Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, May 09, 1924, Image 1
Bema Wap. INK SLINGS. —After the last three days we'll have to stop singing “December’s as pleasant as May.” —The outbreak of typhoid at Cole- ville is alarming, of course, but the source of the infection was discovered at once and destroyed. —Nine straight defeats makes it look like Mr. Cornelius McGillicudy will have to nurse his trio of high priced bush leaguers in the cellar for another season. —Mr. Georges Carpentier, having sailed once more for our shores, is no- tice to American fight fans that his supply of francs is low and they are expected to replenish it. He couldn’ be coming over for any other reason, for he can’t lick anybody but second raters and they have no titles to con- test for. —The loss and probable death of Major Martin, who was in command of the American round the world air flight, is lamentable, of course, but pioneering has ever taken its toll of human life and Major Martin is only one of thousands who have given all in blazing trails for posterity and been forgotten. —If the present Congress has in- numerable sins of omission and com- mission to answer for it still has made political history. For the first time of record a Republican House and a Republican Senate have rejected the legislative plan of a Republican Mo- ses and passed the tax program pre- sented as a substitute by a Democrat. —The last prop of consolation has been dragged from under us by some- one’s precocious kid. He asked his father why he was bald headed and the old man used our pet answer: “Grass doesn’t grow on busy streets.” The smart boy thought a while, then shot the bolt that has brought us to the depths, when he replied: “Oh yes, I see, it can’t get up through the con- crete.” —We have been repressing an in- clination to say something mean to council for at least five years. Not specially because the august body has deserved it; more because it is well to stir the animals up once in a while. Our power of resistance to the im- pulse is dwindling fast and unless something is done to Spring street this spring we're going to screw up courage and ask why it is that parts of Linn, Allegheny and Bishop are coddled every year and poor, old, hard worked Spring street pays taxes to pay for treatment for others while it lies neglected itself. ~—England is in a terrible ‘turmoil. Something awful has happened. Charles Sims has hung a picture in the Royal Academy that purports to be a likeness of King George and the King and his friends are mad as the devil because the legs were posed for by some student instead of His Majes- ty himself. Isn’t it the piffle? George ought to be thankful that the artist put any legs on him at all, for it was only a few years ago that he was pos- ing as a martyr because the war drain had driven him to the necessity of having the royal pants patched. And patched pants are not indicative of leg development that any artist could do injustice to. —The new Secretary of the Navy is not for carrying out the ideals of the late President Harding’s disarma- ment conference. During an address to the Republican women of the Dis- trict of Columbia, on Monday evening, he stated that he was in favor of a “dominating navy” for the United States. We all know what that means. It is water on the mills of ship build- ing corporations. “A dominating na- vy” can only be maintained by a pro- gram that will, each year, lay down keels for larger and more powerful dreadnaughts than England’s program calls for and we are right back again to the wasteful predicament we were in before Harding called the nations into conference in Washington to con- sider scrapping engines of war and smoking the pipe of peace. —It is wonderfully gratifying to note that the Governor has become so much interested in the trout in the stream that flows through Bellefonte that he has stolen enough time from the big duties that are his to suggest to our local council a change in our sewage system that will preserve the lives of the piscatorial curiosities. It may seem like lese majeste, but we want to stand right up and tell coun- cil that Gif’s dope is bunk. There were brook trout, a plenty, in front of this office long before Boards of Health, Water Commissions, Fish Commissions, etc., came into exist- ence. Progressively trout fishing be- came a sport, instead of a quest for food, and they were nearly cleaned out. Then came Clayt Brown, who unwittingly planted a lot of rainbow and brown trout. They, being canni- bals, ate up the last of the brook trout and grew to what seemed to us pro- digious size. They, and their off- spring, thrived on the sewage and took the place of great men in the way of keeping Bellefonte in the public eye. Fishermen from distant points threatened their extermination until the lady who does the “week-end” stuff for this paper, alone, carried the petition to have the stream closed for their protection and it was Nathan Buller who answered her call and saved the trout—not