Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, March 20, 1925, Image 2

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    9 S T E EN T Soldiers and Widows Burial Account. 2.
Bell Harris..." 75 00 | J+ ORVIS HEVERLY, in account with Road, School, Poor and Interest F arising
A U D I T oO R S 1 A M i i W.Bdde ~ "TT Ig % "from Unseated and Seated Lands. rest Funds
OF THE 2200 00 | Catherine. Simons —-—---=---= 7 00 ROAD UNSEATED
Simons" 75 00
° E ° i C C 6200 00 Isaac Mitchell ce ec te em 75 00 | |
R X di Inquest Account. Daniel D. Kunes....... ~~" 75 00
ecelptsad Xpen / tures of entre ounty To Order J. O. Heverly, Sundry Elizabeth E. Meese._....________ 75 00 - ~ ~ |
: i IDQUStS ooo $18 06 | JAD Austin oo 7500 i £ [| =
FOR THE YEAR 1924 Insurance Account. Greenwood Hockenburg => 15 99 3 | = % z | 3 -
aia A W. Miles Walker, policy——-____$ 311 84 tC, ———— E00 DISTRICTS §s s 2 e £ po
—— J, 'M," Kelchline, POY suze 80.00 | Alice Baily. oor th-=au=ymumwn rn 75 00 o © =z s hi e-
: - Gen. Accident, fire and life... 296 47 | Charles Dixon ooo =" 75 00 pe 4 0 8 © 2 = © 8
; iy : A iation Account $3088 15 $ 68831 | Mrs. McElhattan ______""" "777" 75 00 § | £2 3 : i Zs
Bal in Treas. Jan. 7, 1924..._.% 43311 17 ALropra Account —-.. ---..._ 6943 29 Printing Account. Henry C. Warfel..........-_. —— 75 00 - £ 8 s t e s
Amt, ffom Cn, COM. meme S010 1 (Aion ASOUBE =moeroee 111 00 | Keystone Gazette, Brinfing 5 629 43 Mary 3. Moves... -—- 1500 | = < S 2
Amt. from Collectors... 9338296 | asylum Account ............... 3465 26 | Philipsburg Journal, printing —. 8 antha C. Bullock a =
Amt 8 nen oa Land == *J65 43 | Board of Road View___________ 77 40 | Centre Reporter, printing _____ 22 40 | Mary Page ......_ - I8 00 | Benner Twp, -............5 I$ 5 5 07|$ 5
Amt, from Sea vi Be arr? ® *° | Bridge Account ___-____________ 3049 03 | Philipsburg Ledger, printing___. 59 20 Fifi b WEAVE rns rere dD 00.L BOZEE TW, corm swacnve 409 409 00] 291 61 pre J #4 x
$185653 50 | Childrens Aid Society_..._.... 668 82 | Centre Democrat, printing ____ 212 10 Falain, - 75 00 | Burnside TWD. .....oeeers 565 565 21] 250 59 13 301 43
Commonwealth of Penna. Acct. 75 00 | Bellefonte Republican _________ 267.15] - 75 00 | College TWD. ...oosoveenns 3 3 32 332
Commonwealth Costs Accto..... 10352 43 | Democratic Watchman ________ 466 25 - T5 00° 1 Curtin TWD. .eeerrerennss 183 183 04 90 71 4 87 56
Constables Acct. —oeeeeeeeeee_ 29 80 — § 100158 = S00 REBUN TWD: cer 21 21 44] 20 37 1
County Road AcCtcoooo_o... 8949 70 Miscellaneous Account. T 75 00 | Gress TWD, .evowes russes 21 21 02 21 02
Court Expense Acct......... 9531 24 | Postage, tax notices, etc.......§ 273 02 | Miohool Lofra - 7500 | Haines Twp. ...01. 00000 16 1697 1280 3 50
Court House Expense Acct.... 5248 49 | Express and Drayage —......... 13 87 | Sarah M. Harostor - 75 00 | Halmoon TWP. ....evess.. 49 49 47 01 2
County Officers Pay... 10289 60 | Postage, etc., for Co. Supt. OFf- A - 75 00 | Harris TWD. .uveoseoionns 49 49 89! 49 89
Harry Dukeman, Ex-Sheriff.... 2219 42 fice ___________________ _ "9577 | David Price CoeV-- =r api80 | Howard Twp. ..aioenss-- 32 32 00 32 00
Road Damage Account ..... _ 7500 |W. H. Brown, recording deeds. 22 20 | Margaret M. Bratton 0 90 | Huston Twp. .... 000000 62 62 04 62 0%
Election Expense Acet. rer; 1101135 1 District” Attorneys Office... 47 75. Wilican, Cuspin oer’ ‘3800 L Liberty. TWP.o1:: av vein 49 19 02 49 02
Eastern Penitentiary Acct—_—.__ 9 02 | County Supervisors Association 93 77 | Isaiah Beck oo moomoo Io TIT 25 00 | Marion TWD. ...svsrssers 24 2471 19 1 4 50
