P————— Church Services Next Sunday. ST. JOHN'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Services beginning June 8th: Whit Sunday, 8 a. m. Holy Eucharist; 8:45 a. m. Mattins; 9:45 a. m. church school; 11 a. m. procession, Holy Eu- charist and sermon; 7:30 p. m. even- song and sermon. Whitsun-Monday, 7:30 a. m. Holy Eucharist. Other week day services omitted. Visitors always welcome. Rev. M. DeP. Maynard, Rector. ST. JOHN'S REFORMED CHURCH. Next Sunday morning at 10:45 the Patriotic Order Sons of America will attend their annual memorial service, to be held in St. John’s Reformed church. Dr. Schmidt will deliver the address. Evening service at 7:30. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Ambrose M. Schmidt, D.D., Minister METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. All the services will be held at the usual time. Rev. C. Shuey will have charge at both morning and evening service. Children’s day will be observed the 15th of June. The Sunday school picnic will be held the third Thursday of June. E. E. McKelvey, Pastor. £T. JOHN'S LUTHERAN CHURCH. «The Friendly Church.” Whitsunday. Sunday school 9:30 a. m. Report of nominating committee. Morning worship 10:45, “Descent of the Holy Spirit.” Vesper service 7:30 “Without Faith It Is Impossible.” Visitors always welcome. Mrs. Rob- ert S. Walker, director of music. Rev Wilson P. Ard, Minister PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Morning worship 10:45, theme, “Proving Our Religion.” Evening worship 7:30, theme, “The Problem of Living.” william C. Thompson, Pastor. —————— pe ————————— PLEASANT GAP. Miss Beatrice Noll is now our as- sistant postmistress. She is unusual- ly well fitted for the position. She is very attentive to her duties and is giving the public the best of service, hence all are delighted. Don’t forget the festival at Noil’s grove, on Saturday evening, by the Loyal workers of the Lutheran church. The I. 0. 0. F band will enliven the occasion with choice selections. This band is quite a drawing card here. Walter Dunklebarger, our ice cream manufacturer, is strictly in it, since the enormous traveling public motor to the top of Nittany mountain each Sunday, and naturally consume 2 large amount of ice cream served by the restaurant there. Walter supplies the restaurant with the delicious stuff. John Larimer, late of Bellefonte, has become a citizen of Pleasant Gap, moving here a few weeks ago. J ohn is a regular employee at the peniten- tiary so the change of residence 1s beneficial to him, being so much near- er to his work. Besides, he was al- ways partial towards gaining a resi- dence in the garden spot of the world. Mrs. Minnie McGinley, of Cleve- land, Ohio, was a caller at the home of Mrs. Jack Noll on Monday even- ing. Mrs. McGinley will be remem- bered by her friends as Minnie Martz, who spent her school days in this town where the family lived for eight years. Her father, Charles Martz, is now a resident of Pine Grove Mills. The Gap’s favorite, Rev. Ard, deliv- ered one of his soul-thrilling orations here on Memorial day and as usual, his discourse was highly appreciated by all. He is so original, natural, at- tractive and direct; limpid in phrase and pure in fancy. His best eloquence flows in a stream, his intense sug- gestiveness is the cause of thought in others. Mrs. 0. C. Campbell, of Barnes- boro, hag been visiting with her moth- er, Mrs. Potter Tate, the past ten days. Mrs. Campbell visits here twice a year and the community always ad- mires her presence, as she always brings an abundance of sunshine with her. She is so cheerful, contented and happy, hence has become quite a de- sirable favorite here. The M. E. young ladies’ blow-out held at Noll’s grove on Saturday even- ing was a decided success. They had a very liberal attendance. The pro- ceeds exceeded one hundred dollars. The Odd Fellows band furnished the music for the occasion, their presence no doubt adding materially in getting out the record crowd. While we have an abundance of chin. music at the Gap, unfortunately we have no band of our own, hence it is that it is mon- ey judiciously spent to have a band on such occasions, since it’s presence al- ways aids in swelling the financial end of the proposition. —— NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Pr ARAGES FOR RENT.—Room for 1 car in each. Apply at this office. 69-23-3t IVORCE NOTICE.