Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, January 23, 1925, Image 2

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Bellefonte, Pa., January 23, 1925.
One Explanation Does Not
Seem to Satisfy.
The Klondike poet, Robert W. Serv-
ice, who has a prodigious reputation
among American university graduates,
hundreds of whom cam quote pages
and pages of his verse, has finally
launched a work of prose fiction
called “The Roughneck.”
I have often meditated on the origin
of that word, and the paper jacket,
which incidentally is full of other in-
teresting information, gives Mr. Serv-
vice’'s explanation: “1 think the or-
igin of ‘The Roughneck’ dates back
to the time when to shave the back
of one’s neck was a sign of sartorial
grace. In my early Alaskan days ev-
ery barber would ask you if you want-
ed a ‘neck shave,” and not to have one
put you in the category of those who
were Indifferent to their appearance,
or too unsophisticated to conform to
the fashion of the day. You were a
man with hair 6n his neck; in brief, a
roughneck. The fashion soon passed
but the expression remains.”
Now when I was a boy, my virgin
aunt, who, like all virgin aunts, knew
far more about the world and was far
more in sympathy with it than one’s
mother, said to me emphatically:
“Don’t you ever allow any barber to
shave the back of your neck.” She
knew. Whatever may later have been
the reversed dynamics in Alaska, she
knew that a man whose neck was
shaved was outside of the pule of pe
lite soclety.
I was particularly interested in Mr.
Service's explanation, for during the
iast 20 years in these United States,
my observation proves just the oppo-
site. I have never seen a genuine
tough who did not have the back of
his neck shaved. And 1 divide all
barbers into two classes—those who,
without asking you, attempt to shavé
the back of your neck, and those who
would no more perpetrate such a
monstrosity than they would shave off
your ears.
It is, as Barrie's policeman would
say, a test absolutely “infallible.” No
New York or Boston barber has ever
done any necking on me; but in every
small town west of Buffalo, unless 1
am alert, I get a large dose of lathex
_ under the cerebellum.
But how In the world did Aunt Lib-
bie know this test 45 years ago? That
was some time before Mr. Service was
born,—William Lyon Phelps in Scrib-
fner’'s Magazine.
Who Am I?
I have scattered bread crusts, egg
ghells and paper plates from the Rio
Grande to the Great Lakes. I have
hacked trees and broken down farmers’
fences from coast to coast.
I have hooked peaches from a
Georgia orchard and pecans in south-
ern California, apples from the beau-
tiful Genesee valley in New York and
_Aantaloupes from a Colorado truck
1 have thrown tin cans into the
Grand canyon and empty bottles into
Niagara's roaring tumult.
I have seen all, heard all and In my
weak way have managed to destroy
I am the American tourist.—Blaline
O. Bigler in Judge.
Athletics for Babies
A gymnasium for bables has been
opened In Berlin by a former physical
f{mstructor in a Potsdam military
school. “Every six-months-old baby
should do five to ten minutes’ dally
egercise with its mother or nurse,”
sald the instructor. “If my advice
were followed, the appaling number of
eripples In this country would be great-
fy diminished. Regular graduated ex-
ercises ensure harmonious develop-
‘ment, correct posture, and firm bones.”
The gymnasium, with {ts furnighings
of miniature swings, ladders and bars,
{8 for the professor's older pupils—
that is, those from eighteen months to
five years old.
The Reason Why
There is an excellent reason why
electric service companies bulld their
steam-driven generating stations on
the shore of a river, lake, bay or har-
or. For every pound of coal burned
{in the furnaces of such stations, near-
iy a half ton of water is needed to
condense the steam produced after it
tas passed through the turbine which
turns the electric dynamo. At one
such steam-operated electric generat-
{ng station in the South alli of the
water of a sizable river Is diverted
trom the river bed and passes over the
condensing pipes of the plant's bollers.
