Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, May 08, 1925, Image 6

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    Bellefonte, Pa., May 8, 1925.
By Ryley Ryck.
Air's so soft and lazy, like,
Makes me lazy too;
Work is piled up on my desk,
Never will get through.
Wind is blowin’ from the South
And it seems to say:
“River’s waitin’ for you here,
Work seme other day.”
Wish I didn't have to work,
‘What's the use of wishin’?
Best forget it now and then—
I'm goin’ fishin’.
Eyes half shut it seems I can
Feel myself afloat
And the light, incessant waves
Tapping at my boat;
See the sunlight glistenin’
On the ripples; hear
Insects dronin’ overhead
And singin’ in my ear.
Papers rustle on my desk
Like the reeds a-swishin'—
Good bye, work, see vou tomorrow,
I'm goin’ fishin’!
By Levi A. Miller.
The word etiquette to some people
is looked upon as offensive. They
think it stands for stiffness in all so-
cial relations and has a tendency to
create mannerisms; they regard many
of its observances as calculated to
breed insolent pride and cause affecta-
tion. These people, though honest
enough in their professions forget, ig-
nore and overlook the leading points
brought out and insisted upon by the
etiquette they so fiercely disparage,
condemn and frown upon.
It is true that a man or a woman
may be over-polite, in which case the
recipient of these exaggerated atten-
tions is frequently placed in an em-
barrassing position and: perhaps made
an object of ridicule, but that is not
the fault of the obligations imposed
by the rules which govern social in-
tercourse. If a woman is naturally a
lady, and a man is a gentleman by in-
stinet and training they will not find
any of the tenets of society irksome.
Etiquette is a permanent fixture; it
has come to stay and we may as well
make the best of it. Courtesy should
be observed everywhere, towards
every one.
Politeness is the best trait of char-
acter a man can possess, and if it is
not born in him it can be readily ac-
quired. It goes a long way in smooth-
ing over the rough edges of life and
has been the means of enabling many
a young man to rise in the world,
who otherwise might have remained
in the lower strata. It is not neces-
sary to fawn upon the rich and the
great and influential, for a man should
at all times preserve a proud inde-
pendence; but if one is considerate of
others he will find, often to his sur-
prise, that these kindnesses bear un-
expected and grateful fruit.
A raan need not go through the
world shoving all others aside and
trampling the weak under foot; at the
same time he should not permit him-
self to be imposed upon. To women,
particularly, to whom the social at-
mosphere is life itself, the few bits of
caution, advice, warning and general
information given above will not come
amiss, although we do not wish to in-
timate that the majority of ladies are
unfamiliar with the rules and regula-
tions of society, for they are not.
The idea of devoting so: much space
to apparently trivial matters in con-
nection with social life is merely to
aid in the observancérof those laws,
the intricacies and details of which no
one can retain in memory.
Ladies are adepts in conforming to
the slightest, and, to the average ob-
server, the most insignificant f.rms
laid down by the autocrats of society,
but it sometimes comes to pass that
they need recourse to the letter of the
dictum and cannot trust to what they
think is the proper thing to be done
in the circumstances and under the
conditions then prevailing.
As people are known and judged by
their manners and the way they con-
duct themselves when in the company
of others, it should always be born in
mind, therefore, that politeness ought
to begin at home. It is strange that
men are not more polite to their
wives, who are certainly more to them
than other women. The man who
takes off his hat as politely to his wife
when he parts from her on the street
as he would to his lady acquaintance
of yesterday; who opens the door for
her to enter; who would no more
speak harshly to her than to any oth-
er lady, is very likely to retain her
first affection, with the addition of
that sweeter, closer love which comes
of close companionship. Women ad-
mire men who are genuinely interest-
ed in them and who never fail in an-
ticipating their slightest wishes, wants
and desires.
It is natural for young men and
women to marry; in fact it is obliga-
tory, if the race is to be sustained.
Men have their professions, their bus-
iness and financial cares, their polit-
ical projects and ambitions and other
things in which the wife has no share.
Women remain at home, and more in
that sacred, if restricted, sphere
where men come for comfort, retire-
ment and taste of those joys the do-
mestic hearth alone ‘can furnish.
There is peace and contentment in the
home where the wife and children
spring to welcome the father on his
return from the office, the business
house or the factory, and the man in
turn, leaving strife of the pushing
world behind him when he closes the
street door of his home, is thankful
for that haven of rest.
