whould be postponed until og -— i SE EN —— x a . ——— a “Bemoreaic; atc Licensed Agencies for TAXES RAISED The Best at Les | Bring Health and Happiness “Bellefonte, Pa., February 6, 1925. “LOVE, CAPTAIN OF THE SOUL” “The fime sill come when this, our Holy Church, “Shall melt away in ever widening walls, ~And ‘be far all mankind. And in its place :-3hall rise another church, whose cove-. nant word + Shall ®e the act of love. Not Credo then f£But Ame shall be the watchword theeugh its gate. “Man shall not ask his brother any more “ “Believest thou?” but “Lovest thou 2?” til ail “Shall fall at God's altar and say. lowe.” I¥or Faith shall anchor, Hope shall cheer, but Love, “Great Love, shall be the Captain of the Soul. FARM CALENDAR Himely Reminders from The Penn- :sylvania State College School of Agriculture. Plan the 1925 Crop--With the new year of forming operations already Started, it 1s well to lay out a plan of Crop planting for the coming season. By planning ahead on paper at an «early date, plenty of time is given to the over prospective changes. In . figuring out next spring’s crops, do mot forget alfalfa. Circular-104 is- : «sued free by the Pennsylvania State ‘Lollege ‘extension service, State Col- Jdege, Pa., tells all about this wonder- ful legume hay crop. Prevent Concrete Freezing--Farm- “ers who mix concrete in the winter »will ‘have no trouble if they will heat “the materials, such as sand, stone and “water, :and keep the work covered to prevent freezing until the concrete is Set. This applies to walks and septic ttatiks. Building of concrete posts warm wveather. ‘Keep These Resolutions--There are ccertain resolutions which the aver- zage poultryman should not break. “Such things as keeping cost accounts, «more careful management of birds, better methods of marketing pro- «ducts, and an endeavor to treat cus- ‘tomers squarely will not only benefit " “the operations of the poultryman but ~will tend. to create a better feeling «with the buying public. Avoid Seed Collections--Gardeners =should avoid ordering seeds in made- «ap collections, as they usually contain some varieties and crops of which the family is not fond and a shortage or «defictency of those vegetables especi- zally liked. Ordering to the family’s «needs and desires is the best plan. Give Plants a Chance—Success with “indoor plants depends upon keeping ithe leaves clean because it is through “the leaves that water evaporates. “Covering the plants with a cloth ‘when sweeping and dusting will keep “them clean. “Watered Steck” —Cows producing :milk require water, lots of it. It is ~pood dairy practice to see that they get all that they want, at least twice za day. A cow does not like it iced, ~either. Warmed drirking water will ~show results in the milk pail. Attend House Plants—Now that {there is nothing much to do with out- sdoor plants, it is well to give careful dttention to the house plant. Water them when they need it and watch for red spiders. These pests can be routed ’by putting water on the leaves. iWedk tobacco tea also turns the trick ‘but unfortunately it stains white Howers. iHave Delicious Greens—Asparagus is a fine early green which should be in every garden. From 50 to 100 roots will be sufficient for a family of two to five people. Extension Leaf- let No. 19, which is free for the ask- ‘ing, can be secured by writing to Pennsylvania State College, Pa. Mating for Hatching Eggs—If hatching eggs are to be collected for early season incubation, it is time to piace the breeding males in the pen. It is just as undesirable to use too many males as too few. The proper ratio is one male to 20 females for "Leghorns and one male te 12 or 15 females in the case of American or . dual purpose breeds. Care for Brood Sows—Are the ‘brood sows getting plenty of exer- «cise these winter days? Be sure that they also get sufficient protein and mineral matter to maintain their , body weight and develop a good litter of pigs. : -— Subscribe for the “Watchman.” Buy at Home We pay taxes here and con- tribute to every public move- ment. And we sell Groceries that are as good as you can get anywhere. City Cash Grocery In Ordering Bread Don’t forget to enrich your table with our other baked goods that lend variety and deliciousness to your meals at little expense. BREAKFAST ROLLS CRULLERS COFFEE RINGS CAKES FANCY BUNS RAISEN BREAD CURRANT BUNS PIES They give you the same food value as our wholesome Bread. CITY BAKERY PAUP S SNA Dodge Bros. Motor Cars Graham Bros. Trucks Hockman’s Garage ...The... Center Oil and Gas Co Distributors of Bottorf Bros. The EXIDE Battery Service Station Automobile Accessories, Radios and Supplies and Electrical Contractors Bottorf Bros. AAAS ISSN PSI PS MAPA UIP INTIS INP N GALAIDA’S SANITARY Fish and Oyster