Glenn’ Mills School Acct________ 2007 32 es and Exp. Co. Com. Con, 160 40 / Joseph Sellers oo 1" 33 001 Milles Twp. <=... vn 16 16 57 18 57
Huntingdon Reformatory Acct. 658 00 | Supplies ..____________"_"""" 155 64 | Mary A. Rider ————--=--—-=-= 75.00 Patton Twp. ........ 25 2561 1863 6 00
Int. on Bonds and Sinking Fund 6200 00 | Tax Refund ___________"_"_"""" 14 20 | George Cox T-T-m--====-= 715.00 | penn Twp. ........1 5 5 47 5 47
Inspecters of Weight and Meas. 1277 11 | Lunacy Commission, _—________ 60 00 | Esther A. Saylor o.oo. 33 50 Pofter Twp, ........ 34 34 29 29 1 3 11
Inquest ‘Account —..___________ 18 0€ | Care and burial of Simon Hilde- Trenton Emblem Co.. markers 0 4 Rush Twp. .....000 2080 2080 71] 10624 23 53 91] 1002 57
Insurance Account a 688 31 brandt ER CR a a 213 14 ‘Headstones fi s lide markers 144 60 Spring Twp. tesssvscnsens 15 15 02 15 02
Jail Expense Account........— 3199 71 | Mrs. Acker, care of C. S. Haines 146 15 | Widows... oders and SHOW Shoe TWP. ......... 1144 44 30] 9733) 61 19 77
Janitors Account ...._._.._._. 1802 72 | County dependents .... POL d0) iOS feiss trade zeeemmmnen | 1148 00 Liggetor Twp. 00 iit 92 92 38 92 38
Jury Commissioners Aecct_____ -- 364541014 Age Pension Board ___.__ 166 37 Total inl. tl LL ETT IISTT4062 60 4 Onion WD: oi cinimininses 167 45 167 45 50 32 2 214 48
Juvenile Court Expense Acct.. 1076 12 | Sundry Accounts __________.__. 218 07 | E- R. Taylor, Sheriff, in account with the | Walker Twp. ............ 24 24 89 24 89
Librarian of Law Library...... Ly Unseated Land Sale Account... 370 03 ay of Seuire for tte Year 1924. Worth: Twp. iil lo... hie, 199 13 199 13] 190 13
smn a cm ns a : SE — — - ays 0a) po 0)! -
Laureiton State Village _______ 146 17 Librari $ 221968 | at 50 cents per day.........§ 2217 50 |___ I$ 520812) 5208 12)§ 2828 4Si§ 148 86/§ 2320 72
Mothers Assistance Fund —.... 241450), ~ rar a County Library. 55 days boarding prisoners SCHOOL UNSEATED
Miscellaneous Account —_...... 2279 68 . ove, Salary ........__.§ 00 | (Juveniles) $1.00 per day.... 50 Em To TR TT eT
Printing Account o-oo... 1664 53 Registrars Account. 5 days boarding prisoners (in- Boner senereeieee.l§ § _ 866% 860s $ $ 8066
Registrars Account —-..._...... 482 50 | Bureau of Vital Statistics, re- sane) $2.00 per day... _.____ 920 00 | 3 en Whe 15 deat ioine 065 13| 565 13) 400 31 21 54) 134 23
Soldiers and Widows Burial —. 4062 60 | porting 705 deaths, 123% 405° Turnkey fees at 50 cents... 202 50 | Coloma Tap b: fiteeseesss 734 45 734 45 734 45
Stationery and Supplies Acct... 675 82 tthe. Te Raine Transporting Prisoners to va- Pon RE 403 59 403 94] 383 74 20 3 So
I pian ors urti ila3 vida ana bid ee « 7 a
Siste Highway Soseuntc, E22 1 StaiZiindustrial Soheot for Wore. Hu lous institutions =i 284404 { Ferguson Twp. orverrervis 4497 49 » 41 97
Sheriff's Account ——..__.._...... 5000 00 | Transporting and Maintaining of 5 Rupphics. pen _ “108 3p | Gress Twp. .............. 32 90 32 90 32 50
Telephone Account ...._..... 85407| Inmates __________________~_'s 49) 10 | Sundry Indictments.and costs. 1367 8 Halses Iva. sirecsenerenes 40 11 40 11 31 45) 166 7 00
Roy Wilkinson, Prothonotary.. 171 46 Stationery and Suppli Received from the § 7268 20 | Ha {moon TWP. «..vseieees 133.281 . . 133 28] - 133 28
Western Penitentiary Acct...... 6629 53 Pplies. $ 7268 20 | Harris TWD. v..cveevnnene. 71 92 71 71 92
: Baltimore Office Supply Co.___§$ 590 30| Com. at different Howard Tw
Summary Conviction Cases .... 23 40 | Henry Hall Supplies eT times $5000 00 Psd ivaisiraess 65 88 65 85 88
Boys Industrial Home Acct... 49 00 | “Sheriffs Office PPI or Sundry Indictments Huston LWD.osaeraesnranis 164 55( 164 164 55
Lycoming Co. C. A. S. School 313 57 | smith envi wo ori imses £0 | Sora coin 1367 86 Te ap, nr desman per 13 a Ha
Pa. Training School, Morganza 148 76 | Sentinel Co.. Office suoniiaclS 49 80 | pli due B. R. Taylor Marion Twp. ............. 28 411 28 22 0g 11 5 19
Training Home for Girls. on 212 34 iy supplies___ 30 02 ere 1. Ras] 50.54 Miles TWP. ceieeviinoninie 58 31 58 58 33
Bal. In hands of %::5 Heverly, rere State: Highw. A $ 675 82 ’ . 9, bP 7268 20 ry sewlebasrsnnesse 2 2 23 20 23 20
Co. Treas. Jan. 5, 1925..___% 43382 96 SUB $0 io1a Oman SUgWaY, Soooumt’ To Bominson, Prothonotarys Account | Potter Twp.".. 11 1ll1ll! 5648 0648 56 45
= - : Neca. + eesccisesscesse
Appropriation Account. . Marion and Howard Road...... 586 90 State Highway Damage Account 2 : } denist BLO errs eseenenns a % re Seee 192 9 Sid =
W. C. Smeltzer, Agriculture Ex- Miles and Soalker, Road rem as 60 | Nancy Scheckler, Route No. 107 . By Vouch $ 1847 51 | Snow Shoe TWD. ceuveenn. 3089 26/ 3080 26| 2610 86] 136 94 350 46
tension Work oe. ———————3 1800.00 Huston an R oR R oe ———————— 441 Boggs Twp. SRL ST UTS 75 00 y voucher _..._._.__$1801 06 TAYIOr TWD. 2vsosrvesneivis 94 38 94 38 04 38
Pomona Grange, Centre Hall. 750 00 Jnion a 34% 4 og Be aie oa 3 & Bal, due Roy Wilkin- Onion Twp. .............. 562 82] 562 82 562 82
Memorial Appropriations —..... 338 15 Sewer pe for County Roads... : 1127 6! Maintiiii lenn Mills School. son, Jan. 5, 1925 _ 46 45 Walker TWP. c...vvvevee.. 87 94 87 87 91
D. O. Etters, Co. Institute..__- 200 00 Miscellaneous ooo. --___ 74 76 | Maintaining Sundry Inmates __§ 2007 32 ae WOrth TWD, sieeve rains 31749] 37749] ses 18 67 4 01
rg 19 70 Huntingdon Reformato 18 1$ 13968 70$ 13968 70|$ 7470
$ 3088 15 $ 8949 70 ry. 18 0$ 13 70/$ 7470 0S|$ 303 16|$ 6105 46
Assessors Account. Court Expense Account. Maintaining Sundry Inmates.._§ 658 00. Boys industrial glome, pHiliamsport, Pa. POOR _UNSEATED
Sundry Assessors Account —..-$ 6943 29 | Gilbert S. Burrows, Stenog....§ 707 36 Telephone Account. ; TY Inmates.$ . . 49,00 | Benner Twp. -ooorovveon il 1 4528 40508 $ ;
Winifred Gates, Stenographer.. 1150 00 | Bell Telephone Co.:of Pa______§ 522 87 | Lycoming Co. C. A. S. School Account. | Boggs Twp, .............. 145 72 145 72, § ad 2
Asylum Hospital ‘Account. Grand and Traverse Jurors Pay. 5088 24 | Fenn State Telephone Co______ 331 20 intaining of Sundry Inmates$ 313 57 | Burnside Twp. ........... 478 478 50 2
Maintaining Inmates (Polk)_...§ 197.80 | Court Officers pay........ S—- 1143 00 $851 07 | Tral College TWP. +... resus 181 18 ne
Maintaining Inmates (Danville). 2399 86 | Boarding for Jurors, Musser and Mothers Assistance Fun = ning Home for Girls, Williamsport. enrtin Lwp. .........e00.. 38 17 38 17 1 8k
Maintaining Inmates (Warren). 479 b8 | Heaton Trial ———___—..._..._. 32095 |Sundry Exp. to Mothers Fund.§ 2014 50] Cor cnanceof Sundry Inmates§ 212 34 | Ferguson Twp. ...rrrsires 173 173 5
Maintaining Inmates (Fairview) 397 02 | James Furst, Asst. Dist. Atty. 100 00 -’ Penna. Training School, Morganza, Pa. | Haines TWD. 8 36 8 ju
—————1John @G. Love, .Special Coun- Summary Conviction Cases. Maintenance of Sundry Inmates $ 148 76 | HAITIS TWD. «reessessorrss 13 99 13 99 Ss
Eastern Ponitentla $ 3465.26 o = Se Shera Gr 325 00 DE Sri Conveying Prison- $i ibs oon Harry Dukeman, Ex-Sheriff : Howsra oD: ierehrduas 16.02 16 02 1s o
