Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, December 05, 1924, Image 2

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    “Bellefonte, Pa., December 5, 1924.
The boy who's always wishing
That this or that might be,
But never tries his mettle,
Is the boy that’s bound to see
His plans all come to failure;
His hopes end in defeat;
For that’s what comes when wishing
And working fail to meet.
The boy who wishes this thing
Or that thing with a will
That spurs him on to action,
And keeps him trying still
‘When effort meets with failure,
Will some day surely win;
For he works out what he wishes,
And there’s where “luck” comes in!
The “luck” that I believe in
Is that which comes with work,
And no one ever finds it
Who's content to wish and shirk;
The men the world calls “lucky”
‘Will tell you, every one,
That success comes not by wishing;
“But by hard work, bravely done.”
—Eben E. Rexford.
All day long the average man or
woman lives in heated office, shop or
home. From one vitiated atmosphere
we go to another in trolley, subway or
train. The evening hours of recrea-
tion often are spent within doors. For
practically 16 hours out of the 24, we
are exposed to disease germs in closed
rooms, breathed in or touched. Not
only our lungs but our skins demand
the refreshing bath that only clean,
outdoor air can give them.
Fresh Air Invigorates During Sleep.
—Have you ever gone to bed, worn
out, with a headache and perhaps with
that sniffly feeling of an approaching
cold in your fatigued system? You
sleep heavily or not at all, and dread
the work that lies ahead of you. The
best medicine for this feeling costs
nothing. Itis the clean fresh air which
comes through open windows,—a ton-
ic that can change over night a tired,
half-sick individual into an enthusias-
tic one, eager to begin the duties of a
new day.
Night Air is Especially, Healthful.—
Night air, in spite of the theories of
our grandparents is just as healthful
as day air. It is even more purifying,
for it is less laden with dust and hu-
midity. Cold air, moreover, according
to recent experiments, has been found
to be even more health-giving than
warm air.
There are four factors that make
outdoor air a healthful tonic. It must
be at the proper temperatire, not too
high nor too low. There must be the
proper balance of humidity. The air
must be in motion and it must have
variability, or change. Within the
closed room there can never be the
proper combination of these four fac-
tors. Ventilation specalists who have
been working on this matter for years
have concluded that there is no arti-
ficiak device which can. combine the
right variability, motion, temperature
and humidity. The best air to breathe
at all times is fresh, outdoor air.
For the apartment house dweller
the most practical way to bring in the
fresh air is through the windows,
opened top and bottom. Cross ventil-
ation is thereby obtained and this
keeps the air in motion. Drafts are
not harmful unless directly blowing
on one, and these may be eliminated
by using a screen between the direct
current of air and the bed. The whole
body, not only the lungs, demands the
For those dwelling in detached
homes, or in houses with unused roofs
or low extensions, a sleeping porch is
the perfect arrangement for outdoor
sleeping. Without detracting from
the general architecture of the house,
a porch often can be added at com-
paratively slight cost. For summer,
screening against flies and mosquitoes
is essential and for winter, glass and
sash, or merely canvas curtains will
serve as the best protection. Open
windows, however, can bring health
to the whole family, when a sleeping
porch is an impossibility.
It is absolutely essential for the
sleeper out-of-doors, or with open
windows, to be warm and comfortable.
Even in the coldest weather with in-
telligent planning and little expense,
it is possible to do this.
First, the bed must be protected
from cold currents that sweep in un-
der the mattress. Two mattresses
may be necessary. Sheets may be
eliminated and light blankets substi-
tuted. Have these large enough so
that they can be well tucked in. The
weight of too heavy blankets fatigues
the body, so these should be of wool
which is lighter yet warmer than cot-
ton. Where the bed is exposed a rub-
ber or cravenette sheet is a protection
in snowy or rainy weather.
A hood with or without shoulder
cape, helps to keep the head and
shoulders warm. Bed socks of wool
make the feet cozy. For some people
in extremely cold weather, a hot wa-
ter bottle or electric pad is a comfort.
