Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, September 26, 1924, Image 6

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    “Bellefonte, Pa., September 26, 1924.
May Take Chance with Frosted Si-
lage Corn.
Centre county farmers who have
hesitated about cutting green corn for
silage this fall are justified in waiting
until the crop is more mature, even to
the extent that the crop might freeze
before they start filling the silo, ac-
cording to word received by the coun-
ty agent from S. I. Bechtel, ensilage
specialist at The Pennsylvania State
But it is only the average farmer
with but one large or perhaps two
small silos, where it will not take long
to do the filling, who can afford to
take chances on corn maturing before
severe frosting. Farmers who cut an
unusually large amount of corn for
silage are filling their silos with
green corn.
Four or five days after frosting are
all that should be allowed for the crop
to stand before ensilaging. Immedi-
ate cutting and filling is best, and if
the corn has dried much, water should
be added while filling the silo to as-
sist in the fermentation process nec-
essary for the preservation of the si-
lage. Freezing bursts the plant cells
and much of the plant nutriment is
lost, to say nothing of the brittle
leaves lost by wind and in handling in
the field. Satisfactory silage has
been secured from frosted corn, and
the crop may mature to a considera-
ble extent before a severe frost comes.
County Farmers Could Save Much in
Milk Losses.
Farmers in Centre county can pre-
vent the loss of many pounds of milk
if they will give the milk utensils,
and particularly the milk cans, a little
more attention. Many cans are
washed at the plant, and where this is
the custom, the producer should see
that the cans are ‘inverted on racks
where they will air and drain immedi-
ately after they are returned to the
farm. A wet can harbors bacteria. A
clean, dry can that has been well air-
ed, will aid materially in securing a
satisfactory product at the plant,
State College dairy extension special-
ists assert.
A can rack is simple to build and
can be constructed in most cases with
only a little time. Two by four, or if
they are not available, boards may be
used for the bottom of the rack. They
should be so arranged that the cans
when inverted will allow for plenty of
air circulation. A board at the back
to prevent the cans from tipping over
is all that is necessary.
United States of Europe Advocated.
Definite action to propagate the
idea of a United States of Europe-—
under which Europe would become a
nation of States, with a central capi-
tal—is being taken by many import-
ant labor groups and organizations
throughout Europe.
They argue that the idea is a prac-
tical measure of world politics, and
will do much to end the present un-
rest now permeating the European
The International Transport Work-
ers Congress, held at Hamburg re-
cently considered a resolution put for-
ward by French delegates in support
of the movement while the annual
conference of the Social Democratic
Federation held at London passed res-
olutions in its favor.
The United States of Europe was
one of the demands put forward at
the International Peace demonstration
held throughout the world September
21, while it is possible that the ques-
tion will be brought before the next
meeting of the labor and socialist in-
Apple Growers Must Observe Packing
Apple growers and packers are
warned by officials of the Pennsylva-
nia Department of Agriculture that
they must observe the provisions of
the State Apple Packing Law this
year. This law provides that the face
of the fruit in all closed packages of
apples shall be a fair representation
of the balance of the contents of the
package. It further provides that the
name and address of the packer, the
variety of apple, and the minimum
size of the fruit in the package shall
be stamped on the outside. These
provisions are compulsory on all clos-
ed packages of fruit.
The use of the new standard grades
for apples is entirely qptional with
the packer but fruit marked according
to these standard grades must comply
with the requirements of the particu-
lar grade name with which the pack-
-age is labeled.
Makes First Shipment of 1925 License
The automobile division of the State
Highway Department last week ship-
ped its first consignment of 1925 au-
tomobile license tags to early appli-
«cants. The lot consisted of 150 sets
of tags for passenger cars and 40 sets
for commercial vehicles.
The 1925 tags are blue, the numer-
als being gold. They are the reverse
of the 1924 tags.
Although securing of license tags
has been simpified, inasmuch as the
Highway Department mails applica-
tions to owners on which the blanks
have already been filled out, about 40
per cent. of the applications so far
received for 1925 have lacked the sig-
nature of the applicant.
——Those Pennsylvania motorists
who have been decorating their wind-
shields and rear windows with bath-
ing girl stickers, both of the perfect
thirty-six and the irregular fifty-four
type, will not be molested by repre-
sentatives of the State Highway De-
partment so long as the stickers do
not interfere with the driver’s line of
vision. Massachusetts and New York
have barred the stickers, and motor-
ists from Pennsylvania who travel
through those States had better do a
little window cleaning.
