Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, August 22, 1924, Image 2
.anything else I had, the windows in my —— Bellefonte, Pa., August 22, 1924. WHAT IS MONEY? sts. Money, my boy, is silver and gold, Or a piece of pictured paper, And they who possess it manifold May cut any kind of caper. Money, my boy, is a worshipped god And a dearly treasured idol, Often used as a divining rod At burial, birth and bridal. Money, my boy, does a world of good And more fhan world’s of evil— Good when poured from the hand of God, Bad if dealt out by the devil. Money, my boy, does not grow on trees, Is not always had for the asking, Nor gathered in pockets from every breeze Without much deceit and masking. Money, my boy, will buy place and power, Husbands and wives and divorces— Truthful and false in selfsame hour, Marshaling all kinds of forces. Money, my boy, it is sad to say, Buys “body, soul and breeches;” Is a curse to those who day by day Live only to hoard up riches. Money, my boy, both rich and poor Fall down on their knees before it. No matter how it came to their door, All are quick to receive and adore it. Money, my boy, “What is it?” you ask, As if it were something funny, A correct reply is no easy task, For money is nothing but money. | | Money, my boy, alone by itself { Is naught but a name for riches, i And whether well or ill-gotten pelf, i That hinders and helps and bewitches. But money, my boy, doesn’t pass it by ! When skies grow bright and sunny, | For it’s ten to one that before you die into the human lungs, and in those the female organs, cells the air is separated into its parts, just as it is in our lungs. The carbon dioxide is extracted from the air and is taken into the body of the tree as part of its food material, and the oxygen is thrown off for the ben- efit of man and all animal life. It is true that the breathing process does not follow the principle of the bellows movement, as in the human lungs, and yet it is actual breathing in just as true a sense as that which takes place ' in our own bodies. The tree has a circulation that is just as real as our own. Way down underneath the ground, where the roots are working day after day, they gather up the food in liquid form. The area of the roots is approximate- ly equal to the spread of the top. If you see a tree whose top is 50 feet in diameter, its root area is approximate- ly the same. The all-important hair roots are largely out at the ends of the whole root system about under the edge of the branches. It is this myr- iad of hair roots that gather up the food in liquid form and send it up through the body of the tree to the leaves. . I suppose all of you have a cross section of a tree. This is the same as the top of a stump. Just imagine you are looking at the cross section of a tree now. In the center you see the | pith. That was there from the time it was a baby tree. Around the pith is a layer of wood, which represents ! the first year’s growth; and around | that a second layer, which represents i the second year’s growth; and around that a third layer, which represents the third year’s growth, and so on out to the bark. In the beginning these central cells were active sap-carrying tissues, but as the tree grew in size these central cells became more and more dormant—that is to say, filled up more and more with mineral ele- ments—so that they became less and less active. But as you go outward ' chid, takes place and the continuity of life is made possible. I wonder if you have noticed in the spring that two tu | trees of the same type will come out | Wisconsin, and Minnesota. About that | into flower at different times—one a | time men came back from that section, | want to say, and I would like to leave little earlier than the other. That | which was then covered with an ap- | which comes into flower earilest is the male, to be ready for its mate. No ! doubt you have seen the wonderful or- the magnificent flower that ‘ comes to us from the Tropics. You rently inexhaustible supply of won- | erful white pine, and they told how | this supply could never be cut away, and yet today it is almost gone. The ! original supply of white pine in the ' may have wondered why it is that the i Lake States was estimated to have | orchid remains beautiful so long. It ' is because the insect which fertilizes "it can not live in this latitude. And ' so it happens that the lovely and deli- "cate orchid, the flower of regal beau- ty, remains beautiful for a long, long. time, waiting—waiting for its mate. - Now, I would like to tell you a lit- i tle about another phase of the great tree question that seems to me of monumental importance. This has to do with the subject of forest devasta- tion and its bearing upon the present and the future of America. In order that you may understand that what I | am about to say is not the product of ' my imagination, I want to read to you very briefly from the United States Forest Service that was published nearly four years ago. This followed a resolution by the United States Sen- ate calling upon the Forest Service for such investigation and report. It was the most exhaustive investigation ever made in this