Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, July 04, 1924, Image 1

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—And this is the Glorious Fourth!
—Many farmers are making hay,
while some just finished planting corn
last week. A strange seasonal condi-
tion, indeed.
—LaFollette wisely declined the
nomination of the St. Paul convention
but when a real third party nomina-
tion is offered he will be perfectly
willing to accept.
A good many moonlight stills
are being destroyed, according to of-
ficial statements, but from other
sources it is learned that a good many
are also being “found.”
—Former Secretary of the Interior,
Albert B. Fall, says he welcomes his
indictment by a federal grand jury.
Albert is only whistling to keep up his
courage as he passes into the political
grave yard.
—Rumor has it that as he ap-
proaches the thirtieth anniversary of
his birth the Prince of Wales has de-
cided to look around a bit with a view
to making some girl a Princess. Bet-
ter do it, old top, or you'll fool around
until ‘you will be making her an old
man’s darling.
—Our district delegates were divid-
ed in their votes during the early bal-
loting in the convention. John F.
Short, of Clearfield, voted for Smith
and R. M. Foster, of State College,
voted for McAdoo. Mr. Short voted
to insert the plank denouncing the Ku
Klux Klan by name in the platform
and Mr. Foster voted against its in-
—The insult to our flag flying over
our embassy in Tokio was an unpleas-
ant incident and one for which Ja-
pan will speedily apologize for as an
act of irresponsibles. It will be seized
upon by the jingoes, however, as a
far more serious matter. Of course
the jingoes always want to fight with
some one providing they can incite
others to do the fighting for them.
— There'll not be another edition of
the “Watchman” published until Fri-
day, July 18th. Instead of taking this
week off, as usual, we decided to work
this and rest next in order to get the
final report of the National convention
to you. As it looks at this hour, 10
o'clock Thursday morning, we might
have to wait until September for our
convention to make a choice so we are
going to press now in order to get in-
to the mails so the paper won’t be held
‘up by the rest from deliveries that the
postmen have today.
—It’s a little tough on the Klan,
but more power to George Grise, of
Pittsburgh, if he gets it over. Grise
is an expert stereotyper. D
of his earnings in that capacity was
eighty-five dollars a week. That was
too small, so he projected a Klan
newspaper for Pennsylvania, had him-
self voted a salary of sixteen thous-
and dollars a year for fifteen years
and hired Samuel D. Rich, a Pitts-
burgh promoter, who is.the King
Kleagle of Pennsylvania, to sell the
stock in the new enterprise. Every-
thing was going fine for Grise until
the State Securities Bureau called a
halt on selling stock of a concern that
had no other visible asset than Grise’s
ability as a stereotyper.
—We admire William Jennings Bry-
an today more than we ever did be-
fore and we loathe those who hissed
and booed him in Madison Square Gar-
den Saturday night when he was mak-
ing what will probably be recorded in
history as the greatest speech of his
life. Well might Bryan have used the
words of his Master and turned on the
hooting galleries with: “God forgive
them! They know not what they do.”
“The boy orator of the Platte” with
his “crown of thorns and cross of
gold” never rose to such heights as he
did when he—a Presbyterian— bent
under the derision yet fought to finish
his plea to save his party and the
country from the menace of making
political issues of religious creeds.
—As we sit writing this paragraph,
Monday, the reports of the explosion
of cannon crackers—or whatever they
are called these days—come from
three directions. Two weeks ago we
published the order of the Burgess
that the Fourth of July is the one and
only day on which such patriotic dem-
onstrations are permissible. A few
weeks before that we noted that coun-
«cil had raised the salaries of our po-.
licemen to very desirable figures. Now
there are sticking up, all over our
town, notices of a new public nuisance
ordinance, which is, in effect passed.
‘We rise to inquire what the Burgess
and the policemen have to say about
the evident contempt there was of
their court. Of course today, the lid
is off, but why all the laws and no en-
forcement before?
