Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, January 23, 1925, Image 7

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    0 Bellefonte, Pa., Jaunary 23, 1925.
Got Mild Intoxicant
From “Peyote” Plant |
“Peyote” (pronounced “pay-yo-tay,”
with accent on second syllable) is the
Mexican form of the Aztee “peyotl,”
meaning a caterpillar. The Aztecs ap-
plied “peyotl” to a species of compo-
site plants in southern Mexico because
of the downy growth on the roots. A
mild intoxicant was made by the Tu-
dlans from this plant. Later “peyote”
came to be applied to a small spineless
cactus which grows In northern Mex-
ico and the southwestern part of the
United States. This cactus is found
in abundance along the Rio Grande.
The small tops which barely pro-
trude above the ground are often
called “mescal buttons,” “mescal” be-
ing another name for peyote. From
the dried tops is made a medicine used
as a remedy for various ailments. But
the chief use of peyote is in certain
religious ceremonies. It exhilarates
the mind, intensifies the Imagination
and produces a pleasant dreaminess,
without, however, any disagreeable ef-
fects later. At least this is what the
authorities report.
The peyote is taken at intervals dur-
ing the ceremonies, which last through-
out the night. Originally all the red-
men in that region chewed mescal. In
recent years the peyote religion has
spread among the Indians in Oklahoma
and farther north. Some tribes look
upon the plant as of divine origin and
treat it with veneration. There is no
English name which we know of fo
peyote.—Pathfinder Magazine.
Mementoes of Ancient
Carthage in England
The ruined temple at Virgina Wetu,
Surrey, England, is always somewhat
of a mystery to visitors to that beauty
spot which was at one time a dreary
Standing in a romantic glen, its col-
Man Forced to Walk Back-
ward for Two Miles.
Soon after the close of the Civil
war many of the discharged Union sol-
diers took advantage of the offer of
free lands in the West and migrated
thither. Among them was W. H. H.
Case of Ohio, who settled in Colorado
near the new little town of Golden
City, now called Golden. In a short
time he had several enterprises under
way, including large limekilns and
stone quarries on Ralston creek.
On one occasion business had kept
him in Golden Cjty until after night-
fall. Since it was brilllant moonlight,
he started to walk home. About two
miles out, as he rounded the shoulder
of a hill, he came upon a mountain
lion devouring a calf. As he stopped
the animal locked up. In telling the:
story Mr. Case used to say: “I had
often read about the wonderful effect
of the human eye upon a wiid animal,
and the first thought that flashed
through my mind was ‘Here's your
chance to try that!” r
While he looked steadily into the
creature's eyes one plan: of escape
after another raced through his mind.
He had no weapon except a pocket
knife; there was no chance of escape
either up or down the mountain side;
his only hope was to go back. But he
was sure that if he turned his back the
animal would spring upon him. He
took a step backward and the lion rose
to his feet; another, and it advanced
toward him. He stopped, and it stopped
While the creature continued to
guze at him he cautiously slipped off
his blue army overcoat and then,
grasping it by the collar, suddenly
swept it in a wide semicircle in front
of him and retreated two or three
steps. But instead of frightening the
creature the movement seemed to
rouse some sense of curiosity, and it
stepped - forward as if to investigate.
Immediately he swung the coat again
and took a few steps backward. The
animal stopped, but when he moves
Business Outlook
. Conditions in our country are ripe for a period of prosperity. We
have emerged from a time of severe dpression. The past year has been
one of liquidation with dullness in trade and manufacturing.
All this is changed
Big crops here and poor ones abroad have raised the price of
wheat and other farm products. This means increased buying power
on the part of our farmers.
Radical legislation is not to be feared. Banking conditions are
sound, money is easy, credit is abundant. Car leadings are the great-
est in our history and the railroads are in condition to make long de-
ferred extensions and improvements. Conditions in Europe are rapid-
ly improving.
The outlook is bright for business of every kind.
The First National Bank |
61-48 Bellefonte, Pa.
«ee. THE.....
Great Apostle of Thrift
ranklin---Tbe great apostle of
thrift-—believed in
good management, and put it into
Lyon & Co.
Lyon & Co.
The Best Sale
We have just finished inventory
and are adding Wonderful Bar-
gains to close out odds and ends.
See our Silks at 10c. per yard.
Mens Leather Work Gloves at
35c. per pair.
All our Winter Coats (in regular
and extra sizes) are going at less
than cost of manufacture.
See our lot of $5.00 Coats.
The Rummage Tablet:
is full of Good Bargains. Thurs-
day, Friday and Saturday—22nd,
23rd and 24th—will be the Ban-
practice. The management of this
" Bank is conducted [by men of practical
banking experience—assuring the best of
care to every transaction.
Accounts Subject to Check
umns look as though they had been | it came on.
undisturbed for 2,000 years. The fact Thus he reached and rounded the
is that the temple has been in lts pres- | shoulder of the hill. But when he
ent position about a century. Its would have turned to run he saw the
original site was ancient Carthage. big cat rounding the hill also. Thus
On several of the stones are inscrip- | they went, the man waving the over
tions. One, In Greek, on an altar | coat and taking two or three steps
stone, tells how Publius Aurelius dedi-
cated it to Jupiter and to the other
gods worshiped in the temple. Others
are written in Latin. One of these
reads: “Marcus Julius erected this to
his most beloved wife Domitia ‘Rogata,
who lived twenty-three years.”
At one time a fine group of ancient
Greek statuary stood near these col-
umns from Carthage. When William
IV opened these lovely grounds te the
public, however, these statues were so
shamefully mutilated by visitors that |
they were completely ruined, and the
public were again excluded umtil the
rzign of Queen Victoria.