country. Among other things this report says: (1) That three-fifths of the original timber of the United States is gone, and that we are using timber four times as fast The forests remain- greatly to reduce as we are growing it. ing are so located as ! their national utility. The bulk of the: ! population and manufacturing industries of the United States are dependent upon distant supplies of timber as the result of | the depletion of the principal forest areas east of the Great Plains. (2) That the depletion of timber is not ! the sole cause of the recent high prices of “You'll find it handy to have some money. | toward the bark you find that the ceils | forest products, but is an important con- —Good Housekeeping. THE STORY OF THE TREE AS A LIVING THING AND THE STO- RY OF FOREST DEVASTATION IN AMERICA. Speech of Hon. Martin L. Davey, of Ohio. In the House of Representatives Thurs- day, April 17th, 1924, By order of the House Mr. Davey was given leave to address the House for 40 Minutes. Mr. DAVEY. Mr. Speaker and gentlemen of the House, with your permission I should like to decline to yield for questions during the course of my remarks, but if there is any time left I shall be glad to answer any questions at the end. I would like to give you a connected story of the tree as a living’ thing and a story ! of forest devastation as it has been progressing in this land of freedom ! and opportunity. | There will be distributed by the Doorkeeper some leaves—just ordi- | nary leaves—and I would like to have | you bear in mind that these leaves represent a great fact in the whole | scheme of life. I want to develop the ' fact that the leaf is the most import- ant thing in all the world, without ex- ception. | THE VITAL RELATION OF TREES AND HUMAN LIFE. The most beautiful tribute to a tree that I ever heard was given at a time when I addressed the Rotary Club of | Elyria, Ohio. The president of the club in introducing me told this story. He said: I have the most wonderful tree in the world out at my house. Some 15 years i ago I had a little boy who was then 3 years of age. In the early fall he wonld go out | to gather up the buckeyes— i I suppose he meant horse chestnuts - because there are very few buckeyes in the Buckeye State. He said: The little fellow would gather the buck- eyes, sometimes by pocketfuls and some- times by basketfuls, and would bring them in and play with them. One day he took sick. The next day he was better, so he went out as usual and brought in just one large fine buckeye and played with it; and the next day he died. After a little pause he continued: I took that large, fine buckeye and car- ! ried it with me all the long winter. I} took it out every little while and looked at ‘ "are more and more active as sap car- , riers, so that the last few layers growth, are the active sap-carrying tissues. It is in those outer wood cells that the crude sap is carried upward from the roots to the leaves. Outside of the last layer of wood is what is called the cambium layer, where all the growth and healing take place, and outside of everything else is the bark, which serves the two-fold pur- pose of protecting the living tree and providing the cells in which the di- gested food material can travel back in its downward flow. Now, then, this food material hav- ing been pumped out of the soil by the hair roots is sent up through the small roots to the large ones, then through the trunk to the limbs and out to the twigs and then to the leaves, where it undergoes the won- derful chemical change that makes it available as food material. After having been digested it is then sent back in the inner cells of the bark all the way down to the same little roots from whence it came, building all the way down and depositing this food material out of which the structure of the tree is created. The tree digests its food in just as real a sense as man himself. This food material, that has been pumped up from the roots, undergoes in the leaf a marvelous chemical change un- der the influence of the sunlight and is transformed into available food ma- terial. Thus we find the leaf is both the lungs and the stomach of the tree. I would like to tell you a story 1 read in the New York Times nearly three years ago that illustrates a pro- found truth. It was a story written by their correspondent from the fam- ine-stricken portions of Russia. I’ doubt if the correspondent realized the tremendous importance of the thing he was telling. He described how he came upon a house where a little child lay sick. Its eyes were still and glassy and staring straight upward. Over its body was a quilt. It looked as though there were a pil- | low underneath the quilt. The cor- ' respondent looked at the child and | es only 10 per cent. of its own con- i then at the mother; and she, divining ' sumption. his purpose, pulled back the quilt and disclosed a horribly misshapen body. kewpie. Then she told this story of what had happened: She said that hunger had tributing cause whose effects will increase steadily as depletion continues. (3) That the fundamental problem is to increase production of timber by stopping forest devastation. The