—We don’t think for a minute that
any delegation to our party conven-
tion in New York had the slightest
idea of injecting religion into politics
when it took sides, for or against, the
committees’ plank that failed to de-
nounce the Ku Klux Klan by name.
They were all playing politics, but,
unfortunately too dull to realize that
the weapon they were using was a
two-edged sword. Until hot-heads are
suppressed and others are given brains
enough to see the danger of injecting
religious feelings into politics in this
free country God preserve it. The
christian’s greatest obligation is to
his God, his government comes next
and last of the three is his church.
Always we will have a God, for both
Protestant and Catholic to worship,
but we might not have a government
or a church.
The peak
VOL. 69.
In It’s Thirteenth Session the
Democratic National Conven-
tion was Balloting Away Yesterday Morning With-
out an Indication of Who will be the
Final Choice.
1st sth 10th 15th 20th 25th 30th 42nd 44th
443.1 471.6 479 432 436% 415% 503.4 4844
Yeddoe LA 5 0 261 2001, 305% 307% 308% 323% 318.6 319..1
COX ........uee 59 Bs 0 Ss 60 59 57 55
cones 43 2
Harrison 10% 37 08 30d wow 3u 3% 25 2
Davis .eveeenes 31 34 57% 60 122°.1267 12644 67 mn
Ralston ....... 30 30 30%, 31 30 31 33 30 31
Glass ..oconanes 25 25 25 25 2B 29 24 281%
Ritchie ....... 22 429 1% 17% 17 1h 17% 17%
Robinson ..... 21 19 20 20 21 23 23
C. W. Bryan . 18 19 12 11 11
This table shows the 42nd o
last ballot taken Wednesday night and
part of the 44th which was polled at 11 o'clock yesterday morning.
The Democratic National convention
finally got its platform made and
adopted late Saturday night, midst a
scene of wildest confusion and discord.
Minority reports of the Resolutions
committee were carried to the floor of
the convention on both the League of
Nations and Ku Klux planks. Wil-
son’s Secretary of War, Newton D.
Baker, made a most impassioned and
dramatic speech pleading for the
adoption of a plank that would com-
mit the party to support of the
League as Wilson had hoped it would.
Mr. Baker threw himself so utter-
ly into his effort that when he had
concluded he collapsed and had to be
helped from the platform. His effort
was without avail for the convention
voted, 742 to 353, to adopt the major-
ity plank of the resolutions commit-
tee which favors American member-
ship in the League of Nations after
there shall have been a popular refer-
endum favorable to such action.
The thrill of the argument on the
League of Nations fight was intense
because it was so masterfully present-
ed, but it was as nothing when com-
pared with the scenes that were en-
acted while the defense of the minor-
ity report on the Klan plank was be-
ing made. Even William Jennings
Bryan, idol of a large element of our
party since 1896, was hissed, booed
and drowned out of hearing while he
was pleading with the delegates not
to drag religion into politics. Great
Protestant and Catholic churches, side
by side, were working among the fren-
zied delegates for more dispassionate
vision of the danger that menaced and
it was well into Sunday morning be-
fore the vote was finally taken and it
was found that in all that great as-
semblage the most momentous ques-
tion that has ever confronted any po-
litical convention was decided by a
majority of one to adopt the plank as
presented by the majority report.
The minority report, that was defeat-
ed, merely added a paragraph to the
majority plank in which the Ku Klux
Klan would have been denounced by
name rather than by influence.
The platform is so long that it
would take up two full pages of this
paper so that we cannot publish it in
full. It is a splendid document cov-
ering all the principles for which De-
mocracy stands in forceful language
and without recourse to pussey-foot-
ing on so many issues as did the one
adopted at Cleveland two weeks ago.
It declares for:
Referendum proposed on League of
Nations issue.
Further tax reduction and the re-
vision of the tariff.
Enactment of legislation designed
“to restore the farmer again to eco-
nomic equality with other industrial-
Readjustment of freight rates and
revision of the Transportation Act to
eliminate section abolishing Railroad
Labor Board.