from the sewage of Bellefonte but from those who had eyes in their stomachs only. STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION. VOL. 69. BELLEFONTE, PA.. MAY 9, 1924. _ NO. 19. Flagrant Prostitution of Power. During a hearing before the Senate committee investigating the indict- ment of Senator Wheeler, of Monta- na, last week, a witness named Blair Coan testified that he had been em- ployed by the Republican National committee and sent to Montana “to get something on Senator Wheeler and another Senator.” In this nefar- ious enterprise Coan was supported and assisted by the “secret service men” of the Postoffice Department and the Department of Justice. The “other Senator” thus placed under surveilance by the government of the United States was Senator Walsh, of Montana, and the offense committed by them was that they had partici- pated in a lawful effort to expose cor- ruption in the administration. The “secret service men” of the De- partment of Justice and the Postoffice Department are appointed and paid for discovering and bringing to jus- tice other employees of the govern- ment who have been guilty of crim- inal actions. Every man of the forces of the Department of Justice and the Postoffice Department was morally and legally bound to assist Senator Wheeler and Senator Walsh in the work in which they were engaged. But instead of fulfilling their obliga- tions to the people who pay them they were diverted by the Attorney General, Harry M. Daugherty, and the Postmaster General, Harry S. New, to the work of shielding crim- inals from the just punishment for their crimes. In the history of the government of the United States there have been re- vealed a good many delinquents in the public service. Crimes have been committed under many administra- tions, some of which have been pun- ished and some escaped the just pen- alties coming to them. But until the “den of thieves” organized and as- sembled after the inauguration in 1921 there has never been such a pros- titution of the functions of govern- ment as to make the “secret service” agencies for the protection of crim- inals instead of punishing them, is gratifying to learn that the power of the “Columbus crowd” is diminish- ing, but it is by slow process and without the aid of the President or those closely in his confidence. BR ——Former Secretary of the Inter- ior Albert Fall might easily have been elected delegate to the Republican National convention, but he was too modest to offer himself as a candidate. Coolidge Has Reason for Suspicion. That President Coolidge doubts the sincerity of his supporters is express- ed in everything he does. He will be nominated on the first ballot, if not by acclamation without the formality of a ballot. So far as appearances in- dicate he is the only member of the party worthy of consideration as a candidate, the “only pebble on the beach.” Yet he is suspicious. He seems to imagine that before the con- vention meets something will happen. He scents danger in the air and takes every precaution to guard against im- pending calamity. His last precau- tionary step was the selection of his close personal friend Butler, of Mas- sachusetts, for chairman of his cam- paign committee. To the cursory observer of events this attitude of the President is sur- prising. It is true that he has always been somewhat of an isolator, secretive and uncommunicative. It is equally certain that in giving him undisputed title to the nomination there has been absolutely no enthusiasm behind the action. These facts might excite sus- picion even in the mind of an opti- mist. But there are other reasons to inspire doubt. His party leaders seem to be out of harmony with him on every important matter of public policy. He declared in favor of the Mellon tax bill with as much warmth as he ever permitted himself to feel on any subject. Yet his party leaders in both branches of Congress defeat- ed it. Upon the question of a soldiers’ bo- nus Mr. Coolidge pronounced an em- phatic opposition and with considera- ble force urged the postponement if not the defeat of the measure. A few weeks ago his party in the House vot- ed for it by an overwhelming majori- ty. He protested against the bill providing for an increase in the pen- sions of Civil war veterans and it passed both Houses of Congress with a substantial majority, and the other day the Senate voted for the bonus bill quite as decidedly as it was ap- proved by the House. These recur- ring events certainly justify suspi- cions that after all the nomination is to be handed to him for the purpose of submerging him for all time by an adverse vote in November. ————— lf ———— ——1In the matter of reprisals Gov- ernor Pinchot is making poor prog- ress. Bonus Amendment Will be ‘Voted On. The validity of a vote on the ques- tion of authorizing a thirty-five mil- lion dollar bond issue to create a fund to pay a bonus to the Pennsylvania soldiers of the world war was affirmed in a decision handed down by the Dauphin county court