Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, April 03, 1925, Image 1

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~ ——Germany may have to organ-
ize an electoral college to elect a Pres-
ident. :
——The Prince of Wales is off on
another business tour. He is the
champion “drummer” of his age and
——The reports of
«changes in the Cabinet are denied |
This appears |
from the White House.
to be an unlucky season. :
——The slump in the stock market
and the drop in the grain market in-
dicate that the prosperity which fol-.
lowal the election was not of the en-
«during type. :
—Where does Pinchot expect his
‘threat to call an extra session of the
Legislature to get him. A body that
‘has declined to let him make a
monkey of .it in the spring will
scarcely stand for his making an ass
.of it in the fall.
—The reappearance on the front
pages of the Philadelphia papers of
startling stories of hold-ups in that
«city prompts us to inquire as to what
‘has ‘become of our old friend Gen.
Smed Butler. Has he left the city or
.are the bandits crowding him off the
front pages?
—If the Republican leaders of
Pennsylvania are really looking for a
«decent candidate for Governor, as re-
ports from various quarters seem to
imply, why don’t they try to persuade
‘Geo. E. Alter to give them the oppor-
tunity of vindicating themselves as
‘well as give Pennsylvania a chance to
get back to sanity in government.
—How some people get away with
it we will never be able to under-
stand. On Monday Jay E. House used
up three quarters of his column in the
Philadelphia Public. Ledger for
“sucker” bait. If you read “On Second
‘Thought” wait for the size of “the
string” he gets for having, told his
“Dollar” correspondent that ¥Heywood
Brown wanted to see a “five-toed
—The President seems to have gone
«off half-cocked when he criticized that
Philadelphia Federal grand jury for
not having indicted anybody as a re-
sult of its rather startling findings.
His “yes” man must have said “yes”
once too often. He ought to have
found out’ that the jury in question
«couldn’t indict those to whom it had
to grant immunity in order to get the
information it was after. i
—Judge Schaeffer, of Berks county,
‘has just handed down an opinion to
the effect that taking apples from an-
other’s orchard is not Seating. He
declares that nothing but personal
property can be stolen and as apy
are regarded as attached to the land |
they do notibecome personal property
until “picked by the owner. It may
appear strange law, but able lawyers
are of the opinion that the ruling is
good law, :
—The Republican Senators who are
now announcing that they are in fa-
vor of the Dawes’ proposal of cloture
give as their reason that it is very de-
sirable to have “gag rule” apply to
such members as “Tom” Heflin, for
instance. So it may be, but a rule that
will choke Heflin off will choke them
off as well and we have recollection
of Quay, Penrose and Lodge reading.
musty old books for days on the Sen-
ate floor when it served a Republican
interest to talk a Democratic measure
to death.
—The cables bring ‘the news that
taxis are chasing the jaunting car
from the highways of Ireland. The
exit of the ancient vehicle of travel
song and story is tragic to us. Not
that we have ever seen a jaunting car,
but we've heard Jim Herron tell the
“Wishing Fairy” story and heard
Mortimer O’Donoghue sing “The
Low-Backed Car” so that Ireland will
mean nothing to us now that the set-
ting for such gems is gone. So far as
our further interest in it is concerned
Ulster might as well gobble it up.
—The warm weather of last week
is said to have caused snakes to crawl
out of their holes in many sections of
the country. Snakes are our pet
aversion and in twelve days we have
to be in the mountains fishing. Hon-
estly, you can’t understand the feeling
of insecurity a man who jumps ten
feet every time a dead twig snaps
under his feet has with his “private
boot legger” on the other side of the
continent and all lines of communica-
tion snooped into by heartless snoop-
ers when he feels that a snake is coil-
ed to strike behind every log along his
favorite stream.
—Senator Woodward’s idea that
Pennsylvania should have a budget
commission to make a scientific study
of State requirements before each ses-
sion of the Legislature. It would re-
sult in fastening another expensive
department on the taxpayers of Penn-
sylvania, and that’s all. The Legis-
lature wouldn’t act on its suggestions
if they didn’t suit it. It wasn’t so long
ago that the State Board of Charities
made a scientific study of the hospi-
tal’s needs every year. From this it
would report to the appropriations
committee of the Legislature just
what it thought each institution
should have by way of aid for the fol-
lowing biennium. The Members paid
no more attention to the report than
if it had never been made and went
their log-rolling way just the same.
Senator Woodward’s idea .is good
enough theoretically, but, practically,
it would do nothing more than create
a lot of fat jobs.
| without excuse.”
