Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, March 27, 1925, Image 8

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Bellefonte, Pa., March 27, 1925.
A ——
—Bricklayers are at work on the
addition to the Centre County hos-
pital. :
——A¢t the Methodist conference in
Chambersburg, the Rev. George M.
Remly, of Port Matilda, was placed on
the supernumerary list.
—The new State game preserve in
Rush township will probably close all
of Tomtit run and part of Cold stream
to trout fishermen.
~ ——The ladies of Pocahontas will
hold a dance in the Red Men’s hall, in
the Centre County bank building, next
Tuesday evening, March 31st.
——The women of the Evangelical
church will hold an all day bake sale
at the Spigelmyer store, tomorrow
(Saturday), March 28. A liberal pat-
ronage is asked from the public.
——The monthly meeting of the
Women’s Missionary society of the
Reformed church will be held Wed-
nesday afternoon, April 1st, at the
home of Mrs. John M. Hartswick, east
Bishop street.
Among the “Want” advertise-
ments on page 5 will be found one for
an old spinning wheel. If you have
one in your attic that you want to get
rid of this might be an opportunity to
do it at a profit.
——Ralph English; of Port Matil-
da, has entered a number of his point-
ers, setters, wire-haired pointing grif-
fons, grey-hounds and retrievers for
the fourth annual dog show to be heid
in Pittsburgh April 23rd, 24th and
25th. ~~ -
——John Morris, of Philipsburg,
has joined the state highway corps
making the survey over Nittany
mountain, filling the place made va-
cant by the unfortunate death by elec:
trocution, last Friday, of Arthur D.
—A discussion on “Immigration”
by the members of the Woman's club,
under the leadership of Mrs. Charles
Casebeer, will be the feature of the
next meeting of the club on Monday,
March 30th, at 7:30 p. m., in the
auditorium of the High school build-
ing. iE : :
The. Ladies Aid society of the
Reformed church has postponed its
next meeting until Thursday after-
Bail for Each Fixed at $1,000.
Packer Also Held for Court
for Attempted Assault.
The arrest of J. Cleveland Packer,
of Holt’s Hollow, by three state po-
14th on the charge of possessing and
transporting liquor, and the alleged
brutal assault on that gentleman by
one of the police officers, is to be thor-
oughly aired in the Centre county
courts. As stated last week, when
Packer was arrested on the public
highway a half pint bottle not quite
half full of moonshine was found
on his person. For this he was held
in $1,000 bail for trial at court, his
car and its contents confiscated and
Placed in the hands of the sheriff of
Centre county. Packer was hit on the
eye by W. J. Lyster, one of the po-
licemen, and because of the alleged
unwarranted assault had the man ar-
rested for assault and battery.
The hearing was held before jus-
tice of the peace J. M. Keichline, at
eight o’clock last Friday evening, and
the ’Squire’s office was not large
enough to hold more than about one-
fourth of the people who clamored for
admittance. Mr. Packer was repre-
sented by S. D. Gettig Esq., and the
three state policemen who figured in
his arrest were present, namely, Sergt.
J. V. Buckley, W. J. Lyster and J. J.
Downing. ;
Mr. Packer, in his own behalf, stat-
ed that on the afternoon of the day in
question he drove to Bellefonte in his
Ford car and went up to the Chemical
Lime company Returning to Belle-
fonte he went to Frank Mayer’s mill,
purchased 50 pounds of bran and 100
pounds of chop, exhibiting receipted
bill for his purchase, and after buying
a pound of coffee at one of the stores
started home. About half a mile from
his home he was stopped by three men
in civilian’s clothes. One of them
threw back the lapel of his coat and
exhibited a badge, at the same time
saying “state police.” Mr. Packer
was told to get out of the car, which
he did, and as he stepped down onto
the road one of the policemen frisked
his clothing and took the half pint
bottle above referred to from his in-
side coat pocket. He promptly de-
manded to know where he (Packer)
had gotten the moonshine and the lat-
ter told him a man gave it to him.
When asked the man’s name he said
noon, April 2nd, at which time the
meeting will be held in the chapel and
Mrs. Maurice Runkle and Mrs. Harry
Meyer will be the hostesses. Sewing
for the hospital.
——James Crain, a former resident :
of Philipsburg, but who has been lo-
cated at Schuylkill Haven the past
two years, has been awarded the con-
tract to do all the hauling in connec- |
tion with the building of the . state
highway from Runville to Snow Shoe
by the James & Nicholson company.
——A little son weighing seven and
one-half. pounds, and who has been
named Kenneth Hughes, was born to
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph B. Summers, at the
Academy, Tuesday. Mr. Summers is |
a member of the Academy faculty
and a nephew of headmaster James R. |
Hughes.- Mrs. Summers, before her '
marriage, was Miss Ottalie Hughes. |
——The Penn State wrestling team |
has again won the intercollegiate
championship. They scored 24 points.
Yale was second with 14. State won |
the 115 lb. class with a fall, the 135
class on decision, the 145 class on de-
cision, the 158 1b. class with a fall.
She lost only two bouts in which she
had entries, the 125 and 175 1b.
——Robert V. Lyon, formerly of
Bellefonte and now president of the
American Palace Laundry, of Buffalo,
N. Y,, has been experimenting for two
years with a blanket cleansing ma-
chine of his own design. It has been
brought to such a standard of perfec-
tion that the American Laundry Ma-
chine Co., has recently sought and
procured the right of manufacture and
sale of the new device. i
Some very interesting pictures '
are scheduled for exhibition at the’
Scenic during the ensuing week, with |
that wonderful film, “The Covered 3
Wagon,” to be shown at the Moose"
Temple theatre tonight and tomorrow
night. If you are not a regular movie
fan read the list of showings publish-
ed in this issue of the “Watchman”
and you will readily see that they ap-
pear enticing. If you like good pic-
tures the Scenic is the place to see
After considerable negotiations
the Belleforite High school manage-
ment has scheduled the strong Me-
Keesport High school five for a game
of basket ball. This team is well
known in the south-western part of
the State and has just concluded a
very successful season.
S. line-up will be Emel, Waite, Furey,
Harvey, Clark, Martin and Best.
Game will be played in the Y. M. C.
A., tomorrow (Saturday) night, and
will start at 9 o’clock.
Victor Schennerer, a State Col-
lege student who has been a patient
in the Centre County hospital the past
five months, was taken to the Abbing-
ton hospital, at Elkins Park, near
Philadelphia, on Sunday. The young
man suffered an injured leg in an au-
to accident at the College late last Oc-
tober and infection setting in the in.
jury failed to respond to treatment.
As his parents live near Elkins Park
his mother came to ‘ Bellefonte ahd
took him down there so as to have him
In the B. H.!
he didn’t know him. Thereupon, he
averred, the policeman ‘grabbed him
by the throat and choked him and also
hit him on the left eye. He then
| pushed him down onto the bank and
hit him twice. Packer
kicked the officer, attempting to kick
him or in any other way resisting ar-
Roy Shope, a young man, who said
he lived from fifty to seventy-five
feet within where the police stopped |
Packer, claimed to have been sitting
at the window and saw the officers
stop the car. He saw Packer get out
and saw the officer push him down on
the bank, saw the officer's arms move
but could not tell whether he was hit-
ting Packer or not. Did not see
Packer kick or kick at the officer.
In response to questions put by
"Squire Keichline Packer said the of-
| ficers neither read nor exhibited any
warrant for stopping him on the high-
(way and placing him under arrest.
That they confiscated the car and its
contents and took him to jail, refus-
ing him the privilege of giving bail.