—Jennie McCrack- en vs. George McCracken, ian the Court of Common Pleas of Centre County. No. 47, December Term, 1923. Te George McCracken, Respondent : County. No. 47 December Term 1923. To George McCrecken, Respondent: You are hereby notified that I, the un- dersigned, have been appointed Master by the Court of Common Pleas of Centre County to take the testimony in the above stated case, in which your wife, Jennie McCracken, has brought suit against you for an absolute divorce on the grounds desertion and report the same to Court together with my findings of facts, opin- jon and recommendation in said case; and for the purpose of performing the duties of my appointment I will meet all parties interested at my office in the Thompson Building on west ngh street in the bor- ough of Bellefonte, entre county, Penn- sylvania, at 10 o’clock a. m., June 23rd, 1924, at which time and place you may ap- pear with your witnesses and be heard if you so desire. ARTHUR C. DALE, 69-23-3t Master. Window Blinds slight Seconds soc. pair, Sash Rods 5c. up, Rag and Grass Rugs—Most At- tractive Curtain Goods and Cretonnes. Garmans NEW ADVERTISEMENTS NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OR SALE.—Refrigerator, in good con- dition. Inquire of G. OSCAR GRAY, Bellefonte, Pa. 69-23-1t OTICE.—OF SPECIAL CORPORATE MEETING OF THE MEMBERS OF THE BELLEFONTE HOS- PITAL. WHEREAS, All the present Trustees of The Bellefonte Hospital have tendered their resignations as such Trustees, in- cluding the resignation as officers of any of them that are at present officers of said corporation, and resignation of member- ship on any co;nmittees of the Board, all said resignations to take effect upon the election of a new Board of Trustees to be elected at the corporate meeting herein- after mentioned; NOW NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that a special corporate meeting of the mem- bers of the Bellefonte Hospital will be held Sf tho COURT HOUSE, IN BELLEFONTE, ON MONDAY, JUNE 9, 1924, AT 7:30 O'CLOCK P. M., for the following purposes: 1st.—To elect at said meeting a new Board of Trustees of The Bellefonte Hos- pital, consisting of fifteen Trustees, there- upon to succeed the present Trustees, and to act as Trustees of the said corporation both before and after the proposed change of the corporate name to the “CENTRE COUNTY HOSPITAL,” until the next an- nual meeting of the members of the cor- poration, or, if their successors should not then be chosen, then thereafter until their successors are chosen and qualified; OOMS FOR RENT.—Two finely fur- nished rooms for men, at Belle- fonte Y. M. C. A. 69-22-tf OR RENT.—Until September 1st a small furnished house on Curtin St. Rent $45.00 per month. 69-22-2t OST.—Suitcase between Williamsport and Philipsburg, via Bellefonte. Notify 713 High St., Williams- port, Pa. 22-1t OR SALE.—Large Ice Box, 3 burner Oil Stove with oven, good set hand- _. made single harness, spring wag- on, Kitchen Range.—Inquire at Miller's Hardware, on Allegheny St. 69-20-1f ROPOSALS FOR COAL.—Sealed bids will be received by the Belle- fonte School Board until June 10, 1924, for furnishing 300 tons of Punxsu- tawney coal delivered in school buildings. All bids to state from what mine coal will be shipped. School Board reserves right to reject any or all bids. Mrs. M. E. BROUSE, 69-21-3t Secretary. hn the Line of Hosiery stock changes so rapidly—demand is so great—Quality and Price the Magnet —in all we are the Leaders. Garmans Brassiers, Childrens Corsets and Misses Vests $izes up to 50, many itemsat 4 you are accustomed to pay. Garmans J. M. Keichline will insure your properties against Fire and Lightning vacant or occupied. 158t IRA D. GARMAN a President, Vice-President, Secretary and JEWELER T—— ee mer TToasurer; and any othel omcars or agents 101 Seuth Eleventh St., of the corporation to.be elected or ap- W pointed at a meeting of the said new PHILADELPHIA, anted ! Have Your Diamonds Reset in Platinum 64-34-tf EXCLUSIVE EMBLEM JEWELRY Board of Trustees, as soon thereafter as conveniently may be, thereupon fo suc- ceed the present officers and to hold their offices until the said next annual meeting, or thereafter until their successors are chosen and qualified in accordance with the By-Laws applicable to the election of such officers after an annual meeting. 2nd.—To pass upon a proposed petition or application of The Bellefonte Hospital to the Court of Common Pleas of Centre County, Pennsylvania, for the improve- ment, amendment or alteration of its char- ter in change of the present articles there- of, as may be authorized at such corporate meeting, including the change of the cor- porate name from “THE BELLEFONTE HOSPITAL” to “CENTRE COUNTY HOS- PITAL,” or otherwise as may be author- ized at said meeting, and to authorize the President and Secretary of the Bellefonte Hospital to execute and acknowledge said petition and to affix the corporate seal of the corporation thereto, on behalf of the said corporation, and to authorize the Board of Trustees to institute and prose- cute the said application to final decree of the Court, and to Zoarm all other acts incident to the establishment of such im- provements, amendments and alterations. 3rd.