Strict public control and conserva-
tion of the Nation’s resources, recov-
ery of oil reserves “fraudulently”
leased, and vigorouus prosecution of
any guilty wrong-doing.
Governmental control of the an-
thracite industry.
Operation of a Government-owned
merchant marine.
Revision of the Corrupt Practices
Act to prevent excessive campaign
contributions and expenditures.
Enforcement of the Constitution
and all laws.
Maintenance of Asiatic
tion exclusion by legislation.
Immediate independence for the
Sixteen candidates had been pre-
sented in nomination last Friday, but
turmoil over the platform prevented a
start of balloting for them until Mon-
day. The nominees were:
Oscar Underwood, of Alabama.
Joseph T. Robinson, of Arkansas.
William G. McAdoo, of California.
Willard Saulsbury, of Delaware.
Samuel M. Ralston, of Indiana.
Jonathan M. Davis, of Kansas.
Albert C. Ritchie, of Maryland.
Woodbridge N. Ferris, of Michigan.
David F. Houston, of Missouri and
New York.
Charles W. Bryan, of Nebraska.
Fred H. Brown, of New Hampshire.
George S. Silzer, of New Jersey.
Alfred E. Smith, of New York.
James M. Cox, of Ohio.
Carter Glass, of Virginia.
John W. Davis, of West Virginia
and New York.
The first ballot gave McAdoo 431%,
Smith 240%, Cox 59, Harrison 433%
Underwood 42%, J. W. Davis 31, Rals-
ton 30, Glass 25, Ritchie 223, Robin-
son 21, C. W. Bryan 18, Saulsbury 6,
Silzer 25, Brown 17.
There was very little change in the
voting up to the 10th ballot when New
Jersey gave up hope of landing Silzer
and threw her solid delegation to
Fourteen ballots were taken on
Monday and at the hour of adjourn-
ment that night very little change had
been made. There was no indication
of a break in the deadlock though on
the 14th McAdoo had reached 475%
ay Smith had increased his vote to
All day Tuesday the convention
caucused and balloted. All to no pur-
pose, it seemed, for when mid-night
came and the tired assemblage ad-
journed there had been no change in
the showing of strength of the candi-
dates such as would indicate a possi-
ble break to any one of them.
Throughout the day there were ru-
mors of a swing to a dark horse and
Newton D. Baker and William Jen-
nings Bryan were mentioned as possi-
bilities, but day waned and night ran
into the small hours without the
slightest indication that any of the
nominees intended releasing the dele-
gates bound to them.
McAdoo polled only 415 on the 29th
ballot which was 64 less than he had
had on the 15th. Smith had run up
to 321 on the 29th,
greatest poll up-to
neither change indicated much, 'as
most of the changes were at the be-
hest of party leaders who were jock-
eying to feel the convention out.
We publish every fifth ballot up to
the 40th here in order to show just
what inappreciable changes there
were. This concluded the work of the
convention up until Wednesday morn-
ing after having been in session six
full days.
On the 16th ballot Mississippi, that
had been voting solidly for Senator
Pat Harrison dropped him and swung
to Davis, as did some other delegates
rushing Davis up from 65 to 122.
This was only a feeler. Mississippi
was at heart for McAdoo as was de-
lope in the later voting Wednes-
The convention was opened Thurs-
day morning with a fervid prayer for
wisdom and decision in the choice of
a nominee. It was 9:45, our time, be-
fore the delegates had been seated and
chairman Walsh started the roll call of
States for the thirteenth consecutive
session of the convention. It was the
43rd ballot, the convention. having ad-
journed at 10 o’clock Wednesday night
in order to give the tired officers and
delegates a long night’s rest. It was
hoped also that possibly caucuses
would be held and some sort of com-
promise effected wherehy the morning
session would open the way to a choice
so that there would be some hope of
conclusion before the Fourth.
The 43rd ballot was concluded at
10:15 our time and just as chairman
Walsh started to announce the result
the aviation field cut in with its 4000
wave length machine and our little
360 was blurred so we couldn’t hear a
Comparing the votes of the State
on the 44th with that of the 42nd, the
last ballot last night we are of the
opinion that there was very little
change yesterday morning as a result
of the night’s conferences.
