Mercantile Appraisement. Notice is hereby given that the follow- ing persons and firms in Centre county have been appraised and liable for mercan- tile taxes for the year 1924, which are due and payable May 1st, 1924: +, RETAIL. AXE MANN. Edgefonte Filling Station, gas. Neese, John W., gas. O'Brian, G. W., coal. Rote, G. E., merchandise. ¥ AARONSBURG. Bower, A. F., merchandise. Krape, J. F., merchandise. Musser, C. E., candy. Rupp, Walter, meat. Rauchau, F. W., merchandise. Stover, E. G., auto supplies. Stover, A. S., paper and paint. ' BOALSBURG. Boalsburg Auto Bus Co., auto supplies. Charles, ¥. M., plumbing. George, cigars. Hazel, A. J., merchandise. Patterson, J. D., groceries. Rishel, 8. R., auto supplies. Ishler, J. G., meats. Zechman, J. F., furniture. . BLANCHARD. Bowes, W. A., coal Clark, J. H., merchandise. Deitz, W. C., mercLandise. Hoy, J. H., meat. Harter, N. I., auto supplies. Kunes, T. M., merchandise. Kessinger, W. F., merchandise. Moon, A. R., cigars. Page, A. E., groceries. Rothrock, Sarah, notions. Spangler, W. H., merchandise. Vonada, W. H., merchandise. BELLEFONTE. Armstrong, Earl, meat. A & P Tea Co., groceries. 3 Atlantic Refiining Co., gas and oil. Aikey, J. B., groceries. eon, C. W., cigars and pool. Ammerman, Mrs. Blanche, groceries. Blair, ¥. P. & Son, jewelry. Blackford, Clyde, cigars. Baum, Sim, clothing. Beezer, P. L., meat. Bonfatto, Guy, fruits. Bellefonte Lumber Co., lumber. Brouse, W. S., groceries. Bellefonte Baking Co., candy. Bracnbill, W. L., furniture. Bellefonte Hardware Co., hardware. Bickett, W. W., cigars. Bickle, J. I., groceries, Beatty Motor Co., auto supplies. Bellefonte Fuel & Supply Co., coal. Beezer, Geo. A., auto suplies. Bon Mot Candy Store, candy. Bottorf Bros., auto supplies. Bellefonte Hudson Sales Co., auto Sup. Beal, >: T., candy. 0 . F., gas. Centre Fuel & Building Co., coal. Cairns, T. W., paint. Caldwell & Son., plumbing. Crissman, L. H., cigars. Cohen & Co., merchandise. Casebeer Jewelry Store, jewelry. Cowher, H. D., clothing. Cooke, C. E., furniture. Coxey, W. C., groceries. City Bakery, candy. Carpeneto, J. L., green grocery Cooney, Elizabeth, millinery. City Cash Grocery, groceries. Colonial Restaurant, candy. The Cut Rate Store, drugs. Caco, Tony, shoe repairing. Deitrick, Dunlap Cadillac Co., autos and accessories. Dann, Frank & Bro., merchandise. Decker Bros., autos and accessories. Electric Supply Co., electric supplies. Eckel, J. R., meat market. Eckenroth, E. J., wall paper. Emerick, W. J., auto supplies. Finkelstine, David, pool room & cigars. Fauble, A., clothing. Galaida’s Fish Market, fish. Garman, E. F., notions. Genua, Angelo, shoe repairing. Garbrick Bros., merchandise. Gross, J. W., grocery. Gettig, L. H., meat market, Garbrick, H. E., merchandise. Garman, Ed, notions. Hazel, Thomas, groceries. Hoy, Henry & Son, merchandise. Harter’s Music Store, musical instru- ments. Hill, L. A., auto supplies. Herr & Heverly, groceries. Hockman, N. J., produce. Hazel & Co., dry goods. Heverly, J. O., auto supplies. Hunter, J. D., stationery. Hagen, Paige, Jewett Co., automobiles. Haupt, Lewis, merchandise. Haupt, Edward, merchandise. Holderman, J. A., merchandise. I. 0. 