VOL. 70.
* Lucky Gifford Pinchot.
Governor Pinchot is certainly a
lucky man. Whenever he goes down
for the count, his enemies in his party
commit such blunders that public
opinion raises him to his feet with re-
newed' strength and opportunity to
resume operations. After his defeat
in the ‘organization of the Legislature
the machine indulged in absurd excess-
es which turned the tide of popular
favor in his direction. Then he blun-
dered into another mess which result-
ed in the defeat of his pet measure,
the United dry bill, and that misfor-
tune was followed by a complete and
apparently irretrievable - disaster in
the mutilation of his code measure.
But luck again intervened in his fa-
ver. The blunders of his enemies res-
cued him.
In their zeal to humiliate and de-
stroy Mr. Pinchot the Vare-Grundy
bunch threw a harpoon into the hearts
of the people. There wasn’t much
harm in clipping the wings of ambi-
tion by cutting the appropriation for
the: Attorney General’s department:
and eliminating the item for enforce-
ment of the Volstead law. A few
good citizens might have felt a thrill
of disappointment because of the par- |
ing of the appropriation to the De-'
Popular interest
partment of State.
in’ the activities of these officials was
and is languid. The cut into the ap-
propriation for the public schools,
however, struck a vital nerve in the
anatomy of every man, woman and
child in the Commonwealth, and turn-
ed every rational mind to. warm sym-
pathy with the Governor.
And Mr. Pinchot was alert to take
advantage of the situation. He issued
a statement immediately following
the event in which he said “the men:
responsible for this bill have attempt-
ed to sacrifice the State government,
and what is more, the school children
of Pennsylvania, without reason and
He also threatened
an extra session of the Legislature in
the event the bill is ‘passed. It will
be noticed that his chief anxiety is for
his departments but the appeal is on
account of the schools, And he
e public. The churches as well as
the schools have responded in certain
tones and the machine managers are
trembling in their boots.
——Those contemporaries, esteem-
ed and otherwise, who are worrying
their subsidized lives out with fear |
that a corporation tax will be levied ;
are wasting their sympathies. The
corporations threatened have been
_ expected rise from:
Signs of Coming Improvement. ir
It is heartening as well as refresh-
ing to learn that the Methodists of the
Philadelphia conference are indignant
and even resentful at the defeat of the
United Dry bill by the Legislature.
- On Saturday last, in session at Norris-
| town, the conference declared that
‘ members of the Legislature who had
given pledges to support dry legisla-
_ tion had betrayed the trust reposed in
, them and “called upon all the friends
of law, order and public welfare in the
districts where these members live, to
promptly call them to account in such
a way that they shall make no mistake
about the attitude of the people.”
They also call all Christian bodies to
join them in their “solemn denuncia-
For a great many years the Repub-
lican machine of Pennsylvania and the
whiskey interests have maintain-
ed political partnership. The whis-
key ring has supplied the money to
maintain the Republican majorities
and the Republican majorities have
been giving the whiskey ring such pro-
, tection as friendly legislation and im-
munity from prosecution as was need-
ed. Most of the members of the Phil-
adelphia conference of the Methodist
church have been familiar with these
facts for years, yet at each recurring
election of Senators and Representa-
tives of the Legislature they ‘have:
gone to the polls and voted for the
_ candidates of this machine. If they
were betrayed they swallowed their
If the declaration of the Norristown
conference is to be accepted as the be-
ginning of a new rule of action among
; Christian voters it may be assumed
i that the power for evil of the Repub-
lican machine is about to end. If all
the people of the State who believe in
good citizenship will follow the sug- |
the disbursements would be under con- { bills
gestion of the conference to support
for the next Legislature only “men
“and women who cannot be bought,
either by money or political prefer-
, ment, and who cannot be controlled on
moral questions by a political ma-
chine,” there will be a lot of new faces
in the next session and the Republi- | it Will be
- can control of the State will vanish. ic!
+. But men and women have short mem-- er
ories and party prejudices are strong.
| re HR
{ ——If Governor Pinchot, of Penn-
sylvania, were as sincere as Governor.
~The Other Ox is Gored.
Governor Pinchot: would stand high-
er in popular esteem if he were less
selfish, less ambitious and more con-
sistent. For example, he complains
bitterly because the dominant faction
in the Legislature has cut the appro-
priations of departments of the gov-
ernment under his control and in-|
creased appropriations for the depart-
ments that are ‘independent of him.
