Two Disastrous Fires in Snow Shoe Borough. The Methodist Episcopal church, at Snow Shoe, was entirely destroyed by fire on Sunday, December 21st, entail- ing a loss of approximately $15,000, on which there was only $6,000 insur- ance. The fire started shortly before nine o'clock in the morning and evi- dently originated from an overheated furnace. The church, a frame struc- ture, was built fifty years ago, but ten or more years ago had been en- larged and improved. The congrega- tion are already figuring on plans to rebuild but until a new church is erected will worship in the Presby- terian church on alternate Sundays. The second fire occurred last Thurs- day night when the general store of D. L. Refsnyder was burned to the ground entailing a loss of $20,000, partially covered by insurance. Mr. Refsnyder purchased the store about three months ago and he and his fam- ily occupied apartments over it. They had gone away to spend Christ- mas so that no one was at home at the time of the fire, the origin of which has not been determined. In Society. At a dinner of ten covers given by Mr .and Mrs. George Hazel, Tuesday December 25th, announcement was made of the engagement of their eld- est daughter, Thelma, and William Harrison Kline, son of Mr. and Mrs. 0. A. Kline, of this place. The engagement of Miss Katherine Stevenson, third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Stevenson, of Waddle, and T. Collins Shoemaker, son of Mrs. T. A. Shoemaker, was announced at a party given at the Stevenson home on Christmas day. The wedding it is ex- pected, will take place in the early summer. Mrs. M. A. Landsy was hostess at a dinner of twenty-five covers given New Year's eve, at the Brockerhoff house. The January meeting of the Belle- fonte Chapter of the D. A. R,, at which Miss Overton and Miss Emily Parker were hostesses, was held in the Presbyterian chapel last night, The supper having been served by the missionary societies of the church. Blanchard—Moshannon Coal Co. to Go Into Hands of Receiver. Application has been made to the court of Clinton county for the ap- pointment of a receiver for the Blanchard—Moshannon Coal compa- ny, with operations near Karthaus. This is the company that was promot- ed in Bellefonte two years ago by the late Charles R. Kurtz and in which residents of Bellefonte and Centre county are financially interested to the extent of almost one hundred and fif- ty thousand dollars. For some time past it has been in financial difficulties, and some of the employees had difficulty in collecting the wages due them. The exact ex- tent of its involvement, however, is not known. Whether the receiver, up- on his appointment, will attempt to operate the mines is also unknown at this writing. Legion Auxiliary Officers. At the final meeting of the Amer- ican Legion Auxiliary for 1924 the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President, Mrs. Ed- ward Eckenroth; vice president, Mrs. John B. Payne; recording secretary, Mrs. E. R. Taylor; corresponding sec- retary, Mrs. Harry Ulrich; chaplain, Mrs. W. B. Lyon; historian, Miss Margaret Lambert; sergeant at arms, Mrs. James Haupt. The installation will take place at the auxiliary’s next regular meeting which will be held in the Legion's new home on Howard street. — The ladies of the Evangelical church will hold a chicken and waffle supper in the social rooms of the church Thursday evening, January 15th, from 5 to 7. Adults, 65 cents; children, 36 cents. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NNUAL REPORT and notice to tax- A payers of the Board of Road Su- pervisors of Ferguson township, Centre county, for the fiscal year ending November 20th, 1924. RECEIPTS. Bal. on hand in township treasury From preceding year............ $ Received from 1924 tax............ 3839 14 Received from 1923 tax............ 722 99 Received from sale of Unseated JADA ..ieiassesssessrsnsnrareans 56 26 Received from State Forest....... 18 50 Amount borrowed.........coe000en 4000 00 Received from State Reward...... 50 Rec'd from road machine hire..... 126 00 Rec'd light and miseellaneous.... 171 52 Mola). cesveerisesenseny $ 9491 82 EXPENDITURES. Expended for repairs or mainte- nance of dirt road.........cocvn. 605 10 Expended for improved road...... 6091 16 Kxpended for culverts...... 