Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, January 30, 1925, Image 4
——————————— Bellefonte, Pa., January 30, 1925. ® GRAY MEEK. Editor — — emmes— Te Correspondents.—No communications published unless accompanied by the real mame of the writer. Terms of Subscription.—Until further setice this paper will be furnished to sub- scribers at the following rates: Paid strictly in advance - Paid before expiration of year 1.75 Paid after expiration of year 2.00 Published weekly, every Friday morn- img. Entered at the postoffice, Bellefonte, Pa., as second class matter. In ordering change of address always give the old as well as the new address. It is important that the publisher be no- tified when a subscriber wishes the pa- per discontinued. It all such cases the subscription must be paid up to date of cancellation. A sample copy of the “Watchman” will be sent without cost to applicants. Sp $1.50 A WOMAN’S VIEWS OF TRAVEL IN CHINA. Another Interesting Letter from Mrs. W. R. North. Dear Mother and All: When I wrote to Berenice more than three weeks ago I fully intended to get a letter off to you the following week. Where the time has gone to I don’t know. I planned when I came to the mountains to get caught up with my correspondence, but our va- cation is almost half gone and I have not accomplished anything in the way of letter writing. If only there were not so many other things to take one’s attention. There are thirteen fami- lies or more of foreigners here now crowded into three temples and we! have a great many interruptions. Ev- en our mornings, when we plan to spend all of our time studying Chi- ‘nese, are so broken into that we feel we have accomplished nothing. But I guess we are making some progress. I am working hard every day on the first five hundred characters. We are supposed to be able to write them so as to be examined in them soon after we return to school in the fall. It’s no easy task, I assure you. Sometimes I feel as though it’s almost a hopeless task, but, surely some day I'll be able to write the crazy things. Daddy, the next time you read the first ten chapters of the Gospel of John (Yohan Fuyin) think of Bill and me reading them in Chinese. It’s the worst thing in the way of Language Study that I've tried to tackle yet, But it, like the five hundred charac- ters, I also hope to get some day and I certainly hope I'll be able to retain it so that I can read it for you when I come home. I've heard of some folks being asked to repeat the Lord’s. Prayer in Chinese when they’ve been home on furlough, and being embar- rassed to death because they couldn’t do it I do hope my Chinese will stay with me while I'm on furlough. T’'m | getting now so that I think more! quickly in Chinese than in English and am often at loss for an English word when I can instantly think of a Chi- nese character to express my mean- ing. Today the ‘June 6th copy of the “Watchman” reached me, I was sorry to see the notice of Dr. Wilcox’s death. It makes us realize how many changes will have taken place by the time we return home. We have not yet been gone a year and already many of our friends and acquain- tances have died . And weve had announcements of three weddings since we reached Kwanhsien. Your letter of May 25th reached me about three weeks ago. I hope by this time you are having some warm weather to make up for the cool spring. How I wish you could all be here with us on the mountains. The weather certainly is delightful. Here ! it is almost the last of July and we don’t know what it is to be really warm, unless we take a trip down to | Kwanhsien City or climb the fours] tains, and then it is the exercise which makes you warm. I'm sitting on our verandah now and there is the loveiest | breeze blowing. In fact this morning ' when I was sitting here studying I° had to put on my sweater. Two weeks ago to-day, Miss Hutch- insen, an English lady, Bill, and I took a trip to a temple located on the “Green City Mountain” (Chin Cheu | San) a distance of about sixty li, or' 20 miles from here. We walked the whole way and I tell you I was pretty tired when we climbed the last flight of steps up into the temple. The scenery on the mountain was beauti- ful, though, and the temple itself very attractive. We stayed there Thursday and Friday and made the return trip on Saturday. The accommodations for | foreigners there are not very good, however. There are so many natives ; there worshiping, and we had our rooms right close to their quarters. The first night it was so noisy we could get very little sleep. The Chi- nese never seem to go to bed, for at least, that’s the way it sems to us. Bill has written quite a long descrip- tion of our