tt RE Nt — Bellefonte, Pa., March 20, 1925. eee NEWS ABOUT TOWN AND COUNTY. ——A little daughter home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl C. Mus- ser, last Thursday morning. Many suckers are being caught in the Bald Eagle creek this spring by people who like this kind of fish. —— The Catholic Daughters of America will hold a food sale at the City Cash grocery Saturday, March 21st. i : ——3524 dogs were licensed in Cen- tre county during 1924. This was a gain of 34 over the number licensed in 1923. : # — Philipsburg automobile dealers April 9th, 10th and 11th, at the Mid- way. — The first. thunder storm of the season passed over this section Wed- - nesday night. It was a very light one, however. —No definite news has leaked out lately in regard to the reorganization of the Blanchard-Moshannon Coal Mining company. Plans are maturing for the lo-. cation of an auxiliary State game pre- serve out in the Pine Glen section, in Burnside township. The Pennsylvania State Feder- ation of music clubs will hold. a meet- ing for the Central district at’ State College, on Tuesday, March 31st. ! Bellefonte council K. of C., cel- | ebrated St. Patrick’s day by holding | its annual smoker. Eighty-four of the members gathered for the enjoyable evening. : The condition of Miss Annie Powers, who has been ill at her home ' on east Lamb street, for the last three , { i years, has bzen considered serious since last week. ——The D. M. Kline farm sale on Tuesday grossed over $4100. It was a | bad day under foot, but there was a good crowd and most of the" things brought good prices. iad — About fifty people attended the St. Patrick’s day banquet given by the Undine fire company, on Tues- day evening. Among the guests and | speakers of the evening were Col. H. S. Taylor, Dr. Locke and John G. Love Esq. £ ~The ‘Bellefonte postoffice em- ployees did not have long to wait for ' their raise in salary as each one re- ceived an extra fifty dollars on Satur- day with their regular pay, being the increase for: January and February, as the law was effective with the first of the year. ib Gp dh ——The large room on the second floor of the Centre County bank build- ing, formerly occupied by the Ameri- can Legion, is being Yitted up for the McGarvey studio, which will be moved there from the Decker building on the oposite side of High street on or about April first. : ——Game protector Thomas G. Mo- sier has been busy this week distrib- uting ring-necked pheasants for . breeding purposes in various portions | of Centre county. Some of the pheas- ! ants were put out in the woodlands of Pennsvalley and a few in the foothills of the Alleghenies. ——Having purchased the Munson property, on Allegheny street, Dr. W. U. Irwin on Saturday sold his Spring street property to Forest Tanner, who will move there from his present apartment in Petrikin hall. The price paid is said to be eight thousand dol- lars. Br. Irwin and his family are moving into their new home. | | ——Clarence Zeigler, of the Potter- Hoy Hardware Co, was driving to Pleasant Gap, Tuesday evening in a Ford coupe. When he reached the in- tersection of the road leading to State College he ran into collision with a truck that was coming up on the back road from Zion. The Ford was so Dbadly wrecked that it is beyond repair. The congregation of the Belle- fonte Evangelical church, surprised their pastor and his wife, the Rev. Reed 0. and Mrs. Steely, last evening ‘by tendering them a reception in the church. The Rev. Steely had just re- turned from conference where it was not certain that he would be reassign- ed to the Bellefonte charge and the reception was an expression ' of its pleasure on his return. ——For ten years or more the Scenic has offered the only source of every evening entertainment in Belle- fonte. It’s programs of motion pic- tures have been the best that could be procured. It has always been con- ducted in an orderly, respectable man- ner, offering amusement for the en- tire family. It’s reputation as a high class movie show is known far and wide, and as such it will continue. Motion picture fans make no mistake in attending the Scenic as the best ones are always shown there. Mrs. Daisy Henderson, retiring matron of the Bellefonte chapter of the Eastern Star, entertained her of- ficers at dinner on Monday evening at the Brockerhoff house in honor of Mrs. Mary R. Nash, of Scranton. worthy grand master of the State or- ganization. - Other out of town guests were Mrs. Effa