ne iti Bellefonte, Pa., January 30, 1925. NEWS ABOUT TOWN AND COUNTY. ——Philipsburg is seeking some ‘satisfactory way of ending futile runs of her costly fire pumpers to out-lying | communities where there is no water , supply to put the machines into ser- “vice with. Announcement has been made «of the appoinment of F. L. Richards, «of Lebanon, as manager of the Belle- fonte district of the Bell Telephone «company of Pennsylvania, succeeding the late C. W. Heilhecker. H. C. McWilliams, a graduate «of the Pennsylvania State College, «class 1911, and now farm agent for “Cambria county, is being boomed for the post of Secretary of Agriculture | in President Coolidge’s Cabinet. Evangelistic meetings will be held in the Presbyterian church Miles- burg, the first week of February. Rev. “Thompsen, of Bellefonte, will preach every night at 7:30 o'clock. Every one will be cordially welcomed at these services. The Bellefonte branch of the Needle-work Guild wiil hold a card party at the home of Mrs. W. J. Emerick, west Linn Street., on Thurs- day, February 5th, at eight o’clock. Bridge, five hundred and flinch will be played. Admission twenty-five cents. The Rev. M. DeP Maynard was ‘the guest of honor at a party given iby Mrs. Oscar Gray Thursday night wof last week. The guests were all mmembers of the Sycamore camp club, and as Mr. Maynard was one of them, this get-to-gether party was in the form of a farewell to him. Mrs. W. W. Waddle, who is pre- iparing to leave the Brant House, has .arranged to take charge of the Coffee Shop at the Bush House from the first of February. In moving from tthe hotel, Mrs. Waddle will go to the «Satterfield house on Bishop street, to be vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harrison. The building of the First Na- itional bank of Spangler, of which Col. .James A. McClain is cashier, was bad- ly damaged by fire on Tuesday, the es- timated loss being from $75,000 to $100,000. The banking room was so «deluged with water that the bank «could not open for business the fol- lowing day. At the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Port Matilda bank the following officers were elect- ed for the ensuing year: President, O. D. Everts; cashier, Fred K. O’Connor; directors, W. T. Hoover, W. Scott Crain, William Bennett, J. S. Wil- ‘liams, E. T. Spotts, I. G. Burkett, H. D. Way and William Seigle. . The. sun was eclipsed by the moon, on Saturday, but no place of amusement in Bellefonte can eclipse the Scenic. As a motion picture theatre it is in a class by itself, show- ‘ing . productions of the best film :makers in this country as well as :some produced abroad. Each evening ‘has its own big program and missing an evening means failure to see some werthwhile pictures. Last week the Watchman told of Harry Harding falling out of a second story window in Crider’s Ex- «hange and after picking himself up, :poing back upstairs and finishing his job of washing windows. day evening he was coming down High street and when he struck the icy pavement in front of the old Wil- ‘son property both feet flew out from under him and he came down full length on his back and head. He was ‘knocked out for a few minutes but the next day he was out and around as chipper as ever, all of which proves that a fall more or less to Harry is _ nothing unusual in his everyday life. TV hen a large majority of Penn- =:sylvania’s public school teachers are ‘not in the class room they spend a spood part of their time studying for ‘the improvement of their service to the community. The Pennsylvania State College helps them with classes in thirty-six towns in various parts of the State. Those who are not near enough to theze extension classes take advantage of the home study courses offered in educational subjects by the school of education of The Pennsylva- nia State College. There are over 200 teachers now enrolled in these corres- pondence courses and by the end of the school year that number will prob- ably be doubled. Benton D. Tate, who is so in- dissolubly connected with the Bell Telephone company in Bellefonte that he has filled almost every posi- tion but manager and at one time ve- fused that, will have rounded out ‘thirty-four years of service with that organization on February 1st. It was con that date in 1891 when he first went to work and since that time he has been pole climber, repair man, lineman, general trouble chaser and now fills the position of combination man, which construed literally means a little bit of everything. In his ear- lier days he could climb poles as nim- ble as a cat, and is possessed of the proverbial nine lives, as he has had a number of serious accidents but always comes up smiling and is soon back on the job. When he went to work as assistant