Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, April 03, 1925, Image 2

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    . : interest and Sinking Fund. Soldiers and Widows Burial Account. P Funds arls
AUDITORS STATEMENT sf Baruiit in | aims we tr Fogg] om ERLE. 0 gt, Mh Ee Mees ents de
" nas _____ CL . W. Essense =
: Bellefonte Trust Co., Sinking 200 Seoree. Dirich een ra —— = 9 ROAD UNSEATED
» . FUNDA ean emma sm mm nmn tan stherine Simons ..-eeceemnecnan- od -
: Sp nk eT S200 00. [[ssac Mitchell ............... 130 i |
3 Inquest Account. el D. Kunes mee [ w |
ReceiptsmtExpenditureso Centre County |, ... , inoue accoune. I — i r |v :
InQUeSS ooo 3 Ime Ae BX Ze | E 3 z £
FOR HE YE AR 1 924 Insurance Account. > Greenwood Hockenburg .. i 75 00 DISTRICTS g 8 2 © g = 8
I a W. Miles Walker, policy-—--...$ 311 84 | Margaret C. Curtin. 75 00 gl S 2 = x £5
J. M. Keichline, policy —..__.___" 80 00 | Alice Baily —_____ 75 00 gr £8 S T £2 ze
Aitur Gen. Accident, fire and life... 296 47 Charles Dixon ~—— 3 % 8 3 < £ z g
Receipts Expenditures. 3088 15 — TT $ 638731 | Ms. Mc an 2 5 2
——— C. Warfel 75 00 S ©
Bal, in Treas. Jan. 7, 1924...$ 43311 17 | ADpropriation Account 3943 2 Printing Account. rd Pret 75 00 A 3 S :
Amt. from Co. Com. ————-- 40165 18 Auditors Account ———e-meeemmn- 717 00 | Keystone Gazette, printing ..__§ 629 43 jo = 45 “A Bore 75 00
Amt. from Collectors... 98982 96 Asylum Account —eeeeeeeeee.. 3465 26 Philipsburg Journal, printing __ 8 00 Mary Page ..........- 75 00 | Benner Twp. $ $ 5 07|$ 5 07|$ $ $ 307
Amt, from Unseated Lands... S028 21 15.83 NI Rind VIEWoooen— 77 40 Centre Reporter, printing —.__ 22 40 | pend p*Syeave 75 00 | Boggs Twp. . 409 00 409 00] 20161 15 102 04
Amt. from Seated Land ......... 168 U8 | EORIY. 0 covnt mre 3049 03 | Philipsburg Ledger, printing____ 59 20 | £ffie P. Weaver 5 75 00 | Burnside Twp 565 21) 565 21 13 301 43
: Childrens Aid Society —_____ 668 82 | Centre Democrat, printing .... 212 10 | Gnjiy R, Smith ooo 75 00 | College Twp. 3 32 3 32 332
$185653 50 7 Bellefonte Republican _________ 267 15 cr ae 75- 00 r Tw ve 183 04 183 04 90 71 477 87 58
5 Commonwealth of Penna. Acct. Eliza G. Heverly.. Curtin Pp. ...
Commonwealth Costs Acct... 10352 43 | Democratic Watchman _......_e 466 25 Samuel B. Miller ooo 75 00 | Ferguson Twp 21 44 21 44 20 37 107
Constables Acct. —ommemmmmceoee 29 80 $ 1664 53 | Samuel Lyons —eeeeeo oo ____ 75 00 | Gregg Twp. . 21 02 21 02 21 02
County Road ACCtoococoaommcaoe 8949 70 Miscellaneous Account. Charlotte Bloom wee. 75 00 | Haines Twp. 16 97 16 97 12 80 67, 350
Court Expense ACCt—-o.-——.. 9531 24 | Postage, tax notices, etc..-.-._$ 273 02 | Michael Laffin rs 75 00 | Halmoon Twp. 49 40 _47 01 2 47]
Court House Expense Acct.... 5248 49 | Express and Drayage _-.....__ 13 87 | Sarah M. Harpster—.____. 75 00 | Harris Twp. . 49 89 49 40 &9
County Officers Payomeeeeeeeo 10289 60 | Postage, etc., for Co. Supt. Of- Agnes A. McCulleyoo oem 75 00 | Howard . Twp. 32 00 32 00 32 00
Harry Dukeman, Ex-Sheriff_... 2213 42 fice rm mmorocieeemcmnoceio en 95 77 | David Price ..-uc aio nina 75 00 | Huston Twp. 62 04 62 0%
Road Damage Account ——_—_____ 76 00 | W. H. Brown, recording deeds. 22 20 | Margaret M. Bratton... 75 00 | Liberty Twp. Fe senns 49 02 49 02 49 02