New Safety Lamp
The United States bureau of mines
has approved a new type of electrls
safety lamp for miners, which pro-
duces three times as much light as pre-
vious types, while the battery and
lamp together weigh but a third as
much as the older designs. A speclal
famp is used and if It is broken
electricity from the two-cell alkaline
battery is automatically cut offy
Coaling Big Liner
An idea of the enormous amount 01
coal carried by the glant ocean liner
may be gained from the fact that 300
men working from four to four ana
one-half days are required to coal the
Comfort and Elegance
in Revolutionary Days
Those who are under the impression
that our Revolutionary ancestors spent
their daily lives without the comfort
which helps to make life more worth
while are in error. The articles of
household ware, for instance, used by
them were abundant, various and serv-
The bed and all that appertained to
| it were the pride of the mistress of
the house. It was almost invariably
of sweet, soft and downy feathers; its
sheets were of fine “homespun,” the
blankets and rugs of “spotted woolen”
and flannel; and the towering posts
at either corner of the bed were gar-
nished with snowy curtains of dimity.
For table use they had napkins of
linen and tablecloths of diaper; “di-
aper-wove huckaback,” Kkersey and
“damask plain and flowered.”
The household goods and furniture
of those simple times were in strong
contrast with those now in use. China
was as rare as gold and as highly
prized, most commonly three china
cups and saucers comprising the en-
tire outfit of a respectable family,
though the numbers rose sometimes to
six, but seldom to a dozen.
Pewter and copper were the orna-
mental, and iron, then as now, the
serviceable metal. Of the two former
were made basins, ewers. mugs, por-
ringers, ladles and tea and coffee ket-
There was little glassware in use,
and the few “jelly glasses, half pint
and gill glasses,” salt cellars, punch
goblets and tumblers of glass were con-
sidered unusual elegancies.
Clocks and “looking glasses” embel-
ished the houses of the wealthy, and
the size of the “looking glasses” cor-
responded with the degree of its own-
er's social standing.
Stoves were not in general use, ana
coal was unknown except for black-
smithing purposes; wood, charcoal and
turf were the only fuel. Wood was
Just beginning to be burned in “frank-
lins,” but generally was used in fire-
places, which were provided with dogs
and andirons, and in kitchens were
huge saverns garnished with a forest
of chains, pothooks and trammels,
swinging on fron cranes or “smoke
Jacks” over fires that were fed by
great logs.
Civilizations Compared
“Nations and individuals are judgea
by two factors—their virtues and their
vices,” writes Achmed Abdullah, dis-
tinguished novelist and playwright
from the Orient, comparing the Last
and West, in Hearst's International.
He says:
“I asked myself: Did the Europeans
dve up more to the altruistic teach-
ings of Jesus than we to those of
Mohammed, Confucius, Buddha and
Moses? Were the teachings of Jesus
more apt to lead His followers in the
golden path than those of the other
great Prophets? Did the Europeans
have finer loyalty than the Arabs, finer
filial piety than the Chinese, finer fam-
ily cohesion than the Jews, finer sex
morality than the Jews, finer char-
ity than the Parsees?
“My answer was—=still is—'No!' ana
{ challenge anybody above the level of
asinine bigotry te show me where 4
am wrong.
“Looking at the other side of the
medal : were the unwashed of Calcutta
dirtier than those of Liverpool? ere
the perverts of Bokhara more degen-
erate than those of Naples? Were the
murderers of Canton more blood-thirs-
ty than those of Paris? Were the
saber-rattlers of Constantinople more
arrogant than those of Berlin?
“Again my answer was—still is—
“No Pp ”
Boys Chief Stutterers
ior every girl who stutters there
are five or six stuttering boys.
Dr. James Sonnett Greene of New
fork, medical director of the National
hospital for speech disorders, explains
this curious fact In writing for Hy-
“gela, health magazine, published by
the American Medical association.