{ndian Tribe Said to
Use “Language” of Birds
A tribe of Indians whose members
communicate among themselves only
by whistling, and who can talk to birds
in the same manner, has been found
in the Siskiyou mountains in northern
California. The discovery was report-
ed to A. I. Kroeber, curator of
anthropological museum of the Unli-
versity of California, by J. R. Saxor
of ‘the United States’ forést’ service. *|
Saxon sald that for weeks forest
rangers in the remote part of the
Siskiyous had heard many uncanny
whistlings over the service wires that
stretch from station to station through
the mountains. He went to Investl-
gate. He said the Indians conveyed
to him t.#t they had seen forest ran-
gers using this Instrument and had
themselves experimented with it in
‘their whistling language. This e»
plained the mysterious sounds.
Saxon believes that the isolated clan
of “whistling people” is an obscures off-
shoot of the Karok tribe of Kla-
math Falls Indians, says the Detroit
News. Professor Kroeber says the
Karoks are an unusually intelligent
and industrious tribe numbering about
2,600. At a whistled command birds
would flutter from the trees to a clear-
ing to eat food scattered there by the
women, according to Saxon’s narrative.
He described the men as shy, adding
the women were like deer. “At the
sound of my voice,” he explained, “the
women ified into the canyons.”
Boy Prisoner’s Plea
Ingenious, at Least
A youth in the Indiana state prison
recently sent a plea to the state board
of pardons, in which he said:
“I am only a boy of seventeen ana
don’t think I ought to be required to
live up to the laws that I never had
opportunity to learn what they were
in school and it seems as though about
nine-tenths of the lawyers of Indiana
do not understand them, either.”
The boy's letter amused more than
it impressed, because the law he was
convicted of violating was the law
against stealing automobiles.
Under ordinary conditions the youth
would be in the Indiana state reform-
atory, and not In the state prison,
where more hardened and older con-
victs are sent, but the new reforma-
tory Is not yet sufficiently completed
to house many more than about half
of its intended capacity of 1,250 pris-
oners.—Indianapolis News.
Liner Steers Self
The Cunard liner Laconia is the first
gritish liner to be equipped with a
wonderful new invention, by means of
which ships of the future will be able
to travel hundreds of miles, unaided
by a helmsman, without deviating from
their intended course. The gyro pilot
is controlled by the gyro compass.
This compass passes all alterations of
the ship’s head to other compasses,
working in conjunction with the latest
wireless direction finders on the bridge
and other parts of the ship. One of
these repeater compasses is mounted
on the gyro pilot, and immediately the
ship’s head changes its direction the
information is passed to an electric
motor, which turns the steering wheel
the requisite amount to bring the ship
back to her course.—Cleveland Plain
“Jury of His Peers”
Ed Pendleton, member of the Kansas
regislature from Franklin county, was
called as a member of the jury recent-
ly, in United States court at Leaven-
“] never served on a jury of any
gind In all my life before,” Pendleton
explained to his friends, “and I wanted
to know if all those jokes about how
juries perform were true.”
“Well, after serving on a jury,
«sked a friend, “how would you like
to be tried by one?”
“Not for me,” replied Pendleton. “1
wouldn’t want to be tried by a jury—
not even if I were a member of it."—
Kansas City Star.
Fur Farms in Canada i
fur farming has shown a great In
crease in Canada during the last ten
years that furs have been popular
summer and winter. There are. 1,009
farms devoted to breeding and rais-
ing fur-bearing animals, and of these
960 are devoted to foxes, seventeen
to racoon, thirteen to mink and one
to marten. The 21,433 silver foxes
taken in the 1923 census of these
farms are valued at $5,372,262. As
Canada became settled the wild
animals retreated farther into the
north and the farms sprang up with
the demand from fur manufacturers.
Famous Fishing Rod
C. E. Pope of Sagabore, says the
Roston Globe, owns a four-jointed fish-
ing rod which is said to have been
owned and used by Daniel Webster in
the forties. The present owner has
had it for fifty-three years. The rod
is of gray ash, and is in perfect con-
dition. Among the noted men of more
recent years who have handled this
relic of the expounder of the Constitu-
tion were President Cleveland, Joseph
Jefferson and Professor Emerson of
Dartmouth college.
Japs May Discard Kimono
Owing to the fact that the cumber-
some kimonos worn by Japanese wom-
en prevented many from escaping
death during the earthquake and fire
in 1923, prominent Japanese women
have started a movement to discard
the kimono as a national dress and to
begin by dressing the children In mod-
ern European clothes.