{ That the jail physician attended his
eye on Saturday night and on Sunday
evening Dr. Irwin attended him. That
he could not see out of his eye for five
When asked if they had any de-
fense to offer Sergt. Buckley said they
had not at that time. The ’Squire
then announced he would hold officer
Lyster in $1000 bail for trial at court.
With this announcement Sergt.
Buckley produced another warrant for
the arrest of Packer on the charge of
attempted assault and resisting an of-
ficer. When he finished reading the
warrant ’Squire Keichline informed
Packer that he could have all the offi-
cers arrested for assault and battery,
and for arresting him on the highway
without a warrant and confiscation of
his car and contents. Consequently
an information was made out to that
effect and the three officers were held
in $1000 bail for their appearance at
the May term of court, T. E. Jodon
going on their bond.
From Keichline’s office the officers
and Packer went over to Squire
Woodring’s office where the latter
gave bail in the sum of $500 for his
appearance at court to answer the
charge of attempted assault. John
Gilliland, of State College, went on
; his bond.
——Chester A. Barnes, of Belle-
fonte, who the past few years has
been connected with the Norristown
public schools, at present holding the
position of assistant superintendent,
is forging ahead in the educationl
world. Yesterday he was one of the
chief speakers ata series of meetings
being held at the Uuiversity of Penn-
sylvania, in. Philadelphia, his talk be-
ing on the financial aspects of a coun-
ty unit of administration for Pennsyl-
vania. Mr. Barnes has received a
most flattering offer from a western
Pennsylvania city to become superin-
tendent of its schools but so far as
known has not yet decided on accept-
ing the offer.
——Attorney M. Ward Fleming has
been elected president of the Philips-
nearer home,
burg baseball association for 1925.
licemen on the afternoon of March
denied having
~~ Many Movings in Bellefonte and
| The Misses Anna and Rebecca Ly-
on are preparing to return to Phila-
_delphia; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harri-
son, who bought their property, will
take possession on the 1st of April,
moving there from the Satterfield
house on Bishop street.
Mrs. William Waddle has moved
from the Brant house to the room in
the Benner home, vacated by Russell
Smith. i
| “D. M. Kline will come in from his
farm south of town, to his new home
on east Linn street; the Baraclough
family going from there to the Cole
: double house on Bishop street, to be
vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Al Rishel,
who move to their own home, recently
purchased from Mrs. F. E. Naginey,
: Mrs. Naginey retaining a room in the
i house for the present.
Dr. Shuster will go across the street
from the old Hiller property, to have
his office on the first floor of the Kurtz
property; Mr. Richards, superintend-
tent of the Bell Telephone company, '
and his family, occupying the apart-
ment on the second floor. Mrs. Kurtz
is storing her furniture, expecting to
live at the Brockerhoff house; the
, Cairns family and Mr. and Mrs. James
, Craig with their two children, are
moving to the Shugert home on Linn
street, while the new building is being
put up on High street, expecting then
to return to their apartments in it.
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Marks will
move to the apartment in the Joseph
Runkle house, going there from the |
Furst building; the apartment they
leave is to be occupied by the Willard
Barnhart family, who move there
from the George Sunday property on
Pine street; the Sunday home has been
leased by Edward Decker, he and his
family going there from Curtin street.
Thomas Callahan will move from
; the Mengis property on east High
, Street to the old Edward Brown prop-
erty on Logan street. :
Mr. Hosterman, of the Bellefonte
Bakery, who with his family came here
from Buffalo, N. Y., has leased the
Sim Baum property, on Bishop street.
Mr. and Mrs. Witmer Smith will re-
turn to their farm near Milesburg,
leaving the McGarvey apartment on
Bishop street. {~ :
The Robert’ Thompson family
from east High to the _Brocker-
hoff house, on Spring street; the
Frank Smith family from there to the
Kalin property on Logan street; Wil-
liam Rhinesmiths from = the Kalin
property to the McClure home on the
corner of Spring and Bishop, from
where the Boyer’s moved six weeks
The apartment in Petrikin hall va-
cated by Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Tan-
ner has not been rented; the Tanners
| go to their new home, bought from
| Dr. Irwin, while the Irwins moved in-
i to the Munson house last week.