Girls, as a rule, talk more than
ooys and, therefore, get more practice
In speech production, Doctor Greene
states, Although it is generally con-
ceded that girls are more nervous than
boys, yet the girl is more capable of
maintaining her co-erdination under
emotional strain because she is natu-
rally more graceful-and her co-ordina-
tion more complete.
For that reason it requires an ex:
ceptionally severe shock to cause her
to lose her standard, hesitate and
Sure to Succeed
Original men are not content to be
governed by tradition; they think
for themselves, and the result is
that they succeed where others fail.
Now, a certain photographer never
days to a woman customer, “Look
pleasant, madam, if you please.” He
knows a formula infinitely better than
In the most natural manner in the
world he remarks: “It is unnecessary
to ask you to look pleasant; I am sure
you could not look otherwise.”
Then click goes the camera and the
result is never in doubt.—Philadelphia
Blind Ex-Athlete Elected
Perry T. W. Hale, a Yale football
star twenty years ago, and an All-
| American center at the time, but now
i totally blind, has been elected tax
collector of Portland, Cenn., getting
the support of all parties and factions
practically. He lost his sight in an
explosion about fifteen years ago. He
i will keep his records in the Braille
| system af raised letters and figures,
Writer Demands Justice of
Makers of Neckwear.
Styles change faster in collars than
anything else that men wear.
cellar trust evidently figures that sales
can be increased by rapid alteration I»
names and shapes.
Many men find this a nuisance, as
they often cannot buy ready to order
the collars which they like best, Girard
remarks in the Philadelphia Inquirer
I wonder if the collar trust is right
in its figuring?
Some things which are deemed most
essential change once where a silly
collar name or eighth of an inch ip
width may change fifty times.
Take cigars and cigarettes. A man
will smoke one brand ten years and
never desire a change.
Only a simpleton would try to im-
prove a beefsteak by calling it some
thing else.
Leading bakers may hold to a cer-
‘ain recipe for bread for a generation.
Your favorite salad dressing may be
forty years old, and I suspect the mak-
ers of fine cheese would hang anybod»
who meddled with their formulas.
The highbrows in art crave only old
styles in pictures, furniture, rugs, po»
Collar-trust ethics would have it
Chippendale today, Reginald tomorrow
and John Smith the day after if it
made furniture after the collar pattern.
Snuff is a big industry and there are
snuffmakers in Pennsylvania whose
formula has been a family secret for a
century. Not a change in all that time.
Yet the snuff users evidently want it
Just that way.
Men who swear at all, doubtles.
swear oftener at their collars than
anything else in the world.
There-is no such thing as getting ou
familiar terms with collars. They
change too often. Men who in olden
times stepped up to the same bar and
ordered an identical brand of liquor
every day for 20 years can scarcely |
hope to have affection for collars |
which differ every morning. :
The trust won't let us get used to
a collar before it is outlawed off the ;
merchant’s shelves.
Candy and ice cream and chewing
gum go on forever in the same old
way—vanilla being as familiar as the
tax collector—but people also like
them in that same old way.
Old styles and famous names are
most valuable assets in almost every
trade except collars. There it was
Artie yesterday, Bertie today and Ger-
tie tomorrow, with changes just
enough to make the wearer rave.
Once in a while a galley slave es
caped, but there seems no way to
throw off this dreadful yoke around
every man's neck. :
Modern Literature
We may as well confess that oui
idterature by and large is increasing
a pretty affair, concerned with the
petty affairs of daily life, observes the
New York Times. Our nevelists do
not stretch broad canvases nor rush,
like Victor Hugo, at mighty themes.
No deep rhythms sweep through our
stories, as in those of Thomas Hardy,
tossing the mere details of craft like
Our humorists get no farther than
:nanners; Dickens dug up the whole
foundation of London. Comparisons
might be copied out to fill an agate col-
umn, all showing that our standard-
gauge literature has become narrow-
gauge, and that we are drawing in
rather than spreading out. To many
readers this may sound catastrophie,
but it need not be so unless the cur-
rent era, too, is catastrophic. For rou-
tine literature can be no greater than
the age it serves and only a Shake-
speare can tower above his time like
the Colossus of Rhodes.
