Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, April 25, 1924, Image 2

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“Wooden Soldiers”
Be Removed.
The nondescript “wooden soldiers,”
gracing every crossroad in the country,
are to go, the Post Office department
at Washington has ruled. They are to
be replaced with community mail
boxes of a neat design,
The Postal Guide supplement states:
“The Post Office department is be-
ing pressed to replace these shabby
guardians with some trim device which
shall not disfigure the country roads.
Every city now strives for beauty, de-
clare those who urge the improve-
ment, and the rural districts want to.
look their best, too. There is little
question that 15 or 20 undecorated tin
boxes, some on thin posts, some on
round posts, some on thick posts,
some on short posts and some on long
posts, are a blot on the crossroads.”
One design submitted is an artistic
tiny house on a shapely post, accom-
modating three mail boxes, which can
be built at about the same cost as
three separate boxes.
Why Schools Are Needed
“Do you think it pays to give to a
public school?” writes William McAn-
drew in World's Work.
“My boy, our community has already
responded. It is building another
school alongside this. My wife and I
and our three children will build a
third, with an athletic field, a swim-
ming pool, and a farming plant. Why?
Because the people want this sort of
thing. It has doubled the number of
children going to school here. The
citizens have organized a bus service
to get the youngsters from the farms.
The school has become the center of
community life. Does it pay? Who
was the chap that praised the man
who made two blades of grass to grow
where one grew before? Our new farm
school will tend to that and, besides,
our good teachers can count up the
proceeds and say ‘here are two happy
hearts for every one there was be-
fore.’ ”
Why Philosopher Laughed
Just why Democritus, a Greek phil-
osopher who lived in the time of Socra-
tes, was called the laughing philoso-
pher is not known for certain. His
moral philosophy was very stern, and
taught the absolute subjection of all
passions. Tradition says Democritus
put out his own eyes in order not to
be diverted from his meditations.
Some ancient writers say that Demo-
critus become so perfect in his teach-
ings that he went around continually
with a smile on his face, and hence
the title “laughing philosopher.” But
others give a different reason. They
say the inhabitants of Abdera, the
Thracian colony where Democritus
was born, were noted for their stupid-
ity, and that he was called the ‘“de-
rider,” or laughing philosopher, be-
cause of the scorn and ridicule he
poured on his townsmen for their ig-
norance. Still others say he received
the name from his habit of laughing
at the follies of mankind in general.
How to Make Invisible Ink
Ever want to use a secret ink for
writing? If so, the two simplest are
milk and lemon juice. Just take a bit
of milk or a bit of lemon juice and
put it a clean inkwell.
A clean new pen must also be used,
go that no trace of black will appear
on the “invisible letter.” Dip the pen
in the ink often so as to be sure it is
writing, and after the letter is finished,
do not blot it, as that will absorb some
of the invisible ink and the blotted
portions will not show up well when it
is desired to read the message.
To make either of these invisible
inks visible, all that has to be done
is to get the paper on which they are
used good and warm and they will
both show up plainly. Care must be
taken when heating the paper not to
burn it or scorch it.
Why Turks Failed
The tradition is that some bakers
were working in a cellar one night in
the year 1629. One happened to hear
a muffled sound of digging. At that
time the city was besieged by the
Turks under Soliman the Magnificent.
Guessing that the enemy were tun-
neling a way into the city, the bakers
gave the alarm. The aroused garrison
was able to baffle the enemy. Event-
ually the Turks were badly defeated.
In commemoration of these events, the
Vienna bakers thereafter molded their
rolls in the shape of a crescent, the
sacred emblem of Turkey.
Why Pacific Is Calmer
The fact that the Pacific ocean 1s
fess subject to storms than the At-
lantic is due to various reasons. Part-
ly because of its great extent and part-
ly because there is no wide opening to
the arctic region, the normal wind cir-
culation is on the whole less modified
in the north Pacific than in the Atlan-
tic. The trade winds are generally
weaker and less persistent in the Pa-
cific than in the Atlantic and the in-
tervening belt of equatorial calms is
Why Maine Is Colder
Maine is colder than France on ac:
count of the ocean currents. Off the
coast of Maine there is a cold current
coming from the polar regions and
flowing southward. It cools the air
and makes the climate colder. Off the
coast of France is the Gulf stream.
This gives a warmer climate.
Where a Calico Strip
Makes a Woman’s Dress
Human nature is not more unchang-
ing than the dress modes affected by
the African native.