That nation possessing the greatest
number of homes is certain to be the
most enduring. Home life is elevat-
ing and strengthening, and ° when
young men and women marry and
found a home of their own they are
participants of the work of perpetu-
ating the responsibility of a home. -
A wife leaves home, parents,
friends, and all connected with her
previous existence to follow her hus-
band, who, on his part, must consider
her above all things else and make her
the chiefest objects of his care, solici-
tude and attention. Before entering
the marital state, therefore, young
men and young women should indulge
in reflection, and not rush into matri-
mony unthinkingly. Parents should
be alert in the matter of admitting
young men to their homes, and it is
due to their daughters that those who
call upon them should be of good char-
acter and high purposes. Parents are
often careless as to their daughters’
associates, and if the result should be
otherwise than gratifying are inclin-
ed to place the blame upon the shoul-
ders of their children instead of their
own. It is not necessary that a young
man be rich to constitute an eligible
suitor, although wealth is not to be
despised. If the youth is aspiring,
level-headed. industrious and endowed
with brains he will soon get ahead in
the world if he makes choice of a
proper help-meet.
Men are made and un-made by their
wives, but the influence of the latter,
in the main, is for the highest good.
More men have found their way to
success by reason of having the right
sort of wives than have suffered be-
cause of having been unfortunate in
the selection of a “better half;” and,
while men may not know it, they are
indebted in a greater degree than they
can ever repay tothe women who
cheerfully and uncomplainingly bear,
not only their own burdens, but many
of those of their husbands as well.
Most men can make money, but few
can save it, and here is where the wife
comes to the rescue. A girl who has
been taught to economize and take
care of her father’s house can be de-
pended upon not to waste the means
of her husband. It is not necessary
to be stingy or parsimonious, but fru-
gality is a virtue of the best and pur-
est quality. The good daughter makes
a good wife, and even if she have
servants at her command after mar-
riage, the knowledge gained while
with her mother will enable her to so
conduct her husband’s household that
it will be a constant delight to him.
I will conclude my harangue with a
few remarks on the silly topic of love.
When boys and girls fall in love there
is nothing to do but grin and bear it.
They say love is blind, but as the
young man is able to see a thousand
times more in his sweetheart than her
parents, friends and relatives ever
discovered, this assertion is open to
doubt and debate.
No honorable lover will make love
to a maiden without the knowledge of
her parents; it may be said that if he
is received into the house he is not to
be regarded as ineligible. Love can-
not be hidden, and the mother soon
finds out the actual embarrassing sit-
uation. As soon as the young man is
competent of reading his own heart,
however, it is his duty to speak to the
father or mother, or both parents, re-
garding his sentiments. and ask per-
mission to’ pay his addresses; thus,
being put on their guard, the parents
can make more searching inquiries in
connection with the lover and acquaint
themselves with his mode of life and
characteristics. It is unmanly should
he win the girl’s love, for a young
man to lead her to believe that he is
wealthy; not that she would love him
the less were he poor, but this is a
subterfuge resorted to, as a rule, to
secure the favor of the parents. If
the latter lead the young man to be-
lieve their daughter has expectations,
and it turns out otherwise, the groom
is better able to stand the shock of
disappeiatment than the bride.
It may be argued that the swain is
at great disadvantage in not having
means at his command to investigate
as to the temper, traits, habits and
general disposition of his. betrothed,
while the father, or other relatives of
the young man can, by inquiry ascer-
tain all about the young man; his
manner of spending his evenings, his
companions, mode of life, business
qualities, etc. But this does not ap-
pear to cut- much figure or carry
weight with the men. They rest easy
in the thought that their loved ones,
surrounded by the pure home atmos-
phere, must be all they imagine them,
and in the majority of cases, they are
right. .
Girls“are better than boys, and
women are better than men, and all
the risks are not run by the husbands.
Engagements, or betrothals should not
be lengthy, for, should the same be
broken after several years, the young
woman is at a disadvantage. She is
older than she was, and other men
have accustomed themselves to look
upon her as assigned to the one to
whom she had given her word. On
the other hand, haste in m rrying is
reprehensible, and may bring swift
punishment. If the lover be jealous,
he renders his fiancee’s existence mis-
erable, and while she should devote
herself to him alone and not receive
attentions from other men, she should
not be treated as a prisoner, or one
whose tendency is to do wrong.
The Whims of Fate.
Oscar Palmquist, of Bridgeport,
Conn., was on board the Titanic the
night of that great ship’s doom. He
went down with it, but came up again
and swam for hours in the icy waters
of the Atlantic. A rescue ship finally
picked him up and saved him. That
same Oscar Palmquist fell into a six
foot pond the other day and was
drowned. Palmquist’s fate reminds
the New York World of the fate of
Edward Whymper, the British moun-
tain climber who had climbed all the
steep mountains the world over. After
a lifetime of hairbreadth adventures
Edward Whymper one day started up
the steps to the platform where he
was to lecture, slipped, fell and broke
his collar bone. All of which illus-
trates the whims of fate.