Proper Care of Goldfish
owners of goldfish may be interest
«sd in the following advice that an
eriployee of the New York aquarium
gives: “When a goldfish begins to
‘cluck’—that is, te come te the sur-
face and make strange sounds—it is
suffering. The best thing to do is
to dip some of the water from the
bowl and let it drip back into the aqua-
rium slowly. In that way the water
gets a new supply of oxygen, which
is what the fish need. Never change
the water too rapidly. If you do, the
fish may die of chills or a cold. The
water should be kept at a temperature
of about seventy degrees.—Youth's
Preserving a Tree
The oldest oak tree in New Jersey,
if not in the United States, Is very
expensive to preserve, according to
the pastor of the Presbyterian church
at Basking Ridge. In his financial re-
port at the celebration of the two hun-
dred and fourth anniversary of the
founding of the church he said that
the tree is 93 feet high and 23 feet
in circumference and is 400 years old.
It is decaying fast, and during the
year three tons of concrete were need-
ed to fill the cavities. Thirty-five
cables were required to brace it. The
labor, concrete and cables cost
Safety in Railway Travel
Safety In railway travel depends
very largely on microscopic research,
which has made possible a number
of vital changes in the making of
i steel rads. The result is that, wheér-
as accidents due to broken rails were
once fairly frequent, now they are
seldom if ever heard of, the quality of
the steel of which the rails are made
having ‘been gréatly. improved.
Birds Constantly at
Work for Humanity
In a new country where the natural
' conditlons of plant and animal life
are changed, the balance of nature is
likely to be upset. The value of bird
life is perhaps greater in checking »
plague In its incipient stage.
In parts of the Middle West there
were serlous outbreaks of the Rocky
mountain jocust or grasshopper many '
years ago, says Nature Magazine of
Washington, D. C. Prof. Aughey of
the University of Nebraska carried on
a serles of observations showing that
the birds of these localities were help-
ing a great deal to check the insect
Thrushes, kinglets, chickadees, nut-
hatches, warblers, vireos, swallows,
crows, bluejays, blackbirds, kingfish-
ers, cuckoos, woodpeckers, hawks,
owls, pigeons, grouse, quail, gulls, and
even humming birds and water birder
. had all taken to eating locusts.
Fifty-one locusts were taken from
the stomach of a single yellow-headed
blackbird. A tiny ruby-throated Lumn-
ming bird bad four small locusts In
its stomach. Six robins had eaten
265 locusts. Sixty-seven locusts were
- found in the stomachs of three blue-
" whatever they do is right.
. birds,
and one little ruby-crowned
kinglet had eaten 29. Many of these
and other birds were feeding thei
young on locusts.
One bern owl had eaten 89 locusts
Five screechowls had eaten 219 lo-
custs. Six of the nine burrowing
owls had eaten an average of more
than fifty locusts each, the magazine
article concludes. Hawks, as a class.
were scarcely less active, for of the
eleven species listed as having been
examined by him, five were found te
have eaten locusts,
A grasshopper pest in southern Ore-
gon was something like the plague
of grasshoppers that came upon the
early Mormon settlers in Utah dur-
ing the summer of 1848. The crops of
the Mormons were partly saved by
the great flocks of gulls that came in
and settled over the fields, gorging
themselves on the insects.
The Trying Fascists
Mortimer Schiff, the noted New York
was talking about the
Fascists in Italy.
“The Fascists think,” he said, “that
This atti-
tude on their part is certainly very
“The Fascists remind me of the lady
who wished to open an account with
a department store. They asked her
for a reference; and she gave the name
af Charles M. Schwab.