0. F. Club, cigars. Jodon, J. C., groceries. Jodon, Van, coal. Johnstonbaugh, George, merchandise. Kalin, Max., shoes. Katz, Wm. 8., dry goods. Krader Motor Co., auto supplies. Keichline, C. C., confectionery. Knisely, Geo. H., cigars. Knisely, J. H., cigars. Lyon Co., dry goods. Lyons & Witmer, plumbers. Landsy, M. A, cigars. Musser, L. H., machinery. Morgan, S. J., art and beauty shop. Miles, Mrs. E. G., candy and cigars. Mallory Studio, art gallery. Mott Drug Co., drugs. Mingle, A. C. shoes. Miller, Geo. A., hardware. Montgomery & Co., clothing, McGinley, A. L., wall paper. McCaimont & Co., coal. Miller, Mrs. David, merchandise. McGarvey, P. H., auto supplies. McCrory & Co., 5 and 10 cent. Mayer, F. M., Mill No. 1, flour. Mayer, F. M., Mill No. 2, flour and feed. Mulbarger, Charles, merchandise. Nighthart & Son, cigars. Olewine, John Est., hardware. Oriole Stores, groceries. Powers, Ada, art shop. Poorman, S. H., auto supplies. _ Potter-Hoy Hardware Co., hardware. Parker, Wm. J., supplies. Parrish, C, M., drugs. Rossman, J. B., auto supplies. Runkle, 11. B., drugs. uhl, Harry, ars. Smith, Russell, confectionery and ice cream. Scortino Bros., green grocery. Spigelmyer & Co., china store. Sha er, H. B., hardware. Schlow, Charles, ready-to-wear. Schad, A. E., plumbing. Schofield, James, saddler.. Showers, J. M. & Co., coal. Shaughnessy, Thos., pool and cigars. Spangler, Wesley, merchandise. Teaman, Edward, merchandise. Thomas, M. J., coal. Twitmire, W. T., hardware. Thall, Joseph, confectionery. Tate, C. F., plumber. Van Ingen, R. N., autos & accessories. ‘Whitten, Israel, merchandise. Whitmer, R. C., merchandise. ‘Weiss Pure Food Store, groceries. Winton, Harry & Son, coal Wagner, C. Y. & Son, flour and feed. Willard, D. I. & Son, clothing. Waite, Darius, machinery. Wagner, Hugh B., merchandise. West, F. W. & Co., furniture. Yeager, H. C., shoes. Young, Frank, merchandise. Zeller & Son, drugs. CENTRE HALL. Boozer, D. A., auto Fupplica. Benner, G. O., merchandise. Bradford & Co., flour mill. Bradford, David, merchandise. Bland, W. H., merchandise. Centre Hall Pharmacy Co., drugs. Campbell, R. P., cigars. Coldron, M. C., pool room. Dauberman, J. meat. Emerick, G. H., autos. Emery, C. F., merchandise. Fetterolf, James, merchan Lek, Poe adie. ood ames, merchan Goodhart, F. V., furniture & undertaking Geary, F. P., merchandise. Grove, B. Gardner, merchandise. Herr, Max, merchandise. Homan’s Garage, autos. Henney, Mrs. Lucy, merchandise. Hockman, C. N,, feed. Ishler, George. merchandise. Rossman, H. D., merchandise. Smith, C. A., merchandise. Smith, L. L., e. Shaffer, R. J., ho Smith, Thos. L., hardware & tin shop. ingle, ‘W. H., merchandise. McCoy, Miss Tmma, merchandise. McClenahan, Wm., coal and grain. Meliss, George, merchan Mitterling, D. C., cigars. Mitterling, D. C., ice cream. Oriole Stores, groceries: Odenkirk, W. A., merchandise. ‘Whiteman, John W., cigars. ‘Auman, N. A., groceries. al COBURN. Atlantic Refining Co., oil. Coburn Farm Products Co., produce. Coburn Coal & Grain Co., coal. Dinges, Lloyd, feed. Eisenhuth, R. T., produce. Kerstetter, J. M., merchandise. Kern, I. P., groceries. Malone, F. J., merchandise. Mingle, A, E., merchandise. Musser, C. E, & Son, merchandise. Vonada & Son, auto supplies. CLARENCE. Big Sandy Supply Co., merchandise. Brooks, Jacob, merchandise. Brooks, George, merchandise. Clarence Corporation, merchandise. Central Garage, auto supplies. Freidman, Jacob, merchandise. Frobetza, Mike, merchandise. Harm, O. J., merchandise. Hall, W. B. & Son, cigars. Koshko Bros, cigars. Kachik, A. M., cigars. Kachik, J. M., grocery. Pinchok, George, grocery. Reeser, Harry, meat. CURTIN. Bald Eagle Supply Co., merchandise. Heaton, James, candy. FLEMING. Calhoun, Roy, gas. Holt, Orrie, ice cream. Holt, G. W., groceries. Holt, 