on Monday. The Legislature during its last ses- sion authorized such a vote whereupon a movement was started to prevent it by enjoining the Secretary of the Commonwealth from certifying it to the several county commissioners to place it on the ballot on the ground | that two amendments to increase the indebtedness of the State could not be voted on at the same time, and that amendments to the constitution can- not be voted upon more frequently than once in five years. An amendment to the constitution debtedness to the amount of fifty mil- | lion dollars for building and improv- | ing highways is pending and has prec- ' edence to the bonus loan, and other ' amendments have been voted upon "and approved or rejected within five years. The question was argued at i considerable length before the Dau- | phin county court some weeks ago. In his opinion, on Monday, president Judge Hargest admitted that both propositions involved an increase in the indebtedness of the State, but in- ! asmuch as one provided for money to build roads and the other to pay bo- nuses they did not come within the inhibition clause of the constitution. The other objection was dismissed. There is a good deal and deep-seat- ed difference of opinion among the voters of Pennsylvania as to the ex- pediency of increasing the public debt for the purpose of paying bounties to the world war veterans. On one hand 'it is generally believed that the peo- | ple of the country are under obliga- | tion to the young men who risked their lives in the war. But very many | think it is a national rather than | State obligation and the action of the i President and Congress on the bonus | bill recently passed in Washington It | will have a good deal of influence on. “the voters. It is reasoned on the oth- er hand that a good many States less able to bear the burden than Pennsyl- vania have voted bonuses and this State should do so. There will be no contest in the reorganization of the Republican ma- chine. Harry Baker and the two Sen- ators will appoint all the officials. Daugherty Riding to a Fall. The action of former Attorney Gen- eral Daugherty in enjoining the Sen- ate committee from obtaining posses- sion of telegrams sent and received by him while he was Attorney Gen- eral is susceptible of but one inter- pretation. He knows that the expos- ure of his telegraphic correspondence will incriminate him. The committee believes that his telegrams sent and received will shed considerable light on his administration of the office. In accordance with a practice heretofore unchallenged the managers of the telegraph offices in Washington were subpcenaed to appear and expose copies of all telegrams in their pos- session pertaining to the questions in issue. He at once asked for an in- junction, Previously his brother had adopted | the same process of avoiding evidence. The committee believes that the books of the Midland National bank, of Washington Court House, Ohio, will show transaction in the way of depos- its and disbursements, of much value as evidence. Mal Daugherty, presi- dent of the bank, was subpoenaed to submit the books for examination. Through a local court, upon the mo- tion of a former law partner of Mr. Daugherty, an injunction was obtain- ed and the authority of the Senate flouted. Proceedings for contempt of the Senate have been brought against the banker but the chances are that he will be able to evade the issue by one technicality or another until Con- ! gress adjourns. But Mr. Daugherty is not fooling : the public by these tricks of the pet- tyfogger. He is acknowledging guilt , of the charges pending against him (and paving the way for a criminal proceeding which will land him in prison. He may be able to defeat the purpose of the Senate committee by the methods he has adopted, because Congress is certain to adjourn within a few weeks and it would take longer { than that to establish the right to get the documents by legal process. But (in a criminal trial the subpoena of | the court cannot be prevented by in- | junction and Mr. Daugherty is now providing the way for such a process. The Columbus crowd will not be able , to run the government always. ——Jim Reed, of Missouri, didn’t have to show the people that he is not , a candidate for President. The people beat him to it. authorizing an increase of State in- | Pinchot Properly Rebuked. for his resignation as State Librarian, Rev. Dr. George P. Donehoo adminis- ters a deserved rebuke to Governor Pinchot. Some three or four months ago the Governor asked the Librarian to resign his office “at his conven- ience.” Dr. Donehoo paid no atten- tion to the request for the reason that under the “Governor’s code” Mr. Pin- chot had no authority to make such a request, that being a prerogative of the Superintendent of Public Instruc- tion. Probably because of reluctance | to interfere with the work of so ca- { pable and efficient an official as Dr. Donehoo, Dr. Brecht refrained from meddling in the matter until last week, when he