Significant Words on
First American Coin
After the American colonies had
achieved independence, the provision
of a coinage becume their own sov-
ereign right. The devices for the first
coin struck by authority of congress
were prescribed by a committee of that
body in the following terms: *“, . .
On one side of which piece . . .
thirteen circles linked together, a
small circle in ‘the middle, with the
words United States around it; and in
the center ‘We Are One.’ On the other
side ‘of the same piece the following
device, viz, a dial with the hours ex-
pressed on the face of it; a meridian
sun above, on one side of which is
to be the word ‘Fugio,’ and on the
other the year ‘1787’; below the dial,
the words, ‘Mind Your Own Busi-
iness.’” The types of this piece are
very similar to those of the dollar
pattern of the proposed continental
currency, which bears date of 1776,
and which were probably designed by
an artist, who on the earlier piece
placed the signature E. G. Fecit. The
types are interesting as a commentary
on the state of mind of the times.
The political hope, for it could be
only a hope still at that time, of an
inseparable union, expressed in the
obverse type, was probably not less
prevalent than the cautien so graphi-
cally set forth by the other that
“Time is Flying,” so “Mind Your Busi-
ness” affairs. This terse expression
of practical sense, because so much
in the spirit of Poor Richard, has
won for the coin the name of “Frank-
lin cent,” but Franklin probably had
~othing to do with the designing of it
Early New Englanders
Fond of Their Beans
In the absence of positive informa-
tion on the subject of the origin of
Boston baked beans and their place on
New England breakfast menus this
conjecture is offered: In the early
days of the Plymouth colony people
did their baking in brick ovens. These
ovens were heated on Saturday and
enough baking for the week was done
at that time. As the oven cooled off
the temperature was just right for
beans, which need long, slow cooking,
so they were thus ready to be eaten
on Saturday night and were probably
put back into the oven te keep hot and
these were eaten for breakfast on Sun-
day morning. Many New England peo-
ple reheat them and eat them for
breakfast each morning until they are
gone, and some people who bake them
on Wednesday continue to serve them
for breakfast until the Saturday beans
are baked. In northern New England
beans have been baked from time im-
memorial in a hole in the ground, the
hole having first been lined with
stones and the stones made very hot
with a fire built in the hole. In lum-
ber camps the beans are usually put in
to bake the night before they are to
be served for breakfast.
Truth Prevailed
The criminal lawyer believed in be
ing absolutely frank with his clients,
and accordingly when a man came to
him charged with stealing a pig he
“Now, I will be perfectly open with
you. If I take your case you must in
the first place tell me honestly: Did
you or did you not steal this pig?”
“Well, yes, sir, I did,” the man ac
.nitted; “but I have a big family and
no money, and I was in need of meat
for them.”
“That's all right,” replied the law-
ger. “You bring me half that pig and
I'll take on your case.”
When the case came into the court
the lawyer addressed the jury thus:
“This man did not get any more of the
pig than I did.”
The verdict was “Not guilty.”
Inventor Unknown
The history of the monkey-wrench
1s obscure. Even the origin of the
term “monkey” in the name is un-
known. It is commonly believed, how-
ever, that a London blacksmith
named Moncke (pronounced “Mun-
ke”) made some of the first wrenches
with movable jaws adjustable by a
screw. Such wrenches were called
Moncke wrenches. Owing to ignorance
of the origin and spelling of the name
it was easily corrupted into “monkey.”
But this story is not supported by
any definite information. The United
States patent office says it can find no
record of a patent having been grant-
ed by the British government to
Moncke for such a wrench.—Path-
finder Magazine,
Works of Art in Copper
Copper ornaments that were mad.
between 6,500 and 9,000 years ago are
dug up near Ur, city of ancient Baby-
lonia. Made thousands of years be-
fore King Tut was born, these copper
ornaments are among the earliest
works of art. They express the in-
fancy of the creative spirit. The Baby-
fonian copper objects represent men
and oxen. In addition to being art,
they were intended as a history of ac-
complishment—main motive of which
is vanity.—Farm and Fireside.
Honey Once Main Sweet
It is only within the last few cen
turies that sugar has become known,
and within the last generation or so
that refined sugars have become 8a
low in price that they may be com:
monly used in the poorest families,
Formerly honey was the principal
sweet, and it was one of the items
gent as a propltiatory offering by Ja
cob to his unrecognized son, the chief
ruler of Egypt 3,000 years before the
first sugar refinery was built,
Real Estate Transfers.