8. W., lumber. Janet, Harry, produce Fisher, J. H., produce. McElwain Bros., merchandise. McQuigg, C. J., gas. Stere, H. N., merchandise. Smith, Frank M., feed. Stere, J. B., merchandise. Shirk, J. H., produce. FILLMORE. Hoover, G. B., groceries. HOWARD. Atlantic Refining Co., gas. Carter, Walter, produce. Haines, J. I., produce. Kline, H. A., produce. Long, W. H., feed. Lucas, C. C., merchandise. Lucas, O. M., candy. McCartney, Rowland, groceries. Moore, H. A Est., drugs. Miner, M., jewelry. Musser, G. H., produce. Pletcher, Harold, cigars. Pletcher, Charles E., oil. Pletcher, T. A., harness. Pletcher, I. B., groceries. Shawley, Thomas, candy. Shank, A. A. hardware. Baney’s Garage, auto supplies. Berry’s Garage, auto supplies. Sando, J. 8., groceries. reen, Edw., groceries. Gledhill, A. D., candy. Weber, B. & Son, merchandise. Wolfe, S. J., merchandise. Yearick, Clarence, candy. Yearick, Walter, meat. HUBLERSBURG. Hoy, George F., merchandise. Miller, Max, produce. Vonada, Carrie, ice cream. JULIAN. Beals, E. E., ice cream. Lorah, Mabel, coal. Mattern, H. K., produce. Parsons, W. P., groceries. Tallhelm, G. W., groceries. Turner, J. H., merchandise. KATO. Kato Supply Co., merchandise. LIVONIA. Stover, George B., groceries. LINDEN HALL. Ross, J. H., merchandise. Shoemaker, Philip, merchandise. Shoemaker, Philip, merchandise. Shearer, Wesley, produce. LEMONT. Bohn, Geo. J., jewelry. Fishel, John, groceries. Kustenborder, Hurry, gas. Klinger & Tharp, candy. Evey, A. H., groceries. Evey, E. W. & Son, produce. Lenker, J. E., merchandise. Getz & Son, stoves. Mitchell, John H., hardware. Ross, E. C., merchandise. Schreck Bros., auto supplies. Houser, Paul, auto supplies. MARTHA. Eberts, O. B., merchandise. Richards, D. R., auto supplies. MONUMENT. Bergner, Albert, groceries. Strickland, A. R., ice cream. Vulcan Trading Co., merchandise. MOSHANNON. Grove, A. A., merchandise. Lewis, LeRoy, merchandise. MADISONBURG. Bartges, C. E., jewelry. Confer, N. F., merchandise. Evert, Thomas, merchandise. Uhl, H. J., produce. MUNSON. Goldberg, Ike, merchandise. MINGOVILLE. Hockman, A. F., feed. Workman, C. E., merchandise. MILLHEIM. Bowersox, B. F., drugs. Breon, C. H., auto supplies. Burd, Mrs. L. B., millinery. Best, F. & Son, produce. Boob, John M., meat. : Deitrick, A. B., 5 and 10 cent store. Frank, A. A. & Son, merchandise. Campbell, S. M., furniture. Columbus, Sol, junk. Fye, D. K,, cigars. Hosterman & Stover, hardware. Johnson, A. KE. groceries. Kessler, A., clothing, Leitzell, H. H., produce. Miller, Charles A., auto supplies. Mauck, BE. W. McMullen Bros. Mill No. 1, feed. McMullen Bros., Mill No. 2, feed. Nyman, D. J. clothing. Oriole Stores, groceries. Ripka, BE. 8., cigars. Stover, R. E., Jewelry. Stover, Charles, machinery. Spigelmyer, J., groceries. Snyder’s Bakery, candy. Schreckengast, E. R., merchandise. Smith & Adams, millinery. Springer, 8. R., cigars. rich, T. B., cigars. Wiser, F. F., gas. Weaver, L. 1. lumber. MILESBURG. Alexander, C. B., coal. Adams, Mary C., candy. Hummer, E. J., drugs. Irwin, B. H,, coal. Jodon, C. C., groceries. Miles, O. E. & Son, merhcandise. Milesburg Store Co., merchandise. Milesburg Garage, auto supplies. McColiough, N. J. & Son, merchandise. Newman, Wm., groceries. Pifer, George, meat. ie Sprankle, F. C., groceries. Spicer, Mrs. Effie, auto supplies. Smith . W., cigars. Smith. E, 'W., merchandise. Wetzler, F. L., general merchandise. NITTANY. Betz, M. 8., merchandise, , J. H. & Son, merchandise. Ressingor, W. E., groceries, Long, H. A. & Son, meats. Mauck, C. W., auto