Jack—“So your father demurred at
first because he didn’t want to lose
Mary—“Yes; but I won his consent.
I told him that he need not lose me.
We could live with him, and so he
would not only have me, but a son-in-
I don’t like that last
law to boot.”
—Dairymen, beware! Scrub stock
can multiply as rapidly as purebreds.
—Grit and oyster shell should be
before the poultry flock at all times.
Grit is used for the grinding and
crushing of food in the gizzard. Oys-
ter shell, which cannot replace grit, is
fed for the lime it contains.
—The degree of success in home
gardening and also the amount of
pleasure derived from working in the
garden is largely determined by the
kind of tools used. The variety of la-
bor saving hand tools is large and
they are inexpensive. Now is the
time to look over the equipment of
tools on hand and repair them if nec-
essary. In selecting new tools par-
ticular soil conditions should be kept
in mind as all tools will not work un-
der all conditions. If your garden is
one-fifteenth of an acre or larger in
Jes you should have a hand wheel
—Warning against the danger of
feeding moldy corn to livestock is giv-
en by the Pennsylvania Bureau of An-
imal Industry. One feeding of moldy
corn may be sufficient to poison an en-
tire stable of animals, according to
the State officials. They say further
that forage poisoning and intestinal
disorders will likely occur following
the feeding of moldy food. Although
horses and mules seem most suscep-
tible, all farm animals are subject to
these diseases. Affected animals show
symptoms of poisoning, will stagger
about, and may finally die. In case
such symptoms develop, State officials
advise getting in touch with the local
veierinarian as soon as possible.
—A report has reached the Penn-
sylvania Bureau of Plant Industry
from western States to beware of an
agency called Zenith Lawn Acessor
Company, Kansas City, represented
by Allen W. Miller.
This company is reported to be sell-
ing meadow fescue at $1.10 per pound
wholesale, or $1.50 per pound retail
and is calling it the “World’s Most
Beautiful Bluegrass.” An analysis by
the Colorado Seed Laboratory shows
that this seed is nothing more than or-
dinary meadow fescue which is being
sold by seed houses in the eastern
States for as little as 12% cents per
pound. The grass sold by Mr. Miller
i$ called Herbae Prati in order to cov-
er up its identity as the ordinary
meadow fescue.
: Dr. E. M. Gress, who is in charge of
the seed analysis work for Pennsylva-
nia, states that he will take immediate
steps to prosecute guilty parties in
case such misrepresentation of farm
‘seeds is attempted in Pennsylvania.
—During the past few years lovers
and experienced growers of the var-
ious types of flowers, such as peonies,
iris, phlox and roses, have indicated
their preference by voting. A survey
of votes and preferences recently
made by one of the largest growers of
roses indicates that there are ten va-
rieties of climbing roses considered
the best.
Those selected are: Silver Moon,
which has white flowers with showy
Christine Wright,
yellow “stamens;
large rose-pink flowers; Dr. .V.
Fleet, large pink flowers; Paul’s Scar-
let, large . brilliant scarlet flowers;
American pillar, carmine pink flowers
and heavy canes; Tausendscon, pro-
fuse bloomer with shell-pink flowers.
Wichurina type light canes for grow-
ing on slopes, glossy green foliage and
white flowers; Excelsa, carmine pink
flowers, superior of the old Crimson
Rambler; Dorothy Perkins, shell-
pink flowers, hardy and an old favor-
ite; and Gardenia, a vigorous rose
which is one of the few yellow climb-
—~Silo building time is at hand in
Centre county. Only one-fourth of
all the farms in the State at the pres-
ent time, statistics reveal have silos.
The total number on Pennsylvania
farms is 55,143. Results of careful
experiments and practical experience
show a distinct saving in cost of milk
production where silage is used in the
ration, states E. B. Fitts, dairy ex-
tension specialist of the Pennsylvania
State College. Succulent feeds are
very essential in maintaining high
milk production, not only during the
winter. months but also in the late
summer when pastures become short.
In turn profits in dairying are closely
linked with high average milk pro-
Corn makes the ideal silage crop,
as it thrives in all parts of the State
and produces a large tonnage of most
excellent feed. The silo completely
utilizes the entire corn crop, stalk,
leaf and ear, and preserves it in a suc.
culent and palatable form.
On most farms where eight or more
cows are kept plans should be made
for a field of silo corn and a silo in
which to preserve it. A larger milk
yield, healthier cows and a greater
profit in dairying will follow.
