Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, January 09, 1925, Image 1

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    —Dictionaries ought to be among
the best sellers these days.
- —There is one outstanding assur-
ance in being poor. We never have a
thought of being held-up.
—The greatest single contributor to
underproduction in the United States
is, without doubt, the fellow who
started cross-word puzzles on their
_ —We don’t know whether they tried
or not, but the evidence from Harris-
burg certainly is convincing that Re-
becca and Judge Dale didn't deliver
the Hon. J. Laird to Pinchot.
—There would be a great boom in
the broom market if every one would
agree to start sweeping up in front of
his or her own door before they un-
dertake the job for their neighbors.
—A groundless suspicion, rolling off
the tongue of a thoughtless person,
falls on the ears of the town criers
and is magnified into a malicious lie
before it even gets into high gear.
Truth starts on its trail, but can never
catch up.
—We told you that Rebecca had
gone once too often to the well with
her pitcher. It was cracked last No-
vember 4th and the Hon. Holmes bust-
ed it all to pieces on Tuesday by his
vote for Bluett, the “wet,” for Speak-
er of the House.
—My, but somebody must be wish-
ing she had the thousands of postal
cards that flooded Centre county the
Saturday before last election, back
again. They cost a penny © piece and
thus far haven’t brought “thirty
cents” in total results.
—Let us tell you this: Nine out of
every ten might find it difficult to
prove that they have not been guilty
of indiscretion, but you can’t find
more than one in ten who can’t look
you in the eye and say that he or she
has not been immoral.
—What Bellefonte, and every other
community needs most in this year of
our Lord, 1925, is men and women
who will give the same ingenuity to
making homes and lives happy that
they seem to have been giving to mak-
ing them unhappy in 1924.
—How much more gracious many
of us would be to the collector of
school taxes were he to come after
them just when the kids have been
bundled back to their desks after two
weeks devoted to scratching the fur-
niture, stomping in and out when you
are trying to take a nap and empty-
ing every bag and box in the cupboard.
~The young lady who quit reading
the “Watchman” because we devoied against Baker ept ths not
eran fassord: 10" mon the can it ate
g for Governor next year. But he was
too much space to “It’s none too
to start C S Shopping
longer a threat, we become obsessed
with the urge to announce that it is
only ninety-five days until the opening
of the fishing season and it’s none too
early to start shopping for a private
—If you are making a budget for
1925 don’t forget to include provisions
for payment of your installments to
the hospital. If you make your will
in 1925 don’t forget to make a little
bequest to the hospital in it. Provide
for a living memorial, something that
will pick up the torch after you have
thrown it down and carry on for you
as long as the institution stands.
—We know very well that the Hon.
Holmes didn’t vote for Bluett because
he represented the “wet” faction.
There were other reasons, which will
develop and be revealed later. Mean-
while we would advise the saintly
souls, who went to prayer for guid-
ance as to what to do with him, after
they had advised those who don’t try
to mix the good Lord up in politics to
vote for him, to resign themselves to
watchful waiting. He'll do something
to please them every time that it
doesn’t displease the Grundy—Vare—
Baker combine.
—This is by way of explanation and
apology to several persons who must
be wondering why we merely grunted
at their cheery “Happy New Year!”
salutation, as we passed them on the
street the afternoon of the 1st. After
having been on, over and under a
broken press from eight that morning
until three in the afternoon, in order
to get “Old Reliable” on its way to you
in time, we were homeward plodding
our weary way in answer to an 8S. O.
S. Call that “the furnace is out.”
“Happy New Year!” to us then was as
the Christmas letters of the week be-
fore that didn’t have what Trood Par-
ker, of Clearfield, called “the Christ-
mas greens” in them.
—Inasmuch as Bluett had the over-
whelming majority he showed in his
fight with the Governor it looks as
though Mr. Holmes played very poor
politics in not having gotten Baker's
consent to vote for Goodnough. Har-
ry would have given it, we're sure.