virgin forests of the United States covered 822,000,000 acres. They are now shrunk to one-sixth of that area. Of the forest land remaining and not utilized for farming or any other purpose, approxi- mately 81,000,000 acres have been .so se- verely cut and burned as to become an un- productive waste. This area is equivalent to the combined forests of Germany, Den- mark, Holland, Belgium, France, Switzer- land, Spain, and Pertugal. Upon an enor- ber is so small in amount or of such infer- ior character that its economic value is negligible. forefathers came to the eastern shores of this country and discovered a land that was endowed as richly as any- thing in the history of the world. Those who had landed in Virginia un- der Capt. John Smith found what seemed to be a veritable paradise. They sent back word to the mother country that they had discovered a land of inxaustible fertility, and so it seemed; but today you can go into the State of Virginia and buy thousands of acres for almost a song, because it has been robbed of its fertility and it lacks the power of producing things necessary for man and animal life. Those who landed on the rock-bound coast of New England came face to face with a wonderful covering of trees, magnificent trees everywhere; but today that wonderful supply of ‘native timber is three-fourths gone. About half the remaining supply is in | the State of Maine, and that is large- ly of pulp-wcod varieties. The New England States today, that originally were so richly endowed, import 30 per cent. of their own consumption and will import more and more as time goes on. About 50 years ago New i York State was the greatest producer | of timber in the Union, and today the | ; great Empire State has so far deplet- , ed its timber resources that it produc- It produces 30 board feet ' per capita and consumes 300. feet. Then the tide flowed to Pennsylva- | nia produces less than enough for the | Pittsburgh district alone, about 20 per ‘cent. of its own consumption. But { been 350,000,000,000 board feet. To- ‘day it has been reduced to 8,000,000,- . 000, and it will be all gone in about 10 | years commercially. The section from which I come—Ohio, and west from there, Indiana and Illinois—has almost ceased to be a factor in the produc- tion of lumber, and yet that section in years gone by produced wonderful hardwoods. A gentleman told me of | the magnificent trees that were cut "down at the time of the Civil war. Great oaks, four feet in diameter, I | America; but China, poor benighted where conception ' reaching importance than merely the woodlands that hold the water in | i loss of lumber. Some 35 or 40 years ago the tide ally. rned to the Lake States—Michigan, ' alternating floods and droughts. check and allow it to seep out gradu- | Without that there can only be | There is just one thing more that I this with Jou as a concluding thought. All of us have heard for years past of the famine conditions in China. That country once had a wonderful cover- ing of trees, very similar to that in FARM NOTES. ~ —Don’t stop the threshing machine to attend a family reunion or picnic. Every day. counts in the battle of the wheat grower against the angoumois grain moth. —The time for budding has arrived for the fruit men who grow their own seedlings and wish to propagate their stone fruit trees for next year. This method of securing your orchard stock ‘land that it is, did what we are doing is cheaper and gives you varieties. _in America, cut away its trees and al- | that are “true to name.” ‘were sent from northwest Ohio to build the Monitor, which proved the . { turning point in the Civil war, and yet : that section is now practically denud- ed. Still I see even today trucks out bringing in one by one the last re- maining specimens of the primeval forest. To the south of that section, in the southern Appalachian region, there was and still is a very considerable reservoir of hardwoods, but the gov- ernment estimates that this supply will be gone commercially in from 18 to 20 years. In the South Atlantic and Gulf , States there was a wonderful supply of yellow pine, and yet that supply which was considered inexhaustible is i four fifths gone. It is estimated that it will be all gone in from fiteen to : standpoint. There still remains in the southern Mississippi section one last great reservoir of timber, ment estimates that this supply also will be gone in from twenty to twen- ty-five years. So that within the next twenty-five years—most of us I hope will live that long—we will see a time when the great eastern section of the United States will be practically de- cial standpoint. nuded of its timber from a commer- twenty years from a commercial: including the wonderful cypress, but the govern- ' lowed the land to be burned over. The | vegetation was destroyed over vast areas; then the water swept over the : land and carried with it the fertile top soil. So there are millions of acres in | China that constitute a barren waste not capable of producing vegetation. | China has one crop In seven years, and in the other years of that period | must look to the world for food to feed her teeming millions. China