He appeals to the public to condemn
the action of the machine in cutting
the appropriation to fight the import-
ed pest which threatens to destroy the
crops of the State. Yet two years ago
he cut the appropriations to the inde-
pendent departments to the bone and
reduced that to fight the beetle to a
negligible sum. = :
Two years ago, it will be remember-
ed, Governor Pinchot cut the appro-
priation to the Treasury Department
in and that to the Department of
Internal Affairs almost to the vanish-
ing point. The State Treasurer pro-
tested that the action crippled his
work and the Secretary of ' Internal
Affairs declared that it would be ab-
solutely impossible to operate that de-
partment upon the meager allowance
provided in the bill after the Governor
got through with it. But the protests
fell on deaf ears. The Governor ven-
tured the suggestion that the Depart-
ment of Internal Affairs was of no
earthly use and ought to be abolish-
ed, and intimated that Treasurer Sny-
der might use the money he spent for
personal decoration to pay office ex-
~ Now the other ox is gored and the
Governor roars. Two years ago the
funds for the Secretary of the Com-
monwealth and the Attorney General
were considerably increased over the
amounts previously allowed to those
departments because, it was said, that
trol of the Governor. This year the
Vare-Grundy machine probably cut
them down for the same reason. In
any event the principle of reprisals
appears to be in vogue in Harrisburg
during the Pinchot administration and
it Will be a r to enlist pub-
In the
be a change in that program.
. ——The Pennsylvania ‘Railroad Sys-
Smith, of New York, the schemes of tem expects to sponsor a course of in-
Mistaken Notion of Duty.
A Washington correspondent of the
Vare and Grundy would fade away. tensive study of traffic conditions dur-
ing the spring and summer, especially
in reference to application of methods
for greater service and: economy.
While most of the problems to be
dodging their share of the burdens of Philadelphia Public Ledger says: “In studied are technical one of especial
. the long run, if the Senate is to re- ; interest will be that concerning the
government for sixty years.
Dawes Will Appeal to the Public.
appeal to the people in what he im-
agines is a controversy he has with
i main at the mercy of the minorities,
wisdom of reviving special apprentice
; and the President is to be at the mer- | positions. Years ago the Pennsylva-
icy of the Senate, the present balance nia Railroad Co. offered opportunities
Vice President Dawes is going to between the executive and the legisla- to young men who thought more of
. tive branches of the government will
be upset.” How do men with suffi-
obtaining a technical knowledge of
railroading than they did of the
the Senate. On entering upon the du- | cient intelligence to write for newspa- | amount of wages they were to receive.
ties of his office on the fourth of
March he undertook to change . the
rules and alter the methods of pro-
cedure of that more or less august
body. : Of course he was sharply re-
buked for his impertinence. But he is
not satisfied. He wants public opin-
ion to decide the question. It makes |
no difference to him that the public
has no voice in the matter. The Sen-
ate makes its own rules and good or
bad they can only be altered by action
of the Senate. “Hell an’ Maria” may
think different, but he’ll change his
‘mind on the subject in the course of
time. ‘
Mr. Dawes will open his campaign
against the Senate next week, in New
York, when he will appear as a guest
at the annual dinner of the Associat-
ed Press. He could hardly have chos-
en a better vehicle for communication
with the public. Nearly all the busi-
ness managers and some of the edit-
ors of the leading newspapers of the
country will be present and in cordial
sympathy with his purpose, which is
to create a sensation. A first class
sensation is the “advance agent” of
circulation prosperity. But few, if
any, of those who will hear him enjoy
the privilege of voting on the rules of
the Senate, and it is not certain they
would vote his way in any event.
There are two sides to that as well as
other questions.
In the plan of the government
adopted by the framers of the consti-
tution it was intended that the Senate
should serve as a restraint upon the
more impulsive popular branch of
Congress. It is against the exercise
of this restraint that Vice President
Dawes complains. There seems to be
a secret, or silent, understanding be-
tween the President and Vice Presi-
dent that they are “the whole cheese.”
If the rules and traditions of the Sen-
ate were made to conform to the
Dawes idea this ambitious notion
might be brought about. But the
present outlook for such a condition is
not promising. A considerable num-
ber of the Senators have had more ex-
perience and have quite as much pa-
triotism as the Vice President.
‘pers get such stuff into their heads?
| There are ninety-six Senators in Con-
jority and under the rules a majority’
| of a quorum constitutes a majority of
the body on any question under con-
sideration. In no instance has a ques-
tion been decided adversely to the vote
: of a majority of those present.