trip to Chin Cheu San, so I won’t go into detail. When we left there Saturday morning for the re- turn trip, it was raining. But I was anxious to get back home and so we started out in the rain. It was rather slippery coming down the mountain roads, but when we reached the plain it was raining very little and walking was fine. Because I became so tired on the trip over, Bill sent for his wha- gau(a seat swing between two poles and carried by two men) to meet me and carry me part way home. It met me about ten li out of Kwanhsieu and I was grateful for a lift, though I i was getting along pretty well. The 1 . poles weren't strong enough for my hundred and fifty pounds, though for just about three li out from Kwan- hsieu one pole broke and I almost went down into the ditch. We had to stop in Kwanhsieu and buy new poles, which took over an hour and I was anxious to get home early. But you just can’t hurry the Chinese. Part ot the time when we were waiting for the pole to be changed, I sat in a little shop beside a woman who was hold- ing a baby that was just covered with what looked like boils. I asked the woman what “bin” (sickness) the child had, and she replied “do do”, Well, I didn’t know any more than I did before. But afterwards I asked Miss Hutchinson about it she said it was small-pox. I had never heard small-pox called by that term. The only term I knew for it was “tieu” wha’ which means “heavenly flower.” Well, I'm expecting to develop small- pox any day, now, but I hope I won’t. Changing chair poles out here is like changing tires on an automobile at home. But chair poles are a little cheaper. My new poles on my wha gau cost 1,800 cash or about 25c¢ gold. When we reached our rooms lrere at the temple Saturday evening, just as it was getting dark, I felt as if I was getting back home. As inconven- ient as things are here, They were much more so at Chin Cheu San, and they also had more fleas over there. Tomorrow, Mr. and Mrs. Starrett, Bill and I plan to start on another trip to visit Dr. Stubbs, an English- man, at his bungalow about forty li from here. Where he is located there is a fine swimming and also good fishing and Bill expects to have his first opportunity to catch Chinese fish. His tackle is very crude and I doubt if he’ll be able to catch anything. This trip we also expect to make on Shanks mares, but we'll take the wha gan along to be on the safe side. If it rains, of course, we won’t be able to go. Nobody here ever starts out on a pleasure trip in the rain, for it’s no fun at all taking a trip in the rain in China. You only go in the rain when you have to. Yesterday and last night we had the hardest rains we've had since we came to the mountains. Just now the sun is shining, but it doesn’t look as if it were going to stay with us very long. To-day the cook has been busy get- ting food ready for our trip. He has canned five pints of lovely red plumbs and is now making apple sauce. We are getting apples now, but they're just about the size of our crabapples | at home and are not good eating raw. We either stew them or make sauce of them. I want to can enough sauce so that we’ll have it next winter. I don’t know whether I mentioned in my letter to Anna or Berenice that just before we came to the mountains we unpacked a big box of foreign stores that came from Shanghai. certainly was lots of fun and unless they’re stolen while we’re up here, we'll have good “eats” next winter. Among them are such things as sauer kraut, dill pickles, cheese, shrimp, oysters, chipped beef, all kinds of fruit, olives, etc. some of which I never expected to see out here in China. We're eating a small box of kraft cheese now, and I tell you we make it last a long time. In our order was also two dozen lemons, and out of the two dozen, only two were spoiled. I brought ten of them up to the mountains with me and still have two of them left. The times when iwe have lemonade are few and far between, but oh! It does taste good. Yes, we have heard of the death of It the Chinese delegate to the General Conference. He was a teacher in our Boys’ High School at Chung King (where we will be) and Mr. Rape had planned for him to study in America before he returned to China. He has a wife and two sons in Chung King. He was rather a despondent sort of | person and was not very well while he was in the States. He had decided to return to China as soon as General Conference was over, and not stay to study. He worried a great deal about the conditions in the States (a supposedly Christian country) didn’t cheer him up much. It certainly is too bad. At first, we felt that it couldn’ be true. Bill met him when we stop- ped over in Chung King. Well, I must