* Church Services Next Sunday METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. The Rev. Dr. E. A. Pyles will preach at 10:45, and the pastor at 7:30. Sun- day school 9:30; Juniors 2; Epworth League 6:30. Revival meeting each night next week, except Saturday, at 7:30. A welcome to all. The fourth quarterly conference Saturday night, at 7:30. E. E. McKelvey, Pastor. BOALSBURG REFORMED CHURCH. Services on Sunday, January 11th. Boalsburg—9:15 a. m., Sunday school 10:30 a. m., church service and congregational meeting. Houserville—2:30 p. m, services. church Rev. W. W. Moyer, Pastor. &T. JOHN'S REFORMED CHURCH, Preparatory services Friday even- ing, 7:30, after which the annual con- gregational meeting will be held. Of- ficers will be elected and annual re- ports read. The Holy Communion will be celebrated at both services next Sunday morning and evening. Sunday school at 9:30 and union C. E. meeting at 6:45 p. m. Confirmation and reception of members Friday and Sunday services. Ambrose M. Schmidt, D.D,, Minister ST. JOHN'S EPISCOPAL CHURCI. Services ‘for the week beginning January 11th: Sunday in the Octave of the Epiphany, 8 a. m. Holy Eucha- rist; 9:45 a. m. church school; 11 a. m. Mattins and sermon, “The Epipha- nies.” 7:30 p. m. evensong and ser- mon, “The Boyhood of Our Lord.” Thursday, 8 a. m. Holy Eucharist. Visitors always welcome. Rev. M. DeP. Maynard, Rector. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Sunday school at 9:45. Morning worship at 10:45; theme, “Man Can- not Live by Bread Alone.” Evening Worship at 7:30; theme, “A Despond- ent Prophet.” ————— —————————— Real Estate Transfers. Louisa Bush to Earl B. Grove, tract in Spring township; $325. James J. Markle, et al, to J. D. Kel- ler, tract in College township; $2,050. _ Dorsey Eckenroth, et al, Exr, to Merrill Kerstetter, tract in Spring township; $6,500. Dorsey Eckenroth, et al, Exr, to Charles T. Bilger, tract in Spring township; $2,168. John M. Allard, et ux, to John A. Allard, tract in Rush township; $100. F. P. Blair to Gum Spring Hunt- ing Club, tract in Rush township; $386. John Alemasha, et ux, et al, to Geo. Tynio, et ux, tract in Snow Shoe town- ship; $2,700. George Wingard, et ai, to Henry W. Wingard, tract in Penn township; $1. Walter E. Dreibelbis, et al, to Al- berta J. Wrigley, tract in Ferguson . township; $600. “J.T. Leathers, et ux, to Peter Rose, tract in Spring township; $200. John W. Neese, et ux, to W. D. Zer- by, tract in Spring township; $1,000. W. D. Zerby, et ux, to Mollie S. Neese, tract in Spring township; $1,- Charles N. Thompson, et ux, to L. Frank Mayes, tract in College town- ship; $300. William R. Ham, et ux, to George C. Meyer, tract in State College; $1, 000. George W. Beezer to Louise Rishel, tract in Spring township; $1. Louise Rishel to George W. Beezer, et ux, tract in Spring township; $1. Laura S. Runkle to James W. Run- kle, tract in Centre Hall, et al. $1. James H. Shirk, et ux, to Laura E. Carver, tract in Union township; $1,- { W. R. Quick to Clyde Quick, tract in Snow Shoe, $1,385. “1. W. Vonada, et ux, to Fraternity Rod and Gun Club, tract in Haines township; $100. Wilson S. Sholl, et ux, Kustenbauder, tract in Bellefonte; 800. ohn Sebring, Exr., to Mary A. To- et al, i in Bellefonte; $4,950. Alice M. Showers to John Keeler, tract in Bellefonte; $2,000. Borough of State College to Penn- gylvania State College, tract in Col- lege township; $L mm— NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. to Edgar C. $2,- OR SALE.—Ireaning board, 4 irons, F improved Singer sewing machine . and various other heusebold arti- cles. Inquire of the Misses Margaret and Jane Miller at their home in the Crider Stone building, Bellefonte. WwW ing care of my mother. Some one who is not capable of doing hard or much work. A christian home. Small farm. No baking, washing or serubbing.— J. H. ROYER, Box 96, R.F. D. No.1, State College, Pa. 70-2-3t D Common Pleas of Centre county. a No. 128 September Term, 1924. ““ James Salvia vs. Evelyn M. Salvia. Notice is hereby given that the under- signed Master, appointed by the Court to take testimony in the above entitled case und report the same with his opinion and form of decree to the Court, will sit for the purpcses of his appointment, at his of- fice in Foster Block, Philipsburg, Pa. on saturday, January 24th, 1925, at 10 o’clock a. m. when and where all parties interest- ed may attend. GEORGE W, ZEIGLER, Master. ANTED.—Some one to assist in tak- IVORCE NOTICE.—In the Court of December 24th, 1924. 70-1-3 TOCKHOLDERS' MEETING.