Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, August 22, 1924, Image 8

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    2 A Arn :
Bellefonte, Pa., August 22, 1924.
EE ——
The colored folks held another
picnic on Wednesday and, of course. it
——Good reading matter will be |
found on every page of today’s
——The Spring Miils lodge of Odd
Fellows have organized a band of
seventeen pieces.
——County treasurer J. O. Hever-
ly has received from the State checks
totalling $6,166.01 as the county’s
share of the gasoline tax for the first
six months of 1924.
——FElmer Mencer, of Philipsburg,
was brought to the Centre county jail
last week on the charge of operating
a motor car without the consent of the
owner, Frank Balistrere being the
——The Schenck family reunion
will be held in Schenck’s grove, near
Howard, on Thursday, August 28th.
The Odd Fellows band of Bellefonte,
will furnish the music and a number
of good speakers will be in attendance.
——The ladies of the Bellefonte
Presbyterian church will hold a food
sale at Spigelmyer’s store, in the Ex-
change, tomorrow afternoon, begin-
ning at 2 o'clock. Home-made cakes,
pies and other edibles will be for sale.
——1In our notice last week of the
marriage of Harry Zimmerman and
Miss Marie Sherry we inadvertently
stated that the ceremony took place in
the parochial residence, when as a
matter of fact it was solemnized in
the Catholic church.
For the second time the Busi-
ness Men’s association of Millheim
won the $200 prize offered by the
Pennsylvania Retail Merchant’s asso-
ciation for the greatest progress dur-
ing the year in towns and cities of
less than 70,000 population.
Miss Jennie Morgan has secur-
ed the services of an expert hair
dresser and manicurist who will be
at her shop on Allegheny street reg-
ularly hereafter. She will do Mar-
celle and water waving, manicuring
and hair bobbing and shingling.
——A report reached this office on
Tuesday morning of a certain woman
living near Bellefonte having been
found dead in bed. Inquiry, however,
developed the fact that it was a hap-
py mistake, but that her thirteenth
child had arrived the night previous.
——Larry Bliss Faulkner and Miss
Katherine M. McAllister, both of Mor-
gantown, W. Va., were married at the
Methodist parsonage last Saturday by
the pastor, Rev. E. E. McKelvey, and
on Monday the pastor performed the
marriage ceremony for David O. Dunn
and Miss Esther Behrers, both of
——The Baileyville Sportsmen’s
club will hold their monthly meeting
at Baileyville next Thursday evening,
August 28th, at 7:30 p. m. It is the
desire of the committee that every
sportsman be present as prominent
speakers will be on hand to discuss
matters in which sportsmen should be
——With visions of a star shining
on her horizon Miss Madaline Bent
signed up with the “Vanity Box” com-
pany, which played here on Wednes-
day evening, at $35 per week, and left
with the show yesterday morning.
The company is just starting on a tour
to the Pacific coast and doesn’t expect
to get back east before next May.
——Some day Geo. E. Wintz’s
“Vanity Box” might become a fair
show, but that day is a long way off
if it is to depend much on the kind of
comedy Hal Kiter put into the play
here Wednesday night or on Mitzie
Sassie as a soubrette. The scenic in-
vestiture, costumes and Harry Shan-
non’s “Pennsylvania Twelve” were
good, but that was all there was to it.
——Miss Hazel Heverly, of Beech
Creek, won the Ford car given away
at the Wetzler band festival, at Miles-
burg on Saturday evening. The fes-
tival proved a drawing card for a
large crowd of people but the rain
which began falling about 9:30 o’clock
interfered to a great extent with the
gathering and the result was the af-
fair did not prove to be a big money
——The Bellefonte public schools
will open for the fall term on Tues-
day, September 2nd. Parents should
bear in mind that no child will be en-
rolled who does not present a certifi-
cate of successful vaccination. The
corps of teachers for the school has
‘been completed by the election of
Maude Stover, of Rebersburg, and
Helen Parsons, of Lock Haven, for de-
partmental work in the grades.