Soft, warm night garments, prefera-
bly of the pajama type, will be found
necessary. Many outdoor sleepers
prefer a sleeping-bag. If the morning
light is disturbing to the outdoor
sleeper he may use an eye shade of
black stockinette, light and easy to
attach. When canvas curtains are
used they should be securely fastened
and work efficiently, or their rattling
and blowing will disturb the sleeper.
A room kept warm for dressing is de-
sirable, though some hardy souls pre-
fer to take their “daily dozen” and
dress in cold rooms. For most people,
however, a warm dressing room will
be of utmost comfort and will also
fortify against taking cold. This
preferably should open off the sleep-
ing room or porch.
Cool, fresh, outdoor air at night is
the best tonic and preventive of or-
dinary colds and similar diseases.
Any one can have this medicine at
little or no expense. Open the win-
dows wide, let in the air and enjoy
health. ;
Seward, Alaska.—Another tropical
garden spot has been found in inter-
ior Alaska. Jack Lee and Henry Rus-
sell, prospectors, stumbled into a
broad valley where mammoth trees,
beautiful flowers and wild game
abound. This land is southwest of
Mother Goose lake, in the Kejulik re-
gion, and is so different from the sur-
rounding country, due to warmth from
subterranean fires, that the men at
first believed they had been transport-
ed to some tropical clime.
The district west of Iliamna lake is
composed chiefly of volcanoes, moun-
tains, tundra, lakes and low-lying
hills. The country is absolutely bar-
ren of vegetation except moss and
short, scrubby alders, with now and |
then a bunch of short grass.
Coming over a steep mountain pass,
at 1,700 feet altitude, the men saw an |
unbroken forest beneath them. De-
scending into the valley they found
trees three feet in diameter and vege-
tation far in excess of the surround-
ing country. Thousands of wild flow-
ers carpeted the lush grass and every
kind of game was seen. The trees in-
clude cottonwood, spruce and hemlock.
The discoverers were unable to find
any indication that any other human
had trod the fastnesses.
A party of hunters will soon leave
for the spot to get photos and de-
scription of the second warm valley
reported this summer. The other lies
above the Arctic circle in the head-
waters of the Porcupine river.
“Kelly,” the pet rattlesnake at The
Pennsylvania State College, that
made an international reputation for
himself last May through broadcast-
ing his eerie rattle from the college
radio sation, had to do his rattling
stunt so often for visitors to his cage
in the college nature study zoo, that
he virtually killed himself in obliging
at private performances.
Professor George R. Green, head of
the college nature study department,
on a feeding visit to “Kelly” a few
days ago found the “radio artist”
cold in death. A fang protruded
through the snakes jaw, leading
Green to the belief that excessive
coaxing had worn out the patience or
the reptile.
It was not a case of suicide, for
Green declares that a rattler’s own
venom will not kill it. “Kelly” had ex-
perienced trouble in shedding his sum-
mer skin and had not been very active
in recent weeks. The rattler, which
had ten rattles on the tip of his tail,
will be skinned and mounted and get a
prominent place in the college natur-
al history museum where posterity
will be able to view what is said to be
the first animal to be used successful-
ly in radio broadcasting. “Kelly’s”
radio stunt was commented upon by
newspapers in all parts of the world,
even in far-off India and Japan.
Thirteen Times Her Own Weight in
One Year.
She is a little White Leghorn hen,
her number is 658, and she is owned
by H. E. Close, of the Lone Oak poul-
try farm at Emporium, Pennsylvania.
There may not be anything unusu-
al about that, and the little white bid-
dy does not appear different from
many others in the Lone Oak pens,
but records show that she laid no less
than 321 eggs from November 19,
1924, to November 18, 1925. That
production makes her the leading egg
layer in the poultry demonstration
farm pullet flocks of the State. The
day following the end of her record
year she laid another egg for good
Her best months were July and Au-
gust when she laid 30 eggs each
month. Other high months were
March, April, May, June and October
with 28 eggs each. In January she
laid 26 eggs, in September 25, in Feb-
ruary 24, and in December 22 eggs.
This hen’s eggs average about two
ounces in weight, and she herself
weighs only three pounds. At that
rate she laid 40 pounds of eggs dur-
ing the year or 13 times her own body
weight. This is considered quite an
Spiders as Factory Workers.
Two hundred spiders are employed
yearly in the manufacture of a cer-
tain make of engineering instrument.
They are kept busy spinning threads,
which are wound up gently as the spi-
der runs away. After being steamed
and stretched so that changes of cli-
mate and temperature will not affect
them, these threads are used, in the
form of “cross hairs,” to mark the
exact center of the object lens of each
Only two species of spiders, it has
been found, spin webs of the proper
size and strength. Although but five
ten-thousandths of an inch in diame-
ter, the strands have been known to
remain intact through forty years of
May Change Fish Laws.
An amendment to the resident fish-
ermen’s license law reducing the age
limit for the granting of licenses from
18 to 16 years was considered at a
conference in Harrisburg November
29 between representatives of sports-
mens associations and clubs and the
board of fish commissioners. :
An amendment to the non-resident
fishermen’s license laws reducing the
license fee from $5 to $2.50 was dis-
cussed as well as an amendment to the
law governing fishing in the inland
waters of the State, which the board
now is preparing.
——Were you truly thankful?
Excavctors Uncover Royal
Relic in Buried City.
Advices received at Washington
from the archeological expedition of
the Carnegie institute to Yucatan say
that the excavators at work on the
ruins of Chicken Itza have penetrated
to the throne of the king, perhaps the
most magnificent spot within the col-
umns of the buried chief city of the
‘prehistoric Mayan empire.
The throne is a magnificent affair,
thirteen feet wide, seven feet deep
and three feet high. On the sloping
sides are carved elaborately costumed
‘warriors, weaving in and out among
which are serpents, sacred to Kukul-
can, principal god of the Itza. The
throne was painted in deep red, warm
yellow, brilliant blue and green.
The throne and council chamber
were found in the northeast colonnade
of the buried city. The excavators
were guided in their work by four
sculptured columns, the rest of the 48
which compose this colonnade being
plain. The walls and plain. columns
were painted with frescoes in bright
colors, now almost entirely destroyed.
The floors were of hard lime plaster,
painted a rich red. Around the back and
side walls runs a deep, broad bench
with sloping back, where perhaps the
Itzan dignitaries, priests and coun-
cilors sat in solemn deliberation with
the king seated on his throne.
Another very important discovery
has been the outer wall of the colon-
nade with its sculptural decorations
uninjured, in position at the south-
west corner. This shows the original
height of the building to have been
1914 feet. Around the top of the
building there had been a sculptured
cornice. Below this there were two
great, grotesque human heads with
square eye sockets, curling noses, filed
teeth set in grinning mouths, and
square earrings. These are represen-
tations of none less than Kukulcar
himself. Below is another cornice.
Life in Chicken Itza, however, was
not entirely one of grotesque rever-
ence to Kukulcan. The Carnegie in-
stitute excavators announce the un-
covering of a ball court just north
of the throne location in which a game
similar to the American basketball
was played. The game, which was
introduced by the Toltec-Aztec con-
querors of the city, had for its object
the driving of a solid rubber ball
through a ring fastened in the side of
the wall. The court just uncovered
is the third to be discovered in the
“New” Mayan empire.
The game was known as “tlachtli.”
The hole through the ring being per-
pendicular to the wall, it was neces-
sary to stand very close to the wall
and throw the ball practically parallel
to the axis of the wall. The pall would
not be thrown directly with the hand,
but had to be struck with the elbow,
wrist or hip. The players wore leath-
er pads on these parts to make the
rubber ball bound from them more
The winning shot was so difficult
and so seldom made, that, according
to another rule of the game, the lucky
player had forfeited to him all the
clothing of the spectators.
