Dewan. rr, Jellefonte, Pa., J January ry 2, 192 1925. Em PLEASANT GAP. There should be a building corpor- ation organized here and a number of new tenant houses erected. Not a va- cant house at the Gap and scores of applicants daily hunting houses. A project of this character would pay immensely. Jack Noll had one of his cars bad- ly demolished down at the crossroads in the lower end of the valley recently. The offender who caused the trouble very generously : agreed to pay the “fiddler,” inasumch as he admitted he was the cause of the mishap. * John Herman, of Philadelphia, spent Christmas with his mother, Mrs. John Herman. + The mission here was evi- dently to accquaint his mother and good friends of the recent good luck of Mr. and Mrs. John Herman. It's a hoy and answers to the name of Jack r. * Our sportsmen did reasonably well during the past hunting season. All told thirteen deer were brought down, one bear and quite a bunch of foxes. The smaller game also yielded good. The Kerstetter club landed five bucks, the home talent team had a total of four bucks from the Greenvalley dis- trict and four bucks were brought in by the day hunters. Our assistant postmaster, Mr. John Mulfinger, is succeeding remarkably . well. He is very attentive to business, active, accommodating and extreme- ly obliging. Johnny says he will help us out during the winter but can’t af- ford to handle the mails during the summer. Being an expert gardener he refuses to abandon his garden in the summer season, as the postmas- ter’s salary does not justify him to neglect the garden. The weather here has been ex- tremely cold the past week, the ther- mometer bordering in the vicinity of Zero; however, the: weather man pre- dicts a rising temperature for a brief time at least, which is’ encouraging news, and all know that his excellen- cy frequently verifies his guesses. Why the beginning of the year was placed in the midst of winter is a mys- tery that can probably be explained only on the hypothesis that January is the first of the spring months in the latitude where the autocrats lived who fixed it. When the sun shines the emotion is founded on delightful oc- currences and causes a universal ex- pansion of vital action.. The blood flows more liberally throughout the | whole system, . the countenance be- comes expanded, its expression bright- ens, and the whole surface acquires the ruddy tint and genial warmth of health. The body becomes more bouy- ant and lively. So far as the weather regulations are concerned there is a higher power Who looks after that and He knows best, and we should be contented. Mysterious are the work- ings of Providence; but the time will come when we shall see the wisdom of all the dealings of God. Our main standby, Whiterock, ac- cording to authentic reports, is forg- ing ahead to the great satisfaction of our entire community. Too much credit cannot be given to the new management. The entire plant un- derwent a thorough overhauling, re- modeling all departments. Some $40,000 has been spent in the past six months, so that today Whiterock is a first-class lime producing plant in every respect, and compares favorably with any -similar corporation in this country. The fruits of this energetic movement is showing most encourag- ing results. It is learned from a reli- able source that the corporation has sufficient orders booked and in sight to keep the plant running full time from January 1st to April 1st. The good work is apparently a great en- couragement to the operators and em- ployees as well. The future progress’ and financial advancement of White- rock now seems to be an assured fact. The corporation is composed of most- ly responsible, practical business men; some of the ablest and most shrewd financiers in Central Pennsylvania; hence it is that the prospects are ma- terializing beyond anticipations. The brilliancy and efforts of this enter- prising bunch of men is more like the light of the Aurora Borealis than the golden light of the sun. Marriage Licenses. John L. Bratton and Mary M. Vro- bleski, Osceola Mills. Nevin B. Rishel, Spring-Mills, and Bessie Caroline Hosterman, Coburn. William J. Sallurdy and Martha Roberst, Hawk Run. Samuel H. Katen and Olive Wilson, Philipsburg, Troderick K. Carter, Centre Hall, and Agnes L. Osman, Spring Mills. ay $ Buy at Home We pay taxes here and con- tribute to every public move- ment. And we sell Groceries that are as good as you can get anywhere, City Cash Grocery In Ordering Bread Don't forget to enrich your table with our other baked goods that lend variety and deliciousness to your meals at little expense. BREAKFAST ROLLS CRULLERS COFFEE RINGS CAKES FANCY BUNS RAISEN BREAD CURRANT BUNS PIES They give you the same food value as our wholesome Bread. CITY BAKERY > WPA POPIP PPI Dodge Bros. Motor Cars Graham Bros. Trucks Hockman’s Garage «The... Center Oil and Gas Co Distributors of $¢) Products - Bottorf Bros. The EXIDE Battery “Service Station