The Clarence Benner family moved
from the Frank Musser farm, south of
town, to the Valentine farm.
The McGarvey studio has now been |
moved to the Centre County bank
building, the Decker family expecting
to occupy the studio apartment they
| vacated in the Decker building.
' The Harry Swartz family have leas-
ed one side of the W. H. Miller Louse
on Reynolds avenue, going from the
! Billett home on the same avenue,
| while Mr. and Mrs. Earl Teaman will
{go to housekeeping in the house va-
cated by the Swartzes.
George Carpeneto is moving into
his new home on Curtin street, going
there from the Cadillac apartments.
Contract Awarded for New Aviation
Field Hangar.
The contract for the big hangar on
the new aviation field, near Bellefonte,
has been awarded to the Spaulding
Construction company, of New York.
While it has not been announced just
when they will begin work on the
hangar, it will likely be about the first
of April, or shortly thereafter. A
small force of men have already been
put to work on removing a few scat-
tered trees and getting the ground in
shape where the buildings will be lo-
cated, and it is expected that the near
future will witness considerable ac-
tivity on the new field. : ;
The new hangar will be of steel and
concrete blocks, as completely fire-
proof as possible to make it, and also
durable. An office building and oil
building of permanent character will
also be built.
The man who will have charge of
the work of construction arrived in
Bellefonte on Wednesday evening,
spent yesterday in getting together a
crew of workmen and expects to
break ground for the hangar this
morning. The contract, it is said,
calls for the completion of the build-
ings within a month.
The work of erecting the standards
and the big beacon light for lighting
the field will be done by the aviation
field mechanics, the material having
been ordered and expected here most
any day. A roadway six hundred
feet in length, running from the main
road in to where the big hangar will
be located, has already been graded
and covered with limestone. All the
fences on the big field have been re-
moved and the fence rows cleaned up
and leveled, so that considerable pro-
gress has already been made toward
getting the ground in shape for the
inauguration of night flying.
* coe ———{ wie arem—
——Elizabeth T.. Cooney, of the Hat
Shop, will introduce correct styles in
-spring millinery at a formal show-
ing March 26-27-28. 13-1t
—Mrs. James Waddle, of State College,
State Highway Employee Shocked to
Death While Surveying on Nit-
tany Mountain. :
Arthur D. Himes, a rodman in the
State Highway surveying corps
which is engaged in making the sur-
. vey for the new highway over Nittany
mountain, was accidentally electro- :
cuted about three o’clock last Friday
afternoon when the metal tape he
was carrying came in contact with
one ‘of the high tension wires of the |!
Keystone Power corporation. The ex-
act details of the unfortunate tragedy
will probably never be known, as no
two stories correspond.
Himes was a member of a surveying
, corps of five men working out of the
i Bellefonte office. P. M. Lollick is the
, engineer in charge and the men were
; engaged in making cross levels of the
Iroad at a point about four hundred
i feet beyond the watering trough
| above Pleasant Gap. Himes, with one
end of the metallic tape in his hand
climbed up the side of the mountain,
which at that point is very. steep.
The other end if the tape was held by
Samuel Cross, chainman, of Curwens-
ville, who stood in the roadway.
Cross hooked the end of the tape on
the surveyor’s rod and was in the act
of raising it to the required elevation
when it either came in contact with
the high tension wire or got close
enough to it to form an are, and both
men were knocked down. Their fall,
of course pulled the tape away from
the wire.
Engineer Lollick, who was nearby,
had his back turned toward the men
so did not see the accident, and the
only person who did see it wasa young
man whose name could not be learned.
