy Shaffer, right leg broken, lac- erations and bruises. Mitzi Bodenshoff, right leg broken, lacerations and bruises. Mary Neff, severe bruises and mi- nor lacerations. The four young people left the park at eleven o'clock to return to Belle- fonte and just as they made the turn from the park road onto the state highway ran into a telephone pole. The car was badly smashed and every one of the occupants was thrown out and piled up promiscuously. Other cars following close upon the Weaver promptly went to the assistance of the injured young people. They were quickly placed in other cars, made as comfortable as possible, and brought to the Centre County hospital where physicians reduced the fractures of the broken limbs and rendered med- ical attention to those otherwise in- jured. ——The U. S. weather bureau threw a scare into the public gener- ally, on Monday, by announcing a “hard to killing” frost for Tuesday morning. Bellefonte gardeners tramp- ed in the muddy soil and covered many early vegetables but their work was unnecessary, as it was seven degrees warmer Tuesday morning than it was Monday morning, and was a safe distance from the danger line. car were stopped and the occupants ; Honoring the Heroic Dead. Large delegations of the American Legion, the Legion Auxiliary and P. 0. S. of A. with G. A. R. veterans, attended divine services in the Belle- fonte Methodist church, on Sunday, to hear the annual Memorial sermon preached by the pastor, Rev. Homer C. Knox. On Sunday afternoon a detail from the Brooks—Doll post, accompanied by a’ firing" squad from Troop B, in charge of Ralph Smith, about forty in number, ‘visited the Meyers and Shiloh ‘cemeteries.” The speakers at both places were J. Kennedy Johnston and S. D. Gettig Esqs. Plans have been completed for the annual Memorial services to be held in Bellefonte tomorrow. The Brooks-- Doll Post will be in charge and will be assisted by the American Legion auxiliary, Troop B, P. 0. S. of A. and the fire companies. The parade will form on the Diamond at one o’clock and will move promptly at 1.30. The Odd Fellows band will lead the march to the Union cemetery where the usual ritual of exercises will be held.. Motors will be furnished to convey the G. A. R. veterans to the cemetery. Rev. Homer C. Knox, pas- tor of the Methodist church, will de- liver the Memorial address, and after the services the aged veterans will be the guests of the Bellefonte Lodge of Elks, in accordance with a custom es- tablished some years ago. HOW SLEEP THE BRAVE. iow sleep the brave who sink to rest By all their country’s wishes blest! When spring with dewey fingers cold Returns to deck their hallowed mold, She there shall dress a sweeter sod Than faney's feet have ever trod. By fairy hands their knell is rung: By unseen forms their dirge is sung; There Honor comes, a pilgrim gray, To bliss the turf that wrap their clay; And freedom shall awhile repair © To dwell, 4 weeping hermit, there. —By William Collins (1721-1759.) Kiwanis Entertain G. A. R. Veterans. The Kiwanis club, on Tuesday, en- tertained nine veterans of the Civil war in honor of their services to our country and as a .small part of the memorial observations of the current week. The special table for the old veterans was occupied by the follow- ing: William Colpetzer, Henry Tay- lor, James Reed, Daniel Eberhart, William Flack, Joseph Alters, Harvey Griffith, Rev. Emenhizer and Samuel Guisewhite. To pay tribute to their services and to bring a message of in- spiring patriotism Kiwanis secured Dr. James Yeager, of Lewistown, as speaker. The sustained and ringing applause testified that Dr. Yeager had stirred his audience as no recent speaker on any subject has done. Drawing from a fund of thought and knowledge gathered from. a life of usefulness and travel the speaker brought a vivid appeal to the patri- otic instincts of all citizens who heard him, The boys of ’61 were visibly af- fected by his refererices:to the strife which saved the Union, and their en- tertainers were made far more appre-. ciative of their heroism. Fenty Aside from the stirring address of Dr. Yeager several minor reports were heard and a motion heartily adopted to remember with a floral message Kiwanian “Bill” Emerick, now convalescing in the Clearfield hospital. CA The St. Columba’s Choir to Sing Here * Again. The choir of St. Columba’s church of Johnstown, that so delighted the large audience it sang to here last year, will return to Bellefonte for a sacred concert in St. John’s Catholic church on Sunday evening, June 