Automobile Accessories, Radios and Supplies and Electrical Contractors Bottorf Bros. i GALAIDA’S SANITARY Fish and Oyster Market Bush Arcade—Both Phones Fish, Oysters and Dressed Poultry at All Times. Bell Telephone 82 M UNBREAKABLE Can’t Break, Crack or Leak A Le Boeuf Fountain Pen is Guaranteed Unbreakable Come in and Try to Break One The Mott Drug Co Hunter’s Book Store All Standard Lines Eaton’s and Craine’s Papers Blair Tablets Carter’s and Stafford’s Inks Dennison Goods Eversharp and Conklin Pencils Conklin and Moore Pens BE Te a ld ed a ed ey as IT'S REAL SATISFACTION B x ZootHEH> We Invite you to drive it 5 over any Mountain you suggest. © PENN STATE AUTO CO. nERX>IwW WS ENE DON'T BUY FROM The Unless you want Real Quality and Satisfaction for Your Money. ; £ COONS SII GING GG Before You Buy q { : Any LUMBER, FLOORING, FINISH, "SASH, DOORS, MILL WORK t { ¢ 4 4 Get Shope’s Prices Bell 46 W PAINS AAS PA AAA AN SPA Pt Nt PN dP AA i Bellefonte Lumber Co MILL WORK SHINGLES BUILDING SUPPLIES ROUGH LUMBER LATH Bellefonte Lumber Co AAAS AILSA, AA nk Potter-Hoy Haw. Co. § Enduring Gifts Quality Tatneinre.. Showing the largest Lines of Exclusive trade-marked Furni- ture in Centre County W. R. BRACHBILL Spring St. Bellefonte, Pa. i i i 1 | They Say they Know—that The Variety Sop China and Toy Departments are the Best in Centre County. Kom and C what U think. G. R. SPIGELMYER & CO. M. R. JOHNSON Marble and Granite CEMETERY WORK of every description Before You Vote BE SURE TO READ THIS We have nominated as our leaders the MODERN GLENWOOD STOVE . W. Lawrence & Co’s READY MIXED PAINTS, Val- spar Varnishes, Enamels and Stains, H. P. SCHAEFFER, Hardware COAL! Our careful selection has ena- bled us to sell and deliver at any time the Best Grade of Coal mined in Centre county. Centre Co.Fuel & B’ldg Sup. Co NATHAN KOFMAN, Prop. Knisely’s Market Clean and Up-to-Date FISH OYSTERS BUTTER EGGS SMOKED MEATS West High Street Lyon &Co Lyon & Co We specialize in Ladies, Missés and Children’s Ready-to-Wear Come and see our Blankets and Comfortables Visit our store before you do your Winter buying. It will be a Big Saving to you. LYON & CO. EE Bellefonte Filling Station - and Rest Room ‘A Service Station for Impatient Motorists GREASES OILS GAS Confectionery ‘Tobacco Oil" Changed Free - FRANK SASSERMAN, Prop. Russ-Bell’s Sodas, Ice Cream, Candy Martha Washington CANDIES Old Time . Home Made Casebeer’s Christmas Window for Gifts that, Last, REGISTERED Optometrist and Jeweler DOES BUSINESS oN OTHER MAN'S CASH Capital of the Mail Order House Is Furnished by Its Customers. WORKS ALWAYS ON ‘VELVET in Which They Are Interested. (Copyright.) It is a mighty nice thing to be able to do business on the other fellow’s money, but there are fea people who can do it. Probably the only busi- ness men who, as a class, are able to do this, are the mail order men ip the big cities. Did you ever stop to think—yomu, who have ordered goods from a mail order house and there are probably few who have not done that at some time or other—that you are supplying the cash upon which the mail order man is doing business? You are well aware of the fact that your cash must go with your order if you expect to re- ceive the goods, but have you ever stopped to think what that means? Do you realize that you are supplying the capital for a business which is run- ning in direct competition with your home merchants, upon whose prosper- ity you and your fellow townsmen are dependent for a livelihood? The majority of mail order houses do not carry large stocks of goods. They do not have to. When the mail order man gets your order, accom- panied by the cash, of course, he can take a part of your money and go to the manufacturer or the wholesaler and buy the article that is wanted. The rest of the money he can put down in his pocket after paying his operating costs, which are light when compared with those of the merchant who must carry a large stock of goods to meet the demands made upon him. In Class by Themselves. There is absolutely nc other class ov men who do business on the capital furnished by their customers. Even the retail store which sells for cash only cannot do this for he must carry a large stock and in most cases must pay cash for it in order to get prices that will enable him to make lower prices to his customers than can be made by the merchant who gives credit to his customers. The mail order man doesn’t need to nave any of his own capital invested in his business—or any large amount of it, at least, in proportion to the vol- ume of the business which he does. He does not have to pay interest to the banks on money borrowed to help him finance his business. The mail order man figures that about one-half of the amount he receives on any order goes to the wholesaler or manufacturer in payment for the goods ordered. Of the remainder a part goes for postage, printing, maintenance of office and plant, insurance, etc. What is