——>Saturday night’s hard rain and
Tuesday night’s downpour will prove
of inestimable value to the gardens
and corn and potatoes, but they came
too late to save the small berry crop,
as raspberries dried up on the bushes,
blackberries are about the size of a
pea and the huckleberry crop was also
badly damaged by the dry weather.
The ground is now pretty well soaked
and farmers will be able to do their
fall ploughing.
. ——Now that the evenings are
growing much longer and somewhat
chilly there is no better place to pass
the time than at the Scenic. Of
course regular patrons need not be
told this fact as they know that the
programs include the best motion pic-
tures put out by the leading compa-
nies, Strangers in Bellefonte cannot
find a better place of entertainment
than the Scenic. Get the movie habit
and be a regular, and by so doing you
won't miss any of the good ones.
Judge Quigley Shows | Little Mercy for
Escaped Prisoners.
A special session of court was held
i on Monday morning to dispose of five
| cases in which offenders plead guilty
to indictments against them and were
sentenced by Judge Quigley. Four of
the offenders were prisoners who es-
| caped from the Rockview penitentiary
. less than two weeks ago and were re-
. captured within three days.
The first man called up was Wil-
liam Wells who while working in the
coal mine of Isaac Heaton & Son, at
Gorton Heights, stole two power me-
ters valued at $150. He was sentenc-
ed to serve from two to four years in
the western penitentiary.
John Kelley, of Philadelphia, was
the first of the escaped prisoners call-
ed up for sentence. He was sentenced
in April, 1922, to from five to seven
years and although he is but 34 years
old that was his fourth conviction and
sentence, having previously served
two terms in Sing Sing, New York.
In fact he admitted to having com-
mitted his first crime when but nine
years old. The sentence imposed up-
on him was three and a half to seven
years, to be served after the expira-
tion of his present sentence, which
will give him twelve more years be-
hind the bars.
John Kelly, of Westmoreland coun-
ty, serving a sentence of fifteen years
and three months to twenty years for
second degree murder was given from
ten to twenty years. He is 26 years
old and has served nine years of his
first term, hence if he is kept in the
maximum of both sentences will have
thirty-one years yet to serve.
Frank Pace, of Allegheny county,
who was serving a three to four and a
half year’s sentence, dating from May
1st, 1923, was given from two to four
years additional.
George Bradley, of Crawford coun-
ty, serving a two to four years sen-
tence, was the only man shown any
mercy by the court. Bradley had only
eleven days to serve until being dis-
charged but made his disappearance
from the nursery on the afternoon of
August 11th. He was captured near
Laurelton, Union county, last Friday
evening. In presenting his case dis-
trict attorney Arthur C. Dale told the
court that there was some question as
to the man being sound mentally and
that fact ought to be taken into con-
sideration in disposing of his case.
Judge Quigley asked Bradley why he
went away and he said it was because
he was afraid. That the other pris-
oners were always talking about him
behind his back and he overheard one
say “use a razor on him.” Anyway
he was so scared he just walked away
and kept on walking. Judge Quigley
not only suspended sentence but sug-
gested that he be examined by the
prison physician and if found mental-
ly deficient, he should be paroled at
once and allowed to return home.
Ku Klux Klan Stage Public Initiation
on Fair Grounds.
The Ku Klux Klan staged’ a public
initiation on the old fair grounds on
Monday evening and while no public
anouncement had been made of the
fact the grapevine telegraph or radio-
graph was evidently working satis-
factorily as a large crowd of specta-
tors, probably five or six hundred,
were present to witness the demon-
stration. The upper portion of the
grounds were wired and electrically il-
luminated and members of the Klan
not only directed the parking of au-
tomobiles but policed the grounds to
see that there was no disorder and
nothing stolen from machines.
It was close to ten o’clock when the
explosion of two bombs announced the
opening of the ceremonies and the re-
verberation was still sounding in the
neighboring hills when a towering
cross twenty feet in height burst into
a glow of illumination with myriads
of electric lights. Stepping in front
of the cross C. R. Butler, a state offi-
cer of Altoona, led in singing one
stanza of “Onward Christian Sol-
diers,” after which Mr. Butler made a
lengthy address to the assembled
Klan, estimated at about four hundred
in number, who stood at attention in
a semi-circle west of the flaming cross.
At the completion of his address he
walked to the class of novitiates, thir-
ty-six in number and administered the
Klan oath, the degree work being per-
formed by a team from Lock Haven.
Members of the order were present
from Coalport, Altoona, Huntingdon,
Lewistown, Lock Haven and Williams-
port, and at the conclusion of the in-
itiatory ceremony the Kluxers sang
“Nearer My God to Thee,” the lights
were snapped off the cross and the
gathering quietly dispersed.
This was the first public gathering
of the Klan in this section but we are
pretty reliably informed that a much
larger and more spectacular meeting
is to be held in this section in the near
future in which from three to four
thousand members of the Klan are ex-
pected to participate.
Former Centre Countians Robbed.
Robbers last Friday night broke in-
to the general store of William D.
Walker & Bro., at Bigler, Clearfield
county, blew open the safe and got
away with $600 in checks and cash,
mostly the latter. In addition they
carried away insurance policies, notes,
leases and other papers of value only
to the owners. About a month ago
Chester Walker, the junior member of
the firm, was held up by a masked
man as he was leaving the store but
instead of delivering up his cash made
for the man and he took to his heels
and got away. The Walker Brothers
were formerly residents of Marsh
Creek, Centre county.
I Farmer’s Picnic.
The Centre county Co-operative as-
, sociation will hold their annual picnic
and festival on Saturday, August
30th, at Holmes’ grove, Pine Hall.
The committee of arrangements is
planning for one of the largest basket
picnics of the season. The crowd will
be entertained by a baseball game,
horseshoe pitching contests and a
good social time. The services of a
band have been secured and every-
thing possible is being done to insure
a good time for all.
Attention, Centre County Veterans!
The 81st annual reunion of the Cen-
tre County Veteran club will be held
at Grange park, during the Grange en-
campment and fair, on Wednesday,
September 3rd, at 10 o’elock a. m., in
the auditorium. A number of speak-
ers will address the meeting and the
services of a good band is assured.
All veterans of all wars are cordially
invited to join in this gathering. G.
A. R. men will be admitted free to the
GEORGE M. BOAL, President.
Wm. H. FRY, Secretary
Two Garages Burglarized.
Last Friday night some unknown
person or persons broke into the John
W. Neese garage, at Axe Mann, and
made away with four inner tubes,
some sockets and tools to a total value
of approximately thirty-five dollars.
The same night the Shreck Bros. ga-
rage, at Lemont, was entered and four
tires stolen. A woman who lives near
the garage heard a noise and getting
out of bed looked out of the window
and saw two men carry out two tires
each, throw them into an automobile,
climb in and drive away. She failed
to recognize either one of them, how-
Child Scalded to Death.
A distressingly sad accident hap-
pened at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Franklin C. Grove, near Jack-
sonville, last Thursday morning,
which resulted in the death of
their infant son, Kermit Emanuel
Grove. Mrs. Grove took a bucket of
boiling water from the stove and set
it on the floor, stepping out of the
kitchen to get some cold water. She
was gone but a minute but when she
returned she was horrified to discover
that her infant son had fallen into the
bucket. Other members of the family
were summoned and a physician se-
cured as soon as possible. He found
the baby badly burned over two-thrids
of its body, and though everything
possible was done it passed away at
three o’clock on Friday afternoon.
The child was aged two years, four
months and twenty-three days, and in
addition to the grief-stricken parents
is survived by seven brothers and sis-
ters, as follows: Edgar, Merrill, Har-
ry, Sarah, Russell, Walter and Louise.
Rev. Wilson P. Ard had charge of the
funeral services which were held at
the Grove home on Sunday afternoon,
burial being made in the Zion ceme-
Petersburg Wins Two Games and Eats
Two Chicken Dinners.
A contribution to the “Watchman”
from Petersburg says: “The Peters-
burg baseball team established a new
record last Saturday by capturing two
games, attending two annual picnics,
eating two chicken dinners and trav-
eling sixty miles.
“At the Baileyville picnic they met
the fast Houtzdale sluggers at 1:45
p. m., before a large crowd. Ralph
Rupert delivered the pill and he re-
ceived air-tight support. At the end
of the game the score board showed
8 to 3 in favor of Petersburg. Going
by motor bus to the big Mooresville
picnic the Petersburg batsmen at five
ler’s fast team from Pine Grove Mills
and other points. Manager Port trot-
ted out Chic Hennen to do the mound
work against Meyer, the idol of Fer-
guson township. A thunderous noise
arose as Chappie’s men went to bat
but when they took the count and fail-
ed to score the noise became a dense
quietude. At the end of the game the
score stood 3-0 in favor of Petersburg.
The great crowd dispersed and the
last seen of Chappie he was being
supported from the grounds by two of
his stalwarts.”
Business Men’s Picnic Largely At-
tended but Financial Failure.
Notwithstanding the fact that a
large crowd attended the Business
Men’s picnic at Hecla park, last
Thursday, it proved a failure, finan-
cially, for the association as the re-
ceipts were not sufficient to cover the
expenses. The committee in charge
evidently outdid itself in furnishing
attractions that did not prove the
drawing cards anticipated. This was
especially the case with the boxing
and wrestling events. The receipts
from them were considerably below
what the management had figured on.
This is probably accounted for in the
fact that the largest part of the crowd
at the picnic were women and chil-
dren, and they as a rule don’t patron-
ize such sports.
Then the giving away of a Ford car
and radio set were rather costly side
issues. The car was won by Mrs. Wil-
liam Ridge, of Orviston, and the ra-
dio set by James Bailey, of Belle-
fonte. Cam Heverly, son of county
caught the pig in the greased pig con-
test, and so elated was he with his
good luck that he promptly sold the
porker to a farmer for five dollars,
even though it weighed about 125
pounds and was worth about twice
that sum.
p. m. went up against Chappie Kep-
treasurer J. O. Heverly, of Bellefonte,’
Borough Dads Hold Brief Meeting |
4 Monday Night.
at the regular meeting of borough |
council on Monday evening. Walter
C. Cohen presented a petition signed
by various property owners asking
that Spring street between High and
Howard be permanently improved
either by concrete or brick paving.
i Charles Shaeffer, who is building a
new house on east Curtin street, asked
for an extension of the sewer from
the Barlett property east a distance of
250 feet so as to afford him sewer
connections. The matter was referred
to the Street committee and borough
The Street committee reported var-
ious repairs and $10 collected for a
sewer permit.
The Water committee reported the
installation of three new taps and the
collection of $6.00. The committee re-
ported that the price of a drinking
fountain for the spring will be $70,
less 15 per cent. The committee was
authorized to procure one and have it
The Finance committee reported
that the secretary had completed the
borough duplicate. The total valua-
tion this year is $1,948,727. The bor-
ough tax is $19,487.27; interest, $9,-
753.93, and street, $19,487.27, a total
of $48,728.47. The committee asked
for the renewal of notes for $800 and
$1,000, and for the execution of a new
note for $1,000 to pay current bills,
both of which were authorized.
The Fire and Police committee pre-
sented the burgess’ check for $66.00
for fines and licenses collected. The
committee also reported that the bur-
gess recommended that a white line
be painted in the centre of Bishop
street for the control of traffic. The
committee was instructed to have the
work done.
The secretary reported that no defi-
nite action had as yet been taken in
connection with the joint application
of the county commissioners and
Street committee for State-aid in the
paving of Spring street between Bish-
op and High. President Walker re-
quested both the Street and Finance
committees, with the borough solicit-
or, to meet the commissioners this
week, if possible, and endeavor to per-
suade them to join in the application.
