Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, May 02, 1924, Image 6
Bruna iad. Bellefonte, Pa, May 2, 1924. Learned Astronomy by Making Own Telescopes How a group of mechanics. living in Springfield, Vt., learned the science oS astronomy by making their own telescopes at home, is related in Popu- lar Astronomy by Russell W. Porter. Several of these machinists had their own small workshops, located usually in the cellars.of their homes, “Interest did not stop with the com- pletion of the telescopes,” says Mr. Porter. “The telescope makers found an old station on Hawks mountain, just outside of the township, occupied years ago in the government triangu- lation of New England. They camped on the mountain, built a substantial tower and signal over the station. “On another occasion they spent the night on the summit of Mount Ephraim, the highest point in the township. This gathering, I believe, is unique in the annals of astronomy. “Throughout that night, from the appearance of the first star unti! dawn, these men were exploring the heavens. It proved to be good see- ing notwithstanding a stiff wind. The light from a roaring campfire re- vealed a circle of animated faces listening intently to some celestial fact just brought out at the eye-piece of one of the instruments.” How Hatives of Papua Prepare Heads of Foes In a recent issue of Man, Mr. K. B. Riley gives an account of the method of preparinz the heads of ene- mies practiced at the village of Dorro in Papua. After the flesh and Lrains are removed a piece of rattan cane is fixed to the bottom of the mummified skull to take the place of the lower Jaw and to act as a support for the packing of the neck. It was difficult to ascertain why the lower jaw is not replaced. The explanation seems to be that they prefer to hang this up in the house, and keep it as a mark or token of the owner's prowess in war, after the mummified head has de- cayed; but the lower jaw is some- times replaced, being tied to the zygo- mas, as with the rattan cane. Final- ly, the head is dried, being fixed on a wooden framework over a fire light- ed for that purpose, and the hair is pulled out as decomposition of the skin advances. Red Light Traps Insects A means for combating the wingea insect pests of tropical regions has ' been evolved, by means of which the ' flying bugs are lured into a deadly bath of acid and either drowned or asphyxiated by the fumes, It was found that red light served as an almost irresistible lure for the night-flyers. A red electric bulb, or a lantern with a red globe, is placed near the : vessel containing As the pests fly to the light the fumes destroy them even though they may not actually fall into the bath. To protect human beings from pos- sible accidental contact with the acid bath, the liquid is placed in a wide- mouthed bottle, to which is attached a funnel with a very broad flaring cone, over this funnel, and the insects, stupefied by the acid fumes. fall into it and so into the acid bath.—New York World. * Huge Crane Scale Practically every day industria. progress develops a new weighing device or scale particularly adapted to meet specific requirements. United States government for the pur- pose of measuring the pull on cables used to hold an airship at its moor- ings and this scale was immediately adapted for the measuring of unusual, heavy loads on cranes or booms where weights or loads up to 10,000 pounds are handled, assuring that the safe working load is not exceeded, -and thus eliminating dangerous overload- ing and disastrous accidents. The scale is of steel construction. Its ac- curate action depends upon four ex- tremely heavy springs. The dial is 15 inches in diameter.—Scientific American. Lae 3 For Squeaks “I would I were a bird!” wailed the fair girl at the piano. “I would you were a box of axle grease,” hissed the dark man under the palm. “I wonder what he means by that? asked the lemon-haired maiden. “He means that axle grease stops screeching,” whispered the man in the black suspenders. The Best in the World Maud—What excuse have you fou doing such an unmaidenly thing as pro- posing to Jack? Leap year, I suppose. Ethel —Not at all—the golden rule, ~—Boston Transcript. Good-Luck Charm “Does a rabbit's foot really bring good luck?” “I should say so. My wife felt onc in my pocket once and thought it was a mouse.” Against the Rules Stone Age Poet (angrily)—Thew why don’t you returp my panuscript? Ditto Editor (coldly)—You inclosed no ox-team.—Cornell Widow. The light is suspended directly ! the acid solution. | use for a: A new scale was developed for the , temsively Two or Three Plantings Will Assure the Industrious Cottage Gardener a Con- tinuous Supply of Beans, One of the Most Welcome Treats That Come From the Home Garden. Back Yard Garden and Its Problems Soil, Seeds, Sunshine, Mois- ture and Brains Among Essentials. Records kept through a period of several years by about 300 cottage gardeners indicated. or proved rather, that a well-cultivated vegetable gar- den pald them at the rate of about 85 cents an hour for their labor ard on an acreage basis the returns at mar- ket prices were about $850 an acre. Not all the gardens yielded at this rate, many of them not half that amount, but a considerable number gave higher results so that the aver- age for those recorded was about $85 from a tenth-acre garden. Results like the above are seldom obtained in general farming or truck growing and come only from intensive When Hard Work Counts. cultivation. Of all the land under cul- tivation, however, the cottage or home garden should be handled the most in- and large yields secured. According to the garden experts of the United States Department of Agri- culture, there are a few very impor- tant points in the management of a dividend-paying home garden. Five ingredients, soil, seeds, sun- shine, moisture and brains, must be carefully and painstakingly biended | in order to make the garden pay the highest dividends. Without each one of the ingredients the mixture will fall flat and be recorded among the list of failures, but with all five harmoni- ously blended and backed by a rea- sonable amount of work, the results ere in nine cases out of ten most sat- isfactory. The soil may be anything from rocks to fine sandy or silt loam or a mixture of all of them. Any soil that is not too hopeless may be made