Let him who gibes at modern elvil-
tzed woman's predilection for short
skirts and bared arms and shoulders
put this in his pipe and smoke it! In
Africa the most moral people generally
are those who wear the least clothing,
says Major Raine in the London Mail.
Until quite recently the Kavirondo
of Kenya colony wore no clothes at all.
But at length the government flat went
forth that this practice, or nonpractice,
must cease. Then each woman obedi-
ently purchased herself a length of
calico, that was worn shawlwise, and
that only when a government officer
was In the vicinity.
But the people who do wear clothes
are most conservative in their tastes.
The cloths, or robes, must always be
the same length, the same breadth and
of the same material.
No underclothes are worn, so that
an African husband is not called upon
to meet very high lingerie bills con-
tracted by his wife. As for stockings,
silk or otherwise, tribal women do not
wear them.
An African woman will take a dozen
yards of calico, knot it over one shoul-
der and, with a few deft turns and
twists, stand arrayed in the most chic
and becoming costume. Not a pin or
stitch is used to connect the whole,
which is a work of art.
All over Africa there is an unlimited
demand for calico, bleached and un-
bleached. Manchester generally sup-
plies the former, which is called, on
the east coast, Manhamoodi, or Baftan,
and is worn by the better class of na-
tives; poorer natives purchase a length
occasionally to wear on gala occasions.
Although Japan and India are minor
competitors, America has practically a
monopoly of trade all through the dark
continent in the latter. It is univer-
sally known as Amerikani.
Millions and millions of yards of
Amerikani are imported annually into
the African mandated areas and crowp
Prehistoric Man in
Asia 500,000 Years Ago
The evidence of prehistoric man in
northern Asia so far obtained by the
Roy Chapman Andrews expedition con-
sists of a collection of flints which is
now on its way to America.
“It has not been established how old
they are, but from a report I have re-
ceived from our paleontologist I am of
the opinion that they are about half a
million years old, or about the same
age as the Pithecanthropus Erectus,”
Mr. Andrews said in a recent visit to
Columbus, 0O., according to the Ohio
State Journal. “They are highly im-
portant to science, no matter how old
they are, because they constitute the
first evidence of the'existence of pri-
meval man in that portion of the
The expedition, conducted under the
auspices of the American Museum of
Natural History, Asia Magazine and a
group of New York philanthropists, has
produced more than ten thousand fish,
reptiles and batrachisns, some fifty
cases of fossils and about two thou-
sand mammals, including a fossilized
skuli of a baluchitherium, a sort of
glorified rhinoceros, the largest mam-
mal that ever reamed the earth,
Madrid Now Has a Curfew
Madrid has always been a city of
night life. How many are those writers
who have described nocturnal rambles ;
through its cafes and taverns where
all classes mingle!
Now, however, the curfew rings at
three o'clock in the morning and the
police have been instructed to see to
it that no establishment remains open
after that late—or early—hour. This
is an economic measure, as the cost of
lighting is too high in a land where
coal is scarce.
At three o'clock, therefore. all the
guitars in Madrid must cease their
.strumming and the adroit wielders of
the polgnard must sheathe their
weapons for a few hours.—Le Figaro,
Electric “Sun” for Crops
Two crops of lettuce have been
made to grow in the time only one
grew before, by the use of electric
lights as an artificial sun, according
to the International Institute of Agri-
culture. Five electric bulbs of consid-
erable power were turned on a bed of
lettuce daily for six hours after dusk.
The lettuce so treated had, after only
twelve days, approximately two and a
half times as many fresh leaves as
other heads which had been planted
at the same time but which had not
been exposed to the electric light.
Cost of Royal Wedding
With a ceremony of seven days’ du-
ration and at a cost of $2,500,000, the
Crown Prince Hirohito, prince regent
of Japan, and Princess Nagako Kune,
capped their royal romance in mar-
riage. The marriage in many ways is
the most significant in royal Japanese
circles ag this union was the first one
in 2,500 years where a royal son mar-
ried according to the dictates of his
heart, it is said. The prince had to
fight older statesmen for her, because
she is of another branch of the im-
perial house.
He Wanted to Know
“I was reading in the paper lust
aight,” said old Ork Oddways, “that a
caterpillar will in a month eat about
six hundred times his own weight.”
“Looky here!” demanded Gap John-
son of Rumpus Ridge, who had en-
tered the crossroads store in the midst
of the statement. “Which one o! my
kids are you talking about?”