Market Bush Arcade—Both Phones Fish, Ovsters and Dressed Poultry at All Times. Bell Telephone 82 M WPUIUP UP UIC UID IAS TAS PNAS Fr RE IN OSI A ATS UNI SAS UNBREAKABLE Can’t Break, Crack or Leak A Le Boeuf Fountain Pen is Guaranteed Unbreakable Come in and Try to Break One The Mott Drug Co FIANNA ENS SSS SSS ISIS SSN ISDA SAP PIS SSS Hunter’s Book Store All Standard Lines Laton’s and Craine’s Papers Blair Tablets Carter’s and Stafford’s Inks Dennison Goods Eversharp and Conklin Pencils Conklin and Moore Pens CARIN OSI ANAL SNA IT'S REAL SATISFACTION B Zoot» nEX> OW We Invite you to drive it S over any Mountain you suggest. PENN STATE AUTO CO. DON'T BUY FROM The Potter-Hoy Hdw. Co. Unless you want Real Quality and Satisfaction for Your Money. WR Rl ll al EE | Before You Buy Any LUMBER, FLOORING, FINISH, SASH, DOORS, MILL WORK Get Shope’s Prices Bell 46 W United | Bellefonte Lumber Co | MILL WORK SHINGLES |¢ ' BUILDING SUPPLIES '¢ ROUGH LUMBER LATH Bellefonte Lumber Co Hoosier Kitchen Ganinels and $ Globe-Wernicke Book Cases W. R. Brachbill Spring St. Bellefonte, Pa. They Say they Know—that The Variety Shop China and Toy Departments are the Best in Centre County. Kom and C what U think. G. R. SPIGELMYER & CO. M. R. JOHNSON Marble and Granite iii CEMETERY WORK of every description + NOW, (a ERG tion's Past DBE SURE TO READ THIS We have nominated as our leaders the MODERN GLENWOOD STOVE W. W. Lawrence & Co’s READY MIXED PAINTS, Val- spar Varnishes, Enamels and Stains, H. P. SCHAEFFER, Hardware COAL! Our careful selection has ena- bled us to sell and deliver at any time the Best Grade of Coal mined in Centre county. Centre Co.Fuel &B’ldg Sup. Co NATHAN KOFMAN, Prop. Knisely’s Market Clean and Up-to-Date FISH OYSTERS BUTTER EGGS SMOKED MEATS West High Street Lyon&Co Lyon & Co We specialize in Ladies, Misses and Children’s Ready-to-Wear Come and see our Blankets and Comfortables Visit our store before you do your Winter buying. It will be a Big Saving to you. LYON & CO. NASI UONI SPINS PISS PPP NAAN Bellefonte Filling Station and Rest Room A Service Station for Impatient Motorists GREASES OILS GAS Confectionery Tobacco Oil Changed Free FRANK SASSERMAN, Prop. Russ-Bell’s Sodas, Ice Cream, Candy Martha Washington CANDIES Old Time Home Made Headache may come from the eyes Try Casebeer Registered Optometrist, BY HARD TIMES Burden Is Lightest in Communi- ties Boosting Live and Thriv- ing Towns. FARMER FEELS THE EFFECT is Inclined to Forget, at Times, That He Is Most Vitally Interested in Prosperity of Near-by Cities. (Copyright, 1917, Western Newspaper Union.) Taxes are always heavy—to the man who has to pay them—but taxes in some communities are much higher than in others. If you have ever stopped to investigate the matter you have discovered that the lowest taxes are found in the most prosperous comw- munities. And there's a reason. "The prosperous community has the lowest taxes because there is a large amount of wealth in the community against which the taxes may be as- sessed. There are prosperous mer- chants with large stocks of goods up- on which taxes are levied. Property values are high and there are thriving industries which pay a large propor tion of the taxes. The higher the property values and the greater the wealth of the commu- nity the lower are the tax levies, for a lower tax on each hundred dollars of valuation is required to produce the necessary revenue for the administra- tion of the city and county govern- ments. Other Taxes Are Raised. On the other hand, take a dead towL. Property values are low. Merchants’ stocks are small and they have little money in the bank, Industries which ordinarily pay a large part of the taxes of a community have closed down. There are vacant store buildings which were formerly filled with stocks of merchandise upon which the owners paid heavy taxes. Who pays the taxes that were once paid by the mechants, the manufacturers, the bankers and the men who had large holdings of high-priced property! The taxes to conduct the city and county govern- ments, to maintain the schools, to build and repair the roads must be collect- ed from someone. Who pays them? The man who owns his little home or the vacant lot or two upon which he has been planning to build his home must pay double or triple the amount which he paid in the times when the town was prosperous, to make up for the taxes which are not paid now by the merchants, the bankers, the manu- facturers and the big property owners who bore the heaviest burdens of tax- ation when times were good. The farmers in the country sur- rounding the town are also among the heaviest sufferers from the ebbing of the town’s prosperity. A certain amount of money must be raised by taxation to provide for the expenses of the county. Roads