Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, May 02, 1924, Image 7

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Bellefonte, Pa., May 2, 1924.
The Grown-Ups are the queerest folks;
they never seem to know
That mud pies always have to be made
just exactly so.
You have to have a nice back yard, a sun-
ny, pleasant day.
And then you ask some boys and girls to
come around and play.
You mix some mud up in a pail, and stir
it with a stick;
It musn’t be a bit too thin—and not a bit
too thick.
And when you make it into pies, and pat
'em with your hand.
And bake ’em on a nice flat board, and
my! but they are grand!
—St. Nicholas.
Pr——— ed
Through the courtesy of Frederick
A. Godcharles, of Milton, the “Watch-
man” is permitted to publish two in-
stallments of the absorbing stories of
Pennsylvania history that he has com-
piled, copywrighted and is publishing,
from day to day, in several Pennsyl-
vania dailies, among them the Phila-
delphia Ledger, Altoona Mirror and
Williamsport Sun,
While we have read them all with
exceeding interest the two that we are
certain will have a peculiar interest
to our Centre county readers are the
ones that narrate the escapades of
David Lewis, the robber.
The story of the escapades of Lew-
is and Connelly is one that has been
handed down by word of mouth only
in this county. Linn’s history of Cen-
tre county tells some of it, but that
valuable compendium is accessible to
very few and now that the older gen-
erations are gone it is part of the ed-
ucation of the younger ones that they
carry in memory some of the tradi-
tions of old Centre.
We observe that Mr. Godcharles has
not associated Connelly with Lewis.
Here the story has been that the two
highwaymen were inseparable and
worked together always.
We recall camping on the Rays-
town branch of the Juniata back in the
90s. At that time our attention was
called to a lot of excavating that had
been done on the mountain side just
where an old covered bridge spanned
the river at “Juniata Crossings.”
When we inquired as to the cause of
it Sammy Shull, a native, replied:
«It was done by the natives who were
hunting for gold hidden hereabouts by
Lewis and Connelly, the robbers. You
know when one of them was being
taken over this bridge to the Bedford
jail he stopped the Sheriff and said:
If you let me go I can take you to a
spot not a hundred yards from here
where I'll get you enough gold to
make you wealthy.”
Of course the sheriff didn’t let him
go and for years afterwards credulous
folks wasted days digging among the
rocks there to find the hidden treasure
that the highwayman was supposed to
have concealed.
David Lewis was the most notorious
robber and counterfeiter in this coun-
try a little more than a century ago.
Hz was born at Carlisle, March 25,
1790, of poor, but respectable parents,
being one of a large family of chil-
dren. The father died, when David
was less than ten years old, and the
widow had a hard struggle to raise her
family. Be it said to the creidt of Da-
vid that he remained with her and as-
sisted in raising the family, until he
was seventeen years old. Then he
worked at different occupations in and
about Bellefonte until he enlisted in
the army. :
During the service he was punished
by a sergeant for some offense and de-
serted, only to re-enlist a few months
later, as a private in Captain William
N. Irvine’s company of light artillery,
under an assumed name.
By this time he had formed vicious
habits and he immediately planned to
decamp with his bounty money, but he
was discovered as a former deserter.
The war of 1812 was imminent and
discipline rigid, so that the sentence
of his court martial was death.
Through the efforts of his distressed
mother, his sentence was commuted to
imprisonment in a guard house, se-
cured by ball and chain.
He served only one week of his sen-
tence, for then he made his escape and
safely reached a cave on the banks of
the Conodoguinet creek, less than two
miles from Carlisle. The very night
he arrived in this favorite haunt Lew-
is began his long and varied career of
robbery and lawlessness. This cave
and another on Little Chickies creek
near Mount Joy, Lancaster county,
were the storehouses for the major
portion of the ill-gotten loot of Lewis
and his gang.
The first victims of Lewis were the | ¥€
country banks, but recently establish-
ed whose bank notes were easy to
counterfeit and Lewis was quick to
make the most of this condition. He
journeyed to Vermont and there made
enormous quantities of spurious bank
bills, purporting to have been issued
from banks in Philadelphia and var-
ious Pennsylvania towns. These were
successfully passed in New York.
| clear and Lewis was thus advised of the
movements of the officers seeking his
apprehension. Food was often car-
ried to him in his hiding place by
those who never suspected they were
befriending an outlaw.