Especially after it was known that
Bluett would not need Holmes’ vote.
The Member from Centre could have
voted as would have more in
line with the wishes of his home con-
stituency and later gone along with
the organization when his vote might
- really be needed. He will attempt to
explain away his desertion of his
“dry” advocates here by saying that
the election of a Speaker had no bear-
ing on Prohibition or enforcement.
But they won’t accept any such ex-
cuse, reasonable as it is. They are
. not that kind and Mr. Holmes can save
© himself now from political oblivion
only by coming home next April with
ample appropriations in his bag for
Centre county institutions.
_ VOL. 70.
Bluett Elected Speaker.
By a vote of 133 to 58 the Republi-
can Representatives in the General
Assembly, in caucus at Harrisburg on
Monday evening, nominated Mr.
Thomas Bluett, of Philadelphia, for
Speaker of the House, and on Tues-
day at noon the choice was ratified by
his election on a strictly party vote.
The 58 votes cast for Mr. C. Jay
Goodnough, of Cameron county, his
competitor for the honor, augmented
by probably a dozen organization men
influenced by the prohibition issue and
half that number coerced »v the Gov-
ernor’s threat of reprisals, expressed
the strength of Governor Pinchot in
the session of the Legislature for
1925. Two years ago he held com-
plete control of the General Assembly.
So far as information goes Mr. Blu-
ett is a rather obscure but entirely
reputable Philadelphia lawyer. He
was chosen for the office by Congress-
man Vare and adopted somewhat re-
luctantly by Mr. Grundy and Secre-
tary Mellon. There is no basis for af-
filiation between these men other than
a mutual detestation of Pinchot.
Grundy and Mellon were influenced by
expediency. Vare’s ambition to pose
as a State leader held him obdurately
to his entrant and the others yielded.
Mr. Mellon brought Senator Max Les-
lie, of Pittsburgh, into the combina-~
tion and finally chairman Harry Ba-
ker was forced to join the group,
though the original purpose of Grun-
dy and Vare was in part to destroy
Baker's influence. ;
Mr. Grundy and Mr. Vare had three
well defined purposes in'mind in com-
bining for the selection of a Speaker
of the House. The first was the elim-
ination of chairman Baker as a po-
tent influence in the party organiza-
tion. The second was to rebuke Gov-
ernor Pinchot for his frequent slurs
on the machine and the third to con-
fuse and retard, if not to prevent,
the enforcement of the prohibition
amendment to the federal constitu-
tion and the State and National legis-
lation on that subject. Mr. Mellon
had no sympathy with the movement
r except that he is not in
an enthusiastic supporter of the pur-
pose to rebuke Pinchot.
It may be said that in the nomina-
tion and election of Mr. Bluett to the
Speakership all the purposes have
enforcement legislation, and Grundy
being secure in a supply at the lux-
urious clubs in which he enjoys mem-
ent on that subject. But with Vare it
is a vital matter. His corrupt party
organization depends largely upon the
proceeds of graft and the protection
of crime for its maintenance and pros-
perity. It was for this reason that he
who, as Governor Pinchot declared, is
“notoriously wet.”
No doubt Mr. Bluett will administer
the office to the best of his ability and
with such fairness as political expe-
diency requires. Having had the ex-
perience of two terms in service he
understands the necessity of “assum-
ing a virtue.” But it is equally cer-
tain that in so far as opportunity af-
fords, he will serve the interests of
those who bestowed upon him the dis-
tinction he enjoys. He will me har-
rassed more or less by “snipers” from
the Pinchot camp but he has an over-
whelming majority behind him in the
beginning, and though his path may
not always be strewn with roses he
may surprise even his friends by effi-
ciency. In any event he has the best
wishes of good citizens.
mm—— fp ———————
——The Commissioners of Centre
county will vote today on raising the
county millage for 1925. ' At present
it is 6 mills and they find they’ll have
to increase it to 8, if they are to have
funds with which to pay for the new
bridges which the new highway
through upper Bald Eagle valley will
force the county to build.
at es
—To thwart the speed demons and
careless motorists council has tried
“dummy” policemen and expensive
“blinkers” without much result. It
might occur to that august body that
some time or other the law should be
given a chance to show what it would
do, if properly enforced.
i Cp SE
——~Senator Dial, of South Caroli-
na, will retire from public life and re-
March, and he is not likely to be miss-
ed much.