Lately Republican politicians. have
been setting up as an hypothesis that
the government of the United States
is a government not of principles but
of parties. The late President Hard-
ing was the first chief magistrate to
assert this philosophy, but President
Coolidge on one or two occasions, no-
tably in his inaugural address, ex-
pressed it. In substance he asserted
that public officials owed allegiance to
the party rather than the country. It
is a wicked interpretation of public
obligations. The public official who
supports his party, “right or wrong,”
is an enemy to the public and a men-
ace to the government. It may con-
form to the perverted notion of the.
machine politician but not to a proper
standard of political morals.
| A Senater in Congress, upon enter-
ing upon his duties, solemnly swears
that he will support the constitution,
‘not the party organization. His obli-
gation is to serve the country, not the
party. If a man chosen as a Repub-
lican is asked to support a measure
abhorrent to his conscience, it is his
moral duty to refuse. Unless he has
the courage to do so he is unfit for the
service for which he has been chosen.
There is no analogy between the con-
ditions when Wilson was President
and now. Hatred of Wilson and not
conscience influenced the opposition to
the League of Nations. Conviction of
duty influenced the vote against the
confirmation of Warren for Attorney
General. :
——The incompetents in Washing-
ton are still pursuing General Mitch-
ell. Small minds are unforgiving.
tors are so much afraid of an extra
session is that it carries no pay.
| gress. Forty-five of them are a ma- i lot of very valuable
content with while
Many took advantage of it with the
result that the company developed a
Among them we recall the late Ran-
dolph Breese and several of the Har-
ris boys of this place. All of whom
more than made up in later earning.
power for the trifling wage they were
student appren-
tices. :
——Contractor Benjamin Bradley
started work this week on the remod-
eling of the old pumping station at
Bellefonte’s big spring. The boiler
house, the front part of the building
has already been torn down and the
foundations for the new structure will
be started within a few days. The
- demolished building was so badly de-
cayed that it was on the verge of fall-
ing down, and when the new portion
is completed and the rear section re-
modeled it will be a great improve-
ment in the appearance at the foun-
tain head of the town’s water supply.
——Any person who has felt inclin-
ed to complain about the weather this
! week should look back to a year ago
when a foot of snow fell on April first,
which was followed by a cold spell,
the thermometer going down to with-
in fifteen degrees of zero on April 3rd.
That was the freeze that killed the
early fruit.
re rg pe a————
——A few people in Bellefonte
made a little garden and planted on-
ions and lettuce last week, but the
‘weather this week has not been very
favorable for gardens, farming, etc.
——Don’t fail to read the opening
chapters of “So Big,” published on the
second page of next week’s “Watch-
man.” It is a story worth reading.
—1It would be interesting to know
what party service is expected from
‘ Judge Berkey, of Somerset county.
Probably the reason Legisla-
——When Bill Vare goes to the
Senate mice will be popular pets
among women.
) wags and
‘means committee, that body is playing
* federal government is at-
{empling . 10 give, diem They: ton
matter of the public schools
it is different and there will probably’ :
{every year. One season may
| dispute over the amount of income tax
~ NO. 14.
More Taxes? Ugh! 7
From the Williamsport Sun.
Whatever the motive of
lature in
ative recommendation of the
with fire in this particular kind of pro-
posed legislation. shad ok lee
(nd She Saforanale ting is that ¥
e Legislature its fingers singe
the entire Commonwealth, Marae.
turing interests as well as the public,
will suffer more pain than the law- |
making body." Th
Funnier things than the enactment
of undesirable legislation has resulted
from the use of measures of this kind
as footballs in legislative halls.
If that should be the result from
the present legislative situation, there
will be cause for great regret on the
part of both legislative members and
the people they represent. .
If the Legislature had occasion to
rap some one over the knuckles for
too much interference in its business,
it is too bad it could not have used a
measure containing less explosive ma-
terial. : ik Ba ne
There are various reasons why a
manufacturers’ tax bill has ne right
upon the calendar. 3
In the first place it will be difficult
for any one to prove the legitimacy of
such a tax on a scientific taxation ba-
gis and economic grounds. Lx
Secondly, if we believe the figures
of the executive department’s statis-
ticians, and they are Just asolikely to
be correct as any others, the State
Treasury doesn’t need any new taxes
to meet all the normal demands upon
it for the next two years. :
And, thirdly, the people of the Com-
monwealth are looking to the la-
ture for the same ae relief from
taxation the federal"
jired of and. Sizsuiza d-
stantly mounting State
Trier bond toward more extravagance
in the cost of government than is good
for it or the people who must pay the
"Again, and probably more import-
ant than all, this proposed tax ED ,.
desirable because in the end it’ must
be paid by the buying public.