foreman under the old Central Pennsylvania Telephone and Supply company Bellefonte had 79 phone users and State College three. Today Bellefonte has 1200 and the College exchange 1300, while exchanges are in operation at Centre Hall, Boalsburg, Spring Mills and Miliheim., On Satur- | i Rev. REED O. STEELY Pastor of the Evangelical church, Bellefonte, much revered by a mili- tant congregation that has just dedicated a very modern Sunday school ' room. A FESTAL SEASON FOR THE | ing type chairs, both substantial and | BELLEFONTE EVANGELICALS f . = 'cove:ed with sound-proof tileine, in The services dedicating the new $24,000.00 Sunday school room of the Bellefonte Evangelical church ful- filled all the hopeful expectations of the pastor, Rev. Reed O. Steely, and his faithful congregation. They began Saturday evening, when a banquet was served in the social hall as much | as were | of the next da ! persons were of a feast of material things to come in the spirtual feast present when S. D. _Gettig Esq., acting as toast master, ‘introduce! Rev. J. F. Hower, of State College, who reminisced, feli- citated the pastor and congregation ‘on their splended achievement in | building and paving the way for pleas- ing talks by Edw. F. Young, H. W. Kaler, Mrs. Maria Poorman, Edward J. Teaman, Rev. Steely and Bishop | Breyfogel. Of course the Imperial ' male quartet that had come up from | First church, Williamsport, for the ‘ dedication was called on for many songs and their music was an even: ing’s entertainment in itse'f. THE SUNDAY SERVICES. Sunday morning the Sunday school met in the new room, 251 strong, and was addressed by the Bishop. At 10 o'clock the first regular church service was held. Rev. Steely conducted the ovening and, after two splendid selections by the Imperial qnartet, introduced Bishop Breyfogel, who delivered one of the simplest, yet most impressive sermons it has ever been our good fortune to hear. Tak- ing a text from Acts he launched into a discussion of God’s relation to man and man’s to God that made the whole doctrine of regeneration . so plain and convincing that a child might have understood and a skep- tis been confuted. At the conclusion of the sermon the financial committee took charge and canvassed for subscriptions to the buliding fund with marked suc- cess, though the amount raised at the morning service was not then an- nounced. PLATFORM MEETING. At 2:30 in the afternoon a plat- form meeting was held with S. D. Gettig Esq., presiding. A number of visiting pastors spoke . Among them were Rev. Geo. W. Emenhizer, pastor emeritus of the United Brethren church; Rev. W. C. Bierly, retired ! Evangelical minister of State College; Rev. E. E. McKelvy, Rev. W. C. Thompson, Dr. Ambrose Schmidt, of Dellefonte, and Bishop Breyfogel. THE DEDICATORY. The formal dedication was made at the evening service. Then the church auditorium and the new Sunday school room were filled with an ex- pectant gathering. They were not disappointed, for Bishop Breyfogel was at his best and the hour and ten minute sermon he delivered seemed all too short for the great gathering that seemed to hang on his every word. Immediately following the sermon | the church ritual of dedication was read with the responses by the con- gregation. Then another canvass . was made and the final envelope re- “vealed that $4172.00 had been raised. Since then enough other contributions have filtered in to bring the grand total about $4200.00. Work on the construction of the addition to the church which houses the Sunday school room on the same floor level as the auditorium of the church, provides lavatories, social room, kitchen and heating plant in the basement, as well as a garage for ‘the pastor's car, was begun a year i ago. It is 45x56 ft. and high enough | to bring the roof into position for adaption to the lines of architecture “along which the old church building will be remodeled later. When finally ' completed it will be a very imposing , church edifice, of dark red brick laid lin black mortar with lines following the Moorish style. The Sunday school room will seat approximately 700 people. Glass ‘enclosed galleries run around three sides of it affording sixteen separate class rooms. All of these are furnish- ed with solid oak, double unit, fold- -, I+ | . of the church that proved auite as a memorial to a courageous pas- y. Over two hundred | comfortable. the floors are all block effect. The lighting is effective, as we'l as ornamental and every win- dow is of art glass, special designed ; as memorials to those who installed : them, The building is without doubt the most complete one of its kind in this community and it will stand for years tor and a loyal congregation; mute testimony to the soundness