_ “The Democratic party pledges all
its energies to the outlawing of the
whole war system. We refuse to be-
lieve that the wholesale slaughter of
human beings on the battlefield is any
more necessary to man’s highest de-
Yelopment than is killing by individ-
“The only hope for world peace and
for economic recovery lies in the or-
ganized efforts of sovereign nations
co-operating to remove the causes of
war and to substitute law and order
for violence.
“Under Democratic leadership a
practical plan was devised under
which fifty-four nations are now op-
erating and which has for its funda-
mental purpose the free co-operation
of all nations in the work of peace.
“The government of the United
States for the last four years has had
no foreign policy, and consequently it
has delayed the restoration of the po-
litical and economic agencies of the
world. It has impaired our self-re-
spect at home and injured our pres-
tige abroad. It has curtailed our for-
eign markets and ruined our agricul-
tural prices.
gations to: which
that being hia | Sot
“It is of supreme importance to civ-
ilization and to mankind that America
be placed and kept on the right side
of the greatest moral question of all
time, and therefore the Democratic
Party renews its declaration of confi-
dence in the ideal of world peace, the
League of Nations and the World
Court of Justice as together constitut-
ing the supreme effort of the states-
manship and religious conviction of
our time to organize the world for
“Further, the Democratic Party de-
clares that it will be the purpose of
the next Administration to do all in
its power to secure for our country
that moral leadership in the family of
nations, which in the providence of
God, has been so clearly marked out
for it.
“There is no substitute for the
League of Nations as an agency work-
ing for peace; therefore, we believe
that in the interest of permanent
peace, and in the lifting of the great
burdens of war from the backs of the
people, and in order to. establish a
permanent foreign policy on these su-
preme questions, not subject to change
of party administrations, it is desira-
ble, wise and necessary _to lift this
question out of party politics, and to
that end to take the sense of the
American people at a referendum
election advisory to the government to
be held officially under act of Con-
gress, free from all other questions
and candidacies, after ample time for
full consideration and discussion
throughout the country, upon the
question in substance, as follows:
“Shall the United States become a
member of the League of Nations up-
on such reservations or amendments
to the covenant of the League as the
President and the Senate of the Unit-
ed States may agree upon?’ :
“Immediately upon an affirmative
vote we will caary out such man-
“Never before in our history has
the government been so tainted by
corruption, and never has an Admin-
istration so utterly failed. The Na-
tion has been appalled by the revela-
tions of political depravity which have
characterized the conduct of public af-
fairs. We arraign the Republican
party for attempting to limit inquiry
into official delinquencies and to im-
pede, if not to frustrate, the investi-
; ich in the beginning the
Republican party and leaders assent-
ed, but which later they regarded with
dismay. :
“These investigations sent the for-
mer Secretary of the Interior to Three
Rivers in disgrace and dishonor.
These investigations revealed the in-
capacity and indifference to public ob-
ligation of the Secretary of the Navy,
compelling him, by force of public
opinion, to quit the Cabinet. These
investigations confirmed the general
impression as to the Attorney Gen-
eral by exposing an official situation
and personal contracts which shock-
ed the conscience of the Nation and
compelled his dismissal from the Cab-
inet. These investigations disclosed
the appalling conditions of the Veter-
ans’ Bureau, with its fraud upon the
government and its cruel neglect of
the sick and disabled soldiers of the
World War. These investigations re-
vealed the criminal and fraudulent na-
ture of the oil leases, which caused
the Congress, despite the indifference
of the Executive, to direct recovery of
the public domain and the prosecution
of the criminal.