supplies. Peck Bros., merchandise. Strunk, W. B., cigars. Vonada, E. E., merchandise. Yearick, M. H., merchandise. ORVISTON. Orviston Supply Co., general Mds. Young, Fred, general merchandise. OAK HALL. Etters, Clayton, feed. Folk, Wm., furnaces. Kidder & Raymond, coal. Louder. R. J., merchandise. Walker, A., lumber. OSCEOLA MILLS. Ashcroft, James, groceries. Dixon, Mrs. Jerry, groceries. Dimick, Joe, groceries. Goss, B.J groceries. Garish, T, J., groceries. Heins Auto Co., auto supplies. PLEASANT GAP. Jodon & Somers, auto supplies. Horner, 8. 8., candy. Lex, Joseph, meat. NonStop LH) lien ., auto : Noll, W. H. & Son, merchandise. Noll, Ray C., Sigass, Evey, Wade 8., bread, Spicer, Robert, cigars. Stitzer, C. K., merchandise. Koshmark, Ben, groceries. Koshmark Bros., groceries. Wood, Wm., hardware. Maxwell Trading Co., merchandise. eet ere be————————————————————————————————————— ee Southard, Homer, auto supplies. Zigner, Anthony, groceries. POWELTON. Vulcan Trading Co., merchandise. PINE GLENN. Beats, Edith, candy. Boak, Sallie, candy. PORT MATILDA. Heckman, J. T., merchandise. Bennett, Wm. & Son, merchandise. Berry & Artz, millinery. Dean, Allison, auto supplies. Hoover, W. T., hardware. Lykens, H. B. & Son, merchandise. Leitzell, Samuel, plumbing. Reese, A. W., merchandise. Reese, George, meat. Sharer, Maude, groceries. Miles, Roy, merchandise. Putt, Ella, groceries. Pringle, C. N., groceries. Williams & Reese, cigars. ‘Williams Bros., feed. Woodring, H. C,, cigars. Williams, A. Q. auto supplies. PENNSYLVANIA FURNACE. Goheen, R. G., meat. Port, W. R., candy. Rossman, J. B,, auto supplies. Tressler, Aaron, oils. ‘Ward, W. 8., merchandise. PINE GROVE MILLS. Auman, E. H., feed. Barr, David, candy. Dunlap, Geo. R., merchandise. Elder, Ed, J., harness. Keller, John & Co., coal. Lauck’s Garage, auto supplies. Martz, E. C., merchandise. Reed, George A., cigars. Stuck & Kline, auto supplies. Thompson, W. F., candy. ‘Williams, J. H., harness. PHILIPSBURG. Acton, Harry, cigars. Atlantic Refining Co., gas and oil. A & P Tea Co., groceries. Ashcroft Flower Shop, flowers. Ammerman, George B., auto supplies, Addelman & Ratowsky, dry goods. A & P Tea Co. No. 2, groceries. Agan, J. B., groceries. Addelman, Lewis Co., clothing. Brown Shoe Shop, shoes. Balestrere, Frank, fruits. Brown; W. B., drugs. Buzzel, Edw., drugs. Beals, John, groceries. Butlen, Wm., cigars. Birchfield, W. L., novelties. Bodley, E. H., groceries. Brink, Mrs. Emma, cigars. Copeland, Duke, feed. Callahan, H. A., meat. Carpenter, M. M., millinery. Cole, Frank W., plumbing supplies. Corrigan, J. J., cigars. Chocolate Shop, candy. Croyle, EF. C., candy. Cole, R. T., auto supplies. Centre Lumber Co., lumber. Centre Milling Co., feed. Dinsmore, R. P., auto supplies. Dennison, D. J., auto supplies. Delancy, W. F., meat. Davis, C. H., jewelry. Demmi & Flegal, auto supplies. Demmi, E. E., plumbing. Driver & Hoons, cigars. Elljay Stores, dry goods. Erb, C. W,, cigars. Emery’s Candy Kitchen, candy. Edwards, John S., shoes. Erhart, C. B., groceries. Electric Supply Co,, electric supplies. Flegal, H. 8., auto supplies. Finberg, Lewis, junk. Freeman, Wm. & Sons, meat. Fullington, Paul, groceries. Finberg, Max, junk. Gill, W. F., sporting goods. Guelick, P. L., auto supplies. Gilbur, D. B., groceries. Grebe Bros., cigars. Good Service Vulcanizing Co., tires. Grimm, R. H., paints. Goodrich, Dora, groceries. Gatras, Gus, candy. Olsen, BE. G., meat. Garfinkle, Henry, groceries. Hendon