Election Expense Acct..._...... 11011 15 | District Attorneys Office_..-__ 47 75 | William Cuspin_________________ 75 00 | Marion TWD. ...oeeeenees. 24 71 24 71 19 101 4 50
Eastern Penitentiary Acct. 9 02 | County. Supervisors Association 98 77 Isaialy Beek fore iome i eee 75.00 | Miles TWD. «cevvvvennnnens 16 57 16 57 18 5%
Glenn Mills School Acet....... 2007 32 {Dues and Exp. Co. Com. Con. 160 40 ! Joseph Sellers —....--..-...... 75 00 | PAtton TWD: ...eevveeens- 25 25 . 18 8 00
Huntingdon Reformatory Acct... 658 00 | Supplies __.._____._______________ 185 64 | Mary A. Rider 75.001 Peni TWPD.. cexvexvesonenes 5 54 5 47
Int. on Bonds and Sinking Fund 6200 00 | Tax Refund -___..__ apa 14:20 George Cox oceanic 75 00'| Potter TWP. .ocvvevnvnnens 34 34 29) 29 1 311
Inspectors of Weight and Meas. 1277 11 | Lunacy Commission oem... 60 00 | Esther A. Saylor —__o— ooo... 75 00 RUSh TWD. «uvovieenssinns 2080 2080 71) 102% 23] 53 01f 1002 57
Inquest Account .... — 18 06 | Care and burial of Simon Hilde- Trenton Emblem Co., markers 144 60 | Spring TWD. ....ooeeeeens 15 15 02 15 02
Insurance Aecount ___ brandt 5... ~--— 213 14 | Headstones for Soliders and Snow Shoe TWP. 1144 1144 39 973 39) 51 23 119 77
Jajl Expense Account | Mrs, Acker, care of C. S. Haines 146 15 | WidOWS —oooomooeoooeomme 1143 00 | Taylor TWD. .oecseveeseaee 92 02 38 5 3 38
Janitors Account ______ County dependents ____________ 204 40 Total 8 A082 00.) UnION TWD. ..asess transis 167 167 45 50 32 2 11 =
Jury Commissioners Acct. 364 54 101d Age Pension Board ._.... 166 37 ir 3 t with the) Wnlker ‘Twp. ...........0 24 24 80 24
Juvenile Court Expense Acct. 1076 12 | Sundry Accounts —_.__.______ 218 07 | E. B. Taylor, Sher! To ne oaL With the] Worth: Twp: +. vurivesses 199 199 13 199 13
Librarian of Law Library—_____ isoh u Unseated Land Sale Account... 370 03 |, uy of one Jor erar | I$ 5298 12]$ 5208 12]$ 2828 4S) 148 86|$ 2320 72
Loan Acct. omer em ee eee EE ? . $ 2279 68 at 50. cents per day... $ 2217 50 ==
Laurelton, State Village ewein= a Librarian of County Library. 55 days boarding prisoners Sessile SCHOOL TUX TED
Miscellaneous Account -....... 2279 68 |JOPD G. Love, Salary........._.$° 10 00 |" (Juveniles) $1.00 per day.... 55 00 | Benner Twp. 5 8 8 63% $ is 866
Printing Account —.._.________ 1664 53 Registrars Account. 45 days boarding prisoners (in- 90 00) BogES. he 2% i= 13] 409 31 21 54 i |
Registrars Account —..——____.. 482/60 | Bureau of Vital Statistics, re- sane) $2.00 per day. 202 50 Colas T WD, s 9 9 60
Soldiers and Vidows Burial _. 4062 60'| porting 705 deaths, 1225 405 Turnkey fees at 50 cents.. olitge Dag . “0 we 383 74 2 % :
Stationery ara Supplies Acct... 67582] births —..__________________ 8 482 50 | Transporting Prisoners to va- Curtin Twp.
State Highway Account 5045 32 rious institutions’ —eea—____ 2644 04 | l'erguson Twp. ees 41 41 41 07
State Indus Home for Women 491 10 | State Industrial School for Women. Ledger Account —__.___________ 583 00 | Gregg Twp. .. re 32 32 ¢ 32 90
Sheriff's Account 5000 00 | Transporting and Maintainingof = EL ER RI 108 30 | Haines TWP. ..... “ee 40 40 31 45] 1 7 00
Tonio En re Vea 07] Inmates oT TUS 4uy 90% y-Indictments-and costs. 1367 786, biiaifmoon WD: venenssaens 133 133 2 133 28
