Devo itd. Bellefonte, Pa., November 28, 1924. 28, 1921. Keached From Grave to Deliver Rebukes ‘The following is an excerpt from the will of a‘Wall street man, which was Qrobated in the New York courts: “To my wife, I leave her lover and the knowledge that I wasn’t the foo! she thought I was, “To my son, I leave the pleasure of earning a living. For thirty-five years he has thought that the pleasure was «ll mine. He was mistaken, “To my daughter, I leave $100,000. She will need it. The only good piece of business her husband ever did wag <0 marry her. “Toe my valet, I leave the clothes that he has been stealing from me reg- ularly for the past ten years. Also my fur coat that he wore last winter whep ¥ was in Palm Beach. “To my chauffeur, I leave my cars. He almost ruined them and I want him to have the satisfaction of finishing “he job. “To my partner, I leave the sug- gestion that he take some other clever man in with him at once if he expects to do any business.”—Wall Street Journai, The Cup of Paris Paris, the great gay city, is con- tained within a cup, says a writer in the” Continental edition of the London Daily Mail. You may discover it one day perbaps from a pleasant roof gar- «den and be suddenly surprised to find the «city so definitely contained. Wherever you will look there at last appear the soft green hills peeping so serenely down upon the welter of life in the city below. You may even see the trees on the hills, so near are they. We used to think the city was so big and spread so far, and the Place de ia Concorde, what a mighty space it was! There even now we see the dome of the Pantheon, the towers of Notre Dame, the sudden smoky shoot of the Eiffel tower. Gigantic things we used to think them. But now how easily they are held in the cup of the laughing hills! Drowned Out Conscience The preacher had told Uncle Ben that in moments of temptation he must listen to the still, small voice of con- science. And Uncle Ben, in the con- duct of his second-hand store, tried hard to obey the injunction. Sut when Mirarsly Jones in a mo nent of unguarded enthusiasm, of- fered him $5 for a calico dress for which he hadn't expected to get more than $1.44, he couldn't withstand it. Al fell,” he confessed to the preacher afterward. “Ah couldn't help it.” Didn't you listen to the voice ox conscience?” asked the minister. g ‘Ah listened hard,” was the an awer, “but honest. Ah couldn't hear nuthin’ fo’ the sound of the cash reg- ister.” Words That Work Hard fhere are words it is almost impos sible’ to avoid using, however carefully we may try to do so. lt is said that a quarter of the task of expressing oneself in the English language is borne by nine words— and, be, have, it, of, the, to, will and you. It is also asserted that these nine. with 34 other words, form half the words the average talker uses -in ordinary conversation, I'he additional 34 words are as fol ows: About, all, as, at, but, can, come, day. dear, for, get, go, hear, if, in, me, much, not, on, say, she, so, that, these, they, this, though, time, we, with, write, your, her, and one. Were you truly thankful ? Buy at Home We pay taxes here and con- tribute to every public move- ment. And we sell Groceries that are as good as you can get “ anywhere, City Cash Grocery In Ordering Bread Don't forget to enrich your table with our other baked goods that lend variety and deliciousness to your meals at little expense. BREAKFAST ROLLS CRULLERS COFFEE RINGS CAKES FANCY BUNS RAISEN BREAD CURRANT BUNS PIES They give you the same food value as our wholesome Bread. CITY BAKERY - GALAIDA’S ; SANITARY Fish and yster Market Bush Arcade—Both Phones Fish, Oysters and Dressed Poultry at All Times. Bell Telephone 82 M Dodge Bros. Motor Cars 1 Graham Bros. Trucks Hockman’s Garage The... ~ Center Oil and Gas Co Distributors of © Products at rnd LN NTE Bottorf Bros. The EXIDE Battery Service Station Automobile Accessories, Radios and Supplies and Electrical Contractors Bottorf Bros. oo a Service Quality Courtesy Bellefonte Motor Service Co W. F. MeCOY General Repairs All Cars Tires Tubes Accessories “The MOON SIX” HUPMOBILE : UNBREAKABLE Can’t Break, Crack or Leak A Le Boeuf Fountain Pen is Guaranteed Unbreakable Come in and Try to Break One The Mott Drug Co ANAAANARINAAPNAPIINNS Eaton’s and Craine’s Papers Blair Tablets Carter’s and Stafford’s Inks Dennison Goods Eversharp and Conklin Pencils Conklin and Moore Pens Hunters Book Store All Standard Lines SUS, o~ PRN IT’S REAL SATISFACTION B PIW DH Zoo We Invite you to drive it S over any Mountain you suggest. PENN STATE AUTO CO. WANN DON'T BUY FROM ~The Potter-Hoy Hdw. Co. Unless you