Store, groceries. Harper, H. E., candy. Humphrey Bros., plaster board. Hoffer’'s Novelty Store, novelties. Haworth Furniture Co., furniture. Hagerty Hardward Co., hardware. Hoffman, F. L., cigars. Hagerty Baking Co., candy. Hollings, Walter, jewelry. Hockman, Mrs. M., groceries. Hopkins, James, cigars. Hindle, Jokn, groceries. Ibberson Drug Co., drugs. Ibberson, John, not” ons. Independent Oil Co., gas. Jaffee, A., fruit. Jones, Calvin, paint. Jones & Co., hardware. Jones, Ed. G., merchandise. Johnston, D. J., candy. Kellock, G. M., groceries. Keystone Grocery & Tea Co., groceries. Kennard, R. W., jewelry. Kassab, Casper, junk. Kephart, J. F., hardware. Kline, J. O., harness. Koplin, Morris, junk. Lutz, A. D., washing machines. Lupton, John C., jewelry. McCrory & Co., 5 and 10 cent store. McGuire Bros., clothing. Maurer, Raymond, hardware. Mastos, G. T., cigars. Myers, G. W., cigars. Mock, Miss E. H., millinery. Matterns Meat Market, meat. Musser, M. 8. & O. B., groceries. Mark, H. A. Motor Co., auto supplies. McCausland, F. G., jewelry. Model Shop, clothing. Markowitz, A., junk. Mayes, George, groceries. Meadow Garage, auto supplies. Nason’s Garage, auto supplies. Nash, H. R., groceries. Newberry, Harry, groceries. Norris, T. H. & Son, groceries. Owens, W. T., furniture. Owens, C. W., musical instruments. Oregon Mercantile Co., groceries. Olympic Billiard Co., pool and cigars. Oxley, Watson Co., dry goods. Pritchard, Josiah, auto supplies. Parker, G. G., flowers. Plank & Bower, cigars. Purity Milk Co., butter. Pioneer Tea Room, candy. Phillips Cigar Stand, cigars. Point Cash Grocery, groceries. Philinsburg Machine Co., machinery. Parskey, Lewis, clothing. Philipsburg Radiator Co., radiators. uality Boot Shop. shoes. oeling, J. M. & Co., jewelry. eed. feed rds Ou v Rushnok, Steve, groceries. Rauchle, Lewis, groceries. Rothrock Studio, art gallery. Rittenhouse, H. D., groceries. Stemphley Furniture Co., furniture. Style Shop, clothing. Sherokey, 3. groceries. Stott Motor Co., auto supplies. Stonebraker, W. F., groceries. Solomon D., groceries. Smith, F. & R., dry goods. Singer Sewing Machine Co., sewing ma- chines. Sandcroft, F. 8., millinery. Stine, M., groceries. Sloan & Stone, dry goods. Troutwine, George F., drugs. Woodring’s Meat Shop, meat. Workman’s Cash Grocery No. 16, gro- ceries. Workman’s Cash Grocery No. 13, gro- ceries. Workman’s Cash Grocery No. 4, grocery. Williams, Polly, groceries. y Wiltzik, Philip, clothing. Weber, Frank Estate, furniture. Woomer, Robert, groceries. Walton, Albert, drugs. What To Wear Shop, clothing. Julick, Conrad, groceries. Yonkey, August, groceries. Zeff, Simon, dry goods. REBERSBURG. Bierley, W. F. & Son, produce. Bierley, C. C., prodyce. Bierley, 8. A., produce. Bender, Fred, gas. Corman, 8. A., produce. Daveler, J. R., cigars. Garrett, J. T., auto supplies. Hubler, F. C. furs. Haines, M. SG merchandise. Kephart, 8. E., merchandise. ‘Waite, J. B., produce. ™ RU. = Bennet, BE. 8, merchandise. Hl Iddings, Clara, candy. STATE COLLEGE. Atlantic Refining Co., gas. Athletic Store, athletic goods. Tea Co., groceries. Behrers, Harry, hardware. Bosley, H. F., cigars. Brown, Henry, junk. Breon & Stover, cameras. Corl, John, feed. Cresson Lumber Co., lumber. College Quick Lunch, cigars. Corl, Ira, groceries. Decker Bros., auto supplies. Deal, Albert & Son, plumbing. - Electric Supply Co., electric supplies. Fashion Shop, clothing. Fye’'s Grocery Store, groceries. Fye's Cash & Carry