Leaves Change Their Colors
| in the Autumn.
What takes place when the leaves
turn color in the autumn and gives the
foliage such brilliant coloring is de-
scribed as follows:
The green matter in the tissue of a
! leaf is composed of two colors, red and
« blue. When the sap ceases to flow in
| the autumn the natural growth of the
| tree is retarded and oxilation of the
tissues takes place,
Under certain conditions the green
of the leaf changes to red; under dif-
ferent aspects it takes on a yellow or
brown hue. The difference in color is
due to the difference in combination of
the original constituents of the green
tissues, and to the varying conditions
of climate, exposure and soil. A dry,
| hot climate produces more brilliant
foliage than one that is damp and
i cool.
There are several things about
leaves, however, that even science can-
not explain. For instance, why one or
two trees growing side by side of the
same age and having the same ex-
posure, should take on a brilliant red
yellow, or why one branch of a tree
should be highly colored and the rest
of the tree have only a yelloy tint, are
questions that are as impossible to an-
swer as why one member of a family
should be perfectly healthy and anoth-
er sickly. Maples and oaks have the
brightest colors.—Providence Journal.
Why Firefly Gives Light
How is it that a glowworm or fire-
fly can produce light without heat?
When man sets out to make light he
can only use 83 per cent of the
energy he employs. The other 97 per
cent goes in heat,
How do animals sense coming dange.
when man cannot do so? In the great
heat wave of 1921 hundreds of rabbits
were seen to desert their burrows on
a Yorkshire moor, Two days later a
heath fire broke out and burned the
whole moor. In some Hampshire pine
woods the squirrels deserted their
homes in exactly similar fashion 24
hours before fire swept the place.
Again, how is it that some creatures
can do without water? A parroquet
lived for 52 years in the London
zoo without tasting water, and sheep
seem able to get on with very little
or no water so long as they get good
grass. Many reptiles never drink, but
a mole dies if kept for 24 hours with-
out water,
How Steel is Tempered
Chopping a cold crowbar
chunks with an ax and whittling a
steel rod into shavings with a pocket-
knife are made simple performances
through a process of steel tempering
that is credited to two investigators:
in the state of Washington.
steel ax and pocket knives that have
been tempered by the process are al-
; leged to have actually been made to
perform these seemingly impossible
The process consists In the use of
certain chemicals in water or oil in
the tempering vessel. It is declared
that any kind of tool—from a blunt
hammer head to a keen-edged razor—
can be tempered to a perfection never
before attained.
How “Rook” Started
The game of chess originated in the
Far East, and the piece that we now
see shaped like a castle, was in Per-
sian, the “rukh,” or soldier.
In India, where a form of chess was
much played, the “rukh.” or soldier,
was represented as fighting from a sort
of howdah carried on the back of an
elephant. This elephant piece is still
to be found in some elaborately carved
sets of chessmen of antique manufac-
But in Europe there seemed no par-
ticular reason for retaining the ele-
its back was alone retained, but the
old Persian name was not dropped, it
merely obtaining the easier pronuncia-
tion of “rook.”
How Athens Got Emblem
How the olive tree came to be the
smblem of Athens is told by Greek
mythology. Two deities—Minerva and
Neptune—wished to found a city on
the same spot, and, referring the mat-
ter to Jove, the king of gods and men
decreed that the privilege should be
granted to whichever would bestow
the most useful gift on the future in-
habitants. Neptune struck the earth
with his trident, and forth came a
warhorse. Minerva produced an olive
tree, emblem of peace.
Jove's verdict was in favor of Mi-
nerva, who thus became the patron
goddess of Athens.
How to Make Cement
An effective cement for inany sub
stances can easily be made by soaking
one part of glue in an equal quantity of
water. The glue is removed before it
has lost its primitive form, and the
gwollen mass is then dissolved in one
part of linseed oil with the aid of heat
until a jelly is formed. This joins
wood tightly and is practically water.
proof.—Popular Science Magazine.
How to Make Fume Oak
Fumed oak is wood that has been
darkened by the fumes from liquid
ammonia. The ammonia does not
touch the oak, but the gas that comes
from it acts in such a manner upon
the tannic acid in the wood that it is
browned so deeply that a shaving or
two may be taken off without remov-
ing the color.
phant, so the castle-shaped thing upon
| the total crop of Iowa.