At the court of Montezuma, where
che game first was witnessed by the
Spaniards, high stakes were wagered
on the game by the Aztec nobles—
quills filled with gold dust, estates,
even liberty, the bettors becoming
slaves if they lost. It is notable that
from the balls used in this game the
Spaniards gained their first conception
of rubber. )
The excavating work has been
orought to an end for the year, due to
the rainy season, which prevents any
operations for the greater part of the
An Example
A Methodist minister on Michigan
avenue presents a concrete example of
the contagion of marriage. He tells
of a couple last week who decided to
become married after they had seen
a wedding party emerge from his
church. They were walking along the
street, the minister ‘says, and were
watching the members of the party
leaving the church. A hasty consulta-
tion was held, a marriage license was
obtained am hour later, and within
three hours of the first wedding, the
minister was asked to marry the
couple.—Detroit News. :
No More Invitations
{ had been working for a concern for
some time, and was often Invited to
the executive's home for dinner.
After dinner one evening, when we
were sitting in the library, he ap-
peared with an enormous album, and
brought it to me showing me a pic-
ture of his sister, the other one being
his Cousin Kate.
Finally he sald, “And this is my
wife's first husband.”
“My, what a peculiar looking per
son!” 1 exclaimed. “But your wife
never mentioned being married be-
fore.” §
“No!” he replied, “I happen to be
aer first husband.”—Chicago Tribune.
Happy Thought
ven out in the shadows of Uni-
versal City, people do have the measles,
and of course, Harriet didn’t escape.
But even sickness has its compensa-
tions, as en the night when her motaer
crept to the bedside and whispered:
“Are you asleep, Harriet?”
“Yes,” said Harriet, “I'm asleep, ana
the doctor sald particularly that I
wasn't to be waked up to have my
medicine.”—Los Angeles Times.
Advance Made During
‘Span of Four Lives
In the eleventh month of his ninety-
third year G. W. Baldwin, Yale, ’53,
wrote a letter to the secretary of the
Yale Alumni fund on March 26 last,
which contains a statement well worth
reflection, says the Independent. Mr.
Baldwin said:
“lI have argued cases betore Chief
Justice Lemuel Shaw of Massachu-
setts, who died at the age of eighty-
five. He once said in my presence and
hearing that he had talked with a man
who had talked with Peregrine White,
who was born on the Mayflower in
These four lives span the history of
America from the landing of the pil-
grims to the present. Peregrine White's
father died in that first terrible win-
ter at Plymouth; his mother’s subse-
quent marriage to Governor Winslow
was the first wedding of Europeans in
New England. Peregrine himself lived
to be eighty-four, remaining “vigorous
and of comely aspect to the last,” as
one of his contemporaries delightfully
described the original Mayflower de
Between the denth of Peregrine
White at Marshfield, Mass., in 1704,
and the birth of Lemuel Shaw at Barn-
stable in 1781 stretch some forty miles
and seventy-seven years. It is a pity
that the chief justice did not identify
the octogenarian who as a small child
talked to the still comely Peregrine at
Marshfield about 1703, and who in 1785
or thereabouts, himself nearing ninety,
passed word of that meeting along to
young Shaw at Barnstable. But though
that ancient worthy is unidentified
the Incident is entirely credible.
A chain of only four lives connects
the Mayflower and the giant dirigibles
that cross in two days an ocean upon
which the weary pilgrims were tossed
for seventy-five days. The beginnings
of America are ‘hus brought intimate-
'y near.
Yet it is even more significant to re-
flect that only the last of these four
lives covers the transition from sail
and horse to railroad, motorcar, air-
plane and dirigible. Chief Justice
Shaw traveled no more swiftly in his
youth than did Peregrine White. The
competent industrialism of our day
would be almost as foreign to one as
to the other. The acceleration of civil-
ization, as measured in human
triumphs over time and space is sel-
dom to be visualized so sharply as in
this contrast.
Molasses as Fertilizer
Molasses is being used with rather
sensational results as a fertilizer for
sugar cane fields in the British #&land
of Mauritius in the Indian ocean. In-
creases in yield of about nine tons an
acre are recorded after molasses appli-
cations. The colonial department of
agriculture has made a close study of
the experiments and has arrived at a
tentative explanation. When first ap-
plied the molasses partly sterilizes the
soil, in consequence of which ordinary
soil organisms are, for a time, greatly
reduced in numbers while other or-
ganisms, notably molds, are stimulated.