——The Philadelphia mummers had
Butler, on New Year's day, but the
to score.
——The statement that a deaf mute
“nagging” her husband makes a rath-
er strong draft on credulity.
been fulfilled. Mr. Mellon has only
a superficial interest in prohibition or
bership is probably equally indiffer- |
picked out a candidate for Speaker |
lots of fun with public safety director
wife has been arraigned in court for
Work of the 1925 Session.
The proceedings of the session of
the General Assembly which began on
Tuesday are certain to be interesting
and may be valuable. As a rule it
may be safely said that the fewer the
laws passed the better, and at this
time there is not much need for a
great number of laws. But there is
urgent need for some legislation be-
sides the supply bills which must be
passed in order that the government
may function. Among these is the
measure known as the Giant Power
bill. This bill was opposed by some
Senators and Representatives because
it is urged by the Governor and by
others for the reason that railroad in-
terests are against it. One of the ar-
guments in its favor is that it will re-
duce the cost of transportation of
coal, a very enticing proposition.
Another subject likely to challenge
opposition is the ratification of the
child labor amendment to the Feder-
al constitution. There are various
reasons advanced for opposing this
measure. It encroaches directly, and
many think mischievously, on the po-
lice power of the State as well as the
moral influence of the family. Some
of the welfare organizations have
openly expressed opposition to the
ratification and it is likely to fail of
passage. There will be a good deal of
fighting over the proposition to re-
enact the emergency tax bills passed
during last season under the spur of
pressure by the Governor. But it is
reasonably certain that there can be
'no decrease in revenue unless there is
a corresponding cut in appropriations.
Two years ago Governor Pinchot
began his administration with many
‘and vociferous promises of economy.
i He still persists in a statement made
!a year ago that some $40,000 a day
were being saved. But taxes were
considerably increased to meet the or-
dinary and other expenses of the State.
It was believed then that these emer-
gency taxes would dispose of all past
delinquencies and present an even bal-
' ance to begin the biennium to be pro-
‘vided for by this year’s Legislature.
It is now admitted that this expecta
Sho Rod and it will
“be necessary to re-enact the emergen-
‘ey bills or provide revenue through
: other sources. How the Governor will
‘manage it this year remains to be
* seen, but he is not likely to run a bun-
ko game as he did before.
——Happily the Democrats were
harmonious in the organization of the
Legislature. There weren't enough of
them to organize a good fight.
Preparing Bruce for the Grave.
| Senator Bruce, of Maryland, who
. was elected as a Democrat but usual-
1 ly votes with the Republicans, stirred
| up a good deal of a “hornet’s nest”
i the other day when he undertook to
| criticize his colleagues in the Senate
and the Democrats of the country gen-
j erally because the party is inclined
| to serve the people rather than the
i corporations. During the considera-
tion of the Mellon tax bill last ses-
sion Mr. Bruce was particularly act-
ive in support of Mr. Mellon’s policy
of discrimination in favor of the rich
and against the poor tax payers, and
| upon all other questions involving the
interests of corporations he aligned
himself with the Republicans and
against the party which had honored
| The other day Senator Pat Harri-
; son “took a fall out of him” and it is
understood that in the near future
Senator Walsh, of Montana, will re-
uly to his criticism of the conduct of
the Teapot Dome investigation. If
there is enough of him left to form a
target after Walsh finishes it is re-
ported that Senator Robinson, of Ar-
kansas, minority floor leader of the
i Senate, will complete the work of pre-
paring him for a well earned political
grave. Senator Harrison replied to
his criticism of the late Democratic
: National convention, Walsh will dis-
cuss the cunduct of the Teapot Dome
investigation and Robinson will ans-
wer his strictures on the legislative
policies of the Democratic Senators
, during last session.