Roy Wilkinson, Prothonotary.. 171 46 Stationery and Supplies. Received from the $ 7268 20 I are pe cereeeesseeaes I Pon ax
Western Penitentiary Acct.——._. 6629 53 | Baltimore Office Supply Co..._$ 590 30| Com. at different ‘ OWAr bd sesavne 164 164 65 164 55
Summary Conviction Cases —... 23 40 | Henry Hall, Supplies for times. eo ...__$5000 00 Huston EWDissisternningans 115 115.63 ax
Boys Industrial Home Acct... 49 00 | “Sheriffs Office ........__.____ 6 00 | Sundry Indictments dberty Twp. .....ccceeee. 28 ET 22 0d] 1 14 2 0
Lycoming Co. C. A. 8. School 313 57 | Smith Printing Co., order books 49 50 | and costs ________ 1367 86 MEO TVD" +2.» 2 raed 58 58 31 * 58 31
Pa. Training School, Morganza 148 76 | Sentinel Co., Office supplies... 30 02 | Bal: due E. R. Taylor Miles TWDL iesvrsssrsareas 23 23 20
Training Home for Girls.__..__ 212 84 SY TE Sheriff, Jan. 5,1925 900 34 § 7268 20 ation TP. sesevesesesees 5 8 8 32
Bal. In hands of J. O. Heverly, ? State Highway Account. POtter TWD. vvevesvenssnes 56 56 48
Co. Treas. Jan. 5, 1925.._..§ 43382 96 3142970 3 | state College State Ald Roads 5045 32.| 7h0%, Wilkinson, Prothonotanys Account A Rose Tray Lol preeer 7155 3666 192 90 3206 05
= 7 To Commonwealth Account_.___§ 1 Spring Top pe 37 59 37 50
Appropriation Account. Marion and Howard Road... 586 90 State Highway Damage Account. $ 1847 51 | Snow Shoe TWP. ...ceve.. 3089 3089 26| 2610 86] 136 94] 850 46
Miles and Walker Road... 926 50 | Nancy Scheckler, Route No. 107 AYIOr TWD: «-ersres revoss 94 94 94 38
W. C. Smeltzer, Agriculture Ex- Huston and Rush Road 2307 44 | Boggs T By Voucher ____.____$1801 06 ay 562 562 8 562 8
tension Work oo ————_____. LR gd EH al I EES LWP: moemcaeoenennen$ 75 00 | Bal. due Roy Wilkin. Ll oD, cerreennreeen. = 2 ey
Dn anne Cohire Hall, 350 §0 Sewer Pipe for County Roads... 1127 65 Milntaint Slenn Mills School. son, Jan. 5, 1925 _ 46 45 Worth. hig tes nencuesiny : 377 49 377 49 254 81 18 67 4 01
Ich aintainin a a ten panne wines
D. O. Etters, Co. Institute____. 200 00 Miscellaneouc weeeeeeoooooo— aH ne a ae eR a7 82 $1847 51 is I$ 13968 70/§ 13068 70|$ 7470 03/3 393 16/3 0105 46
$ 3088 15 IR $ 8949 70 | Maintaining Sundry Inmates... $ 658 00 | Boys Industrial Home, Williamsport, Pa. ___ POOR UNBEATED
Assessors Account. Court Expense Account. Telephone Accom Maintenance of Sundry Inmates_§ 49 00 Jicntier Tw. sivssaresveneld $ 1 = Ss i 2 Ss I$ I$ 3 I) a
SSOTS —--$ 6943 29 , SR 7 36 . : 0ggs Peiivaesrsnnevanes
Suly Asse Boosie TY Winifred Gates, Bionographérs 1180 00 Bell Telephone Co. of Pa....§ 522 %7 A 0 Se gy School +2°5unt, | Buznside Twp. ...viienans 478 478 50 478 50
Asylum idespital Account. Grand and Traverse Jurors Pay. 5088 24 ¢ telephone Co... = 331 20} : 2 | College’ Twp. ".............. 181 1 8] 1 88
Maintaining Inmates (Polk)..--$ 197 80 | Court Officers Pay. —— 1143 00 : $ 854 07 | Training Home for Girls, Williamsport, | Curtin Twp. .............. 38 17] 38 38 17
Maintaining Inmates (Danville). 2399 86 | Boarding for Jurors, Musser and Mothers Assistance Fund. Maintenance of Sundry Inmates $ 212 34 Ferguson Twp. .c...oruee. 173 1 173
Maintaining Inmates (Warren). 470 88| Heaton Trial ——ooooooeoo—— 320 95 | Sundry Exp. to Mothers Fund_$ 2414 50 | penna. Training School, Morganza, Pa, |Iaines Twp. ............. 3 3 336
