Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, May 08, 1925, Image 5
S—— a , Church Services Next Sunday METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Mother’s day will be celebrated in the Bellefonte Methodist church on Sunday with a special program of services at 10:45 o’clock as follows: Prelude Doxology Silent Prayer—Congregation standing. Hymn No. 19 Apostles Creed Prayer - - - Mrs. L. E. Biddle Anthem - - - - Junior Choir Seripture Lesson - Mrs. M. R. Johnson Offertory Hymn No. 146 Selection - Young Ladies Quartette Sermon—*“A Message to and for Mothers’ Solo—*“Mother Machree Miss Rachel Shuey Hymn No. 351 Benediction Postiude Homer Charles Knox, Pastor. ST. JOHN’S REFORMED CHURCH. Mother’s day services Sunday morn- ing, May 10th, at 10:45. A special or- der of service will be followed with appropriate hymns and readings. Other services at the usual hours. Ambrose M. Schmidt, D. D. Pastor. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Sunday school, 9:45; morning wor- ship at 10:45, topic, “The Mother of King Lemuel.” Evening worship at 7:30, topic, “Sowing and Reaping.” William C. Thompson, Pastor. BOALSBURG REFORMED. Boalsburg—Church school 9:15 a. m.; Catechetical' class 6:30 p. m.; Mother’s day service 7:30 p. m. Pine Grove Mills—Mother’s service 10:30 a. m. Pine Hall—Church school 1:30 p. m.; Mother’s day service 2:30 p. m. Rev. W. W. Moyer, Pastor. BOALSBURG LUTHERAN CHARGE. Services for Sunduy, May 10: Boalsburg—Sunday school 9 a. m.; preaching services 10:30 a. m.; Chris- tain Endeavor 7:30 p. m. Shiloh—Sunday school 1:30 p. m.; preaching services 2:30 p. m. Pleasant Gap—Sunday school 9:30 a. m.; preaching services 7:30 p. m. Rev. Yeiser, a representative of the Anti-Saloon League, will be with us at all the above preaching services. At Pleasant Gap he will show a moving pitcure entitled, “Lest We Forget.” All are welcome. W. J. Wagner, Pastor. day ——On Tuesday Governor Pinchot vetoed the judges’ salary increase bill and signed the bill increasing the fee for marriage licenses from $1.50 to $2.50. Two dollars of the new fee will go to the marriage. license clerk, (in Centre county the Register), and fifty cents will go to the State. BIRTHS. Mott—On April 3, to Mr. and Mrs. Basil Mott, of Bellefonte, their second child, Christine Naomi. ‘Houek—On April 24, to. Mr. and ~.Mrs.~Earl M. Houck, of Bellefonte, a + .Sony: James~Earl. 24th wim dat Butler—On April 21, to Mr. Mrs. Thomas F. Butler, township, a daughter. - Alterio—Oh April 7, to Mr. and Mrs. Albert “Alterio, of Bellefonte, a son, Frank. Barnhart—On April 6, to Mr. and Mrs. J. Willard Barnhart, of Belle- fonte, a son, Kenneth Trevetta. Brooks—On April 4, to Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Brooks, of Pleasant Gap, a son, Budd Ralston. ; Mangino—On April 4, to Mr. and Mrs. Peter P. Mangino, of Bellefonte, a son. Yarnell—On April 1, to Mr. and and Mrs. Roy Edward Yarnell, of Belle- | {fonte, a son. Thal—On April 4, to Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Thal, of Bellefonte, a daughter, Gertrude Elizabeth. Miller—On April 6, to Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Miller, of Spring township, a son, William Andrew. ; Myers—On April 8, to Mr. and Mrs. Willim C. Myers, of Walker township, a daughter, June. . Butler—On March 30, to Mr. and Mrs. Roland D. Butler, of Marion township, a son, Jerry Arnold. Gehret—On April 2, to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gehret, of Axe Mann, a son, Philip. Confer—On April 19, to Mr. and Mrs. John Henry Confer, of Belle- fonte, a son. Johnson—On April 30, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Johnson, of Bellefonte, a daughter, Jane Elvara. Hartman—On April 6, to Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Hartman, of Bellefonte, a daughter, Lois Evelyn. Keeler—On April 2, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Keeler, of Bellefonte, a daugh- ter, Helen Veneta. Zong—On April 4, to Mr. and Mrs. Carl LeRoy Zong, of Spring township, a son, Carl LeRoy Jr. ? Tate—On April 24, to Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Tate, of Spring township, a son, Andrew Jackson Jr. Peters—On April 24, to Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm D. Peters, of Spring township, a daughter, Martha Lucille. Mesullo—On April 20, to Mr. and Mrs. Luie Mesullo, of Bellefonte, a daughter, Angeline. Miller—On April 20, to Mr. and James C. Miller, of Bellefonte, a son, William Clayton. Hunt=—On April 18, to Mr. and Mrs. Jordan