Skinner, of DuBois, and Mrs. Emily Otway, of Lock Ha- wen, grand representatives; Mrs. Le- ah T. Bayer, of Tyrone, and Mrs. Grace Thomas, of Lock Haven, district deputies, and the presiding matrons of the chapters at Renovo, Tyrofi¢ and Lock Haven. About forty ladies were included in the gathering. BELLEFONTE’S BIG a Y RAILROAD BUSINESS. Bellefonte Freight Handlers Make. ‘Record in February. From the Pennsylvania News, the. Sa > | weekly publication of the Pennsylva- arrived in the nia R. R. Ct earn thas, ! ployees of the freight station here, as well as those in the switching : nia R, R. Co., we learn that the em- yards, made d record in efficiency dur- ing the month of February that will probably stand. for some time as a record on the Pennsylvania System for stations of this size. The report certainly must be a mat- ter of exceeding gratification to agent W. T. Kelly and yard-master T. J. Kelleher and their respective helpers. Their purpose was to make February a spotless month as regards over, short and damaged freight, etc., and | they almost did it—came within one are going to stage their auto show on ! : of it, in fact. ~ They handled a total of 3058 out- bound waybills; 1715 solid loads out- bound; had shipment damag- ed, a slight damage for which no claim was made; had no short reports; ‘no over reports; no free astray re- ' ports; no C. T. 619; no discrepancies of any character. This, too, was one of the biggest months, from a revenue standpoint, in the history of the sta-' tion. SHIP MATCHES AND STONE. Of the 1715 solid loads outbound, a majority were stone. It is interesting ‘to note that among this number there were 30 carloads of matches—368 tons of matches! La E. O. Struble, foreman of the ware- housemen, deserves credit for his part in this record. As well, Agent W. T. Kelly and his force come in for high praise for such a sterling record. This freight station serves thirty- four private sidings, in addition to public team tracts and connecting lines. Bellefonte is-the junction for j the ‘Tyrone and Williamsport divis- ions. Following is the personnel of this force: W. T. Kelly, agent; B. J. Beez- er, M. T. Eisenhauer, John A. Gar- man, Frances Geppert, James Mor- rison, Jr., Bella Peters, K. T. Rockey and J. C. Snyder, clerks; Harry A. Smith, head clerk; C. F. Barner, L. E. Harter, E. M. Peters, E. O. Struble and G W. Thomas, warehousemen. YARDMASTER BREAKS RECORD. _T. J. Kelleher, yard master, who has his office in the same building, also broke all previous records. ; In a yard with a capacity for 65 cars, they handled 2421 loaded and 1515 empty, or a total of 3936. Of the 2421 loaded, 1715 originated at Bellefonte alone. This record is top- ped by but ‘one month in the history of he yard, and that was in April, 1924, when they handled a total of 4108 cars, or only 169 more than for the month of February, 1925. _. Bellefonters who have only a super- ficial knowledge of what industries in this community are producing will be impressed with the statement that De during the month 1715 full carloads | of freight originated and were ship- ped from here. An average of Tl cars for every working day of the month. New Prizes Offered Dellefonte Acad- emy Students. The Bellefonte Academy has not only been successful in its scholastic and athletic work this year, but it has won interested friends who have man- ifested their interest in the noble pur- pose the historic Academy is trying to realize by coming to the front and of- fering prizes to incite the students to their best endeavor in various phases of school effort. Dr. W. J. Copeland, | of Elmira, N. Y., whose son graduated | last Christmas, has offered three priz- | es called the “Irving Copeland Prizes of 1924,” in honor of his son Irving. Twenty dollars will be awarded annu- rally to the most useful athlete of the i school year. Ten dollars will be offer- 'ed annually to each of the two stu- dents who do the best work in Ameri- can history. F. P. Blair & Son will offer an an- nual prize of $10.00 to the Senior who will attain the highest average for the year’s work in English. " The Potter-Hoy Hardware Co. will offer a $10.00 prize annually to the student who attains the highest av- erage in the Sophomore year. Montgomery & Co. will present $10.00 annually to the Senior who at- tans the highest grade in modern languages. It is needless to state that head- master Jaics R. Hughes and his fel- low teachers are much gratified be- cause of these new incentives in the Academy work and feel very grateful to the donors. These complete a good list of prizes in science, mathematics, ancient languages, oratory, English and history. Carl Deitrick Appointed Assessor for the South Ward. The regularly elected assessor, Joseph Apt, for the South ward of Bellefonte, having moved into his new bungalow, just over the line in Spring township, the County Commissioners, on Tuesday, appointed Carl Deitrick to fill the vacancy created by the re- moval. There was quite a scramble for the appointment. Charles Saxion, J. W. Yearick, Charles Anderson and H. J. Walkey were all aspirants for the place. Mr. Deitrick, besides being amply qualified for the job, is a ster- ling young Democrat and has shown the will to go out and work for the party that has thus rewarded him. ——— Interesting 2 Meeting of Bellefonte Chapter D. A. R. A large and especially interesting ‘ meeting of the Bellefonte Chapter D. { A. R. was most hospitably entertained “at the home of the Misses Virginia ‘and Grace McCurdy, on east Linn street, on Thursday evening, March 5th. ' Following the usual order of music, business new and old, the Chapter Grand Captain General Boyd A. Mus: | added to its benefactions a subscrip- tion of $25 to Near East relief; $25 to “its room in the Centre County hos- | pital, and voted an extra voluntary | gift of twenty-five cents per member - to the publication of the “Immigrants Manual,” a book printed in twelve different languages for the enlighten- ment of arrivals at Ellis Island and other immigrant stations in “Ways American.” Mrs. John I. Olewine read an ex- haustive, though by no means ex- hausting, (as often proves to be the | case) paper on the D. A. R. work at | Ellis Island. The detention rooms at ' that place on the Atlantic coast and "at Angel Island on the Pacific coast would cage many a more restless spir- it, both among the men and women, were it not for the occupations in rug making, sewing, manual study, (now often begun on shipboard en route from foreign parts), furnished by the D. A. R. This organization has had 850,000 copies of the manual printed and has spent between $450,000 and $475,000 for the work. Following Mrs. Olewine’s paper the entertainment committee present- "ed another “star” in the person of Mrs. Winters, wife of Capt. Theodore Winters, of the U. S. navy, who told of life in the Philippines. Referring to a matter already presented to the Chapter Mrs. Winters, who is a pros- pective member of the D. A. R., re- moved any doubt as to the United States government providing for its soldiers and sailors. She said that the government sees to it that the men always have food, clothing and rooms, but the seamen of the merchant ma- rine are sometimes in need of such things. The latter can be summarily dismissed anywhere in the world, no matter how far from home, but a sea- man in the government’s employ, even though he be in disgrace, is always re- turned to his home country and never left stranded in a foreign port. Mrs. Winters explained, however, that both the soldiers and sailors do need places for recreation and entertainment in Manilla, and she added that upon re- turning there she will be glad to as- sist in this branch of the D. A.R. work, so it is highly probable that the local Chapter will have a representa- tive in a good work in almost the oth- er side of the world. Police Arrest Packer, Who Later Has Police Arrested. Cleveland Packer, of Holt’s Hollow, was arrested by state police on éSat- urday night for having in his posses- sion and transporting intoxicating liquor. He was in his car when stop- ped by the police and when. they un- dertook to search the car resisted with the result that a scrap ensued in which Packer received a discolored eye. The only wet goods the police found was a half pint in Mr. Packer’s hip pocket. At a hearing before Squire S. Kline Woodring, on Mon- day, Packer was held in one thousand dollars bail for trial at court. On Tuesday Packer swore. out a warrant before justice of the peace J. M. Keichline for the arrest of state policeman W. J. Lyster on the charge of assault, the officer being placed under arrest the same day. He will be given a hearing before ’Squire Keichline today and some interesting developments are expected. According to reports Packer was on his way home late Saturday evening and had what he claims was cow feed in a bag in the rear of his car. He was stopped by the state police who, it is claimed, declared the “cow feed” was mash. - In any event Packer did not yield willingly to being searched and the police claim he kicked at them from his car. It was at this time that policeman Lyster poked him one on the eye. He avers he hit him with his fist, and if he did he has some “poke” in his arm, as Packer had a badly battered eye. The police, it is claimed, then went to his home and ransacked it from top to bottom on the hunt of stills or moon- shine liquor, but all they found was the half-pint bottle found in Packer’s hip pocket, and there was only a “nip” of moonshine in it. Whether the state police were armed with a search warrant or not, has not been divuiged, but will likely be brought out at the hearing today; also an officer's right to commit an assault in making a search for liquor. John Haldeman, Moonshine Maker, Again in Jail. John Haldeman, of Horntown, was arrested by state police on Monday on the charge of having in his possession about a gallon of moonshine. This is Mr. Haldeman’s second offense, as he had served a sentence last year for bootlegging. : James Lorah, of State College, was also arrested on Monday on a similar charge, about a quart of moonshine being found in his possession. In de- fault of $1000 bail he was also sent to jail. : ——Mrs. A. C. Preston, of Lock Ha- ven, has a full line of stamped and embroidered models in art embroidery on display at Miss Cooney’s Hat Shop. Every one is asked to see them. 12-1t BIG MASONIC GATHERING. Twenty-three Knights Templar Past Commanders Awarded Jewels. | The Masonic Temple on Allegheny street was the scene of unusual activ- ity on the part of Knights Templar, * last Friday evening, the occasion be- ing an official visitation by such emi- | nent Knights as Grand Commander Arthur D. Bacon, of Harrisburg; ser, of Scranton, a former Bellefanter and a member of Constans Command- ery No. 383; Division Commander Charles T. Derick, of Bellwood, and Division Commander Clyde P. Love, of Harrisburg, as well as a number of visiting Knights from points in Penn- sylvania and adjoining States. The Grand Commander witnessed the con- ferring of the highest order in York Rite Masonry, the Order of the Tem- ple, on a class of ten candidates. The feature of the evening was the presentation by the Commandery of past commander jewels to every living past commander of Constans Com- i mandery, twenty-three in number. . The presentation address was made by Division Commander Charles T. Der- ick while the response and speech of acceptance was feelingly delivered by Past Grand Cammander Wilson L Fleming. The past commanders who received the jewels were Col. J. L. ' Spangler, Col. W. Fred Reynolds, Wil- son I. Fleming, Dr. J. L. Seibert, Al- bert C. Mingle, George T. Bush, Harry Keller, W. Harrison Walker, Mil- ton S. McDowell, Jesse T. Cherry, W. Homer Crissman, Mitchell I. Gard- ‘ner, Sydney Krumrine, George S. Grimm, Dr. Walter J. Kurtz, Wilson S. Sholl, Major Hugo Diemer, Charles F. Mensch, William B. Rankin, Dr. “William U. Irwin, Dr. S. M. Nissley, . Dr. James R. Barlett and Charles E. Garbrick. The jewel is a very handsome and appropriate ornament, being compos- ed of gold enameled in red and black. On the bar in relief numerals are the words “Commandery 83.” Suspended by two small chains is the pendant containing in relief a picture of the court house and the soldiers moun- ment while in the circle surrounding it is the inscription “Constans Com- mandery No. 33, K. T., Bellefonte, Pa.” The pendant is in the form of a mal- tese cross, the emblem of the order. Following the presentation officers for the ensuing year were elected as follows: Eminent commander, Wil- liam H. Brouse; generalissimo, Myron M. Cobb; captain general, Louis S. Schad; treasurer P. C., William B. Rankin; recorder P. C., George T. Bush; trustees, S. M. Nissley, George T. Bush and Wilson S. Sholl. Though located in one of the small- Constans Commandery has for years enjoyed an enviable reputation among Knights Templar everywhere. It has knighted three men who have become past grand commanders of Pennsyl- vania and one of another State. Five from the Commandery have filled ap- pointive offices in the Grand Com- mandery, a record probably unequalled by any Commandery of its size in the State. During the past five years the membership has been almost tripled, and now numbers 240. Following the ceremonies of the evening a roast chicken banquet was served and after dinner speeches were made by Eminent Knights Arthur D. Bacon, Boyd A. Musser, Charles T. Derick and Clyde P. Love. On Tuesday evening about thirty members of the Commandery jour- neyed to Huntingdon to attend a meeting of the Commanderies of Di- vision No. 10, and assist in conferring er and his staff. : ire Smm—— i Another ‘Version of the First Telephone, Writing from Spangler, Pa., James A. McClain Esq., adds another correc- tion to the “Watchman’s” recent telephone in this county. : Mr. McClain is of the opinion that the first distance test by Mr. Bailey, fonte and Snow Shoe, as we stated. He says that the first test was be- tween Bellefonte and Milesburg sta- egraph operator. When the test was made Mr. Bailey was at the Miles- burg end of the line and the late W. L. Malin, who was then manager of the Western Union office here, had the re- ceiver in Bellefonte at his ear. After they had actually conversed over wire, a distance of three miles, Mr, McClain was given a chance to prove to him- self that what was then thought next to impossible was actually very sim- ple after all. : It is his opinion that the test was made some time between 1874 and 1881, though he doesn’t remember the exact year. We are inclined to think that Mr. McClain has the time fairly definitely fixed though it must have been nearer 1881 than it was to 1874. i ——— A ——————— W. C. McCLINTIC. $22.50 Suit Man. Representing Richmond Bros. Co., Cleveland, O., will be at the Brocker- hoff hotel from Tuesday noon until Thursday morning, March 24th to 26th. Men, our new Spring Line will far surpass your utmost expectations. Plenty of light colors. And we have styles for either the Pisin dresser or the most fastidious. Strictly all wool and all one price. Sold directly from factory to you on a Positive Guaran- tee of Complete Satisfaction. . You save the middle Man’s profit. See the line, day or evening. 70-11-2t. er and interior towns of the State : a degree before the Grand Command- stories of the installation of the first the promoter, was not between Belle- ! tion where he was then agent and tel- NEWS PURELY PERSONAL. — Mrs. Joseph Lose was here from Al- toona for an over Sunday visit with her sisters, the Misses Curry. ” Miss Eliza M. Thomas went east early {last week to visit at Downingtown, as a | guest of Mrs. M. C. Breese. | —Miss Marguerite Sunday went up to Ridg vay, on Monday, to attend a con- i vention of the employees of the Keystone Power corporation. . — Mrs. Miller is here from Hagerstown, Md., a guest at the Stewart home, called to Bellefonte by the death of her brother, the late R. Finley Stewart. —Mrs. A. C. Preston, of Lock Haven, will spend Wednesday and Thursday of next week in Bellefonte, personally con- ducting her sale of art goods at the Hat Shop. Ch —Miss Ellen Shoemaker has been in Eb- ‘ensburg and Pittsburgh during the past six weeks and is now anticipating remain- ing indefinitely in the western part of the State. —Mrs. Calvin M. Bower went to Tyrone this week, to be for an indefinte time with her sister-in-law, Mrs. David Meyer, who has been making her Bome there with her son, John D. Meyer. —Frank M. Derstine, of Juniata, with Mrs. Derstine and their two sons, spent Sunday in Bellefonte with Mr. Derstine’s mother, Mrs. William Derstine, and with | Mr. Derstine’s boyhood friends here. —Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Clark and Mrs. Iforwood Clark, of Chester, were arrivals in Bellefonte by train on Sunday, © Mr. ‘Clark returned home the same day while the ladies have been guests during the week of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Clevenstine. —Mrs. John M. Keichline and - her daughter, Miss Daise, went over to Hunt- ingdon, Monday, with plans for Mrs. Keich- | line's remaining for a visit of several weeks {| with Dr. John Keichline and his family. { Miss Daise returned to Delllefonte yes- ' terday. : —Lewis Daggett, former landlord of the Bush house but who now lives near Phila- delphia, was a Bellefonte visitor on Satur- day. He is now a traveling salesman, sell- ing a select line of mem's shirts, neckties, agrees with him. - —The Hon. W. R. Bierly, who has been located in Harrisburg for some time while working on his legal publication, Quarter- ly Digest of Pennsylvania Decisions, has taken up his residence in York in order to be able to give: his personal attention to the forth coming bound volume edition of his work. ‘ —Mr. and Mrs. Harold B. Shattuck, of State College, have as a house guest Miss Maynard, of East