— = Bellefonte, Pa., August 1, 1924. Country Correspondence Items of Interest Dished Up for the Delectation of “Watchman” Read- ers by a Corps of Gifted Correspondents. PINE GROVE MENTIONS. The bulk of the wheat crop will be housed this week. Donald Kepler is nursing a broken arm as the result of a fall. H. N. Walker and family spent Sun- day with friends in Milesburg. Miss Helen Kepler and Master Ed- ward are visiting friends in Johns- town. A. 0. Corl reports a new arrival at his home. It’s a boy, and is No. 10 in the family. Bear in mind the big Sunday school picnic to be held in Holmes’ gap on August Sth. Henry Goss and family, of Houtz- dale, are visiting his mother, Mrs. Al- faretta Goss. Fred Corl, of Altoona, spent sev- eral days last week with his mother, Mrs. Etta Corl. Rev. Romig, of State College, will fill the pulpit in the Bethel church on Sunday evening at 7:30. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Ward and two sons came over from State College and spent Sunday with friends. Miss E. V. Dale has returned from a two week’s sojourn at the Sunday school camp near Franklinville. Mr. and Mrs. Randall Dunlap are mourning the death of their baby boy, who was laid to rest last Sunday. J. F. Mayes, on east Main street, is remodeling his home into a double house. S. E. Ward has the contract. J. H. McCracken, David Wagner and Mrs. Harry Sunday have all been discharged from the Bellefonte hos- pital. George O’Bryan, the successful merchant of Axe Mann, with his two children, spent Sunday at the O’Bry- an home here. Cyrus Powley and wife and William Irvin and wife are planning an auto trip to Washington, Pa., the latter part of the week. Charles Smith and wife are arrang- ing to attend the national G. A. R. encampment to be held in Boston Au- gust 10th to 15th. . Miss “Piggie” Watt, of Pittsburgh, is spending her vacation among frieng friends here, with headquarters .at the Bailey home. : The Graysville Sunday school pic- nicked in Shingletown gap on Satur- day and the Meek’s church school at the Bear Meadows. After spending the past eight months at State College Dr. L. M. Houser and wife have opened their home at Baileyville. Ralph Dunlap and sister Josephine returned to their home in Cherry Tree last week after a delightful vis- it with friends here. After visiting friends in this sec- tion for a week Arthur Keller and wife returned to their home in Pitts- burgh last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Roger A. Bayard, of Tyrone, and Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Roan, of Clearfield, were callers at the Chas. Smith home on Sunday. Mrs. Brown, of Johnstown, and Joe Goheen, of Tyrone, were visitors at the home of the Goheen sisters, at Rock Springs, last week. W. S. Ward and three sons motored to Thompsontown on Tuesday to see how Mrs. Ward and daughter Anna are enjoying their visit among friends. D. W. Meyers and Bruce Harrison, of Boalsburg, attended the ball game here on Saturday and saw our team defeat the Coons by the score of 20 to 12, Dr. J. B. Fleming, a noted singer, of Boston, with his wife, is visiting his aged mother, who is seriously ill. The doctor is billed for a trip to Chicago the latter part of the week. Rev. J. S. English gave notice last Sunday that he will take his annual vacation. He and his family will make a motor trip through New York State, camping along the lakes. The many friends of Dr. Hugh L. Fry and family will be interested in learning that they reached their home in Jackson, Miss., without a mishap. They went by way of Columbus, In- dianapolis, Cairo and Memphis. Mrs. G. W. Ward and daughter, Mrs. Herbert Miller, of Bellefonte, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Thomas and daughter, Anna Louise, of New ‘Castle, were entertained at supper on Wednesday at the Mac Fry home. Miss Ella Nearhood and Mrs. Ralph ‘Grazier, of Warriorsmark, spent Mon- HAMBONE'S MEDITATIONS SOME MEN-FOLKS IS DE HAID O' DE HOUSE IS DE EN DEY WIFE BRAINS! Copyright, 1921 by McClure Newspaper Syndicate day in town in the interest of the en- tertainment to be given by the Ladies Aid in the I. O. O. F. hall tomorrow evening. The public is cordially in- vited to attend. With Prof. T. I. Mairs, as Master, Washington Grange, No. 157, has been reorganized with some thirty active members, and an outdoor meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday evening next at the Grange hall. - Everybody is cordially invited to attend. Most of the members of the Mo- dock hunting club held a get-together