{ Senator Bruce is persuaded that the
Democrats are wrong on,almost every
question of public interest. In the in-
vestigation of the Teapot Dome scan-
dal he imagines that the constitution-
al rights of Secretary Fall, Mr. Do-
heny and Harry Sinclair were grossly
outraged. They were strictly pursu-
ing the lines of “common sense” in
turn to obscurity on the fourth of i robbing the government to enrich
themselves and interference with their
plans was a grave crime. The Demo-
cratic Senators framed a tax bill in
the interest of the people and accept-
ed the help of independent Republicans
to pass it over the Mellon bill, and that
General has the balance of the year was a conspiracy against capital. All
in all Bruce is bowed down in grief
but the Democratic party is satisfied.
smmm——— Gp fp ——————
—~—Goodnough may be all right as
a Speaker but he is noughgood as a
aL -
Issues in the Speakership Fight.
The supporters of Mr. Bluett for
Speaker of the House of Representa-
tives were quite as absurd in their
claim that there was no “wet and
dry” issue involved as the supporters
of Mr. Goodnough were preposterous
inalleging it was the only issue. It may
be safely assumed that neither Joe
Grundy nor Bill Vare cares a “tink-
er’s dam” whether the Speaker is wet
or dry or prohibition legislation is en-
forced or neglected. The purpose of
their “unholy alliance” is to get con-
trol of the Republican machine, and
the only way by which they may
achieve that result is to eliminate
State chairman W. Harry Baker. That
was the influencing reason for inject-
ing Mr. Bluett into the contest for
The individuals and organizations
opposed to prohibition and against the
enforcement of the Eighteenth amend-
ment and the Volstead law naturally
and logically joined in the movement
to elect Mr. Bluett because of the in-
fluence a “wet” Speaker would be able
to exercise on legislation for or
against prohibition enforcement.
Present indications are that a good
deal of time and energy of the Legis-
lature during the session will be giv-
en to consideration of measures of this
character. Even with a Law and Or-
der cemmittee favorable to enforce-
ment wisely directed and vigorous op-
position from the chair would make
the passage of any ‘type of legislation
extremely difficult if not impossible.
The political ambitions of Grundy
and Vare and the selfish interests of
rum runners of the State were ex-
pressed in the candidacy of Mr. Blu-
ett. It is an immoral combination of
greed, graft and crime and may work
great evil for the people of Pennsyl-
vania.. But the offer of the opposition
was little better. In his strife for
mastery Governor Pinchot prostituted
the prerogatives of his great office to
the basest uses imaginable and made
the grossest atrocities of Quay and
Penrose look like disinterested patriot-
Penrose’s political estate. But they
opposed his candidate because he is
——Attorney General Stone is mak-
1ing rapid progress toward the top in
public life. A year ago he was a rath-
er obscure lawyer in New York and
now sits on the Supreme court bench.
Governor Pinchot’s Message.
Governor Pinchot’s annual message,
delivered to the Legislature in joint
session on Tuesday, is characteristic.
It is long drawn out, boastful and pre-
tentious. In it the Governor reiter-
ates the statement, officially disputed
by both the Auditor General and State
Treasurer, that the administration has
saved $40,000 a day during the two
years that have elapsed since the
opening of the last session of the Gen-
eral Assembly. The Governor gener-
ously credits the heads of the several
departments for a share in this benefi-
cent achievement.