He called to the other members of the
corps and they hurried to the fallen
men. Cross was merely stunned and
Was soon able to stand but Himes
: was past all aid.
The young man had been a member
of the surveying corps a little over a
year. He was twenty-six years old
and a son of Mr. and Mrs. H. C.
Himes, of Falls Creek, Clearfield Co.
Since the men had been at work on the
survey of the Nittany mountain road
he had made his home with the family
of Jack Noll, at Pleasant Gap. His
father was notified of his death within
an hour after it occurred and he came
to Bellefonte and took the body of his
son home after it had been prepared
for burial. The funeral was held at
Falls Creek on Monday and was at-
tended by all the members of the
| surveying corps to which Himes had
been attached.
——————— bie a
——*“The Covered Wagon” has been
obtained for the last showing in Belle-
fonte, by repeated requests, for Fri-
day and Saturday evenings, March
27 and 28, at the. Moose Temple thea-
(tre and Saturday matinee at the
Scenic. © 18-1t
Many Changes in Methodist Minis-
ters’ Assignments.
More changes were made in the as-
signments of Methodist ministers in
the Central Pennsylvania conference,
which closed its sessions at Cham-
bersburg on Monday, than has taken
place in a number of years. Rev. E.
E. McKelvey, who has been pastor of
the Bellefonte church the past three
years, was sent to Diamond avenue
church, Hazleton, and Rev. Homer C.
Knox assigned to Bellefonte.
Rev. C. C. Cole, who the past year
has been student pastor at State Col-
lege, was assigned to Gettysburg and
| Rev. Edwin H. Witman sent to State
Rev. Richard S. Oyler was trans-
ferred from Philipsburg to St. John’s
church, Sunbury, and Rev. S. B. Evans
sent to Philipsburg.
Other nearby appointments are as
Pine Grove Mills, F. B. Norris.
Sandy Ridge, W. A. Dysart.
Warriorsmark, R. H. Fasick .
Pennsvalley, Collins E. Hazen.
Halfmoon, H. H. Troutman.
Port Matilda, S. H. Engler,
Dr. W. E. Watkins was appointed
district superintendent of the Wil-
liamsport district instead of Dr. Ed-
win A. Pyles, returned to the active
——F'ree, during the Hoosier kitch-
en cabinet sale at W. R. Brachbill’s,
a thirty-one piece set of dishes, a
ten piece Dexter domestic service set,
and fourteen pieces crystal glassware
with each Hoosier Beauty sold. 13-1t
Rev. McKelvey to Leave Bellefonte.
The recent conference of the Meth-
odist church at Chambersburg made
few changes in assignments of pastors
but among them was one that affects
Bellefonte and has brought very gen-
'| eral expressions of regret. Rev. E. E.
McKelvey, who has ‘been in service
here for three years, has been sent to
Diamond Methodist church, Hazleton.
The change came as a surprise, es-
pecially since the board of the church
had voted to request conference for
his return. Whatever the exigencies
of assignment schedules, or devious
machinations of individuals injected
into the change the fact remains that
Rev. McKelvey and his interesting
family have done a splendid work in
Bellefonte and haye found a place in
the esteem and affections of many of
our people that is indeed enviable.
J —
——Among the pastors ordained to
the ministry in the Pilgrim Holiness
church, in the annual conference at
Reading, on Monday, was Rev. Wil-
liam R. Mason, of Port Matilda.
spent Monday in Bellefonte, an all day
| guest of Mrs. T. Clayton Brown.
—Russell Dimm, of Williamsport, came
up a week ago, visiting here as a guest of
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Shook, until Sunday.
—Dr. R. L. Weston left Wednesday
morning for North side Pittsburgh, for a
visit with his daughter, Mrs. Philip Haller.
—Miss Augusta Shoemaker was in from
Pittsburgh, Saturday, for an over night
visit with her mother, Mrs. T. A. Shoe-
—C. ‘B. Williams, of Westfield, N. J,
was here for the week-end last week, on
one of his oceasional visits with his mother
and sister, Mrs. George and Miss Helene
—Joseph Ceader Jr., of Newark, N. 7J.,
came to Bellefonte Wednesday, for a short
stop-off visit with relatives and friends
here, while on a business trip through
this section.
—Mr. and Mrs. William Lambert, of Mif-
flinburg, and Mr. and Mrs. John Lambert,
of Mill Hall, joined the family here for an
over Sunday visit with their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. John Lambert.
—Mrs. R. M. Beach went to Harrisburg,
Monday, to help lobby in the interest of
the Laurelton home for mentally incapable
women, being a member of the board of
directors of that institution.
—Mrs. Mason is here from Philadelphia,
having come up to be with her sister, Mrs.
Holt, of Milesburg, who has been a pa-
tient in the Centre County hospital since
her fall several weeks ago.
—The James Seig family are leaving
Bellefonte to make their home in Erie. Mr.
Seig has already gone, while Mrs. Seig will
remain here for the present, expecting to
join him some time next month.
—Burgess and Mrs. W. Harrison Walker
and Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Mensch at-
tended a banquet given at the Hotel Phil-
ips, in Philipshurz; last Thursday even-
ing, by the Philipsburg Kiwanis.
—Daniel Eberhart, of Bellefonte, spent
several days last week with his brother,
James W. Eberhart, at Lewisburg, where
he was the guest of honor at a dinner
given four veterans of the Civil war.
—Mrs. Henry Kaplan stopped in Belle-
fonte Tuesday, for an over night visit with
Miss Bernice Crouse, at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Brown. Mrs. Kaplan was return-
ing home to Williamsport from a visit in
Beaver Falls.
—Miss Anne Dashiel, a former instructor
in the schools of Bellefonte, and now
teaching in a private school at Newtown,
Pa., is here for a week's visit, a guest of
Miss ‘Katherine Allison. Miss Dashiel will
‘return east Monday.
—Mrs. Harold Thompson and her three
children anticipate leaving the latter part
of next week, for their new home in Knox-
ville, Tenn. Mrs. Thompson has been here
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Mec-
Ginley, during her husband’s illness.
—Prethonotary and Mrs. Roy Wilkinson,
with Mrs. John Porter Lyon and Miss
Mary Blanchard, as driving guests, motor-
ed to Harrisburg on Wednesday where the
ladies attended the ceremonies incident to
the presentation of the originial Penn
—Archibald Allison, his daughter, Miss
Katherine, their house guest, Miss Dashiel,
and the Misses Blanche and Mary MeGar-
vey, comprised a party which drove to
Spring Mills Wednesday afternoon, to be
guests at a six o'clock dinner given by
Miss Mabel Allison. >
—John D. Meyer, of Tyrone, with a driv-
ing party which included Mr. and Mrs. J.
Witmer McCormick, of Columbia, N. Q,,
and Mrs. Frank Lukenbach, of Tyrone,
motored over to Centre Hall and on down
through Pennsvalley. Mrs. McCormick is
Mr. Meyer's sister, and is north for a vis-
it with her mother, Mrs. D. J. Meyer, who
is ill at the home of her son John, in Ty-
—Mrs. Grant Pifer came in from Wil-
kinsburg, Sunday of last week, and was
joined here Saturday by her sister, Mrs.
Eley, of Arndtsville, both women being
back home for a visit with their mother,
Mrs. H. K. Hoy, at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Clayton Royer. Mrs. Hoy continues
one of the remarkable women of this sec-
tion, inasmuch as she still retains much of
the vigor and enthusiasm of youth.
—L. H. Gettig and his son Donald drove
to Danville this week to bring Mrs. Gettig
home for a six week’s stay, her condition
being such that her physicians thought a
visit home might be of benefit to her, fol-
lowing her eleven week’s treatment in the
Geisinger hospital. Mrs. Gettig’s daugh-
ter, Mrs. R. Wynn Davis, will come in
from Washington, Pa. tomorrow, to be
with her mother during her stay at home.
—Mrs. W..T. Twitmire, who accompa-
nied Mr. Twitmire to the conference at
Chambersburg, last week, went from there
to Lancaster, to attend the funeral of her
son-in-law, Clarence §. Gochanauer, who
died at St. Joseph’s hospital in that place,
Saturday. His first wife, Mrs. Twitmire’s
daughter, Miss Margaret Brachbill, died
several years ago, leaving two children,
who are with their paternal grand-parents.
—Mrs. Harold Ludwig -and her son
Junior arrived here Tuesday from Lake-
wood, N. J, to be a guest of Mrs. Lud-
wig’s mother, Mrs. D. I. Willard, for sev-
eral weeks, Mr. Ludwig expecting to join
her here later, for a week-end visit. The
Ludwig family are moving to Pittsburgh,
where Mr. Ludwig, who is with the Union
Switch and Signal Co., has been called to
an office position, after several years’ field
work. They are now anticipating locating
permanently in Pittsburgh.
—Mrs. John Stuart, of State College,
who had been spending three weeks with
her sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Jacobs, at Cen-
tre Hall, was hostess on a motor drive over
the mountain Wednesday. The party in-
cluded Mrs. Jacobs, her daughter, Miss
Margaret, and Miss Grace Smith, all of
whom, while in Bellefonte visited with
Miss Margaret Lytle, at the hospital, the
party going from here to State College,
where Mrs. Stuart left the party, the rest
returning then to Centre Hall.
—Nine persons from the Delphian club
of Bellefonte, drove to Williamsport Tues-
day, to attend a Central Pennsylvania get-
together meeting, held at the Lycom-
ing, where they had luncheon. The
principal speaker on the program was
Mary BE. Hamilton, New York's first police-
woman. The party from Bellefonte includ-
ed Mrs. Samuel Shallcross, Mrs. R. S.
Brouse, Mrs. J. J. Kilpatrick and Mrs. J.
P. Lyon, in Mrs. Shallcross’ car; Mrs, A.
Fauble, Mrs. Schloss, Mrs. Hassell Mont-
gomery, Mrs. R. G. H. Hayes and Mrs. W.
E. Clark, in Mrs. Fauble's car.
—Miss Roxey Boyer, of the Lyon's store
corps of clerks, is on a short vacation to
Tyrone, a guest while there of Mrs. John
—Miss Isabelle Ward, who was home
‘from Dickinson for her spring vacation
with her mother, Mrs. J. KE. Ward, return-
ed to college early in the week.
—While in Chicago recently, Joseph E.
Reffner, of Bellefonte, R. D. 2, was an in-
terested visitor to the radio broadcasting
station WLS in the tower of the Sears-
Roebuck building.
—William H. Smith, who with Mrs.
Smith left Bellefonte some time ago, to lo-
cate in Florida, have returned north, both
being for the present at Bethlehem, Pa.
Mr. Smith was in Bellefonte during tha
—Miss Martha Hunter has been home
from the Art school in Philadelphia, for
her Easter vacation, and has had with her
Miss Brown, a fellow student from the
school, both being guests of Miss Hunter's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Hunter.
—Mr. and Mrs. James W. Herron, of
Huntingdon, were visitors in Bellefonte
last Thursday evening. Mr. Herron came
over to attend a meeting of the Whiterock
Quarries’ board and Mrs. Herron spent
the time with some of their many friends
—Miss Mary Sebring is among the col-
lege girls home for the spring vacation,
being here from Smith, for a visit with her
parents, Dr. and Mrs. John Sebring. Miss
Sebring had as a week-end guest a ‘school-
mate, Miss Martha McAvoy, of Phoenix-
—Mrs. F. W. Topelt is expected in Belle-
fonte this week, coming over from Brook-
lyn to visit with her mother, Mrs. R. S.