meeting at their camp near the old Ross place on Saturday. Northum- land, Howard, Altoona and Centre county were represented. H. Glenn was brought home from the camp as the result of an attack of acute indigestion, but he is now much improved. John Dennis Daniiley motored in from Medina, Ohio, during the week to join his wife and daughter who have been camping the past month at the Dannley bungalow at the foot of Tussey mountain. Mr. Dannley not being in the best of health expects to remain here for some time in the hope that the change will do him good. In the meantime he will have an oppor- tunity to meet the friends of his youthful days. Last Saturday morning Mrs. Maude Decker Markle, of Altoona, started for this place in a Studebaker car and in the neighborhood of the Spruce Creek club house had a collision with a car driven by Mr. Leitzel, of State College. No one was injured but Mrs. Markle’s car had to be towed in for repairs while Mr. Leitzel was able to continue his journey. A wholesale smashup occurred near the same place on Sunday afternoon. A string of eight cars were running westward the one in the lead being driven by a wom- an and containing another woman and a man. Just below the club house the woman suddenly stopped her car in the middle of the road without giving any warning to those following and in less than a minute all nine cars were jammed together. W. R. Port’s car was badly twisted but able to run while the car of a Mr. Houser, from Akron, Ohio, fared the worst. PLEASANT GAP. Miss Margaret Keller, one of our society belles, spent last Sunday at Lewistown. Mrs. John Wilson, of Osceola, is visiting at the home of her brother, F. D. Millward. Reeder Jodon, one of our garage men, is the happy father of twins. He is surely delighted. William Lambert is having his house repainted. The transformation is making a very perceptible change. Miss Hartsock, of Philadelphia, is visiting her friend, Miss Helen Noll. The young ladies are having a most enjoyable time. Mis. W. D. Herman will entertain her Sunday school class this (Friday) evening. It goes without saying that the event will be a decided success. Prof. Lester Baird and family, of Petersburg, are spending their vaca- tion with Mr. Baird’s father and mother, the William H, Baird family. Miss Christine and David Weaver were week-end visitors at Harrisburg. Miss Christine says our State capital is surely an up-to-date place to visit. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Rimmey and son Keith, accompanied by Mrs. John Her- man, spent last Sunday at the home of George Baumgardner and family, at Alport, Clearfield county. Mrs. George McGargle and daugh- ter Eleanor spent several days last week in Altoona, and were delighted to meet again a number of their old- time acquaintances. Our two Sunday schools will hold their annual combination picnic at Hecla park Sunday next. Both the Lutheran and Methodist congrega- tions have an attendance of about two hundred each Sunday; they are well organized, the energetic workers are to be commended for their excellent discipline. At least four hundred ea- ger children will be in attendance on this memorable occasion. Harold Kerstetter and wife, Ralph Noll and wife, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Crumlish and Master Billy Crumlish, motored to the Seven Mountains last Sunday; they had their automobiles filled with eatables and after dispensing with a most sumptu- ous feast returned home well pleased with their happy experiences. Har- old says he saw thousands of trout but regretted that the law forbade fishing at that time. Mrs. Joe Schmoyer’s daughter Hel- en had an operation performed in the Williamsport hospital recently. Though still confined to her bed she is progressing nicely and prospects for her speedy recovery are reported as being exceedingly encouraging. Foster Breon and Earl Barner took a run down to Williamsport to see Miss Helen, and on their return reported her as being very comfortable. It is to be hoped she will be able to return home at an early day and meet her many anxious waiting friends here. In the morning of the second day the normal child shows a disposition. to take charge of the affairs of the family. The happiness of both the parents and of the child depends up- on the diligence with which this dis- position is discouraged, and that means discipline. It involves some sort of punishment. Solomon said, withhold not correction the child. “Thou shalt beat him with the rod, and shall deliver his soul from hell.” But that