Mr. Cunningham reported the Linn
street sewer clogged and the matter
was referred to the borough manager.
The Sanitary committee reported
the creek cleaned from the falls to the
bridge, but some residents up stream
will persist in throwing brush, boards,
etc., into the creek.
Bills to the amount of $1388.24 were
approved for payment after which
council adjourned.
Bellefonte Can’t be Beaten for League
Pennant. -
By winning two games the past
week Bellefonte’s champion baseball
team is now in a position where they
can’t be defeated in the race for the
pennant. The best that Millheim can
possibly do would be to tie the locals,
and to do that she will have to win
every game yet to play and Bellefonte
lose all of her six games still on the
schedule. This is a situation that is
not likely to occur, however.
At the Business Men’s picnic at
Hecla park, last Thursday, State de-
feated Millheim 14 to 9 and Bellefonte
downed Centre Hall 9 to 1. On Satur-
day Bellefonte won from State 4 to 3
and Millheim was victorious over Cen-
tre Hall 10 to 4. Lose twirled another
nice game for Bellefonte on Saturday,
holding State to four hits, all of which
were bunched in the fourth inning.
George Gilliland bounced one over left
field fence for a home run, the first of
its kind this season. Sweng Smith’s
knock in the first was a harder hit
ball, but hit too close to the fence to
bounce over and he got only a double.
Malone’s hitting has greatly improv-
ed. In the last five games he has bat-
ted a .400 clip. Sweng Smith leads
the batting list for the season, with an
average of .352. He also leads in get-
ting runs, with 82. Gingerich is the
leading extra base clouter, with 20
hits for 31 bases, while Martin is a
close second with 24 hits for 35 bases.
Following is the standing of the clubs:
w. L. P.C
Bellefonte .......... 19 5 791
Miltheim ..ieo.i0es. 14 11 .560
State College ....... 9 16 .360
Centre Hall ........ 7 17 201
Tomorrow Millheim will play two
games at State College and Bellefonte
two games at Centre Hall, Next
Thursday Bellefonte will play at-State
College and Centre Hall at Millheim.
Notice—Smallpox in Pennsylvania.
At present there is a greater men-
ace of smallpox infection in Pennsyl-
vania than has threatened the State
in many years. Since the first of the
year more than twenty people have
died of smallpox in this State, which
shows the virulent form in which the
disease is now prevailing; most of
these deaths have occurred in the
cities, such as Pittsburgh and Potts-
The fact that the disease is prevail-
ing during the summer months in-
creases the menace to the health of
every community in the State. There-
fore, it is-urged that all. unvaccinated
persons, and those who have not been
vaccinated since childhood, take such
precautions at once that might save
them from smallpox later in the year.
It has been proven that more than
ninety per cent. of those who have
died of smallpox in Pennsylvania
either had never been vaccinated or
else had not been vaccinated since
childhood. :
County Medical Director.
—William Houtz, of Franklinville, was
; a business visitor in Bellefonte last Friday
Just five councilmen were present ; and made a pleasant call at this office.
—The families of James C. Furst, J. M.
Curtin and John Curtin, are occupying the
J. C. Furst camp, on Fishing creek this
—Miss Anna Cooper, of Devaull, Chester
county, has been a house guest this week
of Mr. and Mrs. George C. Bingaman, at
their home on Howard street.
—Miss Martha L. Schmidt and Mrs.
Catherine E. Nagle, of Washington, D. C.,
are guests in the home of their brother,
the Rev. Dr. Ambrose M. Schmidt.
—Katherine Kase is here from Sunbury,
visiting with her grandfather, G. R. Spig-
elmyer, at Miss Margaret Mac Manus’,
where he has been making his home.
—Mrs. George Hazel and Mrs. Paul
Fortney have been occupying the Hazel
bungalow, up Spring creek, this week,
where they have done much entertaining.
—Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Hagan will mo-
tor to Oil City on Sunday and will take
with them Mrs. Harry Hagan and son,
Eugene, of that place, who have been vis-
iting relatives and friends here.