Maintaining Inmates (Fairview) 397 02 | James Furst, Ast Dist, Atty. 100 00 Summary Conviction Cases. | Maintenance of Sundry Inmates $ 148 76 HAH ran. cevinvesranaes B i 3 =
t S576, Nes, love Special Couns iv Dol Brink, Conveying Prison- Harry Dukeman, Ex-Sheriff. Huston TWD. sveveeeenenes 28 28 28 50
Eastern Penitentiary. Oryis and Zerby, Special Council ers to Jal ——oooomeeeeo$ 23 40 | To amt. due from 1923 acct..$ 2219 42 LIDEItY TWD: vuvoseersesss 18 18 18 12
Maintaining Inmates — 802 Sept’ TeTT —orvrromraimn .. 28334 Marion TWD. .cvccseesacan 3 3 8 53
: Sundry Court Expense —...___. - 224 45 Statement of Taxes Outstandiing on the Duplicate for the Year 1923. Miles TWD. cveveernnseanns 1 14 14 62
pe: ‘
Laureiton State Village. Bal Due J x 7 Patton Twp. ..ccccevepere 3 3 3 66
Clothing for Sundry Inmates__$ 146 17 $ 953124 100 tn any Amount Due PeRR TWD .civervsecordene 1 1 108
County Officers Pay. Districts Collectors 3 220 apne Jan. 5, 1925 POLIEr TWIL -occivroiasss ro 8 8 8 67
Western Penitentiary John S. Spearly, Co. Com, sal..$ 1000 00 per cent. Add ROSH TWD... c. oierers 1038 1038 615 66 82 4 390 32
Maintenance of Inmates.....__$ 6629 53 | James W, Swabb, Co. Com. sal. 1000 00 County | State | County | State | SPring TWD. ...cceerenneen 5 5 5 04
—— Harry P. Austin, Co. Com. sal. 1000 00 Bellefonte Boro... oe | Herbert Auman $ 2388 21 $ 517 16($ 1075 51|$ 332 79 Snow Shoe Twp. ‘ew eel 516 516 446 07 23 48 46 52
Loan Account. 4 Orvis Heverly, Co, Treas... . 2000.00.| Centre Hall Boro......... D. Barthomew.. | oof 116 Taylor TWD. coeeoeensenses 8 S 33
Loan Account ———————_.______§ 18504 50 | Arthur C. Dale, Dist. Atty. sal., Howard Bo T. A. Pletcher........ 5 25 Union TWD. ..cccenneannes 21 21 21 20
: Tent one eeee pamm—ne- 1465 12 Milesburg . Anna Hall ear: 261 48 27 63 14 41 04 Walker TWP: ceoveesecoses 11 1 11 63
Account S. D, Gettig, Co. Solicitor, sal_. 600 00 | Millheim Boro J. W USTED = WOrth TWD. voseesvroreons 10 08 10 08] ) 10 08
Annual Assessment Acco Chief Clerk © m Boro.. . W. O. Housman... 346 15 68 85) : 55 8S 0
Bellefonte Boro, W.-Ward......$ . 15 00 | 5. Claude Herr, Chief Clerk to | Philipsburg. Boro..... ICharles Freeman ....| 210803 198 oo] 3358 124 32 Is i$ 2308 21|§ 2398 21)$ 1061 73/$ § 1280
Bellefonte Boro, 8. Ward...... 192 75 | \ "oh OC Clerk to Com. 959 74 | 5: Philipsburg Boro... |J. B. Hoffman........| 240 4 70 49 WATER UNSEATED
Eellstonte Bor Bo N. Ward..._" 2% 30 Rachael 2 Lambert, Asst Clerk = Siow ae Boro.. Ln MN. Kelly... Sd 993 35 = 9 23 is Miles Twp. sess sessssase 08 I$ 9 00[$ 9 00[$ : 1$ 1$ 9 00
Howard Boro. oro iii +2459 | to Com. — LT 5052 | Unionville Anna Hall ...........| 12272 32 66 INTEREST UNSEATED
Milesburg Boro. «ee eereeeeeee 11 42 $ 10289 60 Benner Twp.. John S. Spearly......| 1128 91 79 61 496 44 1laines Twp. A P 5 Fu 5 ap fF * 5 4%
Millheim BOO. wseeeomoommnee 90 82 | centre County Farm Bureau = Account | 5088S Twp.. «Harry Curtin ........| 904 65 14 78) 414 17 Rush TWD. .u.cirrinss nts 2 60 2 60 2 60
Philipsburg Boro., 1st. W...... 111 02 from January 1, 1924, to January 1, 1925, Burnside Tw; .«|R. F. Barger. She. 142.44 31 61 12 60 I$ 1$ 8 04% 8 04)$ 1$ I$ 8 0%
Philibebars Borer. ra. Wo 1b 00 |Bal on hand Jan. 1, : CEE. ee 1 3 $2 : ROAD SEATED:
sbur; ro., 3rd. ———— 1 si ssesseses . :