was a long while ago, and many manners have changed since then; particularly, the relation be- tween mothers and children has changed. It is far less formal and distant than it used to be, and much more familiar and friendly. It may have been well enough in Solomon’s time but it is apparently different now. Harriet Showers, the nine year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Showers, returned from a six week’s visit to Indiana county, and ' the youngster proved that she was a game tourist. Some relatives from Indiana motored to the Showers home a few weeks before July 4th and, on return- ing home, prevailed upon Harriet to go with them. The girl’s mother con- sented on condition that they would return her in case she would become homesick, and in any event she was to be returned not later than July 4th. The visit appealed to the youngster, and she remained away until last Sun- day when her friends brought her home and a genuine reunion resulted. | F Harriet says she would have contin- ued her visit until September, the time of the opening of the public school, had it not been that she feared her two little sisters and her favorite little poodle, “Topsy,” would become homesick on account of her long ab- sence. . The utterance of thought and feel- ing in a pure, clear, pleasant tone of voice, is a most agreeable and praise- worthy accomplishment, especially when accompanied by easy and grace- ful manners. Writers of eminence and distinction have often utterly failed when on the lecture platform, to impress their hearers, simply be- cause they were defective in vocal ex- pression. The immortal Shakespeare could not properly personate his own Sear, Macbeth nor his Hamlet. The passions he so perfectly portrayed with his pen, his voice failed to ex- press in even a slight degree. Yet he was a professional actor as well as a manager and playwright. It may seem strange, yet salaries are paid persons who devote their entire time to misinstruct public school pupils. The voice, in all such instruction, is used too often simply as a medium of communication between teacher and pupils without the slightest regard to the adaptation of the intonation to the sentiment expressed. The same mo- notonous tones are resorted to in ex- pressing joy, grief, hope, fear, love, hate,—no variety, no adaptation, no modulation. Is it not strange, there- fore, that boys and girls, and young men and young women, too, do not express their own or others feelings appropriately. RUNVILLE. Mrs. Ida Witmer, of Wingate, spent Sunday afternoon with friends in this place. Ray Lucas came down from Tyrone, on Sunday, to spend the day with his parents here. E. R. Hancock, of Philipsburg, with his three sons, spent last Sunday at the John Furl home. Week-and guests at the E. S. Ben- MEDICAL. Why Suffer So? Get Back Your Health as Other Belle- fonte Folks Have Done. Too many people suffer lame, ach- ing backs, distressing kidney disorders and rheumatic aches and pains. Often this is due to faulty kidney action and there’s danger of hardened arteries, dropsy, gravel or Bright's disease. Don’t let weak kidneys wear you out. ! Use Doan’s Pills before it is too late! | Doan’s are a stimulant diuretic to the ! kidneys. Doan’s have helped thous- ands. They should help you. Here is one of many Bellefonte cases: Mrs. Boyd Vonada, E. Bishop St., says: “My kidneys were weak and I could hardly rest at night. When I was on my feet, my back gave out and ached so I often had to stop and rest. I frequently had dizzy, nervous head- aches and my kidneys acted too often. I used Doan’s Pills purchased at the Mott Drug Co. and they rid me of the trouble.” Price 60c, at all dealers. Don’t simply ask for a kidney remedy—get | Doan’s Pills—the same that Mrs. Vo- nada had. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. 69-38 net home were Mr. and Mrs. Howard Daughenbaugh and family, of Altoo- na. Mr. and Mrs. William Jodon, of Bellefonte, were guests, last Saturday gvsning at the home of Mrs. Sallie riel. L. J. Heaton and Frank Lucas went over to Rockview last Sunday and spent the day with the Green Heaton family. Mrs. W. S. Flick and son Robert, of Bellwood, were here last week for a visit with Mrs. Flick’s sister, Mrs. F. L. Shope. The home of L. J. Heaton was hon- ored last Sunday evening, by a visit by Mr. and Mrs. James Croft, with their son and daughter, of Nanty-Glo, while motoring through this section. The Ear! Kauffmans entertained Miss Pauline Lucas and Mr. and Mrs. Forden Walker, of Snow