to produce, if enough manure, fertiliz- ers, lime, wood ashes and labor are expended upon it. Usually it is the lot of the cottage gardcaer to take whatever in the way of soil and loca- tion fate has allotted to him and then make the best of it. Manure and wood ashes are hard to obtain, but commer- cial fertilizers and lime can be had in abundance. The labor he can sup- ply himseif und credit it to much- needed exercise if he feels so inclined. Dead weeds, leaves, street sweepings, where they do not contain oll, also refuse frem the kitchen may be worked into the soil to add organic matter. Good seeds are just as essential as good soil. Why go to all the trouble of getting the soil in condition If something worth while is not planted upon it? Where can good seeds be procured? Almost anywhere, of well- established seed dealers, but there is a great difference In seeds and it pays to get the best even though the cost is a little higher. If the garden is to ‘pay dividends the crops must be plant: ed at the proper time and seeds should be ordered early and be on hand when wanted for planting. for the greater part of the summer. Should Profit by His Own Mistakes Careful Gardener Can Eas ily Obviate Errors of Past Season. There is small hope for those who do not profit by their mistakes. Ite- cently in a meeting of about 150 home gardeners, those present were asked to recount some of the mistakes that they made in the conduct of their gar- dens last season. Here are some of them, gathered by the United States Department of Agriculture for the benefit of the readers of the Cottage Gardener columns. The first of these gardeners to confess stated that the greatest mistake he made was in planting most of his crops too early and before the ground had become sufficiently warm. As a result many of the seeds failed to grow and the garden had to be planted over again and was late in maturing. Another of the gardeners said that his great- est mistake was in not making several plantings of certain crops such as beans, corn, beets, lettuce, spinach, ete. His mistake was in making but one planting of each, then when the crops were gathered he had nothing more coming on. Successive plantings | of many of the garden crops pay well. | Poor preparation of the soil was the | mistake made last year by a large number of the gardeners who attended the experience meeting. Persons who have not had a farm or market garden training seldom appreciate the need of thoroughly preparing the soil be- fore planting. Letting the weeds get a start was the major mistake of an- other group of the gardeners. The time to kill weeds is when the seeds first sprout in the soil and before they become established. One gardener said that his greatest mistake was in allowing the bugs to get ahead of him and that his crops were reduced in yield as a result. Another gar- dener stated that he did not arrange his - garden properly and that the taller crops shaded the low ones. One planting of beans in the home garden gives the family a taste—two plantings gives them a fair supply— and three plantings will provide plenty Several hundred varieties of lettuce are included in our American seed trade catalogues, but two or three va- rieties will give sufficient range for family use, says the United States De- partment of Agriculture. Head lettuce, Planting Time at Hand. such as Iceberg, New York, May King and Big Boston, can be grown in the early spring and late fall while the weather is reasonably cool. Loose- leaf lettuce, such as Black Seeded Simpson, Grand Rapids and Cos or Romaine, are more heat resistant than the heading sorts, Radishes have been grown ready for the table in 14 days arter planting, and three small plantings will give an abundance of crisp radishes for the family table from the middle of May until the 1st of July In the latitude of Washington, D. C. Golden Bantam sweet corn, out of the garden and over the fire and on the table in less than an hour after it Is pulled, is food for kings. $25. Have you seen our Mens’ 2-Pants Suits at, and $27.50 - A. FAUBLE and = $30, They are Wonderful Values. them to you. Young Mens’ Let, us show Every Convenience for 3 Year Round Use : The owner of a Fordor Sedan enjoys complete driving comfort i at all times of the year and in all kinds of weather. : Te —— bs fing oC a TE In summer with cowl ventilator open wide and the six large fini side-windows lowered, the Fordor Sedan is as cool and airy as Poh an open car. And for travel in rainy weather or over dusty roads, it em- bodies every essential provision for the comfort of passengers. At its present low price, the Fordor Sedan offers remarkable bai value as a sensible car for year round use. See the Nearest Authorized Ford Dealer CARS - TRUCKS TRACTORS ah km t's a a Bulletin Announces Penn State Sum- mer Session. The fifteenth annual summer ses- sion at The Pennsylvania State Col- lege promises to be the most success- ful ever held. The special catalogue for the session has just been publish- ed showing that over 275 separate subjects will be taught by a faculty of over 100 of the best known educa- tors obtainable. Almost half of the faculty will come from other institu- tions. The summer time beauty of the Penn State campus and nearby moun- tains make the college summer cours- es more popular each year. But the strong faculty and list of courses se- cured by dean Will Grant Chambers makes the session unusually attract- ive to school teachers for whose spe- cial benefit it is held. The session this year will be held for six weeks, be- ginning on Monday, July 7, with reg- istrations on July 5th. Among several special features list- ed is a course in athletic coaching and health education under the direction of Hugo Bezdek. This feature was started two years ago and is one of the most popular of all courses. There will also be French and Spanish hous- es, two of the former being in charge of Professor H. P. Williamson de Vis- me. Other features are courses for school nurses, speech correction and expression, modern geography and a course for library workers. mean sansa free ——— Nothing But the Truth. “Are you the defendant?” asked the State’s attorney, addressing an old Negro in the court room. “No, sah, I ain’t. I’s got a lawyer heah to do de defensi’.” “Then who are you?” “Yoh honah, I’se de gemman dat stole de chickens.” ;