7th. This organization is regarded as the best singing group of mixed voices in this diocese of the Catholic church. In fact some maintain it is the best choir of the church in this country. For years it; has been trained and devel- oped by! Dr. Peter McAneny, who ac- quired his musical culture in Italy where he studied under the smasters who train grand opera singers prin- cipally. . All of the program will be sacred and as it is to be given Sunday night there will be no charge, though admis- sion will be by ticket and an offering of one dollar per person will be hoped for. The Kelleys Acquire Valuable Gas Coal Property. While in town on Wednesday M. D. Kelley, formerly of Snow Shoe, and now residing in Altoona, informed the “Watchman” that his company, the Central Coal and Coke Co., has pur- chased the property of the Loey Coal Co., located on the Monongahela Div. of the P. R. RB. The coal underlying it is a very high high grade gas coal and as there is a constant demand for that grade it will be opened and put on the market at once. ——Among the revocations of auto drivers licenses announced by the State Highway Department, on Mon- day, are those of Charles A. Isenberg, of Boalsburg; R. J. Bower, of Tyrone; John R. Dunkle, of Altoona, and LeRoy Fox, of Lock Haven. The lat- ter is under indictment in the Centre county court on the charge of man- slaughter because a passenger he was carrying at the time he had an acci- dent. was killed on - the Nittany valley state highway, between Lamar and Nittany. His case was to have come up last week but was continued because his attorney was detained in Clinton county court, Terrific Rain and Thunder Storms Saturday Night. Snow Sunday Night. Torrid weather, the hottest of the year, prevailed last Saturday and it brought results in a series of terrific rain and thunder storms Saturday evening and night, which was follow- ed by colder weather on Sunday and a snow fall Sunday night. The first storm of any consequence was on Saturday afternoon about four o’clock, but it passed down Bald Eagle valley and did not reach Bellefonte. It was accompanied with hail in large quantity and of unusual size. In fact the hail stones were so large that two month’s old chickens caught out in the open in the vicinity of Runville were beaten to death. The men who are erecting the airmail searchlight tow- er on Parson’s mountain, this side of Snow Shoe, were driven to cover by the falling hailstones. Out at Snow Shoe the ground was covered with hail. ; Beginning at seven o’clock Saturday evening there was a succession of storms way into the night. About eight o'clock lightning struck the Cur- ry home, on Logan street, knocking a small hole in the roof, scattering soot fire to some clothing in the attic. The fire companies were called out and the flames quickly extinguished. A hole was knocked in a sewer on Bishop street, which was also credited to a bolt of lightning. The Keystone Power corporation and the telephone companies had trou- bles galore. Twice the lights went out in Bellefonte but the trouble was quickly found and remedied, but it busy until Monday. The telephone companies did not get their troubles all cleared: up-until early this week. Following the rain storms about two inches of snow fell on Sunday night, though it all disappeared early Monday morning. Long Drawn Out Case in Court This Week. A long drawn out case in court dur- ing the week was that of J. H. Rock- erfeller, receiver of the Bird Coal and Iron Co., vs. David Chambers, an action to recover alleged unpaid royalties for coal mined on the plain- tiff’s property in Snow Shoe town- ship. The plaintiff was represented by S. D. Gettig ‘Esq., of Bellefonte, and Fred Shaffer Esq., of Sunbury, while the defendant’s attorneys were Ellis L. Orvis and James C. Furst Esgs., of Bellefonte, - and A. M. Liveright Esq., of Clearfield. The case was replete with figures and legal tech- _nicalities. ... Mr. Chambers, it appeared from the evidence, leased the coal lands from B. W. Sleppy, son of the president of the Bird Coal and Iron Co., in 1913, for a minimun royalty payment of ‘three hundred - tons -a month.” He operated the mine until early in 1920 county court which resulted in the ap- pointment of J. H. Rockerfeller as receiver. At that time defendant claims to have made a settlement with B. W. Sleppy for all moneys due him on the lease, and the present case is the result of a claim by the re- ceiver that the money paid at that time was not in full for all coal mined and who brought action to recover a sum