of the business methods the committee hav- ing it in charge must have followed in order to get such a structure for the money they spent. Bellefonte Insurance Rates Given a Big Boost. Reports this week that Bellefonte insurance rates are being boosted, in some in- stances, at least a maximum of forty per cent, notwithstanding the fact that the town now has the best fire fighting apparatus manufactured and the entire equipment up to the stand- ard demanded by the Underwriters’ association. Four years ago when borough council decided.the old fire i i { i i ' | | ! | ‘with early twilight. A Cloudless Sky Afforded Goed View of Saturday’s Eclipse. Every resident of Centre county who took the trouble to take a look, | and it is probable that nine-tenths of the adult population did so, got splen- did views of Saturday’s solar eclipse of the sun. The sky was cloudless fol- lowing the unusually cold and frosty morning. In fact it was the coldest of the season, thermometers ranging from six to ten degrees below zero. The eclipse officially began at 7.58 and it was easily discernible a few minutes after eight o’clock. At 9.08 only a faint rim of the sun showed underneath the moon, which marked the maximum of the eclipse in this section. From that time on the eclipse disappeared quite rapidly and came to an end shortly after ten o’clock. Contrary to some of the stories pub- lished that almost total darkness would prevail at the time the eclipse was at its height, such did not prove to be the case. It grew darker, of course,through the almost total eclipse of the sun, but was about on a par So far as has been learned nobody in Centre county was frightened by | the unusual spectacle. Everybody! was watching for it and naturally | looked at it as often as possible, as | no one will have an opportunity to ' see another such phenomenon. | 1 have reached this office - ciation. | engines obsolete and decided to. pur- | chase triple pumpers at an expendi- ture of almost twenty thousand dol- lars the Underwriters’ association not only approved the maeyement - but promised a reduction in the then ex- isting insurance rates. The pumpers were purchased and everything per- taining to fire protection put in the condition demanded by the associa- tion and finally approved. After. that was done the question of reduction in insurance rates was taken up with the underwriters and the latter stated that the matter was in the course of adjustment and would be given proper consideration in due time. three men came to Bellefonte and took rooms at the Y. M. C. A. They | with local “ings to be held at each place, as fol- | Several months ago, it is alleged,. 4 spent several weeeks here and during 44}, their stay it developed that they were insurance adjusters. mission would result in the lowering of insurance rates but according to business men it is just the reverse, and rates are being considerably in- creased. The question is one in which | pear at these meetings are E. B. Fitts, every property owner and business yj p, Monroe, Nicholas Schmitz, H. man in Bellefonte is interested and | C. Grubbs and H. G. Nissley, while the Kiwanis have decided upon an in- | j5cq] farmers will give their exper- vestigation to find out the reason for jonce with various crops. Among the the increase. Anc her Effort to Reorganize Rail- road Corporatien. Some ten or fifteen years ago resi- dents in the western and southern sections of Centre county were con- siderably exercised over a railroad survey madee for the proposed New York, Pittsburgh and Chicago rail- road, a new through line between the east and the west which, when built, ' it Davenport,chair and rocker. Oak would be sixty or more miles shorter | .. mahogany finish, upholstered in than any road now in operation. The | Spanish muleskin, February sale price survey, as made, ran from Harmony, Butler county, to Allentown. The route of the proposed road was from Houtzdale into Centre county by way Of course prop- for fi weeks beginni Februar erty owners were hopeful that their gy, YS Toons Demmg moh {day for five weeks beginning Febru- i i | | i i ! of Sandy Ridge, tunneling through the Alleghenies into Bald Eagle valley and also tunneling through into Half- moon township, Centre county. The route then was across the Barrens to a point above Pine Grove Mills and down the Southside through Boals- burg and Potters Mills. Every now and then the story bobs up in the shape of a reorganiza- tion of the company and a hearing was held before the Public Service Commission, in Harrisburg, on Wed- | nesday, evidencing the commission’s approval of a plan for reorganization. The matter was in charge of Henry 0. Evans, of Pittsburgh, seen. — The old time revival being provide their own lunch. conducted at the United ‘Brethren church, each night, is gaining in in- terest. Rev. Mills is preaching the “Old Time Gospel with the Old Time the piece of State highway, 16,831 Power” in a way that is bringing sin- ners to repentance. Go and take a friend. Special singing. and just | Centre county Pomona Grange will be what will happen if the commission held at Centre Hall, Pa. on Saturday, approves the plan remains to be January 31. PERLSTEIN.