Liverpool, Ohio, who is with them for a two week’s visit, and who, since going there, has been a guest of hon- or at a number of social functions. Miss Maynard’s mother and Mrs. Shattuck were girlhood friends. —Miss Lillian Sheffer, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Sheffer, is with her here from Ardmore, where she had been with her brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Frazier Sheffer since Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Sheffer have been making their home in Bellefonte. = —Myps. Robert McDowell and her daugh- | ter Barbara, who have bedi in Bellefonte j with Mrs. McDowell's father and sister, Charles F. and Miss Anna Cook, since her return to the States, are now in New York; having gone over last week for a visit of several weeks with Mr. McDowell. Mr. McDowell is temporarily located in New York. : —John Todd Sr., of Philipsburg, was in ! town between trains yesterday, having come over to look after a few business matters that required personal attention. ‘John reports business flat in the coal fields | and since there is little likelihood of ear- ly improvement is rather itching for weather that will make bowling on the green, his favorite recreation, seasonable. —Mr. and Mrs. M. I. Gardner, of Clear- field, were in town the latter part of the week, the former having come over for the pasnights Templar ceremony Friday even- ‘ing. He was one of the past commanders in whose honor the ceremonial was held in {order to confer on them the Commander's jewel of office. Mrs. Gardner came with him for a short stay with her mother, Mrs. Strickland. ] ; —George H. Cook, of Los Angeles, Cal- _ ifornia, the youngest member of the Cook ‘family, is in Bellefonte, a guest of his brothers, Andrew J. Claude and Charles ¥. Cook. Mr. Cook arrived here unexpect- edly, Sunday, March 8th, for an indefinite stay in Bellefonte and is now with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Cook, at their home on . Linn street. Hig trip east was by water, ‘through the canal and to New York. —Dr. Edith Schad, who has been with her daughter, Mrs. Gail Chaney, at Beech- view, a suburb of Pittsburgh, is antici- pating going to New York city with the Chaney family to make her home. This transfer east to Mr. Chaney, an expert ac- countant, is a most flattering raise in his work, carrying with it a proportionately lucrative salary. Mr. and Mrs. Chaney and Dr. Schad expect to be permanently lo- cated in New York. —(Cecil Walker severed his connection with the Chemical Lime company on Mon- day and left for Trenton, N. J., where he will spend a two week’s vacation with his sister, Mrs. Albert Numbers. He will re- turn to Bellefonte in time to become man- aging editor of the Centre Democrat when he and his brothers, Milan and Ivan, take it over on April first. He has been suc- ceeded at the Chemical Lime company by David A. Barlett, who went to work yes- terday. — Mrs. Jenks came up from Philadelphia the latter part of last week, remaining here for several days with her mother and sister, Mrs. George Lose and Mrs. Boyer, and upon her return home Sunday, was ac- companied by Mrs. Lose, who will spend several weeks in Philadelphia, Mrs. Jenks had expected to take Mrs. Boyer's daugh- ter, Elizabeth Labe, back with her, but Elizabeth’s physical condition, which has not been good for several months, would not permit of her making the journey. ——Mr. and Mrs. G. Max Gamble left on Saturday evening for New York city where Mr. Gamble entered a government school for the training of men for maintenance work in the airmail service. During his stay there Mrs. Gamble will visit her mother and brother, Mrs. Ceader and son Joseph, at Newark, N. J. It is understood that Mr. Gamble is an applicant for the po- sition of maintenance man on the western section of the Bellefonte division of the airmail, extending from Bellefonte to Clarion. hosiery, etc, and ‘looks as if the change ‘ parents at. the Bush house, having come — Mrs. Robert Evey visited in Howard over the week-end, a guest of her brother, John H. Mokle, and his family. 