It is termed a manufacturers’ tax; |
but no one is foolish enough to believe’
so stable that there is profit ne it
ood one and then follow sevéral per-
lods of losses, but the business must
go on just the same. It can’t stop in
poor seasons and resume again in
times of prosperity. :
: It must carry on throughout all per-
iods hoping that the losses of the
slack seasons may be covered up in
more prosperous times. ;
This is the hard and fixed exper-
jars of business established by his-
Accordingly, when an additional
State tax is laid on his desk, to be on
the safe side and to make sure that
the sale of his products will return
sufficient to make up taxes which
must be paid whether or not there is a
surplus or profit to provide for them,
the manufacturer is going to figure it
into the cost of his goods. .
And the public will pay.
| Mr. Couzens is an Object Lesson.
From the Detroit Free Press.
Senator James Couzens would have
lost ‘nothing by following the custom
of business men in such cases and
signing the waivers offerd by the
government in connection with the
due on the proceeds of his sale of Ford
company stock, nor does he gain any-
thing, except possibly trouble, by re-
fusing to do so. His action is com-
prehensible only on the assumption
that it was the result of a fit of tem-
per, or of a desire to get more of the
sensational publicity for which he
seems to have an insatiable hunger, or
of both. Meanwhile Mr. Couzens,
with his annual income tax payment
of approximately $5000, stands out as
one of the world’s foremost adepts in
the art of evading contributions to the
public treasury by burying wealth in
the cyclone cellar of tax-exemption.
There is something quite enlighten-
ing if not especially inspiring in the
object lesson Mr. Couzens provides,
as, in his capacity as chairman of a
Senate committee, he delves indus-
triously into the affairs of other men
to determine whether the government
might not have exacted from them a
bigger tax than it did exact, while in
his capacity as an individual he at the
same time points out by example the
manner in which those under his
frowning scrutiny might have avoid-
ed large payments.
To Protect the “Fur Smelling”
From the Altoona Tribune.
The lowly skunk is not without its
friends in the State. A hearing has
been requested of the Senate game
committee on the Irvin bill which
would remove the animal from ' the
protected fur-bearing list. The bill
has been passed by the House. As one
of the Senators remarked, the skunk
should be afforded protection for two
reasons, it is “fur smelling,” as well
as fur bearing.
——— A
the Leg is-
trotting ‘out for hearing the |
manufacturers’ tax bill against neg- |
Lh Be 0 Sl i
4 So ap —— ti NE a pW
—J. R. Fleming, for several years as-
sistant maintenance superintendent of
State Highways in York county, has been
a as maintenance superintendent
of Clinton county to succeed F. M. Sander-
son, promoted to be general foreman.
—The Pittsburgh coal company has be-
gun to dismantle sixteen of its forty-five
mines, in the Pittsburgh coal fields. The
mines have been idle since early in: 1924;
the announcement said. It was added that
machinery -and pit cars are at the mines,
all of which are located within a radius of
thirty miles of Pittsburgh.
—A verdict of $15,355 for the death of
‘her husband, George Patterson, was re-
turned by a jury in Common Pleas court
at Pittsburgh, on Saturday, in favor of
Mrs. Anna Patterson in a suit against the
Pennsylvania railroad. Patterson, a brake-
man, was crushed to death under the
wheels of a freight train two years ago.
—Only bottled milk may be sold at eat-
ing places in Pennsylvania after May 26,
when the bill that requires restaurants,
hotels, soda fountains and dining cars to
serve milk to patrons in the original bot-
tle in which it is suplied, becomes a law.
Governor Pinchot signed the measure last
week. Under its provisions, “Mixed
drinks” are excluded.
~—Coal under the site of the Bethel cem-
etery in Allegheny county, has caught fire,
and what remains of the burial ground,
one of the oldest in western Pennsylvania,
is slowly being destroyed. Several fami-
lies are reported to have removed their
dead from the burning grave yard and
others are preparing to do so before the
removal becomes impossible.
. —Five minor children of Mrs. Flora
Fisher, of Treverton, have been awarded
$3,066.50 by Compensation referee Lewis, of
Berwick. Their father died of influenza
and Elmer Derk, a brother of their mother,
saw their plight and supported them: He
was killed in a Philadelphia and Reading
mine. The referee held that they were en-
titled to the same compensation as though .
the man had been their father.