A Mr. Black, of Cumberland, Md.,
related a personal adventure with
Lewis in the Allegheny mountains.
Black had crossed the mountains on
horseback to Brownsville, where he
collected a large sum of money. He
rode a speedy black horse. While in
Brownsville he won another horse in
a race and the following day started
home riding the new horse, leading
his own “Blacky.”
In a lonely ravine a man suddenly
appeared and jumped on Blacky’s
back and rode alongside Black and be-
gan to barter for the horse, The
horse was not for sale and they rode
together until a spring was reached,
where they dismounted and quenched
their thirst and ate a bite and drank
some peach brandy. By the time a
second spring was reached, Black and
his new-found companion were on in-
timate terms. The stranger asked
Black if he had ever seen Lewis, about
whom there was so much fear and ex-
citement. He replied that he had not.
“Well, sir,” replied the stranger,
jumping to his feet, “Here is Lewis—
I am the man.” 3 :
Black further stated that Lewis told
him he had seen the race in Browns-
ville and knew he had collected much
money there, and that he had preced-
ed him to waylay and rob him, but
that Black had treated him like a gen-
tleman and he would not harm him or
take a cent from his pocket.
At another time when a large
searching party in Adams county in
pursuit of Lewis met a well-dressed
stranger on horseback, they asked him
if he had “seen or heard anything of
Lewis, the robber.” He replied that
he had not and joined in the pursuit.
Later he had the audacity to send a
letter, stating they had been riding |
with Lewis, and he was anxious to
learn if they thought him agreeable.
One of the best of his exploits took
place in Mifflin county. Having failed
in the execution of some plots to rob
several wealthy farmers, his ready
cash uncomfortably low, he set out to
replenish his finances. Coming across
a fine, large house
from the highway, he knocked at the
door, which was opened by an elderly
woman of respectable appearance.
Lewis, to ascertain where her money
was kept, asked her to change a five
dollar note.
«That 1 am not able to do,” replied
the woman, “for I am unfortunate and
have not a dollar in the house, and
what is worse,” she added despond-
ently, as she caught sight of a man
coming through the woods toward the
that stoed back it
Harrisburg.—Secretary _ Stuart, of
the State Department of Forests and
Waters, has announced that this
spring approximately nine and one-
half million trees will be distributed
from the nurseries operated by the
Department. This is a far greater
number. than have ever been shipped
from the State nurseries in any one
year. It is almost twice as many as
were furnished to private land owners
in 1923 and three times as many as in
1922. The trees are distributed to
private land owners for timber pro-
duction. The only charges made for
these trees are for cost of packing and
transportation. Officials of the de-
partment have figured out that this
charge amounts to only about one cent
for ten trees.
Secretary Stuart said that weather
conditions have been favorable for
nursery shipments this spring. Tree
planting work is about two weeks lat-
er than usual. Shipments, he said,
will start from all the State nurseries
at once and nurserymen will be com-
pelled to double their efforts in order
to get all shipments made before the
end of the planting season, which is
usually about May 10.
Most of the trees distributed this
spring will be shipped from the Mont
Alto nursery in Franklin county, the
Clearfield nursery in Clearfield
county, and the Greenwood nursery in
Huntingdon county. The spring es-
timates show that over four million
trees will be shipped from the Mont
Alto nursery; almost three million
from the Clearfield nursery and one
and one-half million from the Green-
wood nursery. White pine, pitch pine,
red pine, Scotch pine, bank pine,
shortleaf pine, Japanese larch, Nor-
way spruce, white spruce, black wal-
nut and white ash are the principal
trees that are being shipped.
Forestry officials say that the trees
distributed from the State nurseries
this spring will reforest about 350
million board feet of fine lumber that
is urgently needed by the people and
industries of the State.
Getting Prepared.
Mr. and Mrs. Jones had been invit-
ed to a friend's for tea, and the time
had arrived for preparing for the vis-
Jones to her three year old son, “and
have your face washed.”
“Don’t want to be washed,” came
the reply.
“But,” said mother,
want to be a dirty little boy, do you?