formally asked for the resignation. Very properly Dr. Donehoo declin- ed the invitation to resign. He is not { influenced to this course ‘to hold his job or for any retirement rights,” he declares, and the character and repu- tation of the man is sufficient proof of that fact. But he refuses to re- sign because he desires to preserve the high character and splendid tra- ditions of an honored institution, which “run back unbrokenly to the time of William Penn and Benjamin Franklin” from the peril of “bolshe- vism, crude, half-baked socialism and destructive progressivism” which “are sweeping away everything which is time-honored and putting in its place untried experiments of amateur so- cial and political adventurers.” Service under the conditions which have prevailed in Harrisburg during the period since Gifford Pinchot be- came Governor must have been dis- tressing to the broad-minded, highly- cultured, thoroughly efficient public officer as Dr. Donehoo is known to be. But he has borne the indignities which have been put upon him by a selfish incompetent for the reason that to re- sign would be a desertion of what he considers a duty to Pennsylvania “when it faces the greatest danger in its entire history.” Dr. Donehoo may not have voted for Pinchot for dele- fate to the National convention, and at may be the reason for demanding his resignation. But a vast majority of the people will approve his present action. President Coolidge’s veto of the old soldiers’ pension bill, last week, knocked a glimmerin’ the efforts’ of Congressman W. I. Swoope, who was a strong champion of the measure. Of course every old soldier was hoping the bill would be approved and one of “| them put up an argument in its favor this week that we have never heard ad- vanced before. He stated that when the men enlisted for service in the Civil war it was with the understand- ing that they were to be paid in gold for their services, but when the war ended they were paid in depreciated currency that was worth only 33 cents to the dollar. Being of a statistical turn of mind he figured up .just how much would be coming to him now fig- uring compound interest on the other 67 cents and it amounted to $108,000. Aud thus, he argued, the government really owes the old soldiers a great deal more than they have ever receiv- ed in pensions. —The National Vigilance commit- tee of Philadelphia, that is preparing a bill, to present in the next Legisla- ture, that will “prohibit the appear- ance on public highways of persons wearing masks or hoods,” has evident- ly overlooked the Hallow e’en carni- val that the Elks stage in Bellefonte. Righ here and now we want to urge the Hon. William Noll to vote against that joy-killer. To those of you who might wonder why we haven’t appeal- ed to John Laird Holmes we proclaim our conviction that he hasn’t a look in. ———————— A ——— ——Harry Daugherty may compose his fears that Congressional investi- gations make for Bolshevism. Expos- ing and punishing criminals will nev- er have that effect in an enlightened community. A ———— eter — ——1It is to be hoped that a vigor- ous effort will be made to recover Gaston Means’ diary. The permanent loss of such a collection of scandal would be a misfortune. If a man is judged by the com- pany he keeps the election of former Attorney General Daugherty as a Coolidge delegate will not have a helpful influence. : rs ———— esses ——Congressman Vare may have contributed something toward the de- feat of Pinchot but he will get little comfort out of the returns at that. ——It has been discovered that General Dawes’ plan for paying the reparations provides everything ex- cept the money. A ———— lf ——————— ——Subscribe for the “Watchman.” i In his reply to Dr. Brecht’s request | What the Red Cross Nursing Service Has Done the Past Two Months. During the months of March and April, the Red Cross nurse, Mrs. Mer- ‘rill Hagan, made a total of 402 vis- its. She has now 102 babies under observation at the Well Baby clinic, held every Wednesday afternoon in the Red Cross room in Petrikin hall, with Dr. LeRoy Locke as consultant. She has been spending as much time as possible in follow-up work in the schools, hoping to clear all medical inspection records before the Red Cross service is discontinued, as it will be early in June, owing to lack of funds. In March, 29 schools were visited and 40 pupils inspected; in April, by advice of the county medical director, Dr. James Seibert, following a report of itch having appeared in the schools, Mrs. Hagan inspected 806 school children. Expenses for the two months were $276.09, with $53.90 collected in fees. Knowing there are many young mothers who have had no experience in bathing the baby and are anxious to do it properly, the nurse has writ- ten the following lesson: BABY’S MORNING BATH. Wow-ow! wo-ow! yow! Morris Cochran was getting his morning bath. His face was about four shades red- der than normal and his open mouth seemed to cover his whole face, while angry yells informed every