“Such are the exigencies of parti-
san politics that Republican leaders
are teaching the strange doctrine that
public censure should be directed
against those who expose crime rath-
er than against criminals who have
committed the offenses. If only three
Cabinet officers out of ten are disgrac-
ed, the country is asked to marvel at
how many are free from taint. Long
boastful that it was the only party
‘fit to govern,” the Republican party
has proven its inability to govern even
itself. It is at war with itself. Asan
agency of government it has ceased
to function. This Nation cannot af-
ford to entrust its welfare to a polit-
ical organization that cannot master
itself or to an Executive whose poli-
cies have been rejected by his own
party. To retain in power an Admin-
istration of this character would in-
evitably result in four years more of
continued disorder, internal dissension
and governmental inefficiency.
“A vote for Coolidge is a vote for
“The Democratic party reaffirms its
adherence and devotion to those car-
dinal principles contained in the Con-
stitution and the precepts upon which
our government is founded, that Con-
gress shall make no laws respecting
the establishment of religion, or pro-
hibiting the free exercise thereof, or
abridging the freedom of speech or of
the press, or the right of the people
peaceably to assemble and petition the
government for redress of grievances;
that the church and the State shall
be and remain separate, and that no
religious test shall ever be required as
a qualification to any office of public
trust under the United States. These
principles we pledge ourselves ever to
defend and maintain. We insist at all
times upon obedience to the orderly
processes of the law and deplore and
condemn any effort to arouse religious
or racial dissension.
“Affirming our faith in these prin-
ciples, we submit our cause to the
rmm— fr —————
——Read the “Watchman.” 4
NO. 27.
The Efficiency Expert.
From the Philadelphia Record.
Since the world war the political
philosophers, in books and magazine
articles, have been pointing out the
failure of democracy. We are told
it has broken down all over Europe,
and, dissatisfied with the futility of
representative institutions, people are
confessing that they cannot govern
themselves and are appealing to
bosses to rescue them from popular
government. Even in our own be-
loved land the keynoter of the Repub-
lican convention said that the people
by a vast majority were looking for
leadership, not to Congress, but to
Calvin Coolidge.
It looked bad for government of the
people and by the people and for the
people. It seemed as if it might per-
ish from the earth to the general ad-
vantage. Dictators were so much
more efficient. And just at that mo-
ment something went wrong with the
most perfect piece of political efficien-
cy mechanism that has been devel-
An opponant of the Government in
Turkey disappears. In Russia, if he
escapes the Cheka’s firing squad, he
disappears into Siberia, just as he
would have done under the Czars, who
had a piece nf political machinery
which was unrivaled for its efficiency
until it collapsed. But west of Tur-
key and Russia there is an almost un-
iversal opinion that if a man is not
against government itself, but only
against the Ministry of the day, he
ought to be as safe as a man who is
loyal to the party in power. In Italy
an opponent of the efficiency expert
disappeared. There are stories of his
assassination. Instantly confidence in
the efficiency expert’s methods has
been shaken to its foundations. No-
thing in the world could be more ef-
ficient than the elimination or the an-
nihilation of a man who threatens to
read a lot of documents highly dis-
creditable to the efficiency expert’s
beautiful machine. But the Italian
people resent it; they don’t feel safe.
The spread of democracy is not due
to the conviction that “all of us know
more than any of us.” It isn’t true;
the persons competent to govern are
not the majority, but the minority;
but there is no known way of getting
this wise minority into power and
keeping it there. The neare
roach to accomplishing this
ow the le t ¥
lers at ‘frequent intervals: NOris the
spread of democracy due to theories
of equality, or any divine rights that
men have to rule themselves; as a
matter of fact, 49 of them are ruled
by 51, and they are finding out fast
enough that a majority can be quite
as oppressive as a monarch. Political
philosophy does not inspire action; it
is invoked simply to explain or justify
action that has been taken.
The spread of democracy is due to
the impetus of self-preservation. Men
wish to express their opposition to
the persons momentarily in possession
of power, and protest against the acts
of the Government, without danger
that their property will be confiscated,
or that they themselves will disap-
pear from this world by sudden and
surreptitous means. The efficiency ex-
pert is admirable—within certain lim-
its. If he is too effective in eliminat-
ing the opposition he is liable to have
elimination applied to himself. De-
mocracy may not be perfectly efficient, '
but it is safe, and men care more for
that. A
A a
Debunking the Campaign,
From the New York World.