The nitrification of the soil is suspend-
ed and nitrates already in the soil dis-
appear. * When the effects of the mo-
lasses treatment wear off, nitrification
is resumed at an enhanced rate, and
apparently leads to an accumulation
of nitrates at a time when they can
best be utilized by the growing plant.
Ammonia and nitrates are said to have
a marked tendency to revert to insolu-
ble forms in the soil of the island.
Molasses does not increase the rate of
nitrogen fixation in the soil.
Banana Fibre Pencils
Banana fibre is being experimented
with by European pencil manufactur-
ers as a substitute for the ordinary
graphite. The fiber is first burned in
retorts, crushed and then mixed with
what is technically known as “bind-
ing” to give it a gluey consistency and
to improve its marking qualities. The
whole is then worked up into pulp by
machinery, and when partly dry, is
crushed again and forced through
melds under considerable pressure.
The rolls are then baked, cut Into
lengths and packed with great care in
cast-iron crucibles and kept at red ‘neat
for two hours. After cooling gently
the “leads” are ready for the wood.
Quite Likely
“Ah! What picturesque scenery you
have here!” rhapsodized a motorist
who had stopped for a drink of water.
“How sublime are those hills! How—
Great Scott! Look at that little boy
playing with a revolver! Is it
“I reckon s0,” replied Gap Jonnson
of Rumpus Ridge.
“My heavens! Don’t you know that
a child of that age hasn't sense enough
to handle a loaded revolver, and—"
“Aw, he’s got as much sense about
handling a weepin as I—yaw-w-wn |—
have.”—Kansas City Star.
“Sleepy” Schools
fhe establishment of a school for
sleepy children who seem unable to
keep awake in their classrooms is be-
ing discussed by the London county
council education committee. The
school would be given special ventila-
tion and the lessons would he taught
in a way to “awaken” interest in the
somnolent children,
Soldiers Carry Umbrellas
About 8,300 Chinese umbrellas wert
shipped ‘vom Peking. for the use of
the Kiangsu soldiers in the fighting in
the Shanghai district. Witnesses say
that one soldier digs trenches .while
another holds an umbrella over him,
and’marehing soldiers. in couples, take
turns at carrying umbrellas.
High Honor Conferred on
Bishop Overs of Liberia, who, as a
young missionary explorer entered Af-
rican forests where the face of a white
man had never before been seen, and
for 30 years braved the perils and
hardships of life among the savages,
while a guest at Hotel Pennsylvania,
New York, recently related the story
of how he was once made a chieftain
by a tribe of Africans, says the New
York Times.
“Few white men in all time have ex-
perienced the ceremony and received
the honor of African chieftainship,”
said Bishop Overs. “Henry M..Stan-
ley, the great explorer, was made an
African chief, and a member of the
British parliament was made a chief,
because of what he had done for the
African in England. But certainly I
never anticipated that the honor woulsd
come to me.
“One morning 1 received a call from
the king to appear before the council
of chiefs. When I went to answer the
call I found the king seated on his
throne dressed in his gaudiest costume,
and the chiefs around also in gala at
“I was taken to a box in front of the
throne. The king tnen told me how
much the chiefs and the people appre-
ciated what we had done for them, and
the only thing in the way of reward
that they could give me was the honor
of chieftainship. They told me that if
I would express my willingness to be
made a chief they would confer this
honor upon me.
“I had not the slightest idea of wha:
it means to be an African chief or of
the ceremonies through which I would
have to pass, but I determined that as
I had taken so many chances in Africa,
and had come through all right, I would
accept the offer.
“One of the ceremonies through
which I passed was the ceremony of
blood brotherhood. Blood was taken
from my arm and also from the arm of
the king. In a most impressive man-
ner and with much ritualistic cere-
mony the blood was mixed, and thus
the white man was made a blood
brother to the African.