D. Hunt, of State College, a son, William Morgan. Markle—On April 17, to Mr. and Mrs. Blair Raymond Markle, of Spring township, a daughter, Eunice Love. Billett—On April 12, to Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Billett, of Spring township, a son, Edward. ‘Klett—On April 8, to Mr. and Mrs. Guy S. Klett, of State College, a son, Gerald Soulleard. McGinley—On April 5, to Mr. and Mrs. A. L. McGinley Jr., of Bellefonte, a son, Abraham Lincoln IIL Sunday—On April 4, to Mr and Mrs. Lloyd W. Sunday, of Spring township, a daughter, Edith Jane. of “Marion | CENTRE HALL. | The Evangelical minister, Rey. Huff, moved his family to town this week. | Mrs. Flora Bairfoot has been quite ill during the week, suffering from grippe. The Y. P. B. will give a play in Grange Arcadia on Saturday evening. Everybody is cordially invited to be there. It is now “Grandpa” Frank, since | Ernest Junior made his appearance at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Frank, in Baltimore. A number of our High school and grade pupils attended the track meet at State College on Saturday. The weather was rather chilly. Philip Mingle, of Philadelphia, who has spent a week or more visiting in Bellefonte, left for Reedsville Wed- nesday, on his way home. Roy Searson and Miss Helen Tress- ler drove down to Rev. Bingman’s last Wednesday, and when they left there it was as Mr. and Mrs. Searson. Rev. Haven, of the Methodist church had a busy Sunday on May 3rd. He preached in the Centre Hall M. E. church at 9:30 a. m., in the Spruce- town M. E. church at 11 a. m.; in the Centre Hall Lutheran church at 2:30 p.- m., and in the Spring Mills M. E. church in the evening. On Tuesday evening Mrs. Mary B. Foust, of Centre Hill, entertained her entire school at her home. She is the teacher of the Centre Hall grammar school, which closes today. The two intermediate schools closed during the week, Mr. T. L. Moore completing the fifth and sixth grade work on: Tues- day; and ‘Miss Mary Bingman the third and fourth grade work on Wed- nesday. The primary school will not close until May 19th and the High school June 2nd. ——— Real Estate Transfers. E. R. Taylor, sheriff, to First Na- tional Bank; tract in Worth Twp.; $350. : Cyrus R. Gearhart, et ux, to Mat- thew Ivicic, tract in Spring Twp.; $800. Elizabeth Packer, to John Dietz, tract in Centre County; $202. W. R. Stanley, et ux, to Robert Spicer, tract in Boggs Twp.; $1,525. Mary B. Faust et bar, to Emma E. Royer, tract in Potter Twp.; $3,000. Robert M. Reed, et ux, to George W. Rossman, tract in Ferguson Twp.; $125. W. E. McWilliams to George W. Rossman, tract in Ferguson Twp.; $200. Aldah Wilkinson to Ellen E. Wilk- inson, tract in Potter Twp.; $1. First National Bank, exec, to J. O. Stover, et ux, tract in Ferguson Twp.; $110. Oscar Zimmerman, et al, exec, to Ralph Noll, tract in Spring and Ben- ner Twps.; $410. Ralph Noll, et ux, to W. H. Noll, et al, tract in Spring and Benner Twps.; $410. Joseph A.:Glenn, et ux, to Charles Strouse; traet: in- State College; $750. Joséph' J. Rhoads, et al, to John C. Barnes, tract in-Bellefonte; $2,000. J. A Finkbinder, et ux, to John A. Finkbinder, et ux, tract in Bellefonte; $1. ¢ ! Olivia Kuster, et al, to R. W. Mensch, tract in Haines Twp.; $475. Robert W. Mensch, et al, to Robert W. Mensch, tract in Miles Twp.; $100. Elmer Miller, exec, to Ancenetta Bartges, tract in Miles Twp.; $1. Walter Cohen, et ux, to Charles H. Richelieu, tract in Bellefonte; $21,- 000. | ‘Marriage Licenses. Clayton H. Krebs, State College, and Hazel L. Zong, Bellefonte. John Albert McLaughlin and Mar- garet Edna Rapsey, Philipsburg. Paul R. Byers and Viola M. Boob, Millheim. ; ——One hundred fully robed Klans- men attended church services in Hub- lersburg last:‘Sunday night. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. LANTS FOR SALE.—Cabbage, early P tomatoes, celery and cauliflower. EARL GEHRET, Axe Mann, R. D 3. Penn State Telephone. F Inquire of Mrs. STUTSMAN, su- perintendent's residence, Western 19-tf Penitentiary. 70-19-1t ANTED.—Good girl for general housework. Apply to Mrs. F. W. WEST, E. Linn St., Bellefonte, 19-1t OR SALE.—Field Grown Dahlia Hills. OR SALE.—House and lot in Miles- burg. 6 rooms, bath, electricity. E. T. BURNSIDE, Bellctonte; En UERNSEY COW FOR SALE.—Good G young Guesnsey cow, splendid milker. Will be sold cheap. In- quire of Dominic Presto, at Garbrick ice property, Coleville. 