want Real Quality and’ Satisfaction for Your Money. : Before You Buy Any LUMBER, FLOORING, FINISH, SASH, DOORS, MILL WORK Get Shope’ S Prices Bell 46 W United i Bellefonte Lumber Co MILL WORK SHINGLES BUILDING SUPPLIES ROUGH LUMBER LATH Bellefoiite Lumber Co rrarrnmnrnrnnnre Enduring Gifts Quality Taft Showing the largest Lines of Exclusive trade-marked Furni- ture in Centre County 'W. R. BRACHBILL Spring St. Bellefonte, Pa. They Say they Know—that The Variety Shop 2China and Toy Departments are the Best in Centre County. Kom and C what U think. G. R. SPIGELMYER & CO. M. R. JOHNSON Marble and Granite CEMETERY WORK of every description ’ Before You Vote BE SURE TO READ THIS We have nominated as our leaders the MODERN GLENWOOD STOVE W. W. Lawrence & Co's READY MIXED PAINTS, Val- spar Varnishes, Enamels and Stains, H. P. SCHAEFFER, Hardware COAL! Our careful selection has ena- bled us to sell and deliver at any time the Best Grade of Coal mined in Centre county. Centre Co.Fuel & B’ldg Sup. Co NATHAN KOFMAN, Prop. sp —— Knisely’s Market Clean and Up-to-Date FISH OYSTERS BUTTER EGGS SMOKED MEATS | West High Street Lyon & Co Lyon & Co We specialize in Ladies, Misses and Children’s Ready-to-Wear Come and see our Blankets and Comfortables Visit our store before you do your Winter buying. It will be a Big Saving to you. LYON & CO. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA VAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Bellefonte Filling Station ~ and_Rest Room A Service Station for Impatient Motorists : GREASES OILS GAS Confectionery Tobacco - Oil Changed Free FRANK SASSERMAN, Prop. Russ-Bell’s 3 Sodas, Ice Cream, Candy Martha ‘Washington ; CANDIES 01d Time Home Made Only a Few Christmas ra Watch Casebeer’s Windows For Suggestions * C. D. CASEBEER Jeweler and Optometrist WN a : oe ee we MARKETS NEEDED BY THE FARMERS . Presence of Thriving Cities Near By, Important to Residents of Country. MERCHANTS DO THEIR PART Town and Rural Community Are De pendent Upon Each Other—Co operation Alone Brings Pros- perity to Both. (Copyright.) Residents of towns and cities every- where are beginning to realize more acutely the fact that, except under very unusual conditions, their commu- nities will prosper and develop only in proportion to the prosperity and de- velopment that comes to the farming sections which surround them. Real- izing this fact, commercial clubs and chambers of commerce have in recent years been devoting as much of their attention to developing the country districts as they have to securing new industries and attracting new resi- dents. They know that as the coun- try about the towns becomes more thickly settled and as the farmers be- come more prosperous the more money will be spent in the towns and the faster these towns will grow. It is largely for this reason that the resi- dents of the towns and cities have - been doing more and more to aid the farmers in growing bigger crops and in improving marketing conditions. The towns and cities have contributed more and more liberally toward the building of good roads in the country | districts and have paid a large part of the expense of maintaining agri- cultural experts to assist the farmers in growing bigger crops and getting more money out of their crops when they are placed on the market. Not One-Sided Proposition. But this is not a one-sided proposi- don. If the city is dependent upon the country, so is the country depend- , ent upon the city. What the farmer raises is worth absolutely nothing to him unless he can sell it at a price that will pay him a fair return on the money and time invested in its pro- duction. The farmer, without mar- kets, would be in the same fix as a storekeeper without customers. In al- most every case the farmer is de- vendent upon the near-by town or city for a market for at least his perish- able products. In the langaage of the street, it is a fifty-fifty proposition. The town : needs the country and the country ' needs the town. The farmer needs the | assistance of the storekeepers of the town in securing a market for his products. He needs the assistance of the storekeepers of the town in getting good roads over which he may haul his products without losing more time ~ than the products are worth. He often needs the assistance of the storekeep- ers in helping him over a period of financial stringency. . Storekeeper Needs Farmer's Trade. On the other hand the storekeeper | seeds the business of the farmer. He | does not ask the farmer to sell him his | products on credit even though at the time he may be hard pushed for cash and may need more credit badly. He does not ask