Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, March 27, 1925, Image 4
P.. GRAY MEEK, - Te Cerrespendents—N® communications published unless accompanied by the real name of the writer. Terms eof Subscriptien—Until further notice this paper will be furnished to sub- scribers at the following rates: Paid strictly in advance - - $1.50 Paid before expiration ef year - 1.75 Paid after expiration of year - 2.00 Published weekly, every ¥riday morn- fing. Entered at the pesteffice, Bellefonte, Pa., as second class matter. In ordering change of address always give the old as well as the mew address. It is important that the publisher be no- tified when a subseriber wishes the pa- per discontinued. In all such cases the subseribtion must be paid up to date of cancellation. A sample copy ef the “Watehman” will be sent witheut cost te applicants. BIG MERGER OF TELEPHONE COMPANIES. Bell Company to Take Over the Penn State Organization. A meeting of the stockholders of the Penn State Telephone company was held at the head offices in Lan- caster, on Wednesday of this week, to consider the proposition of the Bell Telephone company of Pennsylvania to take over all the property, right, title and interest of the Penn State company. This is in line with a general movement all over the State to do away with competing organizations. In fact it has already been done in the Johnstown district. There the inde- pendent organization took over the Bell interests and proceedings have already been started by the independ- ent company in the Ridgway district to take over the Bell interests in that section of the State. The Huntingdon and Clearfield Telephone company is now in process of reorganization after having emerged from a receivership, and as it is much stronger in the dis- trict it serves than the Bell company, it follows that in due course of time it will also take over the Bell interests within its territory. If the unification of the Penn State company with the Bell Telephone company of Pennsylvania goes through, and there is a likelihood that it will, forty-two communities will be ultimately able to call any telephone subscriber in their community through one system. Under the plan about 12,000 Penn State subscribers and about 55,000 Bell subscribers in ten counties will be able to communicate with each other. It also will give the subscribers greater long-distance. CONpad cam nections. The proposed merger will affect ten counties: Chester, Lancaster, Nor- thumberland, Union, Lycoming, Leb- anon, Schuylkill, Blair, Centre and Clinton counties. Exchanges of the Penn State are now operated in Altoona, Annville, Ashland, Bellefonte, Bellwood, Centre Hall, Christiana, East Petersburg, Ephrata, Girardville, Gap, Hollidays- burg, Lampeter, Lancaster, Lebanon, Lewisburg, Lititz, Lock Haven, Maha- noy City, Manheim, Millersville, Mill- heim, Milton, Minersville, Mount Car- mel, Pottsville, Palmyra, Quarryville, Schuylkill Haven, Shamokin, Shenan- doah, Snow Shoe, State College, Stras. burg, Sunbury, Tamaqua, Tremont, Tyrone, Jersey Shore, Coatesville, Honeybrook and West Chester. Of course it will probably take a year to effect the change. Should the stockholders of the Penn State com- pany vote favorably upon the propo- sition of the Bell company the matter will then have to be submitted to the Public Service Commission for its ap- proval. While no mention has been made of the financial stipulation in- volved it is understood to be in the neighborhood of a million dollars. The concolidation of the two com- panies would ultimately mean the abandonment of all Penn State ex- changes and the tearing down of some of its lines. So far as long distance service is concerned, it is understood. that an inter-relation agreement will be made between the Bell company and the independent whereby a unified long distance service will be estab- lished to all points in the State, with connections all over the country. As the unification will not be com- pleted for some time, and as the prop- erty covers such a large area, changes among the employees are not contem- plated in the near future. The merger was officially ratified at Lancaster on Wednesday. The Amer- ican Tel. and Tel. will assume the mortgage indebtedness of $461,500 of the Penn State Co., and pay $363,500 in cash. ——$1.00 down, balance in small weekly payments, delivers any Hoos- ier kitchen cabinet during club sale at W. R. Brachbill’s. 13-1t Wants Death House Moved. Representative Alexander, of Dela- ware county, has introduced a bill in the Legislature providing for the re- moval of the death house at the Rock- view penitentiary from its present lo- cation to a point at least one thous- and yards from any of the existing buildings on the grounds. The bill carries an appropriation of $100,000 for the work. Last showing of “The Covered Wagon,” Moose Temple theatre, Fri- day and Saturday, March 27 and 28. 13-1t JACOB B. SOLT. SOLT.