Bellefonte, Pa., August 1, 1924. SS ————————————— WHY THEY TWINKLE. By Oliver Wendell Holmes. When Eve had led her lord astray, And Cain had killed his brother, . The stars and flowers, the poets say, Agreed with one another, To cheat the cunning tempter’s art, And teach the race its duty, By keeping on its wicked heart Their eyes of light and beauty. A million sleepless lids, they say, Will be at least a warning; And so the flowers would watch by day And the stars from eve to morning. On hill and prairie, field and lawn, Their dewy eyes upturning, The flowers still watch from reddening dawn, Till western stars are burning. Alas! each hour of daylight tells A tale of shame so crushing, That some turn white as sea-bleached shells, And some are always blushing. But when the patient stars look down, On all their light discovers, The traitor’'s smiles, the murderer's frown, The lips of lying lovers. They try to shut their saddened eyes, And in the vain endeavor. We see them twinkling in the skies, And so they wink forever. DO YOU DRINK ENOUGH WATER OR TOO MUCH? Six glasses a day is the right amount for the average healthy person, unless hot weather or violent exercise makes one perspire freely—But it is possible to be- come literally intoxicated by drinking excessive quantities of water. If I should tell a rabid prohibition- ist that his health and even his life itself depended on his being a “wet,” he would be amazed and shocked. Yet it would be absolutely true—although not in the sense that he would under- stand it. For the one thing that qual- ifies a person to be the kind of “wet” I mean is water. People think that their bodies are, literally, among their most solid pos- sessions. But the human body is composed largely of water, the av- erage proportion being from 75 to 80 per cent! We are three-fourths wa- ter, even including our brains. I have heard people speak of a per- son as having “a fluid mind.” They did not realize how close they came to the literal truth. From head to foot, all of us are so “fluid” that it seems almost a miracle when we continue in- tact, year after year, apparently as solid as ever. You may think that we become more solid, as the years go by; that old people really are, as we call them, withered and dried up. But they are not “drier.” Human beings grow even less dry as age comes on. It is estimated that the water content of the body in old age is from 81.2 to 84.8 per cent., as compared with from 75 to 80 per cent. in earlier life. So the common expression, “a dried-up old man” has no basis in fact. When I say that health and life itself depend on our being “wet” I am not exaggerating. If the amount of the water content in the body is re- duced by only 10 per cent., it results in very serious disorders. If it is re- duced 20 per cent.,, death is almost certain to follow. There have been cases where a person has survived be- yond this point; but a loss of 22 per cent. is, I believe, a limit beyond which human beings cannot live. We doctors are always telling you that you must drink a certain amount of water daily. Well—the advice often seems to go in one ear and out of the other. Ask a man how much money he earns a week, and he can tell you without even stopping to think. But ask him how many glasses of water he drinks daily, and he can’t make even a good guess. He could get along if his income of money were cut down almost to the vanishing point; but he could not live at all if his in- take of water were reduced to that point. . The three things we must have in order to go on living are oxygen, wa- ter, and food. Without oxygen to breathe, we would die in a few mo- ments. Without water to drink—or to get in some form, as in the juice of fruits—we could live only a limited number of days. The length of time would depend on the temperature, the dryness of the atmosphere, the physical exertion we make, and so on, because the amount of water evaporated from the body would be affected by these factors. On the desert, where the heat is ex- treme and the air is very dry, death usually occurs from thirty-six to sev- enty-two hours after one is deprived of water. We could live much longer without food than without water. Under ordi- nary conditions, a person will not suf- fer in health if he reduces considera- bly the amount of food he eats. In very many cases, he will actually be better off physically. But he cannot, with safety, cut down his “water ra- tion” to any great extent. As I said before, people seem to pay little heed to the doctor’s advice about -water-drinking. I think it must be because they do not understand the facts on which his advice is based. I am telling you these facts, so that you may know why you must have water to maintain health. Before going any further, however. I want to put in a word of caution: I have found that practically no one, outside the medical profession, seems to realize that water can be taken to excess. A person, even in normal health, could become intoxicated on water! The chance of his taking enough to produce this result is rather remote, he is much more likely to err on the side of taking too little. But there is one group of persons to whom excessive water-drinking is danger- ous; and, unfortunately, they are the very ones who are most likely to prac- tice it. People with chronic kidney trouble, high blood-pressure, or heart trouble, are the ones in whom symptoms of “water intoxication” are most likely to occur. Yet these very persons often make a point of drinking an ab- normal amount of water, under the impression that it is peculiarly bene- ficial to them. : : Especially if there is anything wrong with the kidneys, the average person immediately thinks he must drink all the water he possibly can. He does this on the theory that it will “flush out” the kidneys. I have heard a man with chronic kidney trouble an- nounce that he habitually drank twen- ty or thirty glasses of water daily. He evidently expected to be praised for it! 1 have known many cases where friends have advised people who suffered from these chronic com- plaints, to drink “gallons of water” every day. These amateur doctors meant well; but their advice was pos- itively dangerous, under the circum- stances. ; The stomach, intestines, and kid- neys are not lifeless receptacles and tubes which can be “flushed out” as we would flush sewer pipes. They are composed of complex tissues 21d deli- cate cells that have specific functions. If you force an excess of water into one of these cells, its function will be paralyzed, just as surely as if you did not give it enough water. This is not mere guesswork. In or- der to test the effects, water has been given, in amounts up to ten litres a day, to patients with chronic kidney trouble. (A litre is a trifle less than a quart). The effects were headache, dizziness, restlessness, chills, abdom- inal distension, vomiting, shortness of breath, marked increase in weight, and increased blood pressure. This array of symptoms shows the folly of asking an already disordered kidney to perform work that would tax even a healthy organ. : The same thing is true concerning people with heart trouble. An im- paired heart has enough of a task to take care of the normal amount of fluid in the body. It will be overtaxed if given still more work to do. Ama- teurs should not take it on themselves to prescribe even so apparently sim- ple a thing as water for people who may have weakened heart or kidneys. Leave that to the expert clinical judg- ment of the physicians. I have given this explanation be- cause it is needed in certain cases. But the average person need not wor- ry about his own chance of being in- toxicated by water. He is in no dan- ger, unless ht zoes to extreme excess. That brings us to the question of how much water the average man or woman really needs; also, some furth- er explanation of why he needs it in order to be well and comfortable. About six glasses, or the equivalent of three pints, is considered by most authorities a fair daily average. This will vary somewhat according to the individual. Some people perspire freely on slight provocation. Others perspire very little. Those in the first class lose more of the water content of the body than those in the second. They need a somewhat greater intake to make up the loss. According to Flack and Hill, a per- son evaporates from his body almost ten quarts of water during a ride over the desert. That loss must be made good. Six glasses of water in twen- ty-four hours would not be sufficient in those curcumstances, although it might be ample for the same individ- ual under normal conditions. It is said that, among the people of India, the fluid “output and intake” is almost twelve quarts a day. But that would be excessive among the inhab- itants of a country with cool, moist climate. A person taking violent exercise which causes profuse perspiration needs to drink more water than when he is inactive. These are matters in regard to which we must use ordinary common sense. In fact, when we need an ex- tra quantity of water we usually take it without having to give it any thought. For the conditions which rob us of our normal supply are likely to cause thirst; and this prompts us to drink water. Under ordinary conditions, we can- not depend on the sensation of thirst as a signal to us that we need water. Let me repeat this, for it is very im- portant: The mere fact that you do not feel thirsty is no proof that you do not need water. It is very common for people who drink only two or three glasses of wa- ter a day to claim that they don’t need any more. And the reason they give for believing this is that they “never feel thirsty.” People of this type have what is known as the dry habit. They are not conscious of their dry mouths and throats; just as people who gradually take on excess weight are not conscious of the dis- comforts which accompany that con- dition, Unfortunately, the body is not a fool-proof mechanism. The signals do not always work. Moreover, if we habitually disregard them we lose our keenness of perception. There can be no question that these people who have the dry habit will pay the penalty in impairment of their health. It may be a long time in mak- ing itself manifest. But it will surely come, unless the deficiency of water is made up in some other way. In my observation this very rarely happens. The “drys” do not know how much water they need, nor do they know how much they are taking. Your personal water supply is not, and should not be, confined to the six glasses I have specified as a fair dai- ly average. We all need more than that; and we get more from various sources—from the other liquids we drink, and also from the foods we eat. People imagine they eat in order to get the necessary proteins, carbohy- drates and fats. That is true of course; but one of the most import- ant elements in food is the water it contains—and most of them contain a great deal of water. Cucumbers, let- tuce, beans, celery, and similar vege- tables are about 95 per cent. water! Even boiled smoked ham is 51 per cent. water. Melons and: fruits are almost entirely composed of water. Tea and coffee are practically nothin, but water. Milk contains only a smal percentage of solids; the rest is water, o The ideal diet for human beings con- sists chiefly of fruits, vegetables, and milk—all of them largely composed of water! ¢ for food of any kind to be absorbed and utilized by our body cells without water as a vehicle. : Now the daily half-dozen glasses of water recommended by physicians is to be taken in addition to the supply furnished by the foods which make up the average person’s diet. The only way in which people with the dry hab- it can preserve their health is to make up the deficiency by taking a very much greater quantity of watery foods than they otherwise would need. Liberal drinking of milk, eating large ‘quantities of fruits, of lettuce, and similar vegetables would help fo sup- ply the water they require. But, as I said before, I have very rarely found a dry-habit person who did this. Practically, without excep- tion, the deficiency is not made up. “Well,” you may say, “why is it so important that it should be made up ?” The answer is that some of the most essential functions of the body cannot be carried on properly without water. As I said before, food cannot be ab- sorbed and utilized by our body cells without it. A man deprived of both food and water will starve much more quickly than if he were deprived only of food; because as the water in his body becomes depleted he cannot “feed” on the fat and proteins that are stored up in his system. The water in the body is the me- dium by which all chemical changes are effected. It brings nutriment to the cells and it carries away the waste products. It also enables the body to store up heat; and, because it is a good conductor, it equalizes the amount of heat in the various tissues. If there is an excess of body heat, it must released; and one of the principal means of doing this is by the evaporation of water from the skin. This is constantly taking place in the form of perspiration. We perspire visibly on hot days or when we exer- cise violently. But there is, all the time, what is known as “insensible perspiration.” This is constantly be- ing evaporated from the skin. Perspiration does not, as many suppose, carry off a large quantity of waste products from the body. It is practically nothing but water. Its chief service is in regulating the body heat. But that is a very important function; and if the daily loss of wa- ter from the body is not made up this function is interfered with. Professor Rosenau, of Harvard, classifies water as a food. So does the Life Extension Institute, which calls it “a regulating food.” Water is absolutely necessary to building up the body and to maintaining its func- tions. It is the most necessary kind of food. Meat, for example, could be entirely eliminated from your diet without serious consequences. But it would be a fatal experiment to at- tempt to go without water. I have said that people with chron- ic kidney trouble often take water to excess. On the other hand, if a per- son in ordinary health does not drink enough water, the body fluids become concentrated and the kidneys are like- ly to be irritated as a result of this. Water does not carry off any per- ceptible amount of waste products in the perspiration, but it does play a great part in carrying off these waste and poisonous products through the bowels and kidneys. It is absoltuely necessary to the elimination of these poisons. Another important service which it performs is as a lubricant. There are many extremely delicate surfaces within these bodies of ours. If water were not supplied to moisten these surfaces, the friction to which they are exposed would injure them. Water is especially necessary to the process of digestion. It is estimated that the amount of water which is dai- ly poured into the intestines is several times as great as the total amount of fluid usually taken in by the mouth. Most of it is reabsorbed into the sys- tem when its work of aiding digestion is done. But you can readily see how important it is that the body supply of fluid shall be kept always sufficient. Water never exists, simply as wa- ter, in our bodies. It is always a com- plex salt solution. But it must be there, if we are to go on living. It is present not only in the blood, the sa- liva, the gastric juice, and all the flu- ids of the body, but in all the tissues— even in the bones themselves. All of us literally have “water on the brain.” ‘Some have more than others; but the average brain is 90 per cent. water! In the blood the pro- portion is 79 per cent. The enamel of the teeth contains the smallest amount: only one-fifth of one per cent. But the inner portion of a tooth is 10 per cent. water. The largest amount is in the saliva, which contans 99 per cent.; although the lens of the eye is a close second, being 98. per cent. water. The skin contains 72 per cent., the lungs 79 per cent., and the heart 79.5 per cent. An athlete, who claims to be as hard as nails, is really more like a sponge; for even the muscles are 7 per cent. water. "I have tried to give some of the rea- sons why we need water. I have said that a fair average supply would be six glasses a day, in addition to the water provided by the food we eat; and that we should include milk, fruits, and plenty of vegetables in our diet. But there are two other points to be considered also; when to drink, and what kind of water ‘o take. It was formerly supposed that if a person drank water freely at meals it would dilute the gastric juice and so interfere with digestion. The contra- ry seems to be the case. Water stim- ulates gastric secretion. A good plan is to take a glass of water at each meal, one between meals—morning and afternoon—and one at night. This total of six glasses a day will be sufficient, except in hot weather or in case of unusual exertion. People with small stomachs, or with weak stomach muscles, should be cau- tious about taking a large supply of water at meals, because if too much bulk is put into the stomach it will produce uncomfortable distension. Also, those who suffer from gastric acidity will aggravate this condition by free water-drinking at meals. It should be remembered that chil- dren require plenty of water; more, in proportion ' to their weight, than i grown people need. Children’s bodies | And it would be impossible are growing, and water is needed in this process. They are more active too; consequently their heat output is relatively greater. However, among grown-ups, a large person requires more water than a small one. Many people think that it is harm- ful to drink cold water when over- heated, but this is a mistaken ‘idea. One should use discretion and not drink too great a quantity at once. We should practice moderation in all things. But there is no reason why we should not drink cold water, slow- ly and moderately, when we are very | warm. Taken in that way, it will even be beneficial. io —_— I have been asked why ice water | seems to taste better than tepid water. The explanation is that the tempera- ture of tepid water is very close to that of the body. It therefore excites practically no sensation in the mouth, or as it passes down to the stomach. Whereas, ice water gives a certain thrill, or shock, which is refreshing and stimulating to many persons. Then there is the question of dis- tilled water, a subject on which there has been a good deal of controversy. Properly distilled water, where the first product of the distillation has been discarded, is regarded by high authorities as an ideal water to drink, provided it has been aerated and so made palatable. In the navy, such water has been used on shipboard dur- ing long cruises, without any appar- ent ill effects. Rain water, if caught in a clean re- ceptacle, is usually harmless. It is not absolutely pure, as it contains a certain amount of organic matter de- posited from the atmosphere. But this is not of an injurious nature. The chief trouble with rain water is that it generally is stored in cisterns which are not kept clean and properly pro- | tected. In the vast majority of cases, our drinking water is supplied from wells and from municipal supply systems, ' which receive the drainage from var- | ious water-sheds. The most menac- ing thing that can exist in this, or any | other drinking water, is human waste products. To escape this danger, the area drained by the water system, or | by private wells, should be carefully ! selected and closely guarded. People have an idea that water which is clean and sparkling and pleasant to drink is sure to be safe. But this doesn’t necessarily follow. Water may contain organie matter, it may be unpalatable and even some- what offensive, yet be safe for drink- ing—provided it does not contain waste products from the human body. On the other hand, it may be clear. bright, and pleasant to drink—yet contain typhoid bacteria. Appearance 1s not a safe thing to go by. Scien- tific analyses and careful inspection of the source of supply are necessary. Ordinary household filters will re- move some kinds of impurities. But it must be remembered that they do not screen out disease germs. In connection with this there is an interesting thing to be said about io- dine. The prevalence of goiter in cer- | tain regions has been hard to explain. The people in these sections apparent- ' ly did not differ radically from those in unaffected regions in their food | It is now ' supply or their food habits. thought that the disease may be the result of a deficiency of iodine in the water, or in the soil which produces some of the foods, and which is drain- | ed by the water supply. Doctor O. P. Kimball, in an import- ant report on this subject, enumerates the goiter districts. Among them is one including the entire basin of the Great Lakes and of the St. Lawrence River, as well as the portion of the United States and Canada known as the Pacific Northwest. In parts of British Columbia and in some of the valleys of southern Alas- ka, all the domestic animals have goi- ter! In one section, called Pemberton Meadows, it was almost impossible to raise young animals, such as calves, lambs, and pigs. Since 1918, however, the disease has been controlled by adding a small amount of iodine to the food and drink of these animals. Naturally, distilled water does not contain iodine. For this reason, al- be a safe and sufficient drink for a reasonable period of time, we cannot be sure that it could be relied upon, year in and year out, especially for children and young people who are still in the period of growth. Doctor Kimball suggests that, where goiter is prevalent, from five to ten milligrams of iodine be given weekly during adolescence. He pre- sents very impressive facts in regard to the prevention of this disease among young girls in the public schools of Akron, Ohio. I suggest, however, that the family physician be consulted in regard to the advisa- bility of this treatment in individual cases. There might be some special reason why it should not be attempt- ed, even though in general its effica- cy seems to have been proved. To sum up the case for—and some- times against—water: It is absolute- ly essential to life and to health. The average person should drink six glass- es daily; more during hot weather or after unusual exertion. People with chronic kidney trouble, high blood- pressure, and heart trouble, should have expert medical advice in regard to the amonut of water taken daily. No one should indulge in water to great excess; I have seen people de- cidedly impaired by taking very large quantities—twelve to fourteen glasses a day. If the average person drinks only two or three glasses daily, he will surely suffer from this “dry” hab- it. He can improve his chances by liberal drinking of milk, and by eat- ing generous quantities of fruits and vegetables; but as he is not likely to make up the deficiency in thes= ways, it will much safer for hin to in- crease the amount of “straight” -—~ter he drinks.—By Dr. Eugene Lvran Fisk, Medical Director of the Life Ex- tension Institute. ——They tell of a strange case in a small Missouri town. A man com- plained of pains in his heel. His phy- sician removed his teeth, but the pains continued. They removed his tonsils, and still the pains remained. As a final resort they removed his shoe, and the X-ray revealed a long-embed- ded needle in his heel. p— ns — | Proper Brewing of Tea - Told by Chinese Poet High tea would have been deemed an abomination by the Chinese poet Lu Wauh, who held that no food should be taken in conjunction with the most de- licious of all beverages. Lu Wuh maintained that only three ingredients are necessary for its. decoction—tea, water and salt—but each should be selected with care. “The leaves of the tea plant must have creases like the leathern boot of i & Tartar horseman, must curl like the dewlap of a mighty. bullock; must un- fold like the mist rising out of a ra- vine, must gleam like a lake touched | by a zephyr; and be wet and soft like : fine earth newly swept by rain.” Ac- | cording to this authority a mountain spring furnished the best water for | tea making, with river water and or- dinary spring water next in order of excellence, “There are three stages of boiling,” Lu Wuh goes on to say. “The first boil is when the little bubbles like the eye of fishes swim on the surface. The second boil is when the bubbles are like crystal beads rolling in a foun- tain. The third boil is when the bi lows surge wildly in the kettle.” Salt is put in the first boil, tea in the second boil; at the third a dipper- . ful of cold water is poured into the kettle to settle the tea and revive “the youth of the water,” after which the decoction is poured into cups and drunk.~—Manchester Guardian. Paine Helped Create and Named the U. S. A. To the average American Thomas Paine is known merely as an “infidel.” | He has been told that Paine wrote a book entitled “Age of Reason” that as- | sailed orthodox Christianity. Me may not know that two decades before the “Age of Reason” Paine, a native of England, wrote a pamphlet that started the American colonists really to think of separating themselves from Eng- land and joining themselves together as a new nation, says the Detroit News. When the revolution first start- ed it was only a revolt against oppres- sive measures of taxation and unjust political discrimination. Even Wash- ington as late as May, 1775, declared himself against separation. Then, early in January, 1776, Paine published “Common Sense,” in which he not merely proposed an independent nation to the dissatisfied colonists, but raised the rebellion to the higher plane of a war for liberty. Washington | was converted immediately. Paine de- ' clined to accept any profit from the work for himself, but gave all the . financial proceeds to the patriot cause. It was in “Common Sense” that the present name of the nation, “the United States of America,” first ap- ‘ peared, Did Moliere Wear Iron Mask? M. Loquin, a former president of the Academie de Bordeaux, holds that the man in the iron mask was none other , than Moliere, whose disappearance the Jesuits were supposed to have urged | the king to compass after the great triumph of “Tartuffe.” “Moliere,” says this learned man, “dled February 17, 1873; the captivity of the man In the iron mask lasted 31 years, from February, 1673, to Novem- | ber, 1703.” The significant silence that prevailed once Moliere was regarded as dead and buried, the foul slanders that were spread abroad shortly afterward and, finally, the destruction of all Moliere’s posthumous works and the strange disappearance of every single line of his writing point to a sinister object ~—Cleveland Plain Dealer. Novels in a Nutshell {| Much has been vritten in criticism though properly distilled water may | of English, French and Russian novels, but never have their essential natures been so crisply described as in these paragraphs of anonymous origin: | An English novel is a book In which ' two people want each other in the first chapter, but do not get each other un- til the last chapter. A French novel is a book in which two people get each other right in the first chapter and from then on to the last chapter don’t want each other any more. : A Russian novel is one in which twe people neither want each other nor get each other, and round that fact 450 profoundly melancholy pages are writ- ten.~Youth’s Companion. : Experienced A victim of chronic bronchitis called on a doctor to be examined. The doc- tor, after careful questioning, assured the patient that the ailment would re- spond readily to treatment. “1 suppose you must have had a great deal of ex- perience with this disease?” said the sufferer, The doctor smiled wisely, and re- plied: “Why, my dear sir, Ive had bronchitis myself for over fifteen years.”—Christian Evangelist. Hobo Loyal to His Dog A homeless hobo who was appre hended the other day refused am offer of $500 for his mongrel dog which ac- companied him. The police sergeant said that the dog's loyalty was already proved, but he wanted to prove the hobo’s. But the hobo knew that he could easily lose the $500, but the dog was worth more than that to him. Their Own Fault Keen, but Nervous Amateur—I say, old chap, what shall I do if they ask me to sing? Qeandid Friend—Do?! Why, sing, ek eocurse. I'll be their own faultl—— T.ondop Humorist, { i | This Old Love Letter Was “the Real Thing” The man’s mother had given the man’s wife a love letter which she found hidden away in a mass of old papers. It had been written to the man when he was a8 boy and the writer was his sweetheart, fifteen years old. The man's mother laughed when she handed it to the man's wife, and the man’s wife laughed when she hande¢ ‘t to the man. But the man did not laugh. “Aha,” said the wife in her merry way, “see how the past rises up against you.” The man took the letter and slowly unfolded it and softly read it aloud: “Dearest boy,” he read, “I'm afraid you are mad at me because I walked with Johnnie Nicholson yesterday to school, but it wasn't my fault at all. You know I love you, dearest boy, a& thousand million times more than I could love Johnnie, and when you look cross at me it breaks my heart. Ain't you going to take me to the school picnic Saturday—'cause if you don’t I can’t go. I cried when I wrote this— that's why it's spotted. Don't make me cry any more, dearest boy.” The man looked at the letter for some time. His gaze softened and he sighed. “That was the real thing,” he mur- mured, and he carefully folded the let- ter and turned away. And then the man's wife was sorry she had given the letter to the man. | Cleveland Plain Dealer. Method Is Devised to Seal Copper and Glass Most metals will not adhere perma- nently to glass after they have been sealed to it while in a semi-molten con- dition, and if they are in the form of rods or blocks. Metal and glass ex- pand when heated and contract when cooled at different rates, so that after sealing and cooling, Inevitable separa- tion occurs. The one notable excep- tion has been platinum, which expands at very nearly the same rate as glass and has, therefore, been highly prized in the making of vacuum bulbs where electric current must be led into the bulb and the vacuum kept perfect and free from leaks. But platinum is much more costly than gold and so the elec- trical engineers have found a way by which copper may be sealed so closely to glass that a vacuum may be maine tained. If the metal is flattened out into a very thin sheet with a knife- like edge the thing can be done. This is because the stresses which the joint may have to endure are in proportion to the thickness of either the copper or the glass. A thin sharp sheet of glass may similarly be sealed into a block of copper. So again has neces- i sity become the mother of invention. Census Statistics’ Little Joke Miss Mary V. Dempsey, junior statis. tician of the United States census of 1920, who has recently completed her task, believes that census reports as made by enumerators over the land are more comical in some essentials than the latest joke book. Miss Dempsey had 250 clerks under her classifying the reports and found her diversion in documents that classified “pigs’ feet singers” under “musicians”; and listed | among other occupations those of “as- sembler of gravity”; “philosopher at home”; “instructor In a school for brides” (Niagara Falls); “instructor in a vestibule school” and “laborer in a hair mine.” Raggedy Ann’s Funeral When Raggedy Ann, the pet burre of Battery F of the Twelfth field ar- tillery, recently died at Fort Houston, Tex.. the men gave their mascot ‘a burial with full military honors. The pet burro died in a battle against the pack mules of the battery. The body of Raggedy Ann was lowered into a grave on Pershing field as field guns fired a salute and the busier played raps. At the grave a headpiece was erected whereon were engraved testi- monials of the love and affection which the members of Battery F* felt for their pet. A wrcath of alfalfa was placed beneath it. Mozart and Others A certain music composer of much talent and popularity—we will call him Jiffers—has a happy appreciation of his own work, as his friends all know. So highly does he estimate Jiffers: compositions that some of his friends were much startled the other day when he said gravely: “Did you ever notice that the names of all great com- posers begin with M7?” “Yes, M,” said the composer. “Mo- gart, Mendelssohn, Meyerbeer, Mosz- kowski—and Me!” Pearls in U. S. Rivers Through scientific propagation ox fresh water mussels in the rivers of America, experts in the United States bureau of fisheries say it will be pos- sible in time to make the rivers of the country yield fabulous harvests in pearls, Even now pearl fishing is con- ducted in some rivers of the United States, and during the last year more than $15,000,000 worth of pearls were found in the mussel shells at the bot- tom of the Mississippi, Black and White rivers alone, Some Difficulty A very stout and portly gentleman was once asked why he did not play golf, and this was his reason: “I did try it once. but I found that when I put the bail where I could see it 'I could mot rewch it; and when X put it where I could reach it I could not see it.”