—Mary and Evelyn Rogers, daughters of
Dr. and Mrs. Coburn Rogers, of Linn
street, left yesterday for McKeesport,
where they will visit with Aurelia, the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lane.
—Miss Betty Curtin, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. J. M. Curtin, who bas been spending
the summer with her grandmother in this
place, left for Erie, on Monday, to spend
a week visiting with some Pittsburgh
school friends who are summering there.
—Mr. and Mrs. Wallace H. Gephart, of
Bronxville, N. Y., with their two chil-
dren, arrived in Bellefonte Saturday for a
visit with Mrs. J. W. Gephart and Mr. and
Mrs. F. H. Thomas. Mr. Gephart remained
here with his family over Sunday, leaving
then to return to New York.
—Miss Olive Mitchell is anticipating
spending the first part of the month of
September in Washington, D. C. having
planned to go down with her cousin, Mrs.
Anderson, of Pittsburgh. Mrs. Anderson
and her son are now at Ocean Grove, but
will come here to join Miss Mitchell.
—Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Lambert, of Johns-
town, were over night guests of Mr. and
Mrs. William Bottorf, Monday, stopping in
Bellefonte on their way home from Mifflin-
burg, where they had been for a reunion of
Mrs. Lambert's sisters, The five women
and their families were all week-end guests
of their father, Mr. Shontz, at Mifflinburg.
—Mr. and Mrs. James O. Brewer and
their two children, and Mr. Brewer’s sister,
Miss Edna Brewer, left Saturday morning
for the drive to their former home in
Kirkville, N. Y., where they all will spend
Mr. Brewer's vacation. Miss Brewer, who
has been here with her brother and his
family for several months, will return with
them to Bellefonte.
—Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kirk, of Grind-
stone, with their two daughters, and Mr.
Kirk’s two sisters, the Misses Elizabeth
and Rainey Kirk, of Tars, motored in from
the western part of the State last week, to
spend a month with relatives in central
Pennsylvania. While in Bellefonte they
have been guests of Mrs. Kirk's mother,
Mrs. D. I. Willard. i :
—Mrs. Albert E. Blackburn, who had
been: here for two months with her moth-
er, Mrs. J. L. .Spangler, returned home,
Sunday. Mrs. Blackburn left to join Dr.
Blackburn for their customary summer
motor trip to New Hampshire, where they
spend a month at this season. At the time
of her leaving Bellefonte both Col. and
Mrs. Spangler were very much better.
—Miss Elizabeth Cooney, accompanied
by Mary Parrish, left Sunday for New
York, where Miss Cooney is buying her
early fall millinery goods. Mary will spend
a week or more at New Rochelle, with rel-
atives of her father, and from there go to
Millville, N. J., to visit with her uncle and
aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gearhart, re-
turning home for the opening of school.
—Mr. and Mrs. George C. Bingaman and
their younger child returned to Bellefonte
Sunday, following a two week’s visit with
relatives in the eastern part of the State.
Mr. and Mrs. Bingaman drove directly to
Norristown to see their daughter, who has
been there with her grand-parents all sum-
mer. They motored from there to the Shore
and to other nearby places, dividing the
time among their friends.
—Capt. W. H. Fry, who now makes his
home at any place in Ferguson township
where he hangs up his hat, was a Belle-
fonte visitor on Saturday making arrange-
ments for the annual reunion of the Cen-
tre County Veteran club at Grange park
during the week of the Granger's picnic.
His trip to Bellefonte on Saturday was
made notwithstanding the fact that it was
the day of the big Baileyville picnic, but
he admitted that he was not as partial to
big crowds as he used to be, so decided
to come to Bellefonte.
—Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Fleming entertain-
ed a Sunday family party, which includ-
ed Dr. Frank Fleming and his daughter,
Miss Mildred, of Trout Run; Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Fleming, of Hepburnville, and Mr.
and Mrs. Eugene Fleming, of Williamsport.
