Motor Cars Graham Bros. Trucks Hockman’s Garage Dodge Bros. ...The... Center Oil and Gas Co Distributors of (5%) Products Bottorf Bros. The EXIDE Battery Service Station We Automobile Accessories, Radios and Supplies and Electrical Contractors Bottorf Bros. | Service Quality Courtesy Bellefonte Motor Service Co W. F. McCOY General Repairs All Cars Tires Tubes Accessories “The MOON SIX” HUPMOBILE | UNBREAKABLE Can’t Break, Crack or Leak A Le Boeuf Fountain Pen is Guaranteed Unbreakable Come in and Try to Break One The Mott Drug Co PBA PANS All Standard Lines Eaton’s and Craine’s Papers Blair Tablets Carter’s and Stafford’s Inks Dennison Goods Eversharp and Conklin Pencils Conklin and Moore Pens = Book Store IT'S REAL SATISFACTION nzoorr»w LEHRPHIE We Invite you to drive it over any Mountain you suggest. PENN STATE AUTO CO. NUN APAAASP DON'T BUY FROM The Potter-Hoy Hdw. Co. Unless you want Real Quality and Satisfaction for Your Money. PAULA ASSP PAN Before You Buy Any LUMBER, FLOORING, FINISH, SASH, DOORS, MILL WORK Get Shope’s Prices Bell 46 W United Bellefonte Lumber Co «MILL WORK SHINGLES BUILDING SUPPLIES ROUGH LUMBER LATH Bellefonte Luter Co SINPSPPININOININIP II 207% REDUCTION ON Rocking Chairs SHOWN IN OUR WINDOW W. R. BRACHBILL Furniture, Rugs Good Morning! We just want to tell you that The Variety Shop is one of the Busy Stores of Bellefonte. There’s a Reason. Kom & C why this is thus G. R. SPIGELMYER & CO. M. R. JOHNSON MarbleandGranite CEMETERY WORK of every description Before You Vote BE SURE TO READ THIS We have nominated as our leaders the MODERN GLENWOOD STOVE W. W. Lawrence & Co’s READY MIXED PAINTS, Val- spar Varnishes, Enamels and Stains, H. P. SCHAEFFER, Hardware Pu AALS ASA APPA COAL! Our careful selection has ena- bled us to sell and deliver at any time the Best Grade of Coal mined in Centre county. Centre Co.Fuel &B’ldgSup. Co NATHAN KOFMAN, Prop. ANA AAPA ASN AAP Knisely’s. Market Clean and Up-to-Date FISH OYSTERS BUTTER EGGS SMOKED MEATS West High Street Lyon & Co Lyon & Co We specialize in Ladies, Misses and Children’s Ready-to-Wear Come and see our Blankets and Comfortables Visit our store before you do your Winter buying. It will be a Big Saving to you. LYON & CO. FUTILE TTTTTTIs ST GUIS INS & Bellefonte Filling Station and Rest Room A Service Station for Impatient Motorists GREASES OILS GAS Confectionery Tobacco Oil Changed Free FRANK SASSERMAN, Prop. Russ-Bell’s Sodas, Ice Cream, Candy Martha Washington CANDIES Old Time ' Home Made Watch | (Casebeer’s Windew Always Something of Interest C. D. CASEBEER Jeweler and Oplmetrist The Key to Better Business Do you know that more property is controlled by retail stores than any other kind of business in this country. There is more money invest- ed in retail stores than in all the banks. steel industry. Their sales exceed that of the More taxes are paid by retail merchants than by any other class. More people are employed in retail stores than in any other trade. You can put the plus sign on anything you like in regard to the retail business. Therefore it pays to consider the ways and means of improv- ing the greatest activity in Bellefonte today. This can be done by “Being a Booster for Bellefonte, and by Buying from Bellefonte Merchants.” They are paying the heaviest taxes and are making Bellefonte the Busi- ness Center of the County. Back them with your purchases Lere at home. LIFE IS GIVE AND TAKE PROPOSITION No Man, Under Modern Condi tions, Can Live Entirely Unto Himself, EACH DEPENDENT ON OTHERS Citizen Who Does Not Aid In Building Up Community Can Not Expect to Have Prosperity Himself. (Copyright.) I'here was a time in the world when 4 man could do pretty much as he pleased. What one man did was of little concern to anyone else, for it had little effect on anyone else. Those days are gone, however, and they never will return. Today, no man cat live entirely unto himself. Life is a complicated affair