. 8 and Y. Spec ounci ee 9 5 hte 2m nd 0 amt. due from 1923 acct._$ 2219 42 | Huston Twp. .....cceueen. 2859 2859 28 59
Maintaining Inmates ocooe-.. 9 02 Sept. Term .. 463 24 : : i er Liberty Twp 18°12 18 12
jm er anim he seesesssennse 18 12
Cr Sundry Court Expense -....... 224 45 Statement of Taxes Outstandiing on the Duplicate for the Year 1925, OR eR Sa aa 357
Clothing for Sundry Inmates..$ 146 17 $ 9531 2¢ : Bal Due Jan. 3, | oT Fallon. TWD; - 1eiice rary 366 366 ne
s ? i nding ount Due 3
Western Penitentiary John S. Spearly, Cor Com. sal 1000 00 Dunas Collectors | 5 0 Ant rasa | Jam. 6, 1925 | Patter Top $61 86 Ju
‘Maintenance of Inmates.......$ 6629 53 | James ESHA, So. Som, sal 100 00° County | State | County | State | Rush Twp, . 1038 40| 1038 40 615 66] 32 40 390 5
3 . Austin, Co. Com. s 1000 00 | 5; - Te - : Spring Twp. .... 504 504 5 04
Loan Account. 1 Belleforite Boro........[Herbert Auman .....|$ 2388 21 517 16($ 1075 51
Yooan ACCOUNT sat lar oe $ 18504 50 + rvs or pveny, Co. as a 2000 00 Centre Hall Bore... iC, B. Bartholomew... § 92 36° oi 5a RED T20W Shee Twp o18 9 58 ul 416.07 23 48 1 5
ee . rept Tyseley Ward DOr0...,.eece0 fds . etcher,....... 5 25 : Uni Twp. t 9
Annual Assesment: Account 5. D, Gets, Co. Solicitor, sal. doo 00 | Milesburg Boro. ! I; Anna Hall .........| 26138 2763 144 0+ | Walker Twp. © : 220 2120 21 20
Bellefonte Boro, W. Ward.-...$ 15 00 | S- Claude Herr, Chief Clerk to Dns poieseaat Wy Ou Housman, lo 34645]: | 45:88 Worth Twp 10 08] 1008 10 08
ne Bo oar ~~ Commissioners ; 1769 4g | Philipsburg Boro......[Charles Freeman ....| 2408 08] 155 67 124 32 TE Tea fend poe :
Bellefonte Boro, 8. Ward... 192 75 | FORMCLASIONERS —oomromieoaen 959 74 | S. Philipsburg Boro...|J. B. Hoffman........| 249 43 i “7049 pe 1$ i$ 2308 21|$ 2308 21|$ 1061 73|$ 65 88I$ 1280 60
Bellefonte Boro, N. Ward..____ 289 50 | 3% , oI Loom Snow Shoe Boro L. M. Kell ] : ail po
Centre Hall BOrO-ieee—veeomom 61 40 | Rachael Lambert, Asst Clerk State College Boro... |B. J LE oes > 21 92 28 46 WATER UNSEATED
Howard Boro. —-.---... or 2459 | to Com. eee. 50526 Unionville Boro. ..... Ang FEI ret oeeei 1 2208 = ns & 200 00 Miles TWD. ....cccvnnnee..]$ I$ 900s ) 00[$ I$ $ 900
Ne Sb —— — ———— 11 42 {i $ 10289 60 Benner Twp. ..o.0000 John S. ‘Spearly. ..... 1128 91 79-61 496 44 INTEREST UNSEATED
Mpeim Bore. STH meee --' 9082 LCentre County Farm Bureau Account: Boggs Twp............Harry Curtin ........| "90465 1478 414 17 Haines Twp. .............5 18 544 5 48 $ 5 54d
ERP Bort he We HAR om Sanna eo Siri oa RR rer nn WE HE HE Malton fF FE gg FOF IE
Philipsburg Boro., 3rd. Wo... 15 00 | Bal on hand Jan. 1, oo urtin Twp... John A. Mang...i| esas Sie mye SiR. A ie Sos sos 5 Eau
ag SR mi § ation from Co. Ferguson Twp. -|. E. Elder...........| 1333 69] 22 06 Le A HOaD SEATED
. psburg_130ro.....eommm meme Com. for year 1924. 1800 00 Grezg Twp.. S. G. Walker.........| 104 91] 12839 Bellefonte Boro ...........[$ $ 1120) 14 20)$ $ I$ 314 20
State College BOro wee. 473 14 Haines Twp. Wilson Haines . 1264 97 16 633 Benner Twp 55
Unionville Boro. w——eeeeeoo___. 44 98°) Hi; $2057 00 Halfmoon Tw Grant Davidson ..... 9 06 7 04] 16 80 | Boggs Twp. .... iil 25 89 25 89 2 to
Benner TWD. ooooooeooeeee 12850 fy pro $ 930 oo | Harris Twp.. Geo. HE. Meyer........ ec 19 7760 Burnside TWD. ........... 21 00 21 00 21 00
BoBES TWD, meee 151 22 | Jo Sup, gas, oil, Howard Twp S. R. McCartney..... 34239 23:36] 10835 15:47 | Curtin Twp, *......c.ce.iee 315 315 2 99 1 ‘