Grocery, groceries. Fye, L. D., dry goods. Fenway Tea Room, candy. Foster Philip, coal. Fromm, Maurice, clothing. Gentzel, W. P., merchandise. Goss, George A., plumbing. Germerd, E. W., clothing. Gilliland, Ray D., drugs. Graham, George T., cigars. Gregory Bros., candy. Homan, Park R., lumber. Houser, E. P. gas. Harris, James, cigars. Houser, J. H., paint, Hoy, Walter, groceries. Haugh, John & Sons, groceries. Herwitz, Edith, clothing. Harper, George, auto #applies. Hagg, L. M., coal. Ladies Sample Shop, clothing. Leitzell, F., confectionery. Kimport, Myra, millinery, Krumrine, Ralph, cigars. Keller, H. N., feed. Keifer-Nolan Co., hardware. Knox, W. W., cigars. Kershaw, Robert, coal. Myers, H. M., auto supplies. Miller, J. Sumner, groceries. Meek, J. B., cigars. Myers, H. M., cigars. Myers, J. J., meats, Musser’s Garage, auto supplies. Metzger, L. K., stationery. Martz, Mrs. Esther, groceries. Musser, C., harness. Musser, J. H., groceries. Musser, H. N., fencing. Montgomery & Co., clothing. Marris, Albert, candy. Music Room, musical instruments. Martin, J. B., cigars. Nearhood, G. M., auto supplies. Neidigh, J. D., dry goods. O'Neil, Budd T., groceries. Porter & Weber, paint. Probst, C. E., cigars. Penn State Auto Co., auto supplies. Robison, C. W., coal. Rexall Drug Store, drugs. Schlow’s Qulaity Shop, clothing. State College Motor Co., auto supplies. State College Fuel & Supply Co., coal. State College Fuel & Supply Co., gas. Showers, H. W., clothing. Snyder, Cora, millinery, Struble Grocery Co., groceries. State College Billiard Co., pool & cigars. Smith, W. E., clothing. : Snyder, C. E., auto supplies. Smith, George L., cigars. State University Shoe Co., shoes. Scherer, C. A., cigars. State Shirt Shop, shirts. Serfas, Paul, cigars. Shillings, C. T., cigars. Tressler, Ezra, meat. Taylor, W. F., groceries. The Twentieth Century Shoe Co., shoes. The Vogue Shop, notions. The Crabtree Co., jewelry. The State Realty Co., merchandise. The State College Bakery, candy. The Varsity Pool Parlor, cigars. Van Zant, M. H., meat. Winter's Meat Market, meat. Woomer, Lynn, cement. . Weiss Pure Food Store, groceries. ‘Wasson, E. G., butter. SPRING MILLS. Auman, U. G., groceries Boal, Mrs. J. G., bread. Breon, Willis E., produce. Bartley, Ray C., shoes. . Eungard, Cleve, Machinery. Houser, E. J., auto supplies. Fetteroff, Homer W., feed. Carson, F. A,, merchandise. Condo, 8. 8., candy. Corman, O. T., groceries. Grove, Arthur, coal. Krape, C. A, shoes. Dunlap, A. C., cigars. Detwiler, P. K., cigars. Ennist & Hanna, groceries. Leister, C. A., produce. Lee, W. E., cigars. Long, C. P. & Co., merchandise. Myer Bros., auto supplies. Myer, J. F., meat. Myer, B. G., cigars. Philips, Frank, auto supplies. Penn Hall Garage, auto supplies. Rishel J. H., merchandise. Reed. H. C., produce. Rote, 8. R., groceries. Rossman, H. F., merchandise. Smith, B. E., merchandise. Smith, John & Bro., furniture. Smith, Earl, merchandise. SNOW SHOE. Atlantic Refining Co. gas Bland, Mrs. Rena, millinery. Brooks, Harry, cigars. Confer, John & Sons, auto supplies. Harm, Mrs. H. M., merchandise. McLaughlin, M. J., merchandise. Mastos, Tony, meat. Russell, James, groceries. Rotinnio, Joe, fruits. Watson, C. Gray, cigars. SANDY RIDGE. Barnett, R. J., groceries. Cowher, Levi, meat. Heath, L. B., candy. Frasco Bros., groceries. Barchello, Charles, groceries, Smith, Francis M., groceries. Smith, F. W., cigars. Wise, W. D., cigars. Woomer, Harry, groceries. Twigg, 8. E., merchandise. SMULLTON. Stover, H. H., coal