All About Dogs and Cats
From a schoolboy’s essay on dogs
and cats:
“The dog is the commonest of all
animals. Its legs are four and one
tail of all sizes. Cats are very com-
mon in all large towns and streets,
but dogs are more so. There is only
three things wiser than the dog, which
is ourselves, all monkeys, and all ele-
phants. Don't tease cats, for firstly
it is wrong so to do and second caf
have ciaws which is longer than pee-
ple think. Cats have nine lives, bat
which is seldom required in this coum-
try because of Christianity.”
$. —— EA
It Happened in Boston
There had been a visitor, and to (i®
jad she said: “And so this is little
Walter? My, my! What a big boy
you've grown to be! I wouldn't haw
believed it possible.”
“Mother,” said Walter when the
visitor had gone, “doesn’t it pass your
comprehension how persons in whol
one would naturally expect an ordi
nary degree of intelligence appear to
believe, all history and nature to (¥e
contrary notwithstanding, that the chil
dren of their acquaintance wiil always
remain infants, apd persist in express-
ing surprise when they observe the
perfectly natura] Increase in one's
stature?’—Washington Star.
Knew His Business
The storekeeper in a little country
town was a smart business man, in-
deed. He knew just when to strike
and just when the iron was hot
enough. That was how he had
puilt up such a prosperous business.
“Miss Smith,” he said to one of his
assistants, “do you Hnow anything
about the new minister who is coming
to the town next week?”
“Yes,” replied the girl, “he is a tall,
good-looking man, about twenty-eight,
and he isn’t married.”
“Is that so?” said the proprietor
briskly. “Miss Smith, you may put
all the new hats in the shop into the
front window right away."
Old Mystic Ceremonies
The Orphic mysteries were mystic
ceremonies in honor of Bacchus (Dio-
nysus) Zagreus, observed by the fol-
lowers of Orpheus at a very early pe-
riod In the history of Greece. These
Orphic worshipers of Bacchus, how-
ever. did not practice the iicentious
rit. usucily characteristic of the" Dio-
backward, the lion stopping when the
coat waved and starting on when {it
After seeming ages had passed Case
pecame aware of lights on each side
and realized that he wus in Golden
City. He let forth a yell that brought
people to their doors; only then did
the animal turn and bound away in the
direction from which they had come.
Case had walked the two miles back-
wards without stumbling and without
once taking his eyes off the lion!
At first friends would not eredit hi.
gtory. but after they had pried his
hands loose from the overcoat and
several had ridden out the two miles
and found the carcass of the calf and
traced the footprints of man and beast,
with an occasional mark where the
coat had swept the dust, they were
forced to believe.—Youth’s Companion.
Times Have Changed
The street car rider with a servic.
button in the lapel of his coat looked
up, pop-eyed, from his newspaper. His
wild glance caught that of a similarly
decorated man across the aisle,
“Say, Buddy,” h® whispered, huskily,
“have you read this?' And he read
aloud from the account of the recep
tion of the C. M. T. C. recruits at
Camp Custer: “@gfbout the mess tent
where all newcogers are taken first
for a cup of iced tea and a sand
wich . . .! D'ja get that, Buddy—
iced tea and a sandwich? Why, I can
remember goin’ four days In the
Argonne without a dog biscuit, and
. . 7 “And L” interrupted the oth:
er, “can remember a great big black
corporal 1 met im the same woods.
He gave me a hig spoonful of cold
beans outa the mess tin he hadn't had |
time to clean for a week. And, say,
maybe they didn’t taste good and may-
be I wasn't grateful, and. . ."
“Yeah,” sald the first, “but iced tea
and sandwiches, say . . .” “Yeah,
ain’t war hell, though.”—Detroit News,
Nothing Really Serious
In his well-named autobiography,
“Ego,” Lord Castleton tells a story of
the west of Ireland in the old days:
“It was open house and there were
many guests. On coming down to din-
ner he heard loud shrieks and oaths,
but could not make out what was
happening. He and the other guests |
consulteds and eventually ring for the |
butler. My father express: anxiety.
‘I hope no one is ill,’ he said. ‘We!
heard loud cries—perhaps we ought
to go or send for the doctor.” ‘’'Tis
nothing, your honor,’ answered the old
butler at once. ‘They're putting a
clane shirt on the master, and he
hates the cowld of it and lets a roar!
or two out of him.”
Lessons for Boy Scouts
Every Saturday afternoon a grou, |
of boy scouts troops up to the Ameri-
ean Museum of Natural History in
New York city for a free lesson In the
science of stuffing and preserving ani- :
mals. The course is given tc encour |
age the study of outdoor life. A taxi
dermy merit badge is awarded for su- |
per'or © rt Each boy Is glven per- |
~etion in preserving and
are Cordially Invited.
aera : 2 TIN Is
Don’t Let this Pass
On Saturday January 24th
we place on sale our entire
Stetson Hat Stock
All $7, $8 and $10 Hats
for ten days only or until
Sale Price will be
A. Fauyble
ner Days.
Lyon & Co. « Lyon & Co.
Come to the “Watchman” office for High Class Job work.
Ladies’ Guaranteed Silk Hose
These Hose are guaranteed
not to develop a “runner” in
the leg nor a hole in the heel
or toe. If they do this you
will be given a new pair free.
We Have them in All Colors
Yeager’'s Shoe Store
nysia” or “Bacchanalia.” but aimed la gn that he may pre. |
rather at an ascetic purity of life. They iu a ocalistic manner
dressed in white linen garments and na fomiliar with the |
ate no animal food save what was “ various crea. I |
yielded by the ox sacrificed to Dlony- ther" Reacame = ERR
sus.—Kansas Citv Star. :