Burnside TWD. wooeoeoomemememen 44 49 | SUR SEB ng 461 1¢ | Huston Twp. H. K. Mattern.......|- 369 99 3.89 39 97 Grebe’ Pwp. 00010 22 08. 22 08 9 22 08
College Twp... 1 ln su 94 84 © storage, garage). . 89 40 | Liberty Twp. 0. J. Stover. i 286797 166° 181 71 Haines halen tide denied 913 9 13 913
Curtin TWD, \\. iden iil 26 50 | yroits : p= 32 35 | Marion Twp, ./C. A. Dolan. 78897] 6 20 | 35481 3:01 [Howard Twp. .....rv00.nn 3 15 315 315
Ferguson TWD. ovceoeeee. PEC 17 19 Express, postage, tele- Miles Twp... S. A. Bierly. 1087 14 384 59 560 82| 279 33 | Huston TWD. ............. 6 88 6 6 88
Greee TWD, mmwsmroen an moemmmeen: 5.3 11 04 phone tolls ocr. 11 22 | Patton Twp. ..|T. M. Huey... 735 99 40 73, 220 88 Miles Twp. + iva. nuns 1 278 2 89 28
Hu nes wp 30 52 Stationery and supplies 64 84 | Penn Twp J. M. Weaver, 446 38 10°57 PALLON TWD. save roiesnnsis 3 70 3 70 351 19)
alfmoon Twp, .._.20 ....00... 47°04 | op Tniture & Fixtures 48 70 | Potter Twp J. B. Fortney. 1314 14 111 56 78 60) Ferns Pwp. LL... 8 08 8 08 8 08
Hanis THD. ms im mn mp eh eee ¥ ge Chemicals - 3 95 | Rush Twp... R. J. Barnett. 1041 80 30 S0| 1041 30 80 (1 RUSROTWER.L LL. L000. 00 5 59 5 59 5 31 28
Hostor ra ————— ap a} of St sto ayes trp 12 79 Automobile License 10 00 Snow Shoe Twp. S. H. Lohr.... 879 81 84 450 32 Suow Shoe TWD. «ceveene 44 14 44 14 35 67 1 8 59
uston TWD. ooo Miscellaneous -....._. 15 54 | Spring Twp.... D. A. McDowe 157) 36 641) 33618 4 01 [Spring Twp. ........ 9:15 5 15 5 15
Miles Twp. .JIIIITIII 18) 9 | Bal on hand Jan, i, Coe Tap 6 2 Sa: Hees BN Walker Twp. oo iil! Sa Ba 2a
Patton TWD. wos uwnsnueboeine 57 04 1925 eee 391 24 on od ie L Hal 3 » oe 3 Re Yalger, SWE. aa 28 2 8 2 o
Pepn Twp, —..~__ "TT 29 12 2057 70 | Worth Twp... ooo til 1D. Spots... 500 72 oL 25 14 21 Pe srenrrnsecnsias ronan Als
Potter TWD, oil icici 167 62 CRO WO Ith Coors kh 32 57 70 Toss 2: Ves a] I$ I$ 244 99i8 245 10|$ 47 48i$ 251% 17411
Bush oD TWh rn 32 23 Sundry Witnesses, Justices and . I$ 35} 3163 76% 7602 67$ 806 52 SCHOOL SEATED
Spring Twp SS EE 355 10 | Commonwealth Costs ________ $ 10352 43 Statement of Taxes Outstanding on the Duplicate for the Year 1924. Senses Twp, ian: ane $ 2 1 90[$ $ S 1 90
hn ey 2 - i 2 : 0ggs WDB: cocsessqensenen 42 40 18, 212
CL A Constables Pay. Amount Amount Due Burnside TWD. ....eeeeess 37 37 30 87 30
Smee ne ————————— Returns to Court meee aemmivinnae$ 29 80 Districts Collectors Levied Jan. 5, 1925 Curtin Twp. ......ocovees 8 nS 8 07 Lo
Registration Assessors? “2 0 | Court House Expense Account, | Wh Cow T | Coit TR | Daas an. oi Wisi free wml el TV
Bellefonte Boro., W. W....____$ 57 50 Fos a Tuen onal 1144 % lone ora: rt It Aum 7 A asedly He Seis ong jus Soe ep ga a hn enti rhein 15 18 15 %
Bellefonte Boro., 8. W.__.____' 91 50 | Express and drayage -......... 145 24 Toa Prbemey... Wi 3 Seu 5 00 27 62 | Miles Twp. »... 5 5 5 56
Bellefonte Boro., N. Wieeeeo__ 90 50 | Stationery and office supplies... 1441 57 Anna Hall AE 643 50) ‘99 41 283 05 Patton Twp. 3! 3 3 70
Centre Hall BOrOmeeeem meee. 50 02 | Gen. supplies and repairs to ; JJ. W. O. Housman...| 1593 64] 444 27| 426 45 Penn Twp. 11 11 11 55
Howard Boro, ....------o...o- 37 32 Typewriters a a am i a si 751 40 Charl . Fr Bi 10306 65] ~ 1575 99 2025 51 93 92 Rush Twp. yf 1 7 38
20 gsbue SOF: we 5 $0 Repans 52 buildings, heating r 3 J. B.. Hoffman. J pote 421 15 132 26) 144 14 797 Snow Shoe Twp . 154 154 105 77 5 57 32 2
lo on nn " Cc yn —————— 2 or or 3 ) od . r 3 Sess lw ale .