—The an- S nual meeting of the stockholders of Whiterock Quarries will be held at the offices of the Company in Belle- fonte, Pa, on Monday, January 26, 1925, at ten o'clock a. m., for the election of directors for the ensuing year and to transact such other business as may prop- erly come before such meeting, and partic- ularly to pass upon a proposed resolution in further amendment of Article II, Sec- tion 1 of the By Laws as. previously amended at the. anpual meeting of the stockholders, held January 25, 1909, so as to reduce the number of directors from eleven to nine at and after the said annu- al meeting. a L. A. SCHAEFFER, 70-2-3t Secretary. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS tamentary having been granted to the undersigned upon the estate of Henry C. Quigley, late of Bellefonte bor- ough, deceased, all persons knowing them- selves indebted to said estate are request- ed to make prompt payment, and those having claims against the same must pre- sent them, duly authenticated, for settle- E XECUTRIX’S NOTICE.—Letters tes- ment. AUGUSTA C. M. QUIGLEY, Executrix, 69-49-6t Bellefonte, Pa. DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.—Letters of administration having been granted to the undersigned upon the estate of Elias Confer, late of Gregg township, deceased, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are re- quested to make prompt payment, and those having claims against the same must present them, duly authenticated, for set- tlement. JOON W. CONFER, Administrator Spring Mills, R. F. D. 6G9-50-6t Orvis & Zerby, Attorneys. IVORCE NOTICE.—Alma Victoria Packenham vs. Thomas Compton Packenham. In the Court of Com- mon Pleas of Centre county, No. 108, Sep- tember Term, 1924. Libel in Divorce. To Thomas Compton Packenham, the | above named respondent.—Whereas Alma Victoria Packenham, your wife, has filed a Libel in the Court of Common Pleas of Centre county to No. 108 September Term, 1924, praying a Divorce from you, 10w you are hereby notified and required to appear in said Court on or before the fourth Mon- day of February next, to answer the said complaint of the Said Alma Victoria Pack- enham, and in default of such apearance you will be liable to have a divorce grant- ed in your absence. E. R. TAYLOR, Sheriff of Centre County. 70-2-3t IVORCE NOTICE.—W. E. Gibson, vs. D Eva Gibson. In the Court of Common Pleas of Centre County. No. 19 December term, Libel in Divorce. To Eva Gibson, the above named Re- spondent: Whereas, W. BE. Gibson, your Lusband. has filed a libel in the Court of Common Pleas of Centre county to No. 19, Decem- ber term, 1924, praying a divorce from you, now you are hereby notified and re- quired to appear in said Court on or be- fore the first Monday of February next, to answer the complaint of the said W. E. Gibson, and in default of such appearance you will be liable to have a divorce grant- ed against you. BE. RR. TAYLOR, 69-50-3t Sheriff of Centre County. Eronr OF CONDITION OF THE First’ National Bank, No. 9249, at Howard, in the State of Pennsyl- nia, aft the close of business on December 31st, 1924. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts, ..$63,736.08 Total LOANS... ccsnrress.rsseend 63,730 08 Overdrafts Unsecured ......oe.e. 254 Deposited to secure circulation U. S. bonds par value. $25,000.00 All other TU. 8. Government securities ............d ’ 0 . esrt sata Atv A ere 8 ete, 52 Banking House..........$4000.00 Furniture and fixtures..$4252.40 Total .... Lawful reserve with Federal Re- serve Bank Cash in vault and amount due from national banks........... Total of Items 9, 10, 12. “and 18 oi. dievaeye $65,186.83) Redemption Ho. 8 2 40 00 33 cesessssesssesavens assesses sasastesenenn fund with Treasurer and due from U. S. Treasurer 1,250 00 Ota) avs enavarys i $207,078 40 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in Surplus fund........cer2002v00s0 22, Undivided profits .. $10, 2 Less current expenses paid...... Circulating notes outstanding... Certified checks outstanding..... Total of Items 22, 23, 24, 25, and 26. .. v4. eriieolls $165 Individual deposits subject check Certificates of deposit due in less than 30 days (other than for money borrowed . Dividends unpaid . Other demand deposits.......... Total of demand deposits subjec to Reserve, Items 27, 28, 29, ANA D2 oa’ eran $161,211.29 Certificates of deposit (other than for money borrowed..... Other time deposits............. Total of time deposits subject to Reserve, Items 33, 34, 3b, and 38 ..............8113,501.84 TORY rena cre nee 0-4, 5001, 878.40 State of Pennsylvania county of Centre, ss: , W. K. McDOWELL, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. W. K. McDOWELL, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 0th day eof January, 1925. WALTER YEARICK, Notary Public. My commission expires at end of next ses- sion of Senate. Correct Attest: ABRAHAM WEBER, R. H. BENNISON, J. WILL MAYES, Directors. sessssessone Peeemssaamsses ttre ac eens 83,888 57 29,613 fie. Ln. Insurance AT A REDUCED RATE J. M. KEICHLINE 702 122% BELLEFONTE, PA. IRA D. GARMAN JEWELER 101 Seuth Eleventh St.. PHILADELPHIA. Have Your Diamonds Reset ia Platinum 64-34-tf EXCLUSIVE EMBLEM JEWELRY eam Caldwell & Son Plumbing «x Heating By Hot Water Vapor Steam Pipeless Furnaces Full Line of Pipe and Fittings AND MILL SUPPLIES nto. ALL SIZES OF Terra Cotta Pipe and Fittings Estimates Cheerfully and Promptly Furnished. 