Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, May 09, 1924, Image 2
Cleopatra Not a Vamp; Was Model Housewife Egyptian women’s costumes in the ¥ays of King Tut-Ankh-Amen actual- ly resembled “ill-fitting nightgowns” more than anything else, and their famous “vamps” were nothing more model housewives, Arthur Weig- formerly inspector general of tian antiquities, told an audience in Minneapolis the other day, says khe Minneapolis Journal. {| Weigall was with Howard Carter on fhe expedition which discovered the tomb of King Tut-Ankh-Amen, and Rola of the discoveries as he saw Shem. | He verbally painted the early Bgyptians as a “fascinating and pic- Buresque people, a young people filled gvith the joy of living. | “There never was a more mistaken ldea than that Cleopatra was a ¥amp,” Weigall sald. “She was just a little bit of a soul, and in this day would be considered too domestic. She thought she was married to Julius Caesar, and later on she also thought she was the wife of Mark Antony. But she learned eventually, that she was the wife of neither, and from the most reliable sources we learn she was terribly shocked at the duplicity of these two men. “I Insist she was a model house- wife because she had a family of six children and was devoted to them. “As for the kind of costumes that ure called ‘King Tut’ today, they were unknown at that time. Women's cos- tumes then were positively hideous. Women today would not wear tkem, and, if they did, would probably land in jail.” Evidence of Prehistoric ; People Found in Desert IL was last fall that “The Vast Un- known,” a region of mystery in Utah, was explored for the first time by an expedition of the National Geographic society in charge of Neil M. Judd of the department of American anthropol- ogy of the National museum. Mr. Judd and his assistants spent two months in complete isolation in this unknown sec- oft of Se $2: that time they pot gee a single wild animal and Qnly frags of tung beings were mains of prehistoric Indian Through signs laced on the rocks Routh: of ¥ ER 486 by ancient In- diane, Mr. Judd was enabled to find trails over many difficult places. A number of habitations of prehistoric people were found in canyons, The present Indians have a horror of the locality and tell many strange tales about it. It is a country of rare beauty to those who appreciate desert scenery. Mr. Judd describes the sand- stone as varying in color from a light yellow to a blood red, and the shadows in the canyon range from hazy blue to deep purple, with occasional patches of green marking the rare vegetation. ~Detroit News. Reassuring “Miss Jones” As they boarded the train they haa every look of being a bridal couple. The young man carefully escorted the young woman to a seat, while the in- terested passengers smiled indulgent- ly. Then, extending his hand to the supposed bride, he said, in a very loud voice, “Well, Miss Jones, the train is about to pull out, I wish you a very pleasant journey,” and, doffing his hat, he hurried off the train. But the young woman seemed nervous. By and by she called the porter, and in a whisper gave him some mysterious message. He came back in a moment and said in a voice audible to every one: “Yo’ all right, ma'am, He's in de smokin’ compart- ment.”—Harper’s Magazine, Not a Crime, a Miracle It was very cold, but still the angler sat patiently by the side of the stream, waiting for the bite that did not come, An aged man approached and took up a strategic position behind him. “Are these private waters, my man?” asked the angler, looking over his shoulder. The aged man shook his head, “No,” he said. “Then it won't be a crime if 1 land a fish?’ pursued the sportsman. Again the aged man shook his head, till his gray locks fluttered in the breeze. “No,” miracle!” he said. “It would be a Force of Habit A minister, as an illustration of ex: treme embarrassment, tells of a strap- ping big fellow who brought his de- mure young fiancee to the church par- sonage for matrimonial purposes. “According to my usual custom,” says the minister, “I turned to the bridegroom at a certain point in the ceremony and said, ‘John, this is your lawfully wedded wife. “In the excitement of the occasion John turned awkwardly in the direc- tion of his newly acquired life-mate and stammered, ‘I'm pleased to meet you.’ ” Scientists and the Child Thomas A. Edison said in a recent interview : “A scientist's mind is like a child's. It asks all sorts of ridiculous and im- possible questions, then answers them. “The scientist confronts every phenomenon as the little boy con- fronted the fat man at dinner. Study- ing the fat man's stomach carefully, he said: “Ig your tum-tum go big because you eat so much, or do you eat #0 much because your tum-tum is SO big?” ——— ——— | Rickelow Is Substitute Durban is a pleasant town, much frequented in summer by pleasure Mackenzie in the World Traveler Magazine. clean and wide. They were planned when twelve or sixteen oxen were everywhere used for transport and the streets had to be wide enough to allow of the teams turning around. Now, of course, there are excellent electric cars and private motors may be hired for journeys out of the town, ; but taxicabs, as we know them, hardly exist. Their place is taken by rick- shaws, drawn by Zulus—men of mag- nificent physique, gayly decorated with feathers, colored cloth, bracelets, beads and horns, They run barefoot and often have part of their legs whitewashed so that they appear to be wearing stockings. I was told, however, that the lives of these men in the town is often tragi- cally short. They take little care of themselves and after running for miles in the blazing sun will sit down in the shade to cool, when they easily catch a chill that may prove fatal. Riding in a rickshaw provides a pleasant, wavy sensation, and gives one a satisfying feeling of superiority limousine, ——— et es Britain Has Smallest Cathedral in the World The smallest cathedral in Great Britain, and possibly the smallest in ' the world, is the cathedral of the dio- | cese of Argyle and the Isles, situated on an island in the Firth of Clyde. It provides accommodation for only 100 worshipers. St. Asaph cathedral, too, is notably small, but in the commanding beauty of its site it yields to none of the great- er cathedrals, except, perhaps, that of Durham. In the middle of the vale of Clwyd, which stretches from Ruthin to Dhyl, stands a ridge forming a kind of back- bone to the valley, washed on the east by the River Clwyd and on the west by the River Elwy. On this ridge is perched St, Asaph cathedral.—London Tit-Bits, Light on the Subject Five electric signs on Broadway in New York make use of nearly 36,000 incandescent lamps, or more electric lamps than were yged In the entire United States in 1881, two years after | Edison brought out his first incandes- | cent lamp, Three of these five premier i signs which help to spread the fame of Broadway are theatrical announce- ments. The fourtn is an automobile tire advertisement. The fifth and largest Jpf all is a chewing gum sign, in the operation of which 19,000 lamps are used. It is abundant testimony to the progress of the electrical industry five greatest electric signs consume but 890 kilowatts of current, or only one-quarter of that required for the lamps burned in the United States in 1881. Moreover, the volume of light which they give is twice as great. Wined Out of His Mine Dick Wick Hall in the Salome (Ariz.) Sun says: Saleratus Bill With- ers has just got back from New York where he went to sell his mine. Bill says when they saw his rich ore they wined him and dined him and wim- mined him and signed him up on some dotted lines so fast and artistically that he don’t remember yet just what he ate or drank or whether he is mar- ried or sold his mine or not, so he’s just waiting and wondering who got beat—but he says he don’t care much so long as he is back here again with the other burros because New York is a hell of a place for a white man to have to try to live and no wonder most of them is erazy back there. Three Buils “William Butler Yeats, the Irish poet who has received the Nobel prize,” said a publisher, “is a col- lector of Irish bulls. “One of his bulls concerns a poli- ticlan who warned his audience: “‘I warn you, friends, that my re- marks will be pointed to the verge of bluntness.’ “Another bull concerns a priest who said sadly in a sermon: “This is a wretched world. We never strew flowers on a man’s grave till after he’s dead. “And a third bull concerns a Bel- fast parson who prayed: “‘We thank Thee for this spark of grace; water it, Lord!” Prepared An Irishman who was signing arti- cles on board a ship began to write his name with his right hand, then, changing the pen to his left hand, fin- ished it. “So you can write with either hand, Pat,” said the officer. . “Yis, sor,” replied Pat, “When I was a boy me father (rist his soul) always sald to me: ‘Pat, learn to cut yer fin- ger nails wid yer left hand, for some day you might lose your right.’ ” A Sad Ending “I hope that’s a nice book for you to read, darling,” said a conscientious mother to her engrossed schoolgirl daughter. “Oh, yes, mummy,” sald Miss Thir. teen. “It's a lovely book, but I don’t think you would like it. It's so sad at the end.” “How Is it sad, darling?” “Well, she dies, and he has to go back to his wife.” for Taxicab in Durban seekers from Johannesburg, says G. B. The principal streets are unknown to the owner of a paltry | | Wife Regretted Giving Old Letter to Spouse | The man’s mother had given the man’s wife a love letter which she found hidden away in a mass of old papers. It had been written to the man when he was a boy and the writer was his sweetheart, aged fifteen years. ! The man’s mother laughed when she handed it to the man’s wife, and the man’s wife laughed when she handed i t to the man. But the man did not laugh. “Aha,” said the wife in her merry way, ‘‘see how the past rises up against you.” The man took the letter and slowly unfolded it and softly read it aloud: | “Dearest boy,” he read, “I'm afraid , you are mad at me because I walked | with Johnnie Nicholson yesterday to | school, but it wasn’t my fault at all. | You know I love you, dearest boy. a | thousand million times more than I could love Johnnie, and when you look cross at me it breaks my heart. Ain't you going to take me to the school pic- ni¢ Saturday—'cause if you don’t I can’t go. I cried when I wrote this— that’s why it's spotted. Don’t make me cry any more, dearest boy.” The man looked at the letter for pushing to the front is tact, and tact ‘has no quotient in the unintelligent in- some time. His gaze softened and he sighed. “That wgs the real thing,” he mur- | mured, and he carefully folded the lei- ter and turned away. And then the man’s wife was sorry she had given the letter to the man.— Cleveland Plain Dealer. ' Cartoon in Punch Aided Wilkie Collins to Fame Wilkie Collins was the son of Wii- fiam Collins, a successful landscape painter, and was brought up in com- fort. After school at Highbury the family went to Italy for three years, a useful part of the experience of a fu- ture novelist. On return to England Wilkie was articled to the tea trade, and later graduated in law, being called to the bar in 1849, but he soon abandoned this for letters. A life of his father was more noted for its anecdote than for its literary finish. Other books followed, and his reat success came in 1860, with “The oman in White.” There were feeble imitations on all sides, with women of all thg golors of the rainbow rushing into a Pufich Paid the book an inimitable tribute in which an absorbed stout man tur; ed, startled at the question from 4 woman in night attire: “And pray, | Mr. Tompkins, how much longer are delta to this day.—Detroit News. | you going to sit up with that ‘Woman in White’?” Collings was henceforth hailed a mas ter in his own craft, highly pald and the idol of thousands of readers. His skill in titles was no mean asset, as in “No Name,” “The Frozen Deep,” “The Moonstone,” “Blind Love,” and “The Dead Secret.”—Toronto Globe. that the 36,000 lamps in Broadway's | Memorial Stamps for 1926 Uncle Sam will travel to Philadel phia for designs for a series of me- morial postage stamps. They will be issued in 1926 to commemorate 150 years of independence. It is surmised that there will be at least three new designs—a 1-cent, a 2-cent and a 5-cent stamp. One of these postage stamps, which will be sold by millions that year, will show Independence hall. Another will have upon it the Liberty bell. For the third a replica of the paint- ing showing the signers of the Decla- ration has been suggested. If left for Philadelphia to choose this city could name something better than that picture, which on a postage stamp would be too small.—Philadel- phia Inquirer. From the Bottom Up A young man just back from col lege was dispensing his newly ac- quired wisdom to a crowd of his townsmen, most of whom were old- er than himself, “We all have to begin at the bot: tom and go up,” he observed, sagely. “Yes,” agreed Bob Markham, a droll, flliterate fellow, standing at the ouster edge of the crowd. “We begin at the bottom of everything 'cept one.” “What's that, Bob?” demanded the colleglan, “Diggin’ a well.”—HEverybody’s. Mixed Titles A high school boy asked a librariag for a copy of “Veins and Adenoids,” A search through books on physiology failed to reveal any such title. He was asked if he knew the author, and re- plied, “Why, Shakespeare, I guess.” It was discovered he wanted “Venus and Adonis.” This is comparable to the woman who wanted “She Sat in the Wood Box"—which was found to be “The Satinwood Box.” A Speed Artist Mike was engaged to do a job ot painting for Mr. Smith. After a while he came in, saying the job was com- pleted, and asked for his money. “But, Mike, I wanted two coats on that building. I'll pay you after the second coat,” said Smith, “You've got it,” said Mike. “I mixed the first coat with the paint for the second and put on both coats at the same time. Speed is my motto.” “Possibly” “Then I'm to tell the firm,” the bill collector said, making a memorandum in his book, “that you'll probably set- tle the account next week?” “Well, I'd hardly put it like that* answered the other, hesitating}v. “ ‘Probably’ is a pretty strong word. Better make it ‘possibly.’ ” | telligent tests. lt Takes More Than Cleverness to Succeed Success is not easy to define. It may mean the utmost development of one’s talents and capacities. It mey mean the attainment of specific ends and the achievement of specific tasks. Not uncommonly it means simply ac- quisition—the collection of property and the gathering of riches or the gaining of some other prominence. Frequently when we speak of sue- cess we have in mind the success of a man of business who has climbed to a position of eminence and responsi- bility and who has as a consequence come into the possession of some “measure of wealth, Pluck is an element of success which may be possessed to a remark- able degree by one whose responses to a lot of puzzling questions might even put him in the moron class. The same is true of the element of perse- verance which explains why a good many plodding workers finally get ahead in the world. Perseverance im- plies patience and patience is not much of an asset when it comes to making instantaneous replies to a stop-watch questionnaire. In the same category of qualities that are helpful in About all that these tests reveal is the relative degree of one's cleverness, and it takes a whoie lot besides cleverness to succeed.— ' Philadelphia Bulletin. : yo Oldest Bird Drawings Found in Spanish Cities The oldest known figures of birds were discovered a few years ago on the walls of some of the limestone caverns in southern Spain, the work of men of the Stone age who lived in these shel- ters some 25,000 years ago. There are, among the drawings some obvious flamingos and others that may be geese or ducks. In the new world the ancient Mayas of Central America had a very highly developed civilization when the white men arrived and had reached a high pitch of skill in draw- ing and carving in wood or stone. Some of their figures of the great doped owl are remarkably skillful and lifelike, writing, used many figures of birds that were familiar to them. These fig- ures were, of course, much convention- alized, but many can be identified. Some of these are the vulture, swallow, sparrow, sparrow hawk, pintail duck, ibis—all familiar species in the Nile Submarine Thawing The use of electricity for thawin frozen water pipes in ¢ity houses undertaking in this relation was the application not so long ago of the process to a six-inch submarine main, 1,700 feet in length, connecting North Brother Island with New York city. When an ordinary water pipe is to be thawed both ends are cut and the passage of a comparatively small electric current through the resistant pipe metal generates sufficient heat to melt the ice in the pipe. Although the same general plan was followed with the frozen submarine main, all the conditions were so difficult that it took five days of applying powerful electric currents and of a constant pumping with a pressure of eighty pounds to do the work, She Was an Expert “Julia, do you know what love is?" The lovesick man put the question ! mn an intense voice. “Yes,” replied the fair maid, firmly. “But do you really know?” he asked again. “Have you ever been the object of a love undying as the sun, as all- pervading as the air, as wonderful and sparkling as the stars? Have you ever loved and been loved like that, Julia?” In an agony of suspense he waited Zor her reply. “Have 1?” she presently murmured dtaring thoughtfully into the glowing fire, “If you will come up into our box- room I can show you a trunk full of letters and three albums full of photo- graphs, and in my jewel case are sev- eral engagement rings.”—Philadelphia Inquirer. Big Supply of Admirals Much prestige attaches to high po- sitions in France and there is much comment on a peculiar situation that has developed under the reduction of naval armament, France having seven first-class battleships, but eighty-six admirals and rear admirals on the ace tive list for duty. The only situation like it is in Mexico, says the Ohio State Journal, where in the present rebellion six generals were assigned to a command of seven hundred sol- diers, a reserve force that was moving toward the battle ground, but France hopes to work her way out of her situ- ation with no loss of dignity. Furriner, Probably A traveler in the Northwest eyed his seatmate for a while and then asked waere he was from. “Saskatchewan.” “What's that, podner?” “Saskatchewan.” The interlocutor pondered over this for a while and then suggested: “You no spik Inglis?” Might Help Some “You are the sixth girl,” a widower complained, “to whom I have pro- posed without avail. “Well,” the girl answered, “maybe if you wear one when making your seve enth you'll have better luck.” The Egyptians, in their heiroglyphie eee EE I SE EHD Sr | Eo ‘no longer uncommon, bu ES unusuai Noted Pirate Besieged Cities of West Indies Henry Morgan, one of the most fa- rious of buccaneers, when a young boy was kidnaped in the streets of Bristol—it is claimed that he came of a good English family—and was sold as an indentured servant to some col- onists in Barbados. When his time had expired he made his way to Ja- maica and soon fell in with the buec- caneers who infested that isiand. Be- fore very long he became the captain of a ship. At first he seems to have had but moderate fortune. He took part in several raids, but did not rise to prom- inence until he joined forces with Mansfield—the first of the buccaneers who succeeded in rallying enough pi- rates under one command to make himself formidable to fortified coast towns. Morgan became his principal lisutenant and when his chief died he bacame the acknowledged leader of the buccaneers. In June, 1568, when he was thirty- three years old, Morgan collecteql a fleet of nine or ten small ships and perhaps 400 men. With them he at- tacked Puerto Bello and wrote his name alongside that of Sir Francis | Drake in the records of Englishmen whom the Spaniards feared and hated. —Delroit News, Prehistoric Canals Found in Meade County, Kansas | Digging away with gouges and pad- dles, probably made of buffalo bones, | prehistoric men, who lived in Meade and Clark counties, Kansas, skillfully constructed great artificial embank- ments which diverted the waters of | Four Mile creek through an ancient canal. That's the conclusion of a field party that spent several days in the late | spring of 1920 examining one of the ancient channels. The builders of these ancient artificial waterways evi- dently possessed engineering skill of | no mean order, as some of their cuts, fills and meanders on sloping ground abundantly prove. When running along the face of a declivity at right angles to the slope they invariably piled the excavated | | dirt on the lower side. The earth doubtless was transported by means of wicker baskets or in sacks made of rawhide. The ruins antedate the com- ing of the Spaniards by hundreds of years, possibly a thousand or more. Those canal builders probably lived In low, one-story peublos. Moundlike | ruins still are visible in Beaver coun- ty, Oklahoma, just across the state tifie, and in the vicinity of the canals jin Kansas.—Detroit News. Aerial Forest Paiiol Many persons will remember when the pilot and passenger on an airplane were obliged to sit on the edge of 'a wing with their feet hanging in space. The newest form of cabin is very luxurious, both in the machines used for passenger travel and those ! flown for scientific work. The entire forward end of the cabin is enclosed in glass, with broad windows reaching | to the floor, so that the pilot and others can look out in all directions : while seated in comfortable chairs. This form of airplane is used by the government in forest patrol work and for aerial photography. The camera or instruments used are mounted In this bay window, so that they can command an uninterrupted sweep of the horizon. From any seat in the cabin of such an airplane a marvelous view of the landscape may be en- joyed. A Bad Case Major Pelham St. George Bissell ! told a new-rich story at a dinner of the Society of Colonial Wars in New York. “A new-rich,” he said, “went to a manicure’s, spread his terrible paws out on her table and asked; “‘Can you do anything with these here, lady? “The young girl turned the new- rich’s hands thig way and that dis- dainfully with an orange-stick, and then she said: “Yes, I think I can, but first you must go to a doctor and get these cracks stitched up. Surgery isn’t in my line.” Timely Warning “He dances beautifully,” sighed the impressionable girl, “Take my advice,” answered Miss Cayenne, “and don’t deprive society of his accomplishment. It would be a shame for him to get married and have to stay home nights.” Give Her Time Rastus—Ah wants a divorce. Dat woman jes’ talk, talk, talk, night an’ day. Ah cain’t get no rest and dat talk am drivin’ me crazy. Young Lawyer—What does she talk about? Rastus—She doan’ say.—Life. Can He Keep Her There? Gentleman wishes room and board with garage space for wife in refined private home; meals for himself when in town. Specify terms and location in reply. References. P 43.—Waut Ad in the Memphis Commercial Ap- peal. Symptoms “Pardon me, professor, but last night your daughter accepted my pro- posal of marriage. I have called this morning to nsk if there is any insan- ity In your family.” “There must Le.”—Yale Record. ET — | Plants Grow Toward Light Unless Blinded A house plant grows toward the light, and if the pots are turned about so that the leaves face away from the window, it takes only a day or two for them to screw themselves around once more into nearly their old positions. If now one looks carefully for the Joints where this bending is done, he sees at once that nearly all stalks have two. At the bottom of each leaf stalk, where it joins the twig, there is .a spot of soft, bright. green tissue, which is one joint. Then, at the other end of the stalk, where it joins the leaf, there is likely to be still another. One sees this easily in the bean. The leaf, as a whole, has one of these joints be- tween leaf stalk and stem. Then each of the three leaflets has one of its own, between itself and the common leaf stalk. So, too, the three leaflets of the clover move, each by itself, by means of such a joint. Curiously, however, as has been dis- covered only lately, these bright green | Spots are not simply the joints of the | leaf; they are also Its eyes. It has been found that if the spots are cov- ered with black paper, the plant be- | comes blind, so that it no longer turns its leaves toward the light. But, if the rest of the leaf and its stalk are | covered, and only the joints left ex- | posed, then the leaves turn as usual. { Moreover, not only light, but also pin- | pricks, acids, electric shocks and heat, | applied at these joints, will cause the leaf to move.—St. Nicholas Magazine. Vartheaginians Taught Romans to Build Roads The Roman empire was intersected by roads constructed principally be- tween the Second and Fourth centu- ries after Christ. These highways | varied in width from 8 to 15 feet, and | were almost universally built in straight lines without regard to grade, ' probably because the use of beasts of burden as the chief means of transport | made the preservation of the level am ' affair of minor importance. Soldiers, | slaves and criminals were employed im: ' the construction of these highways, the durability of which is shown by the fact that, in some cases, they have , Sustained the traffic of 2,000 years ! without material injury. The Roman forum is sald to have | been the point of convergence of 24 ' roads, which, with branches, had a to- tal length of 52,004 Roman miles. The Romans are said to have learned the “art of road building from the Cafttha-. ginians,—Adventure Magazine. 1 “Grads” Feed Students A college town in western New fork, where nearly everybody goes to | the institution, presents some star- fice incongruities. About a third of the restaurants are run by college : graduates, and it is a common thing to see an ad in the papers like, “Eat at Bugs Burgess’ restaurant, A. C. Bur- | gess, '16, manager, On one street is an ice cream par- lor whose proprietor has just received , his degree of doctor of philosophy. Professors come in and discuss the winter habits of the Bastidiospore, while the proprietor stands by im white apron. Of course no customer can inter- rupt such a discussion, but must wait until the Ph. D. is through before he orders his nut sundae.—New York Sun and Globe. Rare Sea Shell In a specially provided case in the foyer of the American Museum of Natural History, there was exhibited | recently for the first time one of the. | most highly prized cone shaped shells: ever found in the world. According: to scientific authorities, it is properly" called “The Glory of the Sea.” It is about five inches in length, of" peculiarly slender appearance, grace-- ful proportions, and has a tapering" spire. It suggests an unfolding rose- bud. The ground color is pale ivory, overlaid with a mosaic of thousands. of triangular figures ranging from an. eighth of an inch to almost micro- scopical size. These triangles are out-- lined in chrome yellow or deep chest-- nut brown. A Sure Sign An old darky who made his Hw ing, as he said, “by takin’ in white-- washin’, floor cleanin’ and perticular- jobs,” met one of his white customers . shortly after the first of the year, “How are you this morning, Uncle - Dave?” asked the white man. “Well, sah, I'm des dat good dat. Im gwine to live for anuder year,” was the reply. “How can you be certain of that?” “Hits dis ’er way, I allurs notices dat when I lives twel New Year's. I allus lives anuder year,” was the: triumphant response.—Judge. Innocent and Guilty “Did you tell the sheriff he might shoot at a fleeing robber?” “Yep,” replied Cactus Joe. “The - city council decided that he could. shoot so’s to scare him, bein’ careful . at the same time not to hit him.” “That's a humane idea.” ‘But it ain't workin’ out. In a crowded street the robber’s the only - one that's perfectly safe.”—Washing- ton Evening Star. Not Working {cr Fun A small boy was scrubbing the front porch of his home when a visitoy called. “Is your mother 01:1?” asked the vis. itor, “Do you think (’q porch If she wasn't?” i@ scrubbing the - replied the boy, .