Snow Shoe BOO. -eeoerror 28 32 Ap rata BL TO Ferguson Twp.... 1363 60 22 06 Bellefonte Boro ...........]§_ $ 14208 14 20% B $142
8. Philipsburg Boro-.eeeeeeeer- 5 80 Com. for year 1924. 1800 00 Gregg TWP... oversea sis. G 1044 91 128 39 Benner Twp. .....ccae. wnafisl id 55 Ri
State College Boro ........ mrowze 473 1400 . a (INNES PWp,,..... verre 1264 97 16 80] 633 39 16.80. | BoggS TWD. .essssensenns 25 25 89) 25°89
Unionville BOro. —eeeeeeeeeeeeon 44 96 $ $2057 70 Halfmoon Twp......... 810 06 79 04 Burnside TWD. ...cecevee. 21 00 21 00 21 00
Benner TWD. —ceeeaaaeeece 12 85 Clerk Hire $ 930 00 Harris WD strs vnverssiO 387 19 77 Curtin -Pwp: i viseianneeene 3 15 3 15] 2 99 1
"BOBS TWD. weooemeemmoeemeemmen 151 22 | LR PTE —=omemom= Howard Twp...........8 R. McCi 342 39) 23 36] 10835] 1547 | Gregg TWD. sueesenecnsens 2208 2208 22 08
Burnside TWp. ..cuonvereeinmnes 41.49 | BUS NP. = ’ 461 16 | Huston Twp........... | H. K. Mattern... 369 99 3 89 39 97 Haines TWD. +.vcnessvene 9 13 913 913
College TWD. —oooomoemeee 9 84 | (i ve Tparage) 89 40 | Ldberty Twp...........10. J. Stover......... 28697 166.200 181 71 Howard Twp. ......00.0 315 315 315
Curtin TWD. ...-.oeurerewr=av.- . 28 501 SF SlOTRES, 8 32 35 | Maton Twp............C. "A. Dofan..........| 78897. 681 35181 301 [Huston TWD. eeeeevcennens 6 88 6 88 6 88
Ferguson Twp. -...... Lain - 1119 pyres, postas Miles Twp............. |S. A. Bierly..........| 108714] ~ 38159] 56082 2719 33 | Miles TWD. weeemmmremnrens 1 2 78 2 89 2 80
Gregg TWD. oo... oi. 171 64 phone tolls 11 22 | Ratton Twp............[T. M. Huey........... 735 99) 40 73; 220 88 Patton TWD. wiu..saicsien 3 70 3 70 19 08
Haines TWD. ceo ceanccermmeann 30 52 | stationery and supplies 64 84 | Penn Peeveveeenane.|d. M. Weaver......... 446 381 | 10 57 Pent TWP: .....0c00s0enes 8 08 8 08 8
Halfmoon TWp. —.overevecemmees 47 04 | yoirniture & Fixtures. 48 70 | Potter Twp............|J. B. Fortney........| 131414} 111 56 78 60 Rush Twp. ..... 5 59 5 59 5 31 ol
Haris Twp, ee eee 67 36 | Chemicals r 3 95 | Rush Twp..............[R. J. Barnett.........| 1041 80 30 S0| 1041 80 30 80 | Snow Shoe Twp. 44 14 441 35 67 1 6 2
Howard Twp. ._eoeeeeceeeeeee 14 10} 4 1omobile. License 10 00 | Snow Shoe Twp........|S. H. Lohr...........| 879 81 84 450 32 Spring Twp. 5 15 5 15 0 3s
Huston Twp. .. icavecciiimwaion 12 79 | Jfiscellaneous en 15 54 | Spring Twp............|D. A. MeDowell......| 1579 36/6 41 336 18 4 01 | Taylor Twp. 66 61 66 61 s 8
Liberty TWP. o.oo 185 54 | fl 2CEANSONS rromnes Taylor Twp............|E. B. Gulich..........| 37614] 2368 119 53 "| Walker Twp. 2 31 2 31 8
Miles TWD, oe ll 2 181 99 1925 Hatin! 291 24 Union" Twp.............]E. T. Hall... ........ 444 94 579 128 97 WOrth TWD. «.. censsernnee an 60) wen 60 Se )
Patton Twp. 0 orci OL CTE | Walker Twp...........|W. R. Dunkle........ 714 21 78% 48] 714 21 I$ 11) 244 99|$ 245 10|$ ~ 47 488 251|$ 174 11
Penn Twp. iia 29 12 $ 2057 70 Worth Twp....... «ooo olll. To Spotts.......... 590 72 21 38 SCHOOL SEATED
Poa. mom ae pe ET BIAS Commonwealth Costs Account. I$ 27680 35/3 3163 76|$ 7602 67|§ 806 52 IRE i TR TOE 5 STH
Snow Shoe Twp. 199 72 | SEG Nese Justices andy ssa a3 Statement of Taxes Outstanding on the Duplicate for the Year 1928, Liogss Twp. . £2 of wow 2m
Spring TWP eevee. 885 10 MOEEORNERRT OPS romemm—- Burnside Twp.