close. My hand is ter- ribly cramped, and I have much to do to get ready for our trip to-morrow. In spite of two servants to help, there is always plenty for me to do my- self. Heaps of love to you every one, Sarah. Changes Proposed in Fishing Laws. A new code of fishing laws, making numerous changes in the existing laws, was introduced in the Legisla- ture on Monday night by Representa- tive Huber, of Lackawanna county. The bill reduces the age limit for licenses from 18 to 16 years and changes various closed seasons and limits of catches. The closed season for all trout except lake and salmon trout, would be from August 1 to April 30; for lake or salmon trout, September 30 to June 80, and for bass, pike and mus- callonge, December 1 to June 30. Lim- its of catches fixed by the code would be: Charr or trout, 15; white and rock bass, 15; small or large mouth bass, 10; wall-eyed pike, 10; pickerel, 15; muscallonge, 3; yellow perch, sun fish cat fish, suckers, chubs and fall fish, 25; striped bass, 5 and others species of fish, 5. — Miss Winfred M. Gates has ac- cepted a position with the Keystone Power Corporation, having gone to work on Monday morning. NOLL.—The very sudden death of Boyd A. Noll,at his home at Zion,early last Friday morning, was a distinct shock to his many friends, not only at that place but in Bellefonte and else- where. He had been in Bellefonte the day previous and spent the most of Friday in his store. After closing that evening he went home and was apparently in as good health as ever. When he retired for the night he had no premonition of illness but about one o’clock in the morning he roused up and complained of a pain in the side of his face. While rubbing his face he experienced a similar feel- inging in one arm. He started to rub the arm and almost immediately his breathing became labored and irregular and the end came within a few minutes. Boyd Allen Noll was a son of Henry and Emeline Evey Noll and was born at Pleasant Gap on Decerh- ber 23rd, 1871, hence had reached the age of 53 years and one month. His schooling was received at Pleasant Gap and when but twenty-one years of age he went to Zion and embarked in the mercantile business in. a small way. In the thirty-two years he had been there he built up one of the best country stores in Centre county and was universally esteemed for his honest, fair dealing with ali his patrons. He was a member of the Reformed church at Zion and one of its most liberal supporters. He belonged to the Hublersburg lodge of Odd Fellows and was a stockholder in both the First National bank of Bellefonte and the Bellefonte Trust company. He married Miss Emma Garbrick, of Zion, who survives with one son, Kermit, a student at Bucknell Uni- versity. He also leaves three broth- ers and one sister, W. H. Jr.,, J. Abner and John T. Noli, all of Pleas- ant Gap, and Mrs. H. T. Ramsey, of Harrisburg. His pastor, Rev. Gass, had charge of the funeral services which were held at his late home at Zion on Tues- day morning, burial being made in the Zion cemetery. I il GATES.—Miss Hannah Margaret Gates passed away at 1.40 o’clock on Monday morning, at the home of Mrs. Mary Kane, at Roopsburg, in whose care she had been the past five weeks. She had been a sufferer with para- lysis since December, 1923, and spent almost a year in the Centre County hospital. A daughter of David and Mary Solt Gates she was born in Spruce Creek valley on July 25th, 1865, hence was 59 years, 6 months and 1, day old. The greater portion of her life, however, was spent at Loveville and Centre Line. For thirty-five years she was housekeeper forthe late John P. Sebring, coming to Belle- fonte at the time he moved here about sixteen years ago, and this had been her home ever since. Her survivors include Charles L. Gates, of Bellefonte; Mrs. Robert C. Kustaborder, of Warriorsmark; Mrs. Hayes C. Dixon, of Johnstown; Miss Ella A. Gates, of Bellefonte; Charles Young, of Altoona; Benner G. Gates, of Lewistown, and Earl E. of Denver, Col. She was a member of the Method- ist church, of Bellefonte, and Rev. E. i E. McKelvey had charge of the fun- eral services which were held at the home of her brother, C. L. Gates, on Spring street, at two o’clock Wednes- day afternoon, burial being made in the Union cemetery. HAYES. ars. Il Alice McGrath Hayes, wife of Edmund. P. Hayes, ! passed away at the West Penn hos- pital, Pittsburgh, early on Sunday morning as the result of shock fol- lowing an operation, for appendici- tis. She was the youngest child of Thomas and Norah McGrath and was born at Morris, Ill.,, where she spent the greater part of her girlhood life. She married Edmund Pruner Hayes in California, in 1913, spending a year