has become, and will remain for long years, a land of perpetual | famine because she has destroyed her ! forest covering, subjecting herself to | the devastation of alternating floods ' and droughts, and has sacrificed the fertile top soil over such a vast por- tion of her domain. A representative of the Davey Tree Expert Co., with which I am connect- ed, recently returned from a trip around the world, during which he made observations on the results in other lands. Among other things he described what he saw in China. Sail- ing through the Yellow Sea he was! impressed by the fact that much of it was of a deep chocolate color, the re- sult of soil that had been washed down from the interior. Looking out across the land he saw miles and miles of barren waste from which soil had been ' washed away, because no trees were there. He told of having seen groups of women out gathering weed stocks ' with which to cook their rice. They | have no wood for heating, and none : for fuel, just weed stocks, gathered laboriously from the countryside. Over vast areas not even bushes are grow- ing on the land. China is today pay- ing a terrific and ghastly price for her folly. No nation in the history of the world was more richly blest by the | Creator in the matter of its natural There still remains, however, a very | resources than America. It seems that impressive quantity of trees for lum- God Almighty created here His rich- | Mexico and Arizona, Colorado, Utah, ber purposes in the West—Washing- | est garden plot where there could be ton, Oregon, California, northern New | brought together the best blood of the best races in the world, out of which . Idaho, Wyoming and Montana. If you | could be built up a new nation of {look at the figures you would proba- | great power, great purpose, and great bly conclude that this supply in the ' possibilities. We are dissipating our thirty to forty years. However, even today we are paying | steadily dwindlin, supply is bein pushed farther an az farther away from | West also would be inexhaustible, and | assets very much like the reckless son mous additional area the growth of tim- yet the government estimates that it | of a wealthy father who comes sud- { will be all gone commercially in from 6 denly into his inheritance. Some three hundred years ago our | the price of our destruction as this | the centers of population. Some thir- ty years ago Chicago, which is per- haps the greatest lumber market in the country, secured its supply large- ly from the surrounding States. The freight rate was then about $3 per 1,000 feet. Today the Chicago mar- ket receives its supply chiefly from the far South and the far West, and the freight rate is now about $13 per 1,000 feet, making an increase of $10 per 1,000 feet for freight alone. Iam not in the forestry business, and have no foresters in my organization, nor have I any trees to sell. Our work is as distinct from forestry as dentistry from medicine. Neither am I in the lumber business, and I have not even a remote financial interest in that bus- est conviction that we will never again buy lumber as cheap as we have in the past, and the price of lumber will in- crease steadily from now on. This will be the result of the most simple economic causes. In talking with Gifford Pinchot some two years ago, he made a sig- nificant statement. know who Gifford Pinchot is. He was the chief of the Forest Service under Teddy Roosevelt. He was for a num- ber of years commissioner of forestry in Pennsylvania and put that State to | the forefront in the matter of State | reforestation. He is one of the out- i [ts little belly was terribly distended, : vania—Penn’s Woods—which was so : standing exponents of conservation | ! and its arms and legs were emaciated. | named because of its wonderful cov- | and reforestation, and with it all is i It had very much the appearance of a ering of trees; but today Pennsylva- | now the Governor of Pennsylvania; so { he ought to be perfectly good author- | ity to quote. He said to me: Mr. Davey, in my judgment there will be it and was reminded of him. And then driven them so far that they had fed that is not all of the sad story of 'a lumber famine in this country within 25 when the springtime came, I went out and | this little child a blue clay called | Pennsylvania. I wonder how many of | years, and such a lumber famine will make planted it down under his sand pile. Later | the sand was taken away and the buckeye : sprouted and came up, a healthy little plant. Then I built a fence around it to! protect it, and I called the boys of the ! neighborhood together and told them the ! story. I asked them to help me protect this tree. I told them they might break house, my automobile or anything else, but please don’t break the tree. They have respected that request, and the tree stands there today 15 years old, a healthy young specimen, the most wonderful tree in the world. It seemed to me as I listened to this story that there is in this living tree not alone a monument to a little boy who died, but also a monument to a father’s love. Most folks, unfortunately, do not realize that the tree is a living, breathing organism. It