The Governor unsparingly and just-
ly denounces the leaders of his own
party for sins of the periods before
his induction into office. “The false
political standards created in the pub-
lic mind by generations of ill-advised
political = leadership, seeking only
spoils,” he declares, “have at times
made the path difficult.” In another
paragraph he adds: “Under boss rule
the people of Pennsylvania became
hardened to the sight of political cor-
ruption and to the shameless use of
public office for private, personal or
political ends. The cost of such mis-
rule is always high.” .
Yet in the face of this understand-
ing the Governor publicly opened up
a trading post for the purpose of buy-
ing support for his pet candidate for
Speaker of the House of Representa-
tives only a few days ago, offering of-
ficial patronage as the only currency
in the transactions. If this was not
a recurrence to, and even an enlarge-
ment upon, the methods of Quay and
Penrose it will be difficult to define it.
Besides, during the recent campaign
he urged voters to support the Wash-
ington administration though it was
reeking with corruption.
mm — A ———————
——The Legislature ought to be
speedy and unanimous in passing the
legislation necessary to use the loan
already approved by popular vote.
r——— fp a ———————.
——1In counting his friends Gover-
nor Pinchot uses the system Jack Fal-
staff employed in measuring his ene-
ems s— p—————————
. ——Chairman Baker's influence
may be impaired but Mellon will see
to it that Vare doesn’t get the “pea-
cock feather.”
——Senator Borah may find out in
the course of time that unsolicited ad-
vice is not always welcome.
doe of quar h chairman Ba- |
‘ker, the legatee and administrator of
NO. 2.
The Tariff Commission.
From the Philadelphia Record.
There is not the least probabilit
that the sugar duties will be reduced,
but the law that created the Tariff
Commission provided for the repre-
sentation of the minority upon it,
and the flexible provision in the
present tariff law contemplated, pro-
fessedly, the lowering as well as the
raising of duties. It is the part of a
vigilant minority to expose the bad
faith of the majority party whenever
it is possible.
A resolution has been offered in
Congress calling for an investigation
of reports that the Tariff Commission
has been subjected to pressure to pre-
vent it from recommending a reduc-
tion of the sugar duties. There may
have been pressure which has not been
disclosed, and, if so, we hope it-will
be uncovered. But for all practical
purposes what the President has done
amounts to pressure to prevent any-
thing approaching an impartial inves-
tigation of the sugar duties. Here is
a board created ostensibly to investi-
gate the incidence of tariff duties,
which is deterred by the President
from reporting in favor of a reduc-
tion; it may report all the increases
it likes.
The board had been investigating
the sugar duties for a year or two.
It reached conclusions and transmit-
ted its report to the President, who
did not make it public, but sent it
back to the commission for certain
additional information. Ten days or
two weeks before the election, a
member of the commission said that
it would take several days more to
get the information desired. “The
Record” predicted then the report
would not become public before the
election. ~The housekeepers were
pressing for a reduction, and the
sugar beet growers were protesting
against any reduction, and the Presi-
dent was a candidate for election.
Of course, there would be no-réport
before the election. It is'mow two
months since the election,. and the
report has not yet been made public,
and no action has been taken regard-
ing it. It is universally believed in
Washington that the commission ve-
ported in: favor of a substantial re-
duction in sugar duties—25 per cent.
at Jeti One. Republican mus {
| joined the two_ Dem
‘make a majority
tion. : J
The action of the President in‘re-
turning the report to the commission,
and his failure to act upon the report
up to this time, leave no doubt that he
will not have any reduction of any du-
ty, and this is the severest pressure
that could be applied to a group of of-
ficials who are appointed and are ré-
movable by the President. The pur-
pose of a tariff commission is defeat-
ed; there is no use in the commission
investigating a duty if it must reach
a conclusion satisfactory to the Pres-
ident. Tt is useless for the law to pro-
vide for representation of the minor-
ity party; and the flexible provision
in the tariff law is exposed for the de-
ception it is. The Fordney-McCum-
ber bill fixed duties above the level at
which several Republican Senators
could vote for it. The flexible provis-
ion was put in to enable all the Re-
publicans to vote for the measure, the
moderate protectionists accepting the
suggestion that the Tariff Commission
could reduce duties if they were found
to be too high. Men like Fordney and
McCumber do not believe any duty
can be too high, and the flexible pro-
vision was devised, not to make re-
ductions of duties possible, but to
make it possible for all the Republi-
can Senators to vote for the bill. The
President also thinks no duty can be
too high.