Philipsburg Boro. 1st. W._____ 80 68 | Assistant Janitor _-o..-.---..._ Ts 0 ak Bare Dose. Le YM ely rr peas 3 mei Sn Fa . 5 5 52 13
Philipsburg Boro., 2nd. W..... 152 16 | Water vent hucveusni ciao 154 36 | Unionville Boro.... Anna. Iams. ...:.. s 3570 3161 59 34.8 Walker Twp. .. : 8 8 8 09
Philipsburg Boro., 3rd. W._____ 60 BN POSIRRE ears Ce 34. 00 | BoonvL®. ses nna Hall ...........[ 52041) = 24213] 140 35 Worth Twp 1 1 120
EnoW Shee Bare otifrem—rm 11, 33.59 Benner Twp... John S. Spearly.....| 2770 8| 5840 113957 14 80 - eeeresaiean | : Ee
S. Philipsburg Boro. ........... a2 $ 5248 49 | poEss Twp... Harry Curtin ........ 7730 97817 721 I$ I$ 465 84$ 465 84]$ 170 49$ 8 99I$
State College Boro-.......... — 162.85 Jail Expense Account. College Twp. i Ni jaa Seb 20 : POOR SEATED
Dnionville Boro. ----—---------- 32 50 | Electric light and’ supplies..-.$ 307 78 { Gortin Twp... Fel a A Ane Mul LU | Bellefonte Boro -...nree $ 542s 5 $ $642
Benner. Twp. .-.. 68 16 | Plumbing and repair work .. ... 391 98 | Ferguson TWp.. J. B. Bld Fer: \ Bonner TWP. ....c.svceeces . 94 94
Boges Twp, —_..... ...L5iL Jd 126 20 | Painting and papering _____._... 1148 50 5! Twp. x LS G. Woaiog arses : 30% 3 + 1251.10 34 80 Boggs Twp. .............: 9 09) 9 9 09
Burnside TWp. ——_.-....________ 25 47 | Material ‘and supplies________._ 285 79 | Sats Tory. Wilson Haines 5. 530 13 1306 5 153 po | Bummside Twp lIllll1l1l 200 EL 2
SolleEs TWD. ~ummrsemrramnesn $014 | Bods and Bedding). LLL 107 15 | Halfmoon Twp. ........|Grant Davidsen ©... i Soe TEN [Curtin Twp. .i.eeereoreres 128 71 126
Ferguson Twp. IIIT A Ra oo rr tnykdenten 1320.08 | Harris Twp... |Geo E. Meyer........ 320.8% iMG 15735 | GresE MHD. ....veieenss 6 6 6 60
Gregg Twp. -. r= 47 3¢ | Howard Twp. S. R. McCartney...... 48 40] 326 94 425 | Harris Ba 13 13
Haines TWP. coo aii coi a Huston Twp.. H. K. Mattern. 57 76 424 06) 11 36 Howard Wp. : 1 58 1 158
Halfmoon, TWp. ooovoereene.. $ 3199 71 Liberty = >p: 9.3: Stover, 180 8111111.961.68 14.31 l¥tuston Twp. ...xvsvervens 345 3 3 45
PT -— 3 z Election Expense Account. Moe Ly a eehe Ss 10: i 11 a % 5 MUGS TWD. ovr anxrovares 04 167 1 1 Z
Tap: Tor BD pl BY TL Rr IAtyseGeneral 7 923 gad. Gat |FALton TWD. ........oos 11 1 115
Liberty Twp = 7949 livering ballots —.-$ 3500 § 35 00 I. 098s S38 088 | Ruch Twp. 1 50 1 150
Mies IND. = - 3018 James W. Swabb, de- Rush Tw R. J SNS 1a CUD Shaw Sec TWD er 2643) 26 18 82 9 6 62
Patton Twp. ——2- 3522 livering Ballots —__. 38 00 35 00 | Snow Shoe Twp. is IT Ton 00 ABTH (4840 | RE TWD. + rerrreenis 7 26 7 7 26
Penn Twp. . -—--- 74 50 Harry P. Austin, de- SPINE PWD: vmeseesirs| De Av MeDoweil,..n. 606 46 1567 12 Taylor TWP. cuovvnen ren 2 91 2 2 01
Potter Twp. ween. JA101 livering ballots ____ 47 62 35 00 4 Taylor av Ersncsernith B. Guiich......e.. 49 60 IST 12. 19.30 4 ker TWD, <:sceersnsena 116 116 116
Rush Twp. ____ - 198 61 | Geo. W, Hamer, elec- Taion TWp Lo Ew SHI ig % Is 17 92858 903 02/5 18 82/8 ol 7321
Snow Shoe Twp. inl 95 47 tion rotting to Cloar-. Ts gn 143 vies es ELL Ie a 5 72 46G 23
Spring Twp. wou... 3 201 60 field oo. ci oll 11 36 a br T Divoccnerens | Wo mn unkie........ 59) 917 75 3 * INTEREST SEATED