66-10-18 OR SALE.—Double heater, Columbian Oak, slightly = used. Price $30.00. Inquire of D. W. SHOWALTER. 70-2- A, _.s ., ——————.,» Another Bargain Slight 2nds in Window Shades 49c. Sash Rods 5c. up. Curtain Rods 10c. up. Another design in Linette (an imita- tion Linen) in Table Oilcloth patterns. GARMANS Persons planning building to come in contact with us. Cement, Sand, Limestone, Plaster | Brick, Roofing, Terra Cotta Pipe, Nails Gentre County Fuel and Building Suppiy Go. Both Phones—Bell 319 69-16tf Bellefonte Pa Wanted! Save money on See Stucco Materials, Etc. us first, or you may regret it later. Scenic Theatre Weeks-Ahead Program SATURDAY, JANUARY 10: their lives, with fast action. peal. Good for Comedy. MONDAY, JANUARY 12: Moore as the hero. THURSDAY, JANUARY 15: and Review. FRIDAY, JANUARY 16: + IRON MAN.” hater. Also, Pathe News and Review. MONTE BLUE in “LOVING LIES,” is a genuine melodrama of sailors and Some thrills and human sympathy and ap- all lovers of human melodrama. Also 2 reel Educational MADGE BELLAMY in “NO MORE WOMEN,” a comedy drama with Matt Given the go-by by one girl he becomes a woman TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13 AND 14; RICHARD BARTHELMESS in “CLASSMATES,” 4 story in which the he- ro, a West I’oint cadet, fits the role to perfection. West Point, shows much of the real life there and the story, play and all will please everybody. Also, 2 reel Sunshine Comedy. Seven reels. Taken at ADOLPH MENJON in “SINNERS IN SILK,” is a well acted and well di- rected jazz party with swimmers and divers. ture that will please spectacular lovers of the movies. A magnificently made pic- Also, Pathe News AGNES AYRES in “WORLDLY GOODS,” a story of a windy fellow who aspires high but when heroine marries him turns out to be all blow. time comes for divorce he makes a strike. As Also, 14th cpisode of “THE { Lyon & Co. Lyon & Co. The Greatest Reduction Sale dot WAAN January Sales must close out all Winter Merchandise. Our prices so low that it will be worth while coming to our store > neon. ing Classes : larly or in advance. MOOSE TEMPLE THEATRE. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, JANUARY 9 AND 10: BARBARA LAMAR in “SANDRA,” an eight reel interesting production that will please all movie fans. Also, 2 reel St. John Comedy. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, JANUARY 16 AND 17: DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS in “ROBIN HOOD,” the great wonder picture by this beloved actor and at popular prices, Matinee at Scenic Saturday after- We Extend to you the Season's Greetings and a Cordial Invitation to join our 1925 Christmas Savings Club which opens Wednesday December 10, 1924. a Merry Christmas by joining one or more of the follow- Be sure of Class 25 Fixed—Members paying 25c. a week for 50 weeks will get $12.50 Class 50 Fixed—Members paying 50c. a week for 50 weeks Class 100 Fixed—Members paying $1 a week for 50 weeks Class 200 Fixed—Members paying $2 a week for 50 weeks € 6 25.00 50.00 100.00 6 i“ tn [13 —with 3% interest added if all payments are made regu- Bellefonte Trust Company BELLEFONTE, PENNA. ~~ Seeing is Believing Lyon & Co. « Lyon & Co. cms "Come to the “Watchman” office for High Class Job work. oh Uc . Si 8 = An Instrument of Progress Bank Account is an instru- ment of progress—every deposit is a step to greater achievement. Begin the good work right now—open an account with us. 39% Interest Paid on Savings Accounts THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK STATE COLLEGE, PA. MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM ages - I © TAR LIST I aad ant White Gold, Yellow and Green Gold Watches in the Newest Fancy Dials--in Elgin, Waltham, Hamilton and Howard 5 We have an Attractive Payment Plan L Blair FONTE, & Son PENNA. CHR ~The Farmers of the United States are not yot out of the woods, but the outlook of the coming year is favorable A year ago wheat for May delivery was selling at $1.07. It is now $1.83. Corn was selling at 73c. It is now $1.33. Rye and oats are both twice the price of a year ago. The live stock industry depressed, but the outlook for improvement is good. The farmers form the largest consuming class, and prosperity for them means good times for all. We Welcome Anything that Helps the Farmer The First National Bank ‘Bellefonte, Pa. 81-46
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers