Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, May 29, 1925, Image 7
_Te Bellefonte, Pa., May 29, 1925. CHANGE GAME SEASONS UNDER LATEST BILL. Harrisburg—Governor Pinchot re- luctantly signed the Nicholson House bill changing bag limits and open sea- sons, because of a proviso that game wardens could not make arrests or be called upon to make arrests for other violations than game law violations. The Governor says he signed the bill because the other provisions were good and because Attorney General Woodruff informed him that the sec- tion restricting the police powers of game wardens was unconstitutional. Open seasons are designated as fol- lows: Blackbirds and upland or grass plo- ver, August 1 to November 30. Rail and reedbird, sandpiper, cur- lew or any other kind of shore bird, except elsewhere designated, Septem- ber 1 to November 30. Woodcock and Wilson or jack snipe, October 1 to November 30. All birds known as wild waterfowl, coots or mud hens and gallinules, Oc- tober 1 to January 15. Raccoon, October 1 to January 15. Wild turkey, ruffed grouse (com- monly called pheasants), male ring- neck pheasant, Virginia partridge (commonly called quail), Gambel quail, valley quail and Hungarian quail, and grey, black and fox sqir- rels, November 1 to November 30. Red squirrel, November 1 to August 15 next following. Wild rabbit and hare, November 1 to December 15. Bear over one year old, November 10 to December 15. Male der with two or more points to one antler, December 1 to Decem- ber 15. : Male deer with two or more points to one antler, December 1 to Decem- br 15. Bag limits are fixed as follows: Wild turkey, one in a season; ruffed grouse, three in a day, 15 in a season; male ringneck pheasants, two in a day, six in a season; quail, known as partridges of the combined kinds, eight in a day, 25 in a season; wood- cock, six in a day, 20 in_a season; squirrels, including fox, black and grey, six in a day, 20 in a season; wild rabbits, five in a day, 30 in a sea- son; hares, three in a day, 15 in a sea- son; wild ducks, combined kinds, 15 in a day, 60 in a season; wild geese, five in a day, 60 in a season; brant, five in a day, 30 in a season; bear, one in 2 season; bear by hunting party, four either in a day or in a season; deer, one in a season; deer, by a hunting party, six in a day or six in a season; elk, one in a season, either by individ- ual hunter or by hunting party. Reformed Church Body Meets at Rebersburg. The West Susquehanna Classis of the Reformed church met at Rebers- burg, -on Monday, May. 18, continuing in session until the evening of the 20th. The opening sermon was preached by the Rev. H. A. Hartman, of the Hublersburg charge, who was the re- tiring president. The organization was effected by the election of Rev. W. E. Hoy, D. D., president of Hup- ing christian college, China, and vet- eran missionary, as president. Rev: R. Ira Gass, of West Milton, was elected vice president; Rev. W. E. Reifsnyder, of Middleburg, corres- ponding secretary, and Mr. David Kel- ler, of Centre Hall, treasurer. The ladies of the Rebersburg charge tendered the Classis a reception on Tuesday evening, when a delightful social hour was had and fine refresh- ments served. alee) On Wednesday evening a service In commemoration of the founding of the Reformed church in America was held. Two excellent historical ad- dresses were delivered. One by Prof. H. F. Bitner Ph. D., of Lewisburg; the other by the Rev. Dr. John Baer Stoudt, Asso. Pres. of Cedar Crest College, Allentown. Other laymen and ministers on the program were Revs. E. H. Romig, H. H. Rupp, M. A. Kieffer, A. M. Schmidt, Roy Moorhead, J. W. Mem- inger, W. E. Harr, E. A. Rupley, C. B. Schneider, and Prof. Brumer, C. C. Smull and J. N. Moyer. Classis will meet next year on May 10th, at Centre Hall. ms ————— en Effect of Good Cheer in Sick Room. The restorative power of good cheer is far greater than medicine, and men- tal depression is the true physicians worst enemy. It is the bane of a sick- room and the shackle upon recovery. In fact, the mental attitude is respon- sible for more ills than all other caus- es put together. If a nurse cannot control her feel- ings, or the exterior manifestations of them, her usefulness is turned into uselessness, and anything useless in a sick-room is positively harmful. The jest has an important part to play in the sick-room as a remedy for irritability. Don’t tell long stories, don’t talk about some other person’s trials, and don’t think up miserable possibilities. The keynote to success- ful nursing is order, observation and obedience, these qualities joined with tact—the want of which is the bace of | nearly every sin which a nurse may | commit—make for the ideal sick-room | attendant. An English tourist, who was telling an Irish peasant about the im- mense size of the British Empire said: Well, Pat, and do you know that the sun never sets on the King’s domin- ions? No, your honor, replied Pat. Well, such is the case, went on the tourist. But do you know the reason why ? Pat immediately answered: 1 sup- pose it is because Heaven is afraid to trust an Englishman in the dark. CELEBRATING A TIMELY TERCENTENARY. Three hundred years ago next month a Dutchman escaped from life imprisonment under the Prince of Nassau, and completed the writing of one of the world’s landmark books. The Dutchman was Hugo Grotius; his book, of course, “De Jure Belli et Pa- cis.” With its publication modern in- ternational law may be said to have come definitely into being. Certainly there has not been a major inter- national embroilment since 1625 in which the maxims of Grotius have not been quoted. And while there may be points in his argument which are pat- ently out of date, statesmen are still applying themselves to his rules for neutrality and contraband, and still go back to his exposition of sovereignty for many of their controlling ideas. Grotius’ book has had an astonishing influence and an even more astonish- ing life. It is the latter fact which is likely to impress the participant in the approaching tercentenary, to be cele- brated simultaneously in the Hague and in Paris. That book laying down rules for the conduct of warfare should remain authoritative while the warfare itself evolved from harque- buses to aeroplanes and from cara- vels to super-submarines is in itself a commentary on the slowness with which humanity moves forward. It seems probable, however, that the reign of Grotius is about over. As the father of an international law the great Dutchman—who also showed his greatness in his efforts for religious tolerance—will remain in the gallery of the world’s pioneers. But long be- fore another centenary rolls round there will be a new and authoritive codification of international law, from which it is to be hoped that all laws giving legal standing to war are left out. Indeed, it is possible that the writing of this code, long overdue, may be the substantial recognition of the worth of the document that Gro- tius gave to the world three hundred years ago.—The Christian Century. Toxin is Discovered for Scarlet Fever. The current Journal of the Ameri- can Medical Association, in an article by Drs. George A. Dick and Gladys Henry Dick, of Chicago, says evidence has been fond that immunity from scarlet fever may be developed by the use of a toxine. The immunity will last a year and a half, the article says. The Doctors Dick, who have been working for years to develop a serum to combat scarlet fever and who have been recommended for the Noble prize for their work, some time ago an- nounced that scarlet fever germs can be isolated, that the fever can be ex- perimentally produced and that the toxin can be used in testing suscepti- bility to the fever. SERVING OF MILK REGULATED. Senate bill No. 15 approved March 26 by Governor Pinchot carries the following provisions re'ative to the serving of milk for drinking purposes in hotels, restaurants, lunch rooms and dining cars: 1. Milk for drinking purposes must be served in the bottle in which it is supplied to the eating place, it being unlawful to serve milk to pa- trons from a bulk supply. 2. The milk served must comply with the standards fixed by the laws of the Commonwealth. 3. The law does not prohibit the purchase of milk in bulk for uses oth- er than for serving patrons for drink- 1 i 6. Any one violating this law is subject to a fine of not less than $25 nor more than $50 or imprisonment of not less than 80 days and not more j than 90 days or both. : 5 7. The law went into effect Mon- ay. ——The law, designed to eliminate the evil of watering oysters, prohibits the sale of oysters at retail in any manner whatsoever except by numer- ical count. An exception is made, however, when oysters have been brought into the State in unopened, sealed original containers. The law became effective May 16, and since that date any one found selling oys- ters by the pint, quart or other meas- ure as customary in past is subject to a fine of not less than $25, nor more than $100 or in the case of individuals to undergo an imprisonment of not Jest than 30 nor more than 60 days or oth. ——1It was the first anniversary of their wedding. The morning sun beamed through the window of the breakfast room as she laid her head Lyon & Co. ation Day. Flower-Like Voiles Lyon & Co. in Exquisite Frocks for the Little Ones on Decor- White and Colored Dresses in all sizes for L.ittle Miss Dainty—some Hand-Embroidered. ing purposes. against his manly chest and whisper- 4. The law does not prevent the |ed: sale or serving of cream, skimmed Do you know what day this is, dar- milk or butter milk from bulk if the |ling? same is pure and wholesome. I'll tell the world I do, he replied 5. The law does not apply to the | with a glad smile. sale of mixed drinks at soca foun- tains. season. on LokeFric Makes a pleasant break in your journey. A good bed in a clean, cool stateroom, a long sound sleep and an appetizing breakfast in the morning. 2 Steamers “SEEANDBEE”—*CITY OF ERIE"-"CITY OF BUFFALO” Daily May Ist to November 15th Lezve Buffalo— 9:00 P. M. East Le Cleveland —9: A Arrive Cleveland *7:00 A. M. Seandand Time Yieuve Bond 3% r Mo *¥Steamer “CITY OF BUFFALO” arrives 7:30 A. M. Connections for Cedar Point, Put-in-Bay, Toledo, Detroit and other points. Ask your ticket agent or tourist agency for tickets via C & B Li i Automobile Rate—$7.50. a BS New Tourine Send for free sectional puzzle chart of the Great Ship “SEEANDBEE” and 32-page booklet. The Cleveland & Buffalo Transit Co. Cleveland, Ohio Fare, $5.50 Your Rail Ticket is Good on the Boats The Great Ship “SEEANDBEE”’ — Length, 500 feet, Breadth, 98 feet 6 inches. TO OC LO OI CU UCC ETE DV ECE CP ECL LLL LLU four.” EAT I OT ECONOMIES IN TELEPHONE OPERATION HE system of this company has grown from two tele- L phones to nearly a million in Pennsylvania in less than fifty years. : Such growth of a necessary service, constantly increasing in scope and efficiency, is not surprising. But there's an ele- ment in it that is. The single telephone is not a self-sufficient unit. It must be tied to every other one in the community, and beyond. A growth of a hundred telephones, or a thousand, means a disproportionate growth in many elements of the tele- phone plant, and similarly in the volume and complexity of the interconnecting equipment and operation. It has more than once been said that the successful con- duct of a telephone business can be continued “only so long i as two plus two can be made to equal something less than And it is a fact that the otherwise natural consequences of this great growth would long ago have swamped the serv- ice, placing it far beyond the average reach; had it not been for constant economy coming from invention, development, increased efficiencies and capacities, effective short-cuts— altogether, the scientific improvement of the telephone equipment and its operation in the direction of economy. Complexity is a constant lash in the furnishing of tele phone service—but to good purpose. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA fel OE LE i ON AI SLE ERE RR i SER RIA AA LRA NAIA RA ERT RAIN] TO CO CE CLEC CCE LCCC OCU CCU LCCC LULU O This is the first day of the baseball Silk Socks in every shade to match any dress. New Summer Silks and Voiles ; a shipment has just arrived bringing with it all the Newest Shades and Patterns— printed, striped and plain—in Wash Silk, Silk Broad- cloth, Taffeta and Voiles. yy; and Suits All Coats are greatly reduced. See our special at $9. All colors in high shades, fur trimmed and self trimmed—at prices that will be attractively low. Socks Childrens Socks, 3% lengths from 25 cts. a pair up. . See those we are selling 3 pairs for 50 cts. ‘Lyon & Co. « Lyon & Co. Come to the “Watchman” office for High Class Job work $1.75...$1.75 | Ladies’ Guaranteed Silk Hose These Hose are guaranteed not to develop a “runner” in the leg nor a hole in the heel If they do this you will be given a new pair free. or toe. We Have them in All Colors Yeager's Shoe Store THE SHOE STORE FOR THE POOR MAN Bush Arcade Building BELLEFONTE, PA. 58-27