the farmer to help him build a sidewalk in front of his store. He does not ask for the business of the farmer provided that he can sell the farmer the goods he needs at as low a price as he can secure them for elsewhere. But does he always get the firmor's vusiness? Ask the mail. order man in the big city or ask the postmaster or the express agent in any town or city in the country. They could, if they would, tell of thousands of dollars sent away to the big cities to pay for goods that could be purchased just as cheaply and much more conveniently in the nearest town or city. These thousands of dollars, when sent to the mail order houses in the big cities, never come back. They do not help to build good roads past the farmers’ houses. When the next crops are har- vested, the mail order man won’t buy any of the farmer’s products. The potatoes, the tomatoes, the melons and | other things that the farmer raises may lie and rot upon the ground so far as the mail order man is concerned. No Credit From Mail Order Man. The mail order man won't sell the farmer 2 cents’ worth eof goods on one’ day's credit no matter how badly the farmer may need the goods or how little ready cash he has to pay for them. If the farmer's house burns down, the mail order man is not go- ing to sell him any lumber on credit so that he may build another home. He will take what cash he can get the farmer to send him and there his in- terest in the farmer ends. Jf the farm- er has no money to pay for what he needs, the mail order man will find others to help swell the stream of dol- lars which is building up his great for- tune and helping build up the great city in which he lives. Let the home merchant help the farmer when he needs it. And the local merchant does help the farmer as long as he can, but there comes a time when he cannot. He cannot make money without cus- tomers, Without the legitimate profit that he makes from his sales he can- not “carry” the farmer over the rough spots, he ¢annot contribute to the good roads funds, he cannot pay the farmer |. | cash for his products! Hh The Best at Less Pianos Radios Phonographs HARTER’S MUSIC STORE 18 N. Allegheny St. Alcohol Are you going to take a chance with your RADIATOR Let us fix it so You will be Safe S. H. POORMAN’S GARAGE BELLEFONTE, PA. Your Satisfaction IS OUR RECORD FOR SERVICE That Good GULF _sasotine_ Gasoline on the edge of town, on the State College road. EDGEFONT FILLING STATION and REST ROOM BOND C. WHITE, Prop. The Scenic Moose Temple Theatre PICTURES Goo SHOWS Have You Been getting everything that’s com- ing to you when buying groceries We give you Service and Good Groceries at Right Prices THOMAS S. HAZEL DEALER IN Staple and Fancy Groceries wil $1.75 $1.75 Ladies’ Silk Hose §| (Guaranteed) We will give a new pair free for any pair that shows a run- ner in the leg or a hole in the heel or toe. Yeager’s Shoe Store AAPL PPP PSAP PPP PP BEEZERS GARAGE STUDEBAKER International Trucks See the ““Duplex’’ Car GEO. A. BEEZER ~Serv: G. F. Musser Co WHOLESALE GROCERS FRANK M. MAYER ¢ { Manufacturer of Snow-flake and White-lily FLOUR We carry a large stock of All Kinds of Feed in both our Milly. ‘We are always in the market for ~ Grain. Bellefonte Mill Roopsburg Mill Nash zee SIX Wion Garage New Location...W. Bishop St. BELLEFONTE TT 3 PAW AAPOR ee Special Advance Bring Health and Happiness to your home with a convenient “Heatmore” Pipeless Furnace CLEAN AND SANITARY Saves Fuel Saves Work Extra Heavy Castings Deep Cup Joints Revolving Cinder r Crushing Grates Properly installed in your Home at a price that will sur- prise you. Carload buying gives us this advantage. A few remain unsold of the car- load. Place your order now and save some real money, Bellefonte Hardware Co. i A a aa a DONPAAAAAP APA PANAAP APN Montgomery & Co BELLEFONTE, PA. Genuine ENGLISH BROAD CLOTH SHIRTS Specially Priced $2.45 Blue — Tan — White — Gray A ARMA I Ne HAA AIA AA A AMON Quality Counts The RIGHT PLACE For the RIGHT GOODS At the RIGHT PRICE Olewine’s Hardware EAA PENANG = The Talk of the Town! Selby’s and Just Wrights Arch Support Shoes FOR MEN AND WOMEN Mingle’ s Shoe Store Nissel's Meat Market is in on the Buy at Home Cam- paign because it offers such Choice Meats at the Right Prices that there is no reason for anybody buying elsewhere. Fruits Vegetables EVERYTHING IN SEASON EVERYTHING OF THE BEST : § Carpeneto’s 8 Bug In Geatre Gounty Buy from whom you please Buy in Centre County Hazel & Company esse T H E secs : Bon Mot EVERYTHING THAT IT’S NAME IMPLIES Schlow’s Quality Shop Offers you Many Opportunities in Quality and Service that yeu can’t get by buying abroad