7 —Joseph Parrish has been home from Dickinson College this week, spending a short spring vacation with his father, C. M. Parrish. —Mr. and Mrs. Harry Badger had as week-end guests Mr. Badger’s brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. William Badger, of Williamsport. —Mrs. W. Gross Mingle, of Philadelphia, and Mrs. Harold Butler and baby daugh- ter, of New York city, were at Centre Hall on Tuesday for the celebration of Capt. George M. Boal's eigthy-sixth birthday an- niversary. —George P, Bible, having finished his lecture work with the Swarthmore Chau- tauqua on their New England and Cana- dian circuit, is home for a two month's stay with the family, expecting to leave again late in May. —Mrs. John M. Dale, who has been with her daughter, Mrs. Yerger, at Akron, Ohio, will go east next week to spend some time with Mrs. R. C. Megargel, at Roslyn, L. I. Mrs. Megargel will be remembered in Belle- fonte as Miss Margery Knowles. To Be Married at Atlantic City. A wedding of interest to people in this community will be that of Miss Stella Cohen, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cohen, of this place, and Saul Auerbach, of New York city, which will be solemnized at the Hotel Esplanade, Atlantic City, Sunday evening at six o’clock, a Rabbi of that place officiating. : . Miss Cohen will be gowned in white satin, elaborately beaded in crystal, made very short according to custom, with the long train fashioned at the shoulders, her veil of real lace being caught with orange blossoms. Her at- ‘tendant will be her sister, Miss Grace Cohen. Immediately following the ceremony a seven course wedding din- ner will be served for which seventy covers will be laid. Mr. and Mrs. Auerbach will spend three weeks in Bermuda, then come to Bellefonte for a week before going to their apart- ment in New York city. Miss Cohen has always been a fa- vorite in Bellefonte with the school set, being a graduate of the High school here, later spending one year at Hood college. : Mr. Auerbach is of the firm of Au- erbach and Sons, cotton converters, of New York city. Mingle—Tanyer.—A beautiful St. Patrick’s day wedding was that of Miss Lucetta Tanyer to Mr. Roy Min- gle, which was solemnized at the bride’s home in Pine Grove Mills at 10 o’clock Tuesday morning. The house was artistically decorat- ed in green and white and the bride was attended by the groom’s sister; the ceremony having been performed by the Rev. A. E. Mackey, of State College. A delicious wedding break- fast was served after the ceremony and at its conclusion the happy couple left for a trip to Pittsburgh and other fot west, Upon their return they will take up ‘their residence in a newly furnished home at State College where the bride has been a very popular milliner. Auman—Boal.—The home of Mr. and Mrs. John Heckman, at Centre Hall, was the scene of a quiet wed- ding, at seven o’clock on Tuesday | evening, when Thomas A. Auman, a well known school teacher of Rebers- burg, was united in marriage to Miss Elsie R. Boal, of Centre Hall, young- est daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Boal. The ceremony was per- formed by Rev. J. Max Kirkpatrick, of the Presbyterian church. Immedi- ately following the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Auman drove to Rebersburg to their new home, furnished and ready for their occupancy. 2 Brooks—Justice.—Pomeroy Brooks, of State College, and Miss Beulah B. Justice, of Coleville, were married at the parsonage of the United Evangel- ical church, at 8 o’clock last Saturday evening, by the pastor, Rev. Reed O. Steely. The bridegroom is employed by the American Lime & Stone com- pany and the young couple will reside at Coleville. Randolph F. Glenn, of Brierly, met with quite a painful injury at the D. M. Kline sale on Tuesday. He was cranking his car when another driver bumped into him. His injuries were not serious, however. : ——A baseball meeting was held at the High school, last evening, for the purpose of organizing the Bellefonte cubs for the 1925 season. Mrs. Naginey Will Sell All Her Furniture. Mrs. F. E. Naginey will offer all her household furnishings at public sale, on Saturday afternoon, March 21st, beginning at 1 o'clock sharp. The sale will be held at her home on east High street. Everything in her home, except a | few kitchen articles, will be sold and as her late husband was for years in the furniture business it is certain that. all of the furniture and furnish- ings to be offered will be of the best and in splendid condition. At the same time there will be of- fered a large roll top desk, a type writer and a 5 passenger Studebaker touring car. 70-11-2¢ Bellefonte Grain Markets. Corrected Weekly by C. Y. Wagner & Co. Wheat - =- = =- - - $160 Corn =~ - - lw 1.20 Rye - - - - - - 1.20 Oats fa. wmte wi La 55 : Barley - - - - - - 1.00 + Buckwheat - - - - - 1.10