and groceries. ‘Walizer, 8. A., groceries. STORMSTOWN. Burkett, I. G., merchandise. Gray, John D., produce. Griffin, H. P., merchandise. Eves, Chester, produce. Eves, John, produce. Mattern, J. C., produce. Thomas, I. L., auto supplies. Thomas, D. R., produce. Waite, H, B., produce. TUSSEYVILLE. Ramer, C. P., merchandise, WOODWARD. Feidler, 8. J., produce. Long, H. F., produce. Motz, E. W. Co., merchandise. Orndorf, I. M., machinery. Orndorf, L. D., groceries. Orndorf, 8. H., groceries. Refmer, Walter, produce. Stover, Braid. ADDLE. Cass, Jacob, meat. Hoy, John Est., merchandise. WOLF’S STORE. Heinselman, J. B., merchandise. Weaver, D. B. Sons, feed. WINGATE. Davidson & Sons, candy and ice cream. Witmer, Mrs. Ida, groceries. WARRIORSMARK. Dermith, Samuel, merchandise. YARNELL. Confer, Ed., groceries. Miller, H. O., gas. ZION. Noll, B. A., merchandise. WHOLESALE LICENSES. AARONSBURG. Crouse, H. E., produce. BOALSBURG. Brouse,’ W. H., produce. BELLEFONTE. Atlantic Refining Co., gas and oil. Bellefonte Distributing Co., Gro. Sup. Bonfatto, Guy, fruits. Beatty Motor Co., autos. Beezer, Geo. A., autos. Bellefonte Fuel & Supply Co., grain, Centre Oil & Gas Co., oil and gas. Imperial Refining Co., oil and gas. Decker Bros., autos. Hoy, et & Son, produce. Hockman, N. J., grain, Krader Motor Co., autos. Lauderbaugh-Zerby Co., groceries. Mayer, Frank M., Mill No. 1, feed. Mayer, Frank M., Mill No. 2, feed. Musser, Geo. F. & Co., groceries. McCalmont & Co., coal. Fotter-Hol. Hardware Co., hardware. Scortino, Frank & Bro., fruits. Van Ingen, R. N., autos. Wagner, C. Y¥. & Co., grain, COBURN. Atlantic Refining Co., oil and gas. Coburn Grain & Creamery Co., grain. Coburn Farm Products Co., produce. Malone, F. J. CENTRE HALL. Bartholomew, Charles, produce. Bradford & Co., ain. Dauberman, J. G., produce. ockman, C.'M., produce. McClenahan, Wm., grain. Kerlin, A. B., produce. FLEMING. Holt, G. W., lumber. HOWARD. Atlantic Refining Co., oil and gas. mr TREATS TRY, Deihl, Joseph D., produce. Long, W. H., grain. HUBLERSBURG. Hublersburg Supply Co., produce. LEMONT. Butler Oil & Sales Co., oil and gas. oss, E. C., merchandise. LINDEN Gingerich Bros., hay. Ross, Lynn W., grain. Shoemaker, P. C., hay. Wieland, F. E,, MINGOVILLE. Hockman, A. F., feed. NITTANY. Eckley, G. G., produce. OAK HALL. Ferree, W. A., produce. Kidder, Raymond, grain. TUSSEYVILLE. Rockey, W. A., produce. PHILIPSBURG. Atlantic Refining Co., oil and gas. Balestrere, Frank, fruit. Cole, R. T., autos. Centre Milling Co., grain. Finberg, Isaac, junk. Gill Manufacturing Co., hardware. Guelick, P. L., autos. Hoffman, Frank, cigars. Hoffman & Runk, produce. Independent Oil Co., oil and gas. Jaffee, A., fruits. Kephart, J. F., hardware. Lauderbaugh-Zerby Co., groceries. , J. O., grain. Swift & Co., meats. PLEASANT GAP. Jodon & Summers, autos. PORT MATILDA. Crain, C. W., lumber. Williams Bros., grain. REBERSBURG. Bierly, S. A., produce. SNOW SHOE. Atlantic Refining Co., oil and gas. SPRING MILLS, Fetteroff, Homer W., grain. Spring Mills Creamery Co., produce. STATE COLLEGE. Atlantic Refining Co., oil and gas. Decker Bros., autos. Neidigh, J. B., grain. Snyder, C. E., autos. State Colege Fuel & Supply Co., gas. State College Commission Co., hay. Markle, W. F., meat. Grubb, R. 8., groceries. Haugh, John & Sons, groceries. BROKERS. HOWARD. McDowell, Harry. BELLEFONTE. Hunter, Robert. Keichline, J. M. PHILIPSBURG. Bair, W. T. Curtis, A. B. & Co. STATE COLLEGE. Holmes, J. L. Lederer, Eugene