Taylor TWD, weeeaeaa—a-i.l — 63 86 Constables Pay. Amount Amount Due Curtin Twp. 8 8 50 8 07] 57 04
Worth TWD. cared 80 30 : Returns to COUrt —mmmemememreeas$ 29 80 Districts Collectors Levied Jan's; 1978 Spess Tb. on 7% 164 87
aines . eens
$ 369209] court House Expense Account. County | State | County | State | Howard Twp. 5 5 04 S2
Registration Assessors. Elec. light and supplies.._.....$ 639 96 | Bellefonte Boro........ [Herbert Auman .....|$ 11605 63/3 6016 74|$ 2544 85]$ 643 67 | Huston Twp. 13 38 > 5 56
Bellefonte Boro, W. W....._.$ 57 50 | Fuel —omomooeeeoeeeee_____" 1144 00 | Centre Hall Boro...... |C. D. Barhtolomew...| 1112 653 17 87 28 27 62 3 37% 3 70
Bellefonte Boro., S. W.._.._.__ 91 50 | Express and drayage .._._____. 145 24 | Howard BOIO..........|T. A. Pletcher........ 328 38 1 11 3 11 55
Bellefonte Boro., N. W........ 90 50 | Stationery and office supplies. 1441 57 | Milesburg Boro........|Anna Hall ........... 99 7 7 38 7 38
Centre Hall Boro......eesmemes 50 02 | Gen. supplies and repairs to Millheim Boro..........[J. W. O. Housman... 444 . 154 151 45 105 77 5 57 43 09
Howard BOIo, ....m-mxencerones 37 32 Typewriters ........... mm 751 40 | Philipsburg Boro......|Charles Freeman .... 1575 93 92 | Snow Shoe 33 33 49 23 49
Milesburg Boro. ....-eweeceeoae- 50 50 ' Repairs to buildings, heating S. Phflinshing Dore... J. B. Hoffman....... 132 797 |Spring Twp. ....c.ccenveee = = 13 52 13
Millhelm Boro, coven iil 57 30 plant, ete. cmieamewesiceenenmnn 793 96 | Snow Shoe Boro.......|L, M. Kelly.......... Taylor TWD. c.cccvvecerenes 2 s 00 8 00
Philipsburg Boro., 1st. W...._. 80 68 ! Assistant Janitor .oee————______ 144 00 | State College Boro.....[B. J. Williams. ...... 3870 314 80 | Walker TWP. s.coeveeecnes : 120 120
Philipsburg Boro., 2nd. W..... 152 16 | Water rent 154 36 | Unionville Boro........[Anna Hall ........... 249 Worth TWD. .....coc0en--- Cw
Philipsburg Boro., 3rd. W...___ 8960 "Postage in .coaeicacncinannnn 34 00 | Benner TWp........... |John S. Spearly..... 58 14 80 I$ $465 465 84|$ 170 49[$ I$
Snow Shoe Boro... 24 73 ————— | Boggs TWD............|Harry Curtin ........ id 721 POOR SEATED
8. Philipsburg Bor 41 21 $ 5248 49 | Burnside P-ese-+++-JR, F. Barger......... 12 12 40 5 $ $ 5 5428 $ $ 5
State College Boro. 163 85 Jail Expense Account. College TWP...........|Josse Shuey ......... 425 4 00 | Bellefonte Boro ........... o4 91
Unionville Boro. 32 50 | Electric light and supplies.._._$ 307 78 Curtin TWp:..coeee...+|John A. Mann. ....... 5 216.007 | BeNREr, TWD. .ovcioecsceens ° 909 09
Benner Twp. _. 68 16 ' Plumbing and repair work .. _. 391 98 | Ferguson TWD.eeseoess|J. E. Elder. .......... 1029 34.80 Boggs Twp. .........0c0:s Ps 2. 21 00
Boggs Twp. - 126 20 fainting and papering —........ 1148 50 GregE TWD. ovevivse lS. G. Walker. o.oo. . 828 171 21 vii Sovaetieanes 1 1% 126
Burnside Twp, __ 25 47 Material and supplies... .__ 285 79 | Haines TWD............ Wilson Haines ...... 530 152 90 | Curtin Pr evescencncaces 8 29
College Twp. —.__ 70 14 Beds and Bedding ooo. __ 107 15 { Halfmoon TWp.........,Grant Davidson ..... 60 111 | Gregg TWP. «.cecveeecesses : ¢ 6 6s
Curtin Twp. 75 96 Insurance -- --- 340 00 | Harris TWp............[Geo E. Meyer........ 340 157 16 | Haines TWD. .....cceeveees = s Lyd
Ferguson Twp. 160. 00 ; Fuel o.._.... ---- 571 15 | Howard TWp.......... |S. R. McCartney. ..... 923 91 48 425 | Harris TWD. ..ccoeveneecss 4 150 158
Gregg Twp. 165 10 Water Rent —___. —————— 47 36 | Huston TWD........... |H. K. Mattern........ 733 72 57 11 36 Howara, Twp, tessssssaivs 3 3 45 3 45
Haines TWD. oe ______ 88 55 ec aice oe | Liberty Twp...........|0. J. Stover..........| 1675 68 180 14 31 | Huston Pe eesannavonens 04 1 17 171
17 00 $ 3199 71 | Marion TWP....cee0..« |C. A. Dolan..........| 182073 104 265 (Miles TWP. «.coovveeensses a
97 75 Election Expense Account. Miles TWp............. |S. A. Bierly..........|] 3261 7 406 06 73 65 | Patton Twp. ......coceeeee ‘ 1 115