“But Mr. Schwab, it turned out,
didn’t know the lady, and so, when
she called at the store again, the
credit man sald to her:
“I'm sorry to tell you, madam, that
your reference is unsatisfactory.’
“ ‘Well, now, that’s a surprise to me,’
said the lady. ‘I always thought
Charles M. Schwab's financial standing
was above reproach.’ ”
The Change
“Times have changed,” sald ola
Festus Pester. “In the good old days
of yore, when a wagon broke down in
the road we used to gather around it
and put in several hours aplece In-
quiring how the contretemps occurred,
sympathizing with the owner of the ve-
hicle and recalling and describing in
the most minute detail sundry Inci-
dents of similar character which had
transpired in the past. But nowadays
when a motorcar blows out a tire we
go right on. Eh-yghl—times have
changed, and for the worse.
pathy than so many shapping turtles.”
—Kansas City Star.
Sir Peregrine’s Prejudice
Joe Coyne, the Amgerican comedian
who has been for yegrs a star of the
London stage, had am adventure with
a new-made knight last summer.
This knight—call htm Sir Peregrine
~refused to rent his cottage at
! Maldenhead to Mr. Coyne because the
latter was an actor.
“Sir Peregrine,” the Louse agent ex:
plained, “rented to af actor once be-
fore, and there was a great deal of un-
“Well, you tell Sir Peregrine,” Mr.
Uoyne retorted, “that if he believes in
condemning a whole class for one In-
dividual, he might remember that Sir
Roger Casement, knight, was hanged.”
Each Thought Other Dead
“pDead” brothers met at Cardify,
Wales, neither having seen the other
for twenty years, and each thinking
the other dead. One enlisted at the
age of nineteen in 1001, and was re-
ported to have been killed during the
selge of Kut. The other enlisted In
the Cameron Highlanders in 1914, and
was 80 badly wounded in 1916, he lost
both arms. They met In the Union
Jack club and looked at each other
without speaking, and while friends
were wondering what was the matter
one of the brothers fainted. When he
recovered, explanations were made,
and the reunion was complete,
Composes in Worki.ouse
Alfred Phillips, an Inmate at the
Dulwich (Eng.) workhouse intirmary,
has attained some iwaerit as a composer
of sacred songs, although he Is past
elghty-five years of age. He has been
! at the workhouse irfirmary about four
years, during which time he has writ-
ten much sacred music.
Ingenious Dutch
Freight and passengers both are
Kauled and an abandoned street car
line Is put to good use in Amsterdam
by an lzgerlous combination “train”
composed of a motor truck ana a sur-
tace car ‘traller,
Most .
people these days ha%e no more sym-
ldentification by Typewrit-
ing Not Uncommon.
Every day science is performing
feats that overshadow those of the
famous detectives of fiction. Take, for
example, the seemingly impossible task
of identifying a man by his typewrit-
ing—running down a machine-made
| That a criminal can be traced, cap-
tured and convicted through a scrap
of typed paper, which apparently is
just like any other piece of typing in
the world, almost challenges credence;
yet to the expert on “questioned docu-
ments” such accomplishments are
merely in the day's work.
Typewriting is almost as personal as
penmanship sometimes, due to certain
peculiarites or mannerisms that the
typist has developed, says Loren C.
Horton, typewriting expert of New
York, in Popular Science Monthly.
Such clues may be found in spacing,
spelling or punctuation.
Some time ago an oflice of the De
partment of Justice was astonished to
find a confidential letter from its files
printed in a magazine. The letter that
had been sold to the magazine was oh-
tained, and was found to be a type-
written copy of the original, the latter
having been in longhand. This type-
written copy had so many individual
characteristics that the copyist might
almost as well have signed his name
to it. In breaking a word at the end
of a line, for example, he invariably
inserted a second dash at the begin-
ning of the next line. Also he had
a habit of following each semicolon
with a dash.
With such personal characteristics
48 a guide, finding the seller of the
letter was a matter merely of elimi-
nation among those who had access to
the copied letter.