Harry Tressler, et ux, to Wilbur R.
Dunkle, tract in Walker township;
Ella F. Saner to Ralph W. Kern,
tract in College township; $2,000.
Anna D. Deff to Daniel U. Boyer,
tract in Bellefonte; $205.52.
C. A. Van Valin, et ux, to George
i Bullock, tract in Unionville; $1,-
J. W. Henszey, et ux, to J. D. Kel-
ler, et ux, tract in State College; $1.
J. D. Keller, et ux, to J. W. Hens-
zey, et ux, tract in State College; $1.
Homer J. Young, et ux, to John C.
Barnes, tract in Spring township;
Christine Rine, et al, et ux, to
James Reed, tract in Bellefonte;
J. P. Eisenhuth, et ux, to Frank V.
Kerstetter, tract in Haines township;
Moshannon National Bank commit-
tee to Caroline Batcheler, tract in
Philipsburg; $5,150.
James M. McMullen to Maude Mec-
Mullen, tract in Boggs township; $1.
J. D. Keller, et ux, to Arthur P.
Stevens, tract in State College; $1,080.
Arthur P. Stevens to Gertrude Ste-
vens, tract in Ferguson township;
John L. Holmes, et al, to Harold S.
Nervin, et ux, tract in State College;
George C. Waite, et ux, to Joseph
Christon, et ux, tract in Worth town-
ship; $1.
Spring Creek Cemetery, Inc., to
George A. Brian, tract in College
township; $30.
John G. Markes, et ux, to Guslav
E. Cohen, tract in State College;
Mary E. Houser to W. H. Baird,
tract in Spring township; $400.
Margaret L. Smith to Catherine G.
Smith, tract in Centre Hall; $1.
Margaret L. Smith to Clyde A.
Smith, et al, tract in Centre Hall; $1.
Mary J. Odenkirk to J. William
Bradford, tract in Centre Hall; $3,100.
—Subseribe for the “Watchman.”
Marriage Licenses.
Howard E. Hopkins, Scranton, and
Catharine A. Harpster, State College.
William E. Nearhoof and Irene
Fleck, Philipsburg.
George H. Seibert and Ida J. Walk-
er, Pleasant Gap.
Marion Pletcher, Howard, and Esth-
er R. Glenn, Mt. Eagle.
Lee L. Lucas, Lock Haven, and Eth-
el E. Gunsallus, Hublersburg.
Miller Craft, Philipsburg, and Ma-
ry A. Daugherty, Clearfield.
Ezekiel B. Confer, Scranton, and M.
Isabelle Barnhart, Curtin.
Charles L. Sweitzer, Commodore,
Pa., and Martha L. Davidson, Win-
Played Wrong Machine.
He had dropped a nickel in the slot
of a telephone pay station and stood
patiently waiting. He was full to the
brim. He read the instructions and
then took down the receiver. “Num-
ber?” asked central. “Five centsch.”
“What do you want?” “Spearmint.”
Better ThanPills
For Liver Ills.
RT onight
tone and strengthen
alimi Oe Austion And
nation, improve a
I Monde ronye bit
fpkhoart, SETS Sensitiuts.
mildly, thoroughly. ’
Tomorrow Alright
Caldwell & Son
Plumbing and Heating
By Hot Water
Pipeless Furnaces
Full Line of PipeZand Fittings
Terra Cotta Pipe and Fittings
Estimates Cheerfully and Promptly
Ladies! Ask your Dru t for
Ohli.ches-ter 8 Diamond Bran.
Pills in Red and Gold metallic
boxes, sealed with Blue Ribbon.
Deueint. Ase or ONT. ONES TER §
years known as Best, Safest, Always Reliable
Ready Now
New Fall Suits and Overcoats
Largest Showing in Bellefonte
Priced Honestly. An assortment
you should be sure and see.
Everything t's New in Good Clothes
are Here---Let, ys Show You
A. Fauble
The “Watchman” gives all the news, all the time. Read it.
Protect your Family
f you do not make proper provision
for your family in your will, you
may cause them much worry.
It is advisable not only to make a will,
but to appoint a thoroughly reliable Executor.
We act in the capacity of Exceutor—our Char-
ter is Permanent, and we are always faithful
to every duty. Consult us freely.
QA /
Announcing the New International
Silver Co. ‘ Vendome ’’ Pattern---
The Stlver- Plated flatware
with the Sterling Silver Finish
A Complete Showing
Jewelers and Optometrists