H, Mason, Walter. Patrick, A. L. State Realty Co. MILLHEIM Shelton, W. 8. THEATRE. BELLEFONTE. Brown, T. C., movie. Brown, T. C., theatre. CLARENCE. Hall, W. B. & Son, movie. PHILIPSBURG. Rowland theatre. Seven Stars theatre, movie. STATE COLLEGE. Pastime theatre. Nittany theatre. MILLHEIM. Ladies Improvement Club Theatre. SNOW SHOE. Menchio, Cas movie. NDY RIDGE. Dagen, J. G. POOL. BLANCHARD. Moon, A. R.,, BELLEFONTE. Andersan, C. W, Bicketts, W. W. Finkelstine, D. Philipsburg hardware Co., hardware. Reed Shaughnessy, Thomas. CLARENCE. Hall, W. B. & & Sons. CENTRE Mitterling, D. C. ; HOWARD. t Yearick, C. A. i MILLHEIM. i Springer, 8. R. Spigelmyer, J. : MILESBURG. ki } Smith, BE. W. oie} ORVISTON. ‘ Orviston Supply Co. PLEASANT GAP. Noll, Ray C. & PHILIPSBURG. Butlin, Wm. Corrigan, J. J. Erb, C. W. Olympic Billiard Parlor. Myers, J. W. ; Palace Billiard Parlor. fits Plank & Bower. ‘ SNOW SHOE. Brooks, Harry. McLaughlin, M. J. PINE GROVE MILLS. Reed, George A. STATE COLLEGE. The State Billiard & Bowling Co. Varsity Pool Parlor. Myers, Henry M. RESTAURANTS AND EATING HOUSES. BELLEFONTE. Blackford, Clyde, restaurant. Colonial Restaurant. Knisely, Geo. H., restaurant. Miles, Mrs. E. J., restaurant. Last Resort Tea Room. BOALSBURG. Ferguson, George, restaurant. CENTRE HALL. Whiteman, Mrs. Bell, restaurant. Lambert, Mrs. H. J., restaurant. CLARENCE. i Hall, W. B. & Sons, Tea Room. Kachik, J. M., restaurant. : HOWARD. . Green, Edward, restaurant. . Lucas, 0. M., restaurant. : Pletcher, Harold, restaurant. Yearick, C. A., restaurant. MILLHEIM. Fye, D. K., restaurant. . PENNA. FURNACE. Port, W. R., Tea Room. MILESBURG. Spicer, Mrs. Effie, restaurant. Smith, E. W., restaurant. NITTANY. Strunk, W. B., Tea Room. : PORT MATILDA. 3 Williams and Reese, Tea Room. } PHILIPSBURG. 3 Corrigan, J. J., Tea Room. : Chocolate Shop. \ Brink, Mrs. Emma, restaurant. Freeman, Harry Est. restaurant. McMullen, Charles, restaurant. Mastos, G. T., restaurant. Pioneer Tea Room. : Philips Coffee Shop, restaurant. > PINE GROVE MILLS. y Reed, Geo. A., restaurant. . REBERSBURG. Daveler, J. R., restaurant. SPRING MILLS. Myers, B. J., restaurant. SNOW SHOE. : Brooks, Harry, restaurant. i STATE COLLEGE. ! Campus Tea Room, restaurant. . Coffee Shop, restaurant. ’ Bosley, H. F., restaurant. 3 College Quick Lunch, restaurant. Fenway Tea Room, restaurant. Lion Quick Lunch, restaurant. Knox, W. W., restaurant. Meek, T. B., restaurant. Pine Tree Inn, restaurant. SANDY RIDGE. Smith, Francis M., restaurant. FLEMING. Fisher, Mrs. Dora, restaurant. For ihe purpose of correcting any er- rors of appraisement an appeal will be held at the County Treasurer's office at the Court House in Bellefonte, Pa, on Tuesday, July 8th, between the hours of 9 a. m. and 1 p. m., when and where all those who desire may attend. W. H. STUART, Mereantile Appraiser. hr 69-24-4t Lyon & Co. Lyon & Co. June Specials only $14.48 Countless Economies here for Thrifty Shoppers. All Summer Dress Fabrics at speci- ally Low Prices. 36in. Percales 18c. 300 yds. Dress Lawns, Voiles, Etc. in all colors, values up to 75¢c---special at 33c. One lot Fine Plaid Gingham, regular price 75c., our price 43c. Silk Hose All colors in Ladies Silk Hose reduced— $2.50 quality now $1.75 lo wae OE Ladies Suits See our All Wool Ladies Coat Suits—- Silk Vests Ladies Silk Vests, all colors, now 90c. Reductions in All Parts of the Store It will be to Your Advantage to See our Bargains Lyon & Co. « Lyon & Co.
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