—The season of the year is nearing
when home owners, especially those
who take pride in raising flowers and
in keeping their lawns in good condi-
tion are troubled by dogs belonging to
careless owners. There is no more
reason why a dog should be allowed to
trespass on private property of others,
destroying gardens, flowers, shrub-
bery and creating other nuisances,
than to allow horses or hogs to do so,
declares John L. Passmore in charge
of dog law enforcement.
A dog under the law is personal
property and property holders can
prosecute careless dog owners, who
allow dogs to trespass and can recov-
er damages by action at law. Police
officers, which includes constables, are
charged, under the dog law, with cer-
tain duties in the control of dogs run-
ning at large. These duties cover the
disposing of unlicensed dogs and the
taking up of properly licensed dogs
running at large. Persons having
trouble with dogs running over and
destroying their property, should no-
tify the owners, and if the nuisance
continues, should bring action against
the owners or get in touch with the
local police officers.
A good, well cared for dog, is an as-
set but the dog which runs at large,
destroying property becomes a public
nuisance. Agents of the Bureau of
Animal Industry, Pennsylvania De-
partment of Agriculture, are at pres-
ent making a vigorous drive against
violations of the dog law.
We have more than 600 muscles in
our bodies and there are about 1000
miles of blood vessels with over 500
important arteries. If the skin on one
person’s body were spread out in one
sheet it would cover approximately 16
square feet. In the skin re more
than two and a half million sweat
glands. The lungs are made up of
tiny cells similar to those of the hon-
eycomb. There are over seven million
of these and if their surfaces could be
spread out on something flat they
would cover a space of about 2000
square feet. Wheh a person has
reached his allotted 70 years his heart,
it is claimed, has given over two and
a half million beats and has lifted
over 500,000 tons of blood.
The average crop of hair is said to
contain a quarter of a million hairs.
Inside of the head is the brain and
running out from it is the nervous
system. This system contains about
three billion nerve cells. The number
of white corpuscles in the blood is es-
timated to be 30 billion while the num-
ber of red corpuscles is thought to be
more than 180 trillion. The average
person’s skin throws off about a quart
of sweat on a cool day, and almost
twice as much in ten minutes if the
person is terribly frightened. The
kidneys dispose of from one to three
quarts of fluid daily. It may not seem
possible but almost three pints of sa-
liva are swallowed every 24 hours and
the stomach generates from 5 to 10
quarts of gastric juice every day.
Half-Cent Stamps.
A profile of Nathan Hale, Revolu-
tionary war captain, hanged as a spy
by the British at New York in 1776,
whose last words were: “I only re-
gret that I have but one life to lose
for my country,” has been selected by
Postmaster General New to adorn the
new 3-cent postage stamp. The new
stamp was put into use when the new
postage rates went into effect.
Better ThanPills
I B08 || EF
You can’t
feel so good
but what NR
will make you
feel better,
Tender, sweet and succulent
Here's the steak that I have
—Young Mother Hubbard
The steak for father'to
enjoy—the steak that will
please each member of your
family group. is awaiting
vou here. The price is right
too and that will help your
Beezer’s Meat Market
Bellefonte, Pa.
Caldwell & Son
and Heating
By Hot Water
Pipeless Furnaces
Full Line of Pipe and Fit-
tings and Mill Supplies
All Sizes of Terra Cotta
Pipe and Fittings
Cheerfully anda Promptly Furnished
known as Best, Safest, Always Reliable
The First National Bank... Bellefonte, Pa.
May 4, 1925
Safe, Old Fashion Banking
Bankers are noted for comservatism. They
know that the old, tried ways of doing busi-
ness are the best ways.
There are new things in the world, but the
tests of a Bank do not change. Apply these
tests in selecting your Bank.
Is it financially strong in Surplus and Resour-
ces? * * * Are its officers cautious in recom-
mending new ventures? * * * Are they men
of experience and character? * * * Do they
try to help their patrons by giving them the
highest possible degree of service ?
Et Be. Bak Sl Bie Bere de lB i ll ld A BY
New Accounts are Constantly Coming to us from
people who ‘Believe we Stand these Tests.
The First. National Bank, Beliefonte, Pa.
A A A RC TC CC XT YY; <] )
An Introduction |
ur Travelers’ Checks are the 3
safe, convenient mediun for
carrying funds—-affording a :
good introduction wherever you :
go—cashable everywhere. Sold E
in convenient denominations at
reasonable prices.
HEN a man walks into any place in a perfectly
fitted suit of Griffon Clothes, there’s an added
measure of confidence in his make-up.
He knows that his appearance is beyond reproach—
that his clothes reflect his good taste and good judgment,
‘“/Confidence-creating’’ is a pretty fair description of
the effect of Griffon Clothes—though it doesn’t tell you
much about how they actually look.
You can see that for yourself when you drop in the
A. Fauble