79 311 Primary—General | patton Twp............/T. M. Huey..........| 167998 52 634 | Penn TWD. ...covureenrnnes i 1 150
40 79 John S, Spearly, de Penn TWD..uoeeeeeesssad. M. Weaver.........| 2521 83} 300-64 15 63 | Rush Twp. .......ccoeeeee 28 26 18 82 ool 8 62
79 49 | _livering ballots _.._$ 3500 $ 35 00 | potter TWp............ |J. B. Fortney........| 489452! 301 37 14 70 | Snow Shoe TWD. ...coveeee : e 7%
90 18 James W. Swabb, de- | Rush Twp.............|R. J. Barnett........| 3874712] 136 00 46 40 | Spring TWD. ...ececveveens 1 1% 301
35 2. (ine Ballots jor i 88:00 35 00 | Snow Shoe Twp... SH Lohr... oeened] 1600 Wo 1950-1 opus TR i 116 116
arry P. Austin, de- Spring Twp....... ly cDowell...... an sesssneneesnse ; ;
POHEr ‘TWD; ommooeoee oe ZT 14431 livering ballots .._. 47 62 35 00 | Tavlos Twp..iiiiliililR: 8; Guteneo “emo %e 76 Is Tis 9285s 9302s 1882s 01s 73 21
Rush Twp. ___________________ 198 61 Geo. W. Hamer, elec- Union Twp...... iBT. Halli oo aie eee] 1020: 75 72} INTEREST SEATED
Snow Shoe TWP. mee eee 95 47 | tion returns to Clear- Walker TWp..... .JW. R. Dunkle........| 3344 13| 621 59) B 3 $ 7 0718 707)8 is 1s 707
Spring HD, —————————————maea 2 30s fila COT 11 36 | Worth Twp............ BE. T. Spotts..........| 124495 188 62 89 Plefonte Bur aes 4 12 1 12
aylor mia manasa mami . G. e, election ; ee
UBon TWH corre SB J Ghote Glonhod 32 80 1100849 4018 20070 03/8 30028 45i$ 1932 49 Philipsburg Boro 1% 18 130
Walks Bl mmr HSE Dy RT oremal, tabu- 50.00 Statement of State and County Funds from 1919 to 1923. $Suow Shoe Boro ... is s 132115 13 2118 18 § 1321
eee J ~ Love, tabulating on Year Uallootor srr L 5 mm nt Total BOROUGH SEATED . EH
8251 20 _ returns oo... ~ 1919—Orin OD cevesinnnsnrnnnes esburg Boro . ¥ 12 01
County Auditors Ad Elec. officers pay..... 3454 58 3688 15 | 1019—John A. Mann........e0ens Curtin Twp ..... 113 72 37 | Bellefonte Bore erie riisls $ B ne 2 1$ | | 2 10
Robert D. Musser, services and Election supplies ..._. 406 57 462 47 | 1920—Roy Wilkinson ........... Philipsburg Boro 296 37 Mileshurs nr 3 63l 3 63 3 63
mileage o—_..___.________$ 244 00 Printing ballots, pro- 1920—John Harmish ... Boggs Twp ..... 71 51 Philipsburg Bo rn 8641818 648 i I$ 1s ed
Samuel B. Holter, services and , clamation —.__._._.._ 796 80 1832 80 | 1920—Jesse SHUEY ecveveeveensssssacenna... College Twp ... 30 1$ H
mileage eee. 21652 | e——— 1 1020—S8. A. Blerly ......................... Miles Twp. ........... 115 369 36 "BOROUGH SCHOOL SEATED =
Herbert H. Stover, services and ! $4778 57—8$ 6232 58 | 1021—Roy WIlKIDSON .euvueesvnsoncncoonsen Philipsburg Boro .... 856 50 Bellefonte Boro Ts $s 3238)$ 32 38[$ I $ os 5
THEBES: iee vein sain oie mik riot 256 48 | Grand Total ——eo——____§ 11011 15 1021 TOrant Davidson «-=tossrionanssepees Halfivoon Twp 'vroee | B69 85544 | Rellefonie Horo a | 4 83 483 $5
mn i] es 1922—Herbert AUMAN «.cuuveecerrecasasanns chavs 5 37
$ T1700 Janitors Account. 1922—C. D. Bartholomew...............i... Centre Hall Boro..... 19 12 Philipsburg Boro ......... _ LL gti] oT Ti
Board of Road View. John Benner, salary ......_.._$ 953 76 | 1992 Charles Freeman .................... Philipsburg Boro .... 58 48 1$ I$ 4
8. Kline Woodring, services and Geo. Harpster, Jan, 1, to Aug. 583 7 19220: B. HOlfmAl.. coreecrsrocrersnsssss 3 Palipsbute Boro.. ns 31 SINKING FUND is § rg
mileage... il 30700 wal DD Phu as 330 to Oct. ¥|1922—1. M. THY Reseiteesvieiolanrrs erie Faris ape roe 9 Snow Shoe BOTG ..........1$ I$ 420) 4208 fa 1s
L. E. Swartz, services and mile- ur ens, Sep 1922—Geo. BE. Meyer... ..cvoesvieescncancens SE. ceesesnne 13
BEC or Ne 3240 M19 ii 65.20.11920 8, "RB. MOCATtNEY...0aassansssssnssssss Howard De coseenns na LIABILITIES
John G. Love, services and Tobe. ier. Det 3, Jie 200 00 |] Da ihn di lanive Rush Tope ftom S008 To Outstanding Bonds at 4 Per CeNt........sesssssenes
mileage‘... .. iol oi 15 00 ec. 30, 1924 —oeoooooonoooo 200 00 {19922 R. J. BAFDett.c.eeeeerrsernsenenesenns Ssh Bho dwn 991 87 Balance due E. R. Taylor, Sheriff...........