Shoe, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Poorman were in Williamsport, on Saturday, having spent the day there with their son Lawrence. Last Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. Michael Witherite entertained Mrs. Burtus Witherite and her daughter Ruth, of Osceola Mills. Those from here who attended the funeral of Thomas Hoover, in Lock Haven, last Sunday, were Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Shirk, Mrs. Jennie Walk- er and John Johnson. ——Read the “Watchman.” = TEE OO SO SEE ETII000004TRINI RN INTHE COURT ROOM WIEN a lawyer's mind is wandering towards the cigar case, it's hard to keep it on his client’s. The suave, easy; self-possessed cross-examiner usually holds himself and witness in hand with a helpful little chew of BEECH-NUT—the favorite tobacco of thinker and worker. Supreme Court justices, outdoor workers, ex- pert craftsmen, athletes and business executives are never without it. The biggest package of the best tobacco that ever flattered 10c.—a clean, pure chew for keen, sure brains. Not a stem or im- purity in a million packages and over 250 million packages sold in a single year. . Increased overheads haven’t raised the / price or reduced the quality— Makes 10c. swell THE ALL-PURPOSE TRUCK Preference «| Based on Performance - ONE-TON TRUCK Complete as Illustrated Free from Excise Tax *545 £. 0. b. Detroit Yeucanbuythechassisalone, erwithcab, orthechassiswith cab and body (with or without canopy, screen oors). Ask your nearest authorized Ford sides and end dealer for pices. Dependable, Light, Speedy Trucking on a Profitable Operating Basis speedy delivery. The thoroughly dependable qualities of Ford trucking units are reflected in their universal acceptance for light, 2 o aR WET % Ford one-ton trucks cost less to buy ik and less to maintain. They are the most economical trucks on the market, Detroit, Michigan t ATTORNEY’S-AT-LAW. CIRTIIE ELINE WOODRING — Attorney-at- Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Practices im all courts. Office, room 18 Cri Exchange. B. e Practices in all the courts. sultation in English or Germas, Office in Crider's Ex ge, Balletohin Pa. KENNEDY JOHNSTON—Attorney-ats Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Prompt &te tention given all legal business em~ trusted to his care. Offices—No. § Hast High street. 37-44 M. KEICHLINE — Attorney-at-Law and Justice of the Peace. All pre- fessional business will receive prompt attention. Office on second floor ef emple Court. 49-0-1y G. RUNKLE — Attorney-at-Law, Consultation in English Gere SPANGLER — Attorney-at-Law, Come and man. Office in Cri Bellefonte, Pa. vs Beige; PHYSICIANS. R. BR. L. CAPERS, OSTEOPATH. Bellefonte Stal Crider’'s Exch. 66-11 Holtaae Soisse 8. GLENN, M. D., Physician aad Surgeon ome. College, Centre county, dedi Y,: Pa. ce at his resi. VA B. ROAN, Optometris cens E by the State ey Siete Cotreed every day except Saturday. Belle: {outs Toons i and 15 Feap nesday ernoons an a. m. to 4:30 p. m. Both 3 Soturaary in THE nourishment found bread that is baked from our pure flour cannot be overesti- mated. It represents every ounce of wholesome, health- imparting quality that the best ingredients plus the finest mill- ing can produce. Try our flour—you’ll like it C. Y. Wagner Co., Inc. 66-11-1yr BELLEFONTE, PA. EEA ATOTI Employers, This Interests You The Workmans’ Compensation Law went into effect Jan. 1, 1916. It makes Insurance Com- pulsory. We specialize in plac- ing such insurance. We inspect Plants and recommend Accident Prevention Safe Guards which Reduce Insurance rates. 1t will be to your interest to consult us before placing your Insurance. i JOHN F. GRAY & SON, . mo——— Fire! Get Protection. The following Lines of Insurance are written in my Agency FIRE AUTOMOBILE (All Kinds) BOILER (Including Inspection) PLATE GLASS BURGLARY COMPENSATION LIABILITY ACCIDENT and HEALTH EVERY POLICY GUARANTEES YOU PROTECTION mera. When you want any kind of a Bond come and see me. Don’t ask friends. They don’t want to go on your Bond. I will. H. E. FENLON Bell 174-M Temple Court Bellefonte 43-18-1y State College Commercial BELLEFONTE, PA. 56-21 Get the Best Meats You save nothing by buying thin or gristly meats. I use only the LARGEST AND FATTEST OATTLE ly my customers with the and SURDLY best blood and mus- ic Son a Steaks and Roasts. My prices are no higher than the poorer meats are elsewhere. I always have —DRESSED POULTRY— Game in season, and any kinds of goed meats you want. TRY MY BHOP P. L. BEEZER, High Street, 34-34-1y Bellefents, Pa