must be built and kept in repair. Bridges must be built and maintained. Salaries of county officers must be paid. County institutions for the care of the sick ana tue poor must be maintained. In counties which contain one or more thriving towns, a large proportion of the taxes for the county are paid by the towns. The greater the wealth of the towns and the higher the prop- erty valuations, the lower the tax levy for the entire county. When the tax levy is low the burden placed upon the farmer is light. ~ Burden Falls on Farmer. When the county contains no pros perous and wealthy towns, the greater part of the burden of taxation for the county falls upon the farmer. The value of the farmer’s property does not fall in proportion to the value of the property in the town and the higher tax levy that results from the lower property values in the towns makes his taxes higher. The farmer forgets at times that he 1s vitally interested in the prosperity of “his town.” He thinks that it is up to the town to take care of itself and that it is up to him to take care of himself and he overlooks that fact that the prosperity of the town means as much to him as it does to those who live in it. The farmer who is inclined to overlook this fact has only to think of the matter of taxes and he is likely to change his point of view for taxes are one thing that neither he nor any- one else can escape, and they are one thing in which the farmer ordinarily takes a very lively interest. How Farmer Can Help. There is just one way in which the farmer can best promote prosperity in the town near which he lives and that is by spending his money in that town instead of sending it away to the far- distant city. Every time the farmer sends an order to a mail order house he helps to destroy the prosperity of his own community and to boost his own taxes. When he sends a dollar away from home he gets none of it back. When he spends a dollar at home, a part of that dollar comes back to him in some way. It helps the town where it is spent to provide a profit- able market for his products and it helps the town pay a large part of his taxes. The farmer is the one man in the community, above all others, who should have no love for the mail order houses for they are doing more to add to his troubles than any other oae agency. in Pianos Radios Phonographs HARTER’S MUSIC STORE 18 N. Allegheny St. NASH High Quality....Low Upkeep Wion Garage West Bishop St. BELLEFONTE Your Satisfaction IS OUR RECORD FOR SERVICE That Good GULF Gasoline on the edge of town, on the State College road. EDGEFONT FILLING STATION and REST ROOM BOND C. WHITE, Prop. The Scenic Moose Temple|Theatre PICTURES SHOWS Goo Have You Been getting everything that’s com- ing to you when buying groceries We give you Service and Good Groceries at Right Prices THOMAS S. HAZEL DEALER IN Staple and Fancy Groceries $1.75 $1.75 Ladies’ Silk Hose (Guaranteed) We will give a new pair free for any pair that shows a run- ner in the leg er a hole in the heel or toe. Yeager’s Shoe Store BEEZERS GARAGE STUDEBAKER International Trucks See the ““Duplex”’ Car GEO. A. BEEZER G. F. Musser Co WHOLESALE GROCERS FRANK M. MAYER Manufacturer of Snow-flake and White-lily FLOUR We carry a large stock of All Kinds of Feed in both our Mills. We are always in the market for Grain. Bellefonte Mill Roopsburg Mill FordTouring Completely Overhauled ® S. H. POORMAN’S GARAGE BELLEFONTE, PA. Telephone Bell 23-R to your home with a convenient “Heatmore” Pipeless Furnace CLEAN AND SANITARY Saves Fuel Saves Work Extra Heavy Castings Deep Cup Joints Revolving Cinder Crushing Grates Properly installed in your Home at a price that will sur- prise you. Carload buying gives us this advantage. A few remain unsold of the car- load. Place your order now and save some real money. Bellefonte Hardware Co. Montgomery & Co BELLEFONTE, PA. Genuine ENGLISH BROAD CLOTH SHIRTS Specially Priced $2.45 Blue — Tan — White — Gray | Flexible Flyer Sleds claimed by all boys and girls the only perfect steering coaster sled made— A Few Left at Reduced Prices Olewine’s Hardware VAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA - The Talk of the Town! Selby’s and Just Wrights Arch Support Shoes FOR MEN AND WOMEN Mingle’s Shoe Store SNS SA AAAS Hissel's Meat Market is in on the Buy at Home Cam- paign because it offers such Choice Meats at the Right Prices that there is no reason for anybody buying elsewhere. WEA AA AAP Fruits Vegetables EVERYTHING IN SEASON EVERYTHING OF THE BEST Carpeneto’s Buy In Gealre Gouny Buy from whom you please BUT Buy in Centre County Hazel & Company eee T H E esse Bon Mot EVERYTHING THAT IT’S NAME IMPLIES Schlow’s Quality Shop Offers you Many Opportunities in Quality and Service that you can’t get by buying abroad