*In another ceremony the green
«quid from an herb was sprinkled on
the head and face of the king and each
chief, and was then sprinkied over my
head and face. The king explained that
this green liquid was known for its
healing qualities and said that its use
was to impress the white man that as
a chief he must always be a healer of
wounds and a settler of disputes.
“After various other symbolic cere
.aonies a scarf, stamped with the mixed
blood of the king and the white man
and sprinkled with the liquids they had
used in the various ceremonies, was
placed upon my head and finally taken
off and placed on my left shoulder,
where it is always worn by the chiefs.
“So I was made chief of the tribe
«nd, as such, a man of power among
them. I was listened to with a great
deal more deference when I preached a
sermon, or addressed a meeting or sat
as a chief in council. I took advantage
of every opportunity in bringing all
the tribe in touch with the higher
things of life.”
Many Cows in Cities
We have all come to believe that
he cows are all in the country and
that they have no city cousins, in
spite of the fact that any day Wash-
ingtonians can see one of the finest
herds of Holsteins in the world graz-
ing in the Soldiers’ Home pastures,
says the Washington Star. As a mat-
ter of fact, there are 1,200,000 “city”
cows in the United States, as against
25,556,000 “country” cows, according
to a survey by the United States De-
partment of Agriculture, The com-
bined production of the “city” cows
and the “country” cows in the United
States last year was 110,000,000,000
pounds of whole milk, or an average
production a cow of 4,260 pounds.
The effect of city life on the produc
ing capacity of a cow is not shown.
Requirements for Culture
Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler, pres:
dent of Columbia university, outlined
five traits that distinguish a man of
culture. They are, in condensed ver-
sion: Correct use of the mother tongue;
refined and gentle manners; sound
standards of appreciation ef beauty;
power and habit of reflection and effi
clency or the power to do. To these
requirements for the cultured man, an
European woman educator has added,
to make the “complete woman,” the
following: Cultivation of a lively im-
agination, untiring energy and whole-
hearted devotion to an ideal, idea or a
Service Without Blemish
Manuel Astorga Y. Soperinas, chiet
sf the claims department of the
United Railways of Havana, recently
completed 80 years of service with
the company without being absent a
single day. AS a reward, three
months’ leave with pay was granted
him, and he and his wife have gone
to England to place their son in
school. Senor Astorga, a Cuban, start-
ed in March, 1884, as a clerk when
fourteen years old. He will be pen-
sioned when he becomes fifty years
of age.
This Parrot a Songster
A parrot, belonging to Mrs. C. H.
willinms of San Antonio, Texas, sings
the complete choruses of both “Tip-
perary” and “Silver ‘Threads Among
the Gold." For var'ation he whistles
the tunes after singing the words.
Whatever I have tried to do in life, ¥
have tried with all my heart to do well;
whatever I have devoted myself to, I have
devoted myself to completely; in great
aims and in small, I have always been.
thoroughly in earnest.—Dickens.
The world is full of people yearning
for the slender lines of youth, who
torture themselves unnecessarily in
their quest of new waistlines for old.
Especially popular as a reducing
measure is the starvation regime. Ef-
fectual, perhaps, but purposeless and
stupid. Why suffer the pangs of hun-
ger when the garden produces foods
which nourish yet fatten not?
It is important to know which foods.
contain these vital elements necessary
to sustain the proper degree of health.
One should count it small victory were:
the loss of weight attended with ac-
companying loss of health. All too
often the cup of tea and toast diet
produces just this unhappy result. If
one possesses the will power to sacri-
fice, why not direct this resolution in-
telligently? Learn something about
the food you eat. It is a fascinating
study. There is lettuce, for instance.
Properly served, crisp and cold, this is
an ideal food to include in your re-
ducing diet. It contains the vitamines
and minerals so necessary to our well-
being; yet is not a fuel food. The
chief objection to an abundance of let-
tuce in the diet is that it is considered
unpalatable without the addition of a
rich dressing, such as mayonnaise.