left, which is by no means an insignificant part of every dollar received, goes into dividends to stockholders in the mail order corporation. All this has been done without any capital other than that which may be required to pay of- fice expenses. Suppose, for a minute, that you dia ousiness with the local merchants on the same plan. Suppose that they did not carry any goods in stock, that when you wanted to buy something | you should go to one of your home | "merchants, look in his catalogue and |: pick out an article that seemed to be | similar to the one that you wanted, hand over the price as shown by the | catalogue and tell him to order it for vou. The merchant would take your money and you would wait for your goods until they arrived from a dis- tant city. : ‘Not So Anxious. But the people who make up an) <ommunity are not nearly as anxious to furnish capital to the home mer- chant—the man who helps “make” the town—as they are to the mail order man in the far distant city, who does nothing and cares nothing for the peo- ple.who furnish him the money on which to do business. They insist that the home merchant shall carry a large stock of goods from which they can select what they wish, when they think it is to their interest to buy from him. They insist that he shall stand back of the goods he sells and make good any defect that may appear in them. They insist that he shall sell them what they wish and wait for the money until they get ready to pay it. They insist that he shall sell goods at the same prices or lower prices than the mail order houses charge for goods of poorer qual- ity. And finally, they insist that the home merchant shall furnish the large amount of capital that is required to conduct a business on this plan. The mail order buyer may say that he has the right to spend his money anywhere he pleases and he has, legal- ly. But he probably has never stopped to reflect on the fact that he is supply- ing the capital for the operation of a concern which is in direct competition with enterprises in which he is directly | €: interested, for every man, woman and | > child*in*a-town is directly interested-in | @ - the success of the business enterprises ‘| in that town. I these business enter- prises are not prosperous, the town cannot be prosperous. To supply capi- : tal to your competitor is not very good Yusiness. The Best at Less in Pianos Radios Phonographs HARTER’S MUSIC STORE 18 N. Allegheny St. wait until Spring to have your Car done over ? Now is the Time S. H. POORMAN’S GARAGE BELLEFONTE, PA. Your Satisfaction IS OUR RECORD FOR SERVICE That Good (JF _Gasotine on the edge of town, on the State College road. EDGEFONT FILLING STATION and REST ROOM BOND CC. WHITE, Prep. The Scenic Moose Temple|Theatre PICTURES SHOWS Goo Have You Been getting everything that’s com- ing to you when buying groceries We give you Service and Good Groceries at Right Prices THOMAS S. HAZEL DEALER IN Staple and Fancy : Groceries $1.75 $1.75 Ladies’ Silk Hose (Guaranteed) We will give a new pair free for any pair that shows a run- ner in the leg or a hole in the heel or toe. Yeager’s Shoe Store . I { BEEZERS GARAGE STUDEBAKER International Trucks See the ‘Duplex’ Car GEO. A. BEEZER Sor: G. F. Musser Co WHOLESALE GROCERS FRANK .MAYER Manufacturer of... Snow-flake and White-lily FLOUR We carry a large stock of All Kinds of Feed in both our Mills. We are always in the market for Grain. Bellefonte Mill Roopsburg Mill Was Never in Business in Any Other Town ~ Wion Garage New Location...W. Bishop St: BELLEFONTE | Bring Health and Happiness to your home with a convenient “Heatmore” Pipeless Furnace CLEAN AND SANITARY Saves Fuel Saves Work Extra Heavy Castings Deep Cup Joints Revolving Cinder Crushing Grates Properly installed in your Home at a price that will sur- prise you. Carload buying gives us this advantage, A few remain unsold of the car- load. Place your order now and save some real money. Bellefonte Hardware Co, MAAAAAAAAA ArAAAANAAANS Montgomery & Co BELLEFONTE, PA. Genuine ENGLISH BROAD CLOTH SHIRTS Specially Priced $2.45 Blue — Tan — White — Gray WININ S Is 0 0 CT Se The Real Coaster Wagon “The Premax” The best built wagon we know of. Just an ideal X-mas gift for the Boy. Olewine’s Hardware i The Talk of the Town! Selby’s and Just Wrights Arch Support Shoes FOR MEN AND WOMEN Mingle’s Shoe Store IAA PAS PS PPPS AUSSI UO PPPOE Kisser's Meat Market is in on the Buy at Home Cam- paign because it offers such Choice Meats at the Right Prices that there is no reason for anybody buying elsewhere. PSUS PAPO SS Fruits Vegetables EVERYTHING IN SEASON EVERYTHING OF THE BEST Carpeneto’s Buy In Gentre County Buy from whom you please BUT Buy in Centre County - Hazel & Company § Bon Mot EVERYTHING THAT IT’S NAME IMPLIES Schlow’s Quality Shop Offers you Many Opportunities in Quality. and Service that you can’t get by buying abroad ENPIAPAP NSAP PPS ANSI
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