I want my little boy to have a nice
clean face for the ladies to kiss.”
Upon this persuasion he gave way
“Come along, dearie,” said Mrs. |
“you don’t'
Marriage Licenses.
Leo R. Vail and Inez L. Fucart,
William O. Houtz and Margaret
Corl, State College.
Charles F. Bennett, Osceola Mills,
and Irene C. Kunes, Blanchard.
Harry Nevin Kahl and Mary Eliz-
abeth McCool, Rebersburg.
Wallace I. Davis and Olive S. Hart-
ley, Philipsburg.
Gertrude Burd, Unionville.
James E. Allen, State College, and
Alice C. Davis, Bellefonte.
Morrie E. Witmer, Bellefonte, and
Nellie E. Meyer, State College.
Jacob C. Hart and Ruth E. Varner,
Robert G. Torrens and Millicent L.
Hoag, Perry, N. Y.
Why Suffer So?
Get Back Your Health as Other
Bellefonte Folks Have Done,
Too many people suffer lame, ach-
ing backs, distressing kidney disor-
ders and rhematic aches and pains.
Often this is due to faulty kidney ac-
tion and there’s danger of hardened
arteries, dropsy, gravel or Bright’s
disease. Don’t let weak kidneys wear
you out. Use Doan’s Pills before it
is too late! Doan’s are a stimulant
diuretic to the kidneys. Doan’s have
helped thousands. They should help
you, Here is one of many Bellefonte
Mrs. Boyd Vonada, E. Bishop St.,
says: “My kidneys were weak and I
could hardly rest at night. When I
was on my feet, my back gave out
and ached so I often had to stop and
rest. 1 frequently had dizzy nervous
headaches and my kidneys acted too
often. I used Doan’s Pills purchased
at the Mott Drug Co., and they rid me
of the trouble.”
Price 60c, at all dealers. Don’t
simply ask for a kidney remedy—get
Doan’s Pills—the same that Mrs.
Vonada had. Foster-Milburn Co.,
Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. 69-18
|" _—_,,—
Fine Job Printing
Jerry W. Miller, Flemington, and &
There is no style of work, from the
cheapest “Dodger” to the finest
and was washed.
A few minutes later he stood
watching his father washing.
house, “there comes the constable to
take my cow for the last half-year’s
rent. I don’t know what to do with-
' out her.”
| “How much do you owe?”
Lewis, hurriedly.
«Twenty dollars, sir,” answered the
woman. :
“Have you no one to help you,” in-
quired Lewis.
| why you’re washing!”
Nowadays and Olden Times.
“No one,” she replied.
«Then 1 will,” said the robber, as
he drew from his pocket the exact
sum. “Pay that fellow his demand
don’t say anything about me.”
Lewis had just time to make his es-
and be sure to take his receipt, but
when driving Dobbin with
“Ha, ha, daddy!” he cried. “Iknow
The automobil& gets a lot of blame
for things it can’t possibly control.
| Those who accuse it of responsibility
for petting parties forget the time
one hand
was considered an art.—Portland Or-
that we can not do in the most sat-
isfactory manner, and at Prices
consistent with the class of work.
Cal: on or communicate
Ladies! Ask your I: for
Chi.ches-ter 8 Biamon.
Plils in Red and Gold metallic
boxes, sealed with Blue Ribbon.
Take ne other. Buy of
Ask for
known as Best, Safest, Always Reliable
Floor Coverings
of Distinction
In selecting your Spring requirements—if you
consider price, style and quality—you should visit
our store. The new stock
since taking over this business is arriving, and
is marked at “live and let live” prices.
purchased by us
Porch Furnishings
Rug s-Late Patterns
Also Congoleums
Some Real Davenport Beds at $45.00
New Columbia Line
Machines =¢ Records
Special sale on Records—Regular 75c. stock at
West 0.
50c., or ten for $4.50.
Funeral Furnishings
E. E. Widdowson, Director
Night Call 152-W
cape, unobserved, when the constable
arrived and proceeded to drive away
the widow’s cow, but she rushed for-
ward, paid him the money and took
his receipt.