not to exceed $9,400. The case went on trial last Thurs- day afternoon and was not completed until yesterday. Up to the time the “Watchman” went to press yeesterday ‘afternoon the jury had not returned a verdict and there was no indication as to how soon it might do so. When the Watchman went to press last week the case on trial was that of the Commonwealth vs. Selah A. Amed, accused of attempted rape and assault and battery. Mrs. Mary Eliz- abeth Heaton, of Blanchard, was the prosecutor. It took the jury almost seven hours to reach a decision but they finally reeturned a virdict of not guilty, placing one-fourth of the costs on the prosecutor and three-fourths on the defendant. Walter L. Main Show to Visit Belle- fonte on June 20th. Hurrah for the kiddies! Mr. L. C. Gillette, advance agent for the Wal- ter L. Main show, was in Bellefonte on Monday and made arrangements for the appearance of the show in Belle- fonte on Saturday, June 20th, and there will also be a big free street parade. For almost half a century the Walter L. Main show has been on the road, and it has been a fairly reg- ular visitor in Bellefonte. Thirty years ago it was badly shot to pieces in a big railroad wreck coming down the mountain to Vail station, but it has been recuperating from year to year until now it is one of the best and cleanest shows in the country. It has equipment and paraphernalia valued at upward of three quarters of a million dollars, and over five hun- dred men, women and horses are car- ried. Among the features are the Flying Jordans, the Peerless Potters, gymnasts; the Nanking troupe of Chi- nese equilibrists; the Maxwell Trio, acrobats; Arthur Borella, the highest salaried clown in America; the Flor- ence family of riders; the DeLong Sisters, acrobats and nearly 100 other stars and features of Continental Eu- rope and Great America. The first bill car will be in Belle- fonte Saturday of next week, when the flaming posters advertising the circus will be put up. from the kitchen stove and setting | was not so easy to reach outlying dis- | jtricts.and the’ repair’ gang was kept when the ‘company became a party to | -|.an equity ,proceeding “in the ‘Centre NEWS PURELY PERSONAL. —Miss i Lois Foreman returned home i yesterday morning from Columbia Univer- sity, New York. | —Mrs. Charles Heisler is here from Beaver Falls, spending two weeks with her “many friends in Bellefonte. ! MM. F. Broderick has been in Pittsburgh this week, having gone out on a business trip relative to his work at Rockview. | —Philip D. Waddle came here from Sun- bury, last week, on account of ill health, and is now a patient in the Centre County —E. L. Hollobaugh motored to Harris- burg on Tuesday to attend the annual con- clave of the Knight Templars, going from there to Baltimore and Washington on a sight-seeing trip. —Mrs. Myron N. Cobb and her small son went to Harrisburg yesterday morning to join Mr. Cobb for a visit to their former home at Wilkes-Barre. Mr. Cobb had been east on a business trip. —George G. Geiss, with the P. R. R. Co., at their offices in the Broad Street station, Philadelphia, will be home tomorrow for one of his occasional short visits with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Wagner Geiss. —Mr. and Mrs. Nelson E. Robb were at Atlantic City last week, where Mr. Robb attended the National Bankers association in session there during the week. Mrs. ; Robb remained east for a visit in Phila- , delphia. —Mrs. Richard Brouse, local regent of , the Catholic Daughters of America, and "Mrs. Odille Mott, district organizer, rep- resented the Bellefonte chapter at the i State conference held in Oil City the lat- ' ter part of last week. —Mrs. Martin Haines and her daughter, | Bellefonte this week and have been guests 1 of Mrs. Haines’ sister, Mrs. Ingram, on Lamb street. Mrs. Lindemuth has been | visiting for . several ‘weeks with Mrs. - Haines and Mrs. Black, in Clearfield. | —Mrs. H. K. Hoy, who has been with her . daughter, Mrs. Clayton Royer, during the winter, is now with her son Siney H. Hoy and his family on south Thomas street, 4 and upon leaving there the middle of June will go to Boalsburg to spend the summer with the Rev. and Mrs. W. J. Wagner. —Mr. and Mrs. Stanley B. Valentine and their son Richard, will motor here from Lancaster for a Memoral day visit with the child’s grandmother, Mrs. Harry C. Valentine, at the Mary Valentine home on Curtin street. Expecting to be in Belle- fonte only for several days, they will make the return trip Sunday. —Mr. and Mrs. G. Murray Andrews are occupying their home on Allegheny street, having returned from Philadelphia during the week. Mrs. Andrews went east sev- eral months ago and since then has been a hospital patient under the care of spe- cialists. Mr. Andrews went down to ac- company her home. —Miss Kate Gummo, who has been muk- ing her home with her sister, Mrs. Dunlap, at Pine Grove Mills, since her return to this country, is now on a Memorial day visit at her girlhood home up Buffalo Run. During the time she spends there Miss Gummo will be a guest of Miss Elizabeth Green, at her home at Briarly. —Mr. and Mrs. R. Winn Davis and Mrs. Davis’ brother, Donald Gettig, will drive in from Washington, ‘Pa., to spend Me- morial day and the week-end at the L. H. Gettig home. Donald has been located in Washington for a month, with Mr. Davis, at the Tylerville mines, and makes his’ home with Mr. and Mrs. Davis. for -Seward, Pa.,.from where she and her of their brother, Dr. Campbell, on a drive to their former home at Punxsutawney. While there for Memorial day and the week-end, they all will be guests of anoth- er sister, Mrs. Loeb. —H. M. Fleck, a brother of Mrs. James Schofield, with Mrs. Fleck and their son Hurley Fleck and his wife, of Altoona, drove down from Warriorsmark to spend Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Schofield. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Fleck only recently bought the Lowery home at Warriorsmark, and moved there from their. former home in Altoona. : —Mr. and Mrs. William Cowdrick, Mr. and Mrs. J. Albert Carlin, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cowdrick, Mrs. Hamilton Otto, Pearl Royer and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Royer and their younger son, will all motor down from Niagara Falls to-day to be here for Memorial day. Miss Grace Royer, a nurse in training in Philadelphia, will come to Bellefonte to spend to-morrow and Sunday. : it —Mrs. Emily Owens, of Baltimore, came to Bellefonte Wednesday to be with Mrs. Julia Valentine Bond indefinitely. Mrs. Bond and Mrs. Owens are at the heme of the late Miss Emily Valentine, on account of whose death Mrs, Owens came to’ Belle- fonte. Mrs. Bond has been in Bellefonte since Tuesday, having arrived here two hours after her sister’s death. Her plans on coming had been to spend the summer here with Miss Valentine. 5 —The Misses Mary Royer and Marie Hoy are expected in Bellefonte Sunday, following a six month's visit on the Pa- cific coast. Having left for the east Sat- urday, they will arrive in Pittsburgh to- day, remain there with their aunt, Mrs. Grant Pifer, of Wilkinsburg, until Sun- day then come on to be met at Tyrone by Miss Royer’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clay- ton Royer, who will drive over to motor home with them on the last lap of their journey. —DMessrs. Charles Stover and his neph- ew, D. K. Fye, two of Millheim’s repre- sentative citizens, were in town Friday morning; having come up to attend to some business in which the latter, the lead- ing restauranteur of Millheim, was inter- ested. Mr. Stover lives on Penn street and residents along that thoroughfare are very much in the same boat as those of Spring street, Bellefonte. All are troubled with dust and troubled more with the difficulty of getting oil on to keep it down. —Mervin Arney, of Centre Hall, was in Bellefonte last Friday for a few hours. ‘While Mr. Arney is a well known and very successful farmer we think he is the most perfect refutation of the proverb that ‘no house is large enough for two families.” In his home there are three families and four generations and their life together is ideal. The venerable J. J. Arney, head of the family, is still living. Then comes Mervin, the son, and his daughter Pearl and son Bruce, who is married and has two children and all are happy to be to- gether in the ancestral homestead. We doubt if there is another such a case in the country. sister, Miss Cora Campbell, will be guests —Mr. and Mrs. John GG. Love are enter- taining Mrs. Love's sister, Miss Ellen Wit- mer, of Philadelphia. ; —Mrs. M. C. Breese, of Downingtown, is expected here Monday for a visit with her sister, Mrs. George F. Harris, on Linn street. —Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lowery and Mr. and Mrs. Cheney Lowery motored in from McKeesport a week ago to see Mr. Low- ery’s brother, Joseph Lowery, who has been ill at his home at Coleville. —Mr. and Mrs. Saul Auerbach arrived “here yesterday morning from New York, - hospital, under treatment for rheumatism. for a