The Democrats can’t change the
tariff, but they can expose the coer-
cion of the Tariff Commission by the
President, and the fraudulent charac-
ter of the flexible provision.
—————— A so —————
Political Geography.
Irom the Indianapolis News.
Geographical equality is regarded
as important when it comes to the dis-
tribution of political patronage. One
locality must be balanced against
another, if some of the party faith-
ful are not to become disgruntled.
The action of an employee of the Re-
publican State committee in prepar-
ing a catalogue of State and Federal
positions, their location and the names
and party faith of the incumbents, re-
veals positive genius. Accompanying
the catalogue is to be a map, on which
colored thumbtacks are to be placed,
showing where those drawing sala-
ries paid by the public live. Both
achievements doubtless will get the
praise they merit from party boards
of strategy, whether of Republican or
Democratic allegiance. :
If ordinary citizens are somewhat
mystified as to why there should be
this balancing of the plums territor-
ially, they do not realize the danger—
to politicians—of sectional discord.
There must be a united front against
the enemy when campaign time comes,
or the chances of defeat are increased.
A battle lost means no appointments
to award, either to high or low officers
in the conquering army. So there
must be judicious discrimination in
seeing that too many of the offerings
do not go to any one community, or
the soldiers in others may cry dis-
crimination and perhaps refuse battle
| again, Strategy decrees a caréful
handling of
linés firm.
Sms fp ————
patronage to hold the
“1 Millwood,
—-Try the “Watchman” in 1925. |
—Mrs. Amos Sell, of Galion, Ohio, will
give $1000 to the Susquehanna Synod of
the Lutheran church for the education of
young men for the ministry. .
—When I. Protech opened his jewelry
store at Vandergrift early last Friday
morning he was confronted by 2 man who
emerged from the darkness in the rear of
the store and pointing two pistols at the
merchant demanded he open his safe. Pro-
tech complied and the robber escaped with
about $20,000 in jewelry and $46 in cash.
—Inmates of the Lehigh county prison
last year wove a total of 32,882 yards of
rag carpet, according to the report of ware
den Ervin F. Schaeffer, submitted to the
board of prison inspectors. In addition,
1836 rugs were manufactured. All of the
carpets are made of rags, cut and sewed by
Lehigh county housewives, the warden
—Two bandits entered the grocery store
of Charles Schwartz, of Darby, Chester
county, as he was about to close the place
late Friday night. They asked for butter,
and as Schwartz was about to enter the
ice box one of the men covered him with a
revolver. The other then went to the cash
register and rifled it of $252 in cash and a
check for $75.
—VWilliamsport employees of the Penns
sylvania Railroad who have been retired
are: Charles Fisher, aged 65 years, ree
ceiving and delivery clerk at Williams<
port, who has been in the service since
1887; Benjamin Haddon, aged 65, switch
tender at Northumberland, who has been
in the service since 1879; Milton Arbogast,
aged 66, crossing watchman at Sunbury,
who has been in the service since 1885.
—David B. Simpson, of Philadelphia, an
executive in the State Department of Wel
fare, has accepted the position of com-
mander of the State soldiers’ and sailors’
home at Erie. He will succeed Capt. A. W.