—Jacob B. Solt, a native of Centre county, died last Friday night at the home of his daughter, Mrs. i Charles N. Daugherty, in Frederick, . Md., following an illness of ten days. He was a son of Peter and Mary | Haupt Solt and was born at the Sum- mit, near Lemont, on April 7th, 1845, hence had reached the age of 79 years, 11 months and 13 days. His early life was spent on the farm, his first venture for himself being as a sub- contractor in the grading of three miles of the Lewisburg and Tyrone railroad about fifty years ago. Later he embarked in the mercantile busi- ness at Centre Hall, where he lived until 1889, when he sold out and moved to Frederick county, Md. Later he moved to Gettysburg, Pa., where for several years he was employed as a battlefield guide, but eventually he returned to Maryland and following the death of his wife in 1917 located in the city of Frederick and embarked in the grocery business. He sold out a year ago. He was a member of the Calvary | Methodist church, at Frederick, and the leaders’ bible class. Mr. Solt was one of the oldest subscribers of the Democratic Watchman, having read it continuously for about sixty-four years. His survivors include two sons and one daughter, Calvin F. Solt, of Daugherty, of Frederick. He also leaves one sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Kane, of Bellefonte; and three half- brothers, Cyrus Solt, of Bellefonte; James and Conrad, of Williamsport. Funeral services were held at his late home in Frederick at two o’clock on Monday afternoon, after which burial "was made in the Mt. Olivet cemetery, in that place. He wageafhe . ~ REED.—John Thomas Reed, a well known retired farmer of Spruce Creek valley, died on Sunday at the home of his son-in-law, Benjamin Everhart, at Franklinville, following an illness of several months as the result of a complication of diseases. He was a son of William and Rosa Hanna Reed, early settlers of Patton township, Centre county, where he was born on May 4th, 1850, hence was almost seventy-five years old. For thirty years he farmed in Buffalo Run valley, later moving to Peru and eventually moving onto a farm he purchased near Graysville. In 1913 he bought the McWilliams farm, at Rock Springs, where he lived until his re- tirement in 1916. He was twice married, his first +4wifg having been Miss Marv Confer. One daughter by this union, Mrs. Frank Houck, survives. Following the death of his first wife he married Miss Sofia Elizabeth Crust, who sur- vives with the following children: Robert W. Reed, of Rock Springs; Mrs. Samuel Everhart, on the Branch, and Mrs. Ben Everhart, of Franklin- ville. He also leaves one brother, David Reed, of Kansas. Funeral services were held on Wed- nesday aftérnoon by Rev. H. D. Flem- ing, of the Presbyterian church, of which he was a life-long member, assisted by Rev. Norris, after which burial was made in the Graysville cemetery. ? fl GRAZIER.—Miss Jennie G. Grazier died last Wednesday at the home of her niece, Mrs. H. A. Leitzell, at State College, following an illness of some months with asthma. She was a daugh- ter of David and Nancy Grazier and was born at Warriorsmark a. little i over seventy-two years ago. Surviv- i ing her are two sisters and two broth- | ers, Mrs. G. H. Hubbard, of Lock Ha- | ven; Mrs. G. A. Walker, of Scottdale; | Frank Grazier, of Bedford, Va., and Harry L., of Warriorsmark. Funeral services were held at the Leitzell home at 1:30 o'clock on Saturday ! afternoon, after which the remains | were taken to Warriorsmark for bur- ial. i wid] LOVE.—Miss Jane Gray Love, sec- retary of Judge Thomas J. Baldridge, ' of Blair county, died at her home in Tyrone on Monday night following a brief illness. She was a daughter of Harry S., deceased, and Mary McKee Love, former residents of Centre county, and was in her thirtieth year. Her mother, two brothers and two sis- ters survive. Burial was made in Ty- rone on Monday. : oh MOTTERN.—Mrs. Annie Mottern, mother of Mrs. W. A. Manning, of Bellefonte, died at the Geisinger hos- pital, in Danville, last Wednesday, following a protracted illness. She is survived by five children, two sisters and three brothers. Burial was made at Danville on Saturday. Gettysburg; James E., and Mrs. | HOCKENBERRY.—Harry Hocken- berry, a life-long resident of Spring township, died at his home at Nigh | bank at 12:30 o'clock on Sunday night, | as the result of a stroke of apoplexy sustained at 12:30 o’clock on Friday night. : i He was a son of Simon and Cathe- rine Wertz Hockenberry and was born near the old Valentine furnace on June 13th, 1860, hence was 64 years, 9 months and 10 days old. He was a laborer by occupation and a good cit- izen in every way. His entire life was - spent in the vicinity of Bellefonte. He married Miss Lida N. Chapman who survives with the following chil- dren: Simon F. Hockenberry, of Nigh bank; William E., of Detroit, Mich.; Mrs. Miller Sholly, of Bellefonte; John, of Pleasant Gap; Robert, of Ty- rone; Harry, of Pleasant Gap; Her- bert, Arthur and Albert, at home. . One son, Roy Hockenberry, died some | years ago. He also leaves one broth- "er and four sisters, John Hockenberry, Mrs. Calvin Hall and Mrs. Sadie Gar- ret, of Bellefonte; Mrs. Charles Cald- well, of Milesburg, and Mrs. Annie Brown, of State College. Funeral services were held at two o’clock on Wednesday afternoon, bur- ial being made in the Union cemetery Bellefonte. Il | KLING.