in that State then coming east to Illinois, living at Joliet and in Chi- cago until Mr. Hayes was discharged from service in the world war when they located in Pittsburgh, where they have since lived. Her frequent and long visits in Bellefonte with her husband’s mother, Mrs. Hayes, resulted in her becoming quite well known and a universal favorite among a large circle of friends. was possessed of a charming person- ality and endowed with a sense of wit and humor made her a desirable ac- quisition in all social gatherings. In addition to her husband she is survived by one sister and two broth- | ers, Mrs. John Welsh, of Joliet, IIL, and John and Robert McGrath, both of Morris, Ill, all of whom were here for the funeral. The remains were brought to Bellefonte on Monday and taken to the apartment of Mrs. Hayes, in the Eagle block. She was a mem- ber of the Catholic church and fun- eral mass was held in the Bellefonte church at ten o'clock on Wednesday morning by Rev. Father Downes, burial being made in the Hayes lot in the Union cemetery. 1 ll RAGER.—Miles I. Rager, a native of Centre county, died quite suddenly as the result of hemorrhages, last Thursday morning, while on his way to work as janitor at the Odd Fel- lows’ building in Altoona, where he had been employed for some time. He was born in Milesburg on De- cember 31st, 1847, hence was a little past seventy-seven years of age. His wife died eight years ago and his only survivor is one daughter, Mrs. E. L. Roddy, with whom he made his home. Burial was made in the Rose Hill cemetery, Altoona, on Saturday. Mrs. R.G H| pp — PRICE.—A. R. Price, an aged resi- dent of Taylor township, died on Sat- urday at the home of Mrs. Catherine McGrady, following an injury sus- tained some weeks ago. He was nine- ty-one years of age and is survived by the following children: Mrs. Price, of Hannah Furnace; Thomas and Mrs. James Reese, of Julian. The funeral was held at two o'clock on Monday afternoon, burial being made in the Mt. Pleasant cemetery. State Troopers Raid Clarence. ' Last Friday afternoon a squad of three state policemen pulled off a raid at Clarence which yielded four stills, fifty-four gallons of moonshine, ten barrels of mash and a quantity of beer. The first place visited was the in the act. Mrs. John Pushcella was caught in charge of a ten gallon still and Mrs. Mary Planko was operating a ten and a five gallon moonshine maker. Each one was held in one thousand dollars bail for trial at the next term of court. ——If yesterday’s snow had been rain it would have furnished enough water for any use. BIRTHS Mcese—On January 4, Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. Meese, of Bellefonte, a son, Harry Harrison. Shutt—On January 8, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Shutt, of Bellefonte, a son, Donald Wane. Snyder—On January 1, to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph F. Snyder, of Pleasant Gap, a daughter, Carrie Elizabeth. Kissinger—On January 7, to Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Kissinger, of Marion Twp. a daughter, Vera Loraine. Pecht—On January 13, to Mr. and Mrs. Bruce H. Pecht, of Pleasant Gap, a son, Charles Harrison. Harpster—On January 16, to Mr. and “Mrs. Walter G. Harpster, of Spring Twp. a daughter, Mildred Louise. Vonada—On January 11, to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Vonada, of Walker Twp. a daughter, Dorothy May. Schaeffer—On January 11, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. A. Schaeffer, of Belle- fonte, a son, Robert Alexander. Rockey—On January 12 to Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Rockey, of Benner Twp., a daughter. : Schreffler—On January 12, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. D. Schreffler, of Belle- fonte, a son, Wilbur Aaron. Shope—On January, 11, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. F. Shope, of Bellefonte, a son, Richard Leonard. Anderson—On January 24, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Oscar Anderson, of Spring Twp., a son, Clarence. AARONSBURG Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Auman and Mr. and Mrs. Schaick made a busi- ness trip to Danville Tuesday. James E. Holloway ‘has for the past week been a grippe victim, Mr. and Mrs. George Stover also. James Musser, Elmer Long and John Houser have secured employ- ment in a stone quarry at Oak Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bressler, of Spring Mills, spent Sunday evening at the home of Mrs. Bressler’s broth- er, Wm. A. Guisewite and family. | Mrs. Raymond Wingard and baby Hester, of Coburn, have been spending | some time with Mrs. Wingard’s fath- er, C. E. Musser, during the absence of Mrs. Musser. Mrs. John