Church Services Next Sunday NT. JOHN'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Services for January 18th: Second Sunday after Epiphany, 8 a. m. Holy Eucharist; 9:45 a. m. church school; 11 a. m. Mattins and sermon, “Church Symbolism in the Light of the Incar- nation.” 7:30 p. m. evensong and ser- mon, “Vocation.” Visitors always welcome. Rev. M. DeP. Maynard, Rector. ST. JOHN'S REFORMED CHURCH. Services next Sunday morning at 10:45, sermon, “A Lost Boy.” Even- ing at 7:30, sermon, “Nazareth.” Sun- day school at 9:30 a. m. and union C. E. meeting at 6:45 p. m. Ambrose M. Schmidt, D.D., Minister METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. The Holy Communion next Sunday at 10:45 and 7:30. The revival meet- ings will continue during the week. Sunday school 9:80. New officers in- stalled. Juniors 2; Epworth League 6:30. E. BE. McKelvey, Pastor. BOALSBURG REFORMED CHURCH. Boalsburg, 9:16 a. m., Sunday school; 7:30 p. m,, installation and preparatory service. *~ Pine Grove Mills, church service. Pine Hall, 1:30 p. m., Sunday school; 2:30 p. m., church service. Rev. W. W. Moyer, Pastor. 10:30 a. nm, Among the numerous bids {or the construction of state highway in Pennsylvania to be opened at Haz- risburg on January 24th will be those for four sections in Clearfield county totaling 93,663 feet, or a total of practically seventeen and three- fourths miles. Three of the above sections are in what is known as pri- mary routes of travel and one is a state-aid project. In Centre county there are three sections of road on the primary routes which have not been built or improved, and they are the Bald Eagle valley from Snow Shoe Intersection to. Bald Eagle, over the Snow Shoe mountain and across Nit- “tany mountain to Centre Hall. These are included in plans Highway Com- ‘missioner Wright has mapped out to be built out of the proceeds of the pending fifty million dollar bond is- sue, which will probably be within the next few years. PINE GROVE MENTION. Hon. J. Will Kepler was a Johns- town visitor last week. Mrs. Edward Lueas spent Friday at the J. F. Kimport home. Mr. and Mrs. George Porter were Bellefonte visitors on Saturday. Roy Henry and bride are now housekeeping in the Margaret Reed home. : A little daughter arrived recently in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gummo. . Miss Sallie Barr visited her brother Elmer, at the Centre County hospital on Friday. The high wind following Sunday night’s snow fall drifted many of the township roads. Etta Viola, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Grover G. Corl, is seriously ill ‘with pneumonia. The Millheim High school orchestra will give a musicale in the I. 0. O. F. hall at 7 o'clock tomorrow evening. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Mairs have returned to their home in Brownsville after spending the Christmas season at State College. After spending two weeks among friends at State College Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lytle left on Thursday for their home in Sistersville, W. Va. Instead of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Bow- ersox, as stated last week, it is Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Burwell who are occu- pying the Dunlap apartment Miss Elizabeth McDowell and Miss Eugene Garrett, of State College, spent Sunday afternoon with Miss Edith V. Dale, on the Branch. Miss Ida Sunday, who has been in charge of the P. K. A. fraternity, at State College, is now at home taking care of her mother, who is in feeble health. Mrs. Cyrus Goss has closed her home and with her two grand-sons has gone to the home of her son, George A Goss, near McAlevy’s Fort, for the winter. Comrade George Krape is ill at the home of his son-in-law, William Fer- ree. During the war he served in the army of the Cumberland as a member of the Seventh cavalry. Among the grip victims in town are G. H. Everas, H. A. Elder and Mrs. | L. D. Musser. Mrs. O'Bryan is housed up with a bad attack of rheu- matism. Comrade D. W. Miller is somewhat improved. A Fire which originated in one of the outbuildings about two o’clock yester- day morning destroyed the smoke house, wood shed and chicken house on the old Dr. Christ farm between Lemont and State College. The house was saved by the timely arrival of the State College fire company. The following officers of State Col- lege Grange, No. 1707, were installed: on Tuesday evening by past master John M. Dale: Master, Fred Stump; overseer, R. G. Bressler; chaplain, Nellie Shuey; treasurer, Way; assistant steward, Lena Ander- son; ceres, Helen Unger; pomona, Annette Zeller; flora, Margaret Gar- vey; organist, Lucretia Biddle. Real Estate Transfers. Grace K. Lang, et al, to Earl C. Lutz, tract in Potter township; $710. Archibald Allison, et al, to Susanna A. Fleisher, tract in Potter township; | g $500. Susanna A. Fleisher, et bar, to S. Orpha Fleisher, tract in Potter town- ship; $1. John M. Hartswick to William A. Speen tract in College township; | fonte, Lucretia | § —If you are not a regular sub- seriber and reader of the “Watchman” you are missing lots of good news. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. AG RUGS made to order by George Johnson, east Logan St., Bellefonte, * OR SALE.—Ironing board, 4 irons, improved Singer sewing machine and various other household arti- cles. Inquire of the Misses Margaret and Jane Miller at their home in the Crider Stone building, Dellefonte. Ww ing care of my mother. Some one who is not capable of doing hard or much work. .i christian home. small farm. No baking, washing or scrubbing.— J. H. ROYER, Box 96, R. F. D. No.1, State College, Pa. 70-2-3t by nual meeting of the stockholders of the GG. F. Musser Co., Belle- foute, Pa., will be held in the office of Spangler & Walker, Crider’'s Exchange, Bellefonte, Friday, February 6th, 1925, be- tween the hours of 10 a. m. and 12 m,, for the purpose of electing directors for the ensuing year, and the transaction of such other busineess is may properly come be- fore the mecting. G. F. MUSSER, 70-3-3t President. D Common Pleas of Centre county. No. 128 September Term, 1924, James Salvia vs. Evelyn DM. Salvia. Notice is hereby given that the under- signed Master, appointed by the Court to take testimony in the above entitled case und report the same with his opinion and form of decree to the Court, will sit for the purposes of his appointment, at his of- fice in Foster Block, Philipsburg, Pa. on Saturday, January 24th, 1925, at 10 o'clock ANTED.—Some one to assist in tak- TOCKHOLDER'S MEETING.—The an- IVORCE NOTICE.—In the Court of a. m. when and where all parties interest- ed may attend. GEORGE W, ZEIGLER, Master. December 24th, 1924. 70-1-3t IVORCE NOTICE.—Alma Victoria Packenham vs. Thomas Compton Packenham. In the Court of Coin- mon Pleas of Centre county, No. 108, Sep- tember Term, 1924. Libel in Divorce. To Thomas Compton Packenham, the above named respondent.—Whereas Alma Victoria Packenham, your wife, has filed a Libel in the Court of Common Pleas of Centre county to No. 108 September Teri, 1924, praying a Divorce from yon, now you are hereby notified and required to appear in said Court on or before the fourth Mon- day of February next, to answer the said complaint of the Said Alma Victoria Pack- enham, and in default of such apearance you will be liable to have a divorce grant- ed in your absence. B. BR. TAYLOR, 70-2-3t OTICE T0 TAKE TESTIMONY.-—-In the Court of Common Pleas of Cen- tre County. No... 109 Term, 1923. ; Madeline A. Bell, V. Bell, Respondent. Mr. Edward Bell, Peking, IIL. Dear Sir: Please take notice that I have been appointed to take testimony in the ahove case, and that I shall hold a meeting for the purposes of my appointment on Fri- day, January 30th, 1925, at 10 o'clock a. m., in my offices, No. 14, Crider's Exchange Juilding, Bellefonte, Pennsylvania, at which timne and place you are reguested to attend. Libellant, vs. Bdward Very truly yours, KLINE WOODRING, 70-5-3t Master. TOCKHOLDERS' MEKETING.-The an- S nual meeting of the stockholders of Whiterock Quarries will be held at the offices of the Company in Belle- I’x., on Monday, January 24, 192%, at ten o'clock a. m., for the election of directors for the ensuing year and to transact such other business as may prop- erly come before such meeting, and partic- | ularly to pass. upon 2 proposed resolution in further amendment of Article II, Sec- tion’ ¥ of the “By Laws® as amended at the annual stockholders, held January 25, 1909, so as to reduce the number of directors from eleven to nine at and after the said annu- al meeting. 1.. A. SCHAEFFER, 70-2-3t Secretary. N application has been made to The Public Service Commission of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, under the. provisicns of the Public Service Company Law, by the New York, Pittsburgh & Chi- cago Railroad, for a certificate of public convenience evidencing the commission's requisite approval of the application of the New York, Pittsburgh & Chicago Railroad for the reorganization of the New York, Pittsburgh & Chicago Railroad Corpori- tion, the purpose of which is to construct and operate a railroad from a point near Harmony, Penna. t3 a point near Allen- town, Penna. A public hearing upon this application will be held in the rooms of the Commission at Harrisburg, on the 28th OTICE.—Notlce is hereby given that when and where all persons in interest may appear and be heard, if they so de- sire. HENRY O. EVANS, J. GARFIELD HOUSTON, Attorneys for Applicant. = ¢ co } rs ve | Sheriff of Centre County. | { \ | i December | { previously | : : a0 y ot DD LT dE — { i day of January, 1925, at 9:30 o'clock a. m., 1 i i NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. E XECUTRIX'S NOTICE.—Letters tes- Henry C. Quigley, late of Bellefonte bor- ough, deceased, all persons knowing them- selves indebted to said estate are request- ed to make prompt payment, and those having claims against the same must pre- sent them, duly authenticated, for settle- ment. AUGUSTA C. M. QUIGLEY, . Executrix, 69-49-6t Bellefonte, Pa. tamentary having been granted to the undersigned upon the estate of IRA D. GARMAN JEWELER 101 Seuth Eleventh St., PHILADELPHIA, Have Your Diamonds Reset in Platinum 64-34-tf RXCLUSIVE EMBLEM JEWELRY DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.—Letters of administration - having been granted to the undersigned upon the estate of Elias Confer, late of Gregg township, deceased, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are re- quested to make prompt payment, and those having claims against the same must present them, duly authenticated, for set- tlement. JOHN W. CONFER, Administrator Spring Mills, R. F. D. 69-50-6t Orvis & Zerby, Attorneys. See Our Imitation Wool Hose for Ladies, 50c. the pair. They are cer- tainly immense. When we recommend a thing, it is worth considering. Garmans Scenic Theatre Weeks-Ahead Program SATURDAY, JANUARY 17: ELEANOR BOARDMAN in “SILENT ACCUSER,” a six reel which a well trained police dog takes a very importaut role Century Comedy. MONDAY, JANUARY 19: picture in Also, 2 reel WILLIAM FARNUM in “MEN WHO FIGHT ALONE,” is a seven reel story founded on the book, “The Miracle of Hate.” with his hates and loves and final Topics. A story of a cripple regenreation. Also, Pathe News and TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 20 AND 21: LON CHANEY in “HE WHO GETS SLAPPED,” is a dandy eight reel pic- ture with Norma Shearer, John Gilbert, Tully Marshall, Mare McDermott and Tod Sterling. Ile sure to see it. THURSDAY, JANUARY 22: PAULINE FREDERICKS in “MARRIED YFLIRTS,” is a 7 drama with fine acting and direction. gets the tables turned on her. Also, FRIDAY, JANUARY 23: A story of a tragic clown in a European circus, alive with action and color, beauty and thrills, Alsa, 2 reel Comedy. A fine picture; will please all reel domestic Story of a heartless woman who Pathe Newns and Review. HOOT GIBSON in “THE RIDIN’ KI) FROM POWDER RIVER,” is above the average western, with genuine heart interest, with a romantie side. A story of a child seeing his benefactor killed gets his man when he grows up. Also, 15th and last episode of “THE IRON MAN.” FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, JANUARY 16 AND 17: DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS in “ROBIN HOOD,” a picture that will appeal to all, both old and young, in the daring exploits of this famous one in Scotch history. Well depicted and played Matinee wnt Scenic on Saturday. by this versatile actor. Very good. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, JANUARY 23 AND 24: CORINNE Joved, married. Island. 2 reel Comedy, GRIFFITH in “LOVE'S WILDERNESS.” Ile becomes a smuggler, is captured and sent to Devil's She thinks him dead, marries again and goes to the Island. Story of a girl Also, Fire, Lightning, Wael «.c Smoke AT A REDUCED RATE J. M. KEICHLINE 70-2 1x* BELLEFONTE, PA Wanted! Persons planning building to come in contact with us. Save money on Cement, Sand, Limestone, Plaster Brick, Roofing, Terra Cotta Pipe, Nalls | Stucco Materials, Etec. See us first, or you may regret it later. centre County Fuel and Building Supply Co. Both Phones—Bell 319 69-16tf Bellefonte Pa The Outing Flannel we sell are far ahead of the goods gen- orally offered, yet the price is no higher. The first lot of Just try them once. French and Scotch Ginghams is in. ! . Englishac:French Gingham at the same prices as common domestic goods. Crepe finished Wool Goods. Silk and Wool at attractive prices. White Gold, Yellow and Green Gold Watches in the Newest Fancy Dials—-in Elgin. Waltham, Hamilton and Howard We have an Attractive Payment Plan F. P. Blair & Son BELLEFONTE, PENNA. x Insurance Following wire just received from our buyer, who is attending the Chicago Surniture Markets : * Prepare for some wonderful stuff.” The new goods will begin to arrive daily . ... You are always welcome The Store of Quality, Price and Service Hazel & Company Living Up to Our Promises In these days of prolific advertising writers are sometimes apt to make prom- ises which a Store cannot fulfill. Mindful of this common failing, the en- tire Management of this Store rigidly su- pervises the advertising so that it is never possible for a mis-statement of fact or an exaggeration of value to creep in. Any at- tempt to “gild the lily” is instantly frustrat- wg Thus those who read our advertise- ments have come to know from experience that the promises we make in our advertis- ing are always fulfilled. sept Special Rehuction Se ON ALL READY-TO-WEAR Ladies Coats Ladies Dresses Ladies Suits Ladies Blouses Childrens Coats Childrens Dresses One-Third off on One-Third off on Hazel & Company South Allegheny Street Bellefonte, Pa. TLV FATAL TATRA TATA TATA TATA TAN TA ATT oT TNT ASTM = Li r 4) | = L Fi \ x = C = - ;