To the home folks gathered on the
lawn, Gen. Dawes declares that the
country is suffering from an “orgy of
demagogism,” that he hopes to come
back from the campaign with his head
high, and that when he sees political
buncombe running away with common
sense he is going to smite it hip and
thigh. “I ask no quarter and will
give no quarter.”
Typical of the man, it will be
pointed out; from Dawes we shall
have directness and plain talk. The
General may choose to date his on-
slaught from the day the Democrats
have picked a candidate; but there is
no need to mark time if he is ready
for a start. Debunking the Repub-
lican platform is a man’s-sized job.
Who asks a better target when he’s
canonading bunk than the Republican
promise to the farmer? After pro-
per preliminaries, and at the end of
a long rush of words the party
pledges itself—to what?—"“to what-
ever steps are necessary.”
Who asks a better target than Re-
publican silence on the $220,000,000
scandle of Col. Charles R. Forbes?
Forbes and his betrayal of the war
veterans aren’t mentioned in the
Cleveland declaration. Gen. Dawes,
if bunk interests him, has a rare
chance to explain why that is so and
what the Republican party has in
mind when it talks of the “thoughtful
consideration” to the veterans it has
always shown.
We are glad to see a man who al-
ways means what he says start out
on a campaign of this sort. To Gen.
Dawes we wish the best of luck and
lots of time.
A n———— A TR————
Beyond Human Nature.
From the Cleveland Plain Dealer.
A Massachusetts court rules that
a pedestrian is not obliged to jump
out of the way of an automobile.
Maybe—but it takes a lot of faith,
hope and stubbornness not to.
I ER ——
——1It’s all in the “Watchman” and
it’s all true.
st ap-
—Thieves forced an entrance to the
Sunbury Barber Supply company estab.
lishment, at Sunbury, early Saturday
morning and escaped with merchandise
valued at $250. Among the loot were five
dozen imported razors, a hundred pairs of
shears and a quantity of clippers and
combs, some of the articles being found in
different places in Sunbury.
—Although she has a fortune in her own
right, Miss Mary Cameron Packer, grand-
daughter of James C. Packer, millionaire
lawyer and horseman, who died several
years ago, at Sunbury, will become a train-
ed nurse. Miss Packer will enter the Pres-
byterian hospital, Philadelphia, September
1st. She has been a student at the fash-
ionable National Park school at Washing-
—Mrs. Daniel Cave, while shopping in
Sharon, last Friday, admired a diamond
ring in a 5 and 10 cent store. She paid the
clerk a dime for it and presented it to her
mother, Mrs. George Clayton. It was later
discovered that the ring, valued at $800,
was accidentally dropped in the store the
day previous by Mrs. Lloyd Thompson, of
Hot Springs, Arkansas. The ring was re-
turned and the purchaser liberally reward-
ed. .
—The State conscience fund was enrich
ed $25 on Monday by a contribution from
Seth E. Gordon, secretary of the Board of
Game Commissioners, who received the
money from a man who said he shot and
cooked a ring neck pheasant out of season
in 1921. The letter accompanying the mon-
ey declared “the Lord has laid it on my
heart to make it right. I prefer to with-
hold my name.” The letter was post-
marked Altoona. ; al
—Suit for $20,000 for breach of promise
of marriage was filed in Blair county court
on Monday by Pasquale Cerullo, 22 years
old, against Lucy Mirabaldi, aged 18, of
Altoona. He alleges they obtained a mar-
riage license November 22, last year, but
when he was unable to buy a home the en-
gagement was broken. Cerullo also al-
leges he gave the girl a diamond engage-
ment ring, breastpin, necklace, clothes and
perfume. The clothes were returned.