A very slight difference in the length
Jf the cross bars of the “t's” once helped a forgery an alleged will
offered for probate in an estate involv-
ing many hundred thousands of dol-
lars. The company that made the
typewriter on which this document
was written only recently had length-
ened the cross bars of its “t's,” while the
“will” was typed on a machine with
short cross bars. An attempt ap-
parently had been made to remedy this i
discrepancy by penciling over the type-
writing, but there were so many sus-
picious points connected with the doc-
ument that it was not admitted to
In a somewhat similar case a man
~ho tried to alter a document with a
machine of later date than that with
which the original typing was done at-
tempted to change the length of the
cross bar on the “t” by grinding it
down with an emery wheel. He suc-
ceeded, ‘but only partly, for in doing
the work he accidentally shaved the
little curl at the bottom of the letter.
The odd appearance of the resultant
letter aroused suspicion, and magni-
fied photographs of the type showed
plainly the marks of the abrasive,
Rust-Proof Wheat Found?
A new variety of wheat which wili
resist all attacks of rust, a species of
marquis which is said to yield from
four to six bushels to the acre more
than the ordinary variety, has been de-
veloped by Samuel Larcombe, a promi-
nent grain grower of Birtle, Man. The
new wheat, says a Winnipeg dispatch
out in areas in western Canada infest-
ed with rust and came through without
damage, according to Larcombe.
{.arcombe has been a Manitoba farm
er for 30 years and in that time has
won 3,000 prizes on wheat at Canadian
- and Amerlcan expositions.
the world's championship for wheat at
the Peoria International fair in 1917
and in 1918, the sweepstakes for tha |
Best individual farmer's exhibit as well
as sweepstakes for wheat in the dry
farming section of the International
Soil Products exposition in Kansas
Thrift in Italy
Savings deposits in Italy, accord-
mg to the last report available,
show a total of 2%500,000,000 lire.
Of this amount 11,800,000,000 lire :
9,400,000, |
were In savings banks,
000 In postal savings and 750,000,- |
000 in the pawn institutions called the
Monti d& Pieta. This total compares
with a total of savings deposits of
500,000,000 lire in June, 1914. The
increase in deposits at the popular
postal savings office has been 342 per
cent, which is vastly greater than the
depreciation of the currency and Is
taken to show how greatly the lower
classes have improved thelr standard
of living.—From Thrift Magazine.
Such Is Life
“Mother,” said the fair young thing,
with a simper, “Mr. Giggub has pro
“I'm not surprised at that.”
“Would you accept him?”
“Why not?”
“But, mother, I've only known him
two weeks.”
“We must all take a chance, dearle
i've been married to your father for
thirty years and I don’t half know
Lim.”—Louisville Courier-Journal.
Embezzled to Help Firm
Pleading guilty to a charge of em-
oezzlement made by her employers,
4 elghteen-year-old girl in Scotiuna
recently showed that she ran the
shop, waited on customers and kepi
the books, all for $3.50 a week, ana
took the money to make herself more
presentable to customers.
to the New York World, has been tried
He won
Son's F ailure Led to
Lincoln’s Great Effort
James L. Ford, In “Forty-Odd Years:
in the Literary Shop,” telis that when:
he was five years old children began
to hear from the lips of their elders.
mention of a man named Lincoln.
whose speech in Cooper Union hall,
New York, provoked much discussion.
Many years after Mr. Ford chance:
to learn that this speech, whose con-
sequences were so far reaching, was
the result of his son's failure to pas
a scholastic examination.
Robert T. Lincoln had come fronr
his Illinois farm with the intention of
entering Harvard college and had
falled In his examinations, says the
Detroit News. His father was much
distressed and, though money was by
no means plentiful with him, he de-
termined to go to the boy's assisi-
ance, and accordingly made the jour
ney to Cambridge.
While there one of the committee
then arranging for the great Cooper
Union meeting, suggested the propriety
of inviting Mr, Lincoln, whom he had
once listened to in the West, to ag-
dress the assembly and the invitation:
was promptly sent. So little was Mi.
Lincoln then known in the East thas
William Cullen Bryant, the presiding
officer, introduced him in the follow
Ing words:
“We shall next have the pleasure of
hearing from Mr. Abraham Lincoln of
Illinols, of whom some of you have
undoubtedly heard.” There were in-
deed some present who had heard of
Lincoln and his championship of abo-
lition and for several minutes a storm
of howls and hisses prevented hin
{ from speaking. He finally did speak.
and that speech placed the Presi-
dential nomination in the hollow of his’
| Better Than Average
| Mayor Lunn of Schenectady, N. Y.
i said at a luncheon:
| “The machine candidate, the ma--
; chine politician—why do we always:
support him?
“A machine candidate got. elected:
to ‘the senate. Six months" went by.
i Then John Citizen met one morning
| the boss who had put the machine cap
| didate in.
| “ ‘Senator Swank,” sneered John
Citizen, ‘promised us great things if
we'd elect him, but what's he done?
| U ask you—what’s he done?
“ ‘What's he done? yelled the boss.
‘Why, he’s got himself made specia!
counsel for the railroad trust, the light
trust and the food trust; he's bought
himself a town house and a country
seat, and he’s started in collecting old
masters. That’s what he’s done, darn
it—and all in six months, too! "—Los
Angeles Times.
“When I was learning my trade 1
served for a time in the Gernun
army,” a Detroit barber remarked as
he tapped his closed scissors. “They
let me practice on the other soldiers.
All were young men. [I did my big-
gest day's shaving once when I cleaned
150 faces of stubble beards. I hired
a boy to do the latuering, and I seat-
ed my customers in the chairs, Then
the latherer prepared the faces, and
I started. Every wan had to wash
his own face, and none got any bay
rum, or any pampering. You see I
was paid only a few pfenuigs for the
shave. With one good customer to-
day I make many times whut I got
from the whole 150.”
Beautiful and Historic
A project is afoot to make Blacksod:
' pay on the west coast of Ireland a big
trans-Atlantic port; with a view to-
| shortening the time between British
i and Canadian and American ports. 1f
' this scheme materializes travelers ar-
riving there will be repaid by some of
the finest scenery in the British isles,
since they will pass close to Achill
island, with its wild mountains and
magnificent sea precipices. A little
farther north in Killala bay General
Humbert landed in 1798 with 1,000
French troops, and proclaimed the
French republic, marching afterward:
i to Castlebar and taking possession of
the town.
“All's Right With World”
Nearly every man believes the world
is going to the devil, and that the
| pext few years will show great
changes. . . . And all are mistak-
! en; the world will carry on in future
as usual, with a few changes and im-
provements men learn from experi-
ence. History records a few violent
changes but in each case the people
didn’t like the change, and went back
to the old, tiresome, but safer condi-
tions. . . . Base the next twenty
years on the twenty years you have
lived and know about, and you wilk
be right—E. W. Howe's Monthly.
she subject unde discussion by the:
grownups was Douglas Fairbanks in
“The Thief of Bagdad.” They were
commenting on the magic carpet, psi-
ttcularly, and how well done were tix:
mechanical effects of the picture. "iti
little daughter had seen the pictus,
“Well, I wish I had a carpet like
that,” she said. “I'd just say "\Vhis’
and my ‘rithmetlc lessons wenld be
all done.—Indiananolis News
Educational Obstructions
“Why are you wrangline over a ne”
schoolhouse for Crimson Guleh? There
are no youngsters ‘n the eemmunity.™
“That's as it should be,” answer 1
Cactus Joe. “We're workin’ for the
future, and so ler: .its the beard ov
edncation keeps tizhtin' the way i+
does we may as well admit the tevin
ain't no place for children.”