under modern con: ditions. No one man in any commun: ity is entirely independent of all others in that community. Organized society, in the form of governments, national, state and local, have recognized the new conditions and have decreed that every man must observe certain rules in his relations with his fellow men. He must not da certain things that would endanger the health of other people in his commun: ity. He must not do such things as would disturb the peace and quiet of hts neighborhood. He must remember that he owes a duty to his community. Not Question of Right. . A man may say that he has the right to spend his money where he pleases; that no one can stop him if he wants to buy his groceries, his clothes and his furniture in some city miles away from where he earns the money to pay for them. He is right. There is nc law to prevent him from doing so, un less it is the law of self-preservation The man who has the right to send his money away to some distant city in stead of spending it at home, also has the right to send his children to that city to be educated in the schools, which his money helps to support, but he doesn’t exercise that right. He sends his children to the local schools, the maintenance of which is made pos. sible by the men who spend their money at home. Life in any community today is & give-and-take proposition. A man can not take everything and give nothing and get away with it for any great length of time, He car not take his living from a community and give Frias nothing back to help the other fellow make a living. If he cuts off the other fellow’s living, he is bound eventually to cut off his own, for unless the other fellow has money to buy his labor or his goods he cannot make a living himself. You may say that what you buy doesn’t amount to much and the money that you send away to the mail order houses in other cities can not have any great effect upon the general business conditions in your town. Maybe it doesn’t amount to much and maybe it won’t have any great effect upon the community's prosperity in itself, but what will be the result if every person in the community, or half of them, or a tenth of them, take the same view of the matter. Your business, in it: self, may not amount to much, but taken together with the business of a hundred others in the community, it amounts to a great deal. It amounts to the difference between a prosper- ous community and a “dead” one. It amounts to the difference, in the end, between good times and bad times for yourself and your own family. If you lived on a desert isle, it would make no difference where you sent your money, because it would make no dif- ference whether you had any money at all or not. But you are not living upon a desert isle. You are living in a modern community. To do everything possible to build up that community is not only a duty which you owe to the community, but—more important still —it is a duty which you owe to your- self. Taxes WII Increase. You have children to educate. You want your community to have good schools so that your children may have the same advantages that the children in the big city have. If you live on a farm you need good roads over which to haul your products to market. You may say that you pay your share of the taxes out of which the school- houses are built and the roads con- structed. Maybe you do pay your share, in proportion to the value of your world’s goods, but where is the other fellow to get the money to pay his share of the taxes if, after you pay your taxes, you send the remainder of your money to some other community to help build their. schools and. con- struct their roads. The merchants of any community pay a very consider- able part of the taxes collected in that community. Go to the tax books and you will find this tc be the case. When the business of the merchant falls off and he carries smaller stocks and has less money in the bank, he pays