Durst has been ill for the past two weeks or more, though not confined to her bed. However, her condition is somewhat improved and her friends trust she may soon fully . recover. Mrs. C. E. Musser has been in Wil- liamsport for the past ten days or two weeks where she is the guest of | her sister, Mrs. Miller, at whose home their mother, Mrs. Robert Hacken- burg, is spending the winter. John P. Condo and nephew, Frank Koch, returned on Friday from Wash- ington, D. C., where they spent the past several weeks conducting a food show. Mr. Condo for a number of years has been a very successful salesman for the Beardsley food pro- ducts. In last weeks locals mention was made of the illness of Mrs. Lewis Mensch who for some time has been [Sober We regret to note her con- dition does not improve as she is con- | fined to bed entirely. Mrs. Robert | Menigeh, her daughter-in-law spent Sunday with the Mensch family in , Sunbury. BOALSBURG Louise Whitehead has been ill with pneumonia the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stover, Misses Mary Reish and Nora Miller, spent Tuesday shopping in Bellefonte. Mrs. Ruth MacDowell and son, of Brunswick, N. J., are visiting at the home of her mother, Mrs. Higgins. Mr. and Mrs. George Fisher and Mrs. John Jacobs visited Miss Mar- garet Lytle, at the Centre County hospital, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Drooks and daughter Evelyn, of Spring Mills, spent Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jacoob Meyer. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rossman and Miss Margaret Rossman, of Lock formed church on Sunday and greet- ed friends at this, their former home. ——The shortest railroad in the world, which is operated at the docks along St. Joseph’s Bay in Florida is 1.43 miles long. The longest railroad in the world is the Trans-Siberian, a distance of over 5,500 miles. Leonora Walk, Sidney and Wilbur Price, of Coalport; Jesse, of Blue Ball, home of John Safko, who was caught : Haven, attended services in the Re- PENN STATE ASKS $4,323,220 TOTAL. . Bill Presented to Legislature Monday Night to Provide Funds for Two Years. An appropriation of $4,323,220 for the Pennsylvania State College was asked in a bill presented in the House at Harrisburg Monday night. Of this total, $3,360,932 is requested for gen- eral maintenance. $355,746 for agri- cultural research and $606,542 for agricultural extension, which includes the county farm agent service. | In commenting on the requests Dr. John M. Thomas, president of the coi- lege, declared that the amount is “a conservative statement of the needs of the college for the biennium 1925- 27 which properly should be met by State appropriation.” It is the least that the college can fairly ask for and continue its standard of service, ac- cording to college officials. The last legislative - appropriation totaled $2,168,600, and it failed to relieve conditions that showed the college to be underfinanced. As a result, it was found necessary to in- crease student fees in order to pre- vent a serious curtailment of the services of the institution, President Thomas states in his report on the legislative budget, which has received the approval of the college Board of Trustees. “Jt is an honest budget and con- tains no bit of extravagance,” de- clares Dr. Thomas. “The faculty salary scale, an excessive teaching load, a costly rate of depreciation in the physical plant of the college and additional equipment for up-to-date instruction compose the most im- portant items for immediate remedy. The college has exhausted the pos- sibilities of income from its own re- sources. Student fees already are too high for a State institution. Increases already made have worked serious hardship upon the very class of students the college was created to serve.” BOND BILL INTRODUCED. At the same time Senator W. IL Betts introduced the $8,000,000 bond proposal for building extension at the College. It passed the last Legisla- ture with unanimous vete but must be passed again at this session before it can go before the people of the State for a vote as to whether the consti- tution shall be amended so as to au- thorize it. - ‘PINE GROVE MILLS. G. W. Johnson is critically ill at his home at Milmont. | J. D. Neidigh is now paying $2.06 a bushel for wheat for shipment. Miss Nannie Pearson has been vis- iting her sister, Mrs. L. D. Musser. Harry C. Sunday, of Tadpole, spent Sunday with his mother in this place. Samuel Homan has received a car- load of steers from Chicago for fat- ting. . i J. G. Miller, of Philadelphia, spent the early part of the week at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Rossman were entertained at