Brouse until after Easter. Mr. Topelt will
join her here Good Friday, for a week-end
visit, both returning to Brooklyn Sunday
—Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Ray, with their
daughter Elizabeth and son Junior, drove
over from Altoona Sunday, making an all
day visit here with Mr. Ray's brother,
Sylvester, who is very slowly recovering
from a stroke of paralysis, suffered six
weeks or more ago.
—Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Payne and their
daughter Millicent, drove to Lewistown
Saturday, going from there to Philadel-
phia, by train. Mr. Payne returned the
early part of the week, while Mrs. Payne
and the child remained in the city for a
visit with the Leichten and Gordon fam-
—Carroll Chipley, daughter of Mrs.
Gregg Curtin, is expected in Bellefonte
this week for a spring vacation visit with
her mother. Carrol is at school in Phila-
delphia. Mrs. Curtin is also anticipating
entertaining her brother-in-law and sister,
Mr. and Mrs. Sill, of Philadelphia, who
will come to Bellefonte to spend Easter.
—Miss Miriam Smith was taken to Clear-
field last week to again enter the hospital
of that place ,that she might be under the
observation of Dr. Waterworth., Miss
Smith was rapidly recovering from her
serious spine trouble when through an ac-
cident this winter, it was necessary for
her to resume the rigid treatment of a
year or more ago.
—J. J. Carroll, the gentleman who put
on the “Buy-at-Home” advertising cam-
paign, in Bellefonte early last fall was
most unfortunate in having been taken ill
here: and detained for five months, Mr,
Carroll is an overseas veteran, wounded
several times and had been under eight
operations for removal of shell fragments.
He had just completed his work here and
was taken ill while watching the Elks
“Hallow-een” parade. His condition be-
came so bad that he was taken to the hos-
pital and lay in the D. A. R. room until
two weeks ago when he had recovered suf-
ficiently to undertake the trip to Cresson
where he is staying with relatives,
Secretary Aplin Called to Pleasant
S. 8S. Aplin, retired after several
years of conscientious service as sec-
retary of the Bellefonte Y. M. C. A,
has received a call to enter the minis-
try at La Jose, Clearfield county. He
will have two churches and a Union
Sunday school in charge and will be
head of practically the only organized
christian work at La Jose. Fairview
and Thompsontown, all pleasant vil-
lages with people eager for the lead-
ership of a Godly man in touch with
the modern idea ‘of evangelism.
We understand that the field offers
many advantages to Mr. Aplin, not
only by way of a satisfactory income,
but a nice home, pleasant environ-
ment, good schools and a great oppor-
tunity to carry on the work he has
dedicated his life to.
He will probably be ordained as a
regular minister of the Baptist church
at ordination services to be held in
Milesburg Friday night and while he
will enter the new work at once his
family will remain here until the chil-
dren have finished the year in the
There is nothing we can say that
would fully convey to the people of
La Jose a full understanding of the
esteem in which we hold Mr. Aplin.
When his departure was first hinted
at we commented on the loss to Belle-
fonte and then said that it would be
So very serious as to be beyond reck-
——Miss M. H. Snyder will have
exclusive models in millinery on dis-
play, Friday, April 8. Miss Snyder
has secured Miss Clayton, of New
York city, as head of the work room.
Desk for Sale—A flat top office
desk and chair, oak, cheap to a quick
buyer. Inquire of E. E. McKelvey at
the Methodist parsonage, Bellefonte.
——Coming, “The Covered Wagon,”
25c¢. 13-1t
Bellefonte Grain Markets.
Corrected Weekly by C. Y. Wagner & Co.
Wheat - - - - - = $1.70
Corn - - - - - - 1.20
Rye - - - - - - 1.20
Oats - - - - - - 55
Barley - - - - - - 1.00
Buckwheat - - - - - 1.10