small- er taxes, and as the amount he pays in taxes decreases, the amount you pay must increase if the schools are to be maintained and the roads kept up. It may be a man’s own business if he wants to send his money to help build up the big cities where the mail order houses flourish, but it's poor hasiness for himself as well as for evervhody else in the community ir which he lives. The Home Merchant Spends the Money he Makes in His Home Town Buy at Home We pay taxes here and con- tribute to every public move- ment. And we sell Groceries -that are as good as you can get anywhere. City Cash Grocery Fish and Oyters that Sell Fresh caught Fish and fresh shucked Oysters are the most im- portant factors in our business. ‘We are not only anxious to serve you, we want you to know that we want to (create good will). Of course, you can disregard Best Quality and prompt service Rr kg TR grade of o0ods be the “cheapest in the end.’ ¥ Galaida’s Fish and Oyster Wit cat rt er sf In Ordering Bread Don't forget to enrich your tabl with our other baked Sone that lend / variety and deliciousness to your meals at little expense. BREAKFAST ROLLS CRULLERS COFFEE RINGS CAKES | FANCY BUNS RAISEN BREAD CUZRANT BUNS PIES 4 They give you the same f 1 as our wholesome Bread. od vise CITY } CITY DARERY 3 The Best at Less Pianos : Radios Phonographs HARTER’S MUSIC STORE 18 N. Allegheny St. ERs If you are looking for a Good Used Car at the Right Price SEE SAM S. H. POORMAN’S GARAGE BELLEFONTE, PA. Your Satisfaction IS OUR RECORD FOR SERVICE That Good GULF Gasoline on the edge of town, on the State College road. EDGEFONT FILLING STATION and REST ROOM BOND C. WHITE, Prop. The Scenic Moose Temple Theatre PICTURES SHOWS (oo Have You Been getting everything that’s com- ing to you when buying groceries We give you Service and Good Groceries at Right Prices THOMAS S. HAZEL DEALER IN Staple and Fancy Groceries $1.75 $1.75 Ladies’ Silk Hose (Guaranteed) We will give a new pair free for any pair that shows a run- ner in the leg or a hole in the heel or toe. Yeager’s Shoe Store BEEZERS GARAGE . STUDEBAKER International Trucks See the “Duplex’® Car GEO. A. BEEZER CO RA & PUIG INITIO G. F. Musser Co WHOLESALE GROCERS AAAAAAAAA FRANK M. MAYER Manufacturer of Snow-flake and White-lily FLOUR We carry a large stock of All Kinds of Feed in both our Mills. We are always in the market for Grain, Bellefonte Mill Roopsburg Mill e Sh a Wwe B APTI oi Slt IAIN AINE Special! A few Good Used Cars NASH SIX OVERLAND CHEVROLET NASH FOUR Sales - Nash 6s - Service WION Garage | $1.85 Bull-Dog Sheets 81x90in. | 1.39 Closely woven, bleached, seamless Sheets, with a specially woven cen- ter. This make known to “wear where others tear” retain their original whiteness and softness after repeated laundering. Men’s $7.00 Fine 4.98 OXFORDS Tan or black calf, new toe shapes, tips and perforations. Solid leath- er throughout. All with rubber top lifts. Full range of sizes. Lenox Tapestry Rugs 27x54 inches Special at $199 ad Cohen & Co. DEPT. STORE, Bellefonte. The best place to trade anyway Montgomery & Co BELLEFONTE, PA. Genuine ENGLISH BROAD CLOTH SHIRTS Specially Priced $2.45 Blue — Tan — White — Gray Quality Counts The RIGHT PLACE For the RIGHT GOODS At the RIGHT PRICE Olewine’s Hardware The Talk of the Town! Selby’s and Just Wrights Arch Support Shoes FOR MEN AND WOMEN Mingle’s Shoe Store WRAP Kissel's Meat Market is in on the Buy at Home Cam- paign because it offers such Choice Meats at the Right Prices that there is no reason for anybody buying elsewhere. WSIS SGP SS SPP Fruits Vegetables EVERYTHING IN SEASON EVERYTHING OF THE BEST Carpeneto’s [POP OOOO VION A a0 00 0000040 00 0 0 a a; Buy in Geatre County Buy from whom you please BUT Buy in Centre County Hazel & Company Lill] T H E see Bon Mot EVERYTHING THAT IT’S NAME IMPLIES Schlow’s Quality Shop Offers you Many Opportunities in Quality and Service that you can’t get by buying abroad : :