Anderson, who was appointed about two
years ago. The board of trustees of the
Frie home is planning enlargements, which
include greater hospital facilities, in order
to care for incapacitated world war veter-
—TLester Freeman, aged 19 years, of Coal
pert, Cambria county, apparently likes
{he Blair county jail. Released a few days
ago, he walked into Pennsylvania Railroad
police headquarters and requested to be
arrested. He said he stole an overcoat
from Francis Carothers, in Altoona, last
November, and to prove it he was wearing
the overcoat. Carothers identified his
property, and Freeman was sent back to
—Seventeen customers of the First Na-
tional bank of Claysburg, Blair county,
last week received checks totaling $17,400
to compensate them for their losses when
the bank was robbed December 9, 1921.
The burglars pried open safe deposit boxes
and stole securities and other valuables.
One loser won a suit against the bank to
recover his losses. Ten others brought
suit. The bank obtained permission from
the comptroller of the currency to reim-
burse its patrons.
—Q@eorge Cooper, 40 years of age, of
Johnstown, was committed to the West-
moreland county jail on Sunday charged °
with attacking Mrs. Albert Shean, 61 years
o Pennsylvania railroad tracks at~ -
near Derry, Saturday night.
Mrs. Shean is under the care of a physi-
cian and is in a serious condition from
shock and lacerated scalp. Police reported
that a quantity of the woman's hair had
been pulled from her head.
—A farmer on his way to market at Wil- *
liamsport, saved a family of six persons
from burning to death in their home near
Cogan Station early on Saturday. Charles
Peppermaan was driving to that city when
he noticed the home of Loren Kyle in
flames. He ran to the house and aroused
Mr. and Mrs. Kyle and their four children,
who were sleeping. They fled from the
house in their night clothing. Then, using
snow instead of water, Pepperman and
Kyle succeeded in extinguishing the fire
before it could destroy the home. The
origin of the fire is not known.
—While the burglar alarm was loudly
ringing, robbers marched boldly out of the
garage of the Hamburg Motor Car com-
pany, owned by R. P. Rentschler, at Ham:
burg, Berks county, one morning last
week with $1000 worth of raw furs and
disappeared. Rentschler handles furs in
addition to his garage business and had
about $25,000 worth stored in the build-
ing. The thugs cut out window panes
without touching the frames to get into
the building. They packed their loot into
bags, then opened the front doors, setting
oft the alarms, and fled in autos.
—His badge of authority probably saved
the life of patrolman Edward Fallon, of
Pittsburgh, on Sunday, when it stopped a
bullet fired by a Negro the officer was at-
tempting to arrest. Fallon was knocked
to the ground by the force of the bullet
and suffered powder burns on the face,
but otherwise was uninjured. The Negro
and his companion escaped. The suspicion
of the policeman was aroused by two Ne-
groes standing beside an automobile in
Bigelow boulevard. As he approached
them, one of the Negroes drew a revolver
and fired, the bullet striking Fallon's
—The annual banquet by the freshmen
class at Carnegie Institute of Technology,
at Pittsburgh, was broken up on Tuesday
night when a group of 235 sophomores
forced their way into the dining room on
the fourth floor of an East End hotel. The
freshmen turned a fire hose upon the in-
vaders, who came into the room by way of
the fire escape. The proprietor turned in
a riot call to the police who responded and
separated the fighting class men, order-
ing them to disperse. No arrests were
made. Many of the students were bruised
and cut and their clothes torn but no one
was seriously hurt.
~The litigation in the Ellsler estate, in
which Philadelphia and Pottsville families
are represented, ended last week when at-
torney James J. Morgan was agreed upon
as trustee to represent both sides. Real
estate worth $500,000 at Miami, Fla., will
be disposed of as the result of the settle«
ment and the entire amount will be divid-
ed between Mrs, John Ellsler, of Phila-
delphia, and Miss Emma Ellsler, of Potts-
ville. The property of the Ellslers at Mi-
ami was bought a number of years ago for
$60. The purchase was considered a fami-
ly joke, but with the rapidity of the
growth of the town the investment has
grown to huge proportions and much al-
ready has been realized from. the sale of
lots; The estate was brought inte court
‘when a Philadelphia member of the fanily
asked for an accounting.