—Peter Percival Kling, a native of Centre county, died at his home in Altoona last Saturday morn- ing following an illness of some weeks. He was a son of the late Joel and Albertina Kling and was born in Marion township, Centre county, on August 8th, 1865. As a young man he located in Altoona and for many years has been engaged as a lumber inspector for the Pennsylvania Rail- road company. He was a member of Logan lodge No. 490, F. and A. M., of Altoona; the Jr. 0. U. A. M., D. of A., Illinois Commercial Travelrs’ asso- ciation and the railroad relief. He is survived by his wife, Mrs, Carrie Kling, and one daughter, Eliz- , abeth, at home. He also leaves the ‘following brothers and sisters: Elmer ,E. and Samuel R. Kling, of Altoona; | Oscar M., of Juniata; J. M., of Scott- | dale; Calvin, of Lock Haven; Mrs. D. B. Mattern, of Altoona; Mrs. W. H. { Yearick, of Howard; Mrs. Earl Year- “ick and Mrs. George Ertley, of Belle- fonte. Burial was made in the Rose Hill cemetery, Altoona, on Tuesday : afternoon. Il | | ENGLE—Mrs. Andie B. Engle, | widow of the late Andrew J. Engle, died at the home of her son, Andrew J. Jr., on east Lamb street, Bellefonte, on Friday of last week, where she had been making her home since the death of her husband some years ago. She had been in poor health for over a vear but her condition’ did: yegonie serious until six weeks ago. TREN She was a daughter of A. J. and Catherine 0. Brookbank and was born in Cambria county on April 4th, 1856, making her age 68 years, 11 months and 16 days. Most of her life was spent in Altoona and vicinity. : Her only survivors are two sons, An- drew J. and Joseph F., both of Belle- fonte. . | Funeral mass was held in the Cath- -olic church at ten o’clock on Monday | morning by Rev. Father Downes, after I' which burial was made in the Catho- lic cemetery. : il nh CAMPBELL.—Warren L. Campbell, . since 1910 station agent at Coburn on | the Lewisburg and Tyrone railroad, died last Thursday evening as the re- , sult of an attack of acute indigestion, ; aged 55 years. He is survived by his wife, one son, Charles R. Campbell, of New York city, and two daughters, Dorothy M. and Janet A., at home. ; Burial was made in the Fairview cem- etery, Millheim, on Monday. ’ ———A charming dinner set, Dexter - domestic service set and crystal glass- i ware set given free with Hoosier i kitchen cabinets during Hoosier club ‘sale at W. R. Brachbill’s furniture store. : A ———— re ———— : Austrian Found Dead at Sandy Ridge. Michael Grabic, an Austrian, was found dead in his shanty at Sandy | Ridge, last Thursday, On passing the i.shanty in the morning Harold Cassi- ‘dy noticed Grabic lying on the floor, but he gave the matter little thought at the time. - Returning from work in the evening he noticed that the man was still lying there, apparently in the same position. Notifying a number of other men they went to Grabic’s shan- ty and an examination disclosed the fact that the man was dead. Coroner W. R. Heaton, of Philipsburg, was summoned and after a careful exam- ination decided that the man’s death was the result of a cerebral hemor- rhage, a perfectly natural cause.’ Grabic was about 60 years old and had lived and worked at Sandy Ridge for thirty years. He was unmarried and his only known relative is a sister living in New Jersey. Among his ef- fects was found a policy for $500 in the Prudential Life Insurance com- pany. ——On Friday evening, March 27th, an illustrated lecture will be given in the Evangelical church by Bunyon’s pilgrim band on Pilgrim’s Progress. Also a large selection of pictures per- taining to the life of Christ will be given. All passes issued for other lo- cations on former occasions will be honored. ——Fifty-five pieces of chinaware, cutlery and glassware free with each Hoosier cabinet sold during club sale ' at Brachbill’s furniture store, 13-1t * kdred, Tuesday 4 ment to her house guest, Miss Anne 131t | Punishment Meted Out to Transgres- sors of the Law. At a special session of court, on Monday, Toner Hastings, of Snow Shoe township, plead guilty to feloni- ous assault with intent to rob and was sentenced to from two and a half to five years at solitary confinement and hard labor in the western penitenti- ary. J. F. Hall, of Hublersburg, was haled before the court by his wife for assault and threats and was required to give bond in the sum of $1000 to keep the peace for two years. Walter Kerstetter, a former Centre