He immediately set out upon his re-
Lewis bounded into the road and
greeted him as follows:
“How d’ye do, stranger?
spare change about you 92
“Come, shell out, old fellow, or In
save you the trouble,” retorted Lew-
is, as he presented his pistol. This
argument convinced the worthy offi-
cial that the stranger meant business
and quickly handed over his money.
Lewis got back his twenty dollars
and forty dollars in addition. He often
afterwards boasted that the loan of
that twenty to the widow was one of
the best investments he ever made.
Next week we will publish the sec-
ond and final installment of Mr. God- |
charles’ story of Lewis the robber.
patents on inventions now pending in
the United States Patent Office, ac-
cording to a statement of the United
States Civil Service Commission. To
speed up action, Congress has author-
ized an appropriation which will per-
mit the addition of 100 to the present
examining force of 500.
The Civil Service Commission will
hold examinations on May 7 and later
dates for positions of assistant ex-
aminer in the Patent Office. The en-
trance salary is $1,860 a year, and in-
creases are provided up to $5,000 a
Full information concerning the ex-
amination may be obtained from the
United States Civil Service Commis-
sion, Washington, D. C., or the secre-
tary of the civil service board at the
postoffice or custom house in any city.
The Commission states that of ap-
proximately 80,000 applications for
thirds of them relate to some phase
Lewis was captured and committed
to jail at Troy, from which he soon
escaped, with the assistance of the
jailer’s daughter,
and became his wife. His devotion to
her was so genuine that it is strange
her influence did not prove sufficient
for him to have become a valuable
member of society instead of one of
the worst criminals on record.
Lewis was a man of unusual physic-
as strength, handsome, and possessed
2 most pleasing personality. He was
conscious of that fact and made many
friends, not in crime, but those who
would aid him in making escape or
give him timely warning. The story
is told of Nicholas Howard, a promi-
nent landlord near Doubling Gap, who
would display a flag from a certain
who fled with him
of the automobile industry. The pres-
ent system in the Patent Office of ex-
amination before issue was author-
ized by an act of Congress of 1836.
The system has been copied by prac-
tically all large countries.
Fixing the Blame.
Gentle hands were lifting Pat from
the wreckage of his automobile, which
had just been struck ata grade
crossing by a fast passenger train.
“How did it happen?” asked a
friend, who was with the rescue
“Bagorra,” fumed Pat, “’tis more
than I can understand. Ye'd have
thought that the engineer of the train
could have seen me comin’ in broad
upper window, when the coast was
daylight!”—Everybody’s Magazine.
but had not proceeded far, when | Ht
Got any Uc
“No,” answered the frightened con- .
There are 200,000 applications for wh
patents made annually, fully two-|
(Care of the Feet
Foot Trouble is Unnecessary, unless
caused by some Physical Ailment.
he trouble with the average person is
that they do not give foot trouble
the proper attention. Illfitting shoes
usually cause foot trouble—and fitting feet
is'a profession. Thirty-seven years at the
game of fitting feet eliminates all guess
work as to our proficiency in that respect.
Mr. Wilbur Baney, our clerk, has had twen-
ty-five years experience. We do not guess.
We know how to give you the proper size,
and the kind of shoes that your feet need.
The Next Time you are in Need
of Shoes, and your
Feet are in Trouble—try Yeagers
Yeager's Shoe Store
Bush Arcade Building 58-27 BELLEFONTE, PA.
This Week will be Banner Week
for those who Wish to Save on
Newest Coats and Suits
Every Spring color and style, with quality and price to
please everyone.
Holiday Dresses
Tub Silks, all the new Crepes—Beaded and Plain—in
many: styles, at our very remarkable prices, $16 to $20.
New Long-Bead Necklaces. Barrets and new Combs.
Collar Laces.
Collar and Cuff Sets.
Childrens Dresses
Hand-Made Childrens Dresses in Voiles; all colors;
sizes 2 to 6. Price lowest.
Whatever you have in mind
Coat, a Smart Suit, a Frock for Every Occasion— -
Spring Wearables
a a aut
aa a a a a a a
wd dE
a a a a oa a hdd 4 a a a
Wolf od dN
wll ded uu
for Spring—a Lovely
an an a 5 Se
these you will find gathered here in Delightful
on a Se Se STITT