—To pass upon such By-Laws of the Centre County Hospital as may be pro- posed at said corporate meeting, to be- come effective, if adopted, upon the grant- ing by the Court of said amendments to the charter; the present By-Laws of The Persons planning building to come in contact with { us. Save money on Cement, Sand, Limestone, Plaster Brick, Roofing, Terra Cotta Pipe, Nails | Stucco Materials, Etc. Dozens of New Styles in Val Laces--White, Cream, Black See us first, or you may regret it later. Centre County Fuef and Building Supply Go. Both Phones—Bel1 319 69-16tf Bellefonte, Pa. Big Gala Week and Expositor Fair Grounds Bellefonte The Fancy Picot Ribbons—so much in demand. Garmans Bellefonte Hospital, upon such new By- WwW Laws becoming effective, to be repealed, One eek a nN abrogated and superseded by the said By- Commencing Laws of the Centre County Hospital. 4th.—To pass upon all matters connected with and incident to the purposes above set forth. If found necessary or proper, in order to accomplish and complete the business of said meeting, the said special corporate meeting may be adjourned from time to time, by motion or motions adopted at said meeting or adjourned meetings, with- out requiring other notice of such ad- journment or adjournments. EVERY PERSON WHO HAS CONTRIB- UTED TO THE RECENT HOSPITAL CAMPAIGN FUND, AND EVERY PER- SON WHO HAS OTHERWISE CONTRIB- UTED TO THE BELLEFONTE HOSPI- TAL DURING THE LAST YEAR, IRRE- SPECTIVE OF HIS OR HER RESI- DENCE. IS A MEMBER OF THE COR- PORATION ENTITLED TO VOTE AT SAID MEETING AND AT SUCH ELFC- TION OF TRUSTEES. AND ALL SUCH PERSONS ARE URGED TO ATTEND SAID MRETING AND TAKE PART IN THE DELIBERATIONS THEREOF AND IN SAID FLFCTION OF TRUSTEFS. Notwithstanding the nower of adjourn- ment. it is important, if possible, that all the business of this cornorate meeting be completed on the above named date. with- out requiring any adiournment or adjourn- ments of the meeting. BY ORDER OF THE ROAR. H. E. FENLON. ALL ATTRACTIONS FURNISHED BY Harry Copping Shows A City of Tented Amusements S Sensational Riding Devices 5 10 Big Feature Shows 10 100 Novelty Attractions 100 Clean Amusement for the Entire Family | 69-21-3t Secretary. fic —————— = —— fq EE Attractive Patterns Public Sale i: Le in Voiles, Ratinas, Tissue Ging- hams, Organdies, Sun Tub Suit- ings—all at our usual reasona- ble prices. Garmans RTT mre ei SASH SASHa The undersigned will offer at, public sale on the premises on SAS HS Reynolds Avenue, Bellefonte ON SATURDAY June 7th, 1924 AT ONE O'CLOCK P.M, A [2-Room Double House Two-Story Stable Large Chicken Pen and Coal House, a Good Garden---known as the old “Jonathan Miller Homestead” LER SHS oy |] Co I ASA Lo Dr. Louis Dammers Philadelphia Eyesight Specialist ONE DAY ONLY SRSA re HOWARD Mrs. John Baney’s Residence Monday June 9, 1924 10.30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Le Concrete Floor and Tin Roof Ler SH = SRSA CENTRE HALL Centre Hall Hotel Parlors Tuesday June 10, 1924 9 2.m. to 3 p.m. BELLEFONTE Garman Hotel Parlors Wednes. June 11, 1924 9 a.m, to 2 p.m. My 19th Anniversary Offer I offer you a perfect fitting pair of Glasses, including eye examination, fine quality lenses, latest style shell eye glass or spectacle— $3.00 to $5.00 For over 19 years I have success- fully examined eyes and fitted glasses by my own scientific method (without drops —charts—or questions) and always at mod- erate prices. Over 12 years continuous vis- its to Centre county towns. gas if you are in need of glasses don’t fail to take advantage of this remarkable offer. Dr. Louis Dammers LE RS FS Le Lo Sf Ef SESS and all the Household Goods and Spring Wagon DE RCRSE Sa Sn SH SRSA W. H. MILLER |} pp BERRA LAE Sh Dn 0 J) Sacrifices NOT IN VAIN nl) / N THIS MEMORIAL DAY our Nation bows its head in ac- knowledgment and gratitude to those who have given up all | that justice shall not perish from : the earth. The sacrifices have F not been made in vain. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK STATE COLLEGE, PA. MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Ean al nS Te I A GE AN EAA AN ANEONMANNED ARAN LE CCC FARA Ae ANA OA NAA ME A A AME AAA MAN RV Bellefonte Trust Company BELLEFONTE, PA. Capital Stock Increased from $125,000.00 to $200,000.00 Persons living in this banking community have an opportunity to secure some of the new issue of capital stock. You will never be able to buy this stock at this price again. [i you are interested, follow the instruc- tions on the following subscription blank : Bellefonte Trust Company, Bellefonte, Pa., Gentlemen : Please enter my subscription, subject to allotment for whan ag ae shares of the increased capital stock of the Belle- fonte Trust Company, for which I agree to pay $150.00 per share. Herewith my check in full settlement. Address Note.—Subscription to stock will close June 1st, 1924. Stock certificates will be issued July 1st, 1924. Fractional certificates will not be issued. Sign this subscription blank, fill in number of shares and mail. DEES on 20 unite... Ru Ue Sano SAS ] I~ Special Sale Li EEEE, LAAs - = ASR Regular $1.50 Upholstered Stools for 65 cents SESERER —- 3 Sa J 2 Ef Saturday Afternoon Only SAS Funeral Furnishings E. E. Widdowson, Director F. W. West Company Both Phones ERAS Naginey Building S07 Weld So PHA TA LF RL AEE i iL i Fil