countian, but now working at his trade as a barber in Shamokin, was the defendant in a case for desertion and non-support preferred by his wife. The court ordered him to pay $30 a month toward the support of his wife and child, payment to begin on April 15th and to be made regu- larly the 15th of every month. Martin Blaze, of Philipsburg, plead guilty to violation of the prohibition law and was sentenced to pay a fine of $300 and serve from two to four months in the county jail. A rule was presented in the non- support case against John McCartney requesting that the court order of $25 a month be reduced, but the court refused to do so. Simon Seigfried, of Philipsburg, was brought before the court on a charge of non-support and after hear- ing the “evidence the court ordered him to pay $25 a month beginning with the first of April, the money to be deposited to his wife’s account in the Moshannon National bank, and to give bond in the sum of $1000 to keep the peace. In the case of the Commonwealth vs. Robert Walker, a surety of the peace case, the defendant was dis- charged. Ralph Orndorf, of Miles township, was before the court on the charge of stealing a ham from his grandfather and selling it to S. A. Bierly for $6.00. The court paroled the young man in the custody of his father, George Orndorf, for a period of two years, during which time he is to make a monthly report to the court, and he was also ordered to return the six dol- lars to Mr. Bierly paid him for the ham. ——$1.00 down enrolls you in the Hoosier kitchen cabinet club now forming at W. R. Brachbill’s furni- ture store. Balance in small weekly payments. 13-1t Social Doings Within the Week. Miss Katherine Allison entertained with five tables of bridge and five hun- ternoon, in compli- Dashiel. Tuesday night a dinner dance was given at the Nittany Country club, by Mrs. Bent Leonard Weaver, the hon- or guest being her daughter and a school-mate, Miss Helen Weaver and Miss Uptman, both students at the National Park seminary. Twenty- four covers were laid for the dinner. Mrs. Harry Keller was hostess at a card party yesterday afternoon, at which the young married set and school set were her guests. The par- ty was given for her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Ellis Keller, and Mrs. John G. Love, both recent brides. A series of family parties was giv- en within the past week, by the H. K. Hoy family, in Bellefonte, their moth- er, who will be ninety years old in May, being the honor guest at each. Dinners were given by Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Hoy, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Hoy, Mr. and Mrs. H. M Hoy, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton E. Royer and by the Rev. and Mrs. William Wagner, at Boalsburg. Mrs. Grant Pifer, of Wilkinsburg, the Rev. and Mrs. George Eley and Geo. Jr., of Arndtsville, and the Rev. and Mrs. Wagner were all in Bellefonte and guests at these functions. : AR ei Forestry Planting. Under the direction of the agricul- tural extension bureau two forestry planting demonstrations were held on Thursday of last week at the farms of J. K. Alexander, at Unionville, and R. F. Glenn, of Waddle. The trees were secured from the State at no cost ex- cept express charges and a slight charge for crating. The total cost amounted to approximately $1.00 per thousand. There are very few farms in Centre county that de not have at least an acre of waste land that can- not be farmed at profit. Over a period of years an acre of young forest trees planted will return approximately six per cent. on the total investment. A number of different varieties can be secured, such as white pine, red pine, Japanese larch, black walnut and various other good varieties. One ‘man can secure up to 100,000 trees; however, the supply for this spring’s planting has been exhausted. In or- der to secure trees for next year’s planting applications should be made soon. Application blanks and addi- tional information can be sccured at { the county agent's office. | ——Hoosier, the world’s finest kitchen cabinet, delivered for $1.09 down, balance in small weekly pay- ments, sold at the regular cash price «during club sale at W. R. Brachbill’s. 13-1t tr | ——Mr. and Mrs H. Frank Moore, ' of Nittany, are mourning the death of their three day’s old child, born last Thursday and passing away on Sun- day. Burial was made in the Schenck cemetery, near Howard, on Monday. Dr. Glenn Witnessed the Big Fire. ' ‘West Palm Beach, 3-20-25. Dear “Watchman:"” . There was some excitement here yesterday when the Breakers and the Palm Beach hotels, both exclusive re- sorts, were burned to the ground. They say the conflagration that de- stroyed seven millions in property val- ue started from an over heated curl- ing iron on Milady’s dresser. We could see the flames very distinctly from our porch directly across the lake. Many of the guests of the ho- tels are