—From the Raleigh, N. C. News and Observer it is learn- ed that William Perlstein, at time a resident of Bellefonte, but for’ a number of years past a leading merchant of that southern city, dropped dead on the night of January 16th while playing a friendly game of pinocule at the home of a friend. Heart disease was the cause. During his residence in Bellefonte Mr. Peerl- stein was a clerk in Bauland’s “Bee Hive” store which was badly damag- was badly damaged by the fire which ed by the fire which burned the old Strychninee corner in March, 1885. Later he opened a dry goods store of his own, but ran it only a few years when he left Bellefonte and located aster he left Bellefonte and located in Philadelphia, but finally drifted south and took up his abode in Ral- eigh. He was manager of the Roylan-- Pearce company, of that city, and an ex-president of the Merchants’ asso- ——The sulphur-vapor baths and beauty parlor, corner Spring and High streets, are open continuously now. So far as possible bath appoint- ments should be made for Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. 70-5-1t Agricultural Meetings to be Held in | Centre County. | The old-time farmers’ institutes are a thing of the past but the farmers in five . district, communities .of Centre county will have an opportunity. dur- | ing the month of February of attend- ing a series of agricultural meetings which have been arranged by county agent R. C. Blaney in co-operation community committees. The schedule provides for five meet- lows: At Gentzel’s school house every Monday = for five weeks beginning February 2nd. At Rebersburg, every Tuesday for ve weeks beginning February 3rd. At Hublersburg, every Wednesday for five weeks beginning February At Spring Mills, every Thursday At Pine Grove Mills, every Fri- ary 6th. Among the speakers who will ap- questions discussed will be dairy im- provement, poultry, alfalfa and crops, concrete and its use, marketing, fer- tilizers and pasture improvement, potatoes and insects. These educational meetings are a part of the agricultural program for the coming year. The meetings are all free and every one is cordially in- vited to attend. ——Three piece bed davenport $78.50 at W. R. Brachbill’s. 5-1t Announcement. Commencing January 30th and con- tinuing to February 15th is W. R. Brachbill’s February sale of furniture. A twenty per cent discount from the original price tags will be granted on furniture and fifteen per cent on rugs. Buying furniture or rugs during this sale means dollars saved on quality merchandise. Any selection made at this time will be held for future de- livery. Comparisens of quality and price invited. b-1t Grange Meeting at Centre Hall. The regular quarterly meeting of Morning and afternoon sessions will be held and those attending should ee ———— ——Avery and Bailey, Philipsburg contractors, were the low bidders for feet, running from a point near All- port to Kylertown, in Clearfield coun- ty. Their bid was $148,432. | Christmas visit strong and Mrs. Clark Carson. NEWS PURELY PERSONAL. —Mr. and Mrs. Eben Bower have had as a house guest this week Mrs. Bower's sis- ter, Mrs. Burd, of Millheim. —Frank Derstine, of Juniata, was in Bellefonte on Sunday,here for a day’s visit with his mother, Mrs. William Derstine. —Miss Viola Tate, daughter of D. K. Tate, of Lock Haven, fell in Milton, on Saturday, where she was visiting with friends, and broke her ankle. —Miss Cora Campbell, of Seward, and Mrs. H. J. Loeb, of Punxsutawney, sisters of Mrs. James K. Barnhart, spent the week-end at the Barnhart home on east Linn street. —-Mrs. Robert A. Miller spent several hours in Bellefonte on Friday, on her way home to Tyrone, following one of her fre- quent visits with her mother, Mrs. Jami- son, at Spring Mills. —Mrs. Carrie C. Mosher, Mrs. Ella J. Bower , of Genoa, N. Y., and Mrs. Madge E. Corning, of Groton, N. Y., all sisters of the late J. S. McCargar, were in Bellefonte last week for the funeral of the late Mrs. McCargar. —Miss Ella Hayes, of Syracuse Univer- sity; John Hayes and Mr. and Mrs. James Heger, of Pittsburgh, were among those from out of town who were in Bellefonte this week for the funeral of the late Mrs. Edmund P. Hayes. —-IHenry MeCracken, with his two sisters, the Misses Mary and Elizabeth McCracken, of west Ferguson