the Archie Laird home in the Glades, on Sunday. Charles Dale was a business visitor at Spring Mills last Thursday and is now suffering with an attack of the grip. W. S. Ward, of Baileyville, and his brother Elliott, of Pittsburgh, are visiting their brother Isaac, at Medi- na, Ohio. i Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Everhart and Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Reed motored to Colerain and spent Sunday at the Ben Everhart home Emory Rider, of Gatesburg, was a “Rock Springs visitor on Saturday "and reported the roads opened up and in good shape for sleighing. Comrade D. W. Miller became so much worse on Saturday night that he could not be taken to a Philadel- phia hospital, as had been planned. W. R. Port and daughter Florence spent Saturday at Rock Springs look- ing after their property there, which, it is rumored, will be occupied next year by George Barto. | The Methodist church was well filled, last Monday evening to hear ‘the colored evangelist, Dr. Jenks, of | South Carolina, lecture on “slavery and the causes of the Civil war.” | Robert Reed sold 2450 pounds of ' porkers last week to William Wit- mer at $10.50 per cwt. The Shoemaker She | living with her son, Harry Mensch, in brothers shipped several truck loads ' of hogs to Altoona and Petersburg. Ferguson township supervisors ‘have received a check for $3000 from | Harrisburg for township aid road | work. 'show up in the auditors’ report re- : cently published. Word has been received here of the marriage, on January 15th, of Miss Mary Krebs, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. J. Baker Krebs, and J. B. Vanbeslaht, both of Northumberland. The young | couple will take up their residence in Harrisburg. At their annual meeting last Tues- day the board of directors of the | First National bank, of State College, elected the following officers: Presi- dent, W. L. Foster; first vice presi- dent, C. H. Foster; second vice presi- dent, N. E. Hess; third vice presi- dent, Dr. L. E. Kidder; fourth vice ! president, Dr C. T. Aikens; cashier, "D. F. Kapp; trust officer, C. W. Swartz. The Peoples bank elected E. J. Williams, president; M. B. Meyer, ' president; B. F. Homan, second | vice president; C. H. Gould, ceshier, and P. B. Meek, assistant cashier. ——1It is just possible, moreover, that Hughes resigned to prove Wash- ington prevaricated when he said “few die and none resign.” , 70-3-3t 'S It was received too late to | Church Services Next Sunday ST. JOHN'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Services for February 1st, Fourth Sunday after Epiphany: 8 a. m. Holy Eucharist. 8:45 a. m. Mattins. 9:45 a. m. Church School. 11 a. m. Holy Eucharist and sermon. 7:30 p. m. Evensong and sermon. Monday, Purification of Our Lady, 10 a. m. Eucharist. Visitors always welcome. Rev. M. DeP. Maynard, Rector. ST. JOHN'S REFORMED CHURCH Ambrose M. Schmidt, D. D. Min- ister. Services next Sunday morning at 10.45 Sermon “What Shall We Have?” Evening service at 7.30 Ser- mon “What One Lie Cost.” Sunday school at 9.30 A. M. and union C. E. meeting at 6.45 P. M. BELLEFONTE METHODIST CHURCH Worship 10:45 subject “The Cross- roads of Life” and 7:30 “The Duty of Earnestness in Seeking Salvation.” Missionary program in the S. S. 9:30, Juniors 2.30. Epworth League 6:30. Monday night Official Board, Tuesday night class; Wednesday night prayer service. E. E. McKelvey, Pastor. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS OR SALE OR RENT.—Single "house, east Lamb St. 6 rooms and bath. Inquire of J. C. BARNES, Pleasant 70-5-1t* Gap, ANTED.—Responsible party to har- vest ice crop on artificial pond, Hughes field. Good proposition. For particulars inquire of JAMES R. HUGHES. 4-2t OODSMEN WANTED.—Experienced woodsmen wanted to cut and stock timber in Patton Township, Centre Co., Pa., on Buffalo Run, near Briarly and Filmore, Pa. Write or phone R. A. Smith, Tyrone, Pa. 70-5-3t DMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE.—Letters A of administration having been granted to the undersigned upon the estate of Elias Confer, late of Gregg township, deceased, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are re- quested to make prompt payment, and those having claims against the same must present them, duly authenticated, for set- tlement. JOHN W. CONFER, Administrator Orvis & Zerby, Spring Mills, R. F. D. Attorneys. 69-50-6t . OTICE TO .TAKE TESTIMONY.