week’s visit at the Cohen home. Mrs. ' Auerbach came at this time that she might ‘attend -the - High - school | Westcott, the Moose architect —Mrs. J. K. Barnhart left yesterday: commencement, having been a graduate of the Class of '2¢. —Mr. and Mrs. Fred Garner, of State College, were in Bellefonte Wednesday afternoon looking after some business rel- ative to the sale of their house on Gill street, which was purchased by Orrin Far- rell, for $10,500, Mr. Farrell to get posses- sion the first of June. Mr. and Mrs. Gar- ner will go at once to Mrs. Garner's father, A. H. Krumrine's farm, where they will live while building their new home on Col- lege Heights, which they have planned to begin immediately. Walter Sunday, of Pine Grove Mills, Shet in Mistake for Groundhog. Shortly before five o’clock on Wed- nesday afternoon, Walter Sunday, thirteen year old son of Harry Sun- day, and Ellery Grove, aged sixteen years, both of near Pine Grove Mills, went hunting for groundhogs on the James Mitchell farm. The lads sepa- ‘rated and Grove hearing a noise in a Mrs. Lindemuth, of Brooklyn, came to ' clump of bushes near where he was standing fired pointblank, supposing the object in the bushes to be a groundhog. Instead it was his chum Walter, who received the entire load of shot in his face. The Sunday boy screamed and the Grove lad was horrified ‘to/find him ly- ing unconscious on the ground. He quickly summoned help and the wounded boy was brought to the Cen- tre County hospital where he died at six o'clock yesterday morning. One of the shot had pierced the boy’s brain. His father, one brother and five half- brothers survive. No arrangements have yet been made for the funeral. Moose to Remodel Temple Theatre. At a regular meeting of the Belle- fonte Lodge of Moose, on Wednesday evening, a committee was appointed to take charge of the work of remod- eling the Temple theatre. Among the prospective improvements will be en- larging the building by extending" the rear portion back to the alley; a new lobby will be made by utilizing the present rooms occupied by Herbert Auman, tax collector; a new entrance will be made to the balcony and the first floor will be equipped with new plush top seats. All posts will also be removed from the first floor. The cost of the improvements is: estimated at $20,000. Ex-Judge Burnett, of Pittsburgh, was in Bellefonte on Tuesday and ap- proved of the work‘contemplated. Mr. will come ‘to Bellefonte in a few days and prepare plans for the improvements. Socially. Fifty invitations were issued by Mrs. John I. Olewine for the tea she gave at the Nittany Country club Sat- urday afternoon, this was the second of Mrs. Olewine’s entertainments in May. A miscellaneous surprise shower was given Thursday evening of last week, at Mrs. O. A. Kline’s, on east Bishop street, for Miss Thelma Hazel, who will be a June bride, the party being originated by Mrs. - Gideon Payne, Mrs. J. F. Smith Jr, Mrs. Frederick Daggett and Mrs. Woche, all close friends of Miss Hazel. The gifts given her by the thirty-one guests were in number and beauty enough to make happy any prospect- ive bride. Mrs. M. R. Johnson and her Sunday school class, “The King’s Daughters,” and Miss Bella Johnson and her class, “The Live Wires,” were hostesses at a farewell surprise party given Fran- ces and Rachel McKelvey and Laura Aplin, in the social room of the Meth- odist church, Monday evening, the two Sunday scheol classes and some spe- cially invited guests, including forty- five of their church associates. A number of gifts were received by the girls and the evening was one of great pleasure to them on the eve of their leaving Bellefonte to make their home elsewhere. The Delcamp-Reish Families to Reune The annual reunion of the Delcamp and Reish families is to be held on Saturday, June 6th, in the Woodward Narrows at what is commonly known as “Hairy” John’s place. All friends and connections of the families, which cover many branches in Union and Centre counties are invited. It will be in the nature of a basket picnic. The largest branches in this wide connec- tion are those springing from the Del- camps, Reishes, Irvins and Corls. ————————p fp e—————— ——Get your Memorial day flowers from Mrs. George Miller, at the Mil- ler hardware store. No larger selec- tion of potted and cut flowers is to be had. 22-1t remy pce, Bellefonte Grain Markets. Corrected Weekly by C. XY. Wagner & Co. Wheat - - - - = $1.80 Corn - - = - = - 1.20 By eo +» «+ « - - « 100 Oats +» =- « - - - 50 Barley - - - - - - 1.00 Buckwheat « - = 1.10