20 21 Expended fOr t0OIS. ....sserecrrs.e 12 60 ¥xpended for repair of machinery - 103 47 Balary of Roadmaster.......... we. 50% 35 Salary of Secretary..... ee 83 00 Salary of Treasurer Commission of Tax Collector...... 1 Removal of snow and obstructions 17 For annual Supervisor's Conven- essssssesse assesses stenesense ~ Total Expenditures ........cooveee $ 8501 36 Balance in Treasury......oeeoeeee Annual Report of the Overseer of the Poor. Bal. on hand in township treasury from preceding year............ 494 02 Received from Tax Collector..... 113 52 Total Receipts .....oevvaveieenes $ 607 34 EXPENDITURES. Total Expenditures... ...c.covuse. $ 8174 Balance in township treasury....$ 525 60 A. L. BOWERSOX, J. C. GATE December 10, 1924. Church Services Next Sunday ST. JOHN'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Services for week beginning Janu- ary 4th: Second Sunday after Christ- mas, 8 a. m. Holy Eucharist; 8:45 a. m. Mattins; 9:45 a. m. church school; 11 a. m. Holy Eucharist and sermon, “The Holy Name Across the Year's New Page.” 7:30 p. m. evensong and sermon, “Keeping the Christmas Gift.” Tuesday, feast of the Epiph- any, 10 a. m. Holy Eucharist. Thurs- day, 8 a. m. Holy Eucharist. Visitors always welcome. Rev. M. DeP. Maynard, Rector. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Happy New Year. Worship 10:45, “Elements of Church Strength.” 7:30, “A Wise Preparation.” Sunday school 9:30; Epworth League 6:30. Let us all join in the week of prayer serv- ices E. E. McKelvey, Pastor. ST. JOHN'S REFORMED CHURCH. Services next Sunday morning at 10:45, sermon, “Following the Star.” Evening service at 7:30; Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. and union C. E. meeting at 6:45 p. m. Ambrose M. Schmidt, D.D., Minister ——A breakdown on the “Watch- man’s” press yesterday leads us to remark that life is “just one d n thing after another. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, EA ROOM FOR SALE.—Modern T equipment. Reason for selling going in hotel business. Inquire this office. 70-1-2t L evening, between 46 Linn St. and 113 Allegheny St. OST. —Pair of boy’s trousers, Friday Reward if re- 70-1-1t turned to this office. IVORCE NOTICE.—In the Court of Common Pleas of Centre county. No. 128 September Term, 1924. James Salvia vs. Evelyn M. Salvia. Notice is hereby given that the under- signed Master, appointed by the Court to take testimony in the above entitled case and report the same with his opinion and form of decree to the Court, will sit for the purposes of his appointment, at his of- fice in Foster Block, Philipsburg, Pa., on Saturday, January 24th, 1925, at 10 o’clock a. m. when and where all parties interest- ed may attend. GEORGE W. ZEIGLER, Master. December 24th, 1924. 70-1-3t Eva Gibson. In the Court of Common Pleas of Centre County. No. 19 December term, Libel in Divorce. To Eva Gibson, the above named Re- spondent : Whereas, W. E, Gibson, your husband, has filed a libel in the Court of Common Pleas of Centre county to No. 19, Decem- ber term, 1924, praying a divorce from you, now you are hereby notified and re- quired to appear in said Court on or be- fore the first Monday of February next, to answer the complaint of the said W. BE. Gibson, and in default of such appearance you will be liable to have a divorce grant- ed against you. D IVORCE NOTICE.—W. E. Gibson, vs. E. R. TAYLOR, + Sheriff of Centre County. Caldwell & Son Plumbing and Heating By Hot Water Vapor Steam Pipeless Furnaces 69-50-3t Full Line of Pipe and Fittings AND MILL SUPPLIES ALL SIZES OF Terra Cotta Pipe and Fittings Estimates Cheerfully and Promptly Furnished, 66-15-t¢ NEW ADVERTISEMENTS tamentary having been granted to the undersigned upon the estate of Henry C. Quigley, late of Bellefonte bor- ough, deceased, all persons knowing them- selves indebted to said estate are request- ed to make prompt payment, and those having claims against the same must pre- sent them, duly authenticated, for settle- E XECUTRIX'S NOTICE.—Letters tes- ment. AUGUSTA C. M. QUIGLRY, Executrix, 69-49-6t Bellefonte, Pa. DMINISTRATOR’'S NOTICE.—Letters of administration having been granted to the undersigned upon the estate of Elias Confer, late of Gregg township, deceased, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are re- quested to make prompt payment, and those having claims against the same must present them, duly authenticated, for set- tlement. JOHN W. CONFER, Administrator Orvis & Zerby, Spring Mills, R. F. D. Attorneys. 