is just as much alive as you and I. It breathes; it has a circulation; it digests its food; it has sexual processes. It is perfectly true that it has no nervous system as we have in the human body. It lacks the power of locomotion. It has no intelligence as we understand that term, but it does have the power to adapt itself to its environment. In fact, it adapts itself amazingly well. Where trees grow close together, they grow order to accommo- date themselves to each other. Where they grow thick, they grow tall in or- der to reach the sunlight. Frequently the roots of a tree travel long dis- tances around boulders and almost in- surmountable obstacles in order to reach the source of their food and wa- ter supply. In all of these elemental things the tree is just as much alive as man himself. The tree breathes through its leaves chiefly. I hope that all of you some time will take occasion to look at the underside of a leaf through a miecro- scope. You will find there a myriad of little openings or cells into which the air penetrates just as truly as it does “eel.” You and I have no conception of what real hunger is. We think we know what it means to be hungry, but only in these famine-stricken lands is it possible for human beings to know the extent of that terrible suffering. | You can imagine what it means when human beings are driven so far that they will eat clay. This clay sticks to the teeth and sticks to the walls of the stomach, and it stills for the time be- ing the intense craving of hunger; but there is no power in the human sys- tem to throw it off, and it remains there and clogs the stomach and the intestines. Then the worms start to work and the end is near. I tell you this story, even with the touch of hor- ror which it contains, because it il- lustrates a profound truth of far greater magnitude and importance to human life than might appear. The leaf is the most important thing in all the realms of life. It is the one and only connecting link be- tween the organic and the inorganic worlds. There are only two minerals that man can take into his system and assimilate—water and salt—and these only in limited quantities. Every- thing else that we eat and, in fact, most of the things that we wear come to us through the leaves of vegetation —not of trees alone but of all vegeta- tion. It is the leaf which takes the dead mineral elements from the soil, the inorganic elements, and transforms those minerals into organic, living cells and makes it possible for them to feed the whole of the living world. And thus it appears that the great God who created the world and the life that inhabits it made of the lowly leaf the greatest and the most impor- tant instrumentality of that life. The tree has sex processes that are just as real and just as beautiful as in any other form of life. The male and female exist as positive factors, The pollen is created in the male parts and is carried largely by the winds to [you have taken a daylight ride across the Alleghenies. I hope every one of you will do so and look out across those hills, as I have and see for miles and miles the desolate waste. This is what happens out in the na- tive woodlands. The rain comes down through the leaves and settles into the loose, porous soil and finds its way into the subsoil, and from there to the springs which feed the little streams, and they in turn feed the rivers. But man comes along and cuts away the forest covering, leaving behind him the debris, the leaves and chips and small branches, making a veritable tinder box and a constant fire hazard. Then the fire sweeps over the land and destroys the remaining vegeta- tion. Then, when the rain comes down, it sweeps across the surface of the land and takes with it the fertile top soil that nature has taken centu- ries to build up. It is said that it takes nature 10,000 years to make an inch of top soil fertile. The whole lower Mississippi Delta, in fact the whole lower valley, is made up of rich top soil that has been swept down from the interior. There is in Vinton county, Ohio, one township of 10,000 acres that tells the sad story of what has happened. I have this on the authority of a repre- sentative of the forestry department of Ohio. He told me that two years ago he went down to this place that was once covered with a magnificent growth of trees. The large trees had been cut away for lumber purposes and the smaller ones had been cut down to be used as mine props. Then the fire swept over the land and de- stroyed the remaining vegetation, fol- lowed by floods that took the fertile top soil. He told me that just three families exist in this whole township of 10,000 acres, and he went out across this land looking for other signs o life. He said, “I could not find a bird and not even a rabbit.” So the de- struction of timber is of more far- f | from the catastrophe. itself felt before the end of the 25-year period. Do you believe that these things do not affect you and me? Stop to think friends, that about one-fifth of the to- tal lumber products of this country is consumed in the manufacture of box- es, barrels, and crates for the trans- portation of your manufactured pro- ducts and food supplies from one sec- tion of the country to the other. Near- ly one-half of the lumber products is consumed on the farms of America for the production of our food supply. Lumber and its products enter into every phase of American life, and no one could do business as it is now done without it. For you who love the great of of doors, to hunt and fish and tramp, there is a sinister threat in the fast declining timber area. Let me say, friends, that without the forest home there can be mighty little game, and without a continuous and adequate supply of water there can be migthy few fish. Fish can not live in streams that are alternately raging torrents and dried up bottoms. The whole question of an adequate water supply for the cities of America is involved in this matter of forest conservation and reforestation. It has a more di- rect bearing upon the Ife of this country probably than an - question that can come before our pen-'e. I am reliably informed that ‘he city of Columbus, Ohio, was thro-‘ened with a water famine a year ago 'ast summer, just as many other ci‘'ns have been threatened in the rece»* past. The people of Columbus were warned that there was a bare three days’ supply in the reservoir. Their water is taken from the Scioto river, which was nearly dried up. Nothing but a providential rain saved ther This condition is due very largely to the destruction of the woodlands around the head- waters of these streams. It is the iness; yet I with to express my earn- , great and far-reaching things affect- I suppose you all | | thing for us as a government is to America can not long remain the great land of freedom and opportunity unless we protect and conserve the very things which have made us what we are. My | plea to you, and to all in this land that ' was originally so blest, a land of great promise and boasted opportunity, is that we wake up and conserve the remnants of our once great forest wealth and begin to reforest while yet there is time. . God Almighty gave unto us, when He gave us these rich blessings, a tre- mendous responsibility. This land is ours to dress and to keep it, as the in- junction was given to Adam when he went into the Garden of Eden. It is our problem, as the representatives of | the American people, to consider the fact of forest devastation and the fol- ly of our lack of conservation in this country, and to firmly resolve that we shall do our duty before it is too late. Gentlemen, I beg of you to consid- er this problem as among the very ing America. Oh, there are so many things of small importance on which we waste our time in useless discus- sion, while we are allowing the pro- cess of devastation and deforestation and wastefulness to consume the her- itage which has come to us under the . providence of God and through the he-' roic sacrifices of our forefathers, and we have disregarded the safety and welfare of our heritage. That is my plea to you. I think there is nothing that affects the fu-' ture of America more, and very few things that are of equal importance. Gentlemen, I hope it may be possible for us here to do that thing which is 50 necessary for our children and our children’s children. Even though we may not personally suffer within our life time, let us do the thing that is obviously our duty, and protect Amer- ica, and keep it worth while for other men in the future to live in and to ad- mire and to love. I thank you, gen- tlemen. I would not attempt to pose as a past master in the art of forestry, but I will give you my own judgment of the thing, for what it may be worth. It seems to me that the all-important buy up the cheap waste lands, millions of acres—according to this report, “81,000,000 acres so severely cut and burned as to become an unproductive waste”’—and reforest that as a gov- ernment project, and forever keep it under the government regulations as to methods of cutting. I would like to bring out one other point in this connection: The thing that is robbing America of her herit- age is the wasteful methods of lum- bering. That is the thing that is do- ing the appalling damage, Lumber- men, in their eagerness to get rich quickly—and I suppose we are all more or less subject to that tendency —cut and slash without regard to the future. There was a lumberman in the State of Michigan made a remark to one of my brothers a few years ago which I think pretty nearly rang the bell. He said, “Mr. Davey, I have been in the lumber business for a good many years, and I have made a for- tune out of it, and I have done a whole lot to hurt my country; I have resolv- ed to spend the balance of my life in helping to undo the damage I have helped to do, in order to make my peace with God.” The wasteful meth- ods of lumbering are one of the grav- est sources of menace to the future. He was Wary. Stage Hand—“Did you say these stage direntions called for a window or a widow?” Manager—“I said ‘window,’ but they're much alike. When I get near either of them I always look out.”