said to have lost all they had there, but that means little to them for those who could stay at such swell hostleries as the “Breakers” and the “Palm Beach” must have plenty left at home. Both hotels are to be re- built at once, finer and larger than ever. Many of lhe guests found quar- ters at other hotels, but a lot of them started for home by the first trains out. Such a crowd I never saw at a fire. It looked as though the entire State of Florida had jumped into mo- tors, stepped on the gas and arrived before the great fire was really start- ed. The police finally got to function- ing, stopped all cars from crossing either bridge and searched every one of them. We drove over yesterday to see the ruins. Both hotels are com- pletely destroyed but the pretty Ca- sino and pier at “The Breakers” were not even scorched as there was a sea breeze on at the time which fanned the flames landward. I think the two great hotels had forgotten God fur so long that He called a halt to give them time to think. ¢ Our nice weather continues. It is 90 degrees in the shade now, but a cooling breeze is going and the nights are fine for sleeping.” We go driving somewhere every day, always seeing something new. Just back of Lake Worth, the other day, we discovered a lot of wonderful truck farms that were producing splendid crops from ithe black muck soil. They tell us everywhere we go that oranges are scarce, some orch- ards having none at all. They attrib- ute this to the long, hard rains last fall that beat the blossoms off and rot- ted those that resisted the deluge. The Tourist club meeting last night revealed that there are many motor nomads here yet. The entertainment was put on by the Ohio crowd and was very good. Next Thursday’s program will be the last for the season. The boom in buying and building continues. Nearly every one seems to think that he or she needs a winter home here in this wonderful climate and they’re getting them as fast as they can. Most of the realty activity is in the southern half of Florida, the northern section being more or less uncertain as to frosts. With all the buying, however, there is a lot left for every family in the United States and Canada and then some. It will be many, many years before this sunshine land will all be taken up because the process of draining the Everglades is always bringing new territory into the market. All well and still enjoying it im- mensely. W. 8. GLENN. This is the sixth of the series of letters Dr. W. 8S. Glenn, of State College, is writ- ing for the Watchman while sojourning in Florida. Penn State Grange to Hold Banquet at University Club. The annual banquet of the Penn State Grange of State College, will be held at the University club on the evening of March 27. Extensive preparations have been made for this affair and it promises to be the fea- ture event of the activities of the or- der for this year. The committee in charge of thr ban- quet have been especially fortur.ate in securing P. H. Dewey, Master of the Pennsylvania State Grange, as the principal speaker for the occasion. In addition it is planned to have presi- dent John M. Thomas and Dean R. L. Watts present at the banquet. There ‘will be a dance following the banquet and the ticket for the banquet will also give admission to this. The price of tickets has been fixed at $1.00 per plate. - Attention is called to the fact that the banquet is not restricted to mem-' bers of the Penn State Grange alone, but any Granger is eligible to attend. e committee is anxious that as many of the Grangers of the county as possible will avail themselves of this opportunity of hearing the State Master, and at the same time enjoy the dance which accompanies it. - ——Lawrence VanOlinda escaped from the Rockview penitentiary on Sunday night by cutting through the wire stockade. He was sent up from Erie county in November, 1924, for two and a half to five years for re- ceiving stolen goods.” VanOlinda was one of the prisoners housed in tents and at eight o'clock he was in his tent listening to a radio concert. It was after that hour that he made his escape. None of the other prisoners in the tents made any attempt to es- cape. Two other attempted to escape on Monday night. They had cut through the stockade when discovered by a guard who captured them. The men were well supplied with sand- wiches which they had gotten hold of in some way. ——Among the appointments made by Governor Pinchot last week were Irwin C. Korman, of Bellefonte, as a motor patrolman, and Edward G. Lantz, of State ‘College, a technician in the department of state police. ——The two day’s old child of Mr. and Mrs. Harry F. Yearick, of Walker township, died last Friday and was buried in the Zion cemetery on Satur- day. —Get your job york done heere. That Baby. How unpromising a man’s beginning! Of all the animals on earth There is none, in its infancy, So ‘pathetically helpless As the human infant. All