All is lost, however, if you persist in
including this dressng in your diet,
for mayonnaise is composed largely of
olive oil, which is a highly fattening
food. You cannot judge the effect of
food upon the system by its appear-
You would be appalled were you
forced to consume a large dish of po-
tatoes, yet one ounce of olive oil will
equal a pound of potatoes. “Let joy
be unconfined,” we have with us in all
its glory a dressing as soul-satisfying
as mayonnaise ever dared to be, with
none of its baleful effect. You may
mix this at home at small expense, or
it may be purchased at the corner
grocery—manufactured especially for
fat folks. The main ion of
this delightful product is a mineral
oil. You could eat a gallon of this,
were you physically able, without ad-
ding weight to your overburdened
body. Combined with the usual in-
gredients, the non-fattening salad
dressing equals in taste any mayon-
naise manufactured.
This dressing is useful for another
purpose also. Most obese persons are
habitually constipated. In nine cases
out of ten this condition is relieved
and frequently cured by this addition
to the diet. There is one distressing
drawback to the use of mineral oils, -
In some instances there is an embar-
rassing after-result. This, however,
may be entirely overcome by the use
of bran. Threfore, eat bran, as it is
or prepared as a mush for your morn-
ing cereal.
There are other leafy foods which
the non-fattening dressing renders
more palatable. Spinach and cabbage
may be served with this dressing or
with plain mineral oil. Following is
a recipe for a muffin, made with these
two ideal reducing foods:
Two cups of whole wheat flour, one
cup of bran, one egg, two ounces of
mineral oil, two teaspoonfuls of bak-
ing powder, a pinch of s~1t. Mix the
baking powder with the flour, work in
the mineral oil as you would for bis-
cuit dough—add egg, well beaten, and
enough water to render the batter
soft enough to pour slowly from the
spoon. Bake as other muffins.
Salt meat should be put into cold
water, while fresh meat should be put
into boiling water. One exception,
however, is when making soup. Then
the fresh meat should be put into cold
water and brought very slowly to a
boil. Allow 20 minutes for boiling
each pound of fresh meat and 25 min-
utes for each pound of salt.
Velvet washed in gasoline and al-
lowed to dry in a minute, then ironed
with a fairly hot iron, is almost as
good as new.
Heavy twine dipped and cooled in
hot paraffine makes excellent tapers
for gas lights.
Where once the small boy was un-
comfortably “dressed up” and had to
grow strong and tall despite his
clothes, now he is comfortable and
free in clothes that are no hindrance
to the active play and exercise he
should enjoy.
The present general and the com-
ing universal enjoyment of the equal-
ity of the sexes is manifested in many
examples of wearing apparel for
growing children, in the same beauti-
fully simple lines, the same colors and
fabrics, shoes, hats and other acces-
sories of the same general character,
and this is as it should be.
An innovation of the moment in
modes for little ones is brother and
sister suits developed quite alike in
matching flannel or jersey cloth, fash-
ioned on simple and almost identical
bloomers and blouse lines.
Not only are the everyday clothes
of children fashioned on the lines of
ideal simplicity, but best clothes,
dress-up clothes, in which children so
generally delight since they are nat-
urally hospitable and love special oc-
casions that change the daily routine
into hours of adventure, are modeled
with equal regard for the practical
comfort of mind and body that be-
speaks real beauty and usefulness.
While velvets, silks, georgettes,
lace, net and fine sheer linens are ex-
tensively employed for best cloths, lit-
tle or no embellishment is noted, and
when trimming is used it is simple
motifs of embroidery, a sparing use
of ribbon, old-fashioned ruching, or
narrow lace.
A fabric that is in high favor for
general wear and lovely enough for
special occasion clothes is printed
sateen with a sheen like silk that
washing does not destroy and that
comes in all the : exquisite colorings
that are so appropriate for children’s
Knitted scarfs of silk, done in the
Swiss fashion of broad stripes hori-
zontally placed and narrow stripes
knitted lengthwise, are suitable gifts
at the holiday season.