one in his locality that he seriously objected to the treatment he was receiving from his young mother. The new mother, her face red, her hands trembling from the nervous strain, was balanc- ing Morris percariously on her lap while she strove to bathe the fussing, wriggling, slippery piece of human- ity. The daily bathing of Eleanor White was a different affair; her mother made her bath so pleasant she could not help but enjoy it. First, mother had the kitciien com- fortably warm and the table cleared off and padded with a folded blanket kept especially for the bath, and con- veniently near, a basket of bath arti- cles, borated powder, castile 8 B tiny brush and comb, packeée: Mab sorbent cotton, bundle of toothpicks, small jar of white vaseline, a small bottle of weak boracic solution, cloths, towels, pins and clothing. Her own tub, a white enameled oval pan, filled about half full of water that felt pleasantly warm to her mother’s elbow, was set at one end of the table. Eleanor’s mother had at- tended the Well Baby clinic on Wed- nesday afternoons and been told many helpful things, among others, how much easier it is to bathe a baby oo a solid table than balance on the ap. After getting everything ready, Eleanor’s mother laid her on the blan- ket, took a separate pledget of cotton saturated with boracic solution for each eye; then cleaned her nostrils with cotton swabs made on tooth ‘picks and moistened with vaseline. With a wash cloth made from a piece of old linen, she then washed her face and ears, being careful to get into the little creases behind the ears. Her hair received the next attention. What there was of it was soaped, after mother had taken a fine comb and carefully scraped off a sort of scale that she had noticed on the top of Eleanor’s head the night before and on which she had rubbed white vase- line so it could be taken off the next morning without injuring the delicate scale. Poor Morris Cochran had this scale on his head all the time for his mother was afraid to take it off. When the soap had been rinsed from Eleanor’s hair and it had been brush- ed and parted, she was quickly un- dressed. She considered this great sport for she could kick so much bet- ter and rather enjoyed being rolled around on the soft blanket while her whole body was soaped. Her mother talked so soothingly to her that she never thought of being afraid even when she put her into the little tub. A soft towel was placed in the bottom of the tub to prevent her sliding around and mother’s left hand sup- ported her back while her right gent- ly sloshed water all over the little body. Eleanor did not stay in the bath very long. Her mother lifted her out, rolled her in a soft towel and laid her again on the blanket where she patted her all over until she was dry, then took a big puff of absorbent cotton and dusted powder all over her pink body. She was dressed and wrapped in her blanket almost before she knew it. Then the young lady proceeded to fill up her stomach with good milk and fell into her regular three-hour morning nap, both she and her moth- er having enjoyed the morning bath. —— While in town on Monday Levi A. Miller, of Pleasant Gap, stated that the plums and early cherries nev- er looked more promising for a boun- tiful crop than they do this year; and such being the case there is every rea- son to believe that the later fruits will be untouched by the frost. But he failed to state what the outlook is for a good crop of dandelion blossoms, —— ee —— —When you see it in the “Watch- | man” you know it’s true. SPAWLS FROM THE KEYSTONE —John Linthurst, aged 68 years, who for years traveled over this section of the country selling medicine of his own manu- facture died Saturday afternoon in Sugar valley, near Milroy, of acute indigestion. The body was taken to Milroy, where bur« jal was made at the Church Hill cemetery. —George Roth, 32 years of age, of near Princetown, Berks county, went to the house of a neighbor on Saturday and bor- rowed a rifle on the pretense that he want- ed “to shoot a wild animal” which he said he had seen in the woods nearby. Ten minutes later he was found dead in a field, a bullet in his head. He had been acting queerly of late. The coroner rendered a verdict of suicide. —Frank Urbain, an elderly resident of Cresson, committed suicide in a sensa- tional manner last Thursday. Going to the bank as Cresson, he withdrew $1,400 in money, collected $600 more in cash and changed the silver to bills. Putting the money on the kitchen table, he struck a match to it, watched it burn slowly and then drank a pint of furniture polish and ate a can of wall cleaner. —Luther Showalter, of Huntingdon, aged 63 years, was found dead on Satur- day morni 1g by Herbert Coffman and Al- fred Holt, in the grouns of the Pennsyl- vania Railroad athletic association. The cause of death is unknown. He was an old employee of the Penn Central Light & Power company. His wife is recovering from a fractured arm and his daughter is confined to bed with