70-17-3t N fore Wednesday, June 10th, 1925, the undersigned will make applica- tion to the State Board of Law Examiners to be examined on July 1st and 2nd, 1925, for admission to the Supreme Court. EDWARD J. THOMPSON, Philipsburg, Pa. (A registered student at law in the office of the Law School of the University of Pennsylvania.) OTICE is hereby given that on or be- T0-17-4t O WHOM IT MAY CONCERN.—Auto- mobile Certificates 75001 to: 75025 inclusive of the Bellefonte, Penn- sylvania Agency of this Company, have been mislaid, lost, destroyed or stolen from the office of J. M. Keichline and this is to notify any person or persons holding the above certificates that same are void and of no effect. NORTHWESTERN NATIONAL INS. CO. J. M. Keichline, Agent, 70-17-3t Bellefonte, Pennsylvania. E mentary having been granted to the undersigned upon the estate of Susy C. Taylor, late of Unionville borough, deceased, all persons knowing thmselves indebted to said estate are requested to make prompt payment, and those having claims against (he same must present them, duly authenticated, for settlement. CLARA B. LEATHERS, XECUTOR’S NOTICE.—Letters testa- the 1st day of June, 1920, S W. HARRISON WALKER FOR JUDGE of the Courts of Centre County NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ® NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OTICE AMENDMENT OF CHAR- TER.—Notice is hereby given that the Kappa Phi Delta Fraternity, a corporation receiving its charter from the Court of Common Pleas of Centre County, will make application to the Court of Com- mon Pleas of. Centre fouuly on, Monday, day. of June or an amend-. ment of its.charter, to the effect that its corporate name shall be changed from gang Phi Delta. Fraternity’? to “Penn. State’ Alpha ‘Chaptey, Taw; Phi“Delta Fra- ternity,” by authority of the said‘ Court.’ ORVIZ & ZERBY, Solicitors for Kappa Phi Delta Fraternity. 70-19-3t RIDGE LETTING.—Secaled proposals B will be received at the Commission- ers’ office in the Court House at Bellefonte, Centre county, Pennsylvania, until 10 a. m., May 26th, 1925, when bids will be publicly opened and scheduled and contract awarded, as soon thereafter as possible, for the construction of five (5) Reinforced Concrete Bridges, all being sit- uated on State Highway Route No. 107, Centre county, between Snow Shoe .Inter- section and Port Matilda. These bridges to be built in accordance with State Highway Specifications, Form No. 408, 1925, under inspection furnished by the State Highway Department. Bid- ding blanks may be obtained on. applica- tion. Specifications and Drawings are on file and may be seen in the County Com- missioners office in the Court House, Belle- fonte, Centre county, Pennsylvania. x JOHN: S. SPEARLY, JAMES W. SWABB, HARRY P. AUSTIN, County Commissioners of Centre County. S. Claude Herr, Clerk. 8S. D. Gettig, Solicitor. 70-19-3t HERIFF’S SALE.—By virtue of a writ of Fieri Facias issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Centre County, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale at the Court House in the Bor- ough of Bellefonte, in Centre County, Pennsylvania, on SATURDAY, MAY 23rd, 1925, ar 10 o'clock p. m., the following prop- erty: All that certain lot or piece of ground situate in the Borough of Centre Hall, Centre County, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows: - Beginning at the Northwest corner eo. Hoffer and Potter streets, thence along Hoffer street South 8 perches to lot of Levi ‘Walker; thence by d lot East 10 perches to Logan Alley; thence by said alley North 8 perches to Potter street; thence by said street West 10 perches to the place of be- ginning, containing one-half acre. It be- ing part of a larger tract of land convey- ed to Arney and Mingle by deed of E. J. Pruner dated March 31st, 1888, and record- ed in the office for recording deeds in Cen- tre County in Deed Book 56, page 244, Ete. Together with all defendant’s personal property. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of George Nearhood. . E. R. TAYLOR, : Sheriff. Sheriff’s Office, Bellefonte, Pa., April 28th 1925. 70-18-3t sm DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.—Letters A of administration having been granted to the undersigned upon the ostate of Mabel S. Davidson, late of Halfmoon township, deceased, 2l!l persons knowing themselves indebted to said es- tate are requested to make prompt pay- pfkent, and se having claims against the same must present them, duly authenticat- ed, for settlement. WILLIS G. DAVIDSON, id Administrator, Warriorsmark, R. F. D. W. Harrisen Walker, ; Attorney, 70-14-6Gt HERIFF’'S SALE.