township, were visitors in Bellefonte Tuesday, having driven down to spend a part of the day doing their mid-winter shopping and to look after some business matters. —Miss Berenice inandis returned, Tues- one | day, to resume her work in Altoona, fol- | lowing an enforced vacation on account of illness. Miss Landis had been home for a and shortly after going back became so ill that she was obliged to return to Dellefonte. —Mrs. Frank Palmer, of Potter's Mills, spent last week in Bellefonte with rela- tives, the time being divided between her cousins, Mrs. O. M. Zimmerman, Mrs. Arm- It was her first visit here since her long and serious illness with typhoid fever. —Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Smith left last Saturday afternoon for a week's visit in the eastern part of the State, with plans for leaving early in February to go by water to Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Smith will locate for the present in Jacksonville, intending later to go further south. —Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Griffith are ex- pected in Bellefonte this week and for the present will be house guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. Clayton Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Griffith have been in Philadelphia and Camden since the late fall with Mrs. Grif- fith's children, J. C. Dawson and Mrs. Greene. —Mrs. Wells L. Daggett and her son Boynton, who have been in Cleveland since the Holidays with Mrs. Daggett's’ niece, Mrs. Maynard Murch, are expected home this week. Mrs, Murch has been east dur- , ing January for her annual winter visit with her sister, Mrs. Georgie Daggett, in New York city. —Mrs. John G. Love and her daughter, Miss Catherine, will attend the wedding of John G. Love and Miss Marion Witmer, | which will be solemnized in Philadelphia to-morrow, at the home of the bride. Mr. and Mrs. Love, upon théit arrival in Belle- fonte will live at the Brockerhoff house for the present. —George Gregory, of State College and New York eity, and a former business man of Bellefonte, was here for a short time on Tuesday, leaving on the noon train for Florida, where he and Mrs. Gregory will be until April. Mr. Gregory has spent the greater part of the past year with his parents in Athens, Greece. : —The Rev. Wilson P. and Mrs. Ard and their small son and Miss Neese, left Wed- nesday for the Pacifis coast where the Ards will visit at Santa Monica, Cal, for a time or until Rev. Ard’s health is im- proved. Meanwhile he will decide as to which of his very promising offers will be accepted before locating definitely. —Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Reiter returned on : Sunday night from Cleveland, where Murs. Reiter had been under surgical treatment of specialists. During their absence Mr. Reiter's sister, Miss Alma Reiter, of Mon- toursville, was in charge of their home at the Academy and upon her return home Mr. Reiter’s aunt came to be with them in- definitely. : : —George P. Bible, who had been in Bellefonte for a month with Mrs. Bible and his daughters, Mrs. Blair, Mrs. Walker and Mrs. Schad, left last Friday for New Eng- land to resume his work as one of the leec- turers with the Swarthmore Chautauqua. Mr. Bible’s entire time is given to the work, save for his short visits home with the family. Edward Kane Had Narrow Escape in Railroad Accident. Edward Kane drove into Bellefonte from Roopsburg, last Saturday even- ing, in his wife’s Ford car. After spending a brief time here he started home and evidently forgot about the freight train on the Lewisburg and Tyrone railroad and the result was he ran right into it, headon. The car was badly wrecked and Mr. Kane sustained several cuts on the head, a number of bad bruises and injuries to both legs. He was taken to his home at Roopsburg where he is confined to bed. He was fortunate, however, in escaping with his life. Pletcher—Devinny.—Joseph Calvin Pletcher, of Blanchard, and Ruth Orpha Devinny, of Hecla Park, were married Tuesday afternoon at 3 o’clock by the Rev. Reed O. Steely, at the parsonage of the Evangelical church in this place. Mr. Pletcher is a traveling salesman but will make Bellefonte his headquarters, so the couple will reside here. Billet—Bechdel—Edward D. Bil- lett, of Coleville, and Mary E. Bech- del, of Bellefonte, were married by the Rev. Reed Steely, at the parson- age of the Evangelical church in this place on Sunday afternoon at 4:30. The groom is employed by the B. C. R. R. Co. and the newly weds will make their home in this place. wn — fl Bellefonte High Downs Hollidaysburg Last Saturday night at the local armory the High school boys defeated the fast quintet from Hollidaysburg by the score of 42-16. As the score indicates, the