—All the Protestant churches of Hazle-
ton last Thursday night joined in a com-
munity service at Trinity Lutheran church
to celebrate the golden jubilee of that con-
gregation and also that of its pastor, the
Rev. John Wagner, who organized it and
has been its only minister. Tribute was
paid to the long career of Doctor Wagner
as a leader in the religious and civic life
of the city. Local pastors associated with
him in church activities made brief ad-
dresses. ; : (my
—Warren Grubb, aged 19 years and mar=
ried, ringleader of a trio of youths, who,
a week ago stole $300 from the safe in the
office of the A. 8S. Kreider Shoe company
at Lebanon, on Monday was sentenced by
Judge Henry to Huntingdon reformatory.
LeRoy Snyder, 18, was sentenced to four
months in the county jail and Robert Peif-
fer, aged 14 years, was paroled. Grubb
admitted he knew the combination of the
safe, having been formerly employed by
the Kreider company.
—John B. Delevan, an organizer for the
Ku Klux Klan, pleaded guilty to embez-
zlement of $4200 of the Klan’s money, in
county, obtained the money from candi-
dates desirous of joining the Klan. That
was too much money for Delevan, and he
skipped out, deserting his family. He was
arrested in Louisville, Kentucky, ”
—A murder mystery confronts Somerset
county police following the finding of the
body of an unidentified man in the Que-
mahoning dam, near Somerset. Three bul-
let holes were found in the body and a
rock weighing about 150 pounds was tied
to the legs. The pockets in the man's
clothing had been rifled, and all marks of
identification had been removed. Dr. H. 8.
Kimmel, county coroner, said the man
probably had been dead ten days. He es«
timated his age as 32 years and said he ap-
peared to be an Italian.
—Former Governor Martin G. Brum-
baugh has sold his home in Germantown,
and will leave that city to become presi-
dent of Juniata College, Huntingdon, Pa.
it was learned Friday. He is an alumnus
of the institution, which is operated by
the Church of the Brethren. Governor
Brumbaugh purchased the Germantown
residence in 1912. The present sale price
was $40,000. His acceptance of the presi-
dency of Juniata College marks the former
Governor's return to the pedagogical field,
since from 1906 until his election as Gover-
nor in 1914 he was superintendent of
schools in Philadelphia.
—Charles Pitello, former Mount Carmel
mail carrier, who is under bail for a $12,-
500 theft from the pouches has been held
in $1000 bail before Federal Commissioner
Engle, of Sunbury, on a charge of bootleg-
ging. At the same time John Rocco, a
friend, was held in $1000 bail as an accom-
plice in the mail theft. According to the
commissioner, the bootleg charge followed
the finding of a large qunantity of whis«
key, gin and wine in the Pitello cellar.
Pitello denies knowledge of the theft, says
he never made a confession, and avers that
he was put through the third degree by
state cops and government employees for
five days.
—Walter J. Herman, the nine year old
son of Henry E. Herman, of Lock Haven,
was fatally injured when struck by an au-
tomobile driven by Russell Snyder, of Mill
Hall, about 7:30 o'clock on Saturday even-
ing. Snyder and Albert Bowman, owner
of the car and who was in the machine
with Snyder, were arrested after the ac
cident but were released when it was defi.
nitely established that the accident was
unavoidable. The lad, who was playing
in the street, ran in front of the machine,
which was declared to be traveling at a
moderate rate of speed. The injured youth
was picked up and started to the hospital
but died before that institution was reach
—Resignation of the Rev. C. L. Hunter
as pastor of the First Baptist church, at
Huntingdon, because a number of his con-
gregation objected to his being a member
of the Ku Klux Klan, was followed Sun-
day night by a klan demonstration in
which more than 1000 hooded men from
Altoona, Johnstown and other western
Pennsylvania places participated. The
hooded gathering was addressed by Hunt-
er from the steps of the church, after
which there was a parade and band con-
cert. “I resign for the good of the con-
gregation,” Hunter said, “but I shall still
preach wherever I am needed and shall re«
main here to work for the klan cause” A
big Klan demonstration is scheduled to be
held in Huntingdon today.