—By virtue of a writ S of Plurius Fieri Facias, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Centre County, Pennsylvania, and to me directed, there will be exposed to public sale at the Court House, in the borough of Bellefonte, Pennsylvania, on SATURDAY, May 16th, 1925, at 1:30 p. m., the following described real estate, to wit: All those three certain mes- suages, tenements and tracts of land situ- ate in Taylor township, Centre county, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, viz: The First Thereof, Beginning at a post on line of land now owned by the said Mary Bean, thence North 1314 degrees East 8 perches to post; thence further by land of said Mary Bean North 41 degrees North 65 degrees West 11.8 perches to | post; thence by same land North 87 de- ees West 12 perches to post on line of . H. Bean; thence South 503; degrees Kast 40 perches to the place of beginning. Containing 10 acres and 71 perches, net measure, ~ The Second Thereof, Beginning at a post South-east corner of Mary L. Cowher’s lands; thence by land of D. H. Bean North 49 degrees East 40 perches to post; thence x same lands north 4115 degrees West 5 perches to post; thence North 44 de- grees East 41.6 perches to post; thence by lands of John W. Bean North 51 degrees West 35.6 perches to post; thence by same lands South 39 degrees West 91.4 perches to post; thence by lands of Mary L. Cow- her South 551; degrees East 52 perches to thie place of beginning. Containing 21 acres and 111 perches, net measure. The Third Thereof, Beginning at a post, thence South by lands of James F. Goss 493%, degrees East 37.6 perches to stones; thence by land of John Seibesan North 60 degrees East 40.2 perches to post; thence by land of Jehn C. Marks North 3514 de- grees West 52 perches to post; thence by land of George Beckwith South 3914 de- grees West 34.4 perches to a post the place | of beginning. Containing ten acres and 76 perches. ing to the defendants named. Seized, levied upon, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Anna M. Nearhoff and J. C. Marks, Sr., defendants, with notice to J. C. Marks as terre tenant. Terms of Sale: edged until the purchase money is paid in full, E. R. TAYLOR, Sheriff's Office, Bellefonte, Pa. Sheriff. April 29th, 1925. 70-17-3t amma We have a few GUARANTEED Used Cars for sale at REASONABLE PRICES. IT PAYS TO BUY YOUR Used S02 Car From Executor, 8. D. Gettig, Fleming, Pa. Attorney. 70-18-6t® Beatty Motor Co. BELLEFONTE, PENNA. West 13.6 perches to post; thence by same’ And all other real estate contiguous to : the above described tracts of land belong- No deed will be acknowl- | NEW ADVERTISEMENTS ARMS AND PROPERTY—Wanted Everywhere. 3% Commission. Write for Blank. Smith Farm Agency, 1407 W. York St., Philadelephia, Pa. %0-11-1 yr. XECUTOR’S NOTICE.—Letters testa- mentary upon the estate of Harry Baum, late of Bellefonte borough, deceased, having been granted to the un- dersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are requested to make prompt payment, and those having claims against the same must present them, duly authenticated, for settlement. SIMEON BAUM, Executor, A TS SL SR NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OR RENT.—Blacksmith shop and building suitable for storage. In "quire of MARY McQUISTION, W. High St., Bellefonte. 76-18-2t OR SALE.—“Big 3” Washing Machine, FE 4 months old. New price $95, sale price $55. Also water meter wash- ing machine. The Neyhart—Maytag Co., Bellefonte. 70-18-22 W packed properly in goed erates. We pay one cent abeve top New York quotations and do not charge any commission. Reference First National Bank of Amityville, Amityviife, I.. I. Write for shipping instructions te Amityville ANTED.—Fresh laid brown eggs; Orvis & Zerby Bellefonte, Pa. ., 150 Nassau St. New York Attorneys. Serr | Creamery, ine, 150. Nas 70-17-3t — masta Fire Insurance on Automobiles, Dwellings, Barns, Stores, Churches and Merchandise At a Reduced Rate J. M. KEICHLINE | 70-10-12t* IRA D. GARMAN JEWELER 101 Seuth Eleventh St.. PHILADELPHIA. Have Your Diamonds Reset in Platinum 64-34-tf EXCLUSIVE EMBLEM JEWELRY ER Hazel Announcement The Radio Sales and Supply Co., devoted exclusively to sale and servicing Radio Equipment, with headquarters on South Water St. Bellefonte, is now open for busi- —your own mother—with a token reminding her - of your pride and affection. Sunday May 10th belongs to all the Lovely Mothers in the world. And on that day you will want to present the loveliest of them & Co.