game was not so close ‘that the final outcome was ever in , doubt. The boys from Hollidaysburg were not up to their usual strength, due to injuries received in a previous game, but whatever they lacked in individual stars and in teamwork, they made up in spirit and hard playing. During the first quarter both teams played an offensive game that was its own defense and which was nearly equal on both sides. The score at the quarter was 12-8, with Bellefonte on the long end. The speed of that first period seemed to use up the reserve energy of the visitors, for the rest of the game they were on the defense. During the second quarter they scored one point while the locals accounted for eight, bringing the totals to 20-9 at the half-time. The game slowed up after the second half began, due to the lack of an incentive to score on our part. Although 22 points were added to Bellefonte’s score, there was no continued drive for baskets, no de- termined rush to penetrate Hollidays- | burg’s defense. The line-up follows: : Bellefonte Hollidaysburg i Iimel Forward Hughes : Herman Forward King : Bower Centre Hoenstine Waite Guard Moore | Furey Guard Robeson Substitutes—Clark for Bower, Best for Herman, Oakst for Hoenstine, Lasser for Robeson. Field goals—Bellefonte, Emel 6, Herman 6 Bower 2, Furey 1, Clark 2; Hol- lidaysburg, Hughes 1, King 3, Oakst 1. Free throws—Bellefonte, Emel 3 out of 8, Herman 2 out of 3, Furey 1 out of 3; Hol- lidaysburg, Hughes 4 out of 5, King 1 out of 2, Hoenstine 1 out of 2, Moore 0 out of2. B. H. S. sympathizes with coach Mordon and his crippled team. They showed excellent sportsmanship in the clean brand of basket-ball they dis- played, and their earnest endeavor to overcome the handicap of playing without their full strength. On Friday night the boys will be entertained at Philipsburg, and on Saturday they play at Houtzdale. The next home game we have will be February 6th. It will be with Phil- ipsburg here. Following that we have five straight games at home. We are near the top of the league now, but in just what position we cannot tell, as we have not heard the week- end results from the other members of the league. The members of the Odd Fellows band kindly contributed their services to Saturday night’s game. The time between the quarters and halves was : greatly enlivened and the spectators showed their appreciation by their | sala spirit. The High school extends | its heartiest thanks to the Odd Fel- lows for their kindness. Twenty years guaranteed fold- ing coil bed spring for wood beds, February sale price $6.40 at Brach- bill’s. 5-1t B. H. S. Girls Defeat Lock Haven. Last Friday night at the Y. M. C. A., the High School girls defeated the lassies from Lock Haven High School in a game not as plentiful in thrills and action as others we have seen. Plenty of spirit and determination was in evidence but was somewhat checked because the ball was held too much. Both sides seemed to have the same difficulty in getting the ball free and the few times the spheroid was loose, real basket-ball was shown. The final count was 22-14. On Friday the girls journey to Re- novo to play the girls basket-ball team of Renovo High school. Here’s hoping. The next home game for the girlz is Feb. 7 on which date they play the quintet from Renovo. At a meeting of directors of the Athletic Association it was decided that the girls team should not play the sextet from Lucia. -——A ten piece Queen Anne com- bination walnut dining room suit at $146.50 during February sale at W. R. Brachbill’s furniture store. 5-11 Needle-Work Guild Report. The report of the Bellefonte branch of the Needle-work Guild of America shows that during the yea: 1924 the members contributed 63% articles of which 200 were deliverec to the Centre county hospital; 23: articles were distributed to private cases in different sections of Centre county, leaving a balance in the pos: session of the Guild of 205 articles. At the annual meeting held No. vember 28, 1924, the following officer: were elected for 1925. Honorary president, Mrs. H. C. Valentine; presi dent, Mrs. W. J. Emerick; vice-presi dents, Miss Mary Hoy and Mrs. R. S Brouse; secretary, Mrs. John Curtii and treasurer, Mrs. W. Fred Rey nolds. ——Birch mahogany davenport ent tables, a $6.50 value for $4.50, during February sale at W. R. Brachbill’s 5-1t Sale Register Friday, February 6, 1925, at 1 o'clock | m., C. C| Keichline, at his residence 25 W. High St., will sell a complete line ¢ household goods. Terms, strictly ecasl L. Frank Mayes, Auctioneer. 70-5-2t Bellefonte Grain Markets, Corrected Weekly by C. Y. Wagner & C¢ Wheat = = - - - - $2.0 Corn. = = =» = « = = .12 Bye » =~ = = =.= '» 1% Oats - - - - - . r Barley - - - - - - 1.0 Buckwheat « - - er Na 1.1