illness following a hospital operation. —Mrs. Anna Elizabeth Bowers, aged 67 years, was fatally burned on Sunday after- noon while smoking a pipe in bed at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Pearl Ayers, of Burnham, with whom she lived. The bed in flames was discovered by the daughter when she detected smoke com- ing from the bedroom. Mrs. Bowers was taken to the Lewistown hospital, but was dead when the ambulance arrived at the institution. It is believed that Mrs. Bow=« ers fell asleep while smoking and the pipe ashes ignited the bed clothing. —Homer E. Senior, aged 18 years, who last December killed his mother at their home on a farm near Falls Creek, Jeffer- son county, pleaded guilty to second de- gree murder, and was sentenced to serve from 10 to 20 years in the western peniten- tiary. The only reason given for the com-« mission of the crime was that his mother had reprimanded him for some wrong do- ing. At the time of her death it looked as if it were the result of an accident. A second examination disclosed the aged woman had been hit on the head with a blunt instrument. —Alvin LeRoy Simons, aged 26 years, of Lewisburg, was instantly killed at the American Car and Foundry company plant at Milton, on Saturday, when he fell from the platform of an oil tank car on which he was working, and was crushed by the wheels. There were no eye-wit- nesses to the accident. Simons, who brav- ed death for nearly two years while serv- ing with the Twenty-eighth division over- seas, during the world war, was employed as a painter. When last seen alive by fel« low workmen, he was standing on the nar« row end sill of a car, painting. It is be- Heved he fell from the car while it was being shifted about, falling beneath the wheels. —In the ruins of a barn on the farm of Samuel J. Wiley, in Mercer county, on the main highway, which was burned, was found a charred torso, evidently that of a man, which leads the authorities to be- lieve that a murder had been committed. Bloodstains and tracks through a field in- dicated that the man had been dragged from the main highway, 600 feet distant, to the barn and there probably murdered and the barn then burned. Another theo- ry advanced by the police is that the man was run down by an automobile and killed and was then dragged to the barn, which was burned to hide the crime. The only clue found is a badly worn plaid cap bearing the name of Smith Brothers, clothiers, of Meadville. —Four damage suits, approximating $45,000, were filed in the Northumberland county courts on Saturday, against the Shamokin and Mount Carmel Transit com- pany, by eight Mount Carmel men and women for injuries received in a trolley accident at the Germantown crossing east of Mount Carmel on January 31. It is al- leged that negligence of the company in keeping its tracks free of ice and snow made it impossible to stop the car in time to avoid crashing into the motor truck on which the plaintiffs were riding. The plaintiffs are Fred Myers and Ernestine Myers, his wife, seeking $10,000; David Hughes and Mary Hughes, who are suing for $15,000; Charles Noll and Bertha Noll, who claim $8,000, and James Curns and Emily Curns, who seek to recover $7,000. —With a roar that could be heard for twe miles 1,000,000 new glass bottles pack- ed in the huge warehouse of the Sheffield Glass company were precipitated into Six- Mile Run, at Sheffield, Jefferson county, when the warehouse collapsed under the strain. The warehouse had been but re- cently filled and, being an old structure, was unable to bear up under the weight of ten carloads of bottles, having a value of $20,000. Its walls were forced outward, and a mountain of bottles plunged into Six Mile run, damaging that creek to such an extent that it was feared for a time other buildings of the glass company would be washed out. A large crew of men was put at work salvaging the bot- tles, but it is estimated by officials of the company that a loss of $6000 will be sus- tained in addition to the loss of the build-« ing. —That she would have nothing to do with the burying of her husband, and that she would not be satisfied that he was dead until he was buried, were two of the statements of Mrs. Mary Wollach, wife of Harry Wollach, 31 years old, of Pitts- burgh, who was shot and killed by mount- ed policeman Clarence Everitt at South Side and Bingham street ,shortly before 11 o'clock on Sunday morning. “I will thank the officer every time I see him for killing my husband,’ said Mrs. Wollach in the South Side police station Monday afternoon. “Policeman Everitt did me a great favor. My mother will also thank him, I know,” said the woman. In a written statement to the police, the wom-« an told of her husband’s action Sunday night, and accused Wollach and his brother-in-law of being implicated in 2a murder at Norristown, Pa. 10 years ago. “They were fighting with another man, an during the fight the unidentified man was cut and later died from the injury received in the fight,” she said.