Taylor TWD. ooo. os 4A 55 13. 6 Love ciation Worth oo [BT Spottsec,oecesas 188 90 484 95 6280 I'Rificfonte Boro rear 8 $ 7 071% 7 071$ $ $ 707
Hnion el Sl % a 5 proLurns to Qlearfield 32 80 ; 1$100849 40/$ 20079 03]$ 30928 45/$ 1932 49 | Milesburg Boro ........... 42| i 4 52
WOrth TWP. won vas ons + 406004 ‘lating Ey ll 50 00 Statement of State and County Funds frem 1919 to 192. an. i i % 4 30! 4 30
Fp 5 J 5. Love, tabulating Sut Year Collector District Amount Total $ 1$ I$ 1321) 13 21$ I$ I$ 132
———————— - t . Fo v 8 "IVE
County Auditors Account. | Elec. officers pay---—- 3454 58 3688 15 pun FICRION exesartr rosatausnners Son Mileshore Boro... FriIoITS BOROUGH SEATED
Robert o> Musser, services and, | Blection supplies -___ "406 57 "462 47 | 1020 Roy ‘Wilkinson +.:..1.11 01011 Phiipsburn Bore’... wai 7237 | Herietonte Bora sii... 8 RN 20 J PB
Be mm bon em mtn ine rintin, ots, - 20—J pay nad - whine oes nan
Samuel B. Holter, services and CIAmAtIOn er PTO 79650 1832 80 1020 oun HArmish srrntseec asain. DR po. dtu n% RT 2 ’ 3% 363 363
. Herbort H. Stover, sorvices and @" SEY ms | IA ely III Meat 0 aR sae | “Is 1seus iseds 1s Ba
mileage coccinea 256 48 Grand Total _._.... 5 =...$ 11011 15 035] oat Davidson oes toe Halfmoon Twp = $e o> S34 rere ~~ _TIBOROUGH SCHOOL SEATED 33
- Stes Canta Eros in ; “dine Helictonte Boro oo : $ 3238) 32388 $ $ “32
~ Thy 1922—Herbert Auman ......cceiceveienannne Bellefonte Boro ...... 551 16 4 83
$ T1700 Janitors Account. 1922—C. D. Bartholomew. .........s.s:+.+.. Centre Hall Boro 19 12 Milesburg. Boro ... 3 ol : = 3
Board of Road View. John Benner, salary _____._____ 953 76 | 1922 Charles Freeman .................... Philipsburg Boro .... 578 48 Philipsburg Bero ....... Toss 3 Sh) x to
5. Eline Woodring, services snd, 2s Sec: Harpster, Jan. 4, Ho Aug: sss 76 | 1922—J. B. Hoffman.............. "00 8. Philipsburg Boro.. 118 31 I$__4099l8 409018 IS Ea
Do ROT CInAR la ry ye 0 I FRenG Sant BO fr mm 22—1.. . “esesesesesasscansassnenne Coase STN NK N ETINT T
L. E. Swartz, services and mile- Wilbur Tibbens, Sept. 30 to Oct. 1095 Geo, I. Meyer.. ssyrssvescesneseens oy ky PAPEL. RING UND 29 i$ §_ 4D
BBE ium mmeded enema en —————— 32 40 J, 1920 ewan sy——— 65 20 1922—S8. R. McCartney . Howard TWD. ccorenes 61 2 Snow Shoe Boro ..........I$ 1$ 4 201% 4 I$ pm ———
John G. Love, services and John Finkbinder, Oct. 31, to 19228. A. Bierly.. Miles TWD. 2euvsssnee 90 20
mileage oo... 1500 Dec. 30, 1924 _________..___ 20000 |1925_R. J, Barnett. . Rush TWD: «..eeieiis | 20778 Bonus ate rTARILITIES $ 100000 00
Boiss aa $ 1802 72 | 1922—S. H. Lohr. . Snow Shoe TWwp...... 291 Jo Suistinding x on LH pen Sent) Teessnavids cient di nul v ye
$ 14 Juvenile Court Expense. 1922—W. R. Dunkle Walker Twp . 80047 3058 41 | Balance due E. R. me than a was ress TEE erat 46 45
Bridge Account. Mrs. Emma Jones, by Juvenile 1923 Duplicate ... 8409 19 Balance due Roy Wilkinson, Prothonotary.......ceo0eveee. vesan
5 To Estimated Commonwealth Costs.......coueeveennn ve eeves vans 2594 11
pring Mills = Bri Court Order —-—_..___.______$ 455 65 |1924¢ Duplicate : rR 32860 94 | To Estima
Ss A 5, se Re 00 My Mary Brouse (Transport- an 3 45653 mi Te Rstimated BXonerationsyseviien: rdsorr iiaes- side site ein weds os 25