69-50-6t IRA D. GARMAN JEWELER 101 South Eleventh St., PHILADELPHIA, Have Your Diamonds Reset in Platinum 64-34-tf EXCLUSIVE EMBLEM JEWELRY Wanted! Persons planning building to come in contact with us. Save money on Cement, Sand, Limestone, Plaster Brick, Roofing, Terra Cotta Pipe, Nails Stucco Materials, Etc. See us first, or you may regret it later. Centre County Fuel and Buliding Supply Co. Both Phones—Bell 319 69-16tf Bellefonte Pa ing Classes: larly or in advance. We Extend to you the Season’s Greetings and a Cordial Invitation to join our 1925 Christmas Savings Club which opens Wednesday December 10, 1924. a Merry Christmas by joining one or more of the follow- Class 25 Fixed—Members paying 25¢. a week for 50 weeks will get $12.50 Class 50 Fixed—Members paying 50c. a week for 50 weeks 4 Class 100 Fixed—Members paying $1 a week for 50 weeks ‘‘ * Class 200 Fixed—Members paying $2 a week for 50 weeks ** * —with 3% interest added if all payments are made regu- Bellefonte Trust Company BELLEFONTE, PENNA. Be sure of 25.00 50.00 100.00 “Ring out the Old Ring in the New” Your old Wedding Ring remodeled into the Modern Engraved—either White Gold or Platinum Shell Covered. Estimates Furnished F. P. Blair & Son JEWELERS BELLEFONTE, PENNA. Moose Temple Theatre One Merry Night Thurs. Jan. 8 WAP FI E. H. Hornburg presents the Season’s Big Musical Farce Comedy Success “TOO MANY PUPILS SASS Lyrics by Billy Tracy Original Song Hits and Special Dances oe 1 WV ew Auditors. 49-3t - wer MAMMAS?” hn Music by Jack Stanley Musical Ensembles Not BI a Burlesque— But || a Clean Show AAAI nl Wt NWA WW WW WW Jolly Show of Youth, Beauty, Melody and Song, with a Real Plot—pre-| Prices soc., 75¢., $1, $1.50—plus tax sented by Brilliant Comedizns and Chorus of Rollicking Broadway Beauties Seats on sale Tuesday 6th Keystone Power Corporation BELLEFONTE, PENNA. This Chart, shows why your Electric Light. Bills are Higher in Some Months than in Others ARTIFICIAL AFTERNOON ~~ EVENING UGHTING 1200 4:00 800 HRS. PERDAY P.M. PM. JANUARY 6.53 Pp— | Epa | march 4.10 RUBIA 3.48 ee 2.95 2.3% 2.60 248 | seoroveen 4.00 OCTOBER 450 WOVEMEER 6.16 | oecemaen 6.83 In winter you depend upon artificial lighting nearly three times as many hours in each 24 as in summer. In June the average use of electric light, in a residence, is 2 hours and 35 minutes a day. In December the average use of electric light, in a residence, is 6 hours and 50 minutes a day. This is perfectly natural. As the summer days lengthen, the “electric light hours” become shorter and as the winter days become shorter the “electric light hours” grow longr. There are other reasons, too, why your bills in the fall and win- ter are larger than in the spring and summer, good reasons that show it is simply the result of the season’s changes; your more extensive use of electric light, and not the fault of the electric light company at all. When summer is over, vacations are over. Everybody is home again; more rooms are occupied; more light is needed. Long evenings—late bed-times. The outside cold keeps us in- doors. The soft, cozy glow of electric light makes reading a pleasure. The newspapers, magazines, study, or a good book, music, and games pass the evening quickly. It is bed time before one knows it. More entertaining is done—parties at home for the grown-ups and little folks. Sometimes the house fairly radiates with the good cheer of electric light. Think this over carefully and you will see why your winter electric light bills can reasonably triple those of Summer. Electricity Furnishes the Best, Possible Service at. the Least. Possible Cost KEYSTONE POWER CORPORATION EE Es Good Cheer Prevails for the New Year ‘] he spirit of joy and gladness is in the air—and we send you tidings of good will. May our service prove a con- 9 stant source of usefulness to you. 5 THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK STATE COLLEGE, PA. J) MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM NESSES TT a TE 3 AT nt Ch Andel Sa a cavmingomyne CAAMAAEANN INN The Officers and Directors of the First National Bank of Bellefonte extend to all their friends and patrons best wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New Year
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers