Announcement Extraordinary Unloading Sale! WSS A COSTS FORGOTTEN........PRICES IGNORED Owing to the unfavorable weather we have had all season, we find our store very much over-stocked with what we think is The Finest Stock of Spring Merchandise we Have Ever Shown. : Costs, Values, Profits—--All Thrown to the Winds These Goods Must be Sold It's Your Opportunity Reductions that are Staggering We have Placed our Entire Stock of Mens Suits ino Four Groups, aS Follows 125 Mens Suits at... $16.50 | | BOYS SUITS REGULAR $25 TO $30 SUITS SIZES 8 TO 18 YEARS REGULAR $27.50 TO $32.50 SUITS All 10.00 Suits 175 Mens Suits at . .. $26.50 All 12.00 Suits now 8.50 REGULAR $35 TO $37.50 SUITS All 15.00 Suits now 11.65 All our $40 and $45 Mens Suits... $28.50 Buy your boy’s next year school OurEntireStockof Hats us Caps Sacrificed “WALK~-OVER” SHOES Chelsea $4.00 Hats now .... $2.85 $2.00 “Weller Shoes . . . now $3.45 8.00 “Walkover’’ Shoes . .. now 6.50 Mallory $500 Hits 20W 12». $150 10.00 “Walkover” Shoes now 7.35 Stetson $7.00 Hats now.... 545 : ves . None reserved. Our entire stock of “Walk-Overs”— . % the Best Shoes we know of--at Less than the Cost Less than 1914 prices-—-Our Loss Your Gain of Manufacture. Nothing reserved ; everything in our store included in this tremendous sale-—-Col- lars, Shirts, Underwear, Trunks, Bags, Hosiery, Overalls, Work Shirts—in fact everything in our store will be sold at price reductions that will more than surprise you. This is a real honest-to-goodness price-shattering sale. IT’S AT FAUBLE’S. Starts Saturday July 5th, and will Continue Two Weeks Only POSITIVELY ENDS SATURDAY JULY 19th This is an opportunity you simply dare not let go by. It’s our loss—a loss mod- ern merchandising forces us to take. We must unload. We just cannot carry our immense stock into the next season. The Fauble Guarantee—the Fauble Service--all prevail during the sale, regardless of the great reductions. I personally promise you the Biggest Real Honest Bargains you ever had offered you at any time by anyone. The Store for Men That is Always Reliable