—James Gregg, of Tyrone, aged 36, was
taken into custody by chief of police: Lloyd
Michaels, and shortly after is said to have
confessed to having set fire to the Hagg
barn, near, Tyrone, last Wednesday night. .
Gregg, who has previously served nine
years and two nionths in the penitentiary
for having set fire to six barns in the bor-
ough of Tyrone some years 8go, was em-
ployed as a driver of a coal wagon for Mr. -
—At a meeting of the board of directors _
of the Northern -€ambria Water company,
at Harrisburg, plans were made to begin
construction of an impounding. dam on J
Schirf’s Run to cost $50,000. The storage
capacity of the dam is to be 75,000 gallons. ;
Schirf’s Run is a tributary of Black Lick
creek. The watér from the mew dam will
have to be pumped into the Brown's Run
“dam, the, present source of the company's
supply. = 4 ;
| —Andrew Kozak and Frank Drobeck,
both of Lilly, were arrested in the home of ,
the former on Friday on a charge of rais- :
ing $1 and $5 bills to the denomination of
$20, and the officers seized the equipment :
which the men are alleged to have used in
that the manufacturer is going to take | their work. At a hearing at Lilly later in |
from his own pocket any such assess« | the day before United States Commission-
ment. Sali A28) Sun Rn RT oF Ray Patty Si Smith, both were held in,
The ‘manufacturing business 14 ot | dent of $1500 or trial in federal court
—Rev. Dr. John Wagner, who was onc
of the ministers officiating in the installa-
tion of Rev. S. F. Greenhoe as pastor of
the Lutheran church at Centre Hall, began «
his ministry at Hazleton fifty years ago,
forming a congregation of fifteen members,
the membership having increased to eight
hundred. At the close of his active minis-
try his congregation presented him a purse
of $2500 and provided an additional $50 for
edch year of his life. :
—Reunited after having obtained a di-
vorce ten years ago, Barton C. Hendrick-
son, a Northumberland county farmer, and
Nora E. Hendrickson, of Danville, were re-
married at Williamsport last week. They
first were married twenty-one years ago,
but after living together nearly eleven
years had a disagreement and separated.
In October, 1914, a divorce was obtained,
and they since had been living apart. :
About ten days ago they met on the street,
the misunderstanding that caused the orig-
inal separation was explained and they
patched up their troubles. The wedding
‘| was the result. They have three children.
—George W. Hoover and E. L. Ferris,
members of the G. M. Hoover Lumber com-
pany, of Williamsport, have announced the
purchase of the entire holdings of the C..C.
Slaght Lumber company, of Morris, Tioga °
county. The deal, said to have involved a
consideration of $200,000, includes the pur- ia
chase of the company’s big mill at Morris, -=
with 1,500,000 feet of manufactured. lum-. :
ber; ten miles of standard guage railroad,
ment, and 10,000 acres of woodland, all in
Tioga county, near Morris. The new own- °
ers announce that they will continue to
operate the mill as it has been operated
under the former owners and that the of-
—Suffering from an almost constant
headache and approaching blindness, the
cause of which physicians were unable to
determine, Harry M. Hutchinson, an elec-
trician, of Philadelphia, on Saturday sneez-
ed from his nasal tubes an inch and a half
piece of a quarter inch steel drill with
which he had been stabbed twelve years
ago. Hutchinson said that he had been
stabbed through the bridge of the nose
with the drill during a fight with a fellow
workman. He was treated by physicians
at the time for a broken nose. The wound:
healed and for two years gave him no fur-
ther trouble. Then he said, the headaches
started. After sneezing his headaches dis-
appeared and physicians believe his eye-
sight will improve.
—Jewelry worth approximately $3000
was stolen from the home of Mr. and Mrs.
J. McC. Davis, of Tyrone, but some years
ago residents of Bellefonte, between 8 and
9:30 o'clock one evening last week. Mrs.
Davis had gone out about 8 o'clock to
make a call. When she and Mr. Davis re-
turned they noticed a front window en the
first floor open. They made an investiga-
tion and inside the window found a burned
match. Several burned matches were also
found at the foot of the stairs and also in
the bedroom where the gems were kept.
Mrs. Davis had intended to wear the jew-
elry but changed her mind and placed
them in their . accustomed place in the
dresser drawer. As soon as the theft was
—Regulor readers realize that the
“Watchman” stands in a class by it-
discovered, police officials were notified
and are endeavoring to apprehend the
guilty one.
in x "
with cars, locomotives and other equip- . -
fices of the company will be located in