Dp ng Ss i n J ile tdi Sh vada [1] sssscessesresesenren seve sass sess
Homer Fetterolf __.. 20 00 Mred Mary Bree Boarding 37 90 Recapitulation of State Li for the Year 1924. To Outstanding Notes .....:. ci ian. a ean. nan ...___ 53800 00
Spring Mills Bridge Juveniles .......a. CU lt 139 25 | To Retail Mercantile Licenses : $ 12400 26 § 160278 52
Com. Expense —.... 4100 $1123 00 | Williamsport School District, To Wholesale Mercantile LICENSES .....oooersornremrronnoiit2®¥ T5508 57 : ASSETS 43982 06
Tuition (Quick children) ta] 80 00 To Brewers Licenses a Ey 83 32 By Cash in Treasurers Hands Jan. 5, 100. ei sca vas as ssssssen $ ri 00
Milesburg Bridge...... 176 34 Sundry Orders for clothing for To Billiard Licenses 1470 00 By Cash in Sinking Fund............... AI Veedusve shah. é
Liberty Twp. Bridge... 1190 50 CAS ones 63 32 | To Brokers Li : By Outstanding Duplicates, 1919 to 1923...... sesssesiesisiseasen 10661 03
Ellis Pownell, plank Rev. M. DePue Maynard, sal. To Cir es Censes 2 333 0 By Outstanding Duplicate, 1924............... sasusevsemenssenave 30028 45
for Bridge —__—___ = 265 00 as Juvenile Officer wc—--ceno. 300 00 | Tg Bating House License jan By Tet Lat Hie i eae CRRA 140 68
Mis. Bridge Acct... = 294 19 $1926 03 A i i x 7180 00 RY TAX Tens ENLOred «ssesssensnsosennss ihe hates Sean 1128 48
| $ 3049 03 Jury; Commissioners,’ 1770.12 To Non-Resident Hunters Licénses 845 00 TR RR ET a 964 46
: — - hy : oe cB ¢ ret. eren rr Raney Re ‘
Childrens Ald Society of Western Penna, | J0S. A. Emerick, sal. & mileage.$ 180.42 | flo Resident Fishermans Licenses .. 2:80:00 BY Paranel tor ze 12182 45
Maintaining Sundry Inmates._.$ 668 83 | John D. Decker, sal. & mileage. = 132 12 | 10 Non-Resident Kishermans Licenses 3708 00 : :
ein Mrs. Amy Potter, clerk... "44 00 | 10 Dog LICONSes ,...ooee0vvnsrensssnnns Su Total Indebtedness Centre County Jan. 5, 1025.................. $ 32496 07
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Account. Miss Rachael Lambert, clerk._. 8 00 B Sh ar “0 . ni _ sie adda addti badd dbs $ 867 15 tors of Otatre Coste. Teel
Ira G. Burket, Auditor for Pro- Y QUNCLY) COMMISSIONS ssceessavanansrrrasrrersscersasreeenson 5 We, the undersigned Auditors of Centre County, having carefully examined the ac-
thonotary, Recorder and $ 364 54 | By Sundry Exonerations ......coceeeeee ssssssestratnancinnns 39 35 | sounts of the Centre County Commissioners, Sheriff and Treasurer of Centre County, do
ROBISON womens damian 7510 Inspector of Weights apd Measures: By Nandy rmtag Seseatacanessiessaserersnshssuaneiarnsara. es 986 10 | pereby certify Shae the fursgalug is a $rue. aad Sarpect Statement of the receipts and
. . wes, on SH 43 00 Ses PEBNNNRINIRNS NNN EO IER RIRRRIERSE “x enditures an 0 resp ve accoun or e year
County Road Account. Seals and pPOStage eevee. 6 89 By Vouchers SRan tetas passes angess sre tees » ROBERT D. MUSEBER, :
Port Matilda Road eeeueeeeeeo 530 87 | Expenses for traveling. _.____ 327 22 | Balance Due Commonwealth ............cc00000 Bellefonte, Pennsylvania, SAMUEL B. HOLTER, Auditors of Centre County.
Boalsburg Pike —eem--o-----.... 2891 15 3 Tri | March 11, 1925. HERBERT H. STOVER,