— Good Hardware. . are an abundance. —If you have experienced losses: from grapes rotting in recent years, it is advisable to spray the grapes this summer regularly with Bordeaux mix- ture. The backyard vines or the small growings in farm gardens may be treated with the aid of a small hand sprayer. —A five day course to train cow testers to take charge of cow testing associations in Pennsylvania was giv- en by the dairy department of The Pennsylvania State College from Au- gust 11 to 16. Dairy experience and ability to handle figures were the re- quirements for entry. —The pear slug and fall web-worne doing considerable damage throughout the State. The control measure advised is to apply a spray of three pounds of arsenate of lead in 50 gallons of water. Apply at once for the web-worm for when the cater- pillars get large it is hard to control em, —This has been a better season for greens such as spinach, lettuce, and early celery, than for the fruiting veg- etables such as tomatoes, peppers and eggplants. Those who heeded the ad- vice last spring to plant a succession of greens so as to have a continuous. supply during the summer have had Now is the time to sow fall endive, lettuce and cress. ~The tomato plants have had a hard time to set fruit during the con- tinued period of excess rains and cool nights. The blooms drop off and noth- ing is left but the bare fruit spur. This means that in addition to the lateness of setting out into the garden and the slow growth made, that most plants have lost the first, and in some cases, the second cluster of fruit. To- motoes will be very late this year. —See if your brooder houses are crowded on warm nights. Birds will not get enough ventilation unless the house is comfortably filled. It is a better plan to have young stock roost in the trees than to try to confine them to an over-crowded brooder house. Germ life multiples rapidly ir filthy water vessels. Plan to change the water often and to disinfect the vessels. A fowl appreciates a clean, Soo] drink as much as any other ani- mal. . —It is time to spray again for the oriental peach moth as most of the eggs have been laid or will be laid during the next week. Apply a spray of nicotine sulphate and self-boiled lime sulphur now, and again in two weeks. Cool weather has delayed the development of the first brood so that there is not going to be as many broods of the moth this year. At most, there will be only four broods even if the fall is unusually long and warm. —Attention is again called to the damage being done throughout the State by aphids on truck crops. Mel- lons and cucumbers are especially tas- ty to the plant lice this season. State College specialists recommend the use of a two per cent. nicotine dust. It can be made at home by thoroughly mixing ninety-five pounds of hydrated lime with five pounds of nicotine sul- phate. Send to the School of Agri- culture at State College, Pa., for Bulletin No. 186 which tells all about the “Control of Plant Lice on Vege- tables.” —Pennsylvanians will have to im- port more Thanksgiving and Christ- mas turkes this year than last, offi- cials in the department of agriculture declare, basing their predictions on the cold, wet weather of the past spring, which is asserted to work hardships on young turkeys. It was pointed out the weather was conducive to the development - of blackleg, a disease affecting the blind glands and the liver. However, where young turkeys were given the proper attention, de- partment officials said the loss of i young birds could be kept to a mini- mum. They said that turkeys are natural roamers and do not thrive as well penned up as when allowed their freedom. By penning they are apt to develop leg weakness, it was declared. It was asserted that while turkeys can be raised on a limited range more skill is required in managing them than if on a free range. The larger the range the less it costs to rear them, and the better the health of the flock becomes. When young turkeys are penned up they should be moved at least once a week and never placed on ground which has been used as a fowl runway within a year. —Pennsylvania’s peach crop this year will be about 1,856,000 bushels, according to estimates compiled by the Federal State crop reporting serv- ice. Based on July 1 conditions, the peach crop will be 75 per cent. of a full crop, but it will fall below last year’s production by about 50,000 bushels. This forecast, issued by Paul L. Koenig, the joint agricultural statis- tician, indicated that the 1924 crop may be influenced by weather condi- tions during July so that it may ac- tually exceed the production of last year. The outlook, he said, has been splendid so far this season. Last July there were prospects of a 72 per cent. crop, and the ten year average condi- tion for the same date is 55 per cent. A survey of the prospects in the producing districts east of the Rocky Mountains shows that the 1924 peach crop will be the largest since 1915. The country-wide production is ex- pected to be 50,701,000 bushels, 8,- 000,000 bushels more than the produc- tion last season. : : The Georgia crop is being marketed at the present time, and it will amount to more than 7,500,000 bush- ‘els, fifty per cent. increase over last ear. New Jersey’s production will e about the same as last summer, it is predicted. :