—In N the Court of Common Pleas of Cen- tre County. No. 109 December Term, 1923. Madeline A. Bell, Libellant, vs. Edward V. Bell, Respondent. Mr. Edward Bell, Peking, IIL Dear Sir: Please take notice that I have been appointed to take testimony in the above case, and that I shall hold a meeting for the purposes of my appointment on Fri- day, January 30th, 1925, at 10 o'clock a. m,, in my offices, No. 14, Crider’s Exchange Building, Bellefonte, Pennsylvania, at which time and place you are requested to attend. Very truly yours, KLINE WOODRING, Master. HERIFE’'S SALE.—By virtue of a writ of Fieri Facias issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Centre county, Pennsylvania, and to me directed, there will be exposed to public sale at the Ooury House, in the borough of Bellefonte, a., on . SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14th, 1925, at 1:30 o'clock p. m., the following describ- ed real estate as follows:. ; All that certain messuage, tenement and plot of ground lying and being in the bor- ough of State College, (formerly Fergu- son Township), Centre county, Pa., bound- ed and described as follows, to wit: Beziuning at a point on the West side of North Patterson street at the N, E. corner of lot No. 16, now or late the property of O. C. Johnston; thence along the aforesaid Johnston premises Westerly 177.5 feet to the line of a certain 20 foot wide alley run- ning parallel with North Patterson street; thence: Northerly ‘along line of said alley 72.6 feet more or less to lands of Pennsyl- vania State College; thence Easterly along College lands 177.6 feet to line of Patter- son street; thence Southerly along line of Patterson street 68.8 feet to the place of beginning. Being lot No. 17 as shown by the plan of lots laid out by Holmes and Foster, and the same premises which Joseph B. Shope and wife by their deed dated January 3rd, 1923, and recorded in Centre county Deed Book Vol. 128, page 101, conveyed unto W. W. Hennigh. Seized, levied upon, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of W. W. Hennigh. Terms of Sale: .No deed will be ac- knowledged until the purchase money is paid in full. E. R. TAYLOR, Sheriff. Sheriff’s Office, 70-4-3t Bellefonte, Pa., Jan. 20, 1925. Public Sale of Real Estate By virtue of an order issued by the. Or- phan’s Court of Centre County the under- signed Administrator of Samuel Frantz, late of the Township of Worth, Centre County, Pa., deceased, will sell at public sale on the premises in Worth Township, 2 miles north of Port Matilda, Pa., on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1925, at 1 o'clock P. M.,, the following Real Es- tate: All those 3 certain tracts of land sit- uate in Worth Township (formerly Half Moon), County of Centre and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a white oak on the survey in the name of Maria Morris, thence South 60 degrees East 100 perches to a white pine; thence South 30 degrees West 169 perches to a pine; thence South 80 de- grees West 50 perches to stones on the sur- vey in the name of William Miller and ad- joining Stephen McMonigal; thence along the same North 60 degrees West 64 perches to Hickory; thence by the line of survey North 30 degrees East 200 perches to the place of beginning, containing 122 acres and 60 perches, net measure. NO. 2, situate in the Townships of Worth and Taylor. Beginning at Post, corner of lands aforesaid of Reuben Frantz and Da- vid Henderson (on Gratz upper survey); thence by lands of C. Beckwith North 59 degrees West 15.7 perches to post on old Wise line; thence along said line and land of C. Beckwith Esq., North 32 degrees East 103 perches to post in Public Road near old Pine Stump o iginal corner; thence along said road and land of said Beckwith South 59 degrees East 14 perches to post in said road on said survey line; thence along said re-survey line and land of Reuben Irantz South 31 degrees Wout 103 perches to post, the place of beuin- ning, containing 9 acres and 8) pe “hes, net measure; excepting and reserving therefrom a tract of land containing 8 acres and one perch which Reuben I'rantz, | and wife, by their deed dated the 21st day of August, A. D, 1883, and recorded in Cen- tre County in Deed Book 104 page 3, granted and conveyed unto Levi Hamer. NO. 3, situate in the Townships of Worth and Taylor, bounded on the South by lands of Samuel Frantz, now deco: sed, on the West by lands of Rankin IR. McMon- igal, et al, on the North by linds of Wil- son Frantz, and on the East bv lands of the said Samuel Frantz, dee ased, contain- ing about 7 acres, more or li ss. Thereon erected a 2-storv frame dwelling house, bank barn and outbuildings. This iis a very desirable place; good fruit and water. TERMS OF SALE :—Ten per cent of bid on day of sale, 40 per cent on confirmation of sale and the balance in one year, to be secured by bond and mortgage on the premises. PIUS FRANTZ, Administrator of Samuel Frantz, Dec'd. 70-5-3t Port Matilda, R. F. D.,, Pa.