The latter two stopped over between trains
on their way home from a trip through the
west, while the others motored here for
the day. Dr. Frank, Eugene and W. L
Fleming are brothers, the visit Sunday
being the first: Dr. Fleming had made to
Bellefonte in forty years.
—Mrs. Clyde Love has had as guests this
week Miss Catherine O'Donnell and Miss
May White, both of Cambridge, Mass. The
two young ladies came to Bellefonte two
weeks ago and last week were members of
a camping party at the Has-Been’s camp
on Fishing creek where, last Thursday
night Mrs. Love and Benton D. Tate enter-
tained a large party in their honor. Miss
O'Donnell holds a good position with the
Boston Buick company and Miss White is
secretary at the Boston City hospital ‘and
their vacation having expired both will
leave today for their eastern homes.
—Early Monday morning visitors at the
“Watchman” office included J. C. Weaver,
of Philadelphia, and H. C. Weaver and
daughter, Mrs. Emory G. Wolf, of Harris-
burg, all of whom were here on a summer
visit with the Misses Weaver, on east How-
ard street. Mr. and Mrs. Wolf motored
here last week with Mrs. Wolf's father,
leaving him here while they continued
their trip to Pittsburgh where they are
building a new home in Edgewood, ex-
pecting to move there from the State cap-
ital about the middle of September, Mr.
Wolf being a teacher in the Pittsburgh
schools, Mr. Weaver will, of course, go
with them, as he was placed on the retired
list about eighteen months ago by the Bell
Telephone company, of Pennsylvania, with
which he was connected for many years.
—Mrs. Eckels and her daughter come in
from Pittsburgh Tuesday, and since then
have been with Mrs. Eckels’ mother, Mrs.
Mignot, at her apartments on Bishop
—Mrs. John W. Harper and her little
daughter Elizabeth, of Scotia, N. Y., will
arrive in Bellefonte tomorrow for a visit
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James K.
—Mrs. John Kline, a former resident of
Bellefonte, is here visiting with her sister-
in-law, Mrs. John I. Olewine. Mrs. Kline
and her daughter now make their home in
—Mrs. Ida Reno, of Pittsburgh, and her
two children, Marion and Harold, are with
Dr. and Mrs. Kirk, having planned to be
their house guests while on a two week’s
visit with the Wetzel families.
—Mr. and Mrs. James Parsons and their
two children, who have been guests at the
home of Miss Humes during the week,
drove here from McKeesport, Friday, and
left yesterday to go on to Watsontown.
—Mrs. William B. Wallis, who had been
with her mother, Mrs. J. Will Conley, since
returning from the west early in the sum-
mer, went back to Pittsburgh Wednesday,
expecting to open her apartment for the
—Mrs. Mary McMahon, of south Alle-
gheny street, has had as a house guest for
a part of the month of August her grand-
daughter, Miss Agnes McMahon, of Rocka-
way, N. Y., who has been spending several
weeks in Centre county.
—Mrs. George B. Thompson, who has
been east since early summer under the
care of specialists, is slowly improving,
but will remain with her sister, Mrs. Gar-
ber, at College Point, N. J., until there is
a more marked improvement.
—Mr. and Mrs. J. Kennedy Johnston and
two daughters, Catherine and Martha, re-
turned on Saturday night from a two
week’s sojourn at Chautauqua Lake, N. Y.,
at the cottage of their daughter and hus-
band, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne D. Stitzinger,
of New Castle.
—Mrs. Charles Keichline went to her
former home at Kirkville, Tuesday, called
there by the illness of her mother, Mrs.
Naatz. Mr. Keichline is planning to join
her there next week, to spend his vacation
in New York State, as has been his custom
for a number of years.
—Mrs. Howard Gearhart left yesterday,
accompanied by her sister, Miss Alice Fox,
for her home at Millville, N. J., where Miss
Fox will be her sister’s guest for several
weeks. Mrs. Gearhart had been in Belle-
fonte for a month, Mr. Gearhart joining
her here for his vacation.