the others can wriggle their way, Or swim, walk, run or fly, But baby man can’t do anything But ery, ery, ery: : He knows scarcely enough To find the maternal breast. As Tennyson says: “But what am I? An infant crying in the night; An infant crying for the light, And with no language but a cry.” But this very helplessness Issues in a strength immense: It calls forth the mother’s love and care— That bond of sympathy Knitting the generations together— That budding altruism Which, full grown, shall ermfold the whole: world { In its mighty and loving arms. The mother-love teaching the baby Is the start of Edueation— That illimitable process Which finally outruns with lightning speed The slow-footed instinets eof the brutes. St. Louis. PLINTHOURGOS.. Spencer Coming. Spencer, the man of mystery, and. his Bombay Seance, opens a three. day engagement at the Moose Tem- ple theatre, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. The show of mystery, under the title of “A Night in India,” will hold the boards. in conjunction with the regular mo-- tion picture program. Speaking of the seance, Mr. Spencer says: “Theatre patrons have the privilege: of writing any questions concerning: their past and future on their own pa- per or the paper furnished. “You may write at home if you so- desire in any language in which you do your natural thinking. You may seal them up in your own way, sew them up, solder them in tin cans, braze: them in gas pipes, cement blocks or arrange them in any way you desire. “You may ask concerning business changes, travels, mines, mortgages, deeds, whom or who is false or true,. and whether lover, husband or sweet-- heart can be depended on.” Safety, Not the Speed, the Real. Problem. The paramount question now before: the experts of the automobile world is not how fast the racing machines travel in the 250-mile championship classic at the famous Altoona speed- way on June 13, but how to safeguard the pilots tooling their mounts around the giant oval at a gait close to 140 miles an hour. This year, the last before the en- gines are reduced to motorcycle size, has already developed such terrific speed on the Pacific coast board tract, with Tommy Milton, Bennie Hill and Harry Hartz breaking all records up to 135 miles an hour, that officials of the bowl here have called in experts of the country to aid in protecting the drivers. A huge steel band is being placed against the mammoth timber supports at the outer rim of the big saucer, with double strength at the ends of the turns, where the cars, after dash- ing around the extremely banked turns, swing for the straight-aways. Almost every bad crash of the dis- astrous 1924 season came at these points. The tremendous momentum force of the cars as they wind out of the turns has been analyzed with slow motion pictures, showing the wheels veering almost on to the side walls of the tires as the driver throws the steering wheel over again. The keen- est skill and strength is needed to con- trol the hurling machine, with the even present chance that fate in the form of a worn tire will dash them to death against the bulwarks. This combination, worn tire and side swing, caused the death of the valorous Joe Boyer last fall. The excessive wear on tires caused by this vicious skidding and slipping at the turns blackens the boards with burned rubber before the race is fairly started, and though tire. manufactur- ers have conducted intensive labora- tory tests for years, rarely does a casing withstand the punishment even for the 250 miles. With extreme sum- mer heat forecast for June 13, the rubber firms have placed special crews experimenting and making the expensive racing tires. With the high- est speed in the history of the sport certain, tires will be subjected to their most grueling test. P. R. R. Will Close Shops at Sunbury. The Pennsylvania Railroad hit Sun- bury a body blow today when it an- nounced that it will permanently close the Sunbury shops, an industrial mainstay for half a century. Five hundred and fifty men are employed. The statement said that all will be taken care of at other points where shops are working. : The reason for closing the shops is given as a shortage of small locomo- tives. The local property is equipped only for repairs on small engines, and it is becoming increasingly difficult to assemble these here, it is declared. The shors were built shortly after the Civil war at a cost of $225,000 on land given to the railroad by J. A. Cake. Drilling Holes in Glass. One of the newest and quickest ways to drill holes in glass is to use a brass or copper tube with thin walls instead of a triangular file. The tube is placed in a brace and drilling is ac- complished with powdered carborun- dum as a cutting agent. A guide of wood keeps the tube perfectly center- ed. Marriage Licenses. Bruce R. Vonada and Sarah J. Kor- man, Aaronsburg. James Eugene Cowher and Maude Reese, Port Matilda.