In fact, a |
Conductor Found the
Lumberjack Too Lively
The wood burned by the locomotives
in the early days of the railroads was
piled at points along the line and from
the platforms the conductor and brake-
man had the duty of throwing it
aboard the tender. Educated first in
the rougher work of freight train run-
ning, this task was handled without
complaint by most passenger trainmen,
but it must have been viewed different-
ly by a certain conductor who had
come from the East and who soon af-
ter had an experience that gave him
an enduring desire to go back to more
civilized communities.
. This conductor came out to Wiscon-
sin believing that his acquaintance
with Eastern railroad operations would
make him invaluable, shortly, te his
new employers. He got a flying start
through influence that landed him a
passenger conductor's post, says the
St. Paul Pioneer Press. He might
have known all about the technical re-
quirements of the job, but he knew lit-
tle of human nature as presented in
types common to the Northwest. On
berjacks, rough, good-hearted fellows
Pw ‘he reli in ngs on the
in the fall and the other should turn who, when. {raveling gang
railroad were as prankful as school-
boys and with little intent to do harm.
The conductor started to collect
fares. The first lumberjack that he ap-
proached withheld his ticket. The con-
ductor could not see the joke, when
the passenger only grinned response to
the repeated demands for his fare. He
forthwith grew angry and was for using
force to compel the passenger to de-
liver. But suddenly he found himself
precipitated violently into a seat on
the coalbox, while lumberjacks amid
much hilarity stripped off his con-
ductor’s uniform and placed on him
the boots, mackinaw and cap of their
occupation. His own clothes were
donned by a member of the gang.
Rare Dollar of 1804
Found in Ohio Town
Numismatists throughout the United
States are manifesting considerable
interest over the reported discovery in
Lancaster, O., recently of an 1804
silver dollar, a coin known among col-
lectors as the “King of American Rari-
ties,” and variously valued at from
$8,000 to $12,000. This is one of the
eight coins of that particular issue in
existence, and with its discovery the
owners of all eight are now known.
Martin Hettinger, the Lancaster
merchant in whose home the “eighth
1804 dollar” has reposed in a bureau
drawer for many years, is said to
have received it from Col. William
Stevenson. The donor had requested
Mr, Hettinger not to dispose of the
coin, and consequently its where-
abouts has remained a mystery for
many years.
The rarity of the 1804 dellar and
the interesting history which attaches
to it make it the most notable and
valuable silver piece ever coined in
the United States. It is said that the
scarcity of this dollar was due to the
sinking of a China-bound vessel, which
had on board almost the entire mint-
age of the 1804 dollars in lieu of the
Spanish milled dollars.
The first specimen of the 1804 dol-
lar in the mint cabinet in Philadel-
phia weighs 415.2 grains, which is the
weight of the specimen just located
in Ohio.—Boys’ World.
Largest Grain Elevator
£nough wheat to feed 500,000 per-
4ons for ome year can be stored in a
grain elevator recently built at a rall-
road terminal on the eastern seaboard.
The structure, said to be the largest of
its kind in the world, will hold 2 500,-
000 bushels. Figuring the United
| States average per capita consumption
at about five bushels per year, the sup-
ply in this huge storehouse is sufficient
to feed some of Europe’s hungry na-
tions for twelve months, The quantity
that can be kept in this granary is esti-
mated to be about one-fifth as much as
No Last-Minute Goal
A townsman dropping in on a care-
{ree college youth found him humped
over a ponderous tome. Whereupon
the following conversation ensued:
“Yeh. Gotta.”
“Geometry ain't like football.”
“Can’t make a goal in the last two
minutes.” :
Dye Research in U. S. Costly
Dye research in the United States
since the outbreak of the European
war in 1914, when German chemical
dyes were substantially cut off from
the world, had cost more than $20,000,-
000 up to 1920 and large sums have
since been spent to perfect discoveries
during those critical years. Neverthe-
less 43 per cent of the imported dyes
in 1922 had again come from Germany.
Center for Furniture
furniture factories are cating rap-
idly in the South and the state of
North Carolina has become a thriving
furniture center in the last tive years.
In 1910 that state had only 85 facto-
ries producing $11.%32,000 worth of
furniture, but today there are 107 fic-
tories with an output of $30,280,(xx}.
The pay roll has Increased five times
in this industry alone,
A Business Woman
Wife—What's the matter,
fou look worried.
Husband—The books down at the
office won't balance.
Wife—Can’t you buy
books ?—Life.
sone new
se. John Has Largest
Drydock in the World
St. Join, N. B., Canada, claims the
distinction of having the largest dry-
dock in the world. The drydock,
which recently has been opened for
use, measures: Length over all, 1,150
feet; clear width at the entrance, 125
feet, with 42 feet of water over the
entrance sill at extreme high tide.
“Bearing in mind that the largest
vessel afloat is only 956 feet long,”
says a bulletin of the Canadian Pa-
cific railway, describing the immense
dock, “and that the naval authorities
are generally in agreement in conclud-
ing that vessel dimensions have now
reached thelr economic maximum, it
would appear that unnecessary length
is provided,in the St. John drydock.
However, as this dock is being pro-
vided with an intermediate sill, which
will permit the whole dock to be di-
vided into two entirely separate cham-
bers, the inner 500 feet long and the
outer 650 feet long, it will be appreci-
ated that this length
| that it provides for the accommoda-
i tion at one time of at least two mod- |
his first run he encountered the lum- |
erately sized vessels, and still can be |
utilized when the occasion arises as a '
single docking chamber with sufficient
capacity to accommodate the largest
vessel afloat.
“The new drydock presages a yet !
enhanced importance for the Port of
St. John. Already it has an important
place in Canada’s economic life as the
principal outlet on the Atlantic coast
and the busiest port of winter ship-
ment. Its exports amount to nearly
$100,000,000 per year and its imports
to $50,000,000. As the terminus of two
Canadian railways, with branches ra-
diating from it, it can well and expe-
ditiously serve the Dominion. Its
touch with the United States is ade-
quate through fine services main-
tained with the republic’s coast ports.
It has connection with practically
every country of the globe through
services maintained with the United
Ireland, '
Kingdom, France, Norway,
South Africa, Australia, New Zealand,
Bermuda and many other localities.”
Scientists Find Brass
Safest for Saucepan
An important household question—
che choice of a saucepan—has recently
been investigated at the municipal
laboratory of Helsingfors, Finland.
Many kinds of metals and other ma-
terials are in use for the manufacture
of saucepans and other cooking uten-
sils, but owing to the solvent action of
some foodstuffs it is certain that chem-
Ical salts of the materials used are ab-
sorbed to some extent by human be-
ings. .
A test was made by boiling, for
, three hours, two pounds of red cur-
rants in a number of saucepans of dif-
ferent materials, and then, by chemical
analysis, finding how much of the
saucepans had been dissolved in the
food, says London Tit-Bits.
The best figure obtained was that
for brass, which was 250 times better
than enamel. Brightly polished brass
cooking utensils are used on a large
scale in the East.
Copper, tin, nickel
vessels were all found good, but iron
was found to be much more easily at- :
tacked by foodstuffs. Tin, next to pol-
ished brass, stood out as the best ma-
terial for the lining of cooking uten- |
Almost every tourist
Egypt buys a scarab from a native
curio seller. In Peru the Quichua In-
dians, descendants of the Incas, oc-
casionally offer for sale small golden
images unearthed from the ruins,
which have much value. From the
days of the Spanish conquest Peru has
been the Mecca of treasure seekers,
some of whom have made wonderfully
rich strikes. On the plain of Chimu,
near Truxillo, is a great mound said to
contain treasure of fabulous value.
Several attempts have been made to
tunnel into it, but the sand has always
poured down and stopped the work of
Pigeon’s Great War Work
Among the homing pigeons dis
played in the recent great poultry and
pigeon show in London was one that
did remarkable service in the war.
The Mine Sweepers’ Hope, as this bird
was nicknamed, repeatedly made jour-
neys from the middle of the North sea,
and on four successive Saturdays ar-
rived in England half frozen with im-
portant dispatches, and so warned the
authorities of the approach of Zep-
No Billboards on Oahu
Aroused by the increase in adver
tising billboards which spoiled vistas
of mountain and turquoise sea, the
women of Honolulu notified the mer-
chants of the Hawaiian islands that
they would buy no goods so advertised
vn the island of Oahu. Today there is
not a single advertising billboard on
the island.
Studying the Storm
“Let us be patient,” said the hope
ful friend. “All this trouble will blow
“It'll blow over
all right,” agreed
Senator Sorghum. “But maybe it'll be
like a tornado IT saw out West. it
blew over. but it took everything in
; sight with {t.”"—\Washington Star.
Some National Debts
The national debt a head in the
United tates is about $250. In Italy
it ie over £300, in France over $1,000,
an: in Crest Dritain it reaches the sum
or cver $800 In Japan f(t is only a
litle mare than $235.
is justified in '
and aluminum
who visits |
| Bird Life in Ecuador
Is Rich and Varied
Ecuador is richer in bird life than
any other country of equal extent in
the world, approximately 1,600 species
of birds having been recorded from it,
or about one-third the bird life of
South America and one-tenth the bird
life of the whole world, according to
Dr, Frank M. Chapman, curator of
birds in the American Museum of Nat-
ural History, who recently lectured on
Ecuador at the New York Botanica:
Doctor Chapman, for the last ten
years, has been conducting, on behalf
of the American museum, field re-
searches throughout the Andes of
South America to determine the origin
of bird life. In his lecture he dealt
with his recent explorations in Ecua-
dor, which country, in company with
George K. Cherrie, he visited in the
summer of 1922.
The wealth of the avifauna in Ecua-
dor is due not only to the diversity of
the country at sea level but more par-
| ticularly to the development of life
| zones in the Andes from sea level te
In addition to the tropical
. or basal zone, there exist subtropical,
temperate and paramo zones, each one
of which has species peculiar to itself.
| A journey, therefore, from sea level to
snow line in a measure epitomizes ona
from the equator to the pole.
Among the interesting discoveries by
Doctor Chapman and his associates
was the presence on the coast of Euca-
dor in mid-July of large numbers of
North American shore birds—curlews,
plovers, etc, the breeding grounds of
which are north of the Arctic circle. It
was found that these were non-breed-
! ing birds, and the fact that they con-
tinued to remain in Eucador long after
their associates had migrated to the
north is evidence in support of the
theory that migration from winter to
summer quarters is prompted primarily
by the desire to find a nesting ground.
, Snow line,
Poilus More Ignorant
Than Yankee Soldiers
Lieut. Col. Jean Fabry, rapporteur
to the army commission of the cham-
ber of deputies, has contributed a
rather sensational article to Intran-
sigeant upon illiteracy in the French
Upon an average, only two out of
ten of seven hundred recruits of twen-
ty years of age, just received by two
French infantry regiments, could be
classed as educated in the ordinary
sense of the word. Of the remaining
eight, five upon an average knew how
to read and write a little; two were
able to spell with great difficulty and
to write illegibly, while the eighth was
totally illiterate.
In order to show that these figures,
which are even more depressing than
our American mentality tests at the
time of the war, are fairly representa-
tive, Colonel Fabry points out that
these recruits came from 31 different
departments, mostly from the highly
developed northeastern districts. They
were drawn from all classes of occu-
pation, but mostly from agriculture.
A very large proportion of them
had no idea where the treaty of peace
was signed and nearly all were un-
| able to say who made the laws of the
country.—Living Age.
Thieves’ Tradition Broken
“If the prince is robbed it is by want
of tact.”
| That is a tradition of the ancient
and dishonorable craft of robbery and
. pocket-picking as practiced in Great
Despite the protection accorded by
London thieves, Prince George’s motor-
car was ransacked the other day. The
prince was robbed of a diamond tie pin
and two pairs of diamond cuff links,
one a “royal crescent” set, a gift from
Queen Alexandra, the other a set of
! gold cuff links with the letter “G” In
A purchaser into whose innocent
hands the jewels had fallen turned
them over to the police.—New York
Game in National Forests
According to a recent census of big
game in the national forests, deer ex-
ceed the total number of all other ani-
mals. Their number is given as 440,-
000. There are 48,000 elk, 12,000
mountain sheep, 8,600 mountain goats,
4,600 moose and 8,000 antelope. The
number of buffalo is second only to
the deer, being 149,000. Conservation
of buffalo is no longer an issue. There
will never be sufficient range for them
to be hunted for sport, and they are
in no danger of extermniation because
they may readily be bred in captivity.
The totally deaf may hear by touch,
announces Prof. Robert H. Gault of
Northwestern university. He has been
working on this line for several years,
and has almost perfected a mechan-
ism by which sound waves are con-
veyed to the brain through the finger-
tips. Much more experimenting re-
mains to be done. Deaf people must
wait before becoming too hopeful.
Not Possible
‘Did my wife speak at the meeting
yesterday ?”’
“I don’t know your wife, hut there
was a tall, thin lady who rose and
said she could not find words to ex-
! press her feelings!”
| “That wasn’t my wife!”
Mute Witness
The Magistrate—Now tell me, did
Jou or did you not sirike the man?
The Accused—The answer is in the
infirmary, your worship.—-Sydreey Bui-
letin. :