—Mrs. H. F. Hartranft went down to
Hughesville on Tuesday where she was
joined on Wednesday night by her hus-
band and son Horace and together they
attended the thirty-seventh annual reun-
ion of the Hartranft family, held at Boak’s
park, near Hughesville, yesterday.
—In the motor party being entertained
in the J. M. Keichline home on Bishop
street are Mrs. John Wagner and her son
James, of Detroit, Mich., and Mrs. Arthur
Morley, of Lima, Ohio. Miss Belle Lowery,
of Moundsville, Va., is expected in Belle-
fonte Sunday, to be among the late sum-
mer guests entertained by the Keichline
—Stuart Mattern, a native of Patton
township, but at present a resident of Los
Angeles, Cal, is on his way east for a visit
with his sister, Mrs, John Gray, at Alteo-
pa, and other relatives in Pennsylvania.
Mr. Mattern, who is making a number of
stops on his way across the continent, is
expected to arrive here some time during
the month.
—Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Entrekin Jr. and
their two children, who have been for a
week with Mrs. Entrekin’s parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Forrest Bullock, will leave today
for the drive back to Belleville, N. J. While
here they took Mrs. Bullock to Danville,
where she was under the observation of
specialists for a part of the past week, at
the Geisinger hospital.
—Mrs. John F. Gray and her daughter,
Miss Florence were guests for several days
of last week of Mrs. Gray's son and his
wife, Mr. and Mrs. G. Oscar Gray. The
visit was made on their way back to Al-
toona from State College, where they had
spent the summer. Miss Gray is an in-
structor in the schools of Altoona, her
mother being with her there for the win-
—Mr. and Mrs. John Brachbill, of Wil-
liamsport, with their daughter and young-
er son have been in Bellefonte this week,
spending Mr. Brachbill’s vacation with his
mother, Mrs. W. T. Twitmire and Mr.
Twitmire, at their home on Water street.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson and Miss Simms, with
whom Mr. and Mrs. Brachbill motored to
Bellefonte, Sunday, spent the day here
with Mr, and Mrs. Twitmire.
—Mrs. C. D. Tanner had as guests the
past week her daughter, Mrs. Hugh N.
Boyle and her daughter Helen, and Miss
Hazel Rimbaugh, of Hazelton. The young
ladies returned home during the week
while Mrs. Boyle left yesterday for Re-
novo to accompany home her daughter
Jane who has been visiting in that city.
George Tanner and family, also of Hazle-
ton, motored to Bellefonte yesterday even-
ing and will be guests of Mrs. Tanner for
the week-end. :
—Mr. C. 8. Dannley, of Wadsworth,
Ohio, was in Bellefonte Wednesday after-
noon; having stopped here to call on a
few friends while on his way back to Pine
Grove Mills from a visit with his sister,
Mrs. 8. 8. McCormick, in Hublersburg. Mr.
and Mrs. Dannley came in from Ohio Tues-
day of last week. He is a native of Pine
Grove Mills and they are visiting his two
sisters who still occupy the old family
homestead in that place. From there they
will go to Millheim, Beavertown, and a
few other places where relatives reside be-
fare returning home.
—Mr. and Mrs. Reed Thompson, of Mil-
roy, were in Bellefonte for a little stay last
Friday afternoon. Mr. Thompson has
reached that enviable position in life where
nothing worries him and his business and
health are both in such fine shape that he
comes and goes as he pleases without con-
cern as to where the next meal is to come
from or how it will agree with him when
he gets it. He is entitled to all the enjoy-
ment that he’s evidently had for he’s been
through many a financial storm and until
quite recently had considerable cause to be
worried about his health.
Additional personal news on page 4, Col. 6.
Bellefonte Grain Market,
Corrected Weekly by Or X. Wagner & Co.
Wheat - $1.30
Corn «= - - te fe 1.30
Rye - - - - “ - « 110
Oats a: "wii a0 Will Jia) utils
Barley = = « = = 60
Buckwheat - - « ® = $0