————— — S$ 1302 72 10008. Xl. LORP...v:vvevrnersinessainnrecs Snow & vil, Pauses Hot 3058 41 | Balance due Roy Wilkinson, Prothonotary.
$ 77 40 Juvenile Court Expense. 1922—W. R. Dunkle...iicoevesssnnecenceans evar as 8100 10 | To Estimated Commonwealth Costs
Bridge Account. Mrs. Emma Jones, by Juvenile 1923 DUPHLAte coveennreitatiais tinnniiiiiieinnerintcatientes canes 39360 94 | To Estimated Exonerations.
Spring Mills Bridge : Court Order —————————— 455 65 | 1924 Duplicate SSssectssrrasissenttrttarenneet aUrEtIIsINIIINEEIISLITSS 15653 711 To Estimated Commissions .
A. B. Lee ages 00 } MIS. Mary RS use (Transport- 37 90 3 To Outstanding Notes ......
ri ils Bri } ..Ing Juveniles) .mmmemmimesamme—e
sph HIG Fetterolf —cc 20.00 | Mrs. ‘Mary Kane, Boarding Recapitulation of State Licenses for the Year 1024. ASSETS ao 93
Spring Mills Bridge Lo Juveniles meee 139 25 | To Retail Mercantile LACEMSES «....ovesvoseoeeccsssssssssesssnss $ 12400 2% By Cash in Treasurers Hands Jan. 5, 1925. . $ a
Com. Expense ..... 41 00 $1123 00 Williamsport Schoo! District, To Wholesale Mercantile LICENSES .......ccceccvarecassascsesences 2528 5 By Cash in Sinking Fund.............. 3 %
ean | Tuition (Quick children) -... 50°00 | T'0 BPOWErS LICCHEAE sesssressssasssenrocssvssssrssvassesasrnnnns 83 32 By Outstanding Duplicates, 1919 to 1023 0661 5
Milesburg Bridge...... 176 34 Sundry Orders for clothing for Po BIHAN TICOIEeE tees eiiitctsnrrrsrcrssssssoninisionsnsnes 3970 » By Outstanding Duplicate, 1924. Bo =
Liberty Twp. Bridge... 1190 50 CAS, ee — 63 32 | To Brokers LICENSES ....cciveiiiesernannnnanns trtesisinesnanns 275 00 By Tax Leins Filed....ccoeaes.. 1198 48
Ellis Pownell, plank Rev. M. DePue Maynard, sal. To Circus. LICENSES oo.venesesssecsecrassssvesacsasrsnsssnanssoane hn By Tax Leins Entered «ess. 3s
for Bridge —-_____ 265 00 as Juvenile Officer —mmeemeeeo 300 00 | To Hating HOUSE LICENSES. ...coceeisesrasscssssassssrnssnsncnnns Bos 0 Ry Asylum Bills Due County. . gg
Mis. Bridge Acct... 294 19 $1926 03 | $ 1076 12 | To Resident Hunters Licenses .......c.cceeeee. nx By Escaped Convict Acct. Of Different Co's... nesssesenss Ra
J Commissioners To Non-Resident Hunters. Licenses ........ trae ’ $ 127782 46
mr—— ~$ 3049 03 Jou. A. B wit mms 8 180.42 | To Resident Fishermans Licenses ........ 5 00 32106 07
Sitilarens ae Socleny of Westen Penna, John D ker ne 8 mileage 132 12 Xo on-Besldent Fishermans Licenses 3798 00 Total Indebtedness Centre County Jam. 5, 1925. ....0uveeerenonns : $
aintaining Sundry Inmates... : ’ : ? - 0 Do, } eee a eg Ne
Mrs. Amy Potter ed 1 X Fines Collected .......veen. 185 00 3 Wiis We, the undersigned Auditors of Centre County, having carefully examined the ne-
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Account. By Sundry Commissions, 239 35 | counts of the Centre County Commissioners, Sheriff and Treasurer of Centre County, do
Ira G. Burket, Auditor for Pro- $ 364 54 | By Sundry Kxonerations .. 986 10 | hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct Statement of the receipts and.
thonotary, Recorder and Inspector of Weights and Measures. | BY Sundry Printing ..... a 67 15 | expenditures and of their respective accounts for the year 1924,
REEISteR wine imiiiibinenih} TS 00 Bodie, OF £30 $0 termes BE 0 oes coressieren oritn 20368 47 lai BOER NUNER "1 © ar
Seals and postage ———eeeeeeeee OTMIIORWERIH «ices assess arse bsrsussesssissnss Bellefonte, Pennsy! } .
Port Matilda Road oad Acoust, 530 g7 Expenses for traveling_.....____ 827